Latin Reference Texts
The WORDS 1.97 Latin Electronic Dictionary
NOTE: This collection came from a long-defunct electronic Latin
dictionary called "WORDS." No further information is available about
these data or their source.
-- This is WORDS 1.97 dictionary - The order is not exactly alphabetic
A: INTERJ \Ah!; (distress/regret/pity, appeal/entreaty, surprise/joy, objection/contempt);
A, ABB.: N 9 8 M \Aulus, Roman praenomen; abbreviated A./Au.; Absolvo (free), Antiquo (reject);
A, ABB.: N 9 8 M \year; abb. ann./a.; (regnavit a(nnis). XLIIII => he reigned for 44 years);
A: PREP ABL \by (agent), from (departure, cause, remote origin/time); after (reference);
A: PREP ACC \ante, abb. a; (in calendar expression a. d. = ante diem => before the day);
AB: PREP ABL \by (agent), from (departure, cause, remote origin (time); after (reference);
ABACUS, ABACI: N 2 1 M \small table for cruets, credence, shelf/niche near altar for Eucharist elements;
ABACUS, ABACI: N 2 1 M \|counting-board; side-board; slab table; panel; square stone on top of column;
ABACTUS, ABACTA, ABACTUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \driven away/off/back; forced to resign (office); restrained by; passed (night);
ABACTUS, ABACTUS: N 4 1 M \cattle thieving, stealing of cattle, rustling;
ABACTIUS, ABACTIA, ABACTIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \stolen/rustled (of cattle);
ABACTOR, ABACTORIS: N 3 1 M \cattle thief, rustler; one who drives off;
ABACULUS, ABACULI: N 2 1 M \tessera/small cube of colored glass for ornamental pavements/wall mosaics;
ABAESTUO, ABAESTUARE, ABAESTUAVI, ABAESTUATUS: V 1 1 \wave down; hang down richly (poet.);
ABAGMENTUM, ABAGMENTI: N 2 2 N \means for obtaining abortions?;
ABALIENO, ABALIENARE, ABALIENAVI, ABALIENATUS: V 1 1 \make alien; separate, abstract; alienate, estrange, make disaffected;
ABALIENO, ABALIENARE, ABALIENAVI, ABALIENATUS: V 1 1 \|transfer (sale/contract); remove, take away, dispose of; numb/deaden;
ABALIENATUS, ABALIENATA, ABALIENATUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \unfriendly, estranged; dead/mortified (medical, of tissues);
ABALIENATIO, ABALIENATIONIS: N 3 1 F \transfer of property (legal), sale; cession; alienation;
ABAMITA, ABAMITAE: N 1 1 F \great-great-great aunt; sister of abavus (gt-gt-grandfather); female ancestor;
ABANTE: ADV POS \in front (of); before;
ABANTE: PREP ABL \from before/in front of;
ABARCEO, ABARCERE, -, -: V 2 1 \keep away;
ABAVUS, ABAVI: N 2 1 M \ancestor, forefather; great-great grandfather, grandfather's grandfather;
ABAVIA, ABAVIAE: N 1 1 F \ancestress; great-great grandmother;
ABAVUNCULUS, ABAVUNCULI: N 2 1 M \great-great-great-great uncle; remote ancestor;
ABAX, ABACIS: N 3 1 M \counting-board; side-board; slab table; panel; square stone on top of column;
ABBA, UNDECLINED: N 9 9 M \Father (Aramaic) (also false read for obba - decanter);
ABBAS, ABBATIS: N 3 1 M \abbot; head of an ecclesiastical community; father; any respected monk (early);
ABBATIA, ABBATIAE: N 1 1 F \abbey, monastery;
ABBATIALIS, ABBATIALIS, ABBATIALE: ADJ 3 2 POS \of/pertaining to an abbot/abbey;
ABBIBO, ABBIBERE, ABBIBI, -: V 3 1 \drink (in addition), take in by drinking; drink in, absorb, listen eagerly to;
ABBITO, ABBITERE, -, -: V 3 1 \approach, come/draw near;
ABBREVIO, ABBREVIARE, ABBREVIAVI, ABBREVIATUS: V 1 1 \shorten, cut off; abbreviate, abstract; epitomize (Souter); break off; weaken;
ABBREVIATUS, ABBREVIATA, ABBREVIATUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \abridged, shortened, cut off; straitened, contracted, narrowed; abbreviated;
ABBREVIATIO, ABBREVIATIONIS: N 3 1 F \abbreviation; diminution; epitome (Souter); shortening;
ABBREVIATOR, ABBREVIATORIS: N 3 1 M \summerizer; one who makes abstracts/epitomes from papal bulls;
ABDO, ABDERE, ABDIDI, ABDITUS: V 3 1 \remove, put away, set aside; depart, go away; hide, keep secret, conceal;
ABDICO, ABDICARE, ABDICAVI, ABDICATUS: V 1 1 \resign, abdicate; abolish; disinherit; renounce, reject, expel, disapprove of;
ABDICO, ABDICERE, ABDIXI, ABDICTUS: V 3 1 \be against, reject; withhold (someone's right); forbid by unfavorable omen;
ABDICATUS, ABDICATI: N 2 1 M \disowned/disinherited son;
ABDICATIO, ABDICATIONIS: N 3 1 F \renunciation; disowning/disinheriting (son); resignation/abdication (office);
ABDICATIVE: ADV POS \negatively;
ABDICATRIX, ABDICTRICIS: N 3 1 F \renouncer (female); she who renounces/disclaims something;
ABDITUS, ABDITA, ABDITUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \hidden, secret, out of the way, remote, secluded; obscure/abstruse (meaning);
ABDITUM, ABDITI: N 2 2 N \hidden/secret/out of the way place, lair, (in) secret;
ABDITE: ADV POS \secretly;
ABDITIVUS, ABDITIVA, ABDITIVUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \removed, separated (from);
ABDOMEN, ABDOMINIS: N 3 2 N \abdomen, paunch, lower part of the belly; gluttony; as indicative of obesity;
ABDUCO, ABDUCERE, ABDUXI, ABDUCTUS: V 3 1 \lead away, carry off; detach, attract away, entice, seduce, charm; withdraw;
ABDUCTIO, ABDUCTIONIS: N 3 1 F \abduction, forcible carrying off; robbing; retirement (Vulg. Eccli.);
ABEO, ABIRE, ABIVI(II), ABITUS: V 6 1 \depart, go away; go off, go forth; pass away, die, disappear; be changed;
ABECEDARIUS, ABECEDARIA, ABECEDARIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \alphabetical; belonging to the alphabet;
ABECEDARIA, ABECEDARIAE: N 1 1 F \elementary introduction; the A, B, C's of the matter;
ABECEDARIUS, ABECEDARII: N 2 1 M \one who learns the A, B, C's;
ABECETUORIUM, ABECETUORII: N 2 2 N \act of tracing Greek and Latin alphabets on church floor while consecrating;
ABELLANUS, ABELLANA, ABELLANUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \filbert/hazel (w/nut); of Abella (town in Campania noted for fruit/filberts);
ABELLANA, ABELLANAE: N 1 1 F \filbert, hazel nut;
ABERCEO, ABERCERE, -, -: V 2 1 \keep away; forbid;
ABERRO, ABERRARE, ABERRAVI, ABERRATUS: V 1 1 \stray, wander, deviate; go/be/do wrong; be unfaithful; escape; disagree (with);
ABERRATIO, ABERRATIONIS: N 3 1 F \diversion, relief;
ABFERO, ABFERRE, -, -: V 3 2 \bear, take away, remove, obtain, carry off/away, steal (wrong form of aufero);
ABFLUO, ABFLUERE, ABFLUXI, -: V 3 1 \flow/stream/issue (from); flow away; be abundant, abound (in w/ABL);
ABFUGIO, ABFUGERE, ABFUGI, -: V 3 1 \flee (from), shun; run/fly away, escape; disappear/vanish (things); (bad aufugio
ABHIBEO, ABHIBERE, -, -: V 2 1 \hold at a distance;
ABHINC: ADV POS \since, ago, in past; from this time, henceforth; from this place, hence;
ABHORREO, ABHORRERE, ABHORRUI, -: V 2 1 \abhor, shrink back; be averse to, shudder at; differ from; be inconsistent;
ABHORRESCO, ABHORRESCERE, ABHORRUI, -: V 3 1 \dread, become terrified; bristle up; begin to shake/tremble/shudder/shiver;
ABHORRIDE: ADV POS \roughly, improperly; in an unfit manner;
ABICO, ABICERE, -, -: V 3 1 \humble; cast aside/away/off, reject;
ABICIO, ABICERE, ABJECI, ABJECTUS: V 3 1 \throw/cast away/down/aside; abandon; slight; humble; debase; sell too cheaply;
ABIEGNUS, ABIEGNA, ABIEGNUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \made of fir, deal; wooden;
ABIES, ABIETIS: N 3 1 F \fir tree/wood; white/silver fir, spruce; thing of fir, ship, spear; sea weed;
ABIETARIUS, ABIETARIA, ABIETARIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \of/pertaining to/concerned with timber or fir/deal;
ABIETARIUS, ABIETARII: N 2 1 M \timber merchant; carpenter, joiner;
ABIGA, ABIGAE: N 1 1 F \plant which has the power of producing abortion;
ABIGO, ABIGERE, ABEGI, ABACTUS: V 3 1 \drive/send away/off; expel, repel; steal, plunder (cattle), rustle; seduce;
ABIGO, ABIGERE, ABEGI, ABACTUS: V 3 1 \|remove/cure (a disease); drive away (an evil); force birth; procure abortion;
ABIGO, ABIGERE, ABIGI, ABACTUS: V 3 1 \drive/send away/off; expel, repel; steal, plunder (cattle), rustle; seduce;
ABIGO, ABIGERE, ABIGI, ABACTUS: V 3 1 \|remove/cure (a disease); drive away (an evil); force birth; procure abortion;
ABIGEUS, ABIGEI: N 2 1 M \cattle stealer/thief, rustler;
ABIGEATUS, ABIGEATUS: N 4 1 M \cattle stealing, rustling;
ABIGEATOR, ABIGEATORIS: N 3 1 M \cattle stealer/thief, rustler;
ABINDE: ADV POS \from that source, thence;
ABITUS, ABITUS: N 4 1 M \departure, removal; going away; way out, exit, outlet, passage out, egress;
ABITO, ABITARE, ABITAVI, ABITATUS: V 1 1 \go away, depart;
ABITIO, ABITIONIS: N 3 1 F \departure; going away, departing;
ABJECTO, ABJECTARE, ABJECTAVI, ABJECTATUS: V 1 1 \throw/cast away/down/aside; abandon; slight; humble; debase; sell too cheaply;
ABJECTUS, ABJECTA -UM, ABJECTIOR -OR -US, ABJECTISSIMUS -A -UM: ADJ 1 1 X \downcast, dejected; humble, low, common, mean; subservient; base, sordid, vile;
ABJECTE, ABJECTIUS, ABJECTISSIME: ADV X \in spiritless manner; in humble circumstances, lowly; negligently; cowardly;
ABJECTIO, ABJECTIONIS: N 3 1 F \dejection; a casting down/out; outcast;
ABJICIO, ABJICERE, ABJECI, ABJECTUS: V 3 1 \throw/cast away/down/aside; abandon; slight; humble; debase; sell too cheaply;
ABJUDICO, ABJUDICARE, ABJUDICAVI, ABJUDICATUS: V 1 1 \deprive by judicial verdict; give judgment against; reject; deny an oath;
ABJUGO, ABJUGARE, ABJUGAVI, ABJUGATUS: V 1 1 \separate (from), remove; loose from the yoke;
ABJUNGO, ABJUNGERE, ABJUNXI, ABJUNCTUS: V 3 1 \unyoke, remove, separate; unharness; remove part, split; cut off from, detach;
ABJURO, ABJURARE, ABJURAVI, ABJURATUS: V 1 1 \repudiate (obligation or duty); deny on oath (falsely); abjure; perjure;
ABJURATIO, ABJURATIONIS: N 3 1 F \abjuration, process where heretics/apostates/schismatics renounce their errors;
ABJURATIO, ABJURATIONIS: N 3 1 F \|forswearing, denial under oath; perjury;
ABJURGO, ABJURGARE, ABJURGAVI, ABJURGATUS: V 1 1 \take away in settlement of a quarrel; deny/refuse reproachfully (L+S);
ABLACTATIO, ABLACTATIONIS: N 3 1 F \act/process of weaning a child;
ABLACUO, ABLACUARE, ABLACUAVI, ABLACUATUS: V 1 1 \loosen/weed the soil at the roots (of trees);
ABLACUO, ABLACUARE, ABLACUAVI, ABLACUATUS: V 1 1 \loosen/weed the soil at the roots (of trees);
ABLAQUEO, ABLAQUEARE, ABLAQUEAVI, ABLAQUEATUS: V 1 1 \loosen/weed the soil at the roots (of trees);
ABLAQUEATIO, ABLAQUEATIONIS: N 3 1 F \act/process of loosening/weeding soil at base/roots of a tree;
ABLATIO, ABLATIONIS: N 3 1 F \removal, taking away;
ABLATIVUS, ABLATIVI: N 2 1 M \ablative case (w/wo casus) (gram.);
ABLATOR, ABLATORIS: N 3 1 M \one who takes away/removes;
ABLEGO, ABLEGARE, ABLEGAVI, ABLEGATUS: V 1 1 \send away/off (on a mission); banish, get rid of; remove/delete a word;
ABLEGATIO, ABLEGATIONIS: N 3 1 F \dispatch, sending away/off; dispatch on a duty;
ABLEPSIA, ABLEPSIAE: N 1 1 F \blindness;
ABLIGURIO, ABLIGURIRE, ABLIGURIVI, ABLIGURITUS: V 3 4 \eat up (dainties); consume in dainty living; waste, squander; waste in feasting;
ABLIGURRIO, ABLIGURRIRE, ABLIGURRIVI, ABLIGURRITUS: V 3 4 \eat up (dainties); consume in dainty living; waste, squander; waste in feasting;
ABLOCO, ABLOCARE, ABLOCAVI, ABLOCATUS: V 1 1 \place a contract for (work), hire; let/lease/rent (a house);
ABLUO, ABLUERE, ABLUI, ABLUTUS: V 3 1 \wash away/off/out, blot out, purify, wash, cleanse; dispel (infection); quench;
ABLUDO, ABLUDERE, -, -: V 3 1 \differ from; fall short of; play out of tune;
ABLUTIO, ABLUTIONIS: N 3 1 F \washing, ablution; pouring on (mixture of water and wine) in the liturgy;
ABLUVIUM, ABLUVII: N 2 2 N \flooding of rivers, inundation;
ABLUVIO, ABLUVIONIS: N 3 1 F \erosion;
ABMATERTERA, ABMATERTERAE: N 1 1 F \great-great-great aunt (mother's side);
ABNATO, ABNATARE, ABNATAVI, ABNATATUS: V 1 1 \swim away from; swim off;
ABNEGO, ABNEGARE, ABNEGAVI, ABNEGATUS: V 1 1 \deny; decline (to), refuse, reject; refuse to give, withhold (what is due);
ABNEGATOR, ABNEGATORIS: N 3 1 M \denier, one who denies;
ABNEPOS, ABNEPOTIS: N 3 1 M \great-great-grandson; indefinitely distant descendent;
ABNEPTIS, ABNEPTIS: N 3 3 F \great-great-granddaughter; indefinitely distant female descendent;
ABNOCTO, ABNOCTARE, ABNOCTAVI, ABNOCTATUS: V 1 1 \spend the night out, stay away all night; spend the night away from Rome;
ABNODO, ABNODARE, ABNODAVI, ABNODATUS: V 1 1 \cut off knots; clear trees of knots;
ABNORMIS, ABNORMIS, ABNORME: ADJ 3 2 POS \belonging to no school (of philosophy); deviating from the rule; irregular;
ABNUO, ABNUERE, ABNUI, ABNUITUS: V 3 1 \refuse, decline; deny (guilt); refuse by a sign, shake head; reject; rule out;
ABNUEO, ABNUERE, -, -: V 2 1 \refuse, decline; deny (guilt); refuse by a sign, shake head; reject; rule out;
ABNUTO, ABNUTARE, ABNUTAVI, ABNUTATUS: V 1 1 \deny/refuse/forbid (w/shake of head) repeatedly; forbid;
ABNUTIVUM, ABNUTIVI: N 2 2 N \refusal, denying;
ABOLEO, ABOLERE, ABOLEVI, ABOLITUS: V 2 1 \destroy, efface, obliterate; kill; banish, dispel; put end to. abolish, rescind;
ABOLEFACIO, ABOLEFACERE, -, -: V 3 1 \destroy;
ABOLESCO, ABOLESCERE, ABOLEVI, -: V 3 1 \decay gradually, shrivel, wilt; vanish, disappear; die out; fall into disuse;
ABOLITIO, ABOLITIONIS: N 3 1 F \cancellation, annulment (law); withdrawal (charge), amnesty; obliteration;
ABOLITOR, ABOLITORIS: N 3 1 M \one who takes away a thing; one who casts a thing into oblivion;
ABOLLA, ABOLLAE: N 1 1 C \cloak (thick wool, for soldiers/peasants), mantle; wearer of a cloak;
ABOMINO, ABOMINARE, ABOMINAVI, ABOMINATUS: V 1 1 \avert; (seek to) avert (omen/eventuality) (by prayer); loathe, detest, abhor;
ABOMINOR, ABOMINARI, -, ABOMINATUS SUM: V 1 1 \avert; (seek to) avert (omen/eventuality) (by prayer); loathe, detest, abhor;
ABOMINABILIS, ABOMINABILIS, ABOMINABILE: ADJ 3 2 POS \detestable, hateful, abominable; worthy of destruction;
ABOMINAMENTUM, ABOMINAMENTI: N 2 2 N \abomination, detestable thing;
ABOMINANDUS, ABOMINANDA, ABOMINANDUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \ill-omened, of evil omen; detestable, odious; execrable, abominable;
ABOMINANTER: ADV POS \abominably, detestably;
ABOMINATUS, ABOMINATA, ABOMINATUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \abominated/detested; accursed;
ABOMINATIO, ABOMINATIONIS: N 3 1 F \aversion, detestation, loathing;
ABOMINOSUS, ABOMINOSA, ABOMINOSUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \full of ill omens, portentous;
ABORIOR, ABORIRI, -, ABORTUS SUM: V 3 4 \pass away, disappear, be lost; miscarry, be aborted; set (sun/planet/star);
ABORIGINEUS, ABORIGINEA, ABORIGINEUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \aboriginal; (pertaining to) pre-Roman Italy/original founders of a city;
ABORISCO, ABORISCERE, -, -: V 3 1 \pass/fade away, disappear, be lost;
ABORSUS, ABORSA, ABORSUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \miscarriage; abortion; that which has been brought forth prematurely;
ABORTUM, ABORTI: N 2 2 N \miscarriage; premature/untimely birth; abortion; dead fetus; getting abortion;
ABORTUS, ABORTUS: N 4 1 M \miscarriage; premature/untimely birth; abortion; dead fetus; getting abortion;
ABORTO, ABORTARE, ABORTAVI, ABORTATUS: V 1 1 \cast its young (beast) (give birth prematurely);
ABORTIO, ABORTIRE, -, -: V 3 4 \miscarry;
ABORTIUM, ABORTII: N 2 2 N \abortion; miscarriage;
ABORTIO, ABORTIONIS: N 3 1 F \abortion, miscarriage; premature delivery; procuring an abortion;
ABORTIVUS, ABORTIVA, ABORTIVUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \abortive; abortificient; contraceptive; addled; prematurely born;
ABORTIVUS, ABORTIVI: N 2 1 M \one prematurely born; one addled;
ABORTIVUM, ABORTIVI: N 2 2 N \abortifacient, that which caused abortion; contraceptive; premature birth;
ABORTIVUM, ABORTIVI: N 2 2 N \|abortion; miscarriage; means of procuring an abortion;
ABPATRUUS, ABPATRUI: N 2 1 M \great-great-great uncle (father's side);
ABRA, ABRAE: N 1 1 F \maid;
ABRADO, ABRADERE, ABRASI, ABRASUS: V 3 1 \scratch/scrape/rub/wipe (off), shave; erase; wash/erode away; 'knock off', rob;
ABRENUNCIATIO, ABRENUNCIATIONIS: N 3 1 F \repudiation, renunciation, renouncing;
ABRIPIO, ABRIPERE, ABRIPUI, ABREPTUS: V 3 1 \drag/snatch/carry/remove away by force; wash/blow away (storm); abduct, kidnap;
ABRODO, ABRODERE, ABROSI, ABROSUS: V 3 1 \gnaw off/away;
ABRODIAETUS, ABRODIAETI: N 2 1 M \living delicately, epithet of the painter Parrhasius;
ABROGO, ABROGARE, ABROGAVI, ABROGATUS: V 1 1 \abolish; repeal wholly, annul; remove, take away;
ABROGATIO, ABROGATIONIS: N 3 1 F \repeal of a law; disregard, ignore, repudiate; cancel, rescind, revoke (honor);
ABROTONUS, ABROTONI: N 2 1 M \aromatic plant, southern-wood (medicine);
ABROTONUM, ABROTONI: N 2 2 N \aromatic plant, southern-wood (medicine);
ABROTONITES, ABROTONITAE: N 1 7 M \wine prepared with the aromatic plant, southern-wood;
ABRUMPO, ABRUMPERE, ABRUPI, ABRUPTUS: V 3 1 \break (bonds); break off; tear asunder; cut through, sever; remove, separate;
ABRUPTUM, ABRUPTI: N 2 2 N \steep ascent/decent; rough dangerous ways (pl.);
ABRUPTUS, ABRUPTA -UM, ABRUPTIOR -OR -US, ABRUPTISSIMUS -A -UM: ADJ 1 1 X \precipitous, steep; hasty; rash; uncompromising, haughty, aloof; abrupt, sudden;
ABRUPTUS, ABRUPTA -UM, ABRUPTIOR -OR -US, ABRUPTISSIMUS -A -UM: ADJ 1 1 X \|broken, disconnected, abrupt; stubborn;
ABRUPTE: ADV POS \abruptly, suddenly; precipitously, steeply; hastily; rashly; here and there;
ABRUPTIO, ABRUPTIONIS: N 3 1 F \breaking, breaking off; separation, divorce;
ABS: PREP ABL \by (agent), from (departure, cause, remote origin (time); after (reference);
ABSUM, ABESSE, ABFUI, ABFUTURUS: V 5 1 \be away/absent/distant/missing; be free/removed from; be lacking; be distinct;
ABSUM, ABESSE, AFUI, AFUTURUS: V 5 1 \be away/absent/distant/missing; be free/removed from; be lacking; be distinct;
ABSUS, ABSI: N 2 1 M \wad (of wool);
ABSCEDO, ABSCEDERE, ABSCESSI, ABSCESSUS: V 3 1 \withdraw, depart, retire; go/pass off/away; desist; recede (coasts); slough;
ABSCESSUS, ABSCESSUS: N 4 1 M \going away, departure, withdrawal, absence; remoteness; abscess; death;
ABSCIDO, ABSCIDERE, ABSCIDI, ABSCISUS: V 3 1 \hew/cut off/away/out; fell/cut down; remove, separate/cut off/destroy, divide;
ABSCIDO, ABSCIDERE, ABSCIDI, ABSCISUS: V 3 1 \|take away violently; expel/banish; destroy (hope); amputate; prune; cut short;
ABSCINDO, ABSCINDERE, ABSCIDI, ABSCISSUS: V 3 1 \tear (away/off) (clothing); cut off/away/short; part, break, divide, separate;
ABSCISUS, ABSCISA -UM, ABSCISIOR -OR -US, ABSCISISSIMUS -A -UM: ADJ 1 1 X \steep, sheer, precipitous; abrupt, curt, brusque; restricted; cut off, severed;
ABSCISE: ADV POS \abruptly, brusquely, curtly; shortly, concisely, distinctly;
ABSCISIO, ABSCISIONIS: N 3 1 F \loss of voice; aposiopesis (rhetoric, breaking off emotionally), interruption;
ABSCISSIO, ABSCISSIONIS: N 3 1 F \loss of voice; aposiopesis (rhetoric, breaking off emotionally), interruption;
ABSCONDO, ABSCONDERE, ABSCONDI, ABSCONDITUS: V 3 1 \hide, conceal, secrete, 'shelter'; leave behind; bury, engulf, swallow up; keep;
ABSCONDO, ABSCONDERE, ABSCONDIDI, ABSCONDITUS: V 3 1 \hide, conceal, secrete, 'shelter'; leave behind; bury, engulf, swallow up; keep;
ABSCONDEO, ABSCONDERE, ABSCONDUI, ABSCONDITUS: V 2 1 \hide, conceal, secrete, 'shelter'; leave behind; bury, engulf, swallow up; keep;
ABSCONDITUS, ABSCONDITA, ABSCONDITUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \hidden, secret, concealed; covert, disguised; abstruse, recondite;
ABSCONDITUM, ABSCONDITI: N 2 2 N \hidden/secret/concealed place/thing; secret;
ABSCONDITE: ADV POS \abstrusely; profoundly; secretly;
ABSCONSUS, ABSCONSA, ABSCONSUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \hidden, secret, concealed, unknown;
ABSCONSE: ADV POS \secretly;
ABSEGMEN, ABSEGMINIS: N 3 2 N \piece/slice/hunk of meat, collop; morsel, portion, lump, mouthful, gobbet;
ABSENS, (GEN.), ABSENTIS: ADJ 3 1 POS \absent, missing, away, gone; physically elsewhere (things), non-existent;
ABSENTO, ABSENTARE, ABSENTAVI, ABSENTATUS: V 1 1 \send away, cause one to be absent; to be absent;
ABSENTHIUM, ABSENTHII: N 2 2 N \wormwood; infusion/tincture of wormwood;
ABSENTIA, ABSENTIAE: N 1 1 F \absence; absence form Rome/duty; ; non-appearance in court; lack;
ABSENTIO, ABSENTIONIS: N 3 1 F \holding back, restraining;
ABSIDA, ABSIDAE: N 1 1 F \arc described by a planet; arc, segment of a circle; kind of round vessel/bowl;
ABSIDATUS, ABSIDATA, ABSIDATUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \vaulted; arched, having an arch/arches;
ABSILIO, ABSILIRE, -, -: V 3 4 \rush/fly away (from); burst/fly apart;
ABSIMILIS, ABSIMILIS, ABSIMILE: ADJ 3 2 POS \unlike, dissimilar;
ABSINTHIUS, ABSINTHIA, ABSINTHIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \containing wormwood (e.g., wine); (often mixed with honey to mask taste);
ABSINTHIUS, ABSINTHII: N 2 1 M \wormwood; infusion/tincture of wormwood (often mixed with honey to mask taste);
ABSINTHIUM, ABSINTHII: N 2 2 N \wormwood; infusion/tincture of wormwood;
ABSINTHIUM, ABSINTHI(I): N 2 4 N \wormwood; infusion/tincture of wormwood (often mixed with honey to mask taste);
ABSINTHITES, ABSINTHITAE: N 1 7 M \wine flavored with wormwood;
ABSIS, ABSIDIS: N 3 1 F \arc described by a planet; arc, segment of a circle; kind of round vessel/bowl;
ABSISTUS, ABSISTA, ABSISTUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \distant, lying away;
ABSISTO, ABSISTERE, ABSISTITI, -: V 3 1 \withdraw from; desist, cease; leave off; depart, go away from; stand back;
ABSIT: INTERJ \"god forbid", "let it be far from the hearts of the faithful";
ABSOCER, ABSOCERI: N 2 3 M \great-great grandfather of the husband or wife (in-law);
ABSOLUTUS, ABSOLUTA -UM, ABSOLUTIOR -OR -US, ABSOLUTISSIMUS -A -UM: ADJ 1 1 X \fluent; fully developed, complete, finished; perfect, pure; unconditional;
ABSOLUTE, ABSOLUTIUS, ABSOLUTISSIME: ADV X \completely, absolutely; perfectly; without qualification, simply, unreservedly;
ABSOLUTIO, ABSOLUTIONIS: N 3 1 F \finishing, completion; acquittal, release (obligat.); perfection; completeness;
ABSOLUTORIUS, ABSOLUTORIA, ABSOLUTORIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \favoring/securing acquittal; pertaining to acquittal/release; effecting a cure;
ABSOLUTORIUM, ABSOLUTORII: N 2 2 N \means of deliverance from;
ABSOLVO, ABSOLVERE, ABSOLVI, ABSOLUTUS: V 3 1 \free (bonds), release; acquit; vote for/secure acquittal; pay off; sum up;
ABSONUS, ABSONA, ABSONUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \harsh/discordant/inharmonious; jarring; inconsistent; unsuitable, in bad taste;
ABSONO, ABSONARE, ABSONAVI, ABSONATUS: V 1 1 \have a harsh/discordant/unpleasant sound;
ABSONE: ADV POS \harshly, discordantly;
ABSORBEO, ABSORBERE, ABSORBUI, ABSORPTUS: V 2 1 \devour; swallow up; engulf, submerge; engross; absorb, suck in; import; dry up;
ABSORBEO, ABSORBERE, ABSORPSI, ABSORPTUS: V 2 1 \devour; overwhelm; swallow up/engulf, submerge; absorb, suck in; import; dry up;
ABSORPTIO, ABSORPTIONIS: N 3 1 F \drink, beverage; swallowing (Latham);
ABSORTUS, ABSORTA, ABSORTUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \overwhelmed, swallowed up/engulfed/submerged/absorbed; (= absorptus); engulfing;
ABSORTIO, ABSORTIONIS: N 3 1 F \victory, overwhelming;
ABSQUE: PREP ABL \without, apart from, away from; but for; except for; were it not for; (early);
ABSTO, ABSTARE, ABSTETI, ABSTATUS: V 1 1 \stand at a distance, stand off; keep at a distance;
ABSTEMIUS, ABSTEMIA, ABSTEMIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \abstemious, abstaining from drink; sober, temperate; moderate; fasting; saving;
ABSTEMIA, ABSTEMIAE: N 1 1 F \distance;
ABSTERGEO, ABSTERGERE, ABSTERSI, ABSTERSUS: V 2 1 \wipe off/clean/away, clean away, cleanse, strip off; banish, expel, dispel;
ABSTERGO, ABSTERGERE, ABSTERSI, ABSTERSUS: V 3 1 \wipe off/clean/away, clean away, cleanse, strip off; banish, expel, dispel;
ABSTERREO, ABSTERRERE, ABSTERRUI, ABSTERRITUS: V 2 1 \frighten off/away; drive away; deter, discourage; keep away/withhold from, den;
ABSTINEO, ABSTINERE, ABSTINUI, ABSTENTUS: V 2 1 \withhold, keep away/clear; abstain, fast; refrain (from); avoid; keep hands of;
ABSTINAX, (GEN.), ABSTINACIS: ADJ 3 1 POS \abstemious, staying away from liquor; temperate/sparing in drink/food;
ABSTINENS, ABSTINENTIS (GEN.), ABSTINENTIOR -OR -US, ABSTINENTISSIMUS -A -UM: ADJ 3 1 X \abstinent, temperate; showing restraint, self restrained; not covetous; chaste;
ABSTINENTER: ADV POS \abstinently, with self restraint (esp. financial dealings); scrupulously;
ABSTINENTIA, ABSTINENTIAE: N 1 1 F \abstinence; fasting; moderation, self control, restraint; integrity; parsimony;
ABSTRACTUS, ABSTRACTA, ABSTRACTUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \abstract (as opposed to concrete);
ABSTRAHO, ABSTRAHERE, ABSTRAXI, ABSTRACTUS: V 3 1 \drag away from, remove forcibly, abort; carry off to execution; split;
ABSTRUDO, ABSTRUDERE, ABSTRUSI, ABSTRUSUS: V 3 1 \thrust away, conceal, hide; suppress/prevent (emotion) becoming apparent;
ABSTRUSUS, ABSTRUSA -UM, ABSTRUSIOR -OR -US, ABSTRUSISSIMUS -A -UM: ADJ 1 1 X \secret, reserved; concealed, hidden; remote, secluded; abstruse, recondite;
ABSTRUSE: ADV POS \secretly; remotely; abstrusely;
ABSTRUSIO, ABSTRUSIONIS: N 3 1 F \removing, concealing;
ABSTULO, ABSTULERE, -, -: V 3 1 \to take away, withdraw;
ABSUMO, ABSUMERE, ABSUMPSI, ABSUMPTUS: V 3 1 \spend, waste, squander, use up; take up (time); consume; exhaust, wear out;
ABSUMEDO, ABSUMEDINIS: N 3 1 F \act of squandering/wasting/using up; consuming/devouring consumption;
ABSUMPTIO, ABSUMPTIONIS: N 3 1 F \act of spending/using up; consumption; a consuming;
ABSURDUS, ABSURDA, ABSURDUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \out of tune, discordant; absurd, nonsensical, out of place; awkward, uncouth;
ABSURDE: ADV POS \as to be out of tune, discordantly; preposterously, absurdly, inappropriately;
ABUNDUS, ABUNDA, ABUNDUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \having plenty of water; copious (L+S, Late Latin);
ABUNDO, ABUNDARE, ABUNDAVI, ABUNDATUS: V 1 1 \abound (in), have in large measure; overdo, exceed; overflow; be rich/numerous;
ABUNDANS, ABUNDANTIS (GEN.), ABUNDANTIOR -OR -US, ABUNDANTISSIMUS -A -UM: ADJ 3 1 X \abundant; overflowing; abounding, copious, in large measure; overdone; rich;
ABUNDANTER, ABUNDANTIUS, ABUNDANTISSIME: ADV X \abundantly; profusely, copiously; on a lavish scale;
ABUNDANTIA, ABUNDANTIAE: N 1 1 F \abundance, plenty; riches; fullness; overflow, excess; discharge (of blood);
ABUNDATIO, ABUNDATIONIS: N 3 1 F \an overflowing; abundance; overflow;
ABUNDE: ADV POS \abundantly; in profusion/abundance; more than enough; amply, exceedingly, very;
ABUSUS, ABUSUS: N 4 1 M \an abusing, misuse, wasting; using up;
ABUSIO, ABUSIONIS: N 3 1 F \use of wrong synonym; catachresis, loose/improper use of a word/term/metaphor;
ABUSIVE: ADV POS \loosely, catachresisly, by loose/improper use of language/term/metaphor;
ABUSOR, ABUSORIS: N 3 1 M \he who misuses;
ABUSQUE: ADV POS \all the way from; from/since the time of;
ABUSQUE: PREP ABL \all the way from; from/since the time of;
ABUTOR, ABUTI, -, ABUSUS SUM: V 3 1 \waste, squander; abuse; misuse; use up; spend; exhaust; misapply (word); curse;
ABVERTO, ABVERTERE, ABVERTI, ABVERSUS: V 3 1 \turn away from/aside, divert, rout; disturb; withdraw; steal, misappropriate;
ABYSSUS, ABYSSI: N 2 1 F \deep, sea; abyss; hell, infernal pit; bowels of the earth; primal chaos;
AC: CONJ \and, and also, and besides;
ACUS, ACUS: N 4 1 F \needle, pin; hair-pin; pipefish, needlefish; detail; husks/chaff (pl.);
ACEO, ACERE, -, -: V 2 1 \be sour;
ACACIA, ACACIAE: N 1 1 F \acacia, gum arabic tree; gum of this or related trees. gum arabic;
ACADEMIA, ACADEMIAE: N 1 1 F \academy, university; gymnasium where Plato taught; school built by Cicero;
ACADEMICUS, ACADEMICA, ACADEMICUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \academic; of the Academy/Academic philosophy/Cicero's Academics (views);
ACALANTHIS, ACALANTHIDOS/IS: N 3 9 F \a small song-bird (of dark-green color); thistle-finch, goldfinch;
ACALEPHE, ACALEPHES: N 1 6 F \nettle (plant);
ACANUS, ACANI: N 2 1 M \pine thistle;
ACANOS, ACANI: N 2 6 M \thistle (plant);
ACANTHUS, ACANTHI: N 2 1 M \bear's-foot, (black) hellbore (plant); gum arabic tree/wood;
ACANTHOS, ACANTHI: N 2 6 M \bear's-foot, (black) hellbore (plant); gum arabic tree/wood;
ACANTHIUS, ACANTHIA, ACANTHIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \made from some species of cotton plant;
ACANTHION, ACANTHII: N 2 8 N \species of cotton plant or thistle; cotton thistle;
ACANTHICOS, ACANTHICOS, -: ADJ 2 6 POS \from pine-thistle (only ~e mastiche => gum/mastich from pine-thistle/helxine);
-, -, ACANTHICON: ADJ 2 8 POS \from pine-thistle (only ~e mastiche => gum/mastich from pine-thistle/helxine);
ACANTHINUS, ACANTHINA, ACANTHINUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \of/resembling bear's-foot/hellbore plant; (gum) arabic; of/made of cotton;
ACANTHIS, ACANTHIDIS: N 3 1 F \a small song-bird (thistle/gold finch L+S); groundsel (plant Senecio vulgaris);
ACANTHYLLIS, ACANTHYLLIDIS: N 3 1 F \a small song-bird;
ACAPNUS, ACAPNA, ACAPNUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \obtained without smoke (honey); burning without smoke (wood); smokeless;
ACAPNOS, ACAPNOS, -: ADJ 2 6 POS \obtained without smoke (honey); burning without smoke (wood); smokeless;
-, -, ACAPNON: ADJ 2 8 POS \obtained without smoke (honey); burning without smoke (wood); smokeless;
ACARNA, ACARNAE: N 1 1 F \an edible sea fish;
ACARNE, ACARNES: N 1 6 F \an edible sea fish;
ACATUS, ACATI: N 2 1 F \light vessel/boat;
ACATALECTUS, ACATALECTA, ACATALECTUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \verse in which no syllable is wanting in the last foot (opp. catalectus);
ACATALECTICUS, ACATALECTICA, ACATALECTICUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \verse in which no syllable is wanting in the last foot (opp. catalecticus);
ACATIUM, ACATII: N 2 2 N \kind of light Greek sailing boat; large sail;
ACATION, ACATII: N 2 8 N \kind of light Greek sailing boat; large sail;
ACAUNUMARGA, ACAUNUMARGAE: N 1 1 F \red marl (clayey limestone) used as fertilizer used by Celts in Gaul/Britain;
ACAUSTOS, ACAUSTOS, -: ADJ 2 6 POS \incombustible;
-, -, ACAUSTON: ADJ 2 8 POS \incombustible;
ACCEO, ACCERE, -, -: V 2 1 \send for, summon (forth), fetch; invite; (w/mortum) commit suicide;
ACCANO, ACCANERE, -, -: V 3 1 \sing to/with;
ACCANTUS, ACCANTUS: N 4 1 M \accent, intonation, accentuation, intensity, tone; signal, blast;
ACCANTO, ACCANTERE, -, -: V 3 1 \sing to (a person); sing at (a place);
ACCEDO, ACCEDERE, ACCESSI, ACCESSUS: V 3 1 \come near, approach; agree with; be added to (w/ad or in + ACC); constitute;
ACCEDENTIA, ACCEDENTIAE: N 1 1 F \an additional quality;
ACCELERO, ACCELERARE, ACCELERAVI, ACCELERATUS: V 1 1 \speed up, quicken, hurry; make haste, act quickly, hasten; accelerate;
ACCELERATIO, ACCELERATIONIS: N 3 1 F \speeding up, quickening, acceleration, hastening;
ACCENDO, ACCENDERE, ACCENDI, ACCENSUS: V 3 1 \kindle, set on fire, light; illuminate; inflame, stir up, arouse; make bright;
ACCENDIUM, ACCENDII: N 2 2 N \kindling, setting on fire;
ACCENDO, ACCENDONIS: N 3 1 M \inciter, instigator;
ACCENSUS, ACCENSA, ACCENSUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \reckoned among; attached, attending;
ACCENSUS, ACCENSI: N 2 1 M \supernumerary soldier (usu. pl. ~ velatus i=> replacements); attendant, orderly;
ACCENSUS, ACCENSUS: N 4 1 M \lighting; kindling, setting on fire;
ACCENSEO, ACCENSERE, ACCENSUI, ACCENSUS: V 2 1 \attach as an attendant to; add to;
ACCENSIBILIS, ACCENSIBILIS, ACCENSIBILE: ADJ 3 2 POS \burnable, that may be burned; burning;
ACCENTUS, ACCENTUS: N 4 1 M \accent, intonation, accentuation, intensity, tone; signal, blast;
ACCENTO, ACCENTERE, -, -: V 3 1 \sing to (a person); sing at (a place);
ACCENTIUNCULA, ACCENTIUNCULAE: N 1 1 F \accent, intonation;
ACCENTOR, ACCENTORIS: N 3 1 M \one who sings with another;
ACCEPTA, ACCEPTAE: N 1 1 F \allotment, portion of land assigned to one person;
ACCEPTUM, ACCEPTI: N 2 2 N \receipts (vs. expenditures); favors; receipt side of account; written receipt;
ACCEPTO, ACCEPTARE, ACCEPTAVI, ACCEPTATUS: V 1 1 \receive regularly, take (payment/food); be given (name); submit to; grasp idea;
ACCEPTUS, ACCEPTA -UM, ACCEPTIOR -OR -US, ACCEPTISSIMUS -A -UM: ADJ 1 1 X \welcome, pleasing; popular with, well liked; dear; received/credited (money);
ACCEPTATOR, ACCEPTATORIS: N 3 1 M \one who accepts/approves; avenue/access/passage for admittance of the people;
ACCEPTILATIO, ACCEPTILATIONIS: N 3 1 F \formal release from an obligation;
ACCEPTIO, ACCEPTIONIS: N 3 1 F \taking (over), accepting, receiving; meaning; sense;
ACCEPTOR, ACCEPTORIS: N 3 1 M \receiver; collector; believer, one who accepts as true; type of hawk;
ACCEPTORIUS, ACCEPTORIA, ACCEPTORIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \designed/fit/suitable for receiving;
ACCEPTRIX, ACCEPTRICIS: N 3 1 F \receiver (female); she who receives; believer, she who accepts as true;
ACCERSO, ACCERSERE, ACCERSI, -: V 3 1 \send for, summon; indict/accuse; fetch, import; invite; invoke; bring on oneself
ACCERSO, ACCERSERE, ACCERSIVI, ACCERSITUS: V 3 1 \send for, summon; indict/accuse; fetch, import; invite; invoke; bring on oneself
ACCERSIO, ACCERSIRE, -, -: V 3 4 \send for, summon; indict/accuse; fetch, import; invite; invoke; bring on oneself
ACCERSITUS, ACCERSITA, ACCERSITUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \brought from elsewhere, foreign; extraneous; self-inflicted (death); sent for;
ACCERSITUS, ACCERSITUS: N 4 1 M \summons, sending for;
ACCERSITIO, ACCERSITIONIS: N 3 1 F \summons, sending for; (dies ~ => day of death);
ACCERSITOR, ACCERSITORIS: N 3 1 M \one who comes to summon/call/fetch another; accuser;
ACCESSA, ACCESSAE: N 1 1 F \approach, arrival; entry, admittance, audience; hostile approach/attack; onset;
ACCESSUS, ACCESSUS: N 4 1 M \approach, arrival; entry, admittance, audience; hostile approach/attack; onset;
ACCESSIO, ACCESSIONIS: N 3 1 F \approach; increase, bonus; accessory; attack, onset (fever, rage); fit;
ACCESSITO, ACCESSITARE, ACCESSITAVI, ACCESSITATUS: V 1 1 \approach repeatedly; keep on coming;
ACCIO, ACCIRE, ACCIVI, ACCITUS: V 3 4 \send for, summon (forth), fetch; invite; (w/mortum) commit suicide;
ACCIEO, ACCIERE, ACCIVI, ACCITUS: V 2 1 \send for, summon (forth), fetch; invite; (w/mortum) commit suicide;
ACCIDIT, ACCIDERE, ACCIDIT: V 3 1 \happens, turns out, befalls; to fall upon; come to pass, occur;
ACCIDO, ACCIDERE, ACCIDI, ACCISUS: V 3 1 \cut, cut into/down/up, hack, hew, fell; overthrow, destroy; cut short; weaken;
ACCIDO, ACCIDERE, ACCIDI, -: V 3 1 \fall upon/down/to/at or near, descend, alight; happen, occur; happen to (w/DAT;
ACCIDENS, ACCIDENTIS: N 3 4 N \accidental happening, chance event, contingency; accident, circumstance;
ACCIDENTIA, ACCIDENTIAE: N 1 1 F \chance, casual event, that which happens;
ACCINO, ACCINERE, -, -: V 3 1 \sing to/with;
ACCINCTUS, ACCINCTA, ACCINCTUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \well girded; ready, prepared; strict (opp. negligens);
ACCINGO, ACCINGERE, ACCINXI, ACCINCTUS: V 3 1 \gird on or about, surround; equip, provide (with); get ready, prepare (for);
ACCIPIO, ACCIPERE, ACCEPI, ACCEPTUS: V 3 1 \take, grasp, receive, accept, undertake; admit, let in, hear, learn; obey;
ACCIPITER, ACCIPITRIS: N 3 1 C \hawk (any of several species); flying gurnard (fish);
ACCIPITRINA, ACCIPITRINAE: N 1 1 F \act of a hawk; rapacity;
ACCITUS, ACCITA, ACCITUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \imported, brought from abroad;
ACCITUS, ACCITUS: N 4 1 M \summons, call;
ACCITIO, ACCITIONIS: N 3 1 F \calling, summoning;
ACCLAMO, ACCLAMARE, ACCLAMAVI, ACCLAMATUS: V 1 1 \shout (at), cry out against, protest; shout approval, applaud;
ACCLAMATIO, ACCLAMATIONIS: N 3 1 F \acclamation, shout (of comment/approval/disapproval); crying against; brawling;
ACCLARO, ACCLARARE, ACCLARAVI, ACCLARATUS: V 1 1 \make clear, reveal, make manifest;
ACCLINIS, ACCLINIS, ACCLINE: ADJ 3 2 POS \leaning/resting (on/against); sloping, inclined; disposed/inclined (to);
ACCLINO, ACCLINARE, ACCLINAVI, ACCLINATUS: V 1 1 \lay down, rest (on) (w/DAT), lean against/towards, incline (to);
ACCLIVUS, ACCLIVA, ACCLIVUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \rising, sloping/inclining upward, ascending, up hill; steep;
ACCLIVIS, ACCLIVIS, ACCLIVE: ADJ 3 2 POS \rising, sloping/inclining upward, ascending, up hill; steep;
ACCLIVIS, ACCLIVIS: N 3 4 N \upward slope;
ACCLIVITAS, ACCLIVITATIS: N 3 1 F \slope, ascent, upward inclination, steepness;
ACCLUDO, ACCLUDERE, ACCLUSI, ACCLUSUS: V 3 1 \close up, shut the door;
ACCOGNOSCO, ACCOGNOSCERE, -, -: V 3 1 \recognize (visually or by some other means);
ACCOLA, ACCOLAE: N 1 1 C \neighbor; one who lives nearby/beside; inhabitant;
ACCOLO, ACCOLERE, ACCOLUI, ACCULTUS: V 3 1 \dwell/live near; be a neighbor to;
ACCOLENS, ACCOLENTIS: N 3 3 M \neighbors, people of the neighborhood;
ACCOMMODUS, ACCOMMODA, ACCOMMODUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \fitting, convenient, suitable to, adapted to;
ACCOMMODO, ACCOMMODARE, ACCOMMODAVI, ACCOMMODATUS: V 1 1 \adapt, adjust to, fit, suit; apply to, fasten on; apply/devote oneself to;
ACCOMMODATUS, ACCOMMODATA -UM, ACCOMMODATIOR -OR -US, ACCOMMODATISSIMUS -A -UM: ADJ 1 1 X \fit, suitable, appropriate; suiting the interests (of); favorably disposed (to;
ACCOMMODATIO, ACCOMMODATIONIS: N 3 1 F \adjustment, willingness to oblige, complaisance; fitting, adapting, adaptation;
ACCREDO, ACCREDERE, ACCREDIDI, ACCREDITUS: V 3 1 \give credence to, believe; put faith in, trust;
ACCRESCO, ACCRESCERE, ACCREVI, ACCRETUS: V 3 1 \increase/swell, grow larger/up/progressively; be added/annexed to; arise;
ACCRETUS, ACCRETA, ACCRETUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \overgrown with; encased in;
ACCRETIO, ACCRETIONIS: N 3 1 F \increase, an increasing, increment;
ACCUBO, ACCUBARE, ACCUBUI, ACCUBITUS: V 1 1 \lie near or by; recline at table;
ACCUBITUM, ACCUBITI: N 2 2 N \couch for large number of guests to recline at meals (triclinium, 3 seats);
ACCUBITUS, ACCUBITUS: N 4 1 M \a reclining (at meals), lying (at table); couch/seat; place for a couch (L+S);
ACCUBITALIA, ACCUBITALIAE: N 1 1 F \covering spread over dining table couches;
ACCUBITATIO, ACCUBITATIONIS: N 3 1 F \a reclining (at meals), lying (at table);
ACCUBITIO, ACCUBITIONIS: N 3 1 F \a reclining (at meals), lying (at table); couch (LL L+S);
ACCUBITORIUS, ACCUBITORIA, ACCUBITORIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \pertaining to reclining (at table);
ACCUBO: ADV POS \in a prone/recumbent position;
ACCUDO, ACCUDERE, -, -: V 3 1 \coin in addition; strike/stamp/mint (coin) (L+S); make more money, add wealth;
ACCUMBO, ACCUMBERE, ACCUMBUI, ACCUMBITUS: V 3 1 \take a place/recline at the table; lie on (bed), lie at/prone, lie beside;
ACCUMULO, ACCUMULARE, ACCUMULAVI, ACCUMULATUS: V 1 1 \accumulate, heap/pile up/soil; add by exaggeration; add, increase, enhance;
ACCUMULATE, ACCUMULATIUS, ACCUMULATISSIME: ADV X \copiously, abundantly; superabuntly;
ACCUMULATIO, ACCUMULATIONIS: N 3 1 F \accumulation, heaping/piling up (earth);
ACCUMULATOR, ACCUMULATORIS: N 3 1 M \heaper up; one who accumulates/amasses;
ACCURO, ACCURARE, ACCURAVI, ACCURATUS: V 1 1 \take care of, attend to (duties/guests), give attention to; perform with care;
ACCURATUS, ACCURATA -UM, ACCURATIOR -OR -US, ACCURATISSIMUS -A -UM: ADJ 1 1 X \accurate, exact, with care, meticulous; carefully performed/prepared; finished;
ACCURATE, ACCURATIUS, ACCURATISSIME: ADV X \carefully, accurately, precisely, exactly; nicely; painstakingly, meticulous;
ACCURATIO, ACCURATIONIS: N 3 1 F \accuracy, preciseness, care; carefulness, painstakingness; treatment (medical);
ACCURRO, ACCURRERE, ACCURRI, ACCURSUS: V 3 1 \run/hasten to (help); come/rush up (inanim subj.); charge, rush to attack;
ACCURSUS, ACCURSUS: N 4 1 M \rushing up (to see or give help); attack; onset;
ACCUSO, ACCUSARE, ACCUSAVI, ACCUSATUS: V 1 1 \accuse, blame, find fault, impugn; reprimand; charge (w/crime/offense);
ACCUSATIO, ACCUSATIONIS: N 3 1 F \accusation, inditement; act/occasion of accusation; rebuke, reproof;
ACCUSATIVUS, ACCUSATIVA, ACCUSATIVUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \accusative/objective (applied to case);
ACCUSATIVUS, ACCUSATIVI: N 2 1 M \the accusative/objective case;
ACCUSATOR, ACCUSATORIS: N 3 1 M \accuser, prosecutor at trial; plaintiff; informer;
ACCUSATORIUS, ACCUSATORIA, ACCUSATORIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \of/belonging to a public/professional prosecutor; accusatory, denunciatory;
ACCUSATORIE: ADV POS \accusingly; in the manner of a prosecutor/accuser;
ACCUSATRIX, ACCUSATRICIS: N 3 1 F \prosecutor at trial (female), accuser, plaintiff;
ACCUSITO, ACCUSITARE, ACCUSITAVI, ACCUSITATUS: V 1 1 \accuse repeatedly; go on accusing;
ACEDIA, ACEDIAE: N 1 1 F \weariness (of body or soul);
ACEDIOR, ACEDIARI, -, ACEDIATUS SUM: V 1 1 \be morose/peevish; be weary (Souter);
ACENTETUS, ACENTETA, ACENTETUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \flawless; without points or spots; (used in connection with crystals/gems L+S);
ACEPHALUS, ACEPHALA, ACEPHALUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \lacking the first syllable; beginning with short syllable; lacking a head/leader
ACEPHALOS, ACEPHALOS, -: ADJ 2 6 POS \lacking the first syllable;
-, -, ACEPHALON: ADJ 2 8 POS \lacking the first syllable;
ACERUS, ACERA, ACERUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \without wax; (mel ~ => honey flowing spontaneously from the comb);
ACER, ACERIS: N 3 2 N \maple tree; wood of the maple tree; maple;
ACER, ACRIS -E, ACRIOR -OR -US, ACERRIMUS -A -UM: ADJ 3 3 X \sharp, bitter, pointed, piercing, shrill; sagacious, keen; severe, vigorous;
ACERATUS, ACERATA, ACERATUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \mixed with chaff/husks (of clay for bricklaying); without horns (L+S);
ACERBUM, ACERBI: N 2 2 N \calamity, misfortune;
ACERBO, ACERBARE, ACERBAVI, ACERBATUS: V 1 1 \embitter; aggravate; make disagreeable; make worse;
ACERBUS, ACERBA -UM, ACERBIOR -OR -US, ACERBISSIMUS -A -UM: ADJ 1 1 X \harsh, strident, bitter, sour; unripe, green, unfinished; grievous; gloomy;
ACERBE, ACERBIUS, ACERBISSIME: ADV X \stridently, with harsh sound; cruelly, harshly; with pain/severity; premature;
ACERBITAS, ACERBITATIS: N 3 1 F \harshness, severity; bitterness, sourness, ill feeling; anguish, hardship;
ACERBITUDO, ACERBITUDINIS: N 3 1 F \harshness, severity; bitterness, sourness, ill feeling; anguish, hardship;
ACERNUS, ACERNA, ACERNUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \maple, of maple (wood); belonging to the maple tree;
ACERNEUS, ACERNEA, ACERNEUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \maple, of maple (wood); belonging to the maple tree;
ACERNIA, ACERNIAE: N 1 1 F \fish (unknown);
ACEROSUS, ACEROSA, ACEROSUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \having the husks included (of flour/bread);
ACERRA, ACERRAE: N 1 1 F \box or casket for incense;
ACERSECOMES, ACERSECOMAE: N 1 7 M \long-haired/unshorn youth; young favorite, "fair-haired boy";
ACERSECOMES, (GEN.), ACERSECOMIS: ADJ 3 1 POS \unshorn; ever youthful;
ACERTAS, ACERTATIS: N 3 1 F \sharpness, keenness; vehemence, force; severity;
ACERVUS, ACERVI: N 2 1 M \mass/heap/pile/stack; treasure, stock; large quantity; cluster; funeral pile;
ACERVO, ACERVARE, ACERVAVI, ACERVATUS: V 1 1 \heap/pile up; make into heaps/piles; massed/categorized together; cover with;
ACERVALIS, ACERVALIS, ACERVALE: ADJ 3 2 POS \characterized by piling up; by accumulation;
ACERVALIS, ACERVALIS: N 3 3 M \conclusion by accumulation; a piling up (of facts);
ACERVATIM: ADV POS \in heaps/piles; in large quantities/scale; briefly; summarily, without order;
ACERVATIO, ACERVATIONIS: N 3 1 F \a heaping/piling together; accumulation; amassing;
ACESCO, ACESCERE, ACUI, -: V 3 1 \turn sour;
ACESIS, ACESIS: N 3 3 F \form of malachite; sort of borax used in medicine;
ACETUM, ACETI: N 2 2 N \vinegar, sour wine; tang of vinegar; sourness of disposition; sharpness of wit;
ACETABULUM, ACETABULI: N 2 2 N \small cup (esp. for vinegar); 1/8 pint; cup-shaped part (plant); hip joint;
ACETARUM, ACETARI: N 2 2 N \salad prepared with vinegar; something that is prepared with vinegar;
ACHAEMENIS, ACHAEMENIDIS: N 3 1 F \plant alleged to have magical properties;
ACHANUM, ACHANI: N 2 2 N \mute, stupid; disease of animals;
ACHANTUM, ACHANTI: N 2 2 N \kind of frankincense;
ACHARIS, ACHARIS, ACHARE: ADJ 3 2 POS \unpleasent, disagreeable; ungrateful;
ACHARISTOS, ACHARISTOS, -: ADJ 2 6 POS \unpleasent, disagreeable; ungrateful;
-, -, ACHARISTON: ADJ 2 8 POS \unpleasent, disagreeable; ungrateful;
ACHARISTUM, ACHARISTI: N 2 2 N \an eye salve;
ACHARITER: ADV POS \unpleasently, disagreeably;
ACHARNA, ACHARNAE: N 1 1 F \an edible sea fish;
ACHARNE, ACHARNES: N 1 6 F \an edible sea fish;
ACHATES, ACHATAE: N 1 7 C \agate;
ACHETA, ACHETAE: N 1 1 M \male cicada, the "chirper";
ACHETAS, ACHETAE: N 1 8 M \male cicada, the "chirper";
ACHILLAS, ACHILLAE: N 1 8 M \Achillas; (the Egyptian who murdered Pompey);
ACHILLEOS, ACHILLEI: N 2 6 F \medicinal plant (said to be discovered by Achilles); milfoil, yarrow;
ACHILLES, ACHILLIS: N 3 3 M \Achilles, Greek hero;
ACHLIS, ACHIS: N 3 3 F \elk; moose; wild beast of the North;
ACHOR, ACHORIS: N 3 1 M \scab/scald (on the head);
ACHRAS, ACHRADIS: N 3 1 F \wild pear tree (Pirus amygdaliformis);
ACHYNOPS, ACHYNOPIS: N 3 1 M \a plant (species of Plantago?);
ACIA, ACIAE: N 1 1 F \thread, yarn;
ACIES, ACIEI: N 5 1 F \sharpness, sharp edge, point; battle line/array; sight, glance; pupil of eye;
ACICULA, ACICULAE: N 1 1 F \small pin (for a head-dress);
ACIDUM, ACIDI: N 2 2 N \acid substances (pl.) as solvents;
ACIDUS, ACIDA -UM, ACIDIOR -OR -US, ACIDISSIMUS -A -UM: ADJ 1 1 X \acid/sour/bitter/tart; sour-smelling; soaked in vinegar; shrill; sharp-tongued;
ACIDATAS, ACIDATATIS: N 3 1 F \sourness/acidity (of the stomach);
ACIDULUS, ACIDULA, ACIDULUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \tart, slightly sour;
ACINA, ACINAE: N 1 1 F \small berry; grape seed/pit;
ACINUS, ACINI: N 2 1 M \grape; ivyberry or other small berry; pip, (grape) pit/seed;
ACINUM, ACINI: N 2 2 N \grape; ivyberry or other small berry; pip, (grape) pit/seed;
ACINOS, ACINI: N 2 6 F \a kind of basil;
ACINACES, ACINACIS: N 3 3 M \short sword (Persian); short saber; scimitar; (contrary to gender rule OLD);
ACINARIUS, ACINARIA, ACINARIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \designed for holding grapes;
ACINATICIUS, ACINATICIA, ACINATICIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \prepared from dried grapes/raisins;
ACINOSUS, ACINOSA, ACINOSUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \like/resembling grapes, of the vine;
ACIPENSER, ACIPENSERIS: N 3 1 M \a fish (sturgeon?) (esteemed dainty dish);
ACIPENSIS, ACIPENSIS: N 3 3 M \a fish (sturgeon?) (esteemed dainty dish);
ACISCULARIUS, ACISCULARI(I): N 2 4 M \worker with an adze; stone-cutter?;
ACISULUS, ACISULI: N 2 1 M \little adze;
ACLASSIS, ACLASSIS: N 3 3 F \tunic (over the shoulders, unstitched);
ACLYS, ACLYDIS: N 3 1 F \small javelin with a strap;
ACNA, ACNAE: N 1 1 F \measure/piece of land (120 feet square);
ACNUA, ACNUAE: N 1 1 F \a square actus, a measure of land 120 yards square;
ACOENONETUS, ACOENONETA, ACOENONETUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \lacking in common feelings; without common sense;
ACOENONOETUS, ACOENONOETA, ACOENONOETUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \lacking in common feelings; without common sense;
ACOETIS, ACOETIS: N 3 3 F \wife; bed-fellow (L+S);
ACOLITUS, ACOLITI: N 2 1 M \acolyte; cleric in minor orders; (ostiarius/exorcista/subdiaconus/diaconus);
ACOLUTHUS, ACOLUTHI: N 2 1 M \acolyte; cleric in minor orders; (ostiarius/exorcista/subdiaconus/diaconus);
ACOLYTUS, ACOLYTI: N 2 1 M \acolyte; cleric in minor orders; (ostiarius/exorcista/subdiaconus/diaconus);
ACONA, ACONAE: N 1 1 F \pointed stones (pl.);
ACONITUM, ACONITI: N 2 2 N \wolf's-bane, aconite (gnus Aconitum) (poisonous plant); actonite as a poison;
ACONITON, ACONITI: N 2 8 N \wolf's-bane, aconite (gnus Aconitum) (poisonous plant); actonite as a poison;
ACONITI: ADV POS \without labor, effortlessly; without dust (literally);
ACONTIAS, ACONTIAE: N 1 8 M \meteor resembling a dart in flight; quick-darting snake (L+S);
ACONTIZO, ACONTIZARE, ACONTIZAVI, ACONTIZATUS: V 1 1 \shoot a dart; spout/gush forth (blood);
ACOPUM, ACOPI: N 2 2 N \salve used to treat fatigue or pain;
ACOPOS, ACOPI: N 2 6 F \stone used to treat fatigue;
ACORUS, ACORI: N 2 1 F \sweet/yellow flag/iris or its root; butchers's broom/reed/rush or its root;
ACORUM, ACORI: N 2 2 N \sweet/yellow flag/iris or its root; butchers's broom/reed/rush or its root;
ACOROS, ACORI: N 2 6 F \sweet/yellow flag/iris or its root; butchers's broom/reed/rush or its root;
ACORON, ACORI: N 2 8 N \sweet/yellow flag/iris or its root; butchers's broom/reed/rush or its root;
ACOR, ACORIS: N 3 1 M \bitter or tart flavor; sourness; tart/sour substance;
ACORION, ACORII: N 2 8 N \sweet/yellow flag/iris or its root; butchers's broom/reed/rush or its root;
ACORNA, ACORNAE: N 1 1 F \kind of thistle;
ACOSMOS, ACOSMOS, -: ADJ 2 6 POS \unadorned, careless;
-, -, ACOSMON: ADJ 2 8 POS \unadorned, careless;
ACQUIESCO, ACQUIESCERE, ACQUIEVI, ACQUIETUS: V 3 1 \lie with (w/cum), rest/relax; repose (death); acquiesce/assent/submit; subside;
ACQUIRO, ACQUIRERE, ACQUISIVI, ACQUISITUS: V 3 1 \acquire (goods/money/adherents), obtain, gain, get; add to stock; accrue;
ACQUISITIO, ACQUISITIONIS: N 3 1 F \acquisition; additional source of supply;
ACQUISITRIX, ACQUISITRICIS: N 3 1 F \acquirer (female);
ACRA, ACRAE: N 1 1 F \promontory/headland;
ACRUM, ACRI: N 2 2 N \promontory/headland (pl.);
ACRATOPHORUM, ACRATOPHORI: N 2 2 N \vessel for scented/unmixed wine;
ACREDO, ACREDINIS: N 3 1 F \sharp/pungent taste;
ACREDULA, ACREDULAE: N 1 1 F \an unknown bird/beast/animal; (thrush or owl? L+S);
ACRICULUS, ACRICULA, ACRICULUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \shrewd, acute; irritable, sharp, testy;
ACRIDIUM, ACRIDII: N 2 2 N \scammony (Convolvulus Scammonia); purgative resin from its tuber root;
ACRIFOLIUM, ACRIFOLII: N 2 2 N \unknown tree of ill omen;
ACRIMONIA, ACRIMONIAE: N 1 1 F \acrimony; briskness; caustic/corrosive/pungent quality; indigestion; vigor;
ACRITAS, ACRITATIS: N 3 1 F \sharpness, keenness; vehemence, force; severity;
ACRITER, ACRIUS, ACERRIME: ADV X \sharply, vigilantly, fiercely; severely, steadfastly; keenly, accurately;
ACRITUDO, ACRITUDINIS: N 3 1 F \pungency, bitterness; keenness, energy, vigor; harshness, cruelty, fierceness;
ACRO, ACRONIS: N 3 1 M \extremity; member of the body; stem of a plant;
ACROAMA, ACROAMATIS: N 3 2 N \entertainment at table/reading/music, act; reader, actor, singer, clown;
ACROAMATARIUS, ACROAMATARIA, ACROAMATARIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \of/belonging/pertaining to a musical/reading entertainment;
ACROAMATICUS, ACROAMATICA, ACROAMATICUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \of/belonging/pertaining to a musical/reading entertainment;
ACROASIS, ACROASIS: N 3 3 F \public lecture;
ACROATICUS, ACROATICA, ACROATICUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \of/for lectures only; esoteric;
ACROCOLEFIUM, ACROCOLEFII: N 2 2 N \upper part of the foot of a swine;
ACROCORIUM, ACROCORII: N 2 2 N \kind of onion;
ACROLITHUS, ACROLITHA, ACROLITHUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \having extremities of marble (statues - the rest in wood L+S);
ACROLITHOS, ACROLITHOS, -: ADJ 2 6 POS \having extremities of marble (statues - the rest in wood L+S);
-, -, ACROLITHON: ADJ 2 8 POS \having extremities of marble (statues - the rest in wood L+S);
ACRON, ACRONIS: N 3 1 M \extremity; member of the body; stem of a plant;
ACROPODIUM, ACROPODII: N 2 2 N \base/pedestal of a statue;
ACROR, ACRORIS: N 3 1 M \pungency, bitterness; keenness, energy, vigor; harshness, cruelty, fierceness;
ACROTERIUM, ACROTERII: N 2 2 N \projection; ornament at angle of a pediment; projection acting as breakwater;
ACRUFOLIUS, ACRUFOLIA, ACRUFOLIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \having prickly leaves; made of holly/holly-wood;
ACSI: CONJ \as if (ac si);
ACTA, ACTAE: N 1 1 F \sea-shore (as resort); beach; holiday (pl.), life of ease; party at seaside;
ACTE, ACTES: N 1 6 F \dwarf-elder (Sambucus ebulus);
ACTUM, ACTI: N 2 2 N \act, deed, transaction; acts (pl.), exploits; chronicles, (official) record;
ACTUS, ACTUS: N 4 1 M \act, performance (of play), delivery; action, deed; series/sequence; progress;
ACTUS, ACTUS: N 4 1 M \|right of way/road for cattle; path, cart-track; land measure (120 ft.);
ACTAEA, ACTAEAE: N 1 1 F \baneberry (Actaea spicata) (poisonous) (also called Herb Christopher);
ACTARIUS, ACTARII: N 2 1 M \short-hand writer, clerk, account/book-keeper, secretary;
ACTINOPHOROS, ACTINOPHORI: N 2 6 M \ray-bearing kind of shellfish;
ACTINOSUS, ACTINOSA, ACTINOSUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \glorious; (full of rays);
ACTIO, ACTIONIS: N 3 1 F \act, action, activity, deed; incident;, plot (play); legal process, suit; plea;
ACTITO, ACTITARE, ACTITAVI, ACTITATUS: V 1 1 \act/plead frequently/repeatedly; take parts in play as actor, be actor in;
ACTIUNCULA, ACTIUNCULAE: N 1 1 F \short judicial harangue; unimportant speech;
ACTIVUS, ACTIVA, ACTIVUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \active; practical; active (mood) (gram.);
ACTIVE: ADV POS \actively (gram. like an active verb);
ACTOR, ACTORIS: N 3 1 M \actor, performer, doer; advocate; plaintiff; agent; player;
ACTOR, ACTORIS: N 3 1 M \|drover, herdsman; wielder; (actor habenae => slinger);
ACTORIUS, ACTORIA, ACTORIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \active; practical; active (mood) (gram.);
ACTRIX, ACTRICIS: N 3 1 F \stewardess; agent (female); plaintiff (female) (L+S);
ACTUALIS, ACTUALIS, ACTUALE: ADJ 3 2 POS \active, practical;
ACTUARIUS, ACTUARIA, ACTUARIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \swift, nimble, light; of/serving to mark a cattle path/road between fields;
ACTUARIA, ACTUARIAE: N 1 1 F \fast passenger vessel with sails and oars;
ACTUARIUM, ACTUARII: N 2 2 N \(~ limes=> road 12 feet wide between fields); (~ canes=> hounds, hunting dogs);
ACTUARIUS, ACTUARI(I): N 2 4 M \short-hand writer, clerk, account/book-keeper, secretary;
ACTUARIOLA, ACTUARIOLAE: N 1 1 F \small fast vessel (with sails and oars); row boat; barge;
ACTUARIOLUM, ACTUARIOLI: N 2 2 N \small fast vessel (impelled by oars); row boat; barge;
ACTUM: ADV POS \sharply, pointedly; acutely;
ACTUOSUS, ACTUOSA, ACTUOSUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \active, busy, energetic, full of life; acting with extravagant gesture;
ACTUOSE: ADV POS \actively, busily, energetically; passionately, eagerly;
ACTUTUM: ADV POS \immediately, instantly; forthwith, without delay;
ACUO, ACUERE, ACUI, ACUTUS: V 3 1 \whet, sharpen, cut to a point; spur on, provoke, incite; come to a head (PASS);
ACUARIUS, ACUARI(I): N 2 4 M \maker/seller of needles/pins;
ACULA, ACULAE: N 1 1 F \small amount of water; small stream; little needle (L+S);
ACULOS, ACULI: N 2 6 F \acorn/fruit of the ilex (holm oak or evergreen oak) (poss. holly);
ACULEUS, ACULEI: N 2 1 M \sting, spine, thorn, prickle, point, spike; barb; pang, prick; sarcasm;
ACULEATUS, ACULEATA, ACULEATUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \prickly; stinging/sharp/barbed; subtle; inflicted by/having sting/spine/points;
ACULEOLUS, ACULEOLI: N 2 1 M \little needle/pin;
ACUMEN, ACUMINIS: N 3 2 N \sharpened point, spur; sting; peak, promontory; sharpness/cunning/acumen; fraud;
ACUMINO, ACUMINARE, ACUMINAVI, ACUMINATUS: V 1 1 \sharpen, make pointed, cut to a point;
ACUMINARIUS, ACUMINARIA, ACUMINARIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \good for sharpening; (mola ~ => stone for sharpening weapons);
ACUMINATUS, ACUMINATA, ACUMINATUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \sharp, pointed, tapering;
ACUNA, ACUNAE: N 1 1 F \measure/piece of land (120 feet square), square actus;
ACUPENSER, ACUPENSERIS: N 3 1 M \a fish (sturgeon?) (esteemed dainty dish);
ACUPENSIS, ACUPENSIS: N 3 3 M \a fish (sturgeon?) (esteemed dainty dish);
ACUS, ACERIS: N 3 2 N \husks of grain/beans, chaff;
ACUTUS, ACUTA, ACUTUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \of small radius; acute (angle);
ACUTUS, ACUTA -UM, ACUTIOR -OR -US, ACUTISSIMUS -A -UM: ADJ 1 1 X \sharp, sharpened, pointed/tapering; severe; glaring; acute, wise; high-pitched;
ACUTARUS, ACUTARA, ACUTARUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \that sharpens instruments;
ACUTE, ACUTIUS, ACUTISSIME: ADV X \acutely, with intellectual penetration; shrilly; clearly (seeing), distinctly;
ACUTOR, ACUTORIS: N 3 1 M \whetter, sharpener, one that sharpens;
ACUTULUS, ACUTULA, ACUTULUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \smart, subtle, clever; somewhat pointed;
ACUTULE: ADV POS \somewhat sharply;
ACYLOS, ACYLI: N 2 6 F \acorn of the holm-oak;
ACYROLOGIA, ACYROLOGIAE: N 1 1 F \impropriety of speech;
AD: ADV POS \about (with numerals);
AD: PREP ACC \to, up to, towards; near, at; until, on, by; almost; according to; about w/NUM;
ADACTUS, ADACTUS: N 4 1 M \thrust; forcing/bringing together (L+S); bite, biting;
ADACTIO, ADACTIONIS: N 3 1 F \action/process of administering an oath; forcing/bringing to (L+S);
ADADUNEPHROS, ADADUNEPHRI: N 2 6 M \a certain precious stone (Adad's - supreme god of Assyrians - kidney);
ADAEQUO, ADAEQUARE, ADAEQUAVI, ADAEQUATUS: V 1 1 \equalize, make equal in height, come up to level; compare (to); be equal; raze;
ADAEQUATIO, ADAEQUATIONIS: N 3 1 F \adjusting, adapting, making equal;
ADAEQUE: ADV POS \equally, to the same extent; so much; also, likewise, in a like manner;
ADAERO, ADAERARE, ADAERAVI, ADAERATUS: V 1 1 \calculate the area of a piece of land, appraise, value (in money), estimate;
ADAERATIO, ADAERATIONIS: N 3 1 F \the calculation of the area of a piece of land; valuing, appraising (L+S);
ADAGGERO, ADAGGERARE, ADAGGERAVI, ADAGGERATUS: V 1 1 \heap (earth, etc.) up around/over; seethe, foam up;
ADAGIUM, ADAGII: N 2 2 N \proverb; adage;
ADAGIO, ADAGIONIS: N 3 1 F \proverb; adage;
ADALGIDUS, ADALGIDA, ADALGIDUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \chilly, very cold (climate);
ADAM, UNDECLINED: N 9 9 M \Adam, from the Hebrew (NOM S => Adam, not Ada, otherwise 1 DECL Ad...);
ADAMUS, ADAMI: N 2 1 M \Adam, first man;
ADAMO, ADAMARE, ADAMAVI, ADAMATUS: V 1 1 \fall in love/lust with; love passionately/adulterously; admire greatly; covet;
ADAMANTEUS, ADAMANTEA, ADAMANTEUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \steel; of adamant, adamantine;
ADAMANTINUS, ADAMANTINA, ADAMANTINUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \incorruptible, impregnable; inflexible; hard as adamant/diamond/steel;
ADAMANTIS, ADAMANTIDOS/IS: N 3 7 F \plant (unidentified);
ADAMAS, ADAMANTIS: N 3 1 M \steel, hardest iron (early); anything hard, adamant; white sapphire; diamond;
ADAMPLIO, ADAMPLIARE, ADAMPLIAVI, ADAMPLIATUS: V 1 1 \enlarge, increase, widen; embellish;
ADAMUSSIM: ADV POS \exactly/precisely; accurately, with precision; according to a ruler/level (L+S);
ADAPERIO, ADAPERIRE, ADAPERIVI, ADAPERITUS: V 3 4 \throw open, open wide; unroll (scroll), open (book); uncover, reveal; open up,;
ADAPERIO, ADAPERERE, ADAPERUI, ADAPERTUS: V 3 1 \throw open, open wide; unroll (scroll), open (book); uncover, reveal; open up,;
ADAPERTIO, ADAPERTIONIS: N 3 1 F \uncovering, revealing, disclosure; opening (of eyes/mouth) (Souter);
ADAPTO, ADAPTARE, ADAPTAVI, ADAPTATUS: V 1 1 \adjust, modify; fit (to) (w/DAT);
ADAPTERTUS, ADAPTERTA, ADAPTERTUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \open (doors, flowers), expanded; not sealed off (honey cells);
ADAQUO, ADAQUARE, ADAQUAVI, ADAQUATUS: V 1 1 \water, supply with water, bring water to; obtain water; give to drink;
ADAQUOR, ADAQUARI, -, ADAQUATUS SUM: V 1 1 \bring/procure water (for one's self); fetch water;
ADAR, UNDECLINED: N 9 9 N \Adar, Jewish month; (twelveth in ecclesiatic year);
ADARO, ADARARE, ADARAVI, ADARATUS: V 1 1 \plow carefully;
ADARCA, ADARCAE: N 1 1 F \salty deposit/effolescence on reeds; froth on sedge forming spongy growth;
ADARCE, ADARCES: N 1 6 F \salty deposit/effolescence on reeds; froth on sedge forming spongy growth;
ADARESCO, ADARESCERE, ADARECUI, -: V 3 1 \become dry; dry up;
ADAUCTUS, ADAUCTUS: N 4 1 M \increase, growth;
ADAUCTO, ADAUCTARE, ADAUCTAVI, ADAUCTATUS: V 1 1 \increase, add to the resources of;
ADAUCTOR, ADAUCTORIS: N 3 1 M \augmenter;
ADAUGEO, ADAUGERE, ADAUXI, ADAUCTUS: V 2 1 \increase, augment, intensify; supplement, make more; exaggerate, magnify;
ADAUGESCO, ADAUGESCERE, -, -: V 3 1 \become greater/more numerous, increase;
ADAUGMEN, ADAUGMINIS: N 3 2 N \increase, additional quantity; augmentation;
ADBIBO, ADBIBERE, ADBIBI, -: V 3 1 \drink (in addition), take in by drinking; drink in, absorb, listen eagerly to;
ADBITO, ADBITERE, -, -: V 3 1 \approach, come/draw near;
ADBREVIO, ADBREVIARE, ADBREVIAVI, ADBREVIATUS: V 1 1 \shorten, cut off; abbreviate, abstract; epitomize (Souter); break off; weaken;
ADBREVIATUS, ADBREVIATA, ADBREVIATUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \abridged, shortened, cut off; straitened, contracted, narrowed; abbreviated;
ADBREVIATIO, ADBREVIATIONIS: N 3 1 F \abbreviation; diminution; epitome (Souter); shortening;
ADBREVIATOR, ADBREVIATORIS: N 3 1 M \summerizer; one who makes abstracts/epitomes from papal bulls;
ADCEDO, ADCEDERE, ADCESSI, ADCESSUS: V 3 1 \come near, approach; agree with; be added to (w/ad or in + ACC); constitute;
ADCEDENTIA, ADCEDENTIAE: N 1 1 F \an additional quality;
ADCELERO, ADCELERARE, ADCELERAVI, ADCELERATUS: V 1 1 \speed up, quicken, hurry; make haste, act quickly, hasten; accelerate;
ADCELERATIO, ADCELERATIONIS: N 3 1 F \speeding up, quickening, acceleration, hastening;
ADCESSUS, ADCESSUS: N 4 1 M \approach, arrival; entry, admittance, audience; hostile approach/attack; onset;
ADCESSIO, ADCESSIONIS: N 3 1 F \approach; increase, bonus; accessory; attack, onset (fever, rage); fit;
ADCESSITUS, ADCESSITUS: N 4 1 M \summons, sending for;
ADCESSITIO, ADCESSITIONIS: N 3 1 F \summons, sending for; (dies ~ => day of death);
ADCESSITOR, ADCESSITORIS: N 3 1 M \one who comes to summon/call/fetch another; accuser;
ADCLAMO, ADCLAMARE, ADCLAMAVI, ADCLAMATUS: V 1 1 \shout (at), cry out against, protest; shout approval, applaud;
ADCLAMATIO, ADCLAMATIONIS: N 3 1 F \acclamation, shout (of comment/approval/disapproval); crying against; brawling;
ADCLARO, ADCLARARE, ADCLARAVI, ADCLARATUS: V 1 1 \make clear, reveal, make manifest;
ADCLINIS, ADCLINIS, ADCLINE: ADJ 3 2 POS \leaning/resting (on/against); sloping, inclined; disposed/inclined (to);
ADCLINO, ADCLINARE, ADCLINAVI, ADCLINATUS: V 1 1 \lay down, rest (on) (w/DAT), lean against/towards, incline (to);
ADCLIVUS, ADCLIVA, ADCLIVUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \rising, sloping upward;
ADCLIVIS, ADCLIVIS, ADCLIVE: ADJ 3 2 POS \rising, sloping upward;
ADCLIVIS, ADCLIVIS: N 3 4 N \upward slope;
ADCLIVITAS, ADCLIVITATIS: N 3 1 F \slope, ascent, upward inclination, steepness;
ADCLUDO, ADCLUDERE, ADCLUSI, ADCLUSUS: V 3 1 \close up, shut the door;
ADCOGNOSCO, ADCOGNOSCERE, -, -: V 3 1 \recognize (visually or by some other means);
ADCOLA, ADCOLAE: N 1 1 C \neighbor; one who lives nearby/beside; inhabitant;
ADCOLO, ADCOLERE, ADCOLUI, ADCULTUS: V 3 1 \dwell/live near; be a neighbor to;
ADCOLENS, ADCOLENTIS: N 3 3 M \neighbors, people of the neighborhood;
ADCOMMODUS, ADCOMMODA, ADCOMMODUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \fitting, convenient, suitable to, adapted to;
ADCOMMODO, ADCOMMODARE, ADCOMMODAVI, ADCOMMODATUS: V 1 1 \adapt, adjust to, fit, suit; apply to, fasten on; apply/devote oneself to;
ADCOMMODATUS, ADCOMMODATA -UM, ADCOMMODATIOR -OR -US, ADCOMMODATISSIMUS -A -UM: ADJ 1 1 X \fit, suitable, appropriate; suiting the interests (of); favorably disposed (to;
ADCOMMODATIO, ADCOMMODATIONIS: N 3 1 F \adjustment, willingness to oblige, complaisance; fitting, adapting, adaptation;
ADCREDO, ADCREDERE, ADCREDIDI, ADCREDITUS: V 3 1 \give credence to, believe; put faith in, trust;
ADCRESCO, ADCRESCERE, ADCREVI, ADCRETUS: V 3 1 \increase/swell, grow larger/up/progressively; be added/annexed to; arise;
ADCRETUS, ADCRETA, ADCRETUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \overgrown with; encased in;
ADCRETIO, ADCRETIONIS: N 3 1 F \increase, an increasing, increment;
ADCUBITUS, ADCUBITUS: N 4 1 M \a reclining (at meals), lying;
ADCUBITIO, ADCUBITIONIS: N 3 1 F \a reclining (at meals), lying;
ADCUBITORIUS, ADCUBITORIA, ADCUBITORIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \pertaining to reclining (at table);
ADCUBO: ADV POS \in a prone/recumbent position;
ADCUDO, ADCUDERE, -, -: V 3 1 \coin in addition; strike/stamp/mint (coin) (L+S); make more money, add wealth;
ADCUMBO, ADCUMBERE, ADCUMBUI, ADCUMBITUS: V 3 1 \take a place/recline at the table; lie on (bed), lie at/prone, lie beside;
ADCUMULO, ADCUMULARE, ADCUMULAVI, ADCUMULATUS: V 1 1 \accumulate, heap/pile up/soil; add by exaggeration; add, increase, enhance;
ADCUMULATE, ADCUMULATIUS, ADCUMULATISSIME: ADV X \copiously, abundantly; superabundantly;
ADCUMULATIO, ADCUMULATIONIS: N 3 1 F \accumulation, heaping/piling up;
ADCUMULATOR, ADCUMULATORIS: N 3 1 M \heaper up; one who accumulates/amasses;
ADCURO, ADCURARE, ADCURAVI, ADCURATUS: V 1 1 \take care of, attend to (duties/guests), give attention to; perform with care;
ADCURATUS, ADCURATA -UM, ADCURATIOR -OR -US, ADCURATISSIMUS -A -UM: ADJ 1 1 X \accurate, exact, with care, meticulous; carefully performed/prepared; finished;
ADCURATE, ADCURATIUS, ADCURATISSIME: ADV X \carefully, accurately, precisely, exactly; nicely; painstakingly, meticulous;
ADCURATIO, ADCURATIONIS: N 3 1 F \accuracy, preciseness, care; carefulness, painstakingness; treatment (medical);
ADCURRO, ADCURRERE, ADCURRI, ADCURSUS: V 3 1 \run/hasten to (help); come/rush up (inanim subj.); charge, rush to attack;
ADCURSUS, ADCURSUS: N 4 1 M \rushing up (to see or give help); attack; onset;
ADDO, ADDERE, ADDIDI, ADDITUS: V 3 1 \add, insert, bring/attach to, say in addition; increase; impart; associate;
ADDAX, ADDACIS: N 3 1 M \addax (African antelope with twisted horns);
ADDECET, ADDECERE, ADDECIT: V 2 1 \it is fitting/proper, it behooves;
ADDECIMO, ADDECIMARE, ADDECIMAVI, ADDECIMATUS: V 1 1 \take the tenth part/a tenth; tithe;
ADDENSO, ADDENSARE, -, -: V 1 1 \thicken, make more dense;
ADDENSEO, ADDENSERE, -, -: V 2 1 \make more dense, close up (the ranks);
ADDICO, ADDICERE, ADDIXI, ADDICTUS: V 3 1 \be propitious; adjudge, sentence, doom; confiscate; award, assign; enslave;
ADDICTUS, ADDICTA, ADDICTUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \addicted (to); (debt) slave (of); bound (to do something); bent upon (disgrace;
ADDICTA, ADDICTAE: N 1 1 F \a person (female) enslaved for debt or theft;
ADDICTUS, ADDICTI: N 2 1 M \a person enslaved for debt or theft;
ADDICTIO, ADDICTIONIS: N 3 1 F \adjudication (disputed property), assignment (of debtor to custody/creditor);
ADDISCO, ADDISCERE, ADDIDICI, -: V 3 1 \learn in addition/further/besides; learn;
ADDITAMENTUM, ADDITAMENTI: N 2 2 N \addition; additional factor/amount/element; something added;
ADDITIO, ADDITIONIS: N 3 1 F \the act of adding, addition;
ADDOCEO, ADDOCERE, ADDOCUI, -: V 2 1 \teach new/additional accomplishments;
ADDORMIO, ADDORMIRE, ADDORMIVI, ADDORMITUS: V 3 4 \fall asleep, go to sleep; begin to sleep;
ADDORMISCO, ADDORMISCERE, -, -: V 3 1 \fall asleep;
ADDUBITO, ADDUBITARE, ADDUBITAVI, ADDUBITATUS: V 1 1 \doubt, be doubtful/uncertain; hesitate (to), hesitate over a situation;
ADDUCO, ADDUCERE, ADDUXI, ADDUCTUS: V 3 1 \lead up/to/away; bring up/to; persuade, induce; lead, bring; contract, tighten;
ADDUCTUS, ADDUCTA -UM, ADDUCTIOR -OR -US, ADDUCTISSIMUS -A -UM: ADJ 1 1 X \contracted, drawn together; frowning, grave; compressed, terse; strict, severe;
ADDUCTE, ADDUCTIUS, ADDUCTISSIME: ADV X \strictly, tightly; with close control;
ADDUCTOR, ADDUCTORIS: N 3 1 M \procurer;
ADEO, ADIRE, ADIVI(II), ADITUS: V 6 1 \approach; attack; visit, address; undertake; take possession (inheritance);
ADEDO, ADEDERE, ADEDI, ADESUS: V 3 1 \eat up, eat into/away at, nibble, squander; wear down, exhaust; erode;
ADEDO, ADESSE, -, -: V 7 3 \eat up, eat into/away at, nibble, squander; wear down, exhaust; erode;
ADELPHIS, ADELPHIDIS: N 3 3 F \a kind of date (hanging two together like brothers - Adelphi-The Brothers, play)
ADEMPTIO, ADEMPTIONIS: N 3 1 F \taking away, removal, deprivation; revocation (of legacy); withholding (right);
ADEMPTOR, ADEMPTORIS: N 3 1 M \one who takes away;
ADEO: ADV POS \to such a degree/pass/point; precisely, exactly; thus far; indeed, truly, even;
ADEPS, ADIPIS: N 3 1 C \fat, lard, grease; fatty tissue; bombast; corpulence, obesity (pl.); sapwood;
ADEPTUS, ADEPTUS: N 4 1 M \attainment, an obtaining;
ADEPTIO, ADEPTIONIS: N 3 1 F \(act of) obtaining, attainment, achievement;
ADEQUITO, ADEQUITARE, ADEQUITAVI, ADEQUITATUS: V 1 1 \ride up to/towards/near, gallop up;
ADERATOR, ADERATORIS: N 3 1 M \worshiper, one who adores;
ADERRO, ADERRARE, ADERRAVI, ADERRATUS: V 1 1 \stray towards/near; wander to/by;
ADESUS, ADESA, ADESUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \eaten, gnawed; worn away by water, eroded; (adesi lapides => smooth/polished);
ADESCO, ADESCARE, -, -: V 1 1 \feed; fatten;
ADESURIO, ADESURIRE, ADESURIVI, ADESURITUS: V 3 4 \be very hungry/starving;
ADFOR, ADFARI, -, ADFATUS SUM: V 1 1 \speak to, address; be spoked to/addressed (PASS), be decreed by fate;
ADFABER, ADFABRA, ADFABRUM: ADJ 1 2 POS \made/prepared ingeniously/skillfully/with art; ingenious, skilled in art;
ADFABILIS, ADFABILIS, ADFABILE: ADJ 3 2 POS \easy of access/to talk to, affable, friendly, courteous; sympathetic (words);
ADFABILITAS, ADFABILITATIS: N 3 1 F \affability, friendliness, courtesy;
ADFABILITER, ADFABILITIUS, ADFABILITISSIME: ADV X \conversationally, in informal/friendly discourse;
ADFABRE: ADV POS \skillfully, ingeniously, artistically;
ADFAMEN, ADFAMINIS: N 3 2 N \greeting, salutation, address;
ADFANIA, ADFANIAE: N 1 1 F \trifling talk (pl.), chatter; idle jests;
ADFATUS, ADFATUS: N 4 1 M \address, speech, converse with; pronouncement, utterance (of);
ADFATIM: ADV POS \sufficiently, amply, with complete satisfaction;
ADFECTUS, ADFECTA, ADFECTUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \endowed with, possessed of; minded; affected; impaired, weakened; emotional;
ADFECTUS, ADFECTUS: N 4 1 M \disposition, state (of body/mind), mood, emotion; affection, passion, love;
ADFECTO, ADFECTARE, ADFECTAVI, ADFECTATUS: V 1 1 \aim at, desire, aspire, try, lay claim to; try to control; feign, pretend;
ADFECTOR, ADFECTARI, -, ADFECTATUS SUM: V 1 1 \aim at, desire, aspire, try, lay claim to; try to control; feign, pretend;
ADFECTATUS, ADFECTATA, ADFECTATUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \studied, artificial, affected;
ADFECTATIO, ADFECTATIONIS: N 3 1 F \seeking/striving for, aspiration to; affectation, straining for; claiming;
ADFECTATO: ADV POS \studiously, zealously;
ADFECTATOR, ADFECTATORIS: N 3 1 M \aspirant, zealous seeker (of), one who strives to obtain/produce;
ADFECTE: ADV POS \deeply, with (strong) affection;
ADFECTIO, ADFECTIONIS: N 3 1 F \mental condition, mood, feeling, disposition; affection, love; purpose;
ADFECTIOSUS, ADFECTIOSA, ADFECTIOSUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \full of affection/attachment;
ADFECTIOSE: ADV POS \affectionately;
ADFECTIOSE, ADFECTIOSIUS, ADFECTIOSISSIME: ADV X \feelingly; with (kindly) feeling;
ADFECTRIX, ADFECTRICIS: N 3 1 F \aspirant (female); she who seeks/strives for (a thing);
ADFECTUALIS, ADFECTUALIS, ADFECTUALE: ADJ 3 2 POS \depending on a temporary condition;
ADFECTUOSUS, ADFECTUOSA, ADFECTUOSUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \affectionate, kind, full of inclination/affection/love;
ADFECTUOSE: ADV POS \affectionately, kindly;
ADFECTUOSE, ADFECTUOSIUS, ADFECTUOSISSIME: ADV X \feelingly; with (kindly) feeling;
ADFERO, ADFERRE, ADTULI, ADLATUS: V 3 2 \bring to, carry, convey; report, bring word, allege, announce; produce, cause;
ADFICIO, ADFICERE, ADFECI, ADFECTUS: V 3 1 \affect, make impression; move, influence; cause (hurt/death), afflict, weaken;
ADFIGO, ADFIGERE, ADFIXI, ADFIXUS: V 3 1 \fasten/fix/pin/attach to (w/DAT), annex; impress upon; pierce; chain, confine;
ADFINIS, ADFINIS, ADFINE: ADJ 3 2 POS \neighboring, adjacent, next, bordering; related (marriage), akin, connected;
ADFINGO, ADFINGERE, ADFINXI, ADFICTUS: V 3 1 \add to, attach; aggravate; embellish, counterfeit, forge; claim wrongly;
ADFINIS, ADFINIS: N 3 3 C \relation (by marriage); neighbor; accomplice;
ADFINITAS, ADFINITATIS: N 3 1 F \relation(ship) by marriage; relationship (man+wife), bond/union; neighborhood;
ADFIRMO, ADFIRMARE, ADFIRMAVI, ADFIRMATUS: V 1 1 \affirm/assert (dogmatically/positively); confirm, ratify, restore; emphasize;
ADFIRMANTER: ADV POS \certainly, assuredly, with assurance;
ADFIRMATE: ADV POS \with definite affirmation/solemn assertion, positively, certainly, assuredly;
ADFIRMATIO, ADFIRMATIONIS: N 3 1 F \affirmation, strengthening of belief; assertion, dogmatic/positive statement;
ADFIRMATOR, ADFIRMATORIS: N 3 1 M \one who makes a definite assertion/affirmation;
ADFIXUS, ADFIXA, ADFIXUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \fastened/joined to (person/thing); impressed on, fixed to; situated close to;
ADFIXUM, ADFIXI: N 2 2 N \fixtures (pl.) pertaining thereto;, permanent fittings/appendages/appurtenances;
ADFIXIO, ADFIXIONIS: N 3 1 F \joining/fastening to; an addition to;
ADFLO, ADFLARE, ADFLAVI, ADFLATUS: V 1 1 \blow/breathe (on/towards); inspire, infuse; waft; graze; breathe poison on;
ADFLEO, ADFLERE, ADFLEVI, ADFLETUS: V 2 1 \weep/cry at; weep as an accompaniment;
ADFLAGRANS, ADFLAGRANTIS: N 3 3 F \flaming/blazing up; turbulent, unquiet;
ADFLATUS, ADFLATUS: N 4 1 M \breath, snorting; breeze, wind, draught, (hot) blast; stench; inspiration;
ADFLATOR, ADFLATORIS: N 3 1 M \one who blows on/breathes into;
ADFLECTO, ADFLECTARE, ADFLECTAVI, ADFLECTATUS: V 1 1 \affect, move, influence (to a course of action);
ADFLICTUS, ADFLICTA, ADFLICTUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \in a state of ruin (persons/countries/affairs), shattered;
ADFLICTUS, ADFLICTUS: N 4 1 M \collision, blow; a striking against/dashing together;
ADFLICTO, ADFLICTARE, ADFLICTAVI, ADFLICTATUS: V 1 1 \shatter, damage, strike repeatedly, buffet, wreck; oppress, afflict; vex;
ADFLICTATIO, ADFLICTATIONIS: N 3 1 F \grievous suffering, torment, affliction;
ADFLICTATOR, ADFLICTATORIS: N 3 1 M \one who causes pain/suffering/torment/torture; tormenter;
ADFLICTIO, ADFLICTIONIS: N 3 1 F \pain, suffering, torment;
ADFLICTOR, ADFLICTORIS: N 3 1 M \one who strikes against/down/overthrows;
ADFLICTRIX, (GEN.), ADFLICTRICIS: ADJ 3 1 POS \that strikes against/down/overthrows or collides with;
ADFLICTRIX, ADFLICTRICIS: N 3 1 M \one (female) who strikes against/down/overthrows;
ADFLIGO, ADFLIGERE, ADFLIXI, ADFLICTUS: V 3 1 \overthrow/throw down; afflict, damage, crush, break, ruin; humble, weaken, vex;
ADFLUO, ADFLUERE, ADFLUXI, ADFLUXUS: V 3 1 \flow on/to/towards/by; glide/drift quietly; flock together, throng; abound;
ADFLUENS, ADFLUENTIS (GEN.), ADFLUENTIOR -OR -US, ADFLUENTISSIMUS -A -UM: ADJ 3 1 X \flowing/overflowing/abounding with; abundant, plentiful, sumptuous, copious;
ADFLUENTE, ADFLUENTIUS, ADFLUENTISSIME: ADV X \richly, copiously, abundantly, extravagantly, opulently;
ADFLUENTER, ADFLUENTIUS, ADFLUENTISSIME: ADV X \abundantly, copiously; luxuriously, extravagantly;
ADFLUENTIA, ADFLUENTIAE: N 1 1 F \flow (of a liquid); abundance, profusion, extravagance, opulence, riotousness;
ADFODIO, ADFODERE, -, -: V 3 1 \add by digging;
ADFRANGO, ADFRANGERE, -, -: V 3 1 \cause to be broken against, crush/strike/break against; break in pieces;
ADFREMO, ADFREMERE, -, -: V 3 1 \roar/rage/growl (at); assent noisily to (w/DAT);
ADFRIO, ADFRIARE, ADFRIAVI, ADFRIATUS: V 1 1 \sprinkle (powder); crumble, grate;
ADFRICO, ADFRICARE, ADFRICUI, ADFRICATUS: V 1 1 \rub (one thing against another); apply by rubbing, smear on;
ADFRICO, ADFRICARE, ADFRICUI, ADFRICTUS: V 1 1 \rub (one thing against another); apply by rubbing, smear on;
ADFRICATIO, ADFRICATIONIS: N 3 1 F \a rubbing on/against (a thing); friction; abrasion;
ADFRICTUS, ADFRICTUS: N 4 1 M \friction; rubbing on;
ADFRINGO, ADFRINGERE, -, -: V 3 1 \cause to be broken against, crush/strike/break against; break in pieces;
ADFUO, ADFUERE, ADFUXI, -: V 3 1 \flow/stream/issue (from), flow away; abound in (w/ABL), be abundant, abound;
ADFULGEO, ADFULGERE, ADFULSI, -: V 2 1 \shine forth, appear, dawn; shine/smile upon (w/favor), appear favorable;
ADFUNDO, ADFUNDERE, ADFUDI, ADFUSUS: V 3 1 \pour on/upon/into, heap up; shed/spill (blood); wash;
ADFUNDOR, ADFUNDI, -, ADFUSUS SUM: V 3 1 \prostrate oneself; cause to be spread on/over; flow alongside/past (streams);
ADGAUDEO, ADGAUDERE, -, -: V 2 1 \delight in; be delighted with;
ADGEMO, ADGEMERE, -, -: V 3 1 \groan in conjunction/sympathy (with);
ADGENICULOR, ADGENICULARI, -, ADGENICULATUS SUM: V 1 1 \kneel before, bend the knee before;
ADGER, ADGERIS: N 3 1 M \rampart (or material for); causeway, pier; heap, pile, mound; dam; mud wall;
ADGERO, ADGERARE, ADGERAVI, ADGERATUS: V 1 1 \heap/fill up, bring, carry; increase, add fuel; push/crowd/press together;
ADGERO, ADGERERE, ADGESSI, ADGESTUS: V 3 1 \heap/cover up over, pile/build up, erect; accumulate; intensify, exaggerate;
ADGERATIM: ADV POS \in heaps/piles;
ADGERATIO, ADGERATIONIS: N 3 1 F \heaped/piled up material;
ADGESTUS, ADGESTI: N 2 1 M \mound, dike, elevation formed like a dike/mound;
ADGESTUM, ADGESTI: N 2 2 N \mound, dike, elevation formed like a dike/mound;
ADGESTUS, ADGESTUS: N 4 1 M \piling up; act of bringing; earthen bank, terrace; sprinkling earth over body;
ADGESTIM: ADV POS \in heaps, abundantly;
ADGESTIO, ADGESTIONIS: N 3 1 F \heap, heaping up; mass (of mud), heap (of sand);
ADGLOMERO, ADGLOMERARE, ADGLOMERAVI, ADGLOMERATUS: V 1 1 \gather into a body, mass together, join forces; pile up in masses; agglomerate;
ADGLUTINO, ADGLUTINARE, ADGLUTINAVI, ADGLUTINATUS: V 1 1 \glue/stick/adhere/fasten to/together; fit/grip on closely; bring in contact;
ADGNASCOR, ADGNASCI, -, ADGNATUS SUM: V 3 1 \be born in addition/after father's will made; develop; grow later/on, arise;
ADGNATUS, ADGNATA, ADGNATUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \related, cognate;
ADGNATA, ADGNATAE: N 1 1 F \female blood relation on father's side;
ADGNATUS, ADGNATI: N 2 1 M \male blood relation (father's side); one born after father made his will;
ADGNATUM, ADGNATI: N 2 2 N \offshoot, side-shoot;
ADGNATICIUS, ADGNATICIA, ADGNATICIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \pertaining to agnati (born after will); (~ jus => right of agnati to inherit);
ADGNATIO, ADGNATIONIS: N 3 1 F \birth after father's will; blood relationship through father/male ancestor;
ADGNITUS, ADGNITUS: N 4 1 M \a "recognition" (drama);
ADGNITIO, ADGNITIONIS: N 3 1 F \recognition, knowledge; perception of nature/identity; avowal, acknowledgement;
ADGNITOR, ADGNITORIS: N 3 1 M \one who acknowledges or vouches for (a seal);
ADGNOMEN, ADGNOMINIS: N 3 2 N \nickname, an additional name denoting an achievement/characteristic;
ADGNOMENTUM, ADGNOMENTI: N 2 2 N \nickname, an additional name denoting an achievement/characteristic;
ADGNOSCO, ADGNOSCERE, ADGNOVI, ADGNITUS: V 3 1 \recognize, realize, discern; acknowledge, claim, admit to/responsibility;
ADGRAVO, ADGRAVARE, ADGRAVAVI, ADGRAVATUS: V 1 1 \aggravate, exaggerate; weigh down, oppress; make heavier; embarrass further;
ADGRAVESCO, ADGRAVESCERE, -, -: V 3 1 \become heavy; become severe/dangerous (illness), grow worse; be aggravated;
ADGREDIO, ADGREDERE, AGGRESSI, ADGRESSUS: V 3 1 \approach, advance; attack, assail; undertake, seize (opportunity), attempt;
ADGREDIOR, ADGREDI, -, ADGRESSUS SUM: V 3 1 \approach, advance; attack, assail; undertake, seize (opportunity), attempt;
ADGREGO, ADGREGARE, ADGREGAVI, ADGREGATUS: V 1 1 \collect, include, group, implicate; (cause to) flock/join together, attach;
ADGRESSUS, ADGRESSUS: N 4 1 M \attack, assault;
ADGRESSIO, ADGRESSIONIS: N 3 1 F \attack; action of setting about/undertaking (a task);
ADGRESSOR, ADGRESSORIS: N 3 1 M \attacker, assailant;
ADGRESSURA, ADGRESSURAE: N 1 1 F \attack, assault;
ADHAEREO, ADHAERERE, ASHAESI, ADHAESUS: V 2 1 \adhere, stick, cling/cleave to; hang on; be attached/concerned/involved;
ADHAERESCO, ADHAERESCERE, ADHAESI, -: V 3 1 \cling to, adhere, stick (in trouble); become lodged in (weapons); run aground;
ADHAESUS, ADHAESUS: N 4 1 M \adhesion; act/fact of adhering/combining;
ADHAESE: ADV POS \stammeringly; in a tongued-tied manner;
ADHAESIO, ADHAESIONIS: N 3 1 F \adhesion; linkage;
ADHAESIONA, ADHAESIONAE: N 1 1 F \adhesion; linkage;
ADHAESIONA, ADHAESIONAE: N 1 1 F \adhesion; linkage;
ADHEREO, ADHERERE, ADHESI, ADHESUS: V 2 1 \adhere, stick, cling/cleave to; hang on; be attached/concerned/involved;
ADHERSCO, ADHERESCERE, I, US: V 3 1 \adhere tightly, stick fast;
ADHIBEO, ADHIBERE, ADHIBUI, ADHIBITUS: V 2 1 \summon, invite, bring in; consult; put, add; use, employ, apply; hold out to;
ADHIBITIO, ADHIBITIONIS: N 3 1 F \application, employing; admission (e.g., to a banquet);
ADHINNIO, ADHINNIRE, ADHINNIVI, ADHINNITUS: V 3 4 \whinny to/at; express delight; strive after/long for with voluptuous desire;
ADHOC: ADV POS \thus far, till now, to this point; hitherto; yet, as yet; still; besides;
ADHORREO, ADHORRERE, ADHORRUI, -: V 2 1 \shudder (in addition);
ADHORTOR, ADHORTARI, -, ADHORTATUS SUM: V 1 1 \encourage, urge on; rally; exhort;
ADHORTAMEN, ADHORTAMINIS: N 3 2 N \encouragement, exhortation; incentive;
ADHORTATUS, ADHORTATUS: N 4 1 M \(act of) urging; encouragement, exhortation, persuasion;
ADHORTATIO, ADHORTATIONIS: N 3 1 F \exhortation, (words of) encouragement; persuasive speech/discourse/appeal;
ADHORTATIVUS, ADHORTATIVA, ADHORTATIVUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \belonging to encouragement/exhortation; (~ modus => encouraging mood);
ADHORTATOR, ADHORTATORIS: N 3 1 M \encourager, one who encourages/exhorts;
ADHOSPITO, ADHOSPITARE, ADHOSPITAVI, ADHOSPITATUS: V 1 1 \entertain as guest; propitiate;
ADHUC: ADV POS \thus far, till now, to this point; hitherto; yet, as yet; still; besides;
ADHUCINE: ADV POS \still? yet? (interog.) (adhuc ne);
ADIANTUM, ADIANTI: N 2 2 N \maidenhair, type of fern;
ADIAPHOROS, ADIAPHOROS, -: ADJ 2 6 POS \indifferent;
-, -, ADISPHORON: ADJ 2 8 POS \indifferent;
ADICIO, ADICERE, ADJECI, ADJECTUS: V 3 1 \add, increase, raise; add to (DAT/ad+ACC); suggest; hurl (weapon); throw to/at;
ADIGO, ADIGERE, ADEGI, ADACTUS: V 3 1 \drive in/to (cattle), force, impel; cast, hurl; consign (curse); bind (oath);
ADIMO, ADIMERE, ADEMI, ADEMPTUS: V 3 1 \withdraw, take away, carry off; castrate; deprive, steal, seize; annul; rescue;
ADIMPLEO, ADIMPLERE, ADIMPLEVI, ADIMPLETUS: V 2 1 \fill up (with); fulfill, carry out (promise/obligation);
ADIMPLETIO, ADIMPLETIONIS: N 3 1 F \completion, completing, fulfillment, fulfilling;
ADIMPLETOR, ADIMPLETORIS: N 3 1 M \inspirer, he who fills (by inspiration);
ADINCRESCO, ADINCRESCERE, -, -: V 3 1 \increase;
ADINDO, ADINDERE, -, -: V 3 1 \insert, put in/to; put in besides;
ADINGERO, ADINGERERE, ADINGESSI, ADINGESTUS: V 3 1 \bring to/heap on in addition;
ADINQUIRO, ADINQUIRERE, ADINQUISI, ADINQUISITUS: V 3 1 \investigate/inquire/look into further;
ADINSTAR, UNDECLINED: ADJ 9 9 POS \like, after the fashion of; according to the likeness of; about; (ad instar);
ADINVENIO, ADINVENIRE, ADINVENI, ADINVENTUS: V 3 4 \devise/invent/find out (in addition/intensive);
ADINVENTUM, ADINVENTI: N 2 2 N \invention;
ADINVICEM: ADV POS \in turn, by turns, on after the other, alternately; mutually, reciprocally;
ADIPATUS, ADIPATA, ADIPATUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \rich; containing fat, fatty, greasy; coarse, gross (L+S);
ADIPATUM, ADIPATI: N 2 2 N \rich dish; pastry prepared with fat (L+S);
ADIPISCOR, ADIPISCI, -, ADEPTUS SUM: V 3 1 \gain, secure, win, obtain; arrive at, come up to/into; inherit; overtake;
ADIPS, ADIPIS: N 3 1 C \fat, lard, grease; fatty tissue; bombast; corpulence, obesity (pl.);
ADIPSOS, ADIPSI: N 2 6 F \kind of Egyptian date; licorice (?);
ADIPSON, ADIPSI: N 2 8 N \licorice;
ADIPSATHEOS, ADIPSATHEI: N 2 6 M \thorny shrub which produces a fragrant oil;
ADIPSATHEON, ADIPSATHEI: N 2 8 N \thorny shrub which produces a fragrant oil;
ADITUS, ADITUS: N 4 1 M \approach, access; attack; entrance; chance, opportunity, means, way; beginning;
ADITO, ADITARE, ADITAVI, ADITATUS: V 1 1 \approach often/frequently/habitually;
ADITIALIS, ADITIALIS, ADITIALE: ADJ 3 2 POS \inaugural; (of a banquet) given by a magistrate upon entering office;
ADITIO, ADITIONIS: N 3 1 F \act/right of approaching (a person); taking possession of an inheritance;
ADIUMENTUM, ADIUMENTI: N 2 2 N \help, assistance, support, means of aid;
ADJACEO, ADJACERE, ADJACUI, ADJACITUS: V 2 1 \lie near to, lie beside; be adjacent/contiguous to, neighbor on; live near;
ADJACENS, (GEN.), ADJACENTIS: ADJ 3 1 POS \adjacent, neighboring;
ADJACENS, ADJACENTIS: N 3 4 N \adjacent/neighboring areas/regions/parts (pl.): adjoining country;
ADJECTUS, ADJECTUS: N 4 1 M \insertion/putting in/adding/applying to, addition; impact, contact;
ADJECTAMENTUM, ADJECTAMENTI: N 2 2 N \appendage, appurtenance, attachment; addition, increase;
ADJECTIO, ADJECTIONIS: N 3 1 F \addition; act of adding, infliction in addition; repetition; price increase;
ADJECTIVUS, ADJECTIVA, ADJECTIVUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \that is added (to the noun - gram.); adjective;
ADJICIO, ADJICERE, ADJECI, ADJECTUS: V 3 1 \add, increase, raise; add to (DAT/ad+ACC); suggest; hurl (weapon); throw to/at;
ADJICIO, ADJICERE, -, -: V 3 1 \add, increase, raise; add to (DAT/ad+ACC); suggest; hurl (weapon); throw to/at;
ADJUDICO, ADJUDICARE, ADJUDICAVI, ADJUDICATUS: V 1 1 \adjudge, impute, attribute, ascribe (to); award (as a judge), assign (to);
ADJUDICATIO, ADJUDICATIONIS: N 3 1 F \act of assignment (by a judge); vesting order; judicial judging of a matter;
ADJUGO, ADJUGARE, ADJUGAVI, ADJUGATUS: V 1 1 \join, attach (to);
ADJUNCTUM, ADJUNCTI: N 2 2 N \quality, characteristic, essential feature/attribute; collateral circumstance;
ADJUNCTUS, ADJUNCTA -UM, ADJUNCTIOR -OR -US, ADJUNCTISSIMUS -A -UM: ADJ 1 1 X \bound/belonging to; composite, joined in compound (word); adjacent; relevant;
ADJUNCTIO, ADJUNCTIONIS: N 3 1 F \union, association; admixture, combination; (limiting) addition, qualification;
ADJUNCTIVUS, ADJUNCTIVA, ADJUNCTIVUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \adjectival; that is joined/added; conjunctions that govern subjunctive mood L+S;
ADJUNCTOR, ADJUNCTORIS: N 3 1 M \one who adds/joins/unites; proposer (that ... be added to ...);
ADJUNGO, ADJUNGERE, ADJUNXI, ADJUNCTUS: V 3 1 \add, attach, join to, add to, support; apply to; harness, yoke; direct; confer;
ADJURO, ADJURARE, ADJURAVI, ADJURATUS: V 1 1 \swear by/solemnly; affirm with oath; charge/entreat/urge (as under oath/curse);
ADJURAMENTUM, ADJURAMENTI: N 2 2 N \conjuring, entreaty;
ADJURATIO, ADJURATIONIS: N 3 1 F \act of appealing to/by adjuration; swearing to/by (something);
ADJURATOR, ADJURATORIS: N 3 1 M \one who conjures, conjurer;
ADJUTUS, ADJUTUS: N 4 1 M \help, aid;
ADJUTO, ADJUTARE, ADJUTAVI, ADJUTATUS: V 1 1 \help (with a burden/activity; help realize a program/purpose;
ADJUTOR, ADJUTARI, -, ADJUTATUS SUM: V 1 1 \help (with a burden/activity; help realize a program/purpose;
ADJUTOR, ADJUTORIS: N 3 1 M \assistant, deputy; accomplice; supporter; secretary; assistant schoolmaster;
ADJUTORIUM, ADJUTORI(I): N 2 4 N \help, assistance, support; argumentation;
ADJUTRIX, ADJUTRICIS: N 3 1 F \female assistant/helper/accomplice; feminine nouns; as title of a legion;
ADJUVO, ADJUVARE, ADJUVI, ADJUTUS: V 1 1 \help, aid, abet, encourage, favor; cherish, sustain; be of use, be profitable;
ADJUVO, ADJUVARE, ADJUVAVI, ADJUVATUS: V 1 1 \help, aid, abet, encourage, favor; cherish, sustain; be of use, be profitable;
ADJUVANS, (GEN.), ADJUVANTIS: ADJ 3 1 POS \contributory (cause);
ADJUVATORIUM, ADJUVATORI(I): N 2 4 N \assistance, cooperation;
ADLABOR, ADLABI, -, ADLAPSUS SUM: V 3 1 \glide/move/flow towards (w/DAT/ACC); creep up; steal into; fly (missiles);
ADLABORO, ADLABORARE, ADLABORAVI, ADLABORATUS: V 1 1 \make a special effort; take trouble to;
ADLACRIMO, ADLACRIMARE, -, -: V 1 1 \shed tears, cry, weep (at or as an accompaniment to something);
ADLAMBO, ADLAMBERE, -, -: V 3 1 \lick (of flames);
ADLAPSUS, ADLAPSUS: N 4 1 M \gliding up; gliding/stealthy approach; flowing towards or near;
ADLATRO, ADLATRARE, ADLATRAVI, ADLATRATUS: V 1 1 \bark at; rail at; rage, roar (sea);
ADLAVO, ADLAVARE, ADLAVAVI, ADLAVATUS: V 1 1 \flow up to (water), wash;
ADLECTO, ADLECTARE, ADLECTAVI, ADLECTATUS: V 1 1 \entice, allure, encourage, invite;
ADLECTATIO, ADLECTATIONIS: N 3 1 F \coaxing, enticing, encouragement, invitation;
ADLECTATOR, ADLECTATORIS: N 3 1 M \one who coaxes/entices/attracts/invites/encourages;
ADLECTOR, ADLECTORIS: N 3 1 M \official of a collegium (concerned with dues or admission);
ADLECTURA, ADLECTURAE: N 1 1 F \office of collector of revenues (colligium allector);
ADLEGO, ADLEGERE, ADLEGI, ADLECTUS: V 3 1 \choose, admit, elect, recruit, select, appoint;
ADLEGO, ADLEGARE, ADLEGAVI, ADLEGATUS: V 1 1 \depute/send as agent, commission, put up; suborn; urge/plea, lay before; allege;
ADLEGATUS, ADLEGATUS: N 4 1 M \instigation, prompting;
ADLEGATIO, ADLEGATIONIS: N 3 1 F \allegation, charge; intercession; representation made on behalf of another;
ADLENIMENTUM, ADLENIMENTI: N 2 2 N \soothing remedy/relief;
ADLEVO, ADLEVARE, ADLEVAVI, ADLEVATUS: V 1 1 \lift/heap/pile up, raise, exalt; alleviate, diminish, weaken; comfort, console;
ADLEVO, ADLEVARE, ADLEVAVI, ADLEVATUS: V 1 1 \|smooth, smooth off, make smooth; polish; depilate;
ADLEVAMENTUM, ADLEVAMENTI: N 2 2 N \mitigation; relief, alleviation;
ADLEVATIO, ADLEVATIONIS: N 3 1 F \alleviation, easing; relief; lifting up, raising;
ADLEVATOR, ADLEVATORIS: N 3 1 M \one who lifts/raises up;
ADLEVIO, ADLEVIARE, ADLEVIAVI, ADLEVIATUS: V 1 1 \lighten, make light; deal lightly/leniently with; raise up, relieve;
ADLIBENTIA, ADLIBENTIAE: N 1 1 F \inclination (for);
ADLIBESCO, ADLIBESCERE, -, -: V 3 1 \be pleasing, gratify; be roused with desire (for);
ADLICIO, ADLICIERE, ADLEXI, ADLECTUS: V 3 1 \draw gently to, entice, lure, induce (sleep), attract, win over, encourage;
ADLIDO, ADLIDERE, ADLISI, ADLISUS: V 3 1 \dash against; crush against, bruise; ruin; shipwreck;
ADLIGO, ADLIGARE, ADLIGAVI, ADLIGATUS: V 1 1 \bind/fetter (to); bandage; hinder, impede, detain; accuse; implicate/involve in;
ADLIGAMENTUM, ADLIGAMENTI: N 2 2 N \band, binding, tie;
ADLIGATIO, ADLIGATIONIS: N 3 1 F \tying or binding to supports; a bond; band;
ADLIGATOR, ADLIGATORIS: N 3 1 M \one who ties or binds to a support;
ADLIGATURA, ADLIGATURAE: N 1 1 F \band, binding;
ADLINO, ADLINERE, ADLINEVI, ADLINITUS: V 3 1 \smear/spread/dash over (W/DAT); spread out on; adhere to;
ADLISIO, ADLISIONIS: N 3 1 F \dashing against; striking upon;
ADLOCUTIO, ADLOCUTIONIS: N 3 1 F \address (spoken/written), manner of address; consolation; harangue, exhortation;
ADLOQUOR, ADLOQUI, -, ADLOCUTUS SUM: V 3 1 \speak to (friendly); address, harangue, make a speech (to); call on; console;
ADLOQUIUM, ADLOQUI(I): N 2 4 N \address, addressing, talk; talking to, encouragement, friendly/reassuring words;
ADLUO, ADLUERE, ADLUI, -: V 3 1 \wash/flow past/near/against, lap; beset; bathe (person) (tears); deposit silt;
ADLUBENTIA, ADLUBENTIAE: N 1 1 F \inclination (for);
ADLUBESCO, ADLUBESCERE, -, -: V 3 1 \be pleasing, gratify; be roused with desire (for);
ADLUCEO, ADLUCERE, ADLUXI, -: V 2 1 \shine upon; light (a torch); show/give (opportunity/chance); give/supply light;
ADLUCTOR, ADLUCTARI, -, ADLUCTATUS SUM: V 1 1 \wrestle; wrestle with (w/DAT);
ADLUDO, ADLUDERE, ADLUSI, ADLUSUS: V 3 1 \frolic/play/sport around/with, play against; jest, make mocking allusion to;
ADLUVIUS, ADLUVIA, ADLUVIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \alluvial, from river overflow/deposit;
ADLUVIES, ADLUVIEI: N 5 1 F \silt, soil deposited by a river; flood land by a river; lapping of waves;
ADLUVIES, ADLUVIEI: N 5 1 F \|inundation, flood; overflow; superabundance; river deposited silt; floodland;
ADLUVIO, ADLUVIONIS: N 3 1 F \inundation, flood; overflow; land addition by silt deposition; superabundance;
ADMATURO, ADMATURARE, ADMATURAVI, ADMATURATUS: V 1 1 \hasten (an occurrence); bring to maturity, mature, ripen;
ADMEO, ADMEARE, ADMEAVI, ADMEATUS: V 1 1 \go to, approach;
ADMETIOR, ADMETIRI, -, ADMENSUS SUM: V 3 4 \measure out (to);
ADMIGRO, ADMIGRARE, ADMIGRAVI, ADMIGRATUS: V 1 1 \go and live with; go to a place; come to; be added to;
ADMINICULUM, ADMINICULI: N 2 2 N \prop (vines), pole, stake; support, stay, bulwark; means, aid, tool; auxiliary;
ADMINICULO, ADMINICULARE, ADMINICULAVI, ADMINICULATUS: V 1 1 \prop (up), support (with props); support with authority; applied to adverb;
ADMINICULOR, ADMINICULARI, -, ADMINICULATUS SUM: V 1 1 \prop (up), support (with props) (vines);
ADMINICULATUS, ADMINICULATA -UM, ADMINICULATIOR -OR -US, ADMINICULATISSIMUS -A -U: ADJ 1 1 X \well stocked; supported; well furnished/provided;
ADMINICULATOR, ADMINICULATORIS: N 3 1 M \assistant, supporter; one who supports;
ADMINISTER, ADMINISTRI: N 2 3 M \assistant, helper, supporter; one at hand to help, attendant; priest, minister;
ADMINISTRA, ADMINISTRAE: N 1 1 F \assistant (female), helper, supporter, servant; handmaiden, attendant;
ADMINISTRO, ADMINISTRARE, ADMINISTRAVI, ADMINISTRATUS: V 1 1 \administer, manage, direct; assist; operate, conduct; maneuver (ship); bestow;
ADMINISTRATIO, ADMINISTRATIONIS: N 3 1 F \administration; assistance; execution, operation, management, care of affairs;
ADMINISTRATIVUS, ADMINISTRATIVA, ADMINISTRATIVUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \practical; suitable for the administration of;
ADMINISTRATOR, ADMINISTRATORIS: N 3 1 M \director, manager; one who is in charge of an operation;
ADMINISTRATORIUS, ADMINISTRATORIA, ADMINISTRATORIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \performing the duties of an assistant/helper; serving, ministering;
ADMIROR, ADMIRARI, -, ADMIRATUS SUM: V 1 1 \admire, respect; regard with wonder, wonder at; be surprised at, be astonished;
ADMIRABILIS, ADMIRABILIS, ADMIRABILE: ADJ 3 2 POS \admirable, wonderful; strange, astonishing, remarkable; paradoxical, contrary;
ADMIRABILITAS, ADMIRABILITATIS: N 3 1 F \wonderful character, remarkableness; admiration, wonder;
ADMIRABILITER: ADV POS \admirably, astonishingly, in a wonderful/wondrous manner; paradoxically;
ADMIRANDUS, ADMIRANDA, ADMIRANDUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \wonderful, admirable; astonishing, remarkable, extraordinary;
ADMIRANTER: ADV POS \admiringly, with admiration;
ADMIRATIO, ADMIRATIONIS: N 3 1 F \wonder, surprise, astonishment; admiration, veneration, regard; marvel;
ADMIRATOR, ADMIRATORIS: N 3 1 M \admirer; one who venerates;
ADMISCEO, ADMISCERE, ADMISCUI, ADMISTUS: V 2 1 \mix, mix together; involve; add an ingredient to; contaminate; confuse, mix up;
ADMISCEO, ADMISCERE, ADMISCUI, ADMIXTUS: V 2 1 \mix, mix together; involve; add an ingredient to; contaminate; confuse, mix up;
ADMISSUM, ADMISSI: N 2 2 N \crime, offense;
ADMISSUS, ADMISSUS: N 4 1 M \admission, letting in;
ADMISSARIUS, ADMISSARIA, ADMISSARIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \kept for breeding (male animals), on stud;
ADMISSARIUS, ADMISSARII: N 2 1 M \stallion/he-ass, stud; sodomite;
ADMISSIO, ADMISSIONIS: N 3 1 F \getting in, audience, interview; application (medical); mating (animals);
ADMISSIONALIS, ADMISSIONALIS: N 3 3 M \one who introduces/announces at audience; privy chamber usher; seneschal;
ADMISSIVUS, ADMISSIVA, ADMISSIVUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \permitting/favorable (birds of omen approving of action in question);
ADMISSOR, ADMISSORIS: N 3 1 M \perpetrator; one who allows himself to do a thing;
ADMISSURA, ADMISSURAE: N 1 1 F \breeding, generation; copulation/mating of domestic animals, service;
ADMISTUS, ADMISTUS: N 4 1 M \mixture, admixture, mingling;
ADMISTIO, ADMISTIONIS: N 3 1 F \mixture, admixture, mingling;
ADMITTO, ADMITTERE, ADMISI, ADMISSUS: V 3 1 \urge on, put to a gallop; let in, admit, receive; grant, permit, let go;
ADMIXTUS, ADMIXTA, ADMIXTUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \mixed; contaminated; not simple; confused;
ADMIXTUS, ADMIXTUS: N 4 1 M \mixture, admixture, mingling;
ADMIXTIO, ADMIXTIONIS: N 3 1 F \mixture, admixture, mingling;
ADMODEROR, ADMODERARI, -, -: V 1 1 \control (w/DAT); keep within limits; moderate;
ADMODERATE: ADV POS \comfortably; suitably;
ADMODULOR, ADMODULARI, -, ADMODULATUS SUM: V 1 1 \harmonize/accord with;
ADMODUM: ADV POS \very, exceedingly, greatly, quite; excessively; just so; certainly, completely;
ADMOENIO, ADMOENIRE, ADMOENIVI, ADMOENITUS: V 3 4 \bring (siege engine) into operation, draw near the walls; besiege, invest;
ADMOLIOR, ADMOLIRI, -, ADMOLITUS SUM: V 3 4 \struggle, exert oneself (to); put one's hand on object/task; lay violent hands;
ADMONEO, ADMONERE, ADMONUI, ADMONITUS: V 2 1 \admonish, remind, prompt; suggest, advise, raise; persuade, urge; warn, caution;
ADMONITUM, ADMONITI: N 2 2 N \warning; reminder; reminding; advice; admonition;
ADMONITUS, ADMONITUS: N 4 1 M \advice, recommendation; admonition, warning; command (animal); reminder; reproof
ADMONITIO, ADMONITIONIS: N 3 1 F \act of reminding; reminder, recurring symptom; warning, advice; rebuke;
ADMONITOR, ADMONITORIS: N 3 1 M \admonisher; exhorter; one who reminds;
ADMONITRIX, ADMONITRICIS: N 3 1 F \monitor (female); she that admonishers/reminds;
ADMORDEO, ADMORDERE, ADMORDI, ADMORSUS: V 2 1 \bite at/into, gnaw; extract money from; fleece; get possession of their property
ADMORSUS, ADMORSUS: N 4 1 M \bite, biting, gnawing;
ADMOTIO, ADMOTIONIS: N 3 1 F \act of moving towards/on to; application;
ADMOVEO, ADMOVERE, ADMOVI, ADMOTUS: V 2 1 \move up, bring up/near; lean on, conduct; draw near, approach; apply, add;
ADMUGIO, ADMUGIRE, -, -: V 3 4 \low (to); bellow (to); (like a bull);
ADMULCO, ADMULCARE, -, -: V 1 1 \stroke;
ADMURMURO, ADMURMURARE, ADMURMURAVI, ADMURMURATUS: V 1 1 \murmur in protest or approval; murmur at;
ADMURMUROR, ADMURMURARI, -, ADMURMURATUS SUM: V 1 1 \murmur in protest or approval; murmur at;
ADMURMURATIO, ADMURMURATIONIS: N 3 1 F \murmur of comment; murmuring;
ADMUTILO, ADMUTILARE, ADMUTILAVI, ADMUTILATUS: V 1 1 \cut/clip close; shave; fleece, cheat, defraud;
ADNO, ADNARE, ADNAVI, ADNATUS: V 1 1 \swim to/towards, approach by swimming; sail to/towards; brought by sea (goods);
ADNATO, ADNATARE, ADNATAVI, ADNATATUS: V 1 1 \swim to/up to; swim beside/alongside;
ADNAVIGO, ADNAVIGARE, ADNAVIGAVI, ADNAVIGATUS: V 1 1 \sail to/up to/towards; sail beside/alongside;
ADNECTO, ADNECTERE, ADNEXUI, ADNEXUS: V 3 1 \tie on/to, tie up (ship); bind to; fasten on; attach, connect, join, annex;
ADNEPOS, ADNEPOTIS: N 3 1 M \great-great-great-grandson;
ADNEPTIS, ADNEPTIS: N 3 3 F \great-great-great-granddaughter;
ADNEXUS, ADNEXA, ADNEXUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \attached, linked, joined; contiguous (to); related by blood; concerned;
ADNEXUS, ADNEXUS: N 4 1 M \tying/binding/fastening/attaching (to), connecting; connection: annexation;
ADNEXIO, ADNEXIONIS: N 3 1 F \tying/binding to, connecting; annexation;
ADNIUS, ADNIUS: N 4 1 M \striving; exertion;
ADNIHILO, ADNIHILARE, ADNIHILAVI, ADNIHILATUS: V 1 1 \annihilate, destroy, demolish, ruin, bring to nothing;
ADNILILO, ADNILILARE, ADNILILAVI, ADNILILATUS: V 1 1 \annihilate, bring to nothing;
ADNITOR, ADNITI, -, ADNISUS SUM: V 3 1 \lean/rest upon, support oneself, (w/genibus) kneel; strive, work, exert, try;
ADNITOR, ADNITI, -, ADNIXUS SUM: V 3 1 \lean/rest upon, support oneself, (w/genibus) kneel; strive, work, exert, try;
ADNIXUS, ADNIXA, ADNIXUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \vehement, strenuous;
ADNODO, ADNODARE, ADNODAVI, ADNODATUS: V 1 1 \cut (a shoot) right back, cut flush; cut off knots, cut away suckers;
ADNOMENTUM, ADNOMENTI: N 2 2 N \nickname, an additional name denoting an achievement/characteristic;
ADNOMINATIO, ADNOMINATIONIS: N 3 1 F \punning/pun; linking two words of different meaning but like sound, paronomasia;
ADNOTO, ADNOTARE, ADNOTAVI, ADNOTATUS: V 1 1 \note/jot down, notice, become aware; mark, annotate; record, state; designate;
ADNOTAMENTUM, ADNOTAMENTI: N 2 2 N \note, comment, remark, annotation;
ADNOTATUS, ADNOTATI: N 2 1 M \person officially announced as "wanted", wanted man;
ADNOTATUS, ADNOTATUS: N 4 1 M \notice, noting, remark, mention;
ADNOTATIO, ADNOTATIONIS: N 3 1 F \note or comment; writing/making notes; notice; rescript of emperor by his hand;
ADNOTATIUNCULA, ADNOTATIUNCULAE: N 1 1 F \short note/comment; brief annotation;
ADNOTATOR, ADNOTATORIS: N 3 1 M \one who makes notes, note taker; observer; controller of the annual income (jur)
ADNUO, ADNUERE, ADNUI, ADNUTUS: V 3 1 \designate by a nod; indicate, declare; nod assent; smile on; agree to, grant;
ADNUBILO, ADNUBILARE, ADNUBILAVI, ADNUBILATUS: V 1 1 \bring up clouds (against);
ADNULLO, ADNULLARE, ADNULLAVI, ADNULLATUS: V 1 1 \annihilate, obliterate, destroy; annul (eccl.);
ADNUMERO, ADNUMERARE, ADNUMERAVI, ADNUMERATUS: V 1 1 \count (in/out), pay; reckon (time); enumerate, run through; classify as; add;
ADNUMERATIO, ADNUMERATIONIS: N 3 1 F \numbering, counting, enumeration;
ADNUNTIUS, ADNUNTIA, ADNUNTIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \announcer, that brings news/announces/makes known;
ADNUNTIUS, ADNUNTIA, ADNUNTIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \announcer, that brings news/announces/makes known;
ADNUNTIO, ADNUNTIARE, ADNUNTIAVI, ADNUNTIATUS: V 1 1 \announce, say, make known; report, bring news; prophesy/announce before; preach;
ADNUNTIO, ADNUNTIARE, ADNUNTIAVI, ADNUNTIATUS: V 1 1 \announce, say, make known; report, bring news; prophesy/announce before; preach;
ADNUNTIATIO, ADNUNTIATIONIS: N 3 1 F \annunciation/announcement, declaration; message; prediction/prophecy; preaching;
ADNUNTIATIO, ADNUNTIATIONIS: N 3 1 F \annunciation/announcement, declaration; message; prediction/prophecy; preaching;
ADNUNTIATOR, ADNUNTIATORIS: N 3 1 M \announcer, herald, one who announces; prophet (Souter); preacher;
ADNUNTIATOR, ADNUNTIATORIS: N 3 1 M \announcer, herald, one who announces; prophet (Souter); preacher;
ADNUNTIATRIX, ADNUNTIATRICIS: N 3 1 C \announcer, preacher, one who announces; prophetess (F) (Souter);
ADNUNTIATRIX, ADNUNTIATRICIS: N 3 1 C \announcer, preacher, one who announces; prophetess (F) (Souter);
ADNUTO, ADNUTARE, ADNUTAVI, ADNUTATUS: V 1 1 \nod (to); order/assent to by a nod; bow to;
ADNUTRIO, ADNUTRIRE, -, -: V 3 4 \train (on);
ADOBRUO, ADOBRUERE, ADOBRUI, ADOBRUTUS: V 3 1 \cover over with earth, bury;
ADOLEO, ADOLERE, ADOLUI, ADOLULTUS: V 2 1 \worship, make/burn sacrifice/offerings; cremate; destroy/treat by fire/heat;
ADOLOR, ADOLARI, -, ADOLATUS SUM: V 1 1 \fawn upon (as a dog); flatter (in a servile manner), court; make obeisance (to;
ADOLEO, ADOLERE, -, -: V 2 1 \emit/give out a smell/odor;
ADOLESCO, ADOLESCERE, ADOLEVI, ADULTUS: V 3 1 \grow up, mature, reach manhood/peak; become established/strong; grow, increase;
ADOLESCO, ADOLESCERE, ADOLUI, ADULTUS: V 3 1 \grow up, mature, reach manhood/peak; become established/strong; grow, increase;
ADOLESCO, ADOLESCERE, -, -: V 3 1 \burn, blaze up, flame, be kindled; (of a sacrifice);
ADOLESCENS, ADOLESCENTIS: N 3 3 C \young man, youth; youthful person; young woman/girl;
ADOLESCENS, ADOLESCENTIS (GEN.), ADOLESCENTIOR -OR -US, ADOLESCENTISSIMUS -A -UM: ADJ 3 1 X \young, youthful; "minor" (in reference to the younger of two having same name);
ADOLESCENTIA, ADOLESCENTIAE: N 1 1 F \youth, young manhood; characteristic of being young, youthfulness; the young;
ADOLESCENTULA, ADOLESCENTULAE: N 1 1 F \young woman; very young woman; 'my child';
ADOLESCENTULUS, ADOLESCENTULI: N 2 1 M \young man; mere youth;
ADOLESCENTURIO, ADOLESCENTURIRE, -, -: V 3 4 \want to behave in a youthful manner;
ADOMINATIO, ADOMINATIONIS: N 3 1 F \good/favorable omen;
ADONIUM, ADONII: N 2 2 N \species of southernwood (flower of golden color or blood-red);
ADOPERTUS, ADOPERTA, ADOPERTUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \covered, overspread; clothed; veiled, disguised, hiding; shut, closed;
ADOPERTUM, ADOPERTI: N 2 2 N \religious secrets (pl.), mysteries;
ADOPERTE: ADV POS \covertly, in a dark/mysterious manner;
ADOPINOR, ADOPINARI, -, ADOPINATUS SUM: V 1 1 \conjecture/surmise/opine/think/suppose (further);
ADOPTO, ADOPTARE, ADOPTAVI, ADOPTATUS: V 1 1 \adopt, select, secure, pick out; wish/name for oneself; adopt legally;
ADOPTATA, ADOPTATAE: N 1 1 F \adopted daughter;
ADOPTATUS, ADOPTATI: N 2 1 M \adopted son;
ADOPTATICIUS, ADOPTATICIA, ADOPTATICIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \adopted (into a family); (as a son/daughter);
ADOPTATICIA, ADOPTATICIAE: N 1 1 F \adopted daughter;
ADOPTATIO, ADOPTATIONIS: N 3 1 F \adoption of a child; adoption into a family (Roman custom);
ADOPTATOR, ADOPTATORIS: N 3 1 M \one who adopts a child;
ADOPTIO, ADOPTIONIS: N 3 1 F \adoption of a child; adoption into a family; grafting (plant);
ADOPTIVUS, ADOPTIVA, ADOPTIVUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \adoptive, obtained by adoption; formed by grafting;
ADOR, ADORIS: N 3 2 N \coarse grain; emmer wheat; spelt;
ADORO, ADORARE, ADORAVI, ADORATUS: V 1 1 \honor, worship, pay homage, reverence, adore; beg, plead with, appeal to;
ADORABILIS, ADORABILIS, ADORABILE: ADJ 3 2 POS \worthy of adoration/veneration;
ADORATIO, ADORATIONIS: N 3 1 F \act of worship or prayer;
ADORATOR, ADORATORIS: N 3 1 M \worshipper, adorer, one who worships/prays/reverences;
ADOREUS, ADOREA, ADOREUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \pertaining to/consisting of emmer wheat/spelt;
ADOREA, ADOREAE: N 1 1 F \prize of value; (anciently, a gift of grain);
ADOREUM, ADOREI: N 2 2 N \emmer wheat, spelt;
ADORIO, ADORIRE, -, ADORITUS: V 3 4 \assail/assault/attack, rise against (military/political/plague); accost/address;
ADORIO, ADORIRE, -, ADORITUS: V 3 4 \|improperly influence; undertake/try/attempt/come to grips; begin/set to work;
ADORIOR, ADORIRI, -, ADORTUS SUM: V 3 4 \assail/assault/attack, rise against (military/political/plague); accost/address;
ADORIOR, ADORIRI, -, ADORTUS SUM: V 3 4 \|improperly influence; undertake/try/attempt/come to grips; begin/set to work;
ADORIA, ADORIAE: N 1 1 F \glory, distinction;
ADORIUM, ADORII: N 2 2 N \emmer wheat, spelt;
ADORIOSUS, ADORIOSA, ADORIOSUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \celebrated, that has often obtained the adorea - prize;
ADORNO, ADORNARE, ADORNAVI, ADORNATUS: V 1 1 \equip, get ready, prepare; set off; adorn, array, embellish; honor, endow;
ADORNATE: ADV POS \elegantly, in a polished manner;
ADPAGINECULUS, ADPAGINECULI: N 2 1 M \kind of decorative attachment (archit.);
ADPALIS, ADPALIS, ADPALE: ADJ 3 2 POS \greasy, fatty; of/with fat/grease;
ADPARO, ADPARARE, ADPARAVI, ADPARATUS: V 1 1 \prepare, fit out, make ready, equip, provide; attempt; organize (a project);
ADPAREO, ADPARERE, ADPARUI, ADPARITUS: V 2 1 \appear; be evident/visible/noticed/found; show up, occur; serve (w/DAT);
ADPARET, ADPARERE, ADPARIT: V 2 1 \it is apparent/evident/clear/certain/visible/noticeable/found; it appears;
ADPARAMENTUM, ADPARAMENTI: N 2 2 N \preparation, preparing; that which is prepared;
ADPARATUS, ADPARATUS: N 4 1 M \preparation; instruments, equipment, supplies, stock; splendor, pomp, trappings;
ADPARATUS, ADPARATA -UM, ADPARATIOR -OR -US, ADPARATISSIMUS -A -UM: ADJ 1 1 X \prepared, equipped, ready; splendid, elaborate, well-appointed; labored;
ADPARATIO, ADPARATIONIS: N 3 1 F \careful preparation; task/act of providing; provisions; designing, construction;
ADPARATOR, ADPARATORIS: N 3 1 M \official who sacrifices to the Magna Mater;
ADPARATORIUM, ADPARATORII: N 2 2 N \place/room where preparations were made for sacrifice;
ADPARATRIX, ADPARATRICIS: N 3 1 F \she who prepares (sacrifices);
ADPARENS, (GEN.), ADPARENTIS: ADJ 3 1 POS \exposed to the air; exposed to view, visible; perceptible, audible; apparent;
ADPARENTIA, ADPARENTIAE: N 1 1 F \becoming visible, appearing, appearance; external appearance;
ADPARESCO, ADPARESCERE, -, -: V 3 1 \begin to appear;
ADPARIO, ADPARERE, -, -: V 3 1 \acquire, gain in addition;
ADPARITIO, ADPARITIONIS: N 3 1 F \service, attendance; servants, attendants; provision, supplying, preparation;
ADPARITOR, ADPARITORIS: N 3 1 M \civil servant; lictor, clerk; attendant on a magistrate;
ADPARITORIUS, ADPARITORIA, ADPARITORIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \of/for an apparitor (civil servant; lictor, clerk; attendant on a magistrate);
ADPARITURA, ADPARITURAE: N 1 1 F \attendance on a magistrate, (civil) service;
ADPELLO, ADPELLARE, ADPELLAVI, ADPELLATUS: V 1 1 \call (upon); address; dun; solicit; appeal (to); bring to court; accuse; name;
ADPELLO, ADPELLERE, ADPULI, ADPULSUS: V 3 1 \drive to, move up, bring along, force towards; put ashore at, land (a ship);
ADPELLATIO, ADPELLATIONIS: N 3 1 F \appeal (to higher authority); name, term; noun; title, rank; pronunciation;
ADPELLATIVUS, ADPELLATIVA, ADPELLATIVUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \of the nature of a noun, nominal; appellative, belonging to a species (L+S);
ADPELLATOR, ADPELLATORIS: N 3 1 M \appellant, one who appeals;
ADPELLITO, ADPELLITARE, ADPELLITAVI, ADPELLITATUS: V 1 1 \call or name (frequently or habitually);
ADPENDO, ADPENDERE, ADPENDI, ADPENSUS: V 3 1 \weigh out; pay/give out; hang, cause to be suspended;
ADPENDEO, ADPENDERE, ADPENDI, -: V 2 1 \to be pending;
ADPENDICUM, ADPENDICI: N 2 2 N \appendage;
ADPENDICULA, ADPENDICULAE: N 1 1 F \small addition/appendix/annex; appendage;
ADPENDIX, ADPENDICIS: N 3 1 F \appendix, supplement, annex; appendage, adjunct; hanger on; barberry bush/fruit;
ADPENSOR, ADPENSORIS: N 3 1 M \weigher, he who weighs out;
ADPERTINEO, ADPERTINERE, ADPERTINUI, -: V 2 1 \belong to, appertain to; (w/DAT or ad);
ADPETO, ADPETERE, ADPETIVI, ADPETITUS: V 3 1 \seek/grasp after, desire; assail; strive eagerly/long for; approach, near;
ADPETENS, ADPENTIS (GEN.), ADPENTIOR -OR -US, ADPENTISSIMUS -A -UM: ADJ 3 1 X \eager/greedy for (w/GEN), desirous of; avaricious, greedy, covetous;
ADPETENTER: ADV POS \greedily, avidly;
ADPETENTIA, ADPETENTIAE: N 1 1 F \desire, longing after, appetite for;
ADPETIBILIS, ADPETIBILIS, ADPETIBILE: ADJ 3 2 POS \be sought after, desirable;
ADPETISSO, ADPETISSERE, -, -: V 3 1 \seek eagerly after;
ADPETITUS, ADPETITUS: N 4 1 M \appetite, desire; esp. natural/instinctive desire;
ADPETITIO, ADPETITIONIS: N 3 1 F \desire, appetite; action of trying to reach/grasp, stretching out for; grasping;
ADPETITOR, ADPETITORIS: N 3 1 M \one who has a desire/liking for (something);
ADPETO, ADPERONIS: N 3 1 M \one who is covetous;
ADPICISCOR, ADPICISCI, -, -: V 3 1 \bargain?;
ADPINGO, ADPINGERE, -, -: V 3 1 \paint upon or beside; add in writing/painting; add something (to verbal picture;
ADPINGO, ADPINGERE, -, -: V 3 1 \|fasten/join to;
ADPLAUDO, ADPLAUDERE, ADPLAUSI, ADPLAUSUS: V 3 1 \strike together; clap, applaud; strike, slap; dash to the ground (w/terrae);
ADPLAUSUS, ADPLAUSUS: N 4 1 M \flapping/beating of wings;
ADPLAUSOR, ADPLAUSORIS: N 3 1 M \one expressing agreement/approval/pleasure/satisfaction by clapping hands;
ADPLEX, (GEN.), ADPLICIS: ADJ 3 1 POS \closely joined/attached to;
ADPLICO, ADPLICARE, ADPLICAVI, ADPLICATUS: V 1 1 \connect, place near, bring into contact; land (ship); adapt; apply/devote to;
ADPLICO, ADPLICARE, ADPLICUI, ADPLICITUS: V 1 1 \connect, place near, bring into contact; land (ship); adapt; apply/devote to;
ADPLICATUS, ADPLICATA, ADPLICATUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \situated close (to town w/DAT); clinging to (side of hill); devoted (to);
ADPLICATIO, ADPLICATIONIS: N 3 1 F \application, inclination; joining, attaching; attachment of client to patron;
ADPLODO, ADPLODERE, ADPLOSI, ADPLOSUS: V 3 1 \strike together; clap, applaud; strike, slap; dash to the ground (w/terrae);
ADPLORO, ADPLORARE, ADPLORAVI, ADPLORATUS: V 1 1 \lament, weep at/on account of; deplore (a thing);
ADPLUDA, ADPLUDAE: N 1 1 F \chaff;
ADPLUMBO, ADPLUMBARE, ADPLUMBAVI, ADPLUMBATUS: V 1 1 \solder, solder on, affix by soldering, close/seal by soldering/with solder;
ADPONO, ADPONERE, ADPOSUI, ADPOSITUS: V 3 1 \place near, set before/on table, serve up; put/apply/add to; appoint/assign;
ADPORRECTUS, ADPORRECTA, ADPORRECTUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \stretched out near/beside;
ADPORTO, ADPORTARE, ADPORTAVI, ADPORTATUS: V 1 1 \carry/convey/bring (to); import; present (play); bring (news); make one's way;
ADPORTATIO, ADPORTATIONIS: N 3 1 F \conveyance to, carrying to;
ADPOSCO, ADPOSCERE, -, -: V 3 1 \demand in addition;
ADPOSITUM, ADPOSITI: N 2 2 N \adjective, epithet;
ADPOSITUS, ADPOSITUS: N 4 1 M \application (of medicine);
ADPOSITUS, ADPOSITA -UM, ADPOSITIOR -OR -US, ADPOSITISSIMUS -A -UM: ADJ 1 1 X \adjacent, near, accessible, akin; opposite; fit, appropriate, apt; based upon;
ADPOSITE: ADV POS \in a manner suited (to); suitably, appositely;
ADPOSITIO, ADPOSITIONIS: N 3 1 F \comparison, action of comparing;
ADPOSTULO, ADPOSTULARE, ADPOSTULAVI, ADPOSTULATUS: V 1 1 \beg/entreaty/solicit importunately/persistently/troublesomely/pressingly;
ADPOTUS, ADPOTA, ADPOTUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \drunk, intoxicated;
ADPRECOR, ADPRECARI, -, ADPRECATUS SUM: V 1 1 \address prayer to, pray to , invoke, beseech;
ADPREHENDO, ADPREHENDERE, ADPREHENDI, ADPREHENSUS: V 3 1 \seize (upon), grasp, cling to, lay hold of; apprehend; embrace; overtake;
ADPREHENSIBIL, (GEN.), ADPREHENSIBILIS: ADJ 3 1 POS \intelligible, understandable, that can be understood;
ADPREHENSIO, ADPREHENSIONIS: N 3 1 F \seizing upon, laying hold of; apprehension, understanding;
ADPRENDO, ADPRENDERE, ADPRENDI, ADPRENSUS: V 3 1 \seize (upon), grasp, cling to, lay hold of; apprehend; embrace; overtake;
ADPRETIO, ADPRETIARE, ADPRETIAVI, ADPRETIATUS: V 1 1 \value, set/estimate a price, appraise; purchase, buy; appropriate to one's self;
ADPRIMUS, ADPRIMA, ADPRIMUM: ADJ 0 0 SUPER \the very first, most excellent;
ADPRIMO, ADPRIMERE, ADPRESSI, ADPRESSUS: V 3 1 \press on/to; clench (the teeth);
ADPRIME: ADV SUPER \to the highest degree, to a high degree, extremely, especially, very;
ADPROBUS, ADPROBA, ADPROBUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \excellent, worthy;
ADPROBO, ADPROBARE, ADPROBAVI, ADPROBATUS: V 1 1 \approve, commend, endorse; prove; confirm; justify; allow; make good;
ADPROBATIO, ADPROBATIONIS: N 3 1 F \approbation, giving approval; proof, confirmation; decision;
ADPROBATOR, ADPROBATORIS: N 3 1 M \one who approves;
ADPROBE: ADV POS \excellently;
ADPROMISSOR, ADPROMISSORIS: N 3 1 M \one who promises/gives security on behalf of another;
ADPROMITTO, ADPROMITTERE, ADPROMISI, ADPROMISSUS: V 3 1 \promise in addition (to another), promise also;
ADPROPERO, ADPROPERARE, ADPROPERAVI, ADPROPERATUS: V 1 1 \hasten, hurry, come hastily, make haste; accelerate, speed up;
ADPROPIO, ADPROPIARE, ADPROPIAVI, ADPROPIATUS: V 1 1 \approach (w/DAT or ad+ACC); come near to, draw near/nigh (space/time); be close;
ADPROPINQUO, ADPROPINQUARE, ADPROPINQUAVI, ADPROPINQUATUS: V 1 1 \approach (w/DAT or ad+ACC); come near to, draw near/nigh (space/time); be close;
ADPROPINQUATIO, ADPROPINQUATIONIS: N 3 1 F \approach, drawing near;
ADPROPRIATIO, ADPROPRIATIONIS: N 3 1 F \appropriation, making one's own; (~ ciborum => making flesh/blood of food);
ADPROXIMO, ADPROXIMARE, ADPROXIMAVI, ADPROXIMATUS: V 1 1 \be/draw/come close/near to, approach;
ADPULSUS, ADPULSUS: N 4 1 M \bringing/driving to (cattle) (/right to); landing; approach; influence, impact;
ADQUE: CONJ \and, as well as, as soon as; together with; and even; and too/also/now; yet;
ADQUI: CONJ \but, yet, notwithstanding, however, rather, well/but now; and yet, still;
ADQUIESCO, ADQUIESCERE, ADQUIEVI, ADQUIETUS: V 3 1 \lie with (w/cum), rest, relax; repose (in death); acquiesce, assent; subside;
ADQUIESCO, ADQUIESCERE, ADQUISEVI, ADQUISETUS: V 3 1 \become quiet, come to rest, rest, relax; be at rest, have peace; be content;
ADQUIN: CONJ \but, yet, notwithstanding, however, rather, well/but now; and yet, still;
ADQUIRO, ADQUIRERE, ADQUISIVI, ADQUISITUS: V 3 1 \acquire besides/in addition, obtain, gain, win, get; add to stock; accrue;
ADQUISITIO, ADQUISITIONIS: N 3 1 F \acquisition; additional source of supply;
ADQUISITRIX, ADQUISITRICIS: N 3 1 F \acquirer (female);
ADQUO: ADV POS \how far, as far as, as much as;
ADRACHNE, ADRACHNES: N 1 6 F \wild strawberry tree;
ADRADO, ADRADARE, ADRASI, ADRASUS: V 1 1 \shave close; scrape, pare, trim; fleece;
ADRALIS, ADRALIS, ADRALE: ADJ 3 2 POS \of a pledge/security;
ADRECTUS, ADRECTA -UM, ADRECTIOR -OR -US, ADRECTISSIMUS -A -UM: ADJ 1 1 X \erect, perpendicular, upright, standing; steep, precipitous; excited, eager;
ADRECTARIUS, ADRECTARIA, ADRECTARIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \erect, in an erect position, perpendicular;
ADRECTARIUM, ADRECTARI(I): N 2 4 N \vertical post, upright;
ADREPO, ADREPERE, ADREPSI, ADREPTUS: V 3 1 \creep/move stealthily towards, steal up; feel one's way, worm one's way (trust);
ADREPTIUS, ADREPTIA, ADREPTIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \seized (in mind), inspired; raving, delirious;
ADREPTICIUS, ADREPTICIA, ADREPTICIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \seized (in mind), inspired; raving, delirious;
ADRIDEO, ADRIDERE, ADRISI, ADRISUS: V 2 1 \smile at/upon; please, be pleasing/satisfactory (to); be/seem familiar (to);
ADRIGO, ADRIGERE, ADREXI, ADRECTUS: V 3 1 \set upright, tilt upwards, stand on end, raise; become sexually excited/aroused;
ADRIGO, ADRIGARE, ADRIGAVI, ADRIGATUS: V 1 1 \water (plants), moisten the soil around;
ADRIPIO, ADRIPERE, ADRIPUI, ADREPTUS: V 3 1 \take hold of; seize (hand/tooth/claw), snatch; arrest; assail; pick up, absorb;
ADRISIO, ADRISIONIS: N 3 1 F \smile of approval; action of smiling (at/on);
ADRISOR, ADRISORIS: N 3 1 M \one who smiles (at a person), smiler; flatterer, fawner (L+S);
ADRODO, ADRODERE, ADROSI, ADROSUS: V 3 1 \gnaw/nibble (away part); erode, eat away(disease/chemicals). wash away (water);
ADROGO, ADROGARE, ADROGAVI, ADROGATUS: V 1 1 \ask, question; arrogate to one's self, claim, make undue claim; confer (upon);
ADROGO, ADROGARE, ADROGAVI, ADROGATUS: V 1 1 \|adopt (an adult) as one's son (esp. at his instance);
ADROGANS, (GEN.), ADROGANTIS: ADJ 3 1 POS \arrogant, insolent, overbearing; conceited; presumptuous, assuming;
ADROGANTER, ADROGENTIUS, ADROGENTISSIME: ADV X \insolently, arrogantly, haughtily; presumptuously; in a conceited manner;
ADROGANTIA, ADROGANTIAE: N 1 1 F \insolence, arrogance, conceit, haughtiness; presumption;
ADROGATIO, ADROGATIONIS: N 3 1 F \act of adopting a adult as son homo sui juris (vs. in potestate parentis);
ADROGATOR, ADROGATORIS: N 3 1 M \one who adopts a adult as son by arrogatio (homo sui juris);
ADROSOR, ADROSORIS: N 3 1 M \one who nibbles/gnaws at;
ADROTANS, (GEN.), ADROTANTIS: ADJ 3 1 POS \in a winding/circular motion, turning; wavering;
ADRUO, ADRUERE, ADRUI, ADRUTUS: V 3 1 \heap up (earth); cover (with earth), bury;
ADRUMETUS, ADRUMETI: N 2 1 F \Andrumetum/Hadrumetum (city of Africa propria, capital of province Byzacene);
ADRUMETUM, ADRUMETI: N 2 2 N \Andrumetum/Hadrumetum (city of Africa propria, capital of province Byzacene);
ADRUMETINUS, ADRUMETINA, ADRUMETINUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \Andrumetine, of/from Andrumetum/Hadrumetum (city of Africa propria/Byzacene);
ADRUMETINUS, ADRUMETINI: N 2 1 M \Andrumetine, inhabitant of Andrumetum/Hadrumetum (city in Africa/Byzacane);
ADSUM, ADESSE, ADFUI, ADFUTURUS: V 5 1 \be near, be present, be in attendance, arrive, appear; aid (w/DAT);
ADSUM, ADESSE, ARFUI, ARFUTURUS: V 5 1 \be near, be present, be in attendance, arrive, appear; aid (w/DAT);
ADSCENDO, ADSCENDERE, ADSCENDI, ADSCENSUS: V 3 1 \climb; go/climb up; mount, scale; mount up, embark; rise, ascend, move upward;
ADSCENDES, (GEN.), ADSCENDENTIS: ADJ 3 1 POS \of/for climbing (machine); enabling one to climb;
ADSCENDIBILIS, ADSCENDIBILIS, ADSCENDIBILE: ADJ 3 2 POS \climbable, that can be climbed;
ADSCENSUS, ADSCENSUS: N 4 1 M \ascent; act of scaling (walls); approach; a stage/step in advancement; height;
ADSCENSIO, ADSCENSIONIS: N 3 1 F \ascent; progress, advancement; rising series/flight of stairs; soaring;
ADSCENSOR, ADSCENSORIS: N 3 1 M \one who ascends/rises; one who mounts a horse/chariot, rider, charioteer;
ADSCESSIO, ADSCESSIONIS: N 3 1 F \removal; loss, separation, going away; diminution;
ADSCIO, ADSCIRE, -, -: V 3 4 \take to/up; associate, admit; adopt as one's own; take upon (General's) staff;
ADSCISCO, ADSCISCERE, ADSCIVI, ADSCITUS: V 3 1 \adopt, assume; receive, admit, approve of, associate; take over, claim;
ADSCITUS, ADSCITA, ADSCITUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \derived, assumed; foreign;
ADSCITUS, ADSCITUS: N 4 1 M \acceptance, reception;
ADSCRIBO, ADSCRIBERE, ADSCRIPSI, ADSCRIPTUS: V 3 1 \add/state in writing, insert; appoint; enroll, enfranchise; reckon, number;
ADSCRIPTICIUS, ADSCRIPTICIA, ADSCRIPTICIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \enrolled in addition (as citizen/soldier);
ADSCRIPTIO, ADSCRIPTIONIS: N 3 1 F \addendum, addition in writing;
ADSCRIPTIVUS, ADSCRIPTIVA, ADSCRIPTIVUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \enrolled in addition (as a soldier), supernumerary;
ADSCRIPTOR, ADSCRIPTORIS: N 3 1 M \seconder, supporter, countersigner, one adding name to document as approving;
ADSECLA, ADSECLAE: N 1 1 M \follower; attendant, servant; hanger-on, sycophant, creature;
ADSECTOR, ADSECTARI, -, ADSECTATUS SUM: V 1 1 \accompany, attend, escort; support, be an adherent, follow; court (fame);
ADSECTATIO, ADSECTATIONIS: N 3 1 F \waiting on, attendance; support (in canvassing); study, research;
ADSECTATOR, ADSECTATORIS: N 3 1 M \follower, companion, attendant; disciple; researcher, student, one who seeks;
ADSECUE: ADV POS \attentively, closely;
ADSECULA, ADSECULAE: N 1 1 M \follower; attendant, servant; hanger-on, sycophant, creature;
ADSEDO, ADSEDONIS: N 3 1 M \assessor, counselor, one who sits by to give advice;
ADSELLOR, ADSELLARI, -, ADSELLATUS SUM: V 1 1 \defecate, void;
ADSENESCO, ADSENESCERE, -, -: V 3 1 \become old (to any thing);
ADSENSUS, ADSENSUS: N 4 1 M \assent, agreement, belief; approval, approbation, applause;
ADSENSIO, ADSENSIONIS: N 3 1 F \assent, agreement, belief; approval, approbation, applause;
ADSENSOR, ADSENSORIS: N 3 1 M \one who agrees or approves;
ADSENTOR, ADSENTARI, -, ADSENTATUS SUM: V 1 1 \flatter, humor; agree, assent, confirm; agree to everything;
ADSENTATIO, ADSENTATIONIS: N 3 1 F \assent, agreement; flattery, toadyism, flattering agreement/compliance;
ADSENTATIUNCULA, ADSENTATIUNCULAE: N 1 1 F \piece of flattery; petty/trivial flattery; (L+S);
ADSENTATOR, ADSENTATORIS: N 3 1 M \yes-man, flatterer, toady;
ADSENTATORIE: ADV POS \like a flatterer; fawningly, in a flattering manner;
ADSENTATRIX, ADSENTATRICIS: N 3 1 F \woman who flatters;
ADSENTIO, ADSENTIRE, ADSENSI, ADSENSUS: V 3 4 \assent, approve, agree in opinion; admit the truth of (w/DAT), agree (with);
ADSENTIOR, ADSENTIRI, -, ADSENSUS SUM: V 3 4 \assent to, agree, approve, comply with; admit the truth of (w/PREP);
ADSEQUOR, ADSEQUI, -, ADSECUTUS SUM: V 3 1 \follow on, pursue, go after; overtake; gain, achieve; equal, rival; understand;
ADSEQUELA, ADSEQUELAE: N 1 1 F \succession, succeeding;
ADSER, ADSERIS: N 3 1 M \pole (wooden), post, stake, beam; joist, rafter; pole of a litter;
ADSERO, ADSERERE, ADSERUI, ADSERTUS: V 3 1 \lay hands on, grasp; assert, allege; free, release; claim; protect, preserve;
ADSERO, ADSERERE, ADSEVI, ADSITUS: V 3 1 \plant/set at/near;
ADSERTUM, ADSERTI: N 2 2 N \assertion;
ADSERTIO, ADSERTIONIS: N 3 1 F \act of claiming free or slave (for status); defense/vindication (of character);
ADSERTOR, ADSERTORIS: N 3 1 M \one asserting status of another; restorer of liberty, protector, champion;
ADSERTORIUS, ADSERTORIA, ADSERTORIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \of/pertaining to a restoration of freedom;
ADSERVO, ADSERVARE, ADSERVAVI, ADSERVATUS: V 1 1 \keep, guard, preserve; watch, observe; keep in custody; save life of, rescue;
ADSERVIO, ADSERVIRE, ADSERIVI, ADSERVITUS: V 3 4 \devote/apply oneself to (w/DAT); aid, help, assist;
ADSESSUS, ADSESSUS: N 4 1 M \a sitting beside one (in court);
ADSESSIO, ADSESSIONIS: N 3 1 F \a sitting beside one (to console/give advice);
ADSESSOR, ADSESSORIS: N 3 1 M \assessor, counselor, one who sits by to give advice;
ADSESSORIUS, ADSESSORIA, ADSESSORIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \of/pertaining to an assessor;
ADSESSORIUM, ADSESSORI(I): N 2 4 N \title of a legal textbook (sg/pl.);
ADSESSURA, ADSESSURAE: N 1 1 F \assistance as a legal advisor;
ADSESTRIX, ADSESSTRICIS: N 3 1 F \assessor (female), counselor, one who sits by to give advice;
ADSEVERO, ADSEVERARE, ADSEVERAVI, ADSEVERATUS: V 1 1 \act earnestly; assert strongly/emphatically, declare; profess; be serious;
ADSEVERANTER: ADV POS \earnestly, emphatically;
ADSEVERATIO, ADSEVERATIONIS: N 3 1 F \affirmation, (confident/earnest) assertion; seriousness/earnestness, gravity;
ADSEVERNTE: ADV POS \earnestly, emphatically;
ADSICCO, ADSICCARE, ADSICCAVI, ADSICCATUS: V 1 1 \dry, dry out, dry up, make dry;
ADSICCESCO, ADSICCESCERE, ADSICCUI, -: V 3 1 \dry out, become dry;
ADSIDEO, ADSIDERE, ADSEDI, ADSESSUS: V 2 1 \sit by/in council/as assessor; watch over; camp near, besiege; resemble (w/DAT);
ADSIDO, ADSIDERE, ADSEDI, -: V 3 1 \sit down, take a seat; perch, alight, settle; sit by/near (to) (w/DAT);
ADSIDUUS, ADSIDUI: N 2 1 M \tribute/tax payer, rich person; first-rate person/writer?;
ADSIDUO, ADSIDUARE, ADSIDUAVI, ADSIDUATUS: V 1 1 \apply constantly; make constant use of (Souter); use regularly/incessantly;
ADSIDUUS, ADSIDUA -UM, ADSIDUIOR -OR -US, ADSIDUISSIMUS -A -UM: ADJ 1 1 X \constant, regular; unremitting, incessant; ordinary; landowning, first-class;
ADSIDUE, ASSIDUIUS, ADSIDUISSIME: ADV X \continually, constantly, regularly;
ADSIDUITAS, ADSIDUITATIS: N 3 1 F \attendance, constant presence/attention/practice, care; recurrence, repetition;
ADSIDUO: ADV POS \continually, constantly, regularly;
ADSIFORNUS, ADSIFORNA, ADSIFORNUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \touring gladiatorial show;
ADSIGNO, ADSIGNARE, ADSIGNAVI, ADSIGNATUS: V 1 1 \assign, distribute, allot; award, bestow (rank/honors); impute; affix seal;
ADSIGNATIO, ADSIGNATIONIS: N 3 1 F \distribution/allotment of land; the plot of land granted; allocation (other);
ADSIGNATOR, ADSIGNATORIS: N 3 1 M \allocator, one who assigns;
ADSIGNIFICO, ADSIGNIFICARE, ADSIGNIFICAVI, ADSIGNIFICATUS: V 1 1 \show (w/ACC + INF), make evident; mean/denote (words);
ADSILIO, ADSILIRE, ADSILUI, ADSULTUS: V 3 4 \jump/leap (up/on/towards), rush/dash (at/against), assault; mount (male-female);
ADSIMILIS, ADSIMILIS, ADSIMILE: ADJ 3 2 POS \similar, like; close;y resembling, very like;
ADSIMILO, ADSIMILARE, ADSIMILAVI, ADSIMILATUS: V 1 1 \make like; compare; counterfeit, simulate, imitate, pretend, feign, act a part;
ADSIMILANTER: ADV POS \similarly, analogically;
ADSIMILATUS, ADSIMILATA, ADSIMILATUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \similar, like, made similar; imitated, feigned, pretended. dissembled;
ADSIMILATIO, ADSIMILATIONIS: N 3 1 F \likeness, similarity in form; comparison; deceit, pretense, feigning, pretending
ADSIMILITER: ADV POS \similarly, in much the same manner/fashion;
ADSIMULO, ADSIMULARE, ADSIMULAVI, ADSIMULATUS: V 1 1 \make like; compare; counterfeit, simulate, imitate, pretend, feign, act a part;
ADSIMULANTER: ADV POS \similarly, analogically;
ADSIMULATUS, ADSIMULATA, ADSIMULATUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \similar, like, made similar; imitated, feigned, pretended. dissembled;
ADSIMULATICIUS, ADSIMULATICIA, ADSIMULATICIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \imitated, counterfeit, not real; nominal, titular;
ADSIMULATIO, ADSIMULATIONIS: N 3 1 F \likeness, similarity in form; comparison; deceit, pretense;
ADSIMULITER: ADV POS \similarly, in much the same manner/fashion;
ADSISTO, ADSISTERE, ADSTITI, ADSTATUS: V 3 1 \take a position/stand (near/by), attend; appear before; set/place near;
ADSISTRIX, ADSISTRICIS: N 3 1 F \assessor (female), counselor, one who sits by to give advice;
ADSITUS, ADSITA, ADSITUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \planted/set at/near;
ADSOCIUS, ADSOCIA, ADSOCIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \associated with;
ADSOCIO, ADSOCIARE, ADSOCIAVI, ADSOCIATUS: V 1 1 \join (to), associate (with);
ADSOLO, ADSOLARE, ADSOLAVI, ADSOLATUS: V 1 1 \level to the ground, destroy;
ADSOLET, ADSOLERE, ADSOLIT: V 2 1 \it is usual/wont; it is the custom/practice; it is the habit;
ADSOLEO, ADSOLERE, -, -: V 2 1 \be accustomed or in the habit of; be a customary accompaniment, go with;
ADSONO, ADSONARE, ADSONAVI, ADSONATUS: V 1 1 \respond, reply; sound in accompaniment; sing as an accompaniment;
ADSPARGO, ADSPARGERE, ADSPARSI, ADSPARSUS: V 3 1 \sprinkle/strew on, splatter, splash; defile, stain; cast (slur); inflict (harm);
ADSPARGO, ADSPARGINIS: N 3 1 F \spray, sprinkling/scattering; moisture in form of drops; water damage; staining;
ADSPECTUS, ADSPECTUS: N 4 1 M \appearance, aspect, mien; act of looking; sight, vision; glance, view; horizon;
ADSPECTO, ADSPECTARE, ADSPECTAVI, ADSPECTATUS: V 1 1 \look/gaze at/upon; observe, watch; pay heed; face/look towards (place/person);
ADSPECTABILIS, ADSPECTABILE, ADSPECTABILIOR -OR -US, ADSPECTABILISSIMUS -A -U: ADJ 3 2 X \visible, able to be seen; worthy to be seen, pleasing to look at;
ADSPERGO, ADSPERGERE, ADSPERSI, ADSPERSUS: V 3 1 \sprinkle/strew on, splatter, splash; defile, stain; cast (slur); inflict (harm);
ADSPERGO, ADSPERGINIS: N 3 1 F \spray, sprinkling;
ADSPICIO, ADSPICERE, ADSPEXI, ADSPECTUS: V 3 1 \look/gaze on/at, see, observe, behold, regard; face; consider, contemplate;
ADSPIRO, ADSPIRARE, ADSPIRAVI, ADSPIRATUS: V 1 1 \breathe/blow (upon); aspirate; instill, infuse; be fragrant; influence; aspire;
ADSPIRAMEN, ADSPIRAMINIS: N 3 2 N \breathing on, immission; insertion, introduction;
ADSPIRATIO, ADSPIRATIONIS: N 3 1 F \exhalation; blowing on; aspiration; sounding an 'h';
ADSPIRATOR, ADSPIRATORIS: N 3 1 M \inciter; inspirer;
ADSTO, ADSTARE, ADSTETI, ADSTATUS: V 1 1 \stand at/on/by/near; assist; stand up/upright/waiting/still/on one's feet;
ADSTO, ADSTARE, ADSTITI, -: V 1 1 \stand at/on/by/near; assist; stand up/upright/waiting/still/on one's feet;
ADSTATUS, ADSTATA, ADSTATUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \armed with a spear/spears;
ADSTATUS, ADSTATI: N 2 1 M \spearman; soldier in unit in front of Roman battle-formation; its centurion;
ADSTATOR, ADSTATORIS: N 3 1 M \aide, helper, assister;
ADSTERNO, ADSTERNERE, ADSTRAVI, ADSTRATUS: V 3 1 \prostrate oneself, lie prone (on);
ADSTIPULO, ADSTIPULARE, ADSTIPULAVI, ADSTIPULATUS: V 1 1 \join in stipulation/covenant; join in demanding; support (in an argument);
ADSTIPULOR, ADSTIPULARI, -, ADSTIPULATUS SUM: V 1 1 \join in stipulation/covenant; join in demanding; support (in an argument);
ADSTIPULATUS, ADSTIPULATUS: N 4 1 M \assent, agreement in a command;
ADSTIPULATIO, ADSTIPULATIONIS: N 3 1 F \confirmation, confirmatory statement;
ADSTIPULATOR, ADSTIPULATORIS: N 3 1 M \associate in a stipulation; one who supports an opinion, adherent;
ADSTITUO, ADSTITUERE, ADSTITUI, ADSTITUTUS: V 3 1 \place near/before; make to stand before;
ADSTREPO, ADSTREPERE, ADSTREPUI, -: V 3 1 \make a noise at, shout in support, take up a cry; assail with noise; murmur;
ADSTRICTUS, ADSTRICTA -UM, ADSTRICTIOR -OR -US, ADSTRICTISSIMUS -A -UM: ADJ 1 1 X \bound (by rules), tied; terse, brief, restrained; constricted, dense, compact;
ADSTRICTUS, ADSTRICTA -UM, ADSTRICTIOR -OR -US, ADSTRICTISSIMUS -A -UM: ADJ 1 1 X \|busy/preoccupied (with), intent (on); parsimonious, tight; astringent (taste);
ADSTRICTE, ADSTRICTIUS, ADSTRICTISSIME: ADV X \tightly (bound), firmly; strictly, by strict rules; concisely, tersely, pithily;
ADSTRICTIO, ADSTRICTIONIS: N 3 1 F \astringency, an astringent action;
ADSTRICTORIUS, ADSTRICTORIA, ADSTRICTORIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \astringent, binding, constrictive, styptic; (effect on organic tissue);
ADSTRIDEO, ADSTRIDERE, -, -: V 2 1 \hiss (at);
ADSTRIDO, ADSTRIDERE, -, -: V 3 1 \hiss (at);
ADSTRINGO, ADSTRINGERE, ADSTRINXI, ADSTRICTUS: V 3 1 \tie up/down/back/on/together/tightly; bind, grasp, tighten, fix; form boundary;
ADSTRINGO, ADSTRINGERE, ADSTRINXI, ADSTRICTUS: V 3 1 \|oblige, commit; compress, narrow, restrict; knit (brows); freeze, solidify;
ADSTRUO, ADSTRUERE, ADSTRUXI, ADSTRUCTUS: V 3 1 \build on/additional structure; heap/pile (on); add to/on, contribute, provide;
ADSTRUCTIO, ADSTRUCTIONIS: N 3 1 F \accumulation of proof, putting together, composition;
ADSTRUCTOR, ADSTRUCTORIS: N 3 1 M \one who adduces/brings forward/cites/alleges proof;
ADSTUPEO, ADSTUPERE, -, -: V 2 1 \be stunned/astounded/astonished/amazed (at); be enthralled (by) (w/DAT);
ADSUO, ADSUERE, ADSUI, ADSUTUS: V 3 1 \sew or patch on;
ADSUBRIGO, ADSUBRIGERE, -, -: V 3 1 \stretch up, raise;
ADSUDESCO, ADSUDESCERE, -, -: V 3 1 \sweat, break out in a sweat;
ADSUEFACIO, ADSUEFACERE, ADSUEFECI, ADSUEFACTUS: V 3 1 \accustom (to), habituate, inure; make accustomed/used (to), train;
ADSUESCO, ADSUESCERE, ADSUEVI, ADSUETUS: V 3 1 \accustom, become/grow accustomed to/used to/intimate with; make familiar;
ADSUETUS, ADSUETA, ADSUETUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \accustomed, customary, usual, to which one is accustomed/used;
ADSUETUDO, ADSUETUDINIS: N 3 1 F \custom, habit; repeated practice/experience/association; intimacy, intercourse;
ADSULTUS, ADSULTUS: N 4 1 M \attack, assault, charge;
ADSULTO, ADSULTARE, ADSULTAVI, ADSULTATUS: V 1 1 \jump/leap at/towards/upon; dash against; attack, assault, make an attack (on);
ADSULTIM: ADV POS \by leaps, by hops; by leaps and bounds;
ADSUMO, ADSUMERE, ADSUMPSI, ADSUMPTUS: V 3 1 \take (to/up/on/from), adopt, use; assume, receive; insert, add to; usurp, claim;
ADSUMENTUM, ADSUMENTI: N 2 2 N \that which is to be sewed upon, that which is to be patched;
ADSUMPTIO, ADSUMPTIONIS: N 3 1 F \adoption; acquisition, assumption, claim; minor premise; introduction (point);
ADSUMPTIVUS, ADSUMPTIVA, ADSUMPTIVUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \based on extraneous arguments (rhet., of the treatment of a case);
ADSURGO, ADSURGERE, ADSURREXI, ADSURRECTUS: V 3 1 \rise/stand up, rise to one's feet/from bed; climb, lift oneself; grow; soar;
ADSUSCIPO, ADSUSCIPERE, -, -: V 3 1 \undertake (vows);
ADTACTUS, ADTACTUS: N 4 1 M \touch , contact, action of touching;
ADTAGENA, ADTAGENAE: N 1 1 F \bird resembling the partridge, francolin?;
ADTAGEN, ADTAGENIS: N 3 1 M \bird resembling the partridge, francolin?;
ADTEMPTO, ADTEMPTARE, ADTEMPTAVI, ADTEMPTATUS: V 1 1 \attack, assail; call into question; try to seduce/use; make an attempt on, try;
ADTENDO, ADTENDERE, ADTENDI, ADTENTUS: V 3 1 \turn/stretch towards; apply; attend/pay (close) attention to, listen carefully;
ADTENTO, ADTENTARE, ADTENTAVI, ADTENTATUS: V 1 1 \attack, assail; call into question; try to seduce/use; make an attempt on, try;
ADTENTUS, ADTENTA -UM, ADTENTIOR -OR -US, ADTENTISSIMUS -A -UM: ADJ 1 1 X \attentive, heedful; careful, conscientious, intent; frugal, economical;
ADTENTATIO, ADTENTATIONIS: N 3 1 F \attempting, attempt, trying, try;
ADTENTE, ADTENTIUS, ADTENTISSIME: ADV X \diligently, carefully, with concentration, with close attention;
ADTENTIO, ADTENTIONIS: N 3 1 F \attention, application, attentiveness;
ADTENUO, ADTENUARE, ADTENUAVI, ADTENUATUS: V 1 1 \thin (out); weaken, lessen, diminish, shrink, reduce in size; make plain;
ADTENUATUS, ADTENUATA -UM, ADTENUATIOR -OR -US, ADTENUATISSIMUS -A -UM: ADJ 1 1 X \plain (style), bare, subdued; thin, impoverished; lessened, diminished;
ADTENUATE: ADV POS \plainly, barely;
ADTENUATIO, ADTENUATIONIS: N 3 1 F \diminution, act of lessening, attenuation; plainness (of style);
ADTERO, ADTERERE, ADTRIVI, ADTRITUS: V 3 1 \rub, rub against; grind; chafe; wear out/down/away; diminish, impair; waste;
ADTERMINO, ADTERMINARE, ADTERMINAVI, ADTERMINATUS: V 1 1 \set bounds to, measure, limit;
ADTERRANEUS, ADTERRANEA, ADTERRANEUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \coming to the earth; earth-borne;
ADTERTIATUS, ADTERTIATA, ADTERTIATUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \reduced/boiled down to a third;
ADTESTOR, ADTESTARI, -, ADTESTATUS SUM: V 1 1 \confirm, attest, bear witness to;
ADTESTATUS, ADTESTATA, ADTESTATUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \confirmatory, corroboratory;
ADTESTATIO, ADTESTATIONIS: N 3 1 F \testimony, attestation;
ADTEXO, ADTEXERE, ADTEXUI, ADTEXTUS: V 3 1 \add, join on, link to; weave/plait on, attach by weaving;
ADTIGO, ADTIGERE, ADTIGI, ADTACTUS: V 3 1 \touch, touch/border on; reach, arrive at, achieve; mention briefly; belong to;
ADTIGUUS, ADTIGUA, ADTIGUUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \contiguous, adjoining, adjacent, neighboring;
ADTINA, ADTINAE: N 1 1 F \heap of stones as a boundary marker; (pl.) (L+S);
ADTINEO, ADTINERE, ADTINUI, ADTENTUS: V 2 1 \hold on/to/near/back/together/fast; restrain, keep (in custody), retain; delay;
ADTINGO, ADTINGERE, ADTIGI, ADTACTUS: V 3 1 \touch, touch/border on; reach, arrive at, achieve; mention briefly; belong to;
ADTINGUO, ADTINGUERE, -, -: V 3 1 \moisten, bedew, sprinkle with a liquid;
ADTOLLO, ADTOLLERE, -, -: V 3 1 \raise/lift up/towards/to a higher position; erect, build; exalt; extol, exalt;
ADTONO, ADTONARE, ADTONUI, ADTONITUS: V 1 1 \strike with lightning, blast; drive crazy, distract;
ADTONDEO, ADTONDERE, ADTONDI, ADTONSUS: V 2 1 \clip (hair close), shear; strip of money, fleece; thrash; prune, trim, crop;
ADTONITUS, ADTONITA, ADTONITUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \astonished, fascinated; lightning/thunder-struck, stupefied, dazed; inspired;
ADTONITE: ADV POS \frantically; bewilderedly, confoundedly;
ADTORQUEO, ADTORQUERE, ADTORSI, ADTORTUS: V 2 1 \whirl at; hurl upwards;
ADTRACTUS, ADTRACTUS: N 4 1 M \attraction, drawing to;
ADTRACTO, ADTRACTARE, ADTRACTAVI, ADTRACTATUS: V 1 1 \touch; lay hands on; handle (roughly), assault (sexually), violate; deal with;
ADTRACTUS, ADTRACTA -UM, ADTRACTIOR -OR -US, ADTRACTISSIMUS -A -UM: ADJ 1 1 X \drawn together (brows), knit;
ADTRACTIO, ADTRACTIONIS: N 3 1 F \contraction, drawing together;
ADTRACTORIUS, ADTRACTORIA, ADTRACTORIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \attractive, having the power of attraction;
ADTRAHO, ADTRAHERE, ADTRAXI, ADTRACTUS: V 3 1 \attract, draw/drag together/in/before/along; inhale; gather saliva; bend (bow);
ADTRECTO, ADTRECTARE, ADTRECTAVI, ADTRECTATUS: V 1 1 \touch; lay hands on; handle (roughly), assault (sexually), violate; deal with;
ADTRECTATUS, ADTRECTATUS: N 4 1 M \touching, handling, feeling;
ADTRECTATIO, ADTRECTATIONIS: N 3 1 F \touching, handling; grammatical term for words denoting many things together;
ADTREMO, ADTREMERE, -, -: V 3 1 \tremble (at) (w/DAT);
ADTRIBUO, ADTRIBUERE, ADTRIBUI, ADTRIBUTUS: V 3 1 \assign/allot/attribute/impute to; grant, pay; appoint, put under jurisdiction;
ADTRIBUTUS, ADTRIBUTA, ADTRIBUTUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \ascribed, attributed; assigned, allotted;
ADTRIBUTUM, ADTRIBUTI: N 2 2 N \grant of public money;
ADTRIBUTIO, ADTRIBUTIONIS: N 3 1 F \assignment of debt; one's destined lot; grant; attribution; predicate attribute;
ADTRITUS, ADTRITUS: N 4 1 M \action/process of rubbing/grinding; friction; chafing, abrasion, bruising;
ADTRITUS, ADTRITA -UM, ADTRITIOR -OR -US, ADTRITISSIMUS -A -UM: ADJ 1 1 X \worn, worn down by use; smoothed; hardened, brazen; thin (style), attenuated;
ADTRITUS, ADTRITA -UM, ADTRITIOR -OR -US, ADTRITISSIMUS -A -UM: ADJ 1 1 X \|rubbed (off/away), wasted; bruised; shameless, impudent, brazen;
ADTRITIO, ADTRITIONIS: N 3 1 F \rubbing/grinding against/on (something); friction, abrasion;
ADTUOR, ADTUI, -, -: V 3 1 \observe, look at;
ADTUBERNALIS, ADTUBERNALIS: N 3 3 M \one who lives in an adjoining hut;
ADTULO, ADTULERE, -, -: V 3 1 \bring/carry/bear to;
ADTUMULO, ADTUMULARE, ADTUMULAVI, ADTUMULATUS: V 1 1 \heap up against; bank up (with something);
ADUBI: ADV POS \and when, but when, when;
ADULO, ADULARE, ADULAVI, ADULATUS: V 1 1 \fawn upon (as a dog); flatter (in a servile manner), court; make obeisance (to);
ADULOR, ADULARI, -, ADULATUS SUM: V 1 1 \fawn upon (as a dog); flatter (in a servile manner), court; make obeisance (to);
ADULANS, (GEN.), ADULANTIS: ADJ 3 1 POS \flattering, adulatory;
ADULATER: ADV POS \falteringly, fawningly, ingratiatingly;
ADULATIO, ADULATIONIS: N 3 1 F \flattery, adulation; prostrating oneself; fawning (dogs), (pigeon) courtship;
ADULATOR, ADULATORIS: N 3 1 M \servile flatterer, sycophant;
ADULATORIUS, ADULATORIA, ADULATORIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \flattering, adulatory; of/connected with flattery/adulation;
ADULATORIE: ADV POS \falteringly, fawningly, ingratiatingly;
ADULATRIX, ADULATRICIS: N 3 1 F \flatterer (female);
ADULESCENS, ADULESCENTIS: N 3 3 C \young man, youth; youthful person; young woman/girl;
ADULESCENS, ADULESCENTIS (GEN.), ADULESCENTIOR -OR -US, ADULESCENTISSIMUS -A -UM: ADJ 3 1 X \young, youthful; "minor" (in reference to the younger of two having same name);
ADULESCENTIA, ADULESCENTIAE: N 1 1 F \youth, young manhood; characteristic of being young, youthfulness; the young;
ADULESCENTULA, ADULESCENTULAE: N 1 1 F \young woman; very young woman; 'my child';
ADULESCENTULUS, ADULESCENTULI: N 2 1 M \young man; mere youth;
ADULESCENTURIO, ADULESCENTURIRE, -, -: V 3 4 \want to behave in a youthful manner;
ADULTUS, ADULTA -UM, ADULTIOR -OR -US, ADULTISSIMUS -A -UM: ADJ 1 1 X \grown up, full grown, mature, ripe, adult; at its peak/height/full strength;
ADULTER, ADULTERA, ADULTERUM: ADJ 1 2 POS \impure/adulterated; mixed/crossbred (plant); adulterous, unchaste; of adulterer;
ADULTER, ADULTERA, ADULTERUM: ADJ 1 2 POS \|forged/counterfeit; (~ clavis => skeleton/false key); debased (coinage);
ADULTERA, ADULTERAE: N 1 1 F \adulteress; mistress; unchaste woman;
ADULTER, ADULTERI: N 2 3 M \adulterer; illicit lover, paramour; offspring of unlawful love, bastard (eccl.);
ADULTERO, ADULTERARE, ADULTERAVI, ADULTERATUS: V 1 1 \commit adultery, defile (w/adultery); falsify, counterfeit, debase, corrupt;
ADULTERATUS, ADULTERATA, ADULTERATUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \mixed, adulterated; produced by crossbreeding; of mixed decent/origin;
ADULTERATIO, ADULTERATIONIS: N 3 1 F \adulteration; corruption/debasement by spurious admixture/crossbreeding;
ADULTERATOR, ADULTERATORIS: N 3 1 M \one who counterfeits or debases (the coinage);
ADULTERIUM, ADULTERI(I): N 2 4 N \adultery; blending/mixing of different strains/ingredients; contamination;
ADULTERINUS, ADULTERINA, ADULTERINUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \counterfeit, forged, false; impure, mixed, crossbred; adulterous, illicit;
ADULTERITAS, ADULTERITATIS: N 3 1 F \adultery; blending/mixing of different strains/ingredients; contamination;
ADULTRIX, ADULTRICIS: N 3 1 F \adulteress; mistress; unchaste woman;
ADUMBRO, ADUMBRARE, ADUMBRAVI, ADUMBRATUS: V 1 1 \sketch out, silhouette, outline, represent; shade, screen, obscure; feign;
ADUMBRATUS, ADUMBRATA, ADUMBRATUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \sketchy, shadowy, unsubstantial, obscure; outline; pretended, feigned, spurious;
ADUMBRATIM: ADV POS \in shadowy form;
ADUMBRATIO, ADUMBRATIONIS: N 3 1 F \sketch, outline; sketching in light and shade; false show, pretense;
ADUNO, ADUNARE, ADUNAVI, ADUNATUS: V 1 1 \unite, make one;
ADUNATIO, ADUNATIONIS: N 3 1 F \union, uniting, making into one;
ADUNCUS, ADUNCA, ADUNCUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \bent, curved, hooked, crooked;
ADUNCITAS, ADUNCITATIS: N 3 1 F \hookedness, hooked shape; inward curvature;
ADURO, ADURERE, ADUSSI, ADUSTUS: V 3 1 \scorch, singe; burn; consume in fire;
ADURGEO, ADURGERE, ADURSI, -: V 2 1 \pursue; press hard, pursue closely;
ADUSQUE: ADV POS \wholly, completely;
ADUSQUE: PREP ACC \all the way/right up to, as far as, to the point of (space/time/number/degree);
ADUSTUS, ADUSTA, ADUSTUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \burned by the sun; torrid; browned/scorched/charred/burned; dusky/swarthy/dark;
ADUSTUM, ADUSTI: N 2 2 N \burn; frostbite (w/nivibus); deserts/parched areas (pl.) (w/sole);
ADUSTIO, ADUSTIONIS: N 3 1 F \kindling/burning; rubbing/galling (vines); inflammation; burn; sun/heatstroke;
ADVECTUS, ADVECTA, ADVECTUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \imported, foreign, introduced from abroad;
ADVECTUS, ADVECTUS: N 4 1 M \transportation, conveyance (to a place);
ADVECTO, ADVECTARE, ADVECTAVI, ADVECTATUS: V 1 1 \import, bring (merchandise/goods) from abroad;
ADVECTIUS, ADVECTIA, ADVECTIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \imported, foreign (merchandise/goods);
ADVECTICIUS, ADVECTICIA, ADVECTICIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \imported, foreign (merchandise/goods);
ADVECTIO, ADVECTIONIS: N 3 1 F \transportation (of merchandise/goods), carriage;
ADVECTOR, ADVECTORIS: N 3 1 M \carrier, one who conveys/carries a thing to a place; importer;
ADVEHO, ADVEHERE, ADVEXI, ADVECTUS: V 3 1 \carry, bring, convey (to); (advehor, arrive by travel, ride to;
ADVELITATIO, ADVELITATIONIS: N 3 1 F \skirmish of words (?);
ADVENUS, ADVENA, ADVENUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \foreign, alien; migrant; recently arrived; unskilled, inexperienced, ignorant;
ADVENA, ADVENAE: N 1 1 C \foreigner, immigrant, visitor from abroad; newcomer, interloper; migrant (bird);
ADVENEROR, ADVENERARI, -, ADVENERATUS SUM: V 1 1 \worship, adore; give honor to;
ADVENIO, ADVENIRE, ADVENI, ADVENTUS: V 3 4 \come to, arrive; arrive at, reach, be brought; develop, set in, arise;
ADVENIENTIA, ADVENIENTIAE: N 1 1 F \arrival, approach;
ADVENTUS, ADVENTUS: N 4 1 M \arrival, approach; visit, appearance, advent; ripening; invasion, incursion;
ADVENTO, ADVENTARE, ADVENTAVI, ADVENTATUS: V 1 1 \approach, come to, draw near; arrive, "turn up"; come in (tide); approximate;
ADVENTICIUS, ADVENTICIA, ADVENTICIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \foreign, coming from abroad/without, external; unusual; accidental, casual;
ADVENTOR, ADVENTORIS: N 3 1 M \visitor, newcomer, stranger; customer, incoming tenant;
ADVENTORIUS, ADVENTORIA, ADVENTORIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \pertaining to an arrival/guest;
ADVENTORIA, ADVENTORIAE: N 1 1 F \banquet given on one's arrival;
ADVERBIALIS, ADVERBIALIS, ADVERBIALE: ADJ 3 2 POS \adverbial, pertaining to an adverb; derived from adverb(s);
ADVERBIALITER: ADV POS \adverbially, in the manner of an adverb;
ADVERRO, ADVERRERE, -, -: V 3 1 \cause to sweep over;
ADVERSA, ADVERSAE: N 1 1 F \enemy/adversary/opponent (female);
ADVERSUS, ADVERSI: N 2 1 M \person/foe opposite/directly facing (w/hostile intent); political opponent;
ADVERSUM, ADVERSI: N 2 2 N \direction/point opposite/facing; uphill slope/direction; obstacle, trouble;
ADVERSO, ADVERSARE, ADVERSAVI, ADVERSATUS: V 1 1 \apply (the mind), direct (the attention);
ADVERSUS, ADVERSA -UM, ADVERSIOR -OR -US, ADVERSISSIMUS -A -UM: ADJ 1 1 X \opposite, directly facing, ranged against; adverse, evil, hostile; unfavorable;
ADVERSOR, ADVERSARI, -, ADVERSATUS SUM: V 1 1 \be against (w/DAT), oppose, withstand;
ADVERSABILIS, ADVERSABILIS, ADVERSABILE: ADJ 3 2 POS \truculent, prone to opposition;
ADVERSARIUS, ADVERSARIA, ADVERSARIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \opposed (to), hostile, inimical, adverse; harmful, injurious, prejudicial;
ADVERSARIA, ADVERSARIAE: N 1 1 F \female enemy, adversary, opponent;
ADVERSARIUS, ADVERSARI(I): N 2 4 C \enemy, adversary, antagonist, opponent, rival, foe; of an opposing party;
ADVERSARIUM, ADVERSARI(I): N 2 4 N \temporary memorandum/account/day book (pl.); opponent's arguments/assertions;
ADVERSATIO, ADVERSATIONIS: N 3 1 F \opposition, opposing;
ADVERSATIVUS, ADVERSATIVA, ADVERSATIVUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \adversative; (conjunctions like although, even if, yet, nevertheless);
ADVERSATOR, ADVERSATORIS: N 3 1 M \antagonist, opponent;
ADVERSATRIX, ADVERSATRICIS: N 3 1 F \female antagonist/opponent/enemy;
ADVERSE: ADV POS \in a self contradictory manner, inconsistently;
ADVERSIO, ADVERSIONIS: N 3 1 F \turning/directing (one thing towards another);
ADVERSIPES, ADVERSIPEDIS: N 3 1 F \antipodes (pl.);
ADVERSITAS, ADVERSITATIS: N 3 1 F \power of counteracting, efficacy as an antidote;
ADVERSITOR, ADVERSITORIS: N 3 1 M \one who goes to meet another; slave who went to meet/accompany master home;
ADVERSUM: ADV POS \opposite, against, in the opposite direction; in opposition; (w/ire go to meet;
ADVERSUM: PREP ACC \facing, opposite, against, towards; contrary to; face to face, in presence of;
ADVERSUS: ADV POS \opposite, against, in the opposite direction; in opposition; (w/ire go to meet;
ADVERSUS: PREP ACC \facing, opposite, against, towards; contrary to; face to face, in presence of;
ADVERTO, ADVERTERE, ADVERTI, ADVERSUS: V 3 1 \turn/face to/towards; direct/draw one's attention to; steer/pilot (ship);
ADVESPERASCIT, ADVESPERASCERE, ADVESPERASCIT: V 3 1 \evening is coming on, it draws toward evening; it is growing dark;
ADVIGILO, ADVIGILARE, ADVIGILAVI, ADVIGILATUS: V 1 1 \watch by/over; take care; be on watch, be vigilant;
ADVIVO, ADVIVERE, ADVIXI, ADVICTUS: V 3 1 \live with (w/cum); survive, be alive;
ADVOCO, ADVOCARE, ADVOCAVI, ADVOCATUS: V 1 1 \call, summon, invite, convoke, call for; call in as counsel; invoke the Gods;
ADVOCAMENTUM, ADVOCAMENTI: N 2 2 N \legal support/advisors; delay, adjournment, postponement; pleading in courts;
ADVOCATA, ADVOCATAE: N 1 1 F \helper (female), supporter, counselor;
ADVOCATUS, ADVOCATI: N 2 1 M \counselor, advocate, professional pleader; witness, supporter, mediator;
ADVOCATIO, ADVOCATIONIS: N 3 1 F \legal support/advisors; delay, adjournment, postponement; pleading in courts;
ADVOLO, ADVOLARE, ADVOLAVI, ADVOLATUS: V 1 1 \fly to, dash to (w/DAT or ad + ACC), hasten towards;
ADVOLATUS, ADVOLATUS: N 4 1 M \flying towards/against;
ADVOLITANS, (GEN.), ADVOLITANTIS: ADJ 3 1 POS \flying often to; fluttering about;
ADVOLVO, ADVOLVERE, ADVOLVI, ADVOLUTUS: V 3 1 \roll to/towards; fall on knees (genibus advolvor), grovel, prostrate oneself;
ADVORSA, ADVORSAE: N 1 1 F \enemy/adversary/opponent (female);
ADVORSUS, ADVORSI: N 2 1 M \person/foe opposite/directly facing (w/hostile intent); political opponent;
ADVORSO, ADVORSARE, ADVORSAVI, ADVORSATUS: V 1 1 \apply (the mind), direct (the attention);
ADVORSUS, ADVORSA -UM, ADVORSIOR -OR -US, ADVORSISSIMUS -A -UM: ADJ 1 1 X \opposite, directly facing, ranged against; adverse, evil, hostile; unfavorable;
ADVORSOR, ADVORSARI, -, ADVORSATUS SUM: V 1 1 \be against (w/DAT), oppose, withstand;
ADVORSABILIS, ADVORSABILIS, ADVORSABILE: ADJ 3 2 POS \truculent, prone to opposition;
ADVORSARIUS, ADVORSARIA, ADVORSARIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \opposed (to), hostile, inimical, adverse; harmful, injurious, prejudicial;
ADVORSARIA, ADVORSARIAE: N 1 1 F \female enemy, adversary, opponent;
ADVORSARIUS, ADVORSARI(I): N 2 4 C \enemy, adversary, antagonist, opponent, rival, foe; of an opposing party;
ADVORSARIUM, ADVORSARI(I): N 2 4 N \temporary memorandum book (pl.), the opponent's arguments;
ADVORSATOR, ADVORSATORIS: N 3 1 M \antagonist, opponent;
ADVORSATRIX, ADVORSATRICIS: N 3 1 F \female antagonist/opponent/enemy;
ADVORSE: ADV POS \in a self contradictory manner, inconsistently;
ADVORSITAS, ADVORSITATIS: N 3 1 F \power of counteracting, efficacy as an antidote;
ADVORSITOR, ADVORSITORIS: N 3 1 M \one who goes to meet another; slave who went to meet/accompany master home;
ADVORSUM: ADV POS \opposite, against, in the opposite direction; in opposition; (w/ire go to meet;
ADVORSUM: PREP ACC \facing, opposite, against, towards; contrary to; face to face, in presence of;
ADVORSUS: ADV POS \opposite, against, in the opposite direction; in opposition; (w/ire go to meet;
ADVORSUS: PREP ACC \facing, opposite, against, towards; contrary to; face to face, in presence of;
ADVORTO, ADVORTERE, ADVORTI, ADVORSUS: V 3 1 \turn/face to/towards; direct/draw one's attention to; steer/pilot (ship);
ADYNAMOS, ADYNAMOS, -: ADJ 2 6 POS \weakened, diluted (like wine);
-, -, ADYNAMON: ADJ 2 8 POS \weakened, diluted (like wine);
ADYTUM, ADYTI: N 2 2 N \innermost part of a temple, sanctuary, shrine; innermost recesses/chamber;
ADZELOR, ADZELARI, -, ADZELATUS SUM: V 1 1 \be zealous against one; be angry with;
AECUM, AECI: N 2 2 N \level ground; equal footing/terms; what is right/fair/equitable, equity;
AECUS, AECA -UM, AECIOR -OR -US, AECISSIMUS -A -UM: ADJ 1 1 X \level, even, equal, like; just, kind, impartial, fair; patient, contented;
AECOR, AECORIS: N 3 2 N \level/smooth surface, plain; surface of the sea; sea, ocean;
AECOREUS, AECOREA, AECOREUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \of/connected with the sea, situated near/bordering on/surrounded by the sea;
AEDUS, AEDI: N 2 1 M \kid, young goat; two stars in constellation Auriga (Charioteer), "The Kid";
AEDES, AEDIS: N 3 3 F \temple, shrine; tomb; apartment, room; house (pl.), abode, dwelling; household;
AEDICULA, AEDICULAE: N 1 1 F \small room/house/shrine; chapel, tomb, sepulcher; niche, closet;
AEDIFACIO, AEDIFACERE, -, -: V 3 1 \build, erect, construct, make; create; establish;
AEDIFEX, AEDIFICIS: N 3 1 M \builder, contractor, one who has buildings erected; architect, maker, creator;
AEDIFICO, AEDIFICARE, AEDIFICAVI, AEDIFICATUS: V 1 1 \build, erect, construct, make; create; establish; improve; edify;
AEDIFICATIO, AEDIFICATIONIS: N 3 1 F \edification, explanation; building up (argument);
AEDIFICATIO, AEDIFICATIONIS: N 3 1 F \house; building, edifice, group of buildings, built-up area; act of building;
AEDIFICATIUNCULA, AEDIFICATIUNCULAE: N 1 1 F \little building; construction;
AEDIFICATOR, AEDIFICATORIS: N 3 1 M \builder, contractor, one who has buildings erected; architect, maker, creator;
AEDIFICATORIUS, AEDIFICATORIA, AEDIFICATORIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \pertaining to building/construction;
AEDIFICIUM, AEDIFICI(I): N 2 4 N \building; edifice, structure;
AEDIFICIOLUM, AEDIFICIOLI: N 2 2 N \building; structure;
AEDILICIUS, AEDILICIA, AEDILICIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \of an aedile (magistrate - police, fire, market); of aedile rank/ex-aedile;
AEDILICIUS, AEDILICII: N 2 1 M \ex-aedile (magistrate - police, fire, market); one who has been an aedile;
AEDILIS, AEDILIS: N 3 3 M \aedile - commissioner (magistrate) of police/fire/markets/games; sacristan;
AEDILITAS, AEDILITATIS: N 3 1 F \aedileship, the office of an aedile; the tenure of the aedileship;
AEDIS, AEDIS: N 3 3 F \temple, shrine; tomb; apartment, room; house (pl.), abode/dwelling; household;
AEDITIMUS, AEDITIMI: N 2 1 M \sacristan, one who has charge of a temple; custodian of a temple;
AEDITIMOR, AEDITIMARI, -, AEDITIMATUS SUM: V 1 1 \act as a sacristan, be in charge/take care of a temple;
AEDITUA, AEDITUAE: N 1 1 F \female sacristan, one who has charge of a temple; custodian of a temple;
AEDITUUS, AEDITUI: N 2 1 M \sacristan, one who has charge of a temple; custodian of a temple; priest;
AEDITUO, AEDITUARE, AEDITUAVI, AEDITUATUS: V 1 1 \act as a sacristan, be in charge/take care of a temple;
AEDITUALIS, AEDITUALIS, AEDITUALE: ADJ 3 2 POS \pertaining to a temple-keeper/sacristan;
AEDITUENS, AEDITUENTIS: N 3 3 M \temple-keeper/sacristan;
AEDITUMUS, AEDITUMI: N 2 1 M \sacristan, one who has charge of a temple; custodian of a temple;
AEDITUMOR, AEDITUMARI, -, AEDITUMATUS SUM: V 1 1 \act as a sacristan, be in charge/take care of a temple;
AEDO, AEDONIS: N 3 1 F \nightingale;
AEDON, AEDONIS: N 3 1 F \nightingale;
AEDONIUS, AEDONIA, AEDONIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \of the nightingale;
AEDUUS, AEDUI: N 2 1 M \Aedui (pl.), also Haedui, a people of Cen. Gaul - in Caesar's "Gallic War";
AEGER, AEGRI: N 2 3 M \sick person, invalid, patient;
AEGER, AEGRA -UM, AEGRIOR -OR -US, AEGERRIMUS -A -UM: ADJ 1 2 X \sick/ill, infirm; unsound, injured; painful, grievous; corrupt; sad/sorrowful;
AEGIDES, AEGIDAE: N 1 7 M \son of Aegeus (i.e. Theseus); decendents of Aegeus (pl.);
AEGILOPA, AEGILOPAE: N 1 1 F \name of some plants (turkey oak, grass); ulcer of the eye, lachrymal fistula;
AEGILOPIUM, AEGILOPI(I): N 2 4 N \ulcer of the eye, lachrymal fistula;
AEGILOPS, AEGILOPIS: N 3 1 F \name of some plants (turkey oak, grass); ulcer of the eye, lachrymal fistula;
AEGIS, AEGIDIS: N 3 1 F \the aegis (Minerva's shield); shield, defense; wood nearest pith, heartwood;
AEGISONUS, AEGISONA, AEGISONUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \sounding with the aegis;
AEGITHUS, AEGITHI: N 2 1 M \small bird, blue tit; species of hawk;
AEGOCEPHALUS, AEGOCEPHALI: N 2 1 M \species of bird (horned owl?);
AEGOCERAS, AEGOCERATOS/IS: N 3 7 N \fenugreek, Greek hay; (flour from seeds, herb medicine, pickled as a dainty);
AEGOCEROS, AEGOCEROTIS: N 3 1 M \wild goat (poet. for sign of zodiac - Capricorn);
AEGOLETHRON, AEGOLETHRI: N 2 8 N \plant supposed to be injurious to goats (Azalea pontica?); goat's bane;
AEGOLIOS, AEGOLII: N 2 6 M \species of owl;
AEGONYCHOS, AEGONYCHI: N 2 6 F \plant, lithospermon; (goat's hoof);
AEGRUM, AEGRI: N 2 2 N \diseased part of the body; diseased state; grief, feeling of distress; pain;
AEGREO, AEGRERE, -, -: V 2 1 \be sick/ill;
AEGRE, AEGRIUS, AEGERRIME: ADV X \scarcely, with difficulty, painfully, hardly; reluctantly, uncomfortably;
AEGRESCO, AEGRESCERE, -, -: V 3 1 \become sick, grow worse; suffer mental/emotional distress, grieve;
AEGRIMONIA, AEGRIMONIAE: N 1 1 F \sorrow, anxiety, melancholy, grief, mental distress/anguish;
AEGRITIUDO, AEGRITIUDINIS: N 3 1 F \illness, sickness;
AEGRITUDO, AEGRITUDINIS: N 3 1 F \sickness, disease, grief, sorrow; affliction, anxiety; melancholy;
AEGROR, AEGRORIS: N 3 1 M \sickness, disease;
AEGROTUS, AEGROTA, AEGROTUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \sick, diseased; love-sick, pining;
AEGROTUS, AEGROTI: N 2 1 M \sick/diseased person, invalid, patient;
AEGROTO, AEGROTARE, AEGROTAVI, AEGROTATUS: V 1 1 \be sick; be distressed/mentally/morally ill, be afflicted, languish, grieve;
AEGROTAS, AEGROTATIS: N 3 1 F \illness, sickness;
AEGROTATIO, AEGROTATIONIS: N 3 1 F \sickness, disease; morbid desire/passion, unhealthy moral condition;
AEGROTITAS, AEGROTITATIS: N 3 1 F \illness, sickness;
AEGYPTIUS, AEGYPTIA, AEGYPTIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \Egyptian; of/connected with Egypt;
AEGYPTIUS, AEGYPTII: N 2 1 M \Egyptian, inhabitant of Egypt; Egyptian sage/prophet;
AEGYPTIACUS, AEGYPTIACA, AEGYPTIACUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \Egyptian; of/connected with Egypt;
AEGYPTILLA, AEGYPTILLAE: N 1 1 F \precious stone found in Egypt; (saronyx and nicolo);
AELINOS, AELINI: N 2 6 M \dirge, song of lament;
AELINON: INTERJ \exclamation of sorrow; "alas for Linus";
AELURUS, AELURI: N 2 1 M \cat;
AEMULUS, AEMULA, AEMULUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \envious, jealous, grudging, (things) comparable/equal (with/to);
AEMULA, AEMULAE: N 1 1 F \rival (female); woman who strives to equal/exceed; rival in love; rival city;
AEMULUS, AEMULI: N 2 1 M \rival, competitor, love rival; diligent imitator/follower; equal/peer;
AEMULO, AEMULARE, AEMULAVI, AEMULATUS: V 1 1 \ape, imitate, emulate; be envious, jealous of, vie with a rival; copy (book);
AEMULOR, AEMULARI, -, AEMULATUS SUM: V 1 1 \ape, imitate, emulate; be envious, jealous of, vie with a rival; copy (book);
AEMULANTER: ADV POS \emulously; enviously, jealously;
AEMULATUS, AEMULATUS: N 4 1 M \emulation, envy, rivalry;
AEMULATIO, AEMULATIONIS: N 3 1 F \rivalry, ambition; unfriendly rivalry; (envious) emulation, imitation;
AEMULATOR, AEMULATORIS: N 3 1 M \imitator, rival;
AEMULATRIX, AEMULATRICIS: N 3 1 F \rival (female); woman who strives to equal/exceed; emulator (female);
AENUS, AENA, AENUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \copper, of copper (alloy); bronze, made of bronze, bronze-colored; brazen;
AENA, AENAE: N 1 1 F \card/comb used in treating of cloth/fibers;
AENUM, AENI: N 2 2 N \vessel made of copper/bronze; brazen vessel; kettle, pot, cauldron;
AENATOR, AENATORIS: N 3 1 M \trumpeter;
AENEUS, AENEA, AENEUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \copper, of copper (alloy); bronze, made of bronze, bronze-colored; brazen;
AENEUM, AENEI: N 2 2 N \vessel made of copper/bronze; brazen vessel; kettle, pot, cauldron;
AENEATOR, AENEATORIS: N 3 1 M \trumpeter;
AENEOLUS, AENEOLA, AENEOLUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \bronze, made of bronze;
AENIATOR, AENIATORIS: N 3 1 M \trumpeter;
AENIGMA, AENIGMATIS: N 3 2 N \puzzle, enigma, riddle, obscure expression/saying;
AENIGMATICUS, AENIGMATICA, AENIGMATICUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \enigmatic, like an enigma; obscure; puzzling;
AENIGMATISTA, AENIGMATISTAE: N 1 1 M \enigmatist; one that proposes/speaks in riddles;
AENIOLUS, AENIOLA, AENIOLUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \bronze, made of bronze;
AENIPES, (GEN.), AENIPIDIS: ADJ 3 1 POS \bronze-footed, that has feet of bronze;
AENITOLOGIUM, AENITOLOGII: N 2 2 N \dactylic verse with an iambic penthemimeris;
AENULUM, AENULI: N 2 2 N \small bronze vessel;
AEOLIPILA, AEOLIPILAE: N 1 1 F \instruments/vessels (pl.) for investigating the nature of the wind;
AEON, AEONIS: N 3 1 M \age; eternity; the Thirty Aeons (gods);
AEQUUM, AEQUI: N 2 2 N \level ground; equal footing/terms; what is right/fair/equitable, equity;
AEQUO, AEQUARE, AEQUAVI, AEQUATUS: V 1 1 \level, make even/straight; equal; compare; reach as high or deep as;
AEQUUS, AEQUA -UM, AEQUIOR -OR -US, AEQUISSIMUS -A -UM: ADJ 1 1 X \level, even, equal, like; just, kind, impartial, fair; patient, contented;
AEQUABILIS, AEQUABILE, AEQUABILIOR -OR -US, AEQUABILISSIMUS -A -UM: ADJ 3 2 X \equal, alike, uniform, steady; unruffled; equal proportion, fair, just;
AEQUABILITAS, AEQUABILITATIS: N 3 1 F \equality, fairness; evenness, uniformity; analogy (gram.), correspondence;
AEQUABILITER, AEQUABILITIUS, AEQUABILITISSIME: ADV X \uniformly, equally; in equal proportions/a regular manner; smoothly; justly;
AEQUAEVUS, AEQUAEVA, AEQUAEVUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \of the same age; contemporary;
AEQUALIS, AEQUALE, AEQUALIOR -OR -US, AEQUALISSIMUS -A -UM: ADJ 3 2 X \equal, similar; uniform, level, flat; of the same age/generation/duration;
AEQUALIS, AEQUALIS: N 3 3 C \comrade; person of one's age/rank/ability, contemporary; equivalent;
AEQUALITAS, AEQUALITATIS: N 3 1 F \evenness; equality (of age/status/merit/distribution), uniformity, symmetry;
AEQUALITER, AEQUALITIUS, AEQUALITISSIME: ADV X \evenly, alike, uniformly; equally, to an equal measure/extent; symmetrically;
AEQUAMEN, AEQUMINIS: N 3 2 N \instrument for leveling;
AEQUAMENTUM, AEQUAMENTI: N 2 2 N \equaling, requiting;
AEQUANIMUS, AEQUANIMA, AEQUANIMUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \mentally calm, composed, tranquil;
AEQUANIMITAS, AEQUANIMITATIS: N 3 1 F \calmness of mind, patience, tranquility, equanimity; goodwill, favor;
AEQUANIMITER: ADV POS \calmly; with equanimity;
AEQUATIO, AEQUATIONIS: N 3 1 F \equal division/distribution; equalizing, equality;
AEQUATIONUM, AEQUATIONI: N 2 2 N \equation, (mathematical relation); equality;
AEQUATOR, AEQUATORIS: N 3 1 M \one who equalizes; (aequator monetae => assayer);
AEQUE, AEQUIUS, AEQUISSIME: ADV X \equally, justly, fairly; in same/like manner/degree, just as; likewise, also;
AEQUICRURIUS, AEQUICRURIA, AEQUICRURIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \of equal legs; isosceles (triangle);
AEQUIDIANUS, AEQUIDIANA, AEQUIDIANUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \equinocital, at the time of the equinox;
AEQUIDICUS, AEQUIDICI: N 2 1 M \verses (pl.) containing corresponding words or expressions;
AEQUIDISTANS, (GEN.), AEQUIDISANTIS: ADJ 3 1 POS \equidistant; parallel;
AEQUIFORMIS, AEQUIFORMIS, AEQUIFORME: ADJ 3 2 POS \uniform (connected words);
AEQUILANX, (GEN.), AEQUILANCIS: ADJ 3 1 POS \with equal scale; of equal weight;
AEQUILATUS, AEQUILATA, AEQUILATUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \equilateral, with equal sides;
AEQUILATATIO, AEQUILATATIONIS: N 3 1 F \area of uniform width, space between parallel lines;
AEQUILATUS, (GEN.), AEQUILATERIS: ADJ 3 1 POS \equilateral, equal sides;
AEQUILAVIUM, AEQUILAVII: N 2 2 N \half, a half of a whole; (wool when half the weight remains after washing);
AEQUILIBRIS, AEQUILIBRIS, AEQUILIBRE: ADJ 3 2 POS \level, on a level; horizontal; in perfect equilibrium (L+S);
AEQUILIBRO, AEQUILIBRARE, AEQUILIBRAVI, AEQUILIBRATUS: V 1 1 \keep in a state of equilibrium/balance;
AEQUILIBRATUS, AEQUILIBRATA, AEQUILIBRATUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \level, on a level; horizontal; in perfect equilibrium (L+S);
AEQUILIBRIUM, AEQUILIBRI(I): N 2 4 N \state of equilibrium; reciprocity, equivalence; level/horizontal position (L+S);
AEQUILIBRITAS, AEQUILIBRITATIS: N 3 1 F \equal proportion, equilibrium;
AEQUILITER: ADV POS \equally, evenly, uniformly;
AEQUIMANUS, AEQUIMANA, AEQUIMANUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \ambidextrous, can use both hands equally; equal in two pursuits/departments;
AEQUINOCTIUM, AEQUINOCTI(I): N 2 4 N \the equinox;
AEQUINOCTIALIS, AEQUINOCTIALIS, AEQUINOCTIALE: ADJ 3 2 POS \equinoctial, of/connected with the equinox; (~ circulus => celestial equator);
AEQUIPAR, (GEN.), AEQUIPARIS: ADJ 3 1 POS \equal; exactly/perfectly alike;
AEQUIPARO, AEQUIPARARE, AEQUIPARAVI, AEQUIPARATUS: V 1 1 \become/put on a equal/level with/to, rival, equal; equalize; compare, liken;
AEQUIPARABILIS, AEQUIPARABILIS, AEQUIPARABILE: ADJ 3 2 POS \comparable, that may be compared/equated;
AEQUIPARATIO, AEQUIPARATIONIS: N 3 1 F \comparable qualities/quantities; equality of status/strength; comparison;
AEQUIPEDUS, AEQUIPEDA, AEQUIPEDUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \isosceles (triangle); having equal feet;
AEQUIPERO, AEQUIPERARE, AEQUIPERAVI, AEQUIPERATUS: V 1 1 \become/put on a equal/level with/to, rival, equal; equalize; compare, liken;
AEQUIPERABILIS, AEQUIPERABILIS, AEQUIPERABILE: ADJ 3 2 POS \comparable, that may be compared/equated;
AEQUIPERATIO, AEQUIPERATIONIS: N 3 1 F \comparable qualities/quantities; equality of status/strength; comparison;
AEQUIPES, (GEN.), AEQUIPEDIS: ADJ 3 1 POS \isosceles (triangle); having equal feet;
AEQUIPOLLENS, (GEN.), AEQUIPOLLENTIS: ADJ 3 1 POS \equivalent, of equal value/significance;
AEQUIPONDIUM, AEQUIPONDI(I): N 2 4 N \equal/counterbalancing weight;
AEQUITAS, AEQUITATIS: N 3 1 F \justice, equity, fairness, impartiality; symmetry, conformity; evenness;
AEQUITER: ADV POS \in equal proportions, evenly, fairly;
AEQUITERNUS, AEQUITERNA, AEQUITERNUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \equally eternal, coeternal;
AEQUIVALEO, AEQUIVALERE, -, -: V 2 1 \have equal power, be equivalent;
AEQUIVALENS, AEQUIVALENTIS: N 3 3 M \equivalent, of equal value or significance;
AEQUIVOCUS, AEQUIVOCA, AEQUIVOCUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \equivocal, ambiguous; of like significations;
AEQUOR, AEQUORIS: N 3 2 N \level/smooth surface, plain; surface of the sea; sea, ocean;
AEQUOREUS, AEQUOREA, AEQUOREUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \of/connected with the sea, situated near/bordering on/surrounded by the sea;
AERA, AERAE: N 1 1 F \darnel (a grass/weed, grows among wheat, subject to ergot, thereby dangerous);
AERA, AERAE: N 1 1 F \|parameter from which a calculation is made; item of account; era/epoch;
AER, AERIS: N 3 6 C \air (one of 4 elements); atmosphere, sky; cloud, mist, weather; breeze; odor;
AERACIUS, AERACIA, AERACIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \of copper/bronze;
AERAMEN, AREAMINIS: N 3 2 N \copper, bronze (late form for aes);
AERAMENTUM, AERAMENTI: N 2 2 N \prepared copper/bronze; a strip of copper/bronze; copper/bronze vessels (pl.);
AERARIUS, AERARIA, AERARIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \of/concerned with copper/bronze/brass; of coinage/money/treasury; penny-ante;
AERARIA, AERARIAE: N 1 1 F \copper mine; copper refinery/works;
AERARIUS, AERARI(I): N 2 4 M \lowest class citizen, pays poll tax but cannot vote/hold office; coppersmith;
AERARIUM, AERARI(I): N 2 4 N \treasury, its funds; part of Temple of Saturn in Rome holding public treasury;
AERATUS, AERATA, AERATUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \covered/decorated with/made of brass/bronze; with bronze fittings (ship);
AERCUS, AERCA, AERCUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \copper-; of copper/bronze/brass;
AEREUS, AEREA, AEREUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \made of/bound with/armored with/of the color of copper/bronze/brass;
AEREUS, AEREA, AEREUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \|of/produced in/existing in/flying in the air, airborne; aerial, towering, airy;
AEREUS, AEREI: N 2 1 M \a copper coin;
AERIUS, AERIA, AERIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \of/produced in/existing in/flying in the air, airborne; aerial, towering, airy;
AERICREPITANS, (GEN.), AERICREPITANTIS: ADJ 3 1 POS \clanging/sounding with bronze/brass;
AERIFER, AERIFERA, AERIFERUM: ADJ 1 2 POS \carrying/bearing bronze (i.e., cymbals of the attendants of Bacchus);
AERIFICE: ADV POS \with the art/skill of the bronze worker;
AERINUS, AERINA, AERINUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \connected with/of darnel (weed found with wheat); of air, aerial;
AERIPES, (GEN.), AERIPEDIS: ADJ 3 1 POS \brazen-footed; having/with feet of bronze;
AERISONUS, AERISONA, AERISONUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \sounding with bronze/brass (instruments);
AERIZUSA, AERIZUSAE: N 1 1 F \a kind of jasper;
AERO, AERONIS: N 3 1 M \kind of basket made with plaited reeds; hamper;
AEROIDES, AEROIDES, AEROIDES: ADJ 1 7 POS \cloudy; sky-blue? L+S; (beryllus aeroides => sapphire);
AEROIDES, AEROIDAE: N 1 7 M \sky-blue; the color of air; (may only be ADJ);
AEROMANTIA, AEROMANTIAE: N 1 1 F \aeromancy, divination from the state of the air;
AERONAVIGANS, AERONAVIGANTIS: N 3 3 C \airline personnel;
AEROPHOBUS, AEROPHOBI: N 2 1 M \one who fears the air;
AEROSUS, AEROSA, AEROSUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \containing copper; full of copper;
AERUCA, AERUCAE: N 1 1 F \verdigris, rust of copper;
AERUGINO, AERUGINARE, AERUGINAVI, AERUGINATUS: V 1 1 \rust, become rusty; become cankered;
AERUGINOSUS, AERUGINOSA, AERUGINOSUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \covered with verdigis; rusty;
AERUGO, AERUGINIS: N 3 1 F \rust of copper, verdigris; canker of the mind, envy, ill-will, avarice;
AERUMNA, AERUMNAE: N 1 1 F \toil, task, labor; hardship, trouble, affliction, distress, calamity;
AERUMNABILIS, AERUMNABILIS, AERUMNABILE: ADJ 3 2 POS \causing misery/trouble/hardship; distressing;
AERUMNOSUS, AERUMNOSA, AERUMNOSUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \a full of/afflicted with trouble/suffering, wretched; causing distress;
AERUMNULA, AERUMNULAE: N 1 1 F \traveler's stick for carrying a bundle/bindle;
AERUSCO, AERUSCARE, -, -: V 1 1 \beg; go begging; get money by traveling and practicing juggling/legerdemain L+S
AERUSCATOR, AERUSCATORIS: N 3 1 M \beggar; itinerant juggler/entertainer (L+S);
AES, AERIS: N 3 2 N \money, pay, fee, fare; copper/bronze/brass, base metal; (w/alienum) debt; gong;
AESUM, AESI: N 2 2 N \live-forever, houseleek (Sempervivum tectorum);
AESALON, AESALONIS: N 3 1 M \species of hawk/falcon;
AESCHROLOGIA, AESCHROLOGIAE: N 1 1 F \expression improper because of its ambiguity;
AESCHYNOMENE, AESCHYNOMENES: N 1 6 F \plant which shrinks when touched (Mimosa pudica); sensitive plant;
AESCULUS, AESCULI: N 2 1 F \variety of oak tree, perhaps durmast or Hungarian oak, or Italian oak;
AESCULANUS, AESCULANA, AESCULANUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \pertaining to copper or money;
AESCULEUS, AESCULEA, AESCULEUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \of a variety of oak tree/wood, perhaps durmast or Hungarian or Italian oak;
AESCULETUM, AESCULETI: N 2 2 N \a forest of durmast or Hungarian or Italian oak; district of Rome;
AESCULINUS, AESCULINA, AESCULINUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \of a variety of oak tree/wood, perhaps durmast or Hungarian or Italian oak;
AESCULNIUS, AESCULNIA, AESCULNIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \of a variety of oak tree/wood, perhaps durmast or Hungarian or Italian oak;
AESOPUS, AESOPI: N 2 1 M \Aesop (Greek author of fables); (Roman tragic actor contemporary with Cicero);
AESTUS, AESTUS: N 4 1 M \agitation, passion, seething; raging, boiling; heat/fire; sea tide/spray/swell;
AESTAS, AESTATIS: N 3 1 F \summer; summer heat/weather; a year;
AESTIFER, AESTIFERA, AESTIFERUM: ADJ 1 2 POS \producing/causing/bringing heat; hot, sultry;
AESTIMO, AESTIMARE, AESTIMAVI, AESTIMATUS: V 1 1 \value, assess; estimate; reckon; consider, judge (situation); esteem;
AESTIMATUS, AESTIMATA, AESTIMATUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \valuated (price/worth), assessed/estimated (the cost/situation); esteemed;
AESTIMATUS, AESTIMATUS: N 4 1 M \valuation (of property), estimation of money value; value, price;
AESTIMATIO, AESTIMATIONIS: N 3 1 F \valuation, estimation of money value; value, price; assessment of damages;
AESTIMATOR, AESTIMATORIS: N 3 1 M \appraiser, valuer; judge;
AESTIMATORIUS, AESTIMATORIA, AESTIMATORIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \of/concerning the valuation of property;
AESTIMIA, AESTIMIAE: N 1 1 F \assessment; valuation, estimate;
AESTIMIUM, AESTIMII: N 2 2 N \assessment; valuation, estimate;
AESTIVUS, AESTIVA, AESTIVUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \summer-like, summer; pertaining to/occurring in/used for/appearing in summer;
AESTIVUM, AESTIVI: N 2 2 N \summer camp/quarters/pastures/apartments (pl.); campaigning season, campaigns;
AESTIVO, AESTIVARE, AESTIVAVI, AESTIVATUS: V 1 1 \spend/pass the summer;
AESTIVALIS, AESTIVALIS, AESTIVALE: ADJ 3 2 POS \of summer, designed for summer use;
AESTIVE: ADV POS \in summer fashion; lightly (dress);
AESTUO, AESTUARE, AESTUAVI, AESTUATUS: V 1 1 \boil, seethe, foam; billow roll in waves; be agitated/hot; burn; waver;
AESTUARIUM, AESTUARI(I): N 2 4 N \tidal marsh/inlet/opening, marsh; (river) estuary; air shaft, vent;
AESTUMO, AESTUMARE, AESTUMAVI, AESTUMATUS: V 1 1 \value, assess; estimate; reckon; consider, judge (situation); esteem;
AESTUMATIO, AESTUMATIONIS: N 3 1 F \valuation, estimation of money value; value, price; assessment of damages;
AESTUOSUS, AESTUOSA -UM, AESTUOSIOR -OR -US, AESTUOSISSIMUS -A -UM: ADJ 1 1 X \burning hot, glowing, sweltering, sultry; fevered; seething (water), raging;
AETAS, AETATIS: N 3 1 F \lifetime, age, generation; period; stage, period of life, time, era;
AETATULA, AETATULAE: N 1 1 F \tender age of childhood; early time of life; youth; person of tender age;
AETERNO, AETERNARE, AETERNAVI, AETERNATUS: V 1 1 \immortalize; confer undying fame on;
AETERNUS, AETERNA -UM, AETERNIOR -OR -US, AETERNISSIMUS -A -UM: ADJ 1 1 X \eternal/everlasting/imperishable; perpetual, w/out beginning/end; in ~=>forever;
AETERNITAS, AETERNITATIS: N 3 1 F \eternity, infinite time; immortality; permanence, durability;
AETERNO: ADV POS \for ever, always; perpetually; also; constantly;
AETERNUM: ADV POS \eternally, for ever, always; perpetually; also; constantly;
AETHALUS, AETHALI: N 2 1 M \sort of grape in Egypt, soot grape;
AETHER, AETHERIS: N 3 6 M \upper air; ether; heaven, sky; sky (as a god); space surrounding a deity;
AETHEREUS, AETHEREA, AETHEREUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \ethereal, heavenly, divine, celestial; of the upper atmosphere; aloft; lofty;
AETHERIUS, AETHERIA, AETHERIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \ethereal, heavenly, divine, celestial; of the upper atmosphere; aloft; lofty;
AETHIOPIA, AETHIOPIAE: N 1 1 F \Ethiopia; present day Sudan; inland central Africa;
AETHIOPIS, AETHIOPIDIS: N 3 1 F \species of sage (Salvia Aethiopis?); another plant;
AETHIOPISSA, AETHIOPISSAE: N 1 1 F \Ethiopian woman, female inhabitant of 'Ethiopia'/Sudan; negro/black woman;
AETHIOPS, (GEN.), AETHIOPIS: ADJ 3 1 POS \Ethiopian, of/connected with 'Ethiopia'/Sudan/central Africa;
AETHIOPS, AETHIOPIS: N 3 1 M \Ethiopian, inhabitant of 'Ethiopia'/Sudan; negro/black man; black slave;
AETHON, (GEN.), AETHONIS: ADJ 3 1 POS \red-brown; tawny;
AETHRA, AETHRAE: N 1 1 F \brightness, splendor (of heavenly bodies); clear/bright sky; heavens; pure air;
AETIOLOGIA, AETIOLOGIAE: N 1 1 F \bringing of proofs, allegation of reasons; inquiry into/explanation of causes;
AETITES, AETITAE: N 1 7 F \aetites, eagle-stone (w/lapis) (a stone, hollow, with another substance within;
AETITIS, AETITIDIS: N 3 1 F \precious stone: aetites, eagle-stone (hollow, with another substance within);
AETOMA, AETOMAE: N 1 1 F \gable;
AETOMA, AETOMATIS: N 3 2 N \gable;
AEVUS, AEVI: N 2 1 M \time, time of life, age, old age, generation; passage/lapse of time; all time;
AEVUM, AEVI: N 2 2 N \time, time of life, age, old age, generation; passage/lapse of time; all time;
AEVITAS, AEVITATIS: N 3 1 F \lifetime, age, generation; period; stage, period of life, time, era;
AEVITAS, AEVITATIS: N 3 1 F \|time of existence; unending/endless time, forever; immortality; days of yore;
AEVITERNUS, AEVITERNA -UM, AEVITERNIOR -OR -US, AEVITERNISSIMUS -A -UM: ADJ 1 1 X \eternal, everlasting, imperishable; perpetual; having no beginning/end;
AEX, AEGIS: N 3 1 F \craggy rocks (pl.); a rock situated between the islands of Tenedos and Chios;
AFA, AFAE: N 1 1 F \dust;
AFANNA, AFANNAE: N 1 1 F \shifty excuses (pl.), evasive talk;
AFER, AFRA, AFRUM: ADJ 1 2 POS \African; of/connected with Africa;
AFER, AFRI: N 2 3 M \African; inhabitant of north coast of Africa (except Egypt); Carthaginian;
AFFOR, AFFARI, -, AFFATUS SUM: V 1 1 \speak to, address; be spoked to/addressed (PASS), be decreed by fate;
AFFABER, AFFABRA, AFFABRUM: ADJ 1 2 POS \made/prepared ingeniously/skillfully/with art; ingenious, skilled in art;
AFFABILIS, AFFABILIS, AFFABILE: ADJ 3 2 POS \easy of access/to talk to, affable, friendly, courteous; sympathetic (words);
AFFABILITAS, AFFABILITATIS: N 3 1 F \affability, friendliness, courtesy;
AFFABILITER, AFFABILITIUS, AFFABILITISSIME: ADV X \conversationally, in informal/friendly discourse;
AFFABRE: ADV POS \skillfully, ingeniously, artistically;
AFFAMEN, AFFAMINIS: N 3 2 N \greeting, salutation, address; accosting;
AFFANIA, AFFANIAE: N 1 1 F \trifling talk (pl.), chatter; idle jests;
AFFATUS, AFFATUS: N 4 1 M \address, speech, converse with; pronouncement, utterance (of);
AFFATIM: ADV POS \sufficiently, amply, with complete satisfaction;
AFFECTUS, AFFECTA, AFFECTUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \endowed with, possessed of; minded; affected; impaired, weakened; emotional;
AFFECTUS, AFFECTUS: N 4 1 M \disposition, state (of body/mind), mood, emotion; affection, passion, love;
AFFECTO, AFFECTARE, AFFECTAVI, AFFECTATUS: V 1 1 \aim at, desire, aspire, try, lay claim to; try to control; feign, pretend;
AFFECTOR, AFFECTARI, -, AFFECTATUS SUM: V 1 1 \aim at, desire, aspire, try, lay claim to; try to control; feign, pretend;
AFFECTATUS, AFFECTATA, AFFECTATUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \studied, artificial, affected;
AFFECTATIO, AFFECTATIONIS: N 3 1 F \seeking/striving for, aspiration to; affectation, straining for; claiming;
AFFECTATO: ADV POS \studiously, zealously;
AFFECTATOR, AFFECTATORIS: N 3 1 M \aspirant, zealous seeker (of), one who strives to obtain/produce;
AFFECTE: ADV POS \deeply, with (strong) affection;
AFFECTIO, AFFECTIONIS: N 3 1 F \mental condition, mood, feeling, disposition; affection, love; purpose;
AFFECTIOSUS, AFFECTIOSA, AFFECTIOSUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \full of affection/attachment;
AFFECTIOSE: ADV POS \affectionately;
AFFECTIOSE, AFFECTIOSIUS, AFFECTIOSISSIME: ADV X \feelingly; with (kindly) feeling;
AFFECTIVUS, AFFECTIVA, AFFECTIVUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \affective; of willing/desiring;
AFFECTRIX, AFFECTRICIS: N 3 1 F \aspirant (female); she who seeks/strives for (a thing);
AFFECTUALIS, AFFECTUALIS, AFFECTUALE: ADJ 3 2 POS \depending on a temporary condition;
AFFECTUOSUS, AFFECTUOSA, AFFECTUOSUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \affectionate, kind, full of inclination/affection/love;
AFFECTUOSE: ADV POS \affectionately, kindly;
AFFECTUOSE, AFFECTUOSIUS, AFFECTUOSISSIME: ADV X \feelingly; with (kindly) feeling;
AFFERO, AFFERRE, ATTULI, ALLATUS: V 3 2 \bring to (word/food), carry, convey; report, allege, announce; produce, cause;
AFFICIO, AFFICERE, AFFECI, AFFECTUS: V 3 1 \affect, make impression; move, influence; cause (hurt/death), afflict, weaken;
AFFIGO, AFFIGERE, AFFIXI, AFFIXUS: V 3 1 \fasten/fix/pin/attach to (w/DAT), annex; impress upon; pierce; chain, confine;
AFFINIS, AFFINIS, AFFINE: ADJ 3 2 POS \neighboring, adjacent, next, bordering; related (marriage), akin, connected;
AFFINGO, AFFINGERE, AFFINXI, AFFICTUS: V 3 1 \add to, attach; aggravate; embellish, counterfeit, forge; claim wrongly;
AFFINIS, AFFINIS: N 3 3 C \relation (by marriage); neighbor; accomplice;
AFFINITAS, AFFINITATIS: N 3 1 F \relation(ship) by marriage; relationship (man+wife), bond/union; neighborhood;
AFFIRMO, AFFIRMARE, AFFIRMAVI, AFFIRMATUS: V 1 1 \affirm/assert (dogmatically/positively); confirm, ratify, restore; emphasize;
AFFIRMANTER: ADV POS \certainly, assuredly, with assurance;
AFFIRMATE: ADV POS \with definite affirmation/solemn assertion, positively, certainly, assuredly;
AFFIRMATIO, AFFIRMATIONIS: N 3 1 F \affirmation, strengthening of belief; assertion, dogmatic/positive statement;
AFFIRMATOR, AFFIRMATORIS: N 3 1 M \one who makes a definite assertion/affirmation;
AFFIXUS, AFFIXA, AFFIXUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \fastened/joined to (person/thing); impressed on, fixed to; situated close to;
AFFIXUM, AFFIXI: N 2 2 N \fixtures (pl.) pertaining thereto;, permanent fittings/appendages/appurtenances;
AFFIXIO, AFFIXIONIS: N 3 1 F \joining/fastening to; an addition to;
AFFLO, AFFLARE, AFFLAVI, AFFLATUS: V 1 1 \blow/breathe (on/towards); inspire, infuse; waft; graze; breathe poison on;
AFFLEO, AFFLERE, AFFLEVI, AFFLETUS: V 2 1 \weep/cry at; weep as an accompaniment;
AFFLAGRANS, AFFLAGRANTIS: N 3 3 F \flaming/blazing up; turbulent, unquiet;
AFFLATUS, AFFLATUS: N 4 1 M \breath, snorting; breeze, wind, draught, (hot) blast; stench; inspiration, flash
AFFLATOR, AFFLATORIS: N 3 1 M \one who blows on/breathes into;
AFFLECTO, AFFLECTARE, AFFLECTAVI, AFFLECTATUS: V 1 1 \affect, move, influence (to a course of action);
AFFLEXUS, AFFLEXA, AFFLEXUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \bent/turned (towards);
AFFLICTUS, AFFLICTA, AFFLICTUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \in a state of ruin (persons/countries/affairs), shattered;
AFFLICTUS, AFFLICTUS: N 4 1 M \collision, blow; a striking against/dashing together;
AFFLICTO, AFFLICTARE, AFFLICTAVI, AFFLICTATUS: V 1 1 \shatter, damage, strike repeatedly, buffet, wreck; oppress, afflict; vex;
AFFLICTATIO, AFFLICTATIONIS: N 3 1 F \grievous suffering, torment, affliction; pain, torture;
AFFLICTATOR, AFFLICTATORIS: N 3 1 M \one who causes pain/suffering/torment/torture; tormenter;
AFFLICTIO, AFFLICTIONIS: N 3 1 F \pain, suffering, torment;
AFFLICTOR, AFFLICTORIS: N 3 1 M \one who strikes against/down/overthrows;
AFFLICTRIX, (GEN.), AFFLICTRICIS: ADJ 3 1 POS \that strikes against/down/overthrows or collides with (female);
AFFLICTRIX, AFFLICTRICIS: N 3 1 M \one (female) who strikes against/down/overthrows;
AFFLIGO, AFFLIGERE, AFFLIXI, AFFLICTUS: V 3 1 \overthrow/throw down; afflict, damage, crush, break, ruin; humble, weaken, vex;
AFFLUO, AFFLUERE, AFFLUXI, AFFLUXUS: V 3 1 \flow on/to/towards/by; glide/drift quietly; flock together, throng; abound;
AFFLUENS, AFFLUENTIS (GEN.), AFFLUENTIOR -OR -US, AFFLUENTISSIMUS -A -UM: ADJ 3 1 X \flowing/overflowing/abounding with; abundant, plentiful, sumptuous, copious;
AFFLUENTE, AFFLUENTIUS, AFFLUENTISSIME: ADV X \richly, copiously, abundantly, extravagantly, opulently;
AFFLUENTER, AFFLUENTIUS, AFFLUENTISSIME: ADV X \abundantly, copiously; luxuriously, extravagantly;
AFFLUENTIA, AFFLUENTIAE: N 1 1 F \flow (of a liquid); abundance, profusion, extravagance, opulence, riotousness;
AFFODIO, AFFODERE, -, -: V 3 1 \add by digging;
AFFRANGO, AFFRANGERE, -, -: V 3 1 \cause to be broken against, crush/strike/break against; break in pieces;
AFFREMO, AFFREMERE, -, -: V 3 1 \roar/rage/growl (at); assent noisily to (w/DAT);
AFFRIO, AFFRIARE, AFFRIAVI, AFFRIATUS: V 1 1 \sprinkle (powder); crumble, grate;
AFFRICO, AFFRICARE, AFFRICUI, AFFRICATUS: V 1 1 \rub (one thing against another); apply by rubbing, smear on;
AFFRICO, AFFRICARE, AFFRICUI, AFFRICTUS: V 1 1 \rub (one thing against another); apply by rubbing, smear on;
AFFRICATIO, AFFRICATIONIS: N 3 1 F \a rubbing on/against (a thing); friction; abrasion;
AFFRICTUS, AFFRICTUS: N 4 1 M \friction; rubbing on;
AFFRINGO, AFFRINGERE, -, -: V 3 1 \cause to be broken against, crush/strike/break against; break in pieces;
AFFUO, AFFUERE, AFFUXI, -: V 3 1 \flow/stream/issue (from), flow away; abound in (w/ABL), be abundant, abound;
AFFULGEO, AFFULGERE, AFFULSI, -: V 2 1 \shine forth, appear, dawn; shine/smile upon (w/favor), appear favorable;
AFFUNDO, AFFUNDERE, AFFUDI, AFFUSUS: V 3 1 \pour on/upon/into, heap up; shed/spill (blood); wash;
AFFUNDOR, AFFUNDI, -, AFFUSUS SUM: V 3 1 \prostrate oneself; cause to be spread on/over; flow alongside/past (streams);
AFLUO, AFLUERE, AFLUXI, -: V 3 1 \flow/stream/issue (from), flow away; abound in (w/ABL), be abundant, abound;
AFLUENS, (GEN.), AFLUENTIS: ADJ 3 1 POS \abundant, plentiful, copious;
AFRANIUS, AFRANIA, AFRANIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \Afranius; (Roman gens name); (L. ~ -> one of Pompey's generals);
AFRANIUS, AFRANI: N 2 5 M \Afranius; (Roman gens name); (L. Afranius -> one of Pompey's generals);
AFRICUS, AFRICA, AFRICUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \African; from the southwest (e.g. sea between Africa and Sicily, wind);
AFRICA, AFRICAE: N 1 1 F \Africa (North) (Roman province); Libya (Carthagenian); the continent;
AFRICUS, AFRICI: N 2 1 M \the southwest wind;
AFRICANUS, AFRICANA, AFRICANUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \African; from/of Africa; plants/animals from Africa;
AFRICANUS, AFRICANI: N 2 1 M \panthers (pl.); (African cats); (other wild beasts);
AGO, AGERE, EGI, ACTUS: V 3 1 \drive, urge, conduct; spend (time w/cum); thank (w/gratias); deliver (speech);
AGAGA, AGAGAE: N 1 1 M \catamite (rude), a boy kept for unnatural purposes, pathic;
AGAMUS, AGAMA, AGAMUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \unmarried;
AGAPE, AGAPES: N 1 6 F \Christian love/charity; love feast of early Christians;
AGARICUM, AGARICI: N 2 2 N \agaric, species of corky tree (larch) fungus used as styptic/tinder/in dyeing;
AGASO, AGASONIS: N 3 1 M \driver, groom, stableboy; lackey, serving-man;
AGATHUM, AGATHI: N 2 2 N \notable/distingushed/characteristic thing; precious thing, thing of great value;
AGATHODAEMON, AGATHODAEMONIS: N 3 1 M \Egyptian serpent to which healing power was ascribed;
AGE: INTERJ \come!, go to!, well!, all right!;
AGEA, AGEAE: N 1 1 F \gangway between the rowers in a ship;
AGEDUM: INTERJ \come!, go to!, well!, all right!;
AGELLUS, AGELLI: N 2 1 M \little field, small plot of land, farm, small estate;
AGELLULUS, AGELLULI: N 2 1 M \very small plot of land, very small field;
AGEMA, AGEMATIS: N 3 2 N \special division of the Macedonian army, royal bodyguard;
AGENDA, AGENDAE: N 1 1 F \ritual; what must be done; agenda;
AGENS, AGENTIS: N 3 3 M \advocate, pleader; secret police (pl.) (frumentarii/curiosi); land surveyors;
AGERO, AGERERE, -, -: V 3 1 \take away, remove;
AGER, AGRI: N 2 3 M \field, ground; farm, land, estate, park; territory, country; terrain; soil;
AGERATON, AGERATI: N 2 8 N \a plant that does not easily wither (Achillea ageraton?);
AGETO, AGETARE, AGETAVI, AGETATUS: V 1 1 \stir/drive/shake/move about; revolve; live; control, ride; consider, pursue;
AGGAUDEO, AGGAUDERE, -, -: V 2 1 \delight in; be delighted with;
AGGEMO, AGGEMERE, -, -: V 3 1 \groan in conjunction/sympathy (with);
AGGENICULOR, AGGENICULARI, -, AGGENICULATUS SUM: V 1 1 \kneel before, bend the knee before;
AGGER, AGGERIS: N 3 1 M \rampart (or material for); causeway, pier; heap, pile, mound; dam; mud wall;
AGGERO, AGGERARE, AGGERAVI, AGGERATUS: V 1 1 \heap/fill up, bring, carry; increase, add fuel; push/crowd/press together;
AGGERO, AGGERERE, AGGESSI, AGGESTUS: V 3 1 \heap/cover up over, pile/build up, erect; accumulate; intensify, exaggerate;
AGGERATIM: ADV POS \in heaps/piles;
AGGERATIO, AGGERATIONIS: N 3 1 F \heaped/piled up material;
AGGESTUS, AGGESTI: N 2 1 M \mound, dike, elevation formed like a dike/mound;
AGGESTUM, AGGESTI: N 2 2 N \mound, dike, elevation formed like a dike/mound;
AGGESTUS, AGGESTUS: N 4 1 M \piling up; act of bringing; earthen bank, terrace; sprinkling earth over body;
AGGESTIM: ADV POS \in heaps, abundantly;
AGGESTIO, AGGESTIONIS: N 3 1 F \heap, heaping up; mass (of mud), heap (of sand);
AGGLOMERO, AGGLOMERARE, AGGLOMERAVI, AGGLOMERATUS: V 1 1 \gather into a body, mass together, join forces; pile up in masses; agglomerate;
AGGLUTINO, AGGLUTINARE, AGGLUTINAVI, AGGLUTINATUS: V 1 1 \glue/stick/adhere/fasten to/together; fit/grip on closely; bring in contact;
AGGRAVO, AGGRAVARE, AGGRAVAVI, AGGRAVATUS: V 1 1 \aggravate, exaggerate; weigh down, oppress; make heavier; embarrass further;
AGGRAVESCO, AGGRAVESCERE, -, -: V 3 1 \become heavy; become severe/dangerous (illness), grow worse; be aggravated;
AGGREDIO, AGGREDERE, AGGRESSI, AGGRESSUS: V 3 1 \approach, advance; attack, assail; undertake, seize (opportunity), attempt;
AGGREDIOR, AGGREDI, -, AGGRESSUS SUM: V 3 1 \approach, advance; attack, assail; undertake, seize (opportunity), attempt;
AGGREGO, AGGREGARE, AGGREGAVI, AGGREGATUS: V 1 1 \collect, include, group, implicate; (cause to) flock/join together, attach;
AGGREGATIO, AGGREGATIONIS: N 3 1 F \aggregation; gathering together;
AGGRESSUS, AGGRESSUS: N 4 1 M \attack, assault;
AGGRESSIO, AGGRESSIONIS: N 3 1 F \attack; action of setting about/undertaking (a task);
AGGRESSOR, AGGRESSORIS: N 3 1 M \attacker, assailant;
AGGRESSURA, AGGRESSURAE: N 1 1 F \attack, assault;
AGIOS, AGI-, -: ADJ 2 7 POS \holy (Greek);
-, -, AGION: ADJ 2 8 POS \holy (Greek);
AGIASPIS, AGIASPIDIS: N 3 1 M \soldiers with glittering/bright (brazen?) shields;
AGILIS, AGILE, AGILIOR -OR -US, AGILISSIMUS -A -UM: ADJ 3 2 X \agile, nimble, quick, swift; alert (mind), active; energetic, busy; rousing;
AGILITAS, AGILITATIS: N 3 1 F \activity, quickness (mind/body), nimbleness, ease of movement;
AGILITER, AGILITIUS, AGILITISSIME: ADV X \nimbly, swiftly, with agility;
AGINA, AGINAE: N 1 1 F \opening in upper part of a balance in which the tongue moves;
AGINO, AGINARE, -, -: V 1 1 \move heaven and earth, do one's best by hook or crook;
AGINATOR, AGINATORIS: N 3 1 M \one stirred by small gain;
AGIPES, AGIPEDIS: N 3 1 M \senator who silently passes over to him; senator for/with he intends to vote;
AGITO, AGITARE, AGITAVI, AGITATUS: V 1 1 \stir/drive/shake/move about; revolve; live; control, ride; consider, pursue;
AGITATUS, AGITATUS: N 4 1 M \movement, activity, state of motion;
AGITATIO, AGITATIONIS: N 3 1 F \brandishing/waving/shaking/moving violently; movement; exercise; working (land;
AGITATOR, AGITATORIS: N 3 1 M \driver, charioteer; one who drives 9animals);
AGITATRIX, AGITATRICIS: N 3 1 F \that causes movement (of soul);
AGITE: INTERJ \come!, go to!, well!, all right!;
AGLAOPHOTIS, AGLAPHOTIDIS: N 3 1 F \magic herb of brilliant color; peony (Paeonia officinalis);
AGLASPIS, AGLASPIDIS: N 3 1 M \soldiers with bright/brazen shields;
AGMA, AGMATIS: N 3 2 N \nasalized G;
AGMEN, AGMINIS: N 3 2 N \stream; herd, flock, troop, crowd; marching army, column, line; procession;
AGMINALIS, AGMINALIS, AGMINALE: ADJ 3 2 POS \pertaining to a march/train; pack (horses);
AGMINATIM: ADV POS \in hosts/hordes/crowds; in troops/trains;
AGNA, AGNAE: N 1 1 F \ewe lamb; ear of grain; straw/blade (L+S);
AGNUS, AGNI: N 2 1 M \lamb;
AGNOS, AGNI: N 2 6 F \the chaste-tree (vitex agnus castus), tall plant resembling the willow;
AGNASCOR, AGNASCI, -, AGNATUS SUM: V 3 1 \be born in addition/after father's will made; develop; grow later/on, arise;
AGNATUS, AGNATA, AGNATUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \related, cognate;
AGNATA, AGNATAE: N 1 1 F \female blood relation on father's side;
AGNATUS, AGNATI: N 2 1 M \male blood relation (father's side); one born after father made his will;
AGNATUM, AGNATI: N 2 2 N \offshoot, side-shoot;
AGNATICIUS, AGNATICIA, AGNATICIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \pertaining to agnati (born after will); (~ jus => right of agnati to inherit);
AGNATIO, AGNATIONIS: N 3 1 F \birth after father's will/death; consanguinity through father/male ancestor;
AGNELLUS, AGNELLI: N 2 1 M \little lamb, lambkin;
AGNES, (GEN.), AGNENTIS: ADJ 3 1 POS \efficient, effective, powerful;
AGNICELLUS, AGNICELLI: N 2 1 M \little lamb, lambkin;
AGNICELLULUS, AGNICELLULI: N 2 1 M \little lamb, lambkin;
AGNICULUS, AGNICULI: N 2 1 M \little lamb, lambkin;
AGNINUS, AGNINA, AGNINUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \of/connected with a lamb, lamb's;
AGNINA, AGNINAE: N 1 1 F \meat/flesh of a lamb, "lamb";
AGNITUS, AGNITUS: N 4 1 M \a "recognition" (drama);
AGNITIO, AGNITIONIS: N 3 1 F \recognition, knowledge; perception of nature/identity; avowal, acknowledgement;
AGNITIONALIS, AGNITIONALIS, AGNITIONALE: ADJ 3 2 POS \that can be recognized/known, cognizable;
AGNITOR, AGNITORIS: N 3 1 M \one who acknowledges or vouches for (a seal);
AGNOMEN, AGNOMINIS: N 3 2 N \nickname, an additional name denoting an achievement/characteristic;
AGNOMENTUM, AGNOMENTI: N 2 2 N \nickname, an additional name denoting an achievement/characteristic;
AGNOMINO, AGNOMINARE, AGNOMINAVI, AGNOMINATUS: V 1 1 \give/honor with a nickname/additional name denoting achievement/characteristic;
AGNOMINATIO, AGNOMINATIONIS: N 3 1 F \linking two words different in meaning but similar in sound, paronomasia;
AGNOSCO, AGNOSCERE, AGNOVI, AGNITUS: V 3 1 \recognize, realize, discern; acknowledge, claim, admit to/responsibility;
AGNOSCIBILIS, AGNOSCIBILIS, AGNOSCIBILE: ADJ 3 2 POS \that can be recognized/known, cognizable;
AGNUA, AGNUAE: N 1 1 F \a square actus, a measure of land 120 yards square;
AGOBARDUS, AGOBARDI: N 2 1 M \Agobard; (Bishop of Lyons, 816-840);
AGOGA, AGOGAE: N 1 1 F \channel for drawing off water (mining);
AGOGE, AGOGES: N 1 6 F \channel for drawing off water (mining);
AGOLUM, AGOLI: N 2 2 N \shepherd's staff/crook;
AGON, AGONOS/IS: N 3 7 M \struggle, contest; public exhibition of games;
AGONAL, AGONALIS: N 3 4 N \festival of Janus (pl.);
AGONALIUM, AGONALII: N 2 2 N \festival of Janus (pl.);
AGONIA, AGONIAE: N 1 1 F \victim; beast for sacrifice; (at Agonalia/festival of Janus);
AGONIUM, AGONI(I): N 2 4 N \victim; beast for sacrifice; festival honoring Janus (pl.); Liberalia festival;
AGONIO, AGONIARE, AGONIAVI, AGONIATUS: V 1 1 \struggle/fight (against); strive unto death (Vulgate Sirach 4:33);
AGONISTA, AGONISTAE: N 1 1 M \combatant for a prize;
AGONISTARCHA, AGONISTARCHAE: N 1 1 M \superintendent of public games;
AGONISTARCHICUS, AGONISTARCHICA, AGONISTARCHICUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \of/connected with a superintendent of public games;
AGONIZO, AGONIZARE, AGONIZAVI, AGONIZATUS: V 1 1 \dispute; struggle/fight (against);
AGONOSTICUS, AGONOSTICA, AGONOSTICUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \pertaining to a contest or struggle;
AGONOTHETA, AGONOTHETAE: N 1 1 M \superintendent of public games;
AGONOTHETES, AGONOTHETAE: N 1 7 M \superintendent of public games;
AGONOTHETICUS, AGONOTHETICA, AGONOTHETICUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \of/connected with a superintendent of public games;
AGORANOMUS, AGORANOMI: N 2 1 M \market inspector, Grecian magistrate who inspected provisions/regulated market;
AGRALIS, AGRALIS, AGRALE: ADJ 3 2 POS \agrarian, of redistribution of public land; of/connected with land/estate;
AGRAPHUM, AGRAPHI: N 2 2 N \things (pl.) unwritten;
AGRARIUS, AGRARIA, AGRARIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \agrarian; of redistribution of public land; of/connected with land/estate;
AGRARIUS, AGRARII: N 2 1 M \those who advocated agrarian reform laws/sought possession of public lands;
AGRATICUM, AGRATICI: N 2 2 N \land-tax; revenue from land;
AGRESTIS, AGRESTIS, AGRESTE: ADJ 3 2 POS \inhabiting countryside, rustic; rude, wild, savage; of/passing through fields;
AGRESTIS, AGRESTIS: N 3 3 M \countryman, peasant; rube, rustic, bumpkin;
AGRIUS, AGRIA, AGRIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \wild (of plants/other natural products); (staphis ~ => stavesacre);
AGRICOLA, AGRICOLAE: N 1 1 M \farmer, cultivator, gardener, agriculturist; plowman, countryman, peasant;
AGRICOLOR, AGRICOLARI, -, AGRICOLATUS SUM: V 1 1 \farm, cultivate land, pursue agriculture;
AGRICOLATIO, AGRICOLATIONIS: N 3 1 F \agriculture, husbandry;
AGRICULTOR, AGRICULTORIS: N 3 1 M \farmer, husbandman;
AGRICULTURA, AGRICULTURAE: N 1 1 F \agriculture, husbandry;
AGRIMENSOR, AGRIMENSORIS: N 3 1 M \land surveyor;
AGRIOPHYLLON, AGRIOPHYLLI: N 2 8 N \herb (peucedanum), hog's foot, sulphurwort;
AGRIPETA, AGRIPETAE: N 1 1 M \settler, one who searches for land; land-grabber, squatter, one who seizes it;
AGRIPPA, AGRIPPAE: N 1 1 M \Agrippa (Roman cognomen); (Menenius A~, fable of the belly and members);
AGRIPPINA, AGRIPPINAE: N 1 1 F \Agrippina (Roman woman's name); (mother of Nero); (Colonia ~ => Cologne);
AGROSUS, AGROSA, AGROSUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \rich in land;
AGROSIUS, AGROSIA, AGROSIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \possessing land (?);
AGROSTIS, AGROSTIS: N 3 3 F \couch-grass, quitch grass;
AGRYPNIA, AGRYPNIAE: N 1 1 F \sleeplessness;
AGUNA, AGUNAE: N 1 1 F \square actus (120 feet square) (measure of land);
AH: INTERJ \exclamation expressing surprise/irony;
AHA: INTERJ \exclamation expressing surprise/irony;
AHENUS, AHENA, AHENUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \copper, of copper (alloy); bronze, made of bronze, bronze-colored; brazen;
AHENUM, AHENI: N 2 2 N \vessel made of copper/bronze; brazen vessel; kettle, pot, cauldron;
AHENEUS, AHENEA, AHENEUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \copper, of copper; bronze, made of bronze;
AHENIPES, (GEN.), AHENIPIDIS: ADJ 3 1 POS \bronze-footed, that has feet of bronze;
AI: INTERJ \alas; exclamation expressing grief;
, AIIT: V 7 1 \he says (ait), it is said; they say (aiunt);
AIO, -, -: V 7 1 \say (defective), assert; say yes/so, affirm, assent; prescribe/lay down (law);
AIENS, (GEN.), AIENTIS: ADJ 3 1 POS \affirmative, affirming, saying aye;
AIENTIA, AIENTIAE: N 1 1 F \affirmation;
AIGILPS, (GEN.), AIGILPIS: ADJ 3 1 POS \steep, sheer;
AIIO, -, -: V 7 1 \say (defective), assert; say yes/so, affirm, assent; prescribe/lay down (law);
AIN: INTERJ \indeed? really? is it possible? do you really mean it? (surprise/wonder);
AIN, UNDECLINED: N 9 9 N \ayin; (16th letter of Hebrew alphabet); (silent);
AISNE: INTERJ \indeed? really? is it possible? do you really mean it? (surprise/wonder);
AITHALES, AITHALIDOS/IS: N 3 7 F \plant (aizoon), houseleek (decl?);
AIZON, AIZI: N 2 8 N \live-forever, houseleek (Sempervivum tectorum);
AIZOON, AIZOI: N 2 8 N \live-forever, houseleek (Sempervivum tectorum); stone-crop (Sedum album);
AJUGA, AJUGAE: N 1 1 F \plant which has the power of producing abortion (also called abiga);
ALA, ALAE: N 1 1 F \wing; upper arm/foreleg/fin; armpit; squadron (cavalry), flank, army's wing;
ALUS, ALI: N 2 1 F \species of comfrey plant; garlic;
ALUM, ALI: N 2 2 N \species of comfrey plant; garlic;
ALO, ALERE, ALUI, ALITUS: V 3 1 \feed, nourish, rear, nurse, suckle; cherish; support, maintain, develop;
ALO, ALERE, ALUI, ALTUS: V 3 1 \feed, nourish, rear, nurse, suckle; cherish; support, maintain, develop;
ALABASTER, ALABASTRI: N 2 3 M \a conical box for perfume (made of alabaster); antimony;
ALABASTRUM, ALABASTRI: N 2 2 N \a conical box for perfume (made of alabaster); antimony;
ALABASTRITES, ALABASTRITAE: N 1 7 M \stalagmite (variegated alabaster, calcium carbonate) (for unguents); onyx;
ALABASTRITIS, ALABASTRITIDIS: N 3 1 F \a precious stone;
ALABETA, ALABETAE: N 1 1 M \fish common in the Nile;
ALABETES, ALABETAE: N 1 7 M \fish common in the Nile;
ALACER, ALACRIS -E, ALACRIOR -OR -US, ALACERRIMUS -A -UM: ADJ 3 3 X \eager, spirited, quick, brisk, active; courageous, ready; happy, cheerful;
ALACRIS, ALACRIS, ALACRE: ADJ 3 2 POS \eager, spirited, quick, brisk, active; courageous, ready; happy, cheerful;
ALACRITAS, ALACRITATIS: N 3 1 F \eagerness, enthusiasm, ardor, alacrity; cheerfulness, liveliness;
ALACRITER: ADV POS \eagerly, briskly;
ALAPA, ALAPAE: N 1 1 F \blow (with the flat of the hand), slap, smack; box on the ear;
ALARIS, ALARIS, ALARE: ADJ 3 2 POS \of/consisting of auxiliary cavalry or other troops;
ALARIUS, ALARIA, ALARIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \of the wing (of an army); pertaining to the auxiliary cavalry;
ALARIUS, ALARI(I): N 2 4 M \auxiliary troops (pl.), posted on the wings of the army;
ALARIS, ALARIS: N 3 3 M \auxiliary cavalry (pl.) or other troops;
ALATUS, ALATA, ALATUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \winged, having/furnished with wings;
ALATERNUS, ALATERNI: N 2 1 F \evergreen shrub, Buckthorn (used for pigments (e.g., sap-green)/cathartic);
ALAUDA, ALAUDAE: N 1 1 F \crested lark; legion raised by Caesar in Gaul; soldiers (pl.) of this legion;
ALAUSA, ALAUSAE: N 1 1 F \small fish in the Moselle, shad (Culpea alusa);
ALAZON, ALAZONIS: N 3 1 M \braggart, boaster;
ALBA, ALBAE: N 1 1 F \alb, white clerical vestment reaching to the feet with closed sleeves;
ALBA, ALBAE: N 1 1 F \|white precious stone; pearl;
ALBUM, ALBI: N 2 2 N \white (color); white (eye/egg); white tablet, official list, register;
ALBO, ALBARE, ALBAVI, ALBATUS: V 1 1 \make white;
ALBUS, ALBA -UM, ALBIOR -OR -US, ALBISSIMUS -A -UM: ADJ 1 1 X \white, pale, fair, hoary, gray; bright, clear; favorable, auspicious, fortunate;
ALBEO, ALBERE, -, -: V 2 1 \be/appear white/pale/light-colored/white with age;
ALBAMENTUM, ALBAMENTI: N 2 2 N \white (of an egg);
ALBARIS, ALBARIS, ALBARE: ADJ 3 2 POS \of stucco, stucco; pertaining to the whitening of walls (L+S);
ALBARIUS, ALBARIA, ALBARIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \of stucco, stucco; pertaining to the whitening of walls (L+S);
ALBARIUM, ALBARII: N 2 2 N \stucco, stucco-work; the whitening of walls;
ALBATUS, ALBATA, ALBATUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \clothed in white;
ALBATUS, ALBATI: N 2 1 M \the White team/faction in chariot racing;
ALBEDO, ALBEDINIS: N 3 1 F \white color, whiteness;
ALBENS, (GEN.), ALBENTIS: ADJ 3 1 POS \white, light, bleached; made/covered in white; pale, pallid; bright, clear;
ALBESCO, ALBESCERE, -, -: V 3 1 \become white/pale/light-colored/white with age; become bright, gleam, glow;
ALBICO, ALBICARE, ALBICAVI, ALBICATUS: V 1 1 \be white; have a whitish tinge, verge on white;
ALBICOR, ALBICARI, -, ALBICATUS SUM: V 1 1 \be white; have a whitish tinge, verge on white;
ALBICANTIUS: ADV COMP \somewhat in the way of white;
ALBICASCO, ALBICASCERE, -, -: V 3 1 \grow bright;
ALBICERUS, ALBICERA, ALBICERUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \pale yellow, wax-white;
ALBICERIS, ALBICERIS, ALBICERE: ADJ 3 2 POS \pale yellow, wax-white; (olea albiceris => a variety of olive);
ALBICERATUS, ALBICERATA, ALBICERATUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \pale yellow, wax-white; (albicerata ficus => a variety of fig);
ALBICOLOR, (GEN.), ALBICOLORIS: ADJ 3 1 POS \of a white color, white colored;
ALBICOMUS, ALBICOMA, ALBICOMUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \white-haired; having white fibers (flowers/plants);
ALBIDUS, ALBIDA -UM, ALBIDIOR -OR -US, AIBIDISSIMUS -A -UM: ADJ 1 1 X \white, whitish, pale;
ALBINUS, ALBINI: N 2 1 M \plasterer, one who covers walls with stucco/plaster;
ALBION, ALBIONIS: N 3 1 F \Britain (ancient name);
ALBIS, ALBIS: N 3 3 M \Elbe; (river in Germany);
ALBITUDO, ALBITUDINIS: N 3 1 F \whiteness;
ALBOGALERUS, ALBOGALERI: N 2 1 M \white cap of the priest/flamen Dialis;
ALBOR, ALBORIS: N 3 1 M \white of an egg; whiteness, white color (eccl.);
ALBUCUS, ALBUCI: N 2 1 M \bulb of the asphodel; the plant itself;
ALBUCUM, ALBUCI: N 2 2 N \variety of asphodel/its stalk/reeds; (immortal lily, covered Elysian fields);
ALBUELIS, ALBUELIS: N 3 3 F \variety of vine;
ALBUGO, ALBUGINIS: N 3 1 F \white opaque spot on the eye; disorder of the scalp;
ALBULUS, ALBULA, ALBULUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \white, pale, whitish;
ALBUMEN, ALBUMINIS: N 3 2 N \white of an egg, albumen;
ALBUMENTUM, ALBUMENTI: N 2 2 N \white (of an egg);
ALBURNUS, ALBURNI: N 2 1 M \a white fish (bleak or blay?);
ALBURNUM, ALBURNI: N 2 2 N \sapwood, soft white wood next to the bark of trees;
ALCE, ALCES: N 1 6 F \elk;
ALCEA, ALCEAE: N 1 1 F \species of mallow (flowering plant);
ALCEDO, ALCEDINIS: N 3 1 F \halcyon; kingfisher; sea birds (pl.);
ALCEDONIUM, ALCEDONII: N 2 2 N \"halcyon (breeding) days" (pl.), winter calm; deep/profound calm/tranquility;
ALCEDONIUM, ALCEDONI(I): N 2 4 N \halcyon days (pl.); time around the winter solstice when the halcyon breed;
ALCES, ALCIS: N 3 3 F \moose, elk;
ALCIBIUM, ALCIBI(I): N 2 4 N \plant use as antidote for snake-bite;
ALCIMA, ALCIMAE: N 1 1 F \water plantain;
ALCYONE, ALCYONES: N 1 6 F \halcyon; kingfisher; sea birds (pl.);
ALCYON, ALCYONIS: N 3 1 F \halcyon; kingfisher; sea birds (pl.);
ALCYONEUS, ALCYONEA, ALCYONEUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \"halcyon" (days w/dies), time around the winter solstice when the halcyon breed;
ALCYONEUM, ALCYONEI: N 2 2 N \a kind of floating sponge, believed to be nest of halcyon; medicine from it;
ALCYONIDUS, ALCYONIDA, ALCYONIDUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \"halcyon" (days w/dies), time around the winter solstice when the halcyon breed;
ALCYONIS, (GEN.), ALCYONIDIS: ADJ 3 1 POS \"halcyon (breeding) (days)" (pl.), winter calm;
ALEA, ALEAE: N 1 1 F \game of dice; die; dice-play; gambling, risking; chance, venture, risk, stake;
ALEARIS, ALEARIS, ALEARE: ADJ 3 2 POS \of/pertaining to a game of chance;
ALEARIUS, ALEARIA, ALEARIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \of/pertaining to a game of chance; (friendships) formed at the gaming table;
ALEATOR, ALEATORIS: N 3 1 M \dice-player, gambler;
ALEATORIUS, ALEATORIA, ALEATORIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \of dice/gambling; (aleatoria damna => losses at gambling); of a gambler/gamester
ALEATORIUM, ALEATORII: N 2 2 N \gaming house, place where games of chance are played;
ALEBRE, ALEBRIS: N 3 4 N \nourishing food (pl.);
ALEC, ALECIS: N 3 2 N \herrings; a fish sauce; pickle;
ALECTORIA, ALECTORIAE: N 1 1 F \precious stone, said to be found in gizzards of cocks;
ALECULA, ALECULAE: N 1 1 F \fish sauce;
ALEO, ALEONIS: N 3 1 M \gambler;
ALEPH, UNDECLINED: N 9 9 N \alef; (1st letter of Hebrew alphabet); (silent, use as an A only in order);
ALERIUS, ALERIA, ALERIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \concerned with gambling;
ALES, (GEN.), ALITIS: ADJ 3 1 POS \winged, having wings; swift, quick; (ales deus => Mercury; ales puer => Cupid);
ALES, ALITIS: N 3 1 C \bird (esp. large bird); winged god/monster; omen, augury; (regia ales => eagle);
ALESCO, ALESCERE, -, -: V 3 1 \be nourished; grow up; increase (late Latin);
ALETUDO, ALETUDINIS: N 3 1 F \corpulence, fatness;
ALEX, ALECIS: N 3 2 N \herrings; a fish sauce; pickle;
ALEXANDER, ALEXANDRI: N 2 3 M \Alexander; (common Greek name); (Alexander the Great - Macedonian king/general);
ALEXANDREA, ALEXANDREAE: N 1 1 F \Alexandria; (City in Egypt and others);
ALEXANDRIA, ALEXANDRIAE: N 1 1 F \Alexandria; (City in Egypt and others);
ALEXANDRINUS, ALEXANDRINA, ALEXANDRINUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \Alexandrian, of/belonging to Alexandria (City in Egypt and others);
ALEXIPHARMACON, ALEXIPHARMACI: N 2 8 N \antidote for poison;
ALGA, ALGAE: N 1 1 F \sea-weed; rubbish, uncountable stuff; water plants;
ALGUS, ALGUS: N 4 1 M \feeling of cold; coldness;
ALGU, ALGUS: N 4 2 N \feeling of cold; coldness;
ALGEO, ALGERE, ALSI, -: V 2 1 \be/feel/become cold/chilly/cool; endure cold; be neglected/left in the cold;
ALGENSIS, ALGENSIS, ALGENSE: ADJ 3 2 POS \living on seaweed (spec. of a variety of purple fish);
ALGENS, (GEN.), ALGENTIS: ADJ 3 1 POS \cold (weather), chilly (insufficient clothing); cold (of things normally hot);
ALGESCO, ALGESCERE, ALSI, -: V 3 1 \catch cold; become cold (things);
ALGOR, ALGORIS: N 3 1 M \cold, coldness; chilliness; a fit of shivering; cold weather (pl.);
ALGOSUS, ALGOSA, ALGOSUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \abounding in/covered with seaweed;
ALIUS, ALIA, ALIUD: ADJ 1 5 POS \other, another; different, changed; (alii...alii => some...others);
ALIUM, ALI(I): N 2 4 N \garlic, garlic plant;
ALIA: ADV POS \by another/different way/route;
ALIAS: ADV POS \at/in another time/place; previously, subsequently; elsewhere; otherwise;
ALIATUM, ALIATI: N 2 2 N \food made with garlic;
ALIBI: ADV POS \elsewhere, in another place; in other respects , otherwise; in another matter;
ALIBILIS, ALIBILE, ALIBILIOR -OR -US, ALIBILISSIMUS -A -UM: ADJ 3 2 X \nourishing (food), nutritious; able to be fattened (animals);
ALICA, ALICAE: N 1 1 F \emmer (wheat) (Triticum dicoccum) grots/grits; porridge/gruel made with these;
ALICACIUS, ALICACIA, ALICACIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \made of emmer (wheat) (Triticum dicoccum) grots/grits; spelt grits (L+S);
ALICARIUS, ALICARIA, ALICARIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \connected with emmer (wheat) production;
ALICARIA, ALICARIAE: N 1 1 F \prostitute (who often were found near the mill grinding alica), 'mill girl';
ALICARIUS, ALICARII: N 2 1 M \miller who grinds emmer (wheat); (or spelt L+S);
ALICASTRUM, ALICASTRI: N 2 2 N \early-ripening variety of emmer (wheat); summer-spelt (L+S);
ALICUBI: ADV POS \somewhere, anywhere; elsewhere; occasionally;
ALICULA, ALICULAE: N 1 1 F \light coat/cloak/hunting dress; child's coat;
ALICUNDE: ADV POS \from some place/somewhere, from some source or other;
ALIENUS, ALIENI: N 2 1 M \foreigner; outsider; stranger to the family; person/slave of another house;
ALIENUM, ALIENI: N 2 2 N \another's property/land/possessions; foreign soil; other's affairs/views (pl.);
ALIENO, ALIENARE, ALIENAVI, ALIENATUS: V 1 1 \alienate, give up, lose possession, transfer by sale, estrange; become numb;
ALIENUS, ALIENA -UM, ALIENIOR -OR -US, ALIENISSIMUS -A -UM: ADJ 1 1 X \foreign; unconnected; another's; contrary; unworthy; averse, hostile; mad;
ALIENOR, ALIENARI, -, ALIENATUS SUM: V 1 1 \avoid (with antipathy); cause to feel disgust; be insane/mad; be different;
ALIENATIO, ALIENATIONIS: N 3 1 F \transference of ownership, the right to; aversion, dislike; numbness, stupor;
ALIENIGENUS, ALIENIGENA, ALIENIGENUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \different, foreign, alien; of/born in another country; imported, exotic; mixed;
ALIENIGENA, ALIENIGENAE: N 1 1 M \stranger, foreigner, alien; something imported/exotic; foreign-born;
ALIENILOQUIUM, ALIENILOQUII: N 2 2 N \the talk of crazy persons; crazy talk;
ALIENITAS, ALIENITATIS: N 3 1 F \external causes of disease;
ALIETUM, ALIETI: N 2 2 N \osprey;
ALIGER, ALIGERA, ALIGERUM: ADJ 1 2 POS \winged, having wings; moving with the speed of flight;
ALII: CONJ \some ... others (alii ... alii);
ALIMENTUM, ALIMENTI: N 2 2 N \food, fuel; nourishment, provisions; sustenance, maintenance, livelihood, alms;
ALIMENTARIUS, ALIMENTARIA, ALIMENTARIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \of maintenance by (public) charity, welfare; charity supported;
ALIMENTARIUS, ALIMENTARI(I): N 2 4 M \person whose maintenance is provided by (public/private) charity/alms/by a will;
ALIMONIA, ALIMONIAE: N 1 1 F \food, nourishment; feeding, nurture, upbringing; cost of maintenance;
ALIMONIUM, ALIMONI(I): N 2 4 N \food, nourishment; feeding, nurture, upbringing; cost of maintenance;
ALIO: ADV POS \elsewhere, another direction; to another place/subject/purpose/course of action;
ALIOQUI: ADV POS \otherwise, in other/some respects; besides, else; in any case; in general;
ALIOQUIN: ADV POS \otherwise, in other/some respects; besides, else; in any case; in general;
ALIORSUM: ADV POS \to another place/direction/person, elsewhere; different context/manner/sense;
ALIORSUS: ADV POS \to another place/direction/person, elsewhere; different context/manner/sense;
ALIOVORSUM: ADV POS \to another place/direction/person, elsewhere; different context/manner/sense;
ALIOVORSUS: ADV POS \to another place/direction/person, elsewhere; different context/manner/sense;
ALIPES, (GEN.), ALIPEDIS: ADJ 3 1 POS \wing-footed; swift, moving with the speed of flight, "flying";
ALIPES, (GEN.), ALIPEDIS: ADJ 3 1 POS \|without grease/fat, greaseless, fatless;
ALIPES, ALIPEDIS: N 3 1 M \Mercury, the wing-footed god;
ALIPILUS, ALIPILI: N 2 1 M \slave who plucked the hair from armpits of bathers;
ALIPTA, ALIPTAE: N 1 1 M \one who anoints; manager of school of wrestlers; master of wrestlers/the ring;
ALIPTES, ALIPTAE: N 1 7 M \one who anoints; manager of school of wrestlers; master of wrestlers/the ring;
: PRON 1 0 \any; some;
: PRON 1 0 \anyone, anybody, anything; someone, something; one or another;
: PRON 1 1 \any; some;
: PRON 1 2 \anyone, anybody, anything; someone, something; one or another;
: PRON 1 3 \any; some;
: PRON 1 5 \anyone, anybody, anything; someone, something; one or another;
: PRON 1 6 \anyone, anybody, anything; someone, something; one or another;
: PRON 1 7 \any; some;
: PRON 1 8 \any; some;
: PRON 1 8 \anyone, anybody, anything; someone, something; one or another;
ALIQUA: ADV POS \somehow, in some way or another, by some means or other; to some extent;
ALIQUAM: ADV POS \largely, to a large extent, a lot of; (~ multi/multum => fair number/amount);
ALIQUAMDIU: ADV POS \for some time, for a considerable time/distance (travel), for a while;
ALIQUANDIU: ADV POS \for some time, for a considerable time/distance (travel), for a while;
ALIQUANDO: ADV POS \sometime (or other), at any time, ever; finally; before too late; at length;
ALIQUANTUS, ALIQUANTA, ALIQUANTUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \a certain quantity/amount/number/size of; quite a quantity of; moderate;
ALIQUANTUM, ALIQUANTI: N 2 2 N \certain/fair amount/number/degree; a considerable quantity; a part/bit;
ALIQUANTILLUM, ALIQUANTILLI: N 2 2 N \a very small amount; very little indeed; a little bit;
ALIQUANTISPER: ADV POS \for some time, for a while;
ALIQUANTO: ADV POS \somewhat, to/by some (considerable) extent/amount; considerably;
ALIQUANTORSUM: ADV POS \somewhat toward (a place);
ALIQUANTULUS, ALIQUANTULA, ALIQUANTULUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \little, small; a little/small amount/quantity/number/part/bit of;
ALIQUANTULUM, ALIQUANTULI: N 2 2 N \a little/small amount; a fair amount/good deal of; something; bit;
ALIQUANTULO: ADV POS \to a little/small amount/bit/extent; slightly, somewhat;
ALIQUANTULUM: ADV POS \to a little/small amount/bit/extent; slightly, somewhat;
ALIQUANTUM: ADV POS \to some extent, in some degree, somewhat, slightly, a little;
ALIQUATENUS: ADV POS \for a certain/restricted distance/time/degree/extent; while, up to a point;
ALIQUI: ADV POS \in some way/extent;
ALIQUID: ADV POS \to some degree/extent; somewhat;
ALIQUIT: ADV POS \to some degree/extent; somewhat;
ALIQUO: ADV POS \to some place/person (or other); in some/any direction/quarter; some/anywhere;
ALIQUOD, UNDECLINED: ADJ 9 9 POS \some, several; a few; not many; a number (of); more than one;
ALIQUOD, UNDECLINED: N 9 9 N \some/several/a few people; more than one; a number;
ALIQUODFARIAM: ADV POS \in several places;
ALIQUOMODO: ADV POS \in some manner, somehow;
ALIQUOT, UNDECLINED: ADJ 9 9 POS \some, several; a few; not many; a number (of); more than one;
ALIQUOT, UNDECLINED: N 9 9 N \some/several/a few people; more than one; a number;
ALIQUOTFARIAM: ADV POS \in several places;
ALIQUOTIENS: ADV POS \a number of times, several times;
ALIQUOTIES: ADV POS \a number of times, several times;
ALIQUOVORSUM: ADV POS \in some direction/quarter;
ALISALIUS, ALISALIA, ALISALIUD: ADJ 1 5 POS \one another; (alisalios/in alisalio => against one another - Vulgate 4 Ezra);
ALISMA, ALISMATIS: N 3 2 N \aquatic plant, water plantain (Alisma plantago);
ALITUS, ALITUS: N 4 1 M \nourishment, sustenance; support;
ALITER: ADV POS \otherwise, differently; in any other way (aliter ac => otherwise than);
ALITUDO, ALITUDINIS: N 3 1 F \nourishment;
ALITURA, ALITURAE: N 1 1 F \feeding, nourishing; nature, rearing;
ALIUBEI: ADV POS \in (an)other place/places; in one another; in some cases, sometimes;
ALIUNDE: ADV POS \from another person/place, from elsewhere/a different source/cause/material;
ALIUS: CONJ \the one ... the other (alius ... alius);
ALIUSMODI: ADV POS \of another kind; in another way/different fashion; somehow else;
ALIUTA: ADV POS \in another way/manner, otherwise;
ALLUS, ALLI: N 2 1 M \big toe;
ALLABOR, ALLABI, -, ALLAPSUS SUM: V 3 1 \glide/move/flow/fall towards (w/DAT/ACC); creep up; steal into; fly (missiles);
ALLABORO, ALLABORARE, ALLABORAVI, ALLABORATUS: V 1 1 \make a special effort; take trouble to;
ALLACRIMO, ALLACRIMARE, -, -: V 1 1 \shed tears, cry, weep (at or as an accompaniment to something);
ALLAMBO, ALLAMBERE, -, -: V 3 1 \lick (of flames); touch;
ALLAPSUS, ALLAPSUS: N 4 1 M \gliding up; gliding/stealthy approach; flowing towards or near;
ALLATRO, ALLATRARE, ALLATRAVI, ALLATRATUS: V 1 1 \bark at; rail at; rage, roar (sea);
ALLAVO, ALLAVARE, ALLAVAVI, ALLAVATUS: V 1 1 \flow up to (water), wash;
ALLEC, ALLECIS: N 3 2 N \herrings; a fish sauce; pickle;
ALLECTO, ALLECTARE, ALLECTAVI, ALLECTATUS: V 1 1 \entice, allure, encourage, invite;
ALLECTATIO, ALLECTATIONIS: N 3 1 F \coaxing, enticing, encouragement, invitation;
ALLECTATOR, ALLECTATORIS: N 3 1 M \one who coaxes/entices/attracts/invites/encourages;
ALLECTOR, ALLECTORIS: N 3 1 M \official of a collegium (concerned with dues or admission);
ALLECTURA, ALLECTURAE: N 1 1 F \office of collector of revenues (colligium allector);
ALLEGO, ALLEGERE, ALLEGI, ALLECTUS: V 3 1 \choose, admit, elect, recruit, select, appoint;
ALLEGO, ALLEGARE, ALLEGAVI, ALLEGATUS: V 1 1 \depute/send as agent, commission; put up, suborn; urge/plea, lay before; allege;
ALLEGATUM, ALLEGATI: N 2 2 N \account; something pledged
ALLEGATUS, ALLEGATUS: N 4 1 M \instigation, prompting;
ALLEGATIO, ALLEGATIONIS: N 3 1 F \allegation, charge; intercession; representation made on behalf of another;
ALLEGORICE: ADV POS \allegorically;
ALLELUIA: INTERJ \halleluia, cry of joy and praise; (praise ye Jehovah);
ALLELUIATICUS, ALLELUIATICA, ALLELUIATICUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \pertaining to the alleluia; (w/versus) verses containing 'alleluia';
ALLENIMENTUM, ALLENIMENTI: N 2 2 N \soothing remedy/relief;
ALLEVO, ALLEVARE, ALLEVAVI, ALLEVATUS: V 1 1 \lift/heap/pile up, raise, exalt; alleviate, diminish, weaken; comfort, console;
ALLEVO, ALLEVARE, ALLEVAVI, ALLEVATUS: V 1 1 \|smooth, smooth off, make smooth; polish; depilate;
ALLEVAMENTUM, ALLEVAMENTI: N 2 2 N \mitigation; relief, alleviation;
ALLEVATIO, ALLEVATIONIS: N 3 1 F \alleviation, easing; relief; lifting up, raising; elevation;
ALLEVATOR, ALLEVATORIS: N 3 1 M \one who lifts/raises up;
ALLEVIO, ALLEVIARE, ALLEVIAVI, ALLEVIATUS: V 1 1 \lighten, make light; deal lightly/leniently with; raise up, relieve;
ALLEVIATIO, ALLEVIATIONIS: N 3 1 F \alleviation, easing; relief; lifting up, raising; elevation;
ALLEX, ALLECIS: N 3 2 N \herrings; a fish sauce; pickle;
ALLIUM, ALLI(I): N 2 4 N \garlic, garlic plant;
ALLIATUM, ALLIATI: N 2 2 N \food composed of/seasoned with garlic;
ALLIBENTIA, ALLIBENTIAE: N 1 1 F \inclination (for);
ALLIBESCO, ALLIBESCERE, -, -: V 3 1 \be pleasing, gratify; be roused with desire (for);
ALLICIO, ALLICERE, ALLEXI, ALLECTUS: V 3 1 \draw gently to, entice, lure, induce (sleep), attract, win over, encourage;
ALLIDO, ALLIDERE, ALLISI, ALLISUS: V 3 1 \dash against; crush against, bruise; ruin; shipwreck;
ALLIGO, ALLIGARE, ALLIGAVI, ALLIGATUS: V 1 1 \bind/fetter (to); bandage; hinder, impede, detain; accuse; implicate/involve in;
ALLIGAMENTUM, ALLIGAMENTI: N 2 2 N \band, binding, tie;
ALLIGATUS, ALLIGATI: N 2 1 M \slaves (pl.) who are fettered;
ALLIGATIO, ALLIGATIONIS: N 3 1 F \tying or binding to supports; a bond; band;
ALLIGATOR, ALLIGATORIS: N 3 1 M \one who ties or binds (to a support);
ALLIGATURA, ALLIGATURAE: N 1 1 F \band, binding; fastening;
ALLINO, ALLINERE, ALLINEVI, ALLINITUS: V 3 1 \smear/spread/dash over (W/DAT); spread out on; adhere to;
ALLISIO, ALLISIONIS: N 3 1 F \dashing against; striking upon;
ALLOBROX, ALLOBROGIS: N 3 1 M \Allobroges (pl.), a people of Gaul - in Caesar's "Gallic War";
ALLOCUTIO, ALLOCUTIONIS: N 3 1 F \address (spoken/written), manner of address; consolation; harangue, exhortation;
ALLOCUTIO, ALLOCUTIONIS: N 3 1 F \satisfaction; confort; (Vulgate);
ALLOPHYLUS, ALLOPHYLA, ALLOPHYLUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \foreign; of another race/stock;
ALLOQUOR, ALLOQUI, -, ALLOCUTUS SUM: V 3 1 \speak to (friendly); address, harangue, make a speech (to); call on; console;
ALLOQUIUM, ALLOQUI(I): N 2 4 N \address, addressing, talk; talking to, encouragement, friendly/reassuring words;
ALLUO, ALLUERE, ALLUI, -: V 3 1 \wash/flow past/near/against, lap; beset; bathe (pers.) (tears); deposit silt;
ALLUBENTIA, ALLUBENTIAE: N 1 1 F \inclination (for);
ALLUBESCO, ALLUBESCERE, -, -: V 3 1 \be pleasing, gratify; be roused with desire (for);
ALLUCEO, ALLUCERE, ALLUXI, -: V 2 1 \shine upon; light (a torch); show/give (opportunity/chance); give/supply light;
ALLUCINATOR, ALLUCINATORIS: N 3 1 M \idle dreamer, silly fellow; one who is wandering in mind;
ALLUCTOR, ALLUCTARI, -, ALLUCTATUS SUM: V 1 1 \wrestle; wrestle with (w/DAT);
ALLUDO, ALLUDERE, ALLUSI, ALLUSUS: V 3 1 \frolic/play/sport around/with, play against; jest, make mocking allusion to;
ALLUSIO, ALLUSIONIS: N 3 1 F \playing/frolicking/sporting with;
ALLUVIUS, ALLUVIA, ALLUVIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \alluvial, from river overflow/deposit;
ALLUVIES, ALLUVIEI: N 5 1 F \silt, soil deposited by a river; floodland by a river; lapping of waves;
ALLUVIES, ALLUVIEI: N 5 1 F \|inundation, flood; overflow; superabundance;
ALLUVIO, ALLUVIONIS: N 3 1 F \flood, overflow; addition made to land by deposition of slit; superabundance;
ALMUS, ALMA, ALMUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \nourishing, kind, propitious; of a nurse/breast, providing nurture, fostering;
ALMARIUM, ALMARII: N 2 2 N \sacristy;
ALMITAS, ALMITATIS: N 3 1 F \nurture, kindness; bounty; title/epithet for a bishop;
ALMITIES, ALMITIEI: N 5 1 F \kind behavior;
ALMONIUM, ALMONII: N 2 2 N \nourishment, food;
ALMUCIA, ALMUCIAE: N 1 1 F \amice; (oblong white shawl draped over shoulders of priest, worn w/alb);
ALMUTIUM, ALMUTII: N 2 2 N \mozzetta; (short vestement with hood worn by Pope and others dhe designates);
ALNUS, ALNA, ALNUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \of alder-wood, alder-;
ALNUS, ALNI: N 2 1 F \alder; (something usually made of alder wood) plank, bridge, boat, ship;
ALNEUS, ALNEA, ALNEUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \of alder-wood, alder;
ALOE, ALOES: N 1 6 F \aloe plant (Aloe vera); thickened aloe juice (as purgative); bitterness;
ALOGUS, ALOGA, ALOGUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \irrational, nonsensical; that does not correspond (math); irregular (verse);
ALOGIA, ALOGIAE: N 1 1 F \folly, nonsense; irrational conduct/action; dumbness, muteness (L+S);
ALOPECIA, ALOPECIAE: N 1 1 F \bald patch on head (from mange); fox mange (usu. pl.) (L+S);
ALOPECIS, ALOPECIDIS: N 3 1 F \variety of vine;
ALOPECUROS, ALOPECURI: N 2 6 F \beard-grass, similar grass; fox-tail (L+S);
ALOPEX, ALOPECIS: N 3 1 F \thresher shark (alopias vulpes); sea-fox (L+S);
ALPHUS, ALPHI: N 2 1 M \skin disease (psoriasis gutlata?); white spot on the skin (L+S);
ALPHOS, ALPHI: N 2 6 M \skin disease (psoriasis gutlata?); white spot on the skin (L+S);
ALPHA, UNDECLINED: N 9 9 N \alpha, 1st letter of Greek alphabet; A; first/foremost (group/class); beginning;
ALPINUS, ALPINA, ALPINUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \Alpine; of the Alps;
ALPIS, ALPIS: N 3 3 F \Alps (usually pl.), mountains to the north of Italy;
ALSUS, ALSA -UM, ALSIOR -OR -US, ALSISSIMUS -A -UM: ADJ 1 1 X \cool, chilly (of a place);
ALSIUS, ALSIA, ALSIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \liable to injury from cold; chilly/cool/cold (L+S);
ALSIDENA, ALSIDENAE: N 1 1 F \kind of onion;
ALSINE, ALSINES: N 1 6 F \plant of the genus Partietaris, pellitory (used in medicine);
ALSIOSUS, ALSIOSA, ALSIOSUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \liable to be injured by the cold;
ALSIOSUS, ALSIOSI: N 2 1 M \people (pl.) liable to catch cold;
ALTUM, ALTI: N 2 2 N \the deep, the sea; deep water; a height/depth; remote/obscure period/source;
ALTUS, ALTUS: N 4 1 M \nourishing, support;
ALTO, ALTARE, ALTAVI, ALTATUS: V 1 1 \raise, make high, elevate;
ALTUS, ALTA -UM, ALTIOR -OR -US, ALTISSIMUS -A -UM: ADJ 1 1 X \high; deep/profound; shrill; lofty, noble; deep rooted; far-fetched; grown great
ALTANUS, ALTANI: N 2 1 M \south-south-west wind; land breeze;
ALTAR, ALTARIS: N 3 4 N \altar, fittings for burnt offerings; burnt offerings; high altar;
ALTARAGIUM, ALTARAGII: N 2 2 N \altarage, stole fees, perquisites for baptism/marriage/etc.;
ALTARE, ALTARIS: N 3 4 N \altar (usu. pl.), fitting for burnt offerings; burnt offering; high altar;
ALTARIUM, ALTARII: N 2 2 N \altar; high altar;
ALTARISTA, ALTARISTAE: N 1 1 M \assistant priest;
ALTE, ALTIUS, ALTISSIME: ADV X \high, on high, from above, loftily; deep, deeply; far, remotely; profoundly;
ALTER: CONJ \the one ... the other (alter ... alter); otherwise;
ALTER, ALTERA, ALTERUM: ADJ 1 4 POS \one (of two); second/another; former/latter; (unus et ~=> one or two/other);
ALTER, ALTERI: N 2 3 X \second/further/next/other/latter/some person/thing (actually PRON); either;
ALTERAMENTUM, ALTERAMENTI: N 2 2 N \alteration, change;
ALTERAS: ADV POS \at another time; at one time ... at another;
ALTERATIO, ALTERATIOIS: N 3 1 F \alteration, change;
ALTERCUM, ALTERCI: N 2 2 N \henbane, plant of genus Hyoscyamus;
ALTERCO, ALTERCARE, ALTERCAVI, ALTERCATUS: V 1 1 \argue/bicker/dispute/wrangle/quarrel; dispute in court; exchange conversation;
ALTERCOR, ALTERCARI, -, ALTERCATUS SUM: V 1 1 \argue/bicker/dispute/wrangle/quarrel; dispute in court; exchange conversation;
ALTERCATIO, ALTERCATIONIS: N 3 1 F \contention, dispute, wrangle, altercation; debate, argument (law), repartee;
ALTERCATOR, ALTERCATORIS: N 3 1 M \disputant, one who conducts exchanges with opponent in law-court;
ALTERCULUM, ALTERCULI: N 2 2 N \henbane, plant of genus Hyoscyamus;
ALTERINSECUS: ADV POS \on the other side;
ALTERIUS: ADV POS \of one another;
ALTERNUS, ALTERNA, ALTERNUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \alternate, one after the/every other, by turns, successive; mutual; reciprocal;
ALTERNO, ALTERNARE, ALTERNAVI, ALTERNATUS: V 1 1 \do by turns, vary; alternate, waver, ebb and flow; bear/crop in alternate years;
ALTERNATUS, ALTERNATA, ALTERNATUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \alternate, succeeding each in turn; alternative;
ALTERNATIM: ADV POS \by turns, alternately;
ALTERNATIO, ALTERNATIONIS: N 3 1 F \alternation, alternate movement; alternative; ambivalence;
ALTERNE: ADV POS \by turns, alternately;
ALTERNIS: ADV POS \alternately; one after the other in turn, by turns; every other day/year;
ALTERORSUS: ADV POS \in the other direction; on the other side;
ALTERPLEX, (GEN.), ALTERPLICIS: ADJ 3 1 POS \twofold, double; divided;
ALTERUTER, ALTERUTRA, ALTERUTRUM: ADJ 1 4 POS \one (of two), one or the other; either; both;
ALTERUTRAQUE: ADV POS \on both sides, in both cases;
ALTERUTRIQUE: ADV POS \on both sides, in both cases;
ALTERUTRUM: ADV POS \one to another;
ALTHAEA, ALTHAEAE: N 1 1 F \marshmallow (Athaea officinalis);
ALTICINCTUS, ALTICINCTA, ALTICINCTUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \high-girded; active, busy;
ALTICOMUS, ALTICOMA, ALTICOMUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \having foliage high up/at the top (trees);
ALTIFRONS, (GEN.), ALTIFRONTIS: ADJ 3 1 POS \having a lofty forehead;
ALTIJUGUS, ALTIJUGA, ALTIJUGUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \that has a lofty summit (mountain);
ALTILIS, ALTILIS, ALTILE: ADJ 3 2 POS \fattened, fat, raised/fed up for eating; rich (dowry); well-fed, pampered;
ALTILANEUS, ALTILANEA, ALTILANEUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \having long/thick wool;
ALTILIUM, ALTILII: N 2 2 N \fatlings (pl.);
ALTILIARIUS, ALTILIARI(I): N 2 4 M \keeper of fowls, poultry farmer/fattener;
ALTILIS, ALTILIS: N 3 3 F \table bird, fattened bird/fowl;
ALTIPOTENS, (GEN.), ALTIPOTENTIS: ADJ 3 1 POS \very mighty, of high/great power;
ALTISONUS, ALTISONA, ALTISONUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \of lofty sound, that sounds high up/in the heavens; sublime; high-sounding;
ALTISPEX, ALTISPICIS: N 3 1 M \looking down from on high;
ALTITONANS, (GEN.), ALTITONANTIS: ADJ 3 1 POS \thundering from on high; that which thunders high in the sky;
ALTITUDO, ALTITUDINIS: N 3 1 F \height, altitude; depth; loftiness, profundity, noblemindedness, secrecy;
ALTIUSCULUS, ALTIUSCULA, ALTIUSCULUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \rather higher than normal;
ALTIUSCULE: ADV POS \at a fairly high level, rather high;
ALTIVOLUS, ALTIVOLA, ALTIVOLUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \high flying; soaring; flying high;
ALTIVOLANS, (GEN.), ALTIVOLANTIS: ADJ 3 1 POS \high flying; soaring; flying high;
ALTOR, ALTORIS: N 3 1 M \nourisher, sustainer; foster father, one who raises another's child;
ALTRIMSECUS: ADV POS \on the other side;
ALTRINSECUS: ADV POS \on the other side;
ALTRIX, ALTRICIS: N 3 1 F \nourisher, sustainer; wet nurse, nurse; foster mother; motherland, homeland;
ALTROVORSUM: ADV POS \on the other hand;
ALTUM: ADV POS \deeply, deep; high, on high, from above;
ALUCINOR, ALUCINARI, -, ALUCINATUS SUM: V 1 1 \wander in mind, talk idly/unreasonably, ramble, dream; wander;
ALUCINATIO, ALUCINATIONIS: N 3 1 F \wandering in mind, idle dream, delusion; idle/aimless behavior (w/mentis);
ALUCINATOR, ALUCINATORIS: N 3 1 M \idle dreamer, silly fellow; one who is wandering in mind;
ALUMEN, ALUMINIS: N 3 2 N \alum; astringent substance (sulfates of aluminum), potash alum;
ALUMENTUM, ALUMENTI: N 2 2 N \food, fuel; nourishment, provisions; sustenance, maintenance, livelihood, alms;
ALUMENTARIUS, ALUMENTARIA, ALUMENTARIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \of maintenance by (public) charity, welfare; charity supported;
ALUMENTARIUS, ALUMENTARI(I): N 2 4 M \person whose maintenance is provided by (public/private) charity/alms;
ALUMINATIUS, ALUMINATI(I): N 2 4 M \dealer in alum;
ALUMINOSUM, ALUMINOSI: N 2 2 N \aluminous strata (pl.) (containing alum);
ALUMNUS, ALUMNA, ALUMNUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \nourished, brought up; reared/fostered by; native, brought up locally;
ALUMNA, ALUMNAE: N 1 1 F \nursling, young animal/plant; foster-child, ward; native son; disciple, pupil;
ALUMNUS, ALUMNI: N 2 1 M \nursling, young animal/plant; ward, protegee; native daughter; nurse, mother;
ALUMNO, ALUMNARE, ALUMNAVI, ALUMNATUS: V 1 1 \nurture, nourish; rear (children), educate; train (animals);
ALUMNOR, ALUMNARI, -, ALUMNATUS SUM: V 1 1 \nurture, nourish; rear (children), educate; train (animals);
ALUMNATICUM, ALUMNATICI: N 2 2 N \annual tax for maintenance of a seminary;
ALUMNULA, ALUMNULAE: N 1 1 F \little foster-daughter;
ALUMNULUS, ALUMNULI: N 2 1 M \little foster-son;
ALUMONIA, ALUMONIAE: N 1 1 F \food, nourishment; feeding, nurture, upbringing;
ALUMONIUM, ALUMONI(I): N 2 4 N \food, nourishment; feeding, nurture, upbringing; cost of maintenance;
ALUTA, ALUTAE: N 1 1 F \piece/kind of soft leather (prepared with alum); purse/pouch; shoe; beauty patch
ALUTACIUS, ALUTACIA, ALUTACIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \pertaining to soft leather;
ALUTARIUS, ALUTARIA, ALUTARIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \made of soft leather;
ALVUS, ALVI: N 2 1 C \belly/paunch/stomach; womb; bowel; bowel movement; hull (ship); beehive; cavity;
ALVARIUM, ALVARI(I): N 2 4 N \beehive; apiary, bee-house;
ALVEUS, ALVEI: N 2 1 M \cavity, hollow; tub; trough, bowl, tray; gameboard; beehive;
ALVEUS, ALVEI: N 2 1 M \|hold (ship), ship, boat; channel, bed (river), trench;
ALVEUM, ALVEI: N 2 2 N \bath, bath-tub;
ALVEARE, ALVEARIS: N 3 4 N \beehive;
ALVEARIUM, ALVEARI(I): N 2 4 N \beehive; apiary;
ALVEATUS, ALVEATA, ALVEATUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \hollowed-out like a trough, trough-shaped;
ALVEOLUS, ALVEOLI: N 2 1 M \basin, (serving) bowl, trough; tray (dim.); bath-tub; gameboard; channel, bed;
ALVEOLATUS, ALVEOLATA, ALVEOLATUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \hollowed-out like a trough, trough-shaped;
ALYPON, ALYPI: N 2 8 N \turpeth (globularia alypum) (extract acts as active, gentle purgative);
ALYSSON, ALYSSI: N 2 8 N \kind of madder (plant used for red dye, also medicine);
ALYTHARCHA, ALYTHARCHAE: N 1 1 M \magistrate who superintended religious exhibitions;
ALYTHARCHES, ALYTHARCHAE: N 1 7 M \magistrate who superintended religious exhibitions;
ALYTHARCHIA, ALYTHARCHIAE: N 1 1 M \office of magistrate who superintended religious exhibitions;
AMA, AMAE: N 1 1 F \bucket; water bucket; (esp. fireman's bucket);
AMO, AMARE, ADDITIONAL, FORMS: V 9 1 \love, like; fall in love with; be fond of; have a tendency to;
AMO, AMARE, AMAVI, AMATUS: V 1 1 \love, like; fall in love with; be fond of; have a tendency to;
AMABILIS, AMABILE, AMABILIOR -OR -US, AMABILISSIMUS -A -UM: ADJ 3 2 X \worthy to be loved, lovable; amiable, pleasant; lovely, attractive, delightful;
AMABILITAS, AMABILITATIS: N 3 1 F \attractiveness, lovableness;
AMABILITER, AMABILIUS, AMABILISSIME: ADV X \lovingly; pleasantly; in a loving/friendly manner;
AMALECHITA, AMALECHITAE: N 1 1 M \Amalechite, one from the tribe of Amalech; (David slaughtered them - 2 Samuel);
AMANDO, AMANDARE, AMANDAVI, AMANDATUS: V 1 1 \send away, dismiss, banish; regulate;
AMANDATIO, AMANDATIONIS: N 3 1 F \dismissal, banishment, sending away; regulation;
AMANS, AMANTIS: N 3 3 C \lover, sweetheart; mistress; one who is fond/affectionate;
AMANS, AMANTIS (GEN.), AMANTIOR -OR -US, AMANTISSIMUS -A -UM: ADJ 3 1 X \loving, affectionate; beloved, dear to; friendly, kind; having love/affection;
AMANTER, AMANTIUS, AMANTISSIME: ADV X \lovingly, affectionately; with love/affection;
AMANUENSIS, AMANUENSIS: N 3 3 C \secretary, clerk;
AMARUM, AMARI: N 2 2 N \bitterness;
AMARUS, AMARA -UM, AMARIOR -OR -US, AMARISSIMUS -A -UM: ADJ 1 1 X \bitter, brackish, pungent; harsh, shrill; sad, calamitous; ill-natured, caustic;
AMARACUS, AMARACI: N 2 1 C \marjoram; feverfew (pyrethrum parthenium);
AMARACUM, AMARACI: N 2 2 N \marjoram; feverfew (pyrethrum parthenium);
AMARACINUS, AMARACINA, AMARACINUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \made with/of marjoram;
AMARACINUM, AMARACINI: N 2 2 N \perfume/ointment of marjoram;
AMARANTUS, AMARANTI: N 2 1 M \amaranth (imaginary flower said never to fade)/(ornamental w/colored leaves);
AMARE, AMARIUS, AMARISSIME: ADV X \with bitterness, acidly, spitefully, bitterly;
AMARESCO, AMARESCERE, -, -: V 3 1 \become bitter;
AMARICO, AMARICARE, AMARICAVI, AMARICATUS: V 1 1 \make bitter; excite, irritate;
AMARITAS, AMARITATIS: N 3 1 F \bitterness (of taste), harshness;
AMARITER: ADV POS \with bitterness, acidly, spitefully, bitterly;
AMARITIES, AMARITIEI: N 5 1 F \bitterness (of experience), harshness;
AMARITUDO, AMARITUDINIS: N 3 1 F \bitterness (taste/feelings/mind); sharpness, tang, pungency; harshness (sound);
AMAROR, AMARORIS: N 3 1 M \bitter taste; bitterness;
AMARULENTUS, AMARULENTA, AMARULENTUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \having a sour disposition; acrimonious; very bitter, full of bitterness (L+S);
AMARULENTIA, AMARULENTIAE: N 1 1 F \bitterness; (Erasmus);
AMARUM: ADV POS \with bitterness, acidly, spitefully, bitterly;
AMASCO, AMASCERE, -, -: V 3 1 \begin to love;
AMASIUS, AMASII: N 2 1 M \lover;
AMASIO, AMASIONIS: N 3 1 M \lover;
AMASIUNCULA, AMASIUNCULAE: N 1 1 F \loved one, darling, sweetheart; fond lover;
AMASIUNCULUS, AMASIUNCULI: N 2 1 M \lover, paramour; fond lover;
AMATUS, AMATA, AMATUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \loved, beloved;
AMATA, AMATAE: N 1 1 F \loved one, beloved (woman);
AMATIO, AMATIONIS: N 3 1 F \love, caressing, fondling; (romantic) intrigue;
AMATOR, AMATORIS: N 3 1 M \lover; friend, devotee; enthusiastic admirer/pursuer; one fond of women;
AMATORCULUS, AMATORCULI: N 2 1 M \little lover; sorry lover (L+S);
AMATORIUS, AMATORIA, AMATORIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \of love or lovers, amatory; inducing love (potions); amorous, procuring love;
AMATORIUM, AMATORI(I): N 2 4 N \love potion/charm/philter; anything which stimulates sexual passion;
AMATORIE: ADV POS \in a loving manner;
AMATRIX, (GEN.), AMATRICIS: ADJ 3 1 POS \amorous; (applied to things);
AMATRIX, AMATRICIS: N 3 1 F \sweetheart, mistress; hussy; woman who loves (in sexual sense);
AMAXITES, AMAXITAE: N 1 7 M \waggoner, carter, teamster;
AMAZON, AMAZONIS: N 3 1 F \Amazon, member of race of legendry female wariors; woman as man's antagonist;
AMBO, AMBAE, AMBO: NUM 1 2 CARD \both; two of a pair; two considered together, both parties; each of two
AMBACTUS, AMBACTI: N 2 1 M \vassal, dependent; retainer, servant;
AMBADEDO, AMBADEDERE, AMBADEDI, AMBADESUS: V 3 1 \eat/gnaw around; eat up entirely;
AMBADEDO, AMBADESSE, -, -: V 7 3 \eat/gnaw around; eat up entirely;
AMBAGES, AMBAGIS: N 3 1 F \circuit; roundabout way; long story, details; riddle; ambiguity; lie; mystery;
AMBAGIOSUS, AMBAGIOSA, AMBAGIOSUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \circuitous, indirect, roundabout;
AMBAGO, AMBAGINIS: N 3 1 F \confusion, uncertainty, obscurity;
AMBARVALIS, AMBARVALIS, AMBARVALE: ADJ 3 2 POS \concerned with circumambulation of fields (e.g., ceremony of Ambarvallia);
AMBECISUS, AMBECISUS: N 4 1 M \incision on both sides;
AMBEDO, AMBEDERE, AMBEDI, AMBESUS: V 3 1 \eat/gnaw around the edge; erode (water); waste; eat, consume, devour; char;
AMBEDO, AMBESSE, -, -: V 7 3 \eat/gnaw around the edge; erode (water); waste; eat, consume, devour; char;
AMBESTRIX, AMBESTRICIS: N 3 1 F \gluttonous woman; female consumer/waster (L+S);
AMBIO, AMBIRE, AMBIVI, AMBITUS: V 3 4 \go round, visit in rotation, inspect; solicit, canvass; circle, embrace;
AMBIDENS, AMBIDENTIS: N 3 3 M \sheep which has both upper and lower teeth;
AMBIENTER: ADV POS \eagerly, with zeal;
AMBIFARIUS, AMBIFARIA, AMBIFARIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \ambiguous, of double meaning, that has two meanings; that has two sides;
AMBIFARIAM: ADV POS \in a way placing opponent in dilemma/proving his arguments self-contradictory;
AMBIFARIE: ADV POS \ambiguously; on two sides; in two ways;
AMBIGA, AMBIGAE: N 1 1 F \cap of a still;
AMBIGO, AMBIGERE, -, -: V 3 1 \hesitate, be in doubt; argue, dispute, contend; call in question; be at issue;
AMBIGUUS, AMBIGUA, AMBIGUUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \changeable, doubtful, ambiguous, wavering, fickle; treacherous, unethical;
AMBIGUUM, AMBIGUI: N 2 2 N \varying/doubtful/uncertain state/condition/expression; ambiguity;
AMBIGUE: ADV POS \ambiguously, equivocally; with uncertain meaning/outcome; unreliably;
AMBIGUITAS, AMBIGUITATIS: N 3 1 F \ambiguity of meaning; an equivocal expression, ambiguity;
AMBIORIX, AMBIORIGIS: N 3 1 M \Ambiorix, a chief of the Eburones, a tribe of Gaul, central Normandy - Caesar;
AMBITUS, AMBITUS: N 4 1 M \circuit, edge, extent; orbit, cycle; canvass, bribery; circumlocution; show;
AMBITIO, AMBITIONIS: N 3 1 F \ambition; desire for/currying favor/popularity, flattery; canvassing for votes;
AMBITIOSUS, AMBITIOSA -UM, AMBITIOSIOR -OR -US, AMBITIOSISSIMUS -A -UM: ADJ 1 1 X \ambitious, eager to please/for advancement/favor; showy; winding, twisting;
AMBITIOSE, AMBITIOSIUS, AMBITIOSISSIME: ADV X \ingratiatingly, earnestly; ambitiously, presumptuously; ostentatiously;
AMBITOR, AMBITORIS: N 3 1 M \candidate;
AMBITUDO, AMBITUDINIS: N 3 1 F \period of revolution;
AMBIVIUM, AMBIVI(I): N 2 4 N \road junction, meeting of two roads;
AMBOLAGIUM, AMBOLAGII: N 2 2 N \amice; (oblong white shawl draped over shoulders of priest, worn w/alb);
AMBON, AMBONIS: N 3 1 M \pulpit;
AMBROSCUS, AMBROSCA, AMBROSCUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \immortal, divine, of things belonging to the gods; ambrosial;
AMBROSIUS, AMBROSIA, AMBROSIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \immortal, divine, of things belonging to the gods; ambrosial;
AMBROSIA, AMBROSIAE: N 1 1 F \food of the gods, ambrosia; fabulous healing plant/juice; antidote (to poison);
AMBROSIALIS, AMBROSIALIS, AMBROSIALE: ADJ 3 2 POS \ambrosial (?); connected with Ambrussum in Gallia Narbonensis (?);
AMBUBAIA, AMBUBAIAE: N 1 1 F \Syrian singing-girl and courtesan;
AMBUBAIA, AMBUBAIAE: N 1 1 F \wild endive; chicory;
AMBUBEIA, AMBUBEIAE: N 1 1 F \wild endive; chicory;
AMBUFARIAM: ADV POS \in a way placing opponent in dilemma/proving his arguments self-contradictory;
AMBULO, AMBULARE, AMBULAVI, AMBULATUS: V 1 1 \walk, take a walk, go on foot; travel, march; go about, gad; parade, strut;
AMBULACRUM, AMBULACRI: N 2 2 N \promenade, walk, place for walking;
AMBULATILIS, AMBULATILIS, AMBULATILE: ADJ 3 2 POS \moving, walking about; movable;
AMBULATIO, AMBULATIONIS: N 3 1 F \walking about, stroll; place for promenading, covered/uncovered walk, portico;
AMBULATIUNCULA, AMBULATIUNCULAE: N 1 1 F \short/little walk/stroll; small place for walking, little portico;
AMBULATIVUM, AMBULATIVI: N 2 2 N \procession (pl.);
AMBULATOR, AMBULATORIS: N 3 1 M \one who walks about (idly/for pleasure); itinerant trader, peddler;
AMBULATORIUS, AMBULATORIA, AMBULATORIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \movable, which can be moved; transferable; liable to change; for/while walking;
AMBULATRIX, (GEN.), AMBULATRICIS: ADJ 3 1 POS \movable, which can be moved; transferable; liable to change;
AMBULATURA, AMBULATURAE: N 1 1 F \walking, pace, step, amble (of horses);
AMBULTUS, AMBULTUS: N 4 1 M \walking (act of);
AMBURO, AMBURERE, AMBUSSI, AMBUSTUS: V 3 1 \burn around, scorch, char, scald; fire harden; burn up, cremate; frost-bite/nip;
AMBURBALE, AMBURBALIS: N 3 4 N \annual expiatory procession around Rome (with sacrificial victims - hostiae);
AMBURBIUM, AMBURBI(I): N 2 4 N \Amburbia festival, annualexpiatory procession round Rome;
AMBURBIUM, AMBURBI(I): N 2 4 N \annual expiatory procession around Rome (with sacrificial victims - hostiae);
AMBUSTIO, AMBUSTIONIS: N 3 1 F \burn; fire, conflagration;
AMBUSTULATUS, AMBUSTULATA, AMBUSTULATUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \scorched around, burned around the edges; half roasted;
AMELLUS, AMELLI: N 2 1 M \kind of aster; (purple) Italian starwort (Aster amellus);
AMEN, UNDECLINED: ADJ 9 9 POS \true, faithful;
AMEN: ADV POS \amen (from Hebrew), truly, verily, so be it (eccl.);
AMEN, UNDECLINED: N 9 9 N \truth, faithfulness;
AMENDATOR, AMENDATORIS: N 3 1 M \one who suborns accusers;
AMENS, AMENTIS (GEN.), AMENTIOR -OR -US, AMENTISSIMUS -A -UM: ADJ 3 1 X \insane, demented, out of one's mind; very excited, frantic, distracted; foolish;
AMENTUM, AMENTI: N 2 2 N \throwing-strap, thong/loop attached to spear for throwing; (shoe) thong/strap;
AMENTO, AMENTARE, AMENTAVI, AMENTATUS: V 1 1 \fit with a throwing strap; give impetus with a throwing strap; speed on;
AMENTIA, AMENTIAE: N 1 1 F \madness; extreme folly, infatuation, stupidity; frenzy, violent excitement;
AMENTIUS: ADV COMP \more madly/wildly;
AMERICA, AMERICAE: N 1 1 F \America;
AMERIMNON, AMERIMNI: N 2 8 N \houseleek;
AMES, AMITIS: N 3 1 M \pole/fork for supporting/spreading birdnets; fence rail, cross bar;
AMETHYSTUS, AMETHYSTA, AMETHYSTUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \amethyst (color = violet-blue); ornamented/set with amethysts (gems);
AMETHYSTUS, AMETHYSTI: N 2 1 F \amethyst, violet-blue precious stone; vine yielding non-intoxicating wine?;
AMETHYSTINUS, AMETHYSTINA, AMETHYSTINUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \of the color of amethyst (violet-blue); set/adorned with amethysts;
AMETHYSTINATUS, AMETHYSTINATA, AMETHYSTINATUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \wearing a dress the color of amethyst (violet-blue)/adorned with amethysts;
AMETHYSTIZON, (GEN.), AMETHYSTIZONTIS: ADJ 3 1 POS \resembling the color of the amethyst (violet-blue);
AMETOR, (GEN.), AMETORIS: ADJ 3 1 POS \motherless;
AMFITAPA, AMFITAPAE: N 1 1 F \rug with pile on both sides;
AMFLEXUS, AMFLEXA, AMFLEXUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \curved around, bent double;
AMFRACTUS, AMFRACTUS: N 4 1 M \bend, curvature; circuit, (annual) round, orbit; spiral, coil; circumlocution;
AMI, UNDECLINED: N 9 9 N \ammi, Bishop-weed; umbelliferous (flowers radiating from point) plant;
AMIA, AMIAE: N 1 1 F \small tuna, bonito;
AMIAS, AMIAE: N 1 8 M \small tuna, bonito;
AMIUM, AMII: N 2 2 N \ammi, Bishop-weed; umbelliferous (flowers radiating from point) plant;
AMIANTUS, AMIANTI: N 2 1 M \mineral having properties similar to asbestos, chysolite?;
AMICA, AMICAE: N 1 1 F \female friend; girl friend, sweetheart; patron; mistress, concubine; courtesan;
AMICUS, AMICI: N 2 1 M \friend, ally, disciple; loved one; patron; counselor/courtier (to a prince);
AMICUS, AMICA -UM, AMICIOR -OR -US, AMICISSIMUS -A -UM: ADJ 1 1 X \friendly, dear, fond of; supporting (political), loyal, devoted; loving;
AMICO, AMICARE, -, -: V 1 1 \propitiate, make friendly to oneself;
AMICABILITER: ADV POS \in a friendly/amicable manner;
AMICALIS, AMICALIS, AMICALE: ADJ 3 2 POS \friendly; cult-title of Jupiter (of friendship);
AMICARIUS, AMICARI(I): N 2 4 M \procurer; one that procures a mistress/woman;
AMICE, AMICIUS, AMICISSIME: ADV X \in a friendly manner/spirit; with goodwill;
AMICIO, AMICIRE, AMICUI, AMICTUS: V 3 4 \clothe, cover, dress; wrap about; surround; veil; clothe with words;
AMICIO, AMICIRE, AMIXI, AMICTUS: V 3 4 \clothe, cover, dress; wrap about; surround; veil; clothe with words;
AMICIMEN, AMICIMINIS: N 3 2 N \clothing, garment;
AMICINUM, AMICINI: N 2 2 N \neck of a winesack;
AMICITER: ADV POS \in a friendly manner; kindly, amicably;
AMICITIA, AMICITIAE: N 1 1 F \friendship, bond between friends; alliance, association; friendly relations;
AMICITIES, AMICITIEI: N 5 1 F \friendship;
AMICOSUS, AMICOSA, AMICOSUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \rich/abounding in friends;
AMICTUS, AMICTUS: N 4 1 M \cloak, mantle; outer garment; clothing, garb; fashion; manner of dress; drapery;
AMICTORIUS, AMICTORIA, AMICTORIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \suitable for throwing about one (wrap, scarf);
AMICTORIUM, AMICTORII: N 2 2 N \scarf, wrap;
AMICULA, AMICULAE: N 1 1 F \mistress, lady friend, girl friend;
AMICULUS, AMICULI: N 2 1 M \little friend (familiar or depreciatory), dear friend, humble friend;
AMICULUM, AMICULI: N 2 2 N \cloak; mantle, outer garment; clothing (pl.), dress;
AMILUM, AMILI: N 2 2 N \fine meal, starch, gruel;
AMINAEUS, AMINAEA, AMINAEUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \Aminean; (applied to vines/grapes/wine, myrrh); (of a region in eastern Italy);
AMINEUS, AMINEA, AMINEUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \Aminean; (applied to vines/grapes/wine, myrrh); (of a region in eastern Italy);
AMINNEUS, AMINNEA, AMINNEUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \Aminean; (applied to vines/grapes/wine, myrrh); (of a region in eastern Italy);
AMINNIUS, AMINNIA, AMINNIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \Aminean; (applied to vines/grapes/wine, myrrh); (of a region in eastern Italy);
AMISSUS, AMISSUS: N 4 1 M \loss; fact of losing;
AMISSIBILIS, AMISSIBILIS, AMISSIBILE: ADJ 3 2 POS \that may be lost (eccl.);
AMISSIO, AMISSIONIS: N 3 1 F \loss (possessions/faculty/quality/persons/town/military force), deprivation;
AMITA, AMITAE: N 1 1 F \paternal aunt, father's sister; (~ magna/maior/maxima=>great-aunt/g-g-a/g-g-g-a)
AMITINUS, AMITINA, AMITINUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \descended from a father's sister (or mother's brother?);
AMITINA, AMITINAE: N 1 1 F \female first cousin, daughter of father's sister or mother's brother;
AMITINUS, AMITINI: N 2 1 M \male first cousin, son of father's sister or mother's brother;
AMITTO, AMITTERE, AMISI, AMISSUS: V 3 1 \lose; lose by death; send away, dismiss; part with; let go/slip/fall, drop;
AMMANITES, AMMANITAE: N 1 7 M \Ammonite, inhabitant of Ammon (land north-east of the Dead Sea);
AMMANITIS, (GEN.), AMMANITIDIS: ADJ 3 1 POS \Ammonite, of Ammon (land north-east of the Dead Sea);
AMMANITIS, AMMANITIDOS/IS: N 3 9 F \Ammonite woman, inhabitant of Ammon (land north-east of the Dead Sea);
AMMATURO, AMMATURARE, AMMATURAVI, AMMATURATUS: V 1 1 \hasten (an occurrence); bring to maturity, mature, ripen;
AMMEO, AMMEARE, AMMEAVI, AMMEATUS: V 1 1 \go to, approach;
AMMENTUM, AMMENTI: N 2 2 N \throwing-strap, thong/loop attached to spear for throwing; (shoe) thong/strap;
AMMENTO, AMMENTARE, AMMENTAVI, AMMENTATUS: V 1 1 \fit with a throwing strap; give impetus with a throwing strap; speed on;
AMMETIOR, AMMETIRI, -, AMMENSUS SUM: V 3 4 \measure out (to);
AMMI, UNDECLINED: N 9 9 N \ammi, Bishop-weed; umbelliferous (flowers radiating from point) plant;
AMMIUM, AMMII: N 2 2 N \ammi, Bishop-weed; umbelliferous (flowers radiating from point) plant;
AMMIGRO, AMMIGRARE, AMMIGRAVI, AMMIGRATUS: V 1 1 \go and live with; go to a place; come to; be added to;
AMMINEUS, AMMINEA, AMMINEUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \Aminean; (applied to vines/grapes/wine, myrrh); (of a region in eastern Italy);
AMMINICULUM, AMMINICULI: N 2 2 N \prop (vines), pole, stake; support, stay, bulwark; means, aid, tool; auxiliary;
AMMINICULO, AMMINICULARE, AMMINICULAVI, AMMINICULATUS: V 1 1 \prop (up), support (with props); support with authority; applied to adverb;
AMMINICULOR, AMMINICULARI, -, AMMINICULATUS SUM: V 1 1 \prop (up), support (with props) (vines);
AMMINICULATUS, AMMINICULATA -UM, AMMINICULATIOR -OR -US, AMMINICULATISSIMUS -A -U: ADJ 1 1 X \well stocked; supported; well furnished/provided;
AMMINICULATOR, AMMINICULATORIS: N 3 1 M \assistant, supporter; one who supports;
AMMINISTER, AMMINISTRI: N 2 3 M \assistant, helper, supporter; one at hand to help, attendant; priest, minister;
AMMINISTRA, AMMINISTRAE: N 1 1 F \assistant (female), helper, supporter, servant; handmaiden, attendant;
AMMINISTRO, AMMINISTRARE, AMMINISTRAVI, AMMINISTRATUS: V 1 1 \administer, manage, direct; assist; operate, conduct; maneuver (ship); bestow;
AMMINISTRATIO, AMMINISTRATIONIS: N 3 1 F \administration; assistance; execution, operation, management, care of affairs;
AMMINISTRATIVUS, AMMINISTRATIVA, AMMINISTRATIVUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \practical; suitable for the administration of;
AMMINISTRATOR, AMMINISTRATORIS: N 3 1 M \director, manager; one who is in charge of an operation;
AMMINISTRATORIUS, AMMINISTRATORIA, AMMINISTRATORIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \performing the duties of an assistant/helper; serving, ministering;
AMMIROR, AMMIRARI, -, AMMIRATUS SUM: V 1 1 \admire, respect; regard with wonder, wonder at; be surprised at, be astonished;
AMMIRABILIS, AMMIRABILIS, AMMIRABILE: ADJ 3 2 POS \admirable, wonderful; strange, astonishing, remarkable; paradoxical, contrary;
AMMIRABILITAS, AMMIRABILITATIS: N 3 1 F \wonderful character, remarkableness; admiration, wonder;
AMMIRABILITER: ADV POS \admirably, astonishingly, in a wonderful/wondrous manner; paradoxically;
AMMIRANDUS, AMMIRANDA, AMMIRANDUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \wonderful, admirable; astonishing, remarkable, extraordinary;
AMMIRANTER: ADV POS \admiringly, with admiration;
AMMIRATIO, AMMIRATIONIS: N 3 1 F \wonder, surprise, astonishment; admiration, veneration, regard; marvel;
AMMIRATOR, AMMIRATORIS: N 3 1 M \admirer; one who venerates;
AMMISCEO, AMMISCERE, AMMISCUI, AMMIXTUS: V 2 1 \mix, mix together; involve; add an ingredient to; contaminate; confuse, mix up;
AMMISSUM, AMMISSI: N 2 2 N \crime, offense;
AMMISSUS, AMMISSUS: N 4 1 M \admission, letting in;
AMMISSARIUS, AMMISSARIA, AMMISSARIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \kept for breeding (male animals), on stud;
AMMISSARIUS, AMMISSARII: N 2 1 M \stallion/he-ass, stud; sodomite;
AMMISSIO, AMMISSIONIS: N 3 1 F \getting in, audience, interview; application (medical); mating (animals);
AMMISSIONALIS, AMMISSIONALIS: N 3 3 M \one who introduces/announces at audience; privy chamber usher; seneschal;
AMMISSIVUS, AMMISSIVA, AMMISSIVUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \permitting/favorable (birds of omen approving of action in question);
AMMISSOR, AMMISSORIS: N 3 1 M \perpetrator; one who allows himself to do a thing;
AMMISSURA, AMMISSURAE: N 1 1 F \breeding, generation; copulation/mating of domestic animals, service;
AMMISTUS, AMMISTUS: N 4 1 M \mixture, admixture, mingling;
AMMISTIO, AMMISTIONIS: N 3 1 F \mixture, admixture, mingling;
AMMITTO, AMMITTERE, AMMISI, AMMISSUS: V 3 1 \urge on, put to a gallop; let in, admit, receive; grant, permit, let go;
AMMIXTUS, AMMIXTA, AMMIXTUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \mixed; contaminated; not simple; confused;
AMMIXTUS, AMMIXTUS: N 4 1 M \mixture, admixture, mingling;
AMMIXTIO, AMMIXTIONIS: N 3 1 F \mixture, admixture, mingling;
AMMOCHRYSUS, AMMOCHRYSI: N 2 1 M \precious stone (golden mica?);
AMMODEROR, AMMODERARI, -, -: V 1 1 \control (w/DAT); keep within limits; moderate;
AMMODERATE: ADV POS \comfortably; suitably;
AMMODO: ADV POS \henceforth, from this time forward; from now (on); in the future;
AMMODULOR, AMMODULARI, -, AMMODULATUS SUM: V 1 1 \harmonize/accord with;
AMMODUM: ADV POS \very, exceedingly, greatly, quite; excessively; just so; certainly, completely;
AMMODYTES, AMMODYTAE: N 1 7 M \kind of serpent in Africa;
AMMOENIO, AMMOENIRE, AMMOENIVI, AMMOENITUS: V 3 4 \bring (siege engine) into operation, draw near the walls; besiege, invest;
AMMOLIOR, AMMOLIRI, -, AMMOLITUS SUM: V 3 4 \struggle, exert oneself (to); put one's hand on object/task; lay violent hands;
AMMONEO, AMMONERE, AMMONUI, AMMONITUS: V 2 1 \admonish, remind, prompt; suggest, advise, raise; persuade, urge; warn, caution;
AMMONITUM, AMMONITI: N 2 2 N \warning; reminder; reminding; advice; admonition (L+S);
AMMONITUS, AMMONITUS: N 4 1 M \advice, recommendation; admonition, warning; command (animal); reminder; reproof
AMMONITIO, AMMONITIONIS: N 3 1 F \act of reminding; reminder, recurring symptom; warning, advice; rebuke;
AMMONITOR, AMMONITORIS: N 3 1 M \admonisher; exhorter; one who reminds;
AMMONITRUM, AMMONITRI: N 2 2 N \natron (sesquicarbonate of soda) mingled with sand;
AMMONITRIX, AMMONITRICIS: N 3 1 F \monitor (female); she that admonishers/reminds;
AMMORDEO, AMMORDERE, AMMORDI, AMMORSUS: V 2 1 \bite at/into, gnaw; extract money from; fleece; get possession of their property
AMMORSUS, AMMORSUS: N 4 1 M \bite, biting, gnawing;
AMMOTIO, AMMOTIONIS: N 3 1 F \act of moving towards/on to; application;
AMMOVEO, AMMOVERE, AMMOVI, AMMOTUS: V 2 1 \move up, bring up/near; lean on, conduct; draw near, approach; apply, add;
AMMUGIO, AMMUGIRE, -, -: V 3 4 \low (to); bellow (to); (like a bull);
AMMULCO, AMMULCARE, -, -: V 1 1 \stroke;
AMMURMURO, AMMURMURARE, AMMURMURAVI, AMMURMURATUS: V 1 1 \murmur in protest or approval; murmur at;
AMMURMUROR, AMMURMURARI, -, AMMURMURATUS SUM: V 1 1 \murmur in protest or approval; murmur at;
AMMURMURATIO, AMMURMURATIONIS: N 3 1 F \murmur of comment; murmuring;
AMMUTILO, AMMUTILARE, AMMUTILAVI, AMMUTILATUS: V 1 1 \cut/clip close; shave; fleece, cheat, defraud;
AMNACUM, AMNACI: N 2 2 N \herbaceous plant, pellitory;
AMNENSIS, AMNENSIS: N 3 3 F \towns (pl.) situated near a river, river towns;
AMNESIS, AMNNSIS: N 3 3 F \towns (pl.) situated near a river, river towns;
AMNESTIA, AMNESTIAE: N 1 1 F \amnesty, general pardon;
AMNICUS, AMNICA, AMNICUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \of/connected with a river, situated in a river;
AMNICOLUS, AMNICOLA, AMNICOLUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \growing beside a river (-a, -ae for M/F);
AMNICULUS, AMNICULI: N 2 1 M \small brook, rivulet;
AMNIGENUS, AMNIGENA, AMNIGENUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \that is the son/descendent of a river (-a, -ae for M/F);
AMNIS, AMNIS: N 3 3 M \river (real/personified), stream; current; (running) water; the river Ocean;
AMODO: ADV POS \henceforth, from this time forward; from now (on); in the future;
AMOEBAEUS, AMOEBAEA, AMOEBAEUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \alternate; (amoebaeum carmen => responsive song);
AMOENUM, AMOENI: N 2 2 N \pleasant places (pl.);
AMOENO, AMOENARE, AMOENAVI, AMOENATUS: V 1 1 \make pleasant (places); please, delight;
AMOENUS, AMOENA -UM, AMOENIOR -OR -US, AMOENISSIMUS -A -UM: ADJ 1 1 X \beautiful, attractive, pleasant, agreeable, enjoyable, charming, lovely;
AMOENE, AMOENIUS, AMOENISSIME: ADV X \in a pleasant/attractive manner, agreeably;
AMOENITAS, AMOENITATIS: N 3 1 F \pleasantness, attractiveness, attraction, charm; delight, comfort, luxury;
AMOENITER: ADV POS \delightfully, in an agreeable manner;
AMOLETUM, AMOLETI: N 2 2 N \amulet/charm (to avert evil); act which averts evil; power to avert evil;
AMOLIOR, AMOLIRI, -, AMOLITUS SUM: V 3 4 \remove, clear away; get rid of, dispose of, remove, obliterate; avert, refute;
AMOLITIO, AMOLITIONIS: N 3 1 F \removal (physical); removal (by death);
AMOMUM, AMOMI: N 2 2 N \amonum, eastern spice-plant; spice from this plant; unguent/balm with this spice
AMOMON, AMOMI: N 2 8 N \amonum, eastern spice-plant; spice from this plant; unguent with this spice;
AMOMIS, AMOMIDIS: N 3 1 F \plant resembling amomum (eastern spice plant) but inferior in fragrance;
AMOR, AMORIS: N 3 1 M \love, affection; the beloved; Cupid; affair; sexual/illicit/homosexual passion;
AMORIFER, AMORIFERA, AMORIFERUM: ADJ 1 2 POS \producing/causing/awakening love;
AMORIFICUS, AMORIFICA, AMORIFICUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \producing/causing/awakening love;
AMORTIZATIO, AMORTIZATIONIS: N 3 1 F \amortization; liquidation of a debt;
AMOS, AMORIS: N 3 1 M \love, affection; the beloved; Cupid; affair; sexual/illicit/homosexual passion;
AMOTHYSTINATUS, AMOTHYSTINATA, AMOTHYSTINATUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \that wears a dress the color of amethyst;
AMOTIO, AMOTIONIS: N 3 1 F \removal; deprivation; process of removing;
AMOVEO, AMOVERE, AMOVI, AMOTUS: V 2 1 \move/take/put away, remove, steal; banish, cause to go away; withdraw, retire;
AMPELOS, AMPELI: N 2 6 F \vine;
AMPELINUS, AMPELINA, AMPELINUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \vine-colored/covered; made of vines;
AMPELITIS, AMPELITIDIS: N 3 1 F \vineyard, vineland; pitch/asphalt (used to preserve vines from insects);
AMPELODESMOS, AMPELODESMI: N 2 6 M \plant used to tie up vines, esparto/Spanish grass;
AMPELOEUCE, AMPELOEUCES: N 1 6 F \bryony (white vine) (Bryonia alba);
AMPELOPRASON, AMPELOPRASI: N 2 8 N \species of wild leek, vine-leek? field-garlic?;
AMPENDIX, AMPENDICIS: N 3 1 M \appendix, supplement, annex; appendage, adjunct; hanger on; barberry bush/fruit;
AMPHEMERINOS, AMPHEMERINOS, -: ADJ 2 6 POS \recurring every day, daily, quotidian, pertaining to everyday;
-, -, AMPHEMERINON: ADJ 2 8 POS \recurring every day, daily, quotidian, pertaining to everyday;
AMPHIBALUS, AMPHIBALI: N 2 1 M \chasuble; (sleaveless mantle worn over alb and stole by priest at Mass);
AMPHIBOLIA, AMPHIBOLIAE: N 1 1 F \ambiguity; double meaning;
AMPHIBOLOGIA, AMPHIBOLOGIAE: N 1 1 F \ambiguity; double meaning;
AMPHIBRACHUS, AMPHIBRACHI: N 2 1 M \the poetical foot short-long-short, amphibrach;
AMPHIBRACHYS, AMPHIBRACHYSOS/IS: N 3 7 M \the poetical foot short-long-short, amphibrach;
AMPHIBREVIS, AMPHIBREVIS: N 3 3 M \the poetical foot short-long-short, amphibrach;
AMPHICOMOS, AMPHICOMI: N 2 6 M \kind of precious stone;
AMPHIDANE, AMPHIDANES: N 1 6 F \precious stone also called chrysocolla (magnetic pyrite? L+S);
AMPHIMACRUS, AMPHIMACRI: N 2 1 M \metrical foot, a short syllable between two long ones, amphimacer, cretic;
AMPHIMACROS, AMPHIMACRI: N 2 6 M \metrical foot, a short syllable between two long ones, amphimacer, cretic;
AMPHIMALLUM, AMPHIMALLI: N 2 2 N \cloak that is woolly inside and out;
AMPHIMALLIUM, AMPHIMALLII: N 2 2 N \cloak that is woolly inside and out;
AMPHIPROSTYLOS, AMPHIPROSTYLI: N 2 6 F \temple having portico/pillars front and rear but not sides, amphiprostyle;
AMPHISBAENA, AMPHISBAENAE: N 1 1 F \species of Libyan serpent supposed to have a head at both ends, amphisbaena;
AMPHISPORUM, AMPHISPORI: N 2 2 N \boundary land the right to sow which is in dispute between two peoples;
AMPHISTOMUS, AMPHISTOMA, AMPHISTOMUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \having a double mouth/entrance;
AMPHITANE, AMPHITANES: N 1 6 F \precious stone also called chrysocolla (magnetic pyrite? L+S);
AMPHITAPOS, AMPHITAPI: N 2 6 M \rug with pile on both sides;
AMPHITHALAMOS, AMPHITHALAMI: N 2 6 M \bedroom on north of Greek house opposite the thalamus (inner/marriage chamber);
AMPHITHEATRUM, AMPHITHEATRI: N 2 2 N \amphitheater, double (oval/circular) theater having stage/arena in center;
AMPHITHEATRALIS, AMPHITHEATRALIS, AMPHITHEATRALE: ADJ 3 2 POS \of/in the amphitheater; worthy of the amphitheater;
AMPHITHEATRICUS, AMPHITHEATRICA, AMPHITHEATRICUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \made near the amphitheater; cheap, of little value (L+S);
AMPHITHEATRITICUS, AMPHITHEATRITICA, AMPHITHEATRITICUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \made near the amphitheater; cheap, of little value (L+S);
AMPHORA, AMPHORAE: N 1 1 F \amphora, pitcher, two handled earthenware jar; a capacity of c.30 liters;
AMPHORALIS, AMPHORALIS, AMPHORALE: ADJ 3 2 POS \that has a capacity of one amphora, six-gallon;
AMPHORARIUS, AMPHORARIA, AMPHORARIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \contained/stored in amphora/jars;
AMPLA, AMPLAE: N 1 1 F \opportunity;
AMPLO, AMPLARE, AMPLAVI, AMPLATUS: V 1 1 \enlarge, extend, increase; develop; magnify, amplify; praise, exalt, glorify;
AMPLUS, AMPLA -UM, AMPLIOR -OR -US, AMPLISSIMUS -A -UM: ADJ 1 1 X \great, large, spacious, wide, ample; distinguished, important, honorable;
AMPLE, AMPLIUS, AMPLISSIME: ADV X \in liberal manner/complimentary terms/dignified style, handsomely, impressively;
AMPLECTOR, AMPLECTI, -, AMPLEXUS SUM: V 3 1 \surround, encircle, embrace, clasp; esteem; cherish; surround, include, grasp;
AMPLEXUS, AMPLEXUS: N 4 1 M \clasp, embrace, surrounding; sexual embrace; coil (snake); circumference;
AMPLEXO, AMPLEXARE, AMPLEXAVI, AMPLEXATUS: V 1 1 \take and hold in arms, embrace, clasp; welcome, accept gladly; cling/attach to;
AMPLEXOR, AMPLEXARI, -, AMPLEXATUS SUM: V 1 1 \take and hold in arms, embrace, clasp; welcome, accept gladly; cling/attach to;
AMPLIO, AMPLIARE, AMPLIAVI, AMPLIATUS: V 1 1 \enlarge, augment, intensify, widen; ennoble, glorify; postpone, adjourn;
AMPLIATIO, AMPLIATIONIS: N 3 1 F \enlargement, augmentation; deferral/reserve of judgment, trial postponement;
AMPLIATOR, AMPLIATORIS: N 3 1 M \one who increases the number (of something), augmenter;
AMPLIFICUS, AMPLIFICA, AMPLIFICUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \magnificent, splendid;
AMPLIFICO, AMPLIFICARE, AMPLIFICAVI, AMPLIFICATUS: V 1 1 \enlarge, extend, increase; develop; magnify, amplify; praise loudly, exalt;
AMPLIFICATIO, AMPLIFICATIONIS: N 3 1 F \enlargement, amplification, augmentation, increasing, making greater;
AMPLIFICATOR, AMPLIFICATORIS: N 3 1 M \enlarger, amplifier, augmenter, increaser, extender, developer;
AMPLIFICE: ADV POS \magnificently, splendidly;
AMPLITER: ADV POS \in liberal manner, generously, handsomely; amply, fully, very; deeply, far;
AMPLITUDO, AMPLITUDINIS: N 3 1 F \greatness; extent, breadth, width, bulk; importance; fullness (of expression);
AMPLIUSOR, AMPLIUSOR, AMPLIUSUS: ADJ 9 9 COMP \greater (w/indef subject, eg, number than), further/more, longer;
AMPLIUS: ADV COMP \a greater number (than); further, more, beyond, besides; more than (w/numerals);
AMPLIUS, UNDECLINED: N 9 9 N \a greater amount/number/distance, more, any more/further; "judgment reserved";
AMPLIUSCULE: ADV POS \rather more (freely/deeply);
AMPLOCTOR, AMPLOCTI, -, AMPLOXUS SUM: V 3 1 \surround, encircle, embrace, clasp; esteem; cherish; surround, include, grasp;
AMPOLA, AMPOLAE: N 1 1 F \cruet;
AMPTRUO, AMPTRUARE, AMPTRUAVI, AMPTRUATUS: V 1 1 \execute a figure/movement (by leader of ceremonial dance);
AMPULLA, AMPULLAE: N 1 1 F \bottle, jar, flask for holding liquids; inflated expressions, bombast;
AMPULLOR, AMPULLARI, -, AMPULLATUS SUM: V 1 1 \use bombast, make use of a bombastic form of discourse;
AMPULLACEUS, AMPULLACEA, AMPULLACEUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \of/used for an ampulla/jar/bottle; shaped like an ampulla, big-bellied;
AMPULLARIUS, AMPULLARI(I): N 2 4 M \dealer/maker of flasks/bottles/jars/ampulla;
AMPUTO, AMPUTARE, AMPUTAVI, AMPUTATUS: V 1 1 \lop/cut off, prune, shorten; amputate; eradicate, exclude, take away; castrate;
AMPUTATIO, AMPUTATIONIS: N 3 1 F \pruning, lopping off; amputation; twigs removed by pruning, cuttings;
AMTRUO, AMTRUARE, AMTRUAVI, AMTRUATUS: V 1 1 \dance around (at Salian religious festivals);
AMULA, AMULAE: N 1 1 F \basin; small/shallow bucket/vessel;
AMULUM, AMULI: N 2 2 N \fine meal, starch, gruel;
AMULETUM, AMULETI: N 2 2 N \amulet/charm (to avert evil); act which averts evil; power to avert evil;
AMURCA, AMURCAE: N 1 1 F \watery fluid contained in the olive in addition to oil (vs. solid residue);
AMURCARIUS, AMURCARIA, AMURCARIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \designed for holding amurca (watery fluid from olive);
AMURGA, AMURGAE: N 1 1 F \watery fluid contained in the olive in addition to oil (vs. solid residue);
AMUSOS, AMUSOS, -: ADJ 2 6 POS \ignorant of music;
-, -, AMUSON: ADJ 2 8 POS \ignorant of music;
AMUSIA, AMUSIAE: N 1 1 F \boorishness, lack of refinement; ignorance of music (L+S);
AMUSIUM, AMUSII: N 2 2 N \leveled slab for testing flat surfaces; horizontal wheel to show wind direction;
AMUSSIUM, AMUSSII: N 2 2 N \leveled slab for testing flat surfaces; horizontal wheel to show wind direction;
AMUSSIS, AMUSSIS: N 3 3 F \ruler/straight edge (mason's/carpenter's); precision (ad ~ => with precision);
AMUSSITO, AMUSSITARE, AMUSSITAVI, AMUSSITATUS: V 1 1 \make according to ruler/accurately/exactly/nicely;
AMYCTICUS, AMYCTICA, AMYCTICUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \scratching; sharp/biting (of medical remedies);
AMYGDALA, AMYGDALAE: N 1 1 F \almond tree; almond (~ amarum => bitter almond; ~ dulce => sweet almond);
AMYGDALE, AMYGDALES: N 1 6 F \almond tree; almond (~ amarum => bitter almond; ~ dulce => sweet almond);
AMYGDALUS, AMYGDALI: N 2 1 F \almond tree; almond (~ amarum => bitter almond; ~ dulce => sweet almond);
AMYGDALUM, AMYGDALI: N 2 2 N \almond (nut) (~ amarum => bitter almond; ~ dulce => sweet almond);
AMYGDALACEUS, AMYGDALACEA, AMYGDALACEUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \similar to the almond tree/almond;
AMYGDALEUS, AMYGDALEA, AMYGDALEUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \of/pertaining to an almond tree;
AMYGDALINUS, AMYGDALINA, AMYGDALINUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \of/made of almonds; grafted on an almond tree;
AMYGDALITES, AMYGDALITAE: N 1 7 M \kind of euphorbia, broad-leaved spurge; tree like the almond tree (L+S);
AMYLUM, AMYLI: N 2 2 N \fine meal, starch, gruel;
AMYLO, AMYLARE, AMYLAVI, AMYLATUS: V 1 1 \mix with starch;
AMYSTIS, AMYSTIDIS: N 3 1 F \drink taken in one draught;
AN: CONJ \can it be that (introducing question expecting negative answer/further question)
AN: CONJ \|whether; (untum ... an = whether ... or); or; either;
ANUS, ANA, ANUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \old (of female persons and things), aged;
ANUS, ANI: N 2 1 M \ring, circle, link, circular form; anus; fundement; piles, hemorrhoids (L+S);
ANUS, ANI: N 2 1 M \|year (astronomical/civil); age, time of life; year's produce;
ANUS, ANUS: N 4 1 F \old woman; hag; matron; old maid; sibyl, sorceress; foolish/cringing person;
ANABAPTISMUS, ANABAPTISMI: N 2 1 M \a second baptism;
ANABAPTISTA, ANABAPTISTAE: N 1 1 F \Anabaptists (pl.); (a Protestant sect);
ANABASIS, ANABASIS: N 3 3 F \plant name applied by Pliny to any equisetum (e.g., horsetail, mare's tail);
ANABATHRUM, ANABATHRI: N 2 2 N \raised/elevated seat (in a theater);
ANABOLADIUM, ANABOLADII: N 2 2 N \kind of cloak;
ANABOLAGIUM, ANABOLAGII: N 2 2 N \veil, head covering; amice (oblong white shawl on shoulders of priest);
ANABOLARIUM, ANABOLARII: N 2 2 N \veil, head covering; amice (oblong white shawl on shoulders of priest);
ANABOLIUM, ANABOLII: N 2 2 N \a surgical instrument;
ANACAMPSEROX, ANACAMPSEROTIS: N 3 1 F \plant (unidentified) (said to bring back lost love by its touch);
ANACHITES, ANACHITAE: N 1 7 F \precious stone (unknown, diamond?) (as remedy for sadness);
ANACHORESIS, ANACHORESIS: N 3 3 F \retirement, life of a ermite;
ANACHORETA, ANACHORETAE: N 1 1 M \hermit, anchorite;
ANACHORETICUS, ANACHORETICA, ANACHORETICUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \eremitical, anchoritic, of a hermit
ANACHORITA, ANACHORITAE: N 1 1 M \hermit, anchorite;
ANACLINTERIUM, ANACLINTERII: N 2 2 N \cushion for leaning on;
ANACTORIUM, ANACTORII: N 2 2 N \sword grass;
ANADEMA, ANADEMATIS: N 3 2 N \band for the hair, head-band; ornament for the head/hair, fillet;
ANADIPLOSIS, ANADIPLOSIS: N 3 3 F \repetition of the same word;
ANADIPLOSIS, ANADIPLOSEOS/IS: N 3 7 F \repetition of the same word;
ANAGALLIS, ANAGALLIDIS: N 3 1 F \pimpernel (Anagallis aruensis) (small flowering annual) ("scarlet pimpernel");
ANAGLYPHUS, ANAGLYPHA, ANAGLYPHUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \carved in low/bas relief;
ANAGLYPHUM, ANAGLYPHI: N 2 2 N \sculpture in relief;
ANAGLYPTUS, ANAGLYPTA, ANAGLYPTUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \carved in low/bas relief;
ANAGLYPTUM, ANAGLYPTI: N 2 2 N \vessels (pl.) carved in low relief;
ANAGLYPTICUS, ANAGLYPTICA, ANAGLYPTICUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \carved/embossed in low/bas relief;
ANAGNOSIS, ANAGNOSEOS/IS: N 3 7 F \lectionary; (book of lessons for divine service; list of appointed passages);
ANAGNOSTES, ANAGNOSTAE: N 1 7 M \reader, one who reads aloud, slave trained to read aloud;
ANAGOLAIUM, ANAGOLAII: N 2 2 N \amice; (oblong white shawl draped over shoulders of priest, worn w/alb);
ANAGTROS, ANAGYRI: N 2 6 F \stinking bean-trefoil (Anagyris foetida);
ANALECTA, ANALECTAE: N 1 1 M \slave who collected crumbs/scraps/gleanings after a meal;
ANALECTRIS, ANALECTRIDIS: N 3 1 F \pad worn under the shoulder blades; shoulder pad (to improve the figure);
ANALEMMA, ANALEMMATOS/IS: N 3 7 N \diagram showing length of sundial pin with time of year; (fig. 8 on globe);
ANALEMPTRIS, ANALEMPTRIDIS: N 3 1 F \shoulder pad (to improve the figure); suspensory bandage (L+S);
ANALOGUS, ANALOGA, ANALOGUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \proportional; analogous;
ANALOGIA, ANALOGIAE: N 1 1 F \ratio, proportion; analogy/similarity (in inflections/derivations of words);
ANALOGIUM, ANALOGII: N 2 2 N \lectern; pulpit; reader's desk;
ANALOGICUS, ANALOGICA, ANALOGICUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \concerned with grammatical analogy/similarity (word inflections/derivations);
ANALYSIS, ANALYSIS: N 3 3 F \analysis
ANAMNESIS, ANAMNESIS: N 3 3 F \commemoration; (Greek);
ANANCAEUM, ANANCAEI: N 2 2 N \large drinking vessel which had to be emptied in a single draught;
ANANCITES, ANANCITAE: N 1 7 M \hardest of substances (adamas); steel; diamond (as remedy for sadness L+S);
ANANCITIS, ANANCITIDIS: N 3 1 F \precious stone (diamond?) (used in hydromancy/divination from water signs);
ANAPAESTUS, ANAPAESTA, ANAPAESTUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \anapaestic (consisting of two shorts followed by a long);
ANAPAESTUS, ANAPAESTI: N 2 1 M \anapaest (metrical foot, two shorts followed by long);
ANAPAESTUM, ANAPAESTI: N 2 2 N \anapaestic line/passage (metrical foot, two shorts followed by long);
ANAPAESTICUS, ANAPAESTICA, ANAPAESTICUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \anapaestic, referring to anapaest (metrical foot, two shorts followed by long);
ANAPAESTICUM, ANAPAESTICI: N 2 2 N \anapaestic verse (pl.), (using metrical foot, two shorts followed by long);
ANAPAUOMENE, ANAPAUOMENES: N 1 6 F \woman resting (as title of painting);
ANAPAUOMENOS, ANAPAUOMENI: N 2 6 M \man resting (as title of painting);
ANAPHORA, ANAPHORAE: N 1 1 F \rising/ascension of star measured in degrees; rising/mounting up (of the stars);
ANAPHORA, ANAPHORAE: N 1 1 F \|repetition of word beginning successive clauses; improper preceding reference;
ANAPHORICUS, ANAPHORICA, ANAPHORICUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \adjusted according to the rising/ascension of the stars;
ANARRINON, ANARRINI: N 2 8 N \snapdragon, antirrhinum;
ANAS, ANATIS: N 3 1 F \duck;
ANAS, ANATIS: N 3 1 F \|senility in women;
ANAS, ANETIS: N 3 1 F \duck;
ANAS, ANITIS: N 3 1 F \duck;
ANASCEUE, ANASCEUES: N 1 6 F \refutation of arguments;
ANASTASIS, ANASTASIS: N 3 3 F \the Resurrection;
ANASTOMOTICUS, ANASTOMOTICA, ANASTOMOTICUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \relaxing (medicine, to open/widen vessels for blood flow); aperient, laxative;
ANATARIUS, ANATARIA, ANATARIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \pertaining to a duck; (~a aquila => duck eagle (Falco haliactus));
ANATARIA, ANATARIAE: N 1 1 F \species of eagle; duck eagle? (Falco haliactus);
ANATHEMO, ANATHEMARE, ANATHEMAVI, ANATHEMATUS: V 1 1 \anathemize, put under ban; curse; detest;
ANATHEMA, ANATHEMATIS: N 3 2 N \offering; sacrificial victim; curse; cursed thing; excommunication, anathema;
ANATHEMATISMUS, ANATHEMATISMI: N 2 1 M \anathema; curse/ban/denunciation; evil thing; curse of excommunication;
ANATHYMIASIS, ANATHYMIASIDIS: N 3 1 F \rising of "vapors" (to the head);
ANATICULA, ANATICULAE: N 1 1 F \duckling; term of endearment, duckie;
ANATINUS, ANATINA, ANATINUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \of/from/concerning a duck, duck's;
ANATINA, ANATINAE: N 1 1 F \duck's flesh/meat, duck;
ANATOCISMUS, ANATOCISMI: N 2 1 M \compound interest;
ANATOMIA, ANATOMIAE: N 1 1 F \anatomy;
ANATOMIE, ANATOMIES: N 1 6 F \anatomy;
ANATOMICUS, ANATOMICI: N 2 1 M \anatomist;
ANATONUS, ANATONA, ANATONUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \longstrung (length of tight skein propelling catapult); extending upward (L+S);
ANATRESIS, ANATRESIS: N 3 3 F \boring through;
ANAUDIA, ANAUDIAE: N 1 1 F \loss of speech, dumbness;
ANCA, ANCAE: N 1 1 C \goose;
ANCUS, ANCI: N 2 1 M \group of musical notes;
ANCAESUM, ANCAESI: N 2 2 N \embossed/engraved work (usu pl.) (esp. in gold/silver);
ANCALA, ANCALAE: N 1 1 F \knee; bend of the knee;
ANCALE, ANCALES: N 1 6 F \knee; bend of the knee;
ANCELE, ANCELIS: N 3 4 N \small figure eight shield fell from heaven (copies kept in Salii shrine of Mars)
ANCEPS, (GEN.), ANCIPITIS: ADJ 3 1 POS \two headed/fold/edged/meanings; faces two directions/fronts; doubtful; double;
ANCHORA, ANCHORAE: N 1 1 F \anchor (in/ad ~is => at anchor); grappling iron/hook;
ANCHUSA, ANCHUSAE: N 1 1 F \Dyer's bugloss (Anchusa tinctoria) (alkanet) or similar plant (ox-tongue);
ANCILE, ANCILIS: N 3 4 N \small figure eight shield fell from heaven (copies kept in Salii shrine of Mars)
ANCILLA, ANCILLAE: N 1 1 F \servant, maid; (used by nuns to describe themselves);
ANCILLA, ANCILLAE: N 1 1 F \slave girl; female slave; maid servant; handmaid; (used opprobriously of a man);
ANCILLOR, ANCILLARI, -, ANCILLATUS SUM: V 1 1 \act as handmaid, wait on, serve hand and foot; be subservient/at beck and call;
ANCILLARIS, ANCILLARIS, ANCILLARE: ADJ 3 2 POS \of/having status of female slave; appropriate/characteristic to that position;
ANCILLARIOLUS, ANCILLARIOLI: N 2 1 M \pursuer of slave girls; lover of maid-servants (L+S);
ANCILLATUS, ANCILLATUS: N 4 1 M \service of a (female) slave;
ANCILLULA, ANCILLULAE: N 1 1 F \little serving-maid, young female slave; slave girl;
ANCIPS, (GEN.), ACIPITIS: ADJ 3 1 POS \two headed/fold/edged/meanings; faces two directions/fronts; doubtful; double;
ANCISUS, ANCISA, ANCISUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \cut up, chopped up; cut around/away;
ANCLO, ANCLARE, ANCLAVI, ANCLATUS: V 1 1 \serve (wine); bring as a servant; have the care of (L+S);
ANCLABRE, ANCLABRIS: N 3 4 N \vessels on a sacrificial table (called an anclabris);
ANCLABRIS, ANCLABRIS: N 3 3 F \sacrificial table (vessels on it called anclabria);
ANCON, ANCONIS: N 3 1 M \projecting arm, crosspiece; clamp; bracket; piston rod; drinking vessel;
ANCORA, ANCORAE: N 1 1 F \anchor (in/ad ~is => at anchor); grappling iron/hook;
ANCORAGO, ANCORAGINIS: N 3 1 M \fish in the Rhine (unknown);
ANCORALIS, ANCORALIS, ANCORALE: ADJ 3 2 POS \of/used for anchor;
ANCORALE, ANCORALIS: N 3 4 N \anchor cable;
ANCRA, ANCRAE: N 1 1 F \valley (pl.), gorge;
ANCTER, ANCTEROS/IS: N 3 7 M \surgical clip;
ANCULA, ANCULAE: N 1 1 F \maid servant;
ANCULUS, ANCULI: N 2 1 M \man servant;
ANCULO, ANCULARE, ANCULAVI, ANCULATUS: V 1 1 \serve (wine); bring as a servant; have the care of (L+S);
ANCYLA, ANCYLAE: N 1 1 F \joint stiffened by an injury;
ANCYLOBLEPHAROS, ANCYLOBLEPHAROS, -: ADJ 2 6 POS \having eyelid adhering to eye;
-, -, ANCYLOBLEPHARON: ADJ 2 8 POS \having eyelid adhering to eye;
ANDABATA, ANDABATAE: N 1 1 M \gladiator who fought blindfolded;
ANDRACHLE, ANDRACHLES: N 1 6 F \tree resembling the arbutus (strawberry tree/shrub) (Arbustus enedo);
ANDRACHNE, ANDRACHNES: N 1 6 F \purslane (Portlaca oleracea); (~ agria => stonecrop?/Sedum stellatum);
ANDRACHNE, ANDRACHNES: N 1 6 F \|plant, purslane (Portulacca oleraca);
ANDREAS, ANDREAE: N 1 8 M \Andrew;
ANDREMAS, ANDREMAE: N 1 8 F \plant, purslane (Portulacca oleraca);
ANDRODAMAS, ANDRODANTOS/IS: N 3 7 M \variety of hematite (native sesquioxide of iron Fe2O3); silver marcasite;
ANDROGEOSOS, ANDROGEI: N 2 7 M \Androgeos (son of Minos and Pasiphae, whose death was avenged on Athens);
ANDROGYNE, ANDROGYNES: N 1 6 F \masculine heroic woman; (nickname given to a mannish woman/tomboy);
ANDROGYNUS, ANDROGYNI: N 2 1 M \hermaphrodite, person of indeterminate sex;
ANDRON, ANDRONIS: N 3 1 M \corridor, aisle, passage; men's apartment in a house;
ANDRONITIS, ANDRONITIDIS: N 3 1 M \men's apartment in a house (Greek);
ANDROSACES, ANDROSACIS: N 3 2 N \marine plant (zoophyte?) (OLD says N, not F);
ANDROSAEMON, ANDROSAEMI: N 2 8 N \variety of St John's wort (Hypericum perforatum and perfoliatum);
ANDRUO, ANDRUARE, ANDRUAVI, ANDRUATUS: V 1 1 \run back; (dance around at Salian religious festivals);
ANECLOGISTUS, ANECLOGISTA, ANECLOGISTUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \discretionary, not required to give an account of one's doings;
ANELLUS, ANELLI: N 2 1 M \little ring, esp. finger ring;
ANEMONE, ANEMONES: N 1 6 F \one or other of species of anemone/wind-flower; the plant othonna;
ANESUM, ANESI: N 2 2 N \anise (Pimpinella anisum);
ANETUM, ANETI: N 2 2 N \dill (Anethum graveolens);
ANETHUM, ANETHI: N 2 2 N \dill (Anethum graveolens); anise (L+S);
ANETICUS, ANETICA, ANETICUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \remitting, abating;
ANETICULA, ANETICULAE: N 1 1 F \duckling; term of endearment;
ANETINUS, ANETINA, ANETINUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \of/from/concerning a duck, duck's;
ANETINA, ANETINAE: N 1 1 F \duck's flesh/meat, duck;
ANFRACTUS, ANFRACTA, ANFRACTUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \curving, curved, bent;
ANFRACTUM, ANFRACTI: N 2 2 N \winding passage; curved/crooked part; bend;
ANFRACTUS, ANFRACTUS: N 4 1 M \bend, curvature; circuit, (annual) round, orbit; spiral, coil; circumlocution;
ANFRACTUOSUS, ANFRACTUOSA, ANFRACTUOSUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \roundabout, convoluted; prolix, protracted, wordy;
ANGO, ANGERE, ANXI, ANCTUS: V 3 1 \choke, throttle, strangle; press tight; distress, cause pain, vex, trouble;
ANGARUS, ANGARI: N 2 1 M \public courier, messenger;
ANGARIA, ANGARIAE: N 1 1 F \service of the public courier; service to a lord, villanage;
ANGARIUS, ANGARII: N 2 1 M \public courier, messenger;
ANGARIUM, ANGARII: N 2 2 N \compulsory services (pl.) in connection with the imperial post;
ANGARIO, ANGARIARE, ANGARIAVI, ANGARIATUS: V 1 1 \press, requisition, commandeer; exact villanage; compel, constrain (eccl.);
ANGARIALIS, ANGARIALIS, ANGARIALE: ADJ 3 2 POS \of/pertaining to service;
ANGELUS, ANGELI: N 2 1 M \angel; messenger;
ANGELICUS, ANGELICA, ANGELICUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \angelic; of an angel; belonging to the angels; dactylic measure (L+S);
ANGELLUS, ANGELLI: N 2 1 M \small/barely perceptible angle;
ANGINA, ANGINAE: N 1 1 F \acute throat infection w/choking, quinsy; (~ vinaria => suffocation from wine);
ANGIPORTUM, ANGIPORTI: N 2 2 N \narrow street, alley; lane;
ANGIPORTUS, ANGIPORTUS: N 4 1 M \narrow street, alley; lane;
ANGLUS, ANGLI: N 2 1 M \Englishman; Angles (pl.) (Low German invaders/colonizers of Britain); English;
ANGLIA, ANGLIAE: N 1 1 F \Anglia, place of the Angles, area/kingdom in eastern England; England;
ANGLICUS, ANGLICI: N 2 1 M \Englishman;
ANGLICANUS, ANGLICANA, ANGLICANUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \Anglican (follower of the Church of England);
ANGLICANUS, ANGLICANI: N 2 1 M \Anglican (follower of the Church of England);
ANGLICE: ADV POS \in/into English;
ANGOLARIUS, ANGOLARIA, ANGOLARIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \occurring or placed at a corner;
ANGOR, ANGORIS: N 3 1 M \suffocation, choking, strangulation; mental distress, anxiety, anguish, vexation
ANGUEUS, ANGUEA, ANGUEUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \of/pertaining to a serpent;
ANGUICULUS, ANGUICULI: N 2 1 M \little/small/young serpent/snake;
ANGUIFER, ANGUIFERA, ANGUIFERUM: ADJ 1 2 POS \snake-bearing, snaky; snake-haunted (place);
ANGUIGENA, ANGUIGENAE: N 1 1 M \offspring of a serpent/dragon; (pl. as epithet of Thebans);
ANGUILLA, ANGUILLAE: N 1 1 F \eel; hard skin of an eel used as a whip in school; slippery fellow;
ANGUIMANUS, ANGUIMANA, ANGUIMANUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \with snaky hands/serpent-handed/tentacled; epithet of the elephant;
ANGUIMANUS, ANGUIMANUS: N 4 1 C \one with snaky hands/serpent-handed/tentacled; elephant (L+S);
ANGUINUS, ANGUINA, ANGUINUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \of a snake/snakes, snaky, snake; consisting of snakes; resembling a snake;
ANGUINUM, ANGUINI: N 2 2 N \snake's egg;
ANGUINEUS, ANGUINEA, ANGUINEUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \of a snake, snaky, snake; consisting of snakes;
ANGUIPES, (GEN.), ANGUIPEDIS: ADJ 3 1 POS \snake/serpent footed; epithet of giants;
ANGUIPES, ANGUIPEDIS: N 3 1 M \the giants (pl.) (serpent footed);
ANGUIS, ANGUIS: N 3 3 C \snake, serpent; dragon; (constellations) Draco, Serpens, Hydra;
ANGUITENENS, ANGUITENENTIS: N 3 3 M \the serpent-bearer (constellation Ophiuchus);
ANGULUS, ANGULI: N 2 1 M \angle, apex; corner, nook, niche, recess, out-of-the-way spot;
ANGULO, ANGULARE, ANGULAVI, ANGULATUS: V 1 1 \make angular/cornered;
ANGULARIS, ANGULARIS, ANGULARE: ADJ 3 2 POS \placed at corners, corner; having angles or corners, square;
ANGULARIUS, ANGULARIA, ANGULARIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \occurring or placed at a corner;
ANGULARIS, ANGULARIS: N 3 3 M \an angular vessel;
ANGULATUS, ANGULATA, ANGULATUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \made angular/cornered, with angles, angular;
ANGULATIM: ADV POS \from corner to corner, in every nook and cranny;
ANGULOSUS, ANGULOSA, ANGULOSUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \having an angle or angles, angular;
ANGUSTA, ANGUSTAE: N 1 1 F \small/confined/narrow space/place/passage, strait, channel; crisis, extremities
ANGUSTUM, ANGUSTI: N 2 2 N \small/confined/narrow space/place/passage, strait, channel; crisis, extremities;
ANGUSTO, ANGUSTARE, ANGUSTAVI, ANGUSTATUS: V 1 1 \narrow, reduce width/size/amount, constrict, limit; choke, crowd together/hamper
ANGUSTUS, ANGUSTA -UM, ANGUSTIOR -OR -US, ANGUSTISSIMUS -A -UM: ADJ 1 1 X \narrow, steep, close, confined; scanty, poor; low, mean; narrowminded, petty;
ANGUSTAS, ANGUSTATIS: N 3 1 F \narrowness of space, confined position, closeness;
ANGUSTE, ANGUSTIUS, ANGUSTISSIME: ADV X \closely, in close quarters/narrow limits, cramped, crowded; sparingly, scantily;
ANGUSTIA, ANGUSTIAE: N 1 1 F \narrow passage/place/space (pl.), defile; strait, pass; difficulties; meanness;
ANGUSTIO, ANGUSTIARE, ANGUSTIAVI, ANGUSTIATUS: V 1 1 \narrow, reduce width/size/amount, constrict, limit; choke, crowd together/hamper
ANGUSTIOR, ANGUSTIARI, -, ANGUSTIATUS SUM: V 1 1 \be disturbed, be distressed; be crowded/pushed around;
ANGUSTICLAVIUS, ANGUSTICLAVIA, ANGUSTICLAVIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \having/wearing a narrow purple band (sign of equestrian rank);
ANGUSTITAS, ANGUSTITATIS: N 3 1 F \narrowness of space, confined position, closeness;
ANHELUS, ANHELA, ANHELUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \panting, puffing, gasping; breath-taking; that emits hot blast/vapor, steaming;
ANHELO, ANHELARE, ANHELAVI, ANHELATUS: V 1 1 \pant, gasp; breathe/gasp out, belch forth, exhale; utter breathlessly;
ANHELITUS, ANHELITUS: N 4 1 M \panting, puffing, gasping, shortness of breath; breath, exhalation; bad breath;
ANHELITIO, ANHELITIONIS: N 3 1 F \panting, gasping; shortness of breath; iridescence, play of colors on gem;
ANHELITOR, ANHELITORIS: N 3 1 M \one who suffers from shortness of breath; asthmatic;
ANHYDROS, ANHYDRI: N 2 6 F \narcissus (plant thriving in dry regions);
ANIATROLOGETUS, ANIATROLOGETA, ANIATROLOGETUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \untrained in medicine; ignorant of medicine;
ANICETUS, ANICETA, ANICETUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \unconquered, unconquerable;
ANICETUM, ANICETI: N 2 2 N \unsurpassable/sovereign remedy; (a name for anise);
ANICILLA, ANICILLAE: N 1 1 F \(little) old woman;
ANICLA, ANICLAE: N 1 1 F \(little) old woman;
ANICULA, ANICULAE: N 1 1 F \(little) old woman;
ANICULARIS, ANICULARIS, ANICULARE: ADJ 3 2 POS \old-womanish; of an old woman; inflicted by an old woman; old wives' tale;
ANILIS, ANILIS, ANILE: ADJ 3 2 POS \old-womanish; of an old woman; inflicted by an old woman; old wives' tale;
ANILITO, ANILITARE, ANILITAVI, ANILITATUS: V 1 1 \to produce the feebleness of old age in (a female);
ANILITOR, ANILITARI, -, ANILITATUS SUM: V 1 1 \become an old woman;
ANILITAS, ANILITATIS: N 3 1 F \old age (in women); the old age of a woman;
ANILITER: ADV POS \in the manner of an old woman; with superstitious credulity;
ANIMA, ANIMAE: N 1 1 F \soul, spirit, vital principle; life; breathing; wind, breeze; air (element);
ANIMUS, ANIMI: N 2 1 M \mind; intellect; soul; feelings; heart; spirit, courage, character, pride; air;
ANIMO, ANIMARE, ANIMAVI, ANIMATUS: V 1 1 \animate, give/bring life; revive, refresh; rouse, animate; inspire; blow;
ANIMABILIS, ANIMABILIS, ANIMABILE: ADJ 3 2 POS \made of air; animal, of living creatures, living, live, animate; vital;
ANIMADVERSIO, ANIMADVERSIONIS: N 3 1 F \paying attention; observation, attention, notice; censure, reproach, punishment;
ANIMADVERSOR, ANIMADVERSORIS: N 3 1 M \observer, one who notices/pays attention/observes;
ANIMADVERTO, ANIMADVERTERE, ANIMADVERTI, ANIMADVERSUS: V 3 1 \pay attention to, attend to; notice, observe; judge, estimate; punish (in+ACC);
ANIMAEQUUS, ANIMAEQUA, ANIMAEQUUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \composed/patient/not easily moved; of good courage; of calm/confident mind;
ANIMALIS, ANIMALIS, ANIMALE: ADJ 3 2 POS \made of air; animal, of living creatures, living, live, animate; vital;
ANIMAL, ANIMALIS: N 3 4 N \animal, living thing/offspring; creature, beast, brute; insect;
ANIMALIS, ANIMALIS: N 3 3 F \animal, living creature;
ANIMALITER: ADV POS \like an animal;
ANIMANS, (GEN.), ANIMANTIS: ADJ 3 1 POS \living, having life;
ANIMANS, ANIMANTIS: N 3 3 X \animate/living being/organism (other than man), creature; animal (vs. plant);
ANIMATUS, ANIMATA, ANIMATUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \endowed with spirit, animated, spirited; inclined, minded; live, growing, fresh;
ANIMATUS, ANIMATUS: N 4 1 M \breathing;
ANIMATIO, ANIMATIONIS: N 3 1 F \form of life;
ANIMATRIX, ANIMATRICIS: N 3 1 F \she who quickens/animates;
ANIMAX, (GEN.), ANIMACIS: ADJ 3 1 POS \showing signs of life, alive;
ANIMOSUS, ANIMOSA, ANIMOSUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \courageous, bold, strong, ardent, energetic, noble; stormy (wind/sea), furious;
ANIMOSE, ANIMOSIUS, ANIMOSISSIME: ADV X \courageously, boldly, nobly, ardently, energetically; in high minded manner;
ANIMOSITAS, ANIMOSITATIS: N 3 1 F \boldness, courage, spirit; vehemence, impetuosity, ardor; wrath (eccl.);
ANIMULA, ANIMULAE: N 1 1 F \little life;
ANIMULUS, ANIMULI: N 2 1 M \heart, soul (only VOC as term of endearment);
ANISUM, ANISI: N 2 2 N \anise (Pimpinella anisum);
ANISOCYCLUM, ANISOCYCLI: N 2 2 N \system of gears (pl.); screws/elastic springs (L+S);
ANN, ABB.: N 9 8 M \year; abb. ann./a.; (regnavit ann(is). XLIIII => he reigned for 44 years);
ANNUS, ANNI: N 2 1 M \year (astronomical/civil); age, time of life; year's produce; circuit, course;
ANNO, ANNARE, ANNAVI, ANNATUS: V 1 1 \swim to/towards, approach by swimming; sail to/towards; brought by sea (goods);
ANNO, ANNARE, ANNAVI, ANNATUS: V 1 1 \pass/live through a year;
ANNALE, ANNALIS: N 3 4 N \festival (pl.) held at the beginning of the year;
ANNALIS, ANNALIS: N 3 3 M \book of annuals/chronicles; annals (pl.), chronicle, history, yearbooks;
ANNARIUS, ANNARIA, ANNARIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \of age qualifications for public office (lex ~ => law defining age ...);
ANNATA, ANNATAE: N 1 1 F \annates (w/media), a tax on benefices in the 1917 Code
ANNATO, ANNATARE, ANNATAVI, ANNATATUS: V 1 1 \swim to/up to; swim beside/alongside;
ANNAVIGO, ANNAVIGARE, ANNAVIGAVI, ANNAVIGATUS: V 1 1 \sail to/up to/towards; sail beside/alongside;
ANNE: CONJ \can it be that (introducing a question expecting a negative answer);
ANNE: CONJ \|whether (or not) (an-ne);
ANNECTO, ANNECTERE, ANNEXUI, ANNEXUS: V 3 1 \tie on/to, tie up (ship); bind to; fasten on; attach, connect, join, annex;
ANNEXUS, ANNEXA, ANNEXUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \attached, linked, joined; contiguous (to); related by blood; concerned;
ANNEXUS, ANNEXUS: N 4 1 M \fastening, attaching, connection; tying/binding to, connecting; annexation;
ANNEXIO, ANNEXIONIS: N 3 1 F \tying/binding to, connecting; annexation;
ANNIUS, ANNIUS: N 4 1 M \striving; exertion;
ANNICULUS, ANNICULA, ANNICULUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \one year old, yearling; lasting only one year, limited to a year;
ANNIFER, ANNIFERA, ANNIFERUM: ADJ 1 2 POS \bearing fruit all year round; producing new shoots every year;
ANNIHILO, ANNIHILARE, ANNIHILAVI, ANNIHILATUS: V 1 1 \annihilate, destroy, demolish, ruin, bring to nothing;
ANNITOR, ANNITI, -, ANNIXUS SUM: V 3 1 \lean/rest upon, support oneself, (w/genibus) kneel; strive, work, exert, try;
ANNIVERSARIUS, ANNIVERSARIA, ANNIVERSARIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \annual; employed/engaged/renewed/occurring/arising/growing annually/every year;
ANNIXUS, ANNIXA, ANNIXUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \vehement, strenuous;
ANNODO, ANNODARE, ANNODAVI, ANNODATUS: V 1 1 \cut (a shoot) right back, cut flush; cut off knots, cut away suckers;
ANNON: CONJ \can it be that (introducing a question expecting a positive answer);
ANNONA, ANNONAE: N 1 1 F \year's produce; provisions; allotment; wheat, food; market price of grain/food;
ANNONOR, ANNONARI, -, ANNONATUS SUM: V 1 1 \collect provisions;
ANNONARIUS, ANNONARIA, ANNONARIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \of/concerned with the grain supply;
ANNOSUS, ANNOSA, ANNOSUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \aged, old, full of years; long-lived; immemorial;
ANNOSITAS, ANNOSITATIS: N 3 1 F \fullness of years; old age;
ANNOTO, ANNOTARE, ANNOTAVI, ANNOTATUS: V 1 1 \note/jot down, notice, become aware; mark, annotate; record, state; designate;
ANNOTAMENTUM, ANNOTAMENTI: N 2 2 N \note, comment, remark, annotation;
ANNOTATUS, ANNOTATI: N 2 1 M \person officially announced as "wanted", wanted man;
ANNOTATUS, ANNOTATUS: N 4 1 M \notice, noting, remark, mention;
ANNOTATIO, ANNOTATIONIS: N 3 1 F \note or comment; writing/making notes; notice; rescript of emperor by his hand;
ANNOTATIUNCULA, ANNOTATIUNCULAE: N 1 1 F \short note/comment; brief annotation;
ANNOTATOR, ANNOTATORIS: N 3 1 M \one who makes notes, note taker; observer; controller of the annual income (jur)
ANNOTINUS, ANNOTINA, ANNOTINUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \of last year, of the preceding/previous year;
ANNUUS, ANNUA, ANNUUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \for a year, lasting/appointed for a year; paid/performed yearly, annual;
ANNUUM, ANNUI: N 2 2 N \yearly payment (usu. pl.); annual stipend, pension, annuity (L+S);
ANNUO, ANNUERE, ANNUI, ANNUTUS: V 3 1 \designate w/nod, nod assent; indicate, declare; favor/smile on; agree to, grant;
ANNUBILO, ANNUBILARE, ANNUBILAVI, ANNUBILATUS: V 1 1 \bring up clouds (against);
ANNUCULUS, ANNUCULA, ANNUCULUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \one year old, yearling; lasting only one year, limited to a year;
ANNULUS, ANNULA, ANNULUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \one year old;
ANNULLO, ANNULLARE, ANNULLAVI, ANNULLATUS: V 1 1 \annihilate, obliterate, destroy; annul (eccl.);
ANNUMERO, ANNUMERARE, ANNUMERAVI, ANNUMERATUS: V 1 1 \count (in/out), pay; reckon (time); enumerate, run through; classify as; add;
ANNUMERATIO, ANNUMERATIONIS: N 3 1 F \numbering, counting, enumeration;
ANNUNCIATOR, ANNUNCIATORIS: N 3 1 M \announcer, herald, one who announces; prophet (Souter); preacher;
ANNUNTIUS, ANNUNTIA, ANNUNTIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \announcer, that brings news/announces/makes known;
ANNUNTIO, ANNUNTIARE, ANNUNTIAVI, ANNUNTIATUS: V 1 1 \announce, say, make known; report, bring news; prophesy/announce before; preach;
ANNUNTIATIO, ANNUNTIATIONIS: N 3 1 F \annunciation/announcement, declaration; message; prediction/prophecy; preaching;
ANNUNTIATOR, ANNUNTIATORIS: N 3 1 M \announcer, herald, one who announces; prophet (Souter); preacher;
ANNUNTIATRIX, ANNUNTIATRICIS: N 3 1 C \announcer, preacher, one who announces; prophetess (F) (Souter);
ANNUTO, ANNUTARE, ANNUTAVI, ANNUTATUS: V 1 1 \nod (to); order/assent to by a nod; bow to;
ANNUTRIO, ANNUTRIRE, -, -: V 3 4 \train (on);
ANODYNUS, ANODYNA, ANODYNUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \that allays pain, anodyne;
ANODYNOS, ANODYN-, -: ADJ 2 7 POS \that allays pain, anodyne;
-, -, ANODYNON: ADJ 2 8 POS \that allays pain, anodyne;
ANODYNUM, ANODYNI: N 2 2 N \painkiller, anodyne, that which soothes;
ANODYNON, ANODYNI: N 2 8 N \painkiller, anodyne, that which soothes;
ANOMALUS, ANOMALA, ANOMALUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \irregular, anomalous, deviating from the general rule;
ANOMALIA, ANOMALIAE: N 1 1 F \irregularity, anomaly; (gram.);
ANONIS, ANONIDIS: N 3 1 F \rest-hollow plant (Ononis antiquorum);
ANONOMASTOS, ANONOMASTOS, -: ADJ 2 6 POS \designation of one of the aeons (unnamed);
-, -, ANONOMASTON: ADJ 2 8 POS \designation of one of the aeons (unnamed);
ANONYMUS, ANONYMA, ANONYMUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \anonymous, name unknown; without a name;
ANONYMOS, ANONYMI: N 2 6 F \a Scythian plant;
ANQUINA, ANQUINAE: N 1 1 F \halyard (rope/tackle used to raise/lower a sail/spar/flag);
ANQUIRO, ANQUIRERE, ANQUISIVI, ANQUISITUS: V 3 1 \seek, search diligently after, inquire into, examine judicially; indict;
ANSA, ANSAE: N 1 1 F \handle (cup/jar/door), tiller; opening, opportunity; (rope) end, loop, hook;
ANSARIUM, ANSARII: N 2 2 N \duty paid on food stuffs/comestibles brought to Rome for sale;
ANSATUS, ANSATA, ANSATUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \having/provided with handle/handles; equipped with a thong for throwing;
ANSER, ANSERIS: N 3 1 C \goose; (anser masculus => gander);
ANSERCULUS, ANSERCULI: N 2 1 M \gosling, young goose;
ANSERINUS, ANSERINA, ANSERINUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \of/obtained from a goose, goose-;
ANSLEPTRIS, ANALEPTRIDIS: N 3 1 F \shoulder pad (to improve the figure); suspensory bandage (L+S);
ANSULA, ANSULAE: N 1 1 F \handle of a cup; tie loop of sandal; hook, staple, small ring; little handle;
ANTA, ANTAE: N 1 1 F \square pilasters/columns/pillars (pl.);
ANTACHATES, ANTACHATAE: N 1 7 M \variety of agate;
ANTAGONISTA, ANTAGONISTAE: N 1 1 M \adversary, opponent, antagonist;
ANTAMOEBAEUS, ANTAMOEBAEA, ANTAMOEBAEUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \composed of two short two long one short syllable;
ANTAPOCHA, ANTAPOCHAE: N 1 1 F \the document by which a debtor shows he paid;
ANTAPODOSIS, ANTAPODIS: N 3 3 F \parallelism in comparisons, application of similitude;
ANTARIUS, ANTARIA, ANTARIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \supporting in front (ropes), fore-; (rope) for raising (scaffold, mast);
ANTE: ADV POS \before, previously, first, before this, earlier; in front/advance of; forwards;
ANTE: PREP ACC \in front/presence of, in view; before (space/time/degree); over against, facing;
ANTEO, ANTIRE, ANTIVI(II), ANTITUS: V 6 1 \go before, go ahead, precede; surpass; anticipate; prevent; (anteeo drop e);
ANTEA: ADV POS \before, before this; formerly, previously, in the past;
ANTEACTUS, ANTEACTA, ANTEACTUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \past, that passed or was spent previously;
ANTEAMBULO, ANTEAMBULONIS: N 3 1 M \forerunner; one who proceeds another to clear the way;
ANTEBASIS, ANTEBASIS: N 3 3 F \rear prop of a ballista, hindmost small pillar at pedestal of ballista;
ANTECANTAMENTUM, ANTECANTAMENTI: N 2 2 N \prelude, overture; preliminary;
ANTECAPIO, ANTECAPERE, ANTECEPI, ANTECEPTUS: V 3 1 \take/seize beforehand, pre-occupy, forestall; anticipate;
ANTECEDO, ANTECEDERE, ANTECESSI, ANTECESSUS: V 3 1 \precede, go before/ahead/in front of, attain before; excel, surpass, outstrip;
ANTECEDENS, (GEN.), ANTECEDENTIS: ADJ 3 1 POS \foregoing, preceding; former; prior; previously existent, pre-existing;
ANTECEDENTE, ANTECEDENTIS: N 3 4 N \what precedes; premises for reasoning; antecedent matters (pl.);
ANTECELLO, ANTECELLERE, -, -: V 3 1 \surpass, excel; be stronger than; prevail over;
ANTECENIUM, ANTECENII: N 2 2 N \meal taken earlier in the day than the main meal;
ANTECESSUS, ANTECESSUS: N 4 1 M \payments in advance;
ANTECESSIO, ANTECESSIONIS: N 3 1 F \a going forward/before, preceding; what leads to action/state; antecedents;
ANTECESSOR, ANTECESSORIS: N 3 1 M \he that goes before, predecessor; scout/vanguard (army); law professors;
ANTECURRO, ANTECURRERE, -, -: V 3 1 \run in front of/before;
ANTECURSOR, ANTECURSORIS: N 3 1 M \scout, forerunner; vanguard (pl.), leading troops; predecessor in office;
ANTEEO, ANTEIRE, ANTEIVI(II), ANTEITUS: V 6 1 \go/walk before/ahead, precede, antedate; surpass; anticipate; prevent;
ANTEFERO, ANTEFERRE, ANTETULI, ANTELATUS: V 3 2 \carry before; place before/in front of; bring in advance, anticipate; prefer;
ANTEFIXUS, ANTEFIXA, ANTEFIXUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \fixed/fastened in front of;
ANTEFIXUM, ANTEFIXI: N 2 2 N \object/part fixed in front of something; ornamental tiles/figures at roof edge;
ANTEGERIO: ADV POS \greatly, very;
ANTEGREDIOR, ANTEGREDI, -, ANTEGRESSUS SUM: V 3 1 \move in front of; go before, precede; occur before; be an antecedent to;
ANTEHAC: ADV POS \before this time, up til now; before now/then; previously, earlier; in the past;
ANTEIDA: ADV POS \before, before this; formerly, previously, in the past;
ANTELOGIUM, ANTELOGI(I): N 2 4 N \introduction; preamble, prologue, preface;
ANTELOQUIUM, ANTELOQUII: N 2 2 N \right to speak before another; preface;
ANTELUCANUS, ANTELUCANA, ANTELUCANUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \before daybreak, that precedes the dawn; of the hours before daybreak;
ANTELUCANUM, ANTELUCANI: N 2 2 N \the hours before dawn/daybreak; last hours of the night (also pl.);
ANTELUCIO: ADV POS \before the dawn/daybreak;
ANTELUCLO: ADV POS \before the dawn/daybreak;
ANTELUDIUM, ANTELUDI(I): N 2 4 N \advance tableau or show; prelude;
ANTEMERIDIES, ANTEMERIDIEI: N 5 1 X \morning, forenoon; (OLD gives N);
ANTEMERIDIALIS, ANTEMERIDIALIS, ANTEMERIDIALE: ADJ 3 2 POS \before noon, morning; occurring/done before noon;
ANTEMERIDIANUS, ANTEMERIDIANA, ANTEMERIDIANUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \before noon, morning; occurring/done before noon;
ANTEMITTO, ANTEMITTERE, ANTEMISI, ANTEMMISSUS: V 3 1 \send ahead. send in advance; place in front;
ANTEMNA, ANTEMNAE: N 1 1 F \yard of a ship; yardarm; sail (poet.);
ANTEMOENIO, ANTEMOENIRE, ANTEMOENIVI, ANTEMOENITUS: V 3 4 \provide with a front/protecting wall, provide with a rampart;
ANTEMURALE, ANTEMURALIS: N 3 4 N \protecting wall as outwork, breastwork;
ANTENNA, ANTENNAE: N 1 1 F \yard of a ship; yardarm; sail (poet.);
ANTEOCCUPATIO, ANTEOCCUPATIONIS: N 3 1 F \anticipation of an opponents arguments;
ANTEOCCUPO, ANTEOCCUPONIS: N 3 1 F \anticipation of an opponents arguments;
ANTEPAENULTIMUS, ANTEPAENULTIMA, ANTEPAENULTIMUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \pertaining to the third syllable from the end, antepenultimate;
ANTEPAGMENTUM, ANTEPAGMENTI: N 2 2 N \facing of a door/window frame; anything used to garnish house exterior (L+S);
ANTEPARTUM, ANTEPARTI: N 2 2 N \property acquired in the past;
ANTEPASSIO, ANTEPASSIONIS: N 3 1 F \presentiment/expectation/anticipation of pain/suffering;
ANTEPENDIUM, ANTEPENDII: N 2 2 N \frontal, a hanging in front of the altar;
ANTEPENDULUS, ANTEPENDULA, ANTEPENDULUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \hanging down in front (of the head);
ANTEPERTUM, ANTEPERTI: N 2 2 N \property acquired in the past;
ANTEPES, ANTEPEDIS: N 3 1 M \forefoot, forepaw;
ANTEPILANUS, ANTEPILANI: N 2 1 M \men (pl.) who fought in the first or second line in a Roman battle formation;
ANTEPOLLEO, ANTEPOLLERE, -, -: V 2 1 \be stronger/more powerful than; surpass physically, excel;
ANTEPONO, ANTEPONERE, ANTEPOSUI, ANTEPOSITUS: V 3 1 \set before (w/DAT), place/station before, serve (food); prefer, value above;
ANTEPOTENS, (GEN.), ANTEPOTENTIS: ADJ 3 1 POS \superior in power/fortune, strongest; exceeding;
ANTEQUAM: CONJ \before, sooner than; until;
ANTERIOR, ANTERIOR, ANTERIUS: ADJ 0 0 COMP \earlier, previous, former; that is before, foremost;
ANTERIDION, ANTERIDII: N 2 8 N \little prop/support;
ANTERIS, ANTERIDIS: N 3 1 F \prop, support, pillar; counterprops (pl.) supporting a wall, buttress;
ANTESCHOLANUS, ANTESCHOLANI: N 2 1 M \assistant master/teacher;
ANTESCOLANUS, ANTESCOLANI: N 2 1 M \assistant master/teacher;
ANTESIGNANUS, ANTESIGNANI: N 2 1 M \skirmisher; leader; troops (pl.) in front rank of legion/before the standard;
ANTESTO, ANTESTARE, ANTESTETI, ANTESTATUS: V 1 1 \surpass, excel, be superior to; stand before;
ANTESTOR, ANTESTARI, -, ANTESTATUS SUM: V 1 1 \call as a witness (before the opening of the cause);
ANTESTES, ANTESTITIS: N 3 1 C \(high) priest/priestess; mouthpiece of god; master/authority (w/GEN); protector;
ANTEURBANUS, ANTEURBANA, ANTEURBANUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \suburban; situated near the city;
ANTEURBANUM, ANTEURBANI: N 2 2 N \suburbs (pl.);
ANTEVENIO, ANTEVENIRE, ANTEVENI, ANTEVENTUS: V 3 4 \come/go/arrive/act before, get in front of; anticipate, forestall; surpass;
ANTEVENTULUS, ANTEVENTULA, ANTEVENTULUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \lying forward (of hair), projecting in front;
ANTEVERSIO, ANTEVERSIONIS: N 3 1 F \anticipating, preventing;
ANTEVERTO, ANTEVERTERE, ANTEVERTI, ANTEVERSUS: V 3 1 \act first, get ahead; anticipate; forestall; give priority; take precedence;
ANTHUS, ANTHI: N 2 1 M \bird (heron?); small bird (yellow wagtail? Motacilla flava) (L+S);
ANTHALIUM, ANTHALII: N 2 2 N \earth-almond (Cyperus esculentus), chufa (plant with small tubers, pig food);
-, -, ANTHEDON: ADJ 2 8 POS \(mespilus) anthedon => oriental thorn (Crataegus orientalis);
ANTHEDON, ANTHEDONIS: N 3 1 F \species of medlar-tree, Greek medlar (Mespilus tanacet);
ANTHEMUM, ANTHEMI: N 2 2 N \herb good for calculi (bladder/kidney stones);
ANTHEMIS, ANTHEMIDIS: N 3 1 F \plant (chamomile?);
ANTHERA, ANTHERAE: N 1 1 F \salve/medicament made with flower petals;
ANTHERICUS, ANTHERICI: N 2 1 M \flowering stem of the asphodel;
ANTHERICOS, ANTHERICI: N 2 6 M \flowering stem of the asphodel;
ANTHIAS, ANTHIAE: N 1 8 M \sea fish (difficult to catch L+S);
ANTHINUS, ANTHINA, ANTHINUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \made from flowers, flower-;
ANTHOLOGICON, ANTHOLOGICI: N 2 8 N \writings (pl.) on flowers; anthology; collected thoughts/proverbs/poems (L+S);
-, -, ANTHOPHORON: ADJ 2 8 POS \flowering;
ANTHRACIAS, ANTHRACIAE: N 1 8 F \kind of carbuncle, the coal-carbuncle; (garnet?);
ANTHRACINUM, ANTHRACINI: N 2 2 N \coal-black garments (pl.);
ANTHRACITES, ANTHRACITAE: N 1 7 F \precious stone (unknown); kind of bloodstone (L+S);
ANTHRACITIS, ANTHRACITIDIS: N 3 1 F \kind of carbuncle, the coal-carbuncle; (garnet?);
ANTHRAX, ANTHRACIS: N 3 1 M \natural cinnabar (HgS); a virulent ulcer;
ANTHRISCUS, ANTHRISCI: N 2 1 F \southern chervil (Scandix australis);
ANTHRISCUM, ANTHRISCI: N 2 2 N \southern chervil (Scandix australis);
ANTHROPOMORPHITUS, ANTHROPOMORPHITA, ANTHROPOMORPHITUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \professing the heresy of attributing to God a human form ;
ANTHROPOMORPHITA, ANTHROPOMORPHITAE: N 1 1 M \heretics (pl.) who attributed to God a human form;
ANTHROPOPHAGUS, ANTHROPOPHAGI: N 2 1 M \cannibals (pl.), man-eaters;
ANTHROPOPHAGOS, ANTHROPOPHAGI: N 2 6 M \cannibals (pl.), man-eaters;
ANTHYLLUM, ANTHYLLI: N 2 2 N \name of two plants (species of Afuga?; Cressa cretica?);
ANTHYLLIUM, ANTHYLLII: N 2 2 N \name of two plants (species of Afuga?; Cressa cretica?);
ANTHYLLION, ANTHYLLII: N 2 8 N \name of two plants (species of Afuga?; Cressa cretica?);
ANTHYLLIS, ANTHYLLIDIS: N 3 1 F \name of two plants (species of Afuga?; Cressa cretica?); musk ivy (Teucrium iva)
ANTHYPOPHORA, ANTHYPOPHORAE: N 1 1 F \reply to a supposed objection; anticipating and refuting opponents arguments;
ANTIA, ANTIAE: N 1 1 F \locks (pl.) of hair that hang down in front, forelock;
ANTIAS, ANTIADIS: N 3 1 F \tonsil covered with a pellicle as a result of tonsillitis;
ANTIBACCHUS, ANTIBACCHI: N 2 1 M \metrical foot short-long-long; verse composed of this meter;
ANTIBASIS, ANTIBASIS: N 3 3 F \rear prop of a ballista, hindmost small pillar at pedestal of ballista;
ANTIBOREUS, ANTIBOREA, ANTIBOREUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \turned toward the north (sundial);
ANTIBOREUM, ANTIBOREI: N 2 2 N \type of sundial (turned toward the north);
ANTICUS, ANTICA, ANTICUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \foremost, that is in front;
ANTICUS, ANTICI: N 2 1 M \the men (pl.) of old, the ancients, the early authorities/writers; ancestors;
ANTICUS, ANTICA -UM, ANTICIOR -OR -US, ANTICISSIMUS -A -UM: ADJ 1 1 X \old, ancient; aged; time-honored; primeval; simple, classic, venerable; senior;
ANTICATEGORIA, ANTICATEGORIAE: N 1 1 F \counter-plea; recrimination (L+S);
ANTICATO, ANTICATONIS: N 3 1 M \title of books which Caesar wrote in reply to Cicero's panegyric Cato;
ANTICESSUS, ANTICESSUS: N 4 1 M \payments in advance;
ANTICHRISTUS, ANTICHRISTI: N 2 1 M \Antichrist; man of sin (Souter);
ANTICHTHONIS, ANTICHTHONIS: N 3 3 M \people (pl.) of the southern hemisphere; antipodes (L+S);
ANTICIPO, ANTICIPARE, ANTICIPAVI, ANTICIPATUS: V 1 1 \occupy beforehand; anticipate, get the lead, get ahead of; have preconception;
ANTICIPALIS, ANTICIPALIS, ANTICIPALE: ADJ 3 2 POS \preliminary, anticipatory;
ANTICIPALE, ANTICIPALIS: N 3 4 N \preliminaries (pl.); anticipatory actions; (preconceptions?);
ANTICIPATIO, ANTICIPATIONIS: N 3 1 F \preconception, previous notion; anticipation; idea before receiving instruction;
ANTICTHONIS, ANTICTHONIS: N 3 3 M \people (pl.) of the southern hemisphere; antipodes (L+S);
ANTICTONIS, ANTICTONIS: N 3 3 M \people (pl.) of the southern hemisphere; antipodes (L+S);
ANTICUUS, ANTICUA -UM, ANTICUIOR -OR -US, ANTICUISSIMUS -A -UM: ADJ 1 1 X \old, ancient; aged; time-honored; primeval; simple, classic, venerable; senior;
ANTIDACTYLUS, ANTIDACTYLA, ANTIDACTYLUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \reversed dactyl (short-short-long) (w/pes);
ANTIDEO, ANTIDIRE, ANTIDIVI(II), ANTIDITUS: V 6 1 \go before, go ahead, precede; surpass; anticipate; prevent; (anteeo drop e);
ANTIDEA: ADV POS \before, before this; formerly, previously, in the past;
ANTIDHAC: ADV POS \before this time, up til now; before now/then; previously, earlier; in the past;
ANTIDORON, ANTIDORI: N 2 8 N \blessed bread distributed after the liturgy in the Greek rite
ANTIDOTUS, ANTIDOTI: N 2 1 F \antidote, remedy;
ANTIDOTUM, ANTIDOTI: N 2 2 N \antidote, remedy;
ANTIDOTOS, ANTIDOTI: N 2 6 F \antidote, remedy;
ANTIGERIO: ADV POS \greatly, very; vigorously, strongly, energetically;
ANTIGRADUS, ANTIGRADUS: N 4 1 M \front steps;
ANTILUCANUS, ANTILUCANA, ANTILUCANUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \before daybreak, that precedes the dawn; of the hours before daybreak;
ANTIMENSIUM, ANTIMENSII: N 2 2 N \consecrated cloth used for an altar;
ANTIMETABOLE, ANTIMETABOLES: N 1 6 F \reciprocal interchange;
ANTINOMIA, ANTINOMIAE: N 1 1 F \contradiction between two laws;
ANTIOCHEA, ANTIOCHEAE: N 1 1 F \Antioch; (city in Roman Syria/modern Turkey);
ANTIOCHENUS, ANTIOCHENA, ANTIOCHENUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \of/from/pertaining to Antioch (city) or King Antiochus;
ANTIOCHENUS, ANTIOCHENI: N 2 1 M \person from Antioch; high official sent from Antioch (2 Maccabee 6:1);
ANTIOCHENESIS, ANTIOCHENESIS: N 3 3 M \person from Antioch; high official sent from Antioch (2 Maccabee 6:1);
ANTIOCHENSIS, ANTIOCHENSIS, ANTIOCHENSE: ADJ 3 2 POS \of/from/pertaining to Antioch (city) or King Antiochus;
ANTIOCHENSIS, ANTIOCHENSIS: N 3 3 M \person from Antioch; high official sent from Antioch (2 Maccabee 6:1);
ANTIOCHIA, ANTIOCHIAE: N 1 1 F \Antioch; (city in Roman Syria/modern Turkey);
ANTIOCHINUS, ANTIOCHINA, ANTIOCHINUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \of/from/pertaining to King or philospher Antiochus;
ANTIPAGMENTUM, ANTIPAGMENTI: N 2 2 N \facing of a door/window frame; anything used to garnish house exterior (L+S);
ANTIPASCHA, ANTIPASCHATIS: N 3 2 N \Low Sunday in the Greek rite;
ANTIPASTUS, ANTIPASTI: N 2 1 M \antipast, foot in verse short-long-long-short; verse consisting of antipasts;
ANTIPATHES, ANTIPATHIS: N 3 2 N \charm (for arousing mutual love?) (against pain L+S);
ANTIPATHES, ANTIPATHIS: N 3 3 F \precious stone supposed to act as a charm against witchcraft (black coral L+S);
ANTIPATHIA, ANTIPATHIAE: N 1 1 F \antipathy between things, aversion; counteraction;
ANTIPENDIUM, ANTIPENDII: N 2 2 N \frontal, a hanging in front of the altar;
ANTIPHERNUM, ANTIPHERNI: N 2 2 N \return-present (pl.) which the bridegroom brought to the bride (Cod. Just.);
ANTIPHONUS, ANTIPHONA, ANTIPHONUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \antiphonal; (of verse sung in response by choir);
ANTIPHONA, ANTIPHONAE: N 1 1 F \antiphon, response; (verse/sentence sung by one choir in response to another);
ANTIPHONUM, ANTIPHONI: N 2 2 N \antiphon, response (pl.); (verse/sentence by one choir in response to another);
ANTIPHONALIS, ANTIPHONALIS, ANTIPHONALE: ADJ 3 2 POS \antiphonal; (of verse sung in response by choir);
ANTIPHONARIUS, ANTIPHONARIA, ANTIPHONARIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \antiphonal; (of verse sung in response by choir);
ANTIPHONARIUM, ANTIPHONARII: N 2 2 N \book of antiphonsx; the Gradual;
ANTIPHRASIS, ANTIPHRASIS: N 3 3 F \use of a word in a sense opposite to its proper meaning;
ANTIPODIS, ANTIPODIS: N 3 3 M \people (pl.) who live on the opposite side of the earth; (keeping late hours);
ANTIPTOSIS, ANTOPTOSIS: N 3 3 F \putting of one case for another; (grammar);
ANTIQUUS, ANTIQUI: N 2 1 M \the men (pl.) of old, the ancients, the early authorities/writers; ancestors;
ANTIQUUM, ANTIQUI: N 2 2 N \antiquity; things of olden times; old custom/habit;
ANTIQUO, ANTIQUARE, ANTIQUAVI, ANTIQUATUS: V 1 1 \reject (a bill); vote for the rejection;
ANTIQUUS, ANTIQUA -UM, ANTIQUIOR -OR -US, ANTIQUISSIMUS -A -UM: ADJ 1 1 X \old, ancient; aged; time-honored; primeval; simple, classic, venerable; gone by;
ANTIQUARIUS, ANTIQUARIA, ANTIQUARIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \reading/copying ancient manuscripts (w/ars);
ANTIQUARIA, ANTIQUARIAE: N 1 1 F \antiquarian/scholar (female), student of the past;
ANTIQUARIUS, ANTIQUARI(I): N 2 4 M \antiquarian, student of the past;
ANTIQUATIO, ANTIQUATIONIS: N 3 1 F \abrogating, annulling;
ANTIQUE, ANTIQUIUS, ANTIQUISSIME: ADV X \in the old way, in an old fashioned manner;
ANTIQUITAS, ANTIQUITATIS: N 3 1 M \antiquity, the good old days; the ancients; virtues of olden times; being old;
ANTIQUITUS: ADV POS \formerly, in former/ancient/olden times, from antiquity; long ago/before;
ANTIRRHINON, ANTIRRHINI: N 2 8 N \snapdragon, antirrhinum;
ANTIRRINUM, ANTIRRINI: N 2 2 N \snapdragon, antirrhinum;
ANTIS, ANTIS: N 3 3 M \rows (pl.) (vines/plants); ranks (soldiers); files (cavalry);
ANTIS, ANTIS: N 3 3 M \rows (pl.) (vines/plants); ranks (soldiers); files (cavalry);
ANTISAGOGE, ANTISAGOGES: N 1 6 F \figure of speech one thing adduced is opposed to another, counter-assertion;
ANTISCIUS, ANTISCII: N 2 1 M \people (pl.) on other side of equator with shadows in the opposite direction;
ANTISOPHISTA, ANTISOPHISTAE: N 1 1 M \one who seeks to refute another, opponent in argument; counter-sophist;
ANTISOPHISTES, ANTISOPHISTAE: N 1 7 M \one who seeks to refute another, opponent in argument; counter-sophist;
ANTISPODON, ANTISPODI: N 2 8 N \vegetable/wood ash (as substitute for mineral ash);
ANTISTO, ANTISTARE, ANTISETI, -: V 1 1 \stand before; surpass, excel, be superior to;
ANTISTO, ANTISTARE, ANTISTETI, ANTISTATUS: V 1 1 \surpass, excel, be superior to; stand before;
ANTISTATUS, ANTISTATUS: N 4 1 M \superiority in rank, rank;
ANTISTES, ANTISTITIS: N 3 1 C \(high) priest/priestess; mouthpiece of god; master/authority (w/GEN); protector;
ANTISTES, ANTISTITIS: N 3 1 M \bishop, abbot, prelate; master; occasionally applied to those of inferior rank;
ANTISTIGMA, ANTISTIGMATIS: N 3 2 N \character proposed for 'ps'; critical mark before a verse to be transposed;
ANTISTITA, ANTISTITAE: N 1 1 F \(high) priestess (of a temple/deity, w/GEN);
ANTISTITIUM, ANTISTITII: N 2 2 N \office of antistes (high priest);
ANTISTOECHUM, ANTISTOECHI: N 2 2 N \substitution of one letter for another;
ANTISTROPHE, ANTISTROPHES: N 1 6 F \antistrophe, answers to the strophe in Greek/Roman tragedy;
ANTISTROPHE, ANTISTROPHES: N 1 6 F \|rhetorical figure when several parts of a period end with the same word;
ANTITETON, ANTITHETI: N 2 8 N \antithesis, opposition;
ANTITHEUS, ANTITHEI: N 2 1 M \one who pretends to be God; the devil;
ANTITHESIS, ANTITHESIS: N 3 3 F \substitution of one letter for another;
ANTIZEUGMENON, ANTIZEUGMENI: N 2 8 N \grammatical figure by which several clauses are referred to the same verb;
ANTLIA, ANTLIAE: N 1 1 F \mechanism for raising water, foot pump; (as activity for prisoners) treadmill;
ANTOECUMENE, ANTOECUMENES: N 1 6 F \the opposite quarter of the earth, i.e., the southern half of our hemisphere;
ANTOMASIVUS, ANTOMASIVA, ANTOMASIVUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \pertaining to forming an antonomasia/epithet;
ANTONIUS, ANTONIA, ANTONIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \Antony; (Roman gens name); (M. Antonius -> Mark Antony, triumvir);
ANTONIUS, ANTONI: N 2 5 M \Antony; (Roman gens name); (M. Antonius -> Mark Antony, triumvir);
ANTONOMASIA, ANTONOMASIAE: N 1 1 F \the use of an epithet/appellative as substitute for proper name, antonomasia;
ANTRUM, ANTRI: N 2 2 N \cave; cavern; hollow place with overarching foliage; cavity, hollow; tomb;
ANTRUO, ANTRUARE, ANTRUAVI, ANTRUATUS: V 1 1 \dance around (at Salian religious festivals);
ANUCELLA, ANUCELLAE: N 1 1 F \(little) old woman;
ANULUS, ANULI: N 2 1 M \ring, signet ring; circlet; ringlet/curl of hair; link of mail; fetters, irons;
ANULUS, ANULI: N 2 1 M \|posterior, fundament; anus;
ANULARIS, ANULARIS, ANULARE: ADJ 3 2 POS \relating to a signet ring;
ANULARE, ANULARIS: N 3 4 N \kind of white paint (prepared with chalk mixed with glass beads L+S);
ANULARIUS, ANULARIA, ANULARIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \connected with (signet) ring-makers; used in making rings; of rings;
ANULARIUS, ANULARI(I): N 2 4 M \ring-maker;
ANULARIUM, ANULARI(I): N 2 4 N \payment to veterans on discharge;
ANULATUS, ANULATA, ANULATUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \provided with a ring, ringed; fitted with a fetter, fettered;
ANXIUS, ANXIA, ANXIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \anxious, uneasy, disturbed; concerned; careful; prepared with care; troublesome;
ANXIO, ANXIARE, ANXIAVI, ANXIATUS: V 1 1 \make uneasy/anxious/nervous;
ANXIOR, ANXIARI, -, ANXIATUS SUM: V 1 1 \be in anguish; be troubled;
ANXIE: ADV POS \anxiously, meticulously, over-carefully; with distress/chagrin; troublesomely;
ANXIETAS, ANXIETATIS: N 3 1 F \anxiety, worry, solicitude; carefulness, extreme care;
ANXIETUDO, ANXIETUDINIS: N 3 1 F \worry, anxiety, anguish, trouble; mental distress;
ANXIFER, ANXIFERA, ANXIFERUM: ADJ 1 2 POS \bringing/causing mental anguish/anxiety, harassing, worrying;
ANXIOSUS, ANXIOSA, ANXIOSUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \anxious, full of anxiety, uneasy; causing anxiety/pain/uneasiness;
ANXITUDO, ANXITUDINIS: N 3 1 F \worry, anxiety, anguish, trouble; mental distress;
AP, ABB.: N 9 8 M \Appius, Roman praenomen (esp, gens Claudia); Ap.Cl. Caecus built Appian Way;
APAGE: INTERJ \be off!; nonsense!, get away with you!;
APALUS, APALA, APALUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \soft-boiled (egg). soft, tender;
APALOCROCODES, APALOCRODIS: N 3 2 N \kind of eye salve;
APARCTIAS, APARCTIAE: N 1 8 M \the north wind;
APARINE, APARINES: N 1 6 F \plant, cleavers (Galium aparine);
APATHIA, APATHIAE: N 1 1 F \freedom from emotion/passion (as a Stoic value); apathy;
APELIOTES, APELIOTAE: N 1 7 F \the east wind;
APELLO, APELLERE, APEPULI, APULSUS: V 3 1 \draw/push/drive aside/away (from);
APER, APRI: N 2 3 C \boar, wild boar (as animal, food, or used as a Legion standard/symbol); a fish;
APERANTOLOGIA, APERANTOLOGIAE: N 1 1 F \interminable discussion;
APERIO, APERIRE, APERUI, APERTUS: V 3 4 \uncover, open, disclose; explain, recount; reveal; found; excavate; spread out;
APERITIO, APERITIONIS: N 3 1 F \opening; aperture;
APERITO, APERITONIS: N 3 1 F \opening; revelation/disclosure;
APERTUM, APERTI: N 2 2 N \area free from obstacles, open/exposed space, the open (air); known facts (pl.);
APERTO, APERTARE, APERTAVI, APERTATUS: V 1 1 \bare, expose, lay bare;
APERTUS, APERTA -UM, APERTIOR -OR -US, APERTISSIMUS -A -UM: ADJ 1 1 X \open, public; uncovered, exposed; frank, clear; cloudless; manifest; wide;
APERTE, APERTIUS, APERTISSIME: ADV X \openly, publicly; manifestly; w/o disguise/reserve; plainly, clearly, frankly;
APERTIO, APERTIONIS: N 3 1 F \an opening; act of making (a building, etc.) accessible; grand/solemn opening;
APERTOR, APERTORIS: N 3 1 M \he who opens/begins, opener;
APERTURA, APERTURAE: N 1 1 F \act of opening; opening (a will); an opening, aperture, hole;
APES, APIS: N 3 3 F \bee; swarm regarded as a portent;
APEX, APICIS: N 3 1 M \point, top, summit; cap, crown; conical priest cap; highest honor;
APEX, APICIS: N 3 1 M \|long mark over vowel; outlines of letters, letter; least particle, speck;
APEXABO, APEXABONIS: N 3 1 M \kind of sausage;
APHACA, APHACAE: N 1 1 F \kind of vetch/tare; pulse, field/chick peas (Lathyrus alphca) (L+S); dandelion;
APHAEREMA, APHAEREMATIS: N 3 2 N \spelt bran, grits, sharps;
APHAERESIS, APHAERESIS: N 3 3 F \dropping a letter or syllable at the beginning of a word;
APHARCE, APHARCES: N 1 6 F \evergreen tree (Arbutus hybrida);
APHELIOTES, APHELIOTAE: N 1 7 F \the east wind;
APHRACTUS, APHRACTI: N 2 1 F \undecked boat; open ship;
APHRACTUM, APHRACTI: N 2 2 N \undecked boat; open ship;
APHRODES, APHRODES, APHRODES: ADJ 1 7 POS \foaming, like foam; (~ mecon => wild poppy);
APHRODISAS, APHRODISAE: N 1 8 F \sweet flag/iris?; calamus?;
APHRODISIACA, APHRODISIACAE: N 1 1 F \unknown precious stone (reddish-white L+S);
APHRODISIACE, APHRODISIACES: N 1 6 F \unknown precious stone (reddish-white L+S);
APHRONITRUM, APHRONITRI: N 2 2 N \sodium carbonate, washing soda; spuma nitri; efflorescence of saltpeter (L+S);
APHTHA, APHTHAE: N 1 1 F \parasitic stomatitis, thrush, aphthous ulcers (pl.) (fungal disease);
APHYA, APHYAE: N 1 1 F \small fish (regarded by Pliny as a separate species); anchovy? (L+S);
APHYE, APHYES: N 1 6 F \small fish (regarded by Pliny as a separate species); anchovy? (L+S);
APIO, APERE, -, APTUS: V 3 1 \fasten, attach, join, connect, bind;
APIUM, API(I): N 2 4 N \wild celery; parsley; (garlands); (GEN apii OLD); like plants; (liked by bees);
APIOS, APII: N 2 6 F \kind of spurge;
APIACUS, APIACA, APIACUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \of parsley; similar to parsley (L+S);
APIACIUS, APIACIA, APIACIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \of parsley or celery;
APIANUS, APIANA, APIANUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \belonging to the bees; muscatel (grape loved by the bees);
APIANA, APIANAE: N 1 1 F \chamomile;
APIARIUS, APIARIA, APIARIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \relating to bees;
APIARIUS, APIARII: N 2 1 M \beekeeper;
APIARIUM, APIARII: N 2 2 N \apiary, bee-house, beehive;
APIASTELLUM, APIASTELLI: N 2 2 N \plant, batrachior or herba scelerata; bryonia;
APIASTRA, APIASTRAE: N 1 1 F \bee-eater, bird that lies in wait for bees, (Merops apiaster);
APIASTRUM, APIASTRI: N 2 2 N \one or more varieties of balm (plant of which bees are fond); wild parsley (L+S)
APIATUS, APIATA, APIATUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \resembling parsley (of tables with a certain grain pattern); boiled with parsley
APICA, APICAE: N 1 1 F \sheep with no wool on its belly;
APICATUS, APICATA, APICATUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \wearing he ceremonial pointed cap of a priest;
APICIUS, APICIA, APICIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \name of a variety of grape and wine; ("sought/liked by bees");
APICULA, APICULAE: N 1 1 F \little bee;
APINA, APINAE: N 1 1 F \trifles (pl.), nonsense;
APIROCALUS, APIROCALI: N 2 1 M \one lacking in taste;
APIS, APIS: N 3 3 F \bee; swarm regarded as a portent; Apis = sacred bull worshiped in Egypt;
APISCOR, APISCI, -, APTUS SUM: V 3 1 \reach, obtain, win (lawsuit); grasp; catch (person); attack (infection); pursue;
APLANES, APLANES, APLANES: ADJ 1 7 POS \standing firm, not moving about;
APLESTIA, APLESTIAE: N 1 1 F \surfit, escess; escessive amount/supply/indulgence/consumption/gluttony;
APLUDA, APLUDAE: N 1 1 F \chaff; bran (L+S); kind of drink?;
APLUSTRUM, APLUSTRI: N 2 2 N \ornamented stern-post of a ship; also pl. of a single ship;
APLUSTRE, APLUSTRIS: N 3 4 N \ornamented stern-post of a ship; also pl. of a single ship;
APLYSIA, APLYSIAE: N 1 1 F \sponge of inferior quality;
APOCALYPSIS, APOCALYPSIS: N 3 3 F \revelation, disclosing; (Book of Revelations, Apocalypse of St John);
APOCALYPSIS, APOCALYPSOS/IS: N 3 9 F \revelation, disclosing; (Book of Revelations, Apocalypse of St John);
APOCALYPTICUS, APOCALYPTICA, APOCALYPTICUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \pertaining to the Apocalypse/Book of Revelations;
APOCARTERESIS, APOCARTERESIS: N 3 3 F \voluntary starvation; hunger strike;
APOCATUS, APOCATA, APOCATUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \in respect of which a receipt for payment has been given;
APOCATASTATICUS, APOCATASTATICA, APOCATASTATICUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \restoring, returning; (stars/planets to position of previous year);
APOCATSTASIS, APOCATASTASIS: N 3 3 F \restoration, re-establishment, return to former position; (stars to last year);
APOCHA, APOCHAE: N 1 1 F \receipt for payment;
APOCHATUS, APOCHATA, APOCHATUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \in respect of which a receipt for payment has been given;
APOCOLOCYNTOSIS, APOCOLOCYNTOSIS: N 3 3 F \transformation into a gourd or pumpkin; "Metamorphosis of a Pumpkin" by Seneca;
APOCOPE, APOCOPES: N 1 6 F \dropping of a letter/syllable at the end of a word;
APOCRISIARIUS, APOCRISIARII: N 2 1 M \delegate/deputy who performs a duty in place of another, envoy, nuncio;
APOCRYPHUS, APOCRYPHA, APOCRYPHUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \spurious, not genuine/canonical, apocryphal;
APOCRYPHUM, APOCRYPHI: N 2 2 N \apocryphal/non canonical writings (pl.) (not included in the Bible);
APOCULO, APOCULARE, APOCULAVI, APOCULATUS: V 1 1 \go away, remove oneself, leave;
APOCYNON, APOCYNI: N 2 8 N \dog's bane, a plant poisonous to dogs; magic bone in left side of venomous frog;
APODICTICUS, APODICTICA, APODICTICUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \demonstrative, convincing; proving clearly (L+S);
APODIXIS, APODIXOS/IS: N 3 9 F \proof, demonstration; conclusive proof (L+S);
APODOSIS, APODSIS: N 3 3 F \subsequent proposition; clause referring to one preceding;
APODYTERIUM, APODYTERI(I): N 2 4 N \undressing-room in a bathing-house;
APOGEUS, APOGEA, APOGEUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \blowing/coming from the land, land (breeze);
APOGRAPHON, APOGRAPHI: N 2 8 N \copy; transcript (L+S);
APOLECTUS, APOLECTA, APOLECTUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \|kind of tuna fish not a year old; pieces for salting cut from that tuna;
APOLLINARIS, APOLLINARIS, APOLLINARE: ADJ 3 2 POS \sacred to Apollo; of Apollo (games);
APOLLINARIA, APOLLINARIAE: N 1 1 F \plant (commonly called strychnos);
APOLLINARIS, APOLLINARIS: N 3 3 F \herb (commonly called hyoscyamus); species of solanum;
APOLLO, APOLLINIS: N 3 1 M \Apollo, a Roman god of prophecy, music, poetry, archery, medicine;
APOLOGUS, APOLOGI: N 2 1 M \narrative, story; fable, tale;
APOLOGATIO, APOLOGATIONIS: N 3 1 F \fable or apologue; narration in the manner of Aesop;
APOLOGIA, APOLOGIAE: N 1 1 F \apology; defense;
APOPEMPEUS, APOPEMPEI: N 2 1 M \averter of evil; aversion/carring away (of evil);
APOPHASIS, APOPHASIS: N 3 3 F \denial, rhetorical device where one answers himself;
APOPHEGMATISMOS, APOPHEGMATISMI: N 2 6 M \remedy for expelling phlegm, expectorant;
APOPHORETUS, APOPHORETA, APOPHORETUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \designed (for guests) to take with them (of presents);
APOPHORETUM, APOPHORETI: N 2 2 N \presents (pl.) for guests to take with them;
APOPHYSIS, APOPHYSOS/IS: N 3 9 F \a curving outward (archit.), curve of column at top/bottom, apophyge;
APOPLEXIA, APOPLEXIAE: N 1 1 F \apoplexy, stroke;
APOPLEXIS, APOPLEXIS: N 3 3 F \apoplexy, stroke;
APOPOMPAEUS, APOPOMPAEI: N 2 1 M \averter of evil; aversion/carring away (of evil);
APOPOMPEUS, APOPOMPEI: N 2 1 M \averter of evil; aversion/carring away (of evil);
APOPROEGMENUM, APOPROEGMENI: N 2 2 N \things (pl.) that have been rejected;
APOPROEGMENON, APOPROEGMENI: N 2 8 N \things (pl.) that have been rejected;
APOPSIS, APOPSIS: N 3 3 F \belvedere? (summer house/gazebo, raised turret/lantern atop house with view);
APORIA, APORIAE: N 1 1 F \doubt, perplexity; embarrassment, disorder;
APORIO, APORIARE, APORIAVI, APORIATUS: V 1 1 \be uncertain/in doubt, vacillate, waver, doubt, be perplexed/distressed/in need;
APORIOR, APORIARI, -, APORIATUS SUM: V 1 1 \be uncertain/in doubt, vacillate, waver, doubt, be perplexed/distressed/in need;
APORIATIO, APORIATIONIS: N 3 1 F \vacillation of mind, uncertainty, doubt;
APOSCOPEUON, APOSCOPEUONTIS: N 3 1 M \looking into the distance;
APOSIOPESIS, APOSIOPESIS: N 3 3 F \a breaking off in the middle of speech, aposiosesis;
APOSPHRAGISMA, APOSPHRAGISMATIS: N 3 2 N \device on a signet ring;
APOSTASIA, APOSTASIAE: N 1 1 F \apostasy, departure from one's religion, repudiation of one's faith;
APOSTATA, APOSTATAE: N 1 1 M \apostate; bad/wicked man;
APOSTATO, APOSTATARE, APOSTATAVI, APOSTATATUS: V 1 1 \fall away (from), apostatize, forsake one's religion;
APOSTATRIX, APOSTATRICIS: N 3 1 F \apostate (female);
APOSTEMA, APOSTEMATIS: N 3 2 N \abscess; ulcer;
APOSTOLA, APOSTOLAE: N 1 1 F \apostle (female);
APOSTOLUS, APOSTOLI: N 2 1 M \apostle; missionary (one sent);
APOSTOLUS, APOSTOLI: N 2 1 M \notice/statement of the case sent to a higher tribunal on an appeal (Roman law);
APOSTOLATUS, APOSTOLATUS: N 4 1 M \apostlate, office/position of an apostle, apostleship;
APOSTOLICUS, APOSTOLICA, APOSTOLICUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \apostolic; of/concerning/belonging to an Apostle;
APOSTOLICUS, APOSTOLICI: N 2 1 M \saying of an Apostle; pupils and friends of the Apostles (pl.);
APOSTOLICITAS, APOSTOLICITATIS: N 3 1 F \apostlate, office/position of an apostle, apostleship;
APOSTRAPHA, APOSTRAPHAE: N 1 1 F \apostrophe; small mark or note (especially in music);
APOSTROPHA, APOSTROPHAE: N 1 1 F \small mark/note (esp. in music); apostrophe;
APOSTROPHE, APOSTROPHES: N 1 6 F \rhetorical figure when speaker turns away to address others; apostrophy;
APOSTROPHUS, APOSTROPHI: N 2 1 F \mark of elision, apostrophe;
APOSTROPHOS, APOSTROPHI: N 2 6 F \mark of elision, apostrophe;
APOTELESMA, APOTELESMATIS: N 3 2 N \influence of the stars on human destiny;
APOTHECA, APOTHECAE: N 1 1 F \store-house, store-room, repository; wine-cellar;
APOTHECO, APOTHECARE, APOTHECAVI, APOTHECATUS: V 1 1 \store, lay up in a storehouse;
APOTHECARIUS, APOTHECARII: N 2 1 M \warehouseman, shopkeeper; clerk, druggist;
APOTHEOSIS, APOTHEOSIS: N 3 3 F \deification, transformation into a god; (by extension) canonization (saint);
APOTHESIS, APOTHESOS/IS: N 3 9 F \a curving outward (archit.), curve of column at top/bottom, apophyge;
APOTHYSIS, APOTHYSOS/IS: N 3 9 F \a curving outward (archit.), curve of column at top/bottom, apophyge;
APOXYOMENOS, APOXYOMENI: N 2 6 M \a statue by Lysippus of an athlete using a strigil to clean himself in the bath;
APOZEMA, APOZEMATIS: N 3 2 N \decoction, boiling away, concentration/extraction by boiling away liquid;
APP, ABB.: N 9 8 M \Appius, Roman praenomen; abbreviated App.;
APPAGINECULUS, APPAGINECULI: N 2 1 M \kind of decorative attachment (archit.);
APPALIS, APPALIS, APPALE: ADJ 3 2 POS \greasy, fatty; of/with fat/grease;
APPARO, APPARARE, APPARAVI, APPARATUS: V 1 1 \prepare, fit out, make ready, equip, provide; attempt; organize (a project);
APPAREO, APPARERE, APPARUI, APPARITUS: V 2 1 \appear; be evident/visible/noticed/found; show up, occur; serve (w/DAT);
APPARET, APPARERE, APPARIT: V 2 1 \it is apparent/evident/clear/certain/visible/noticeable/found; it appears;
APPARAMENTUM, APPARAMENTI: N 2 2 N \preparation, preparing; that which is prepared;
APPARATUS, APPARATUS: N 4 1 M \preparation; instruments, equipment, supplies, stock; splendor, pomp, trappings;
APPARATUS, APPARATA -UM, APPARATIOR -OR -US, APPARATISSIMUS -A -UM: ADJ 1 1 X \prepared, equipped, ready; splendid, elaborate, well-appointed; labored;
APPARATIO, APPARATIONIS: N 3 1 F \careful preparation; task/act of providing; provisions; designing, construction;
APPARATOR, APPARATORIS: N 3 1 M \one who prepares; official who sacrifices to the Magna Mater;
APPARATORIUM, APPARATORII: N 2 2 N \place/room where preparations were made for sacrifice;
APPARATRIX, APPARATRICIS: N 3 1 F \she who prepares (sacrifices);
APPARENS, (GEN.), APPARENTIS: ADJ 3 1 POS \exposed to the air; exposed to view, visible; perceptible, audible; apparent;
APPARENTIA, APPARENTIAE: N 1 1 F \becoming visible, appearing, appearance; external appearance;
APPARESCO, APPARESCERE, -, -: V 3 1 \begin to appear;
APPARIO, APPARERE, -, -: V 3 1 \acquire, gain in addition;
APPARITIO, APPARITIONIS: N 3 1 F \service, attendance; servants, attendants; provision, supplying, preparation;
APPARITOR, APPARITORIS: N 3 1 M \civil servant; lictor, clerk; attendant on a magistrate;
APPARITORIUS, APPARITORIA, APPARITORIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \of/for an apparitor (civil servant; lictor, clerk; attendant on a magistrate);
APPARITURA, APPARITURAE: N 1 1 F \attendance on a magistrate, (civil) service;
APPELLO, APPELLARE, APPELLAVI, APPELLATUS: V 1 1 \call (upon); address; dun; solicit; appeal (to); bring to court; accuse; name;
APPELLO, APPELLERE, APPULI, APPULSUS: V 3 1 \drive to, move up, bring along, force towards; put ashore at, land (a ship);
APPELLATIO, APPELLATIONIS: N 3 1 F \appeal (to higher authority); name, term; noun; title, rank; pronunciation;
APPELLATIVUS, APPELLATIVA, APPELLATIVUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \of the nature of a noun, nominal; appellative, belonging to a species (L+S);
APPELLATOR, APPELLATORIS: N 3 1 M \appellant, one who appeals;
APPELLITO, APPELLITARE, APPELLITAVI, APPELLITATUS: V 1 1 \call or name (frequently or habitually);
APPENDO, APPENDERE, APPENDI, APPENSUS: V 3 1 \weigh out; pay/give out; hang, cause to be suspended;
APPENDEO, APPENDERE, APPENDI, -: V 2 1 \to be pending;
APPENDICUM, APPENDICI: N 2 2 N \appendage;
APPENDICULA, APPENDICULAE: N 1 1 F \small addition/appendix/annex; appendage;
APPENDIX, APPENDICIS: N 3 1 F \appendix, supplement, annex; appendage, adjunct; hanger on; barberry bush/fruit;
APPENSOR, APPENSORIS: N 3 1 M \weigher, he who weighs out;
APPERTINEO, APPERTINERE, APPERTINUI, -: V 2 1 \belong to, appertain to; (w/DAT or ad);
APPETO, APPETERE, APPETIVI, APPETITUS: V 3 1 \seek/grasp after, desire; assail; strive eagerly/long for; approach, near;
APPETENS, APPETENTIS (GEN.), APPETENTIOR -OR -US, APPETENTISSIMUS -A -UM: ADJ 3 1 X \eager/greedy for (w/GEN), desirous of; avaricious, greedy, covetous;
APPETENTER: ADV POS \greedily, avidly;
APPETENTIA, APPETENTIAE: N 1 1 F \desire, longing after, appetite for;
APPETIBILIS, APPETIBILIS, APPETIBILE: ADJ 3 2 POS \be sought after, desirable;
APPETISSO, APPETISSERE, -, -: V 3 1 \seek eagerly after;
APPETITUS, APPETITUS: N 4 1 M \appetite, desire; esp. natural/instinctive desire;
APPETITIO, APPETITIONIS: N 3 1 F \desire, appetite; action of trying to reach/grasp, stretching out for; grasping;
APPETITOR, APPETITORIS: N 3 1 M \one who has a desire/liking for (something);
APPETO, APPERONIS: N 3 1 M \one who is covetous;
APPICISCOR, APPICISCI, -, -: V 3 1 \bargain?;
APPINGO, APPINGERE, -, -: V 3 1 \paint upon or beside; add in writing/painting; add something (to verbal picture)
APPINGO, APPINGERE, -, -: V 3 1 \|fasten/join to;
APPLAR, APPLARIS: N 3 4 N \dish or spoon?;
APPLAUDO, APPLAUDERE, APPLAUSI, APPLAUSUS: V 3 1 \strike together; clap, applaud; strike, slap; dash to the ground (w/terrae);
APPLAUSUS, APPLAUSUS: N 4 1 M \flapping/beating of wings;
APPLAUSOR, APPLAUSORIS: N 3 1 M \one expressing agreement/approval/pleasure/satisfaction by clapping hands;
APPLEX, (GEN.), APPLICIS: ADJ 3 1 POS \closely joined/attached to;
APPLICO, APPLICARE, APPLICAVI, APPLICATUS: V 1 1 \connect, place near, bring into contact; land (ship); adapt; apply/devote to;
APPLICO, APPLICARE, APPLICUI, APPLICITUS: V 1 1 \connect, place near, bring into contact; land (ship); adapt; apply/devote to;
APPLICATUS, APPLICATA, APPLICATUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \situated close (to town w/DAT); clinging to (side of hill); devoted (to);
APPLICATIO, APPLICATIONIS: N 3 1 F \application, inclination; joining, attaching; attachment of client to patron;
APPLODO, APPLODERE, APPLOSI, APPLOSUS: V 3 1 \strike together; clap, applaud; strike, slap; dash to the ground (w/terrae);
APPLORO, APPLORARE, APPLORAVI, APPLORATUS: V 1 1 \lament, weep at/on account of; deplore (a thing);
APPLUDA, APPLUDAE: N 1 1 F \chaff;
APPLUMBO, APPLUMBARE, APPLUMBAVI, APPLUMBATUS: V 1 1 \solder, solder on, affix by soldering, close/seal by soldering/with solder;
APPONO, APPONERE, APPOSUI, APPOSITUS: V 3 1 \place near, set before/on table, serve up; put/apply/add to; appoint/assign;
APPORRECTUS, APPORRECTA, APPORRECTUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \stretched out near/beside;
APPORTO, APPORTARE, APPORTAVI, APPORTATUS: V 1 1 \carry/convey/bring (to); import; present (play); bring (news); make one's way;
APPORTATIO, APPORTATIONIS: N 3 1 F \conveyance to, carrying to;
APPOSCO, APPOSCERE, -, -: V 3 1 \demand in addition;
APPOSITUM, APPOSITI: N 2 2 N \adjective, epithet;
APPOSITUS, APPOSITUS: N 4 1 M \application (of medicine);
APPOSITUS, APPOSITA -UM, APPOSITIOR -OR -US, APPOSITISSIMUS -A -UM: ADJ 1 1 X \adjacent, near, accessible, akin; opposite; fit, appropriate, apt; based upon;
APPOSITE: ADV POS \in a manner suited (to); suitably, appositely;
APPOSITIO, APPOSITIONIS: N 3 1 F \comparison, action of comparing;
APPOSTULO, APPOSTULARE, APPOSTULAVI, APPOSTULATUS: V 1 1 \beg/entreaty/solicit importunately/persistently/troublesomely/pressingly;
APPOTUS, APPOTA, APPOTUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \drunk, intoxicated;
APPRECOR, APPRECARI, -, APPRECATUS SUM: V 1 1 \address prayer to, pray to , invoke, beseech;
APPREHENDO, APPREHENDERE, APPREHENDI, APPREHENSUS: V 3 1 \seize (upon), grasp, cling to, lay hold of; apprehend; embrace; overtake;
APPREHENSIBIL, (GEN.), APPREHENSIBILIS: ADJ 3 1 POS \intelligible, understandable, that can be understood;
APPREHENSIO, APPREHENSIONIS: N 3 1 F \seizing upon, laying hold of; (philosophical) apprehension, understanding;
APPRENDO, APPRENDERE, APPRENDI, APPRENSUS: V 3 1 \seize (upon), grasp, cling to, lay hold of; apprehend; embrace; overtake;
APPRETIO, APPRETIARE, APPRETIAVI, APPRETIATUS: V 1 1 \value, set/estimate a price, appraise; purchase, buy; appropriate to one's self;
APPRIMUS, APPRIMA, APPRIMUM: ADJ 0 0 SUPER \the very first, most excellent;
APPRIMO, APPRIMERE, APPRESSI, APPRESSUS: V 3 1 \press on/to; clench (the teeth);
APPRIME: ADV SUPER \to the highest degree, to a high degree, extremely, especially, very;
APPROBUS, APPROBA, APPROBUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \excellent, worthy;
APPROBO, APPROBARE, APPROBAVI, APPROBATUS: V 1 1 \approve, commend, endorse; prove; confirm; justify; allow; make good;
APPROBATIO, APPROBATIONIS: N 3 1 F \approbation, giving approval; proof, confirmation; decision;
APPROBATOR, APPROBATORIS: N 3 1 M \one who approves;
APPROBE: ADV POS \excellently;
APPROMISSOR, APPROMISSORIS: N 3 1 M \one who promises/gives security on behalf of another;
APPROMITTO, APPROMITTERE, APPROMISI, APPROMISSUS: V 3 1 \promise in addition (to another), promise also;
APPROPERO, APPROPERARE, APPROPERAVI, APPROPERATUS: V 1 1 \hasten, hurry, come hastily, make haste; accelerate, speed up;
APPROPIO, APPROPIARE, APPROPIAVI, APPROPIATUS: V 1 1 \approach (w/DAT or ad+ACC); come near to, draw near/nigh (space/time); be close;
APPROPINQUO, APPROPINQUARE, APPROPINQUAVI, APPROPINQUATUS: V 1 1 \approach (w/DAT or ad+ACC); come near to, draw near/nigh (space/time); be close;
APPROPINQUATIO, APPROPINQUATIONIS: N 3 1 F \approach, drawing near;
APPROPRIATIO, APPROPRIATIONIS: N 3 1 F \appropriation, making one's own; (~ ciborum => making flesh/blood of food);
APPROXIMO, APPROXIMARE, APPROXIMAVI, APPROXIMATUS: V 1 1 \be/draw/come close/near to, approach;
APPULSUS, APPULSUS: N 4 1 M \bringing/driving to (cattle) (/right to); landing; approach; influence, impact;
APR, UNDECLINED: ADJ 9 8 POS \April (month) (mensis understood); abbr. Apr.;
APRA, APRAE: N 1 1 F \wild sow (old feminine of aper - wild boar);
APRARIUS, APRARIA, APRARIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \for hunting boar, boar-;
APRICUM, APRICI: N 2 2 N \sunny place/region; sunlight, light of day;
APRICUS, APRICA -UM, APRICIOR -OR -US, APRICISSIMUS -A -UM: ADJ 1 1 X \sunny, having lots of sunshine; warmed by/exposed to/open to the sun, basking;
APRICOR, APRICARI, -, APRICATUS SUM: V 1 1 \bask in the sun, sun oneself;
APRICATIO, APRICATIONIS: N 3 1 F \basking, sitting in the sun, sunning oneself;
APRICITAS, APRICITATIS: N 3 1 F \sunniness, property of having much sunshine; warmth of the sun, sunshine;
APRICULA, APRICULAE: N 1 1 F \unidentified fish;
APRICULUS, APRICULI: N 2 1 M \unidentified fish;
APRILIS, APRILIS, APRILE: ADJ 3 2 POS \April (month) (mensis understood); abbr. Apr.;
APRINUS, APRINA, APRINUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \of a wild boar, boar-;
APRINEUS, APRINEA, APRINEUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \of a wild boar, boar-;
APRONIA, APRONIAE: N 1 1 F \black byrony (plant Tamus communis);
APROXIS, APROXIS: N 3 3 F \a plant whose root takes fire at a distance (ignites easily?);
APRUCO, APRUCONIS: N 3 1 F \plant (commonly called saxifrage - dwarf herbs usually rooting in rocks);
APRUGNUS, APRUGNA, APRUGNUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \of wild boar, boar's;
APRUGNA, APRUGNAE: N 1 1 F \flesh/meat of the wild boar;
APRUNUS, APRUNA, APRUNUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \of wild boar, boar's;
APRUNA, APRUNAE: N 1 1 F \flesh/meat of the wild boar;
APSUM, APESSE, AFUI, AFUTURUS: V 5 1 \be away/absent/distant/missing; be free/removed from; be lacking; be distinct;
APSCEDO, APSCEDERE, APSCESSI, APSCESSUS: V 3 1 \withdraw, depart, retire; go/pass off/away; desist; recede (coasts); slough;
APSCESSUS, APSCESSUS: N 4 1 M \going away, departure, withdrawal, absence; remoteness; abscess;
APSCESSIO, APSCESSIONIS: N 3 1 F \removal; loss, separation, going away; diminution;
APSCIDO, APSCIDERE, APSCIDI, APSCISUS: V 3 1 \hew/cut off/away; separate, divide; take away violently; expel, banish; prune;
APSCIDO, APSCIDERE, APSCIDI, APSCISUS: V 3 1 \|take away violently; expel/banish; destroy (hope); amputate; prune; cut short;
APSCINDO, APSCINDERE, APSCIDI, APSCISSUS: V 3 1 \tear (away/off) (clothing); cut off/away/short; part, break, divide, separate;
APSCISUS, APSCISA -UM, APSCISIOR -OR -US, APSCISISSIMUS -A -UM: ADJ 1 1 X \steep, sheer, precipitous; abrupt, curt, brusque; restricted; cut off, severed;
APSCISE: ADV POS \abruptly, brusquely, curtly; shortly, concisely, distinctly;
APSCISIO, APSCISIONIS: N 3 1 F \loss of voice; aposiopesis (rhetoric, breaking off emotionally), interruption;
APSCISSIO, APSCISSIONIS: N 3 1 F \loss of voice; aposiopesis (rhetoric, breaking off emotionally), interruption;
APSCONDO, APSCONDERE, APSCONDI, APSCONDITUS: V 3 1 \hide, conceal, secrete, 'shelter'; leave behind; bury, engulf, swallow up; keep;
APSCONDITUS, APSCONDITA, APSCONDITUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \hidden, secret, concealed; covert, disguised; abstruse, recondite;
APSCONDITUM, APSCONDITI: N 2 2 N \hidden/secret/concealed place/thing; secret;
APSCONDITE: ADV POS \abstrusely; profoundly; secretly;
APSCONSUS, APSCONSA, APSCONSUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \hidden, secret, concealed, unknown;
APSCONSE: ADV POS \secretly;
APSEGMEN, APSEGMINIS: N 3 2 N \piece/slice/hunk of meat, collop; morsel, portion, lump, mouthful, gobbet;
APSENS, (GEN.), APSENTIS: ADJ 3 1 POS \absent, missing, away, gone; physically elsewhere (things), non-existent;
APSENTO, APSENTARE, APSENTAVI, APSENTATUS: V 1 1 \send away, cause one to be absent; to be absent;
APSENTHIUM, APSENTHII: N 2 2 N \wormwood; infusion/tincture of wormwood;
APSENTIA, APSENTIAE: N 1 1 F \absence; absence form Rome/duty; ; non-appearance in court; lack;
APSENTIO, APSENTIONIS: N 3 1 F \holding back, restraining;
APSIDA, APSIDAE: N 1 1 F \arc described by a planet; arc, segment of a circle; kind of round vessel/bowl;
APSIDATA, APSIDATAE: N 1 1 F \alcove, niche;
APSILIO, APSILIRE, -, -: V 3 4 \rush/fly away (from); burst/fly apart;
APSIMILIS, APSIMILIS, APSIMILE: ADJ 3 2 POS \unlike, dissimilar;
APSINTHIUS, APSINTHIA, APSINTHIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \containing wormwood (e.g., wine); (often mixed with honey to mask taste);
APSINTHIUS, APSINTHII: N 2 1 M \wormwood; infusion/tincture of wormwood (often mixed with honey to mask taste);
APSINTHIUM, APSINTHII: N 2 2 N \wormwood; infusion/tincture of wormwood;
APSINTHIUM, APSINTHI(I): N 2 4 N \wormwood; infusion/tincture of wormwood (often mixed with honey to mask taste);
APSINTHITES, APSINTHITAE: N 1 7 M \wine flavored with wormwood;
APSIS, APSIDIS: N 3 1 F \arc described by a planet; arc, segment of a circle; kind of round vessel/bowl;
APSISTUS, APSISTA, APSISTUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \distant, lying away;
APSISTO, APSISTERE, APSISTITI, -: V 3 1 \withdraw from; desist, cease; leave off; depart, go away from; stand back;
APSIT: INTERJ \"god forbid", "let it be far from the hearts of the faithful";
APSOCER, APSOCERI: N 2 3 M \great-great grandfather of the husband or wife (in-law);
APSOLUTUS, APSOLUTA -UM, APSOLUTIOR -OR -US, APSOLUTISSIMUS -A -UM: ADJ 1 1 X \fluent; fully developed, complete, finished; perfect, pure; unconditional;
APSOLUTE, APSOLUTIUS, APSOLUTISSIME: ADV X \completely, absolutely; perfectly; without qualification, simply, unreservedly;
APSOLUTIO, APSOLUTIONIS: N 3 1 F \finishing, completion; acquittal, release (obligat.); perfection; completeness;
APSOLUTORIUS, APSOLUTORIA, APSOLUTORIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \favoring/securing acquittal; effecting a cure;
APSOLUTORIUM, APSOLUTORII: N 2 2 N \means of deliverance from;
APSOLVO, APSOLVERE, APSOLVI, APSOLUTUS: V 3 1 \free (bonds), release; acquit; vote for/secure acquittal; pay off; sum up;
APSONUS, APSONA, APSONUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \harsh/discordant/inharmonious; jarring; inconsistent; unsuitable, in bad taste;
APSONO, APSONARE, APSONAVI, APSONATUS: V 1 1 \have a harsh/discordant/unpleasant sound;
APSONE: ADV POS \harshly, discordantly;
APSORBEO, APSORBERE, APSORBUI, APSORPTUS: V 2 1 \devour; swallow up; engulf, submerge; engross; absorb, suck in; import; dry up;
APSORBEO, APSORBERE, APSORPSI, APSORPTUS: V 2 1 \devour; swallow up; engulf, submerge; engross; absorb, suck in; import; dry up;
APSORPTIO, APSORPTIONIS: N 3 1 F \drink, beverage;
APSQUE: PREP ABL \without, apart from, away from; but for; except for; were it not for; (early);
APSTO, APSTARE, APSTETI, APSTATUS: V 1 1 \stand at a distance, stand off; keep at a distance;
APSTEMIUS, APSTEMIA, APSTEMIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \abstemious, abstaining from drink; sober, temperate; moderate; fasting; saving;
APSTEMIA, APSTEMIAE: N 1 1 F \distance;
APSTERGEO, APSTERGERE, APSTERSI, APSTERSUS: V 2 1 \wipe off/clean/away, clean away, cleanse, strip off; banish, expel, dispel;
APSTERGO, APSTERGERE, APSTERSI, APSTERSUS: V 3 1 \wipe off/clean/away, clean away, cleanse, strip off; banish, expel, dispel;
APSTERREO, APSTERRERE, APSTERRUI, APSTERRITUS: V 2 1 \frighten off/away; drive away; deter, discourage; keep away/withhold from, den;
APSTINEO, APSTINERE, APSTINUI, APSTENTUS: V 2 1 \withhold, keep away/clear; abstain, fast; refrain (from); avoid; keep hands of;
APSTINAX, (GEN.), APSTINACIS: ADJ 3 1 POS \abstemious, staying away from liquor; temperate/sparing in drink/food;
APSTINENS, APSTINENTIS (GEN.), APSTINENTIOR -OR -US, APSTINENTISSIMUS -A -UM: ADJ 3 1 X \abstinent, temperate; showing restraint, self restrained; not covetous; chaste;
APSTINENTER: ADV POS \abstinently, with self restraint (esp. financial dealings); scrupulously;
APSTINENTIA, APSTINENTIAE: N 1 1 F \abstinence; fasting; moderation, self control, restraint; integrity; parsimony;
APSTRAHO, APSTRAHERE, APSTRAXI, APSTRACTUS: V 3 1 \drag away from, remove forcibly, abort; carry off to execution; split;
APSTRUDO, APSTRUDERE, APSTRUSI, APSTRUSUS: V 3 1 \thrust away, conceal, hide; suppress/prevent (emotion) becoming apparent;
APSTRUSUS, APSTRUSA -UM, APSTRUSIOR -OR -US, APSTRUSISSIMUS -A -UM: ADJ 1 1 X \secret, reserved; concealed, hidden; remote, secluded; abstruse, recondite;
APSTRUSE: ADV POS \secretly; remotely; abstrusely;
APSTRUSIO, APSTRUSIONIS: N 3 1 F \removing, concealing;
APSTULO, APSTULERE, -, -: V 3 1 \to take away, withdraw;
APSUMO, APSUMERE, APSUMPSI, APSUMPTUS: V 3 1 \spend, waste, squander, use up; take up (time); consume; exhaust, wear out;
APSUMEDO, APSUMEDINIS: N 3 1 F \act of squandering/wasting/using up;
APSUMPTIO, APSUMPTIONIS: N 3 1 F \act of spending/using up;
APSURDUS, APSURDA, APSURDUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \out of tune, discordant; absurd, nonsensical, out of place; awkward, uncouth;
APSURDE: ADV POS \as to be out of tune, discordantly; preposterously, absurdly, inappropriately;
APSYCTOS, APSYCTI: N 2 6 F \name of a precious stone;
APTO, APTARE, APTAVI, APTATUS: V 1 1 \adapt, fit, apply, adjust, accommodate; put on, fasten; prepare, furnish;
APTUS, APTA -UM, APTIOR -OR -US, APTISSIMUS -A -UM: ADJ 1 1 X \suitable, adapted; ready; apt, proper; tied, attached to; dependent on (w/ex);
APTE, APTIUS, APTISSIME: ADV X \closely, snugly, so to fit tightly/exactly; neatly, aptly; suitably; fittingly;
APTHA, APTHAE: N 1 1 F \parasitic stomatitis, thrush, aphthous ulcers (fungal disease);
APTOTUM, APTOTI: N 2 2 N \substantives (pl.) that are not declined, aptotes;
APTRUM, APTRI: N 2 2 N \vine leaves (pl.)?;
APUA, APUAE: N 1 1 F \small/young fish; "whitebait";
APUD: PREP ACC \at, by, near, among; at the house of; before, in the presence/writings/view of;
APULSUS, APULSI: N 2 1 M \one drawn/pushed/driven aside/away (from);
APUS, APODIS: N 3 1 F \bird (the swift?); kind of swallow (said to have no feet), black martin (L+S);
APUT: PREP ACC \at, by, near, among; at the house of; before, in presence/writings/view/eyes of;
APYROS, APYROS, -: ADJ 2 6 POS \that has not been treated with fire; unsmelted (gold); native (sulfur);
-, -, APYRON: ADJ 2 8 POS \that has not been treated with fire; unsmelted (gold); native (sulfur);
-, -, APYRON: ADJ 2 8 POS \that has not been treated with fire; unsmelted (gold); native (sulfur);
APYRENUS, APYRENA, APYRENUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \lacking a hard kernel (of fruit); with soft kernel/seeds;
APYRENUM, APYRENI: N 2 2 N \pomegranate (kind with soft kernels);
APYRINUS, APYRINA, APYRINUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \lacking a hard kernel (of fruit); with soft kernel/seeds;
APYRINUM, APYRINI: N 2 2 N \pomegranate (kind with soft kernels);
AQUA, AQUAE: N 1 1 F \water; sea, lake; river, stream; rain, rainfall (pl.), rainwater; spa; urine;
AQUOR, AQUARI, -, AQUATUS SUM: V 1 1 \get/fetch/bring water; be watered;
AQUAELICIUM, AQUAELICI(I): N 2 4 N \|rain-making; means/sacrifice to produce rain;
AQUAGIUM, AQUAGI(I): N 2 4 N \channel, artificial watercourse; aquaduct, conveyer of water;
AQUALIS, AQUALIS, AQUALE: ADJ 3 2 POS \watery, rainy; for water (of vessels);
AQUALICULUS, AQUALICULI: N 2 1 M \paunch, pot-belly; small pot/vessel for water (L+S);
AQUALIS, AQUALIS: N 3 3 M \water/wash basin; ewer;
AQUARIUS, AQUARIA, AQUARIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \of/for water; requiring water (tools/instruments); (res ~ => water supply);
AQUARIUS, AQUARI(I): N 2 4 M \water-bearer; (Constellation); overseer/workman at the public water supply;
AQUARIUM, AQUARI(I): N 2 4 N \watering place. water hole (for cattle); source of water;
AQUARIOLUS, AQUARIOLI: N 2 1 M \servant who supplied washing water for prostitutes;
AQUATUM, AQUATI: N 2 2 N \aqueous solution, mixture with water;
AQUATUS, AQUATA -UM, AQUATIOR -OR -US, AQUATISSIMUS -A -UM: ADJ 1 1 X \diluted/mixed with water, watered down. watery; having a watery constitution;
AQUATE, AQUATIUS, AQUATISSIME: ADV X \with water, by use of water;
AQUATICUS, AQUATICA, AQUATICUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \aquatic, of/belonging to the water, growing/living in/by water; rainy; watery;
AQUATICUM, AQUATICI: N 2 2 N \well-watered/marshy places/ground;
AQUATILIS, AQUATILIS, AQUATILE: ADJ 3 2 POS \of/resembling water, watery; aquatic (animals/plants);
AQUATILE, AQUATILIS: N 3 4 N \aquatic animals/plants (pl.); disease of cattle, watery vesicles (L+S);
AQUATIO, AQUATIONIS: N 3 1 F \fetching/drawing water; place from which water is drawn, watering place; rains;
AQUATOR, AQUATORIS: N 3 1 M \water-carrier/bearer, one who fetches water;
AQUICELUS, AQUICELI: N 2 1 M \pine kernels boiled in honey;
AQUIFOLIUS, AQUIFOLIA, AQUIFOLIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \having prickly/pointy leaves; made of holly-wood;
AQUIFOLIA, AQUIFOLIAE: N 1 1 F \tree with prickly/pointy leaves; holly;
AQUIFOLIUM, AQUIFOLII: N 2 2 N \tree with prickly/pointy leaves; holly;
AQUIFUGA, AQUIFUGAE: N 1 1 C \one fearful of water;
AQUILUS, AQUILA, AQUILUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \dark colored/hued, swarthy;
AQUILA, AQUILAE: N 1 1 C \eagle; gable/pediment; kind of fish (eagle-ray?);
AQUILA, AQUILAE: N 1 1 F \silver eagle on pole, standard of a legion; legion; post of standard-bearer;
AQUILENTUS, AQUILENTA, AQUILENTUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \watery, full of water; wet, humid;
AQUILEX, AQUILEGIS: N 3 1 M \water-diviner, man used to find sources of water; conduit/water master/inspector
AQUILIUS, AQUILIA, AQUILIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \Aquilius; (Roman gens); of/named after Aquilius;
AQUILIUS, AQUILI: N 2 5 M \Aquilius; (Roman gens name);of/named after Aquilius;
AQUILICIUM, AQUILICI(I): N 2 4 N \rain-making; means/sacrifice to produce rain;
AQUILIFERA, AQUILIFERAE: N 1 1 M \standard bearer of a legion, officer who carried the eagle standard;
AQUILIFER, AQUILIFERI: N 2 3 M \standard bearer of a legion, officer who carried the eagle standard;
AQUILINUS, AQUILINA, AQUILINUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \eagle's, like that of an eagle;
AQUILO, AQUILONIS: N 3 1 M \north wind; NNE/NE wind (for Rome); north; Boreas (personified);
AQUILONIUS, AQUILONIA, AQUILONIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \northern, northerly; facing north; subject to north winds; of Boreas;
AQUILONIUM, AQUILONII: N 2 2 N \northerly regions (pl.); the north; regions facing/exposed to the north;
AQUIMINALIS, AQUIMINALIS, AQUIMINALE: ADJ 3 2 POS \of/pertaining to water for washing the hands;
AQUIMINALE, AQUIMINALIS: N 3 4 N \wash-basin/bowl, vessel for washing the hands;
AQUIMINARIUM, AQUIMINARII: N 2 2 N \wash-basin/bowl, vessel for washing the hands;
AQUITANUS, AQUITANA, AQUITANUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \of Aquitania (southwest Gaul/France);
AQUITANIA, AQUITANIAE: N 1 1 F \Aquitania, one of the divisions of Gaul/France (southwest);
AQUIVERGIUM, AQUIVERGII: N 2 2 N \place in which water is collected, catchment, basin; cistern;
AQUOLA, AQUOLAE: N 1 1 F \small amount of water; small stream;
AQUOSUS, AQUOSA -UM, AQUOSIOR -OR -US, AQUOSISSIMUS -A -UM: ADJ 1 1 X \abounding in water, well watered, wet; humid, rainy; clear as water, watery;
AQUULA, AQUULAE: N 1 1 F \small amount of water; small stream;
ARA, ARAE: N 1 1 F \altar, structure for sacrifice, pyre; sanctuary; home; refuge, shelter;
ARUM, ARI: N 2 2 N \plants of the genus arum;
AROS, ARI: N 2 6 F \plants of the genus arum;
ARON, ARI: N 2 8 N \plants of the genus arum;
ARO, ARARE, ARAVI, ARATUS: V 1 1 \plow, till, cultivate; produce by plowing, grow; furrow, wrinkle;
AREO, ARERE, ARUI, -: V 2 1 \be dry/parched; be thirsty; be withered (plants/animals, from lack of water);
ARABARCHES, ARABARCHAE: N 1 7 M \an Egyptian tax/customs collector; contemptuously of Pompey for raising taxes;
ARABARCHIA, ARABARCHIAE: N 1 1 F \kind of Egyptian customs duty/tax;
ARABICA, ARABICAE: N 1 1 F \some precious stone;
ARABICE: ADV POS \in Arabic fashion;
ARABILIS, ARABILIS, ARABILE: ADJ 3 2 POS \that can be plowed, fit for tillage, arable;
ARACOS, ARACI: N 2 6 M \kind of leguminous plant;
ARACHIDNA, ARACHIDNAE: N 1 1 F \wild leguminous plant, kind of chicking vetch;
ARACHIDNE, ARACHIDNES: N 1 6 F \kind of leguminous plant, (ground peas, Lathyrus amphicarpus?);
ARACHNOIDES, ARACHNOIDES, ARACHNOIDES: ADJ 1 7 POS \(tunica arachoides => retina of the eye);
ARACIA, ARACIAE: N 1 1 F \kind of white fig tree; island in the Persian Gulf now called Karek;
ARACOSTYLOS, ARACOSTYLOS, -: ADJ 2 6 POS \with columns widely spaced (archit.);
-, -, ARACOSTYLON: ADJ 2 8 POS \with columns widely spaced (archit.);
ARALE, ARALIS: N 3 4 N \structure/base/foundation on which an altar could be set up;
ARANEUS, ARANEA, ARANEUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \spider's, of spiders; (mus araneus => shrew-mouse);
ARANEA, ARANEAE: N 1 1 F \spider's web, cobweb; mass of threads resembling a spider web; spider;
ARANEUS, ARANEI: N 2 1 M \spider; venomous fish, the weever;
ARANEUM, ARANEI: N 2 2 N \spider web, cobweb; mass of threads resembling a spider web;
ARANEANS, (GEN.), ARANEANTIS: ADJ 3 1 POS \full of/covered with spider webs, cobwebby;
ARANEOLA, ARANEOLAE: N 1 1 F \(small) spider;
ARANEOLUS, ARANEOLI: N 2 1 M \(small) spider;
ARANEOSUS, ARANEOSA, ARANEOSUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \full of/covered with spider webs, cobwebby;
ARAR, ARARIS: N 3 1 M \Arar/Saone; (river in Gaul, tributary of the Rhone);
ARATUM, ARATI: N 2 2 N \plowed field;
ARATER, ARATRI: N 2 3 M \plow;
ARATIUS, ARATIA, ARATIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \variety of fig;
ARATIO, ARATIONIS: N 3 1 F \plowing; tilled ground; an estate of arable land (esp. one farmed on shares);
ARATIUNCULA, ARATIUNCULAE: N 1 1 F \small estate of arable land;
ARATOR, (GEN.), ARATORIS: ADJ 3 1 POS \plowing, plow-; (of oxen);
ARATOR, ARATORIS: N 3 1 M \plowman; farmer (esp. farming on shares); cultivators of public land on tenths;
ARATORIUS, ARATORIA, ARATORIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \of/for plowing, plow-;
ARATRUM, ARATRI: N 2 2 N \plow;
ARATRO, ARATRARE, ARATRAVI, ARATRATUS: V 1 1 \plow (in young grain to improve the yield), plow (after sowing);
ARBAVALIUM, ARBAVALI(I): N 2 4 N \Arbarvalia festival;
ARBITUM, ARBITI: N 2 2 N \abrutus (evergreen strawberry) tree/fruit; its leaves/branches (animal feed);
ARBITER, ARBITRI: N 2 3 M \eye-witness, on-looker; umpire, judge, arbiter; overseer, lord; executor;
ARBITERIUM, ARBITERI(I): N 2 4 N \arbitration; choice, judgment, decision; sentence; will, mastery, authority;
ARBITRA, ARBITRAE: N 1 1 F \witness (female); judge, umpire; mistress;
ARBITRO, ARBITRARE, ARBITRAVI, ARBITRATUS: V 1 1 \think, judge; consider; be settled/decided on (PASS);
ARBITROR, ARBITRARI, -, ARBITRATUS SUM: V 1 1 \observe, witness; testify; decide, judge, sentence; believe, think, imagine;
ARBITRALIS, ARBITRALIS, ARBITRALE: ADJ 3 2 POS \of/pertaining to a judge/umpire;
ARBITRARIUS, ARBITRARIA, ARBITRARIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \at discretion of an arbiter; done by arbitration; arbitrary; voluntary, optional
ARBITRARIO: ADV POS \thoughtfully;
ARBITRATUS, ARBITRATUS: N 4 1 M \arbitration; choice; judgment, capacity for decisions; jurisdiction, power;
ARBITRATIO, ARBITRATIONIS: N 3 1 F \arbitration; choice; judgment, capacity for decisions; jurisdiction, power;
ARBITRATOR, ARBITRATORIS: N 3 1 M \master, ruler, lord (Pentapylon Jovis arbitratoris - place in Rome 10th);
ARBITRATRIX, ARBITRATRICIS: N 3 1 F \ruler (female); mistress;
ARBITRIUM, ARBITRI(I): N 2 4 N \arbitration; choice, judgment, decision; sentence; will, mastery, authority;
ARBITRIX, ARBITRICIS: N 3 1 F \female arbitrator;
ARBOR, ARBORIS: N 3 1 F \tree; tree trunk; mast; oar; ship; gallows; spearshaft; beam; squid?;
ARBORARIUS, ARBORARIA, ARBORARIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \of/concerned with trees, tree-; (falx ~ => pruning hook) (picus ~ => woodpecker)
ARBORATOR, ARBORATORIS: N 3 1 M \tree pruner;
ARBOREUS, ARBOREA, ARBOREUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \of a tree(s), tree-; resembling a tree, branching; wooden;
ARBORESCO, ARBORESCERE, -, -: V 3 1 \grow into a tree, become a tree;
ARBORETUM, ARBORETI: N 2 2 N \plantation of trees, place growing with trees;
ARBORIUS, ARBORIA, ARBORIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \of a tree(s), tree-; resembling a tree, branching; wooden;
ARBORIA, ARBORIAE: N 1 1 F \black ivy (as growing on trees);
ARBOS, ARBOSIS: N 3 1 F \tree; tree trunk; mast; oar; ship; gallows; spearshaft; beam; squid?;
ARBUSCULA, ARBUSCULAE: N 1 1 F \small/young tree, sapling, bush, shrub; thing like a small tree; axe bearing;
ARBUSTUS, ARBUSTA, ARBUSTUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \planted/set with trees; tree covered; trained on trees (vines); tree-;
ARBUSTUS, ARBUSTA, ARBUSTUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \|of the arbutus (evergreen strawberry); of arbutus wood;
ARBUSTUM, ARBUSTI: N 2 2 N \orchard, copse, plantation, grove of trees; shrub; trees/bushes/shrubs (pl.);
ARBUSTO, ARBUSTARE, ARBUSTAVI, ARBUSTATUS: V 1 1 \plant (with trees), forest, reforest;
ARBUSTIVUS, ARBUSTIVA, ARBUSTIVUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \of/with trees/orchards; of vines trained on trees/wines produced from them;
ARBUSTULUM, ARBUSTULI: N 2 2 N \small orchard/grove of trees; small shrub;
ARBUTUS, ARBUTI: N 2 1 F \arbutus, strawberry tree (Arbutus unedo);
ARBUTUM, ARBUTI: N 2 2 N \abrutus (evergreen strawberry) tree/fruit; its leaves/branches (animal feed);
ARBUTEUS, ARBUTEA, ARBUTEUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \of the evergreen strawberry tree (arbutus); of arbustus wood;
ARCA, ARCAE: N 1 1 F \box, chest; strong-box, coffer; wealth, money; coffin, bier; cell, cage; ark;
ARCA, ARCAE: N 1 1 F \|ark (Noah's); Ark of the Covenant;
ARCA, ARCAE: N 1 1 F \||quadrangular landmark for surveyors;
ARCUS, ARCUS: N 4 1 M \bow, arc, coil, arch; rainbow; anything arched or curved;
ARCEO, ARCERE, ARCUI, -: V 2 1 \ward/keep off/away; keep close, confine; prevent, hinder; protect; separate;
ARCO, ARCERE, ARCUI, -: V 3 1 \keep away, protect;
ARCANUS, ARCANA, ARCANUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \secret, private, hidden; intimate, personal; confidential; mysterious, esoteric;
ARCANUS, ARCANI: N 2 1 M \confidant, trustworthy friend, keeper of secrets;
ARCANUM, ARCANI: N 2 2 N \secret, mystery; secret/hidden place;
ARCANO, ARCANIUS, ARCANISSIME: ADV X \secretly, in confidence; in one's inner thoughts, privately;
ARCARIUS, ARCARIA, ARCARIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \of/concerned with ready money, cash;
ARCARIUS, ARCARI(I): N 2 4 M \treasurer; controller of the public monies;
ARCATURA, ARCATURAE: N 1 1 F \square landmark for surveyors;
ARCEBION, ARCEBII: N 2 8 N \plant (commonly called onochiles or amchusa); kind of ox-tongue;
ARCELACUS, ARCELACA, ARCELACUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \variety of vine (arcelacae vites);
ARCELLA, ARCELLAE: N 1 1 F \square landmark for surveyors;
ARCELLACUS, ARCELLACA, ARCELLACUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \variety of vine (arcelacae vites);
ARCELLULA, ARCELLULAE: N 1 1 F \little/small box;
ARCERA, ARCERAE: N 1 1 F \kind of covered carriage; the seven bright stars in Ursa Major;
ARCERACUS, ARCERACA, ARCERACUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \variety of vine (arceracae vites);
ARCERSO, ARCERSERE, ARCERSIVI, ARCERSITUS: V 3 1 \send for, summon; indict/accuse; fetch, import; invite; invoke; bring on oneself
ARCERSIO, ARCERSIRE, ARCERSIVI, ARCERSITUS: V 3 4 \send for, summon; indict/accuse; fetch, import; invite; invoke; bring on oneself
ARCESSO, ARCESSERE, ARCESSIVI, ARCESSITUS: V 3 1 \send for, summon, indict; fetch, import; invite; invoke; bring on oneself;
ARCESSIO, ARCESSIRE, ARCESSIVI, ARCESITUS: V 3 4 \send for, summon; indict/accuse; fetch, import; invite; invoke; bring on oneself
ARCESSITUS, ARCESSITA, ARCESSITUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \brought from elsewhere, foreign; extraneous; self-inflicted (death); sent for;
ARCESSITUS, ARCESSITUS: N 4 1 M \summons, sending for;
ARCESSITIO, ARCESSITIONIS: N 3 1 F \summons, sending for; (dies propriae ~ => day of death);
ARCESSITOR, ARCESSITORIS: N 3 1 M \one who comes to summon/call/fetch another; accuser;
ARCHE, ARCHES: N 1 6 F \one of the aeons; one of the four muses;
ARCHEBION, ARCHEBII: N 2 8 N \plant (Echium creticum?);
ARCHEOTA, ARCHEOTAE: N 1 1 M \keeper of the archives; a recorder;
ARCHETYPUS, ARCHETYPA, ARCHETYPUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \first made; genuine; original; in the author's hand/autograph; taken from life;
ARCHETYPUM, ARCHETYPI: N 2 2 N \original, pattern, model;
ARCHETYPON, ARCHETYPI: N 2 8 N \original, pattern, model;
ARCHEZOSTIS, ARCHEZOSTIS: N 3 3 F \kind of bryony plant (Bryonia alba L+S);
ARCHIAS, ARCHIAE: N 1 8 M \Archius (a cabinet maker, maker of plain couches); Greek poet defended by Cicero
ARCHIUM, ARCHII: N 2 2 N \public records office; archives;
ARCHIACUS, ARCHIACA, ARCHIACUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \made by Archius (a cabinet maker, maker of plain/cheap couches);
ARCHIATER, ARCHIATRI: N 2 3 M \an official/court physician;
ARCHIATIA, ARCHIATIAE: N 1 1 F \rank of chief physician;
ARCHIATRUS, ARCHIATRI: N 2 1 M \an official/court physician; chief physician and personal doctor of the emperor;
ARCHIBUCOLUS, ARCHIBUCOLI: N 2 1 M \chief priest of Bacchus;
ARCHIBUCULUS, ARCHIBUCULI: N 2 1 M \chief priest of Bacchus;
ARCHIDENDROPHORUS, ARCHIDENDROPHORI: N 2 1 M \chief of the college of dendrophori;
ARCHIELECTUS, ARCHIELECTI: N 2 1 M \archbishop elect (but not confirmed);
ARCHIEPISCOPALIS, ARCHIEPISCOPALIS, ARCHIEPISCOPALE: ADJ 3 2 POS \archepiscopal, archbishopal; pertaining to an archbishop;
ARCHIEREUS, ARCHIEREI: N 2 1 M \chief priest;
ARCHIEROSYNA, ARCHIEROSYNAE: N 1 1 F \office of chief priest;
ARCHIGALLUS, ARCHIGALLI: N 2 1 M \chief of the Galli (priests of Cybele);
ARCHIGERON, ARCHIGERONTIS: N 3 1 M \chief of the old men (title under the emperors);
ARCHIGUBERNUS, ARCHIGUBERNI: N 2 1 M \chief pilot/navigator/helmsman;
ARCHIMANDRITA, ARCHIMANDRITAE: N 1 1 M \chief/principal monk; abbot;
ARCHIMIMA, ARCHIMIMAE: N 1 1 F \chief mimic actress;
ARCHIMIMUS, ARCHIMIMI: N 2 1 M \chief mimic actor, chief of a troop of mimics;
ARCHIPRESBYTER, ARCHIPRESBYTERI: N 2 3 M \arch-priest, chief of the presbytari;
ARCHISYNAGOGUS, ARCHISYNAGOGI: N 2 1 M \head of a synagogue; chief rabbi?;
ARCHITECTA, ARCHITECTAE: N 1 1 F \architect (female), master-builder; inventor, designer, maker, author, deviser;
ARCHITECTUS, ARCHITECTI: N 2 1 M \architect, master-builder; inventor, designer, maker, author, deviser;
ARCHITECTO, ARCHITECTARE, ARCHITECTAVI, ARCHITECTATUS: V 1 1 \design (building), practice architecture;
ARCHITECTOR, ARCHITECTARI, -, ARCHITECTATUS SUM: V 1 1 \design/construct (building); design, plan;
ARCHITECTON, ARCHITECTONIS: N 3 1 M \architect, master-builder; master in cunning, crafty man;
ARCHITECTONICUS, ARCHITECTONICA, ARCHITECTONICUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \architectural, relating to architecture;
ARCHITECTONICE, ARCHITECTONICES: N 1 6 F \architecture, art of building;
ARCHITECTURA, ARCHITECTURAE: N 1 1 F \architecture, art of building;
ARCHITRICLINUS, ARCHITRICLINI: N 2 1 M \one who presides at table; master of a feast;
ARCHIVUM, ARCHIVI: N 2 2 N \public records office; archives;
ARCHON, ARCHONTIS: N 3 1 M \archon, one of the highest magistrates in Athens;
ARCHONTIUM, ARCHONTI(I): N 2 4 N \office of archon (high Athenian magistrate);
ARCION, ARCII: N 2 8 N \plant (burdock?) (persolata/brown mullen L+S);
ARCIFINALIS, ARCIFINALIS, ARCIFINALE: ADJ 3 2 POS \of conquered land not yet surveyed/assigned but built on (irregular boundaries);
ARCIFINIUS, ARCIFINIA, ARCIFINIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \of conquered land not yet surveyed/assigned but built on (irregular boundaries);
ARCIPOTENS, (GEN.), ARCIPOTENTIS: ADJ 3 1 POS \mighty with the bow (Apollo);
ARCIRMA, ARCIRMAE: N 1 1 F \kind of covered carriage;
ARCISELLIUM, ARCISELLI(I): N 2 4 N \chair with rounded back;
ARCITECTUS, ARCITECTI: N 2 1 M \architect, master-builder; inventor, designer;
ARCITENENS, (GEN.), ARCITENENTIS: ADJ 3 1 POS \carries/holding a bow (epithet of Apollo/Artimis), (constellation) the Archer;
ARCITENENS, ARCITENENTIS: N 3 3 M \Apollo (who carries a bow), (constellation) Sagittarius, the Archer;
ARCS, ARCIS: N 3 3 F \citadel, stronghold; height; the Capitoline hill Rome; defense, refuge;
ARCTUS, ARCTA, ARCTUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \close, thick, narrow; short; strict; scanty, brief;
ARCTUS, ARCTI: N 2 1 F \Big/Little Dipper/Bear, region of celestial pole; North lands/people/direction;
ARCTOS, ARCTI: N 2 6 F \Big/Little Dipper/Bear, region of celestial pole; North lands/people/direction;
ARCTO, ARCTARE, ARCTAVI, ARCTATUS: V 1 1 \wedge in, fit/close firmly, tighten; compress, abridge; pack, limit, cramp;
ARCTE, ARCTIUS, ARCTISSIME: ADV X \closely/tightly (bound/filled/holding); briefly, in a confined space, compactly;
ARCTION, ARCTII: N 2 8 N \plant (also called arcturus);
ARCTICUS, ARCTICA, ARCTICUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \arctic, northern; pertaining to the constellation of the Bear/Dipper (L+S);
ARCTICUS, ARCTICA, ARCTICUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \initial, that constitutes the beginning (of a syllable, etc.);
ARCTICOS, ARCTIC-, -: ADJ 2 7 POS \initial, that constitutes the beginning (of a syllable, etc.);
ARCTOUS, ARCTOA, ARCTOUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \northern, arctic, of the far north; occurring in/connected with the far north;
ARCTOUS, ARCTOA, ARCTOUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \pertaining to the Big/Little Dipper/Bear; northern;
ARCTURUS, ARCTURI: N 2 1 M \Acturus, brightest star in Bootes; the whole constellation; arction plant;
ARCUO, ARCUARE, ARCUAVI, ARCUATUS: V 1 1 \bend into the shape of a bow/arch;
ARCUARIUS, ARCUARIA, ARCUARIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \of/pertaining to the bow;
ARCUARIUS, ARCUARI(I): N 2 4 M \maker of bows;
ARCUATUS, ARCUATA, ARCUATUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \arched, bow-shaped; carried on/supported by arches; covered, hooded (carriage);
ARCUATUS, ARCUATA, ARCUATUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \|rainbow colored, jaundiced; (morbus ~ => jaundice/rainbow colored disease);
ARCUATUS, ARCUATI: N 2 1 M \one having jaundice/the rainbow colored disease;
ARCUATILIS, ARCUATILIS, ARCUATILE: ADJ 3 2 POS \bow-formed, bow shaped, bowed;
ARCUATIM: ADV POS \in the form of a bow/arch;
ARCUATIO, ARCUATIONIS: N 3 1 F \arch; structure consisting of arches (pl.), arcade;
ARCUATURA, ARCUATURAE: N 1 1 F \arch; structure consisting of arches (pl.), arcade;
ARCUBALISTA, ARCUBALISTAE: N 1 1 F \ballista furnished with a bow, spear-throwing war machine with bow mechanism;
ARCUBALISTUS, ARCUBALISTI: N 2 1 M \operator of an arcuballista - spear-throwing war machine with bow mechanism;
ARCUBALLISTA, ARCUBALLISTAE: N 1 1 F \ballista furnished with a bow, spear-throwing war machine with bow mechanism;
ARCUBALLISTUS, ARCUBALLISTI: N 2 1 M \operator of an arcuballista - spear-throwing war machine with bow mechanism;
ARCULA, ARCULAE: N 1 1 F \small box/casket; small jewel/perfume/money box; wind-box of an organ;
ARCULUM, ARCULI: N 2 2 N \roll/hoop placed on the head for carrying vessels at public sacrifice;
ARCULARIUS, ARCULARI(I): N 2 4 M \maker of small chests/boxes/jewel caskets;
ARCULATUM, ARCULATI: N 2 2 N \sacrificial cakes (pl.) made of flour;
ARCUMA, ARCUMAE: N 1 1 F \kind of covered carriage;
ARDUS, ARDA -UM, ARDIOR -OR -US, ARDISSIMUS -A -UM: ADJ 1 1 X \dry, arid, parched; water/rain-less; used dry, dried; thirsty; poor; shriveled;
ARDEO, ARDERE, ARSI, ARSUS: V 2 1 \be on fire; burn, blaze; flash; glow, sparkle; rage; ; be in a turmoil/love;
ARDALIO, ARDALIONIS: N 3 1 M \busybody, fusser;
ARDEA, ARDEAE: N 1 1 F \heron;
ARDELIO, ARDELIONIS: N 3 1 M \busybody;
ARDENS, ARDENTIS (GEN.), ARDENTIOR -OR -US, ARDENTISSIMUS -A -UM: ADJ 3 1 X \burning, flaming, glowing, fiery; shining, brilliant; eager, ardent, passionate;
ARDENTER, ARDENTIUS, ARDENTISSIME: ADV X \with burning/parching effect; passionately, ardently, eagerly, zealously;
ARDEOLA, ARDEOLAE: N 1 1 F \heron (small?);
ARDESCO, ARDESCERE, ARSI, -: V 3 1 \catch/take fire, kindle; become ignited/inflamed/hot/eager; erupt (volcano);
ARDIFETUS, ARDIFETA, ARDIFETUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \pregnant with fire/flame (a lamp/torch);
ARDIOLA, ARDIOLAE: N 1 1 F \heron (small?);
ARDOR, ARDORIS: N 3 1 M \fire, flame, heat; brightness, flash, gleam or color; ardor, love, intensity;
ARDUUM, ARDUI: N 2 2 N \steep/high place, the heights, elevation; arduous/difficult/hard task;
ARDUUS, ARDUA -UM, ARDUIOR -OR -US, ARDUISSIMUS -A -UM: ADJ 1 1 X \steep, high, lofty, towering, tall; erect, rearing; uphill; arduous, difficult;
ARDUITAS, ARDUITATIS: N 3 1 F \steepness;
ARDUVO, ARDUVERE, -, -: V 3 1 \add, insert, bring/attach to, say in addition; increase; impart; associate;
AREA, AREAE: N 1 1 F \open space; park, playground; plot; threshing floor; courtyard; site; bald spot;
AREALIS, AREALIS, AREALE: ADJ 3 2 POS \of/pertaining to (area) open space/threshing floor/courtyard; areal;
AREFACIO, AREFACERE, AREFECI, AREFACTUS: V 3 1 \dry up, wither up, break down; make dry, dry;
ARENA, ARENAE: N 1 1 F \sand, grains of sand; sandy land or desert; seashore; arena, place of contest;
ARENARIUS, ARENARIA, ARENARIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \of/pertaining to sand; or to the arena/amphitheater; (~ lapis => sandstone);
ARENARIA, ARENARIAE: N 1 1 F \sand-pit;
ARENARIUS, ARENARII: N 2 1 M \combatant in the arena, gladiator; teacher of mathematics (figures in sand);
ARENARIUM, ARENARII: N 2 2 N \sand-pit;
ARENATUS, ARENATA, ARENATUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \sanded, covered/mixed with sand;
ARENATUM, ARENATI: N 2 2 N \sand mortar;
ARENATIO, ARENATIONIS: N 3 1 F \sanding, plastering with sand; plastering, cementing;
ARENOSUS, ARENOSA, ARENOSUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \sandy, containing sand (ground); full of sand;
ARENOSUM, ARENOSI: N 2 2 N \sandy place (as opposed to muddy);
ARENS, (GEN.), ARENTIS: ADJ 3 1 POS \dry parched, waterless; dried (herbs); parching (thirst);
ARENULA, ARENULAE: N 1 1 F \fine sand; a grain of sand;
AREOLA, AREOLAE: N 1 1 F \open courtyard; garden plot, seed bed;
AREPENNIS, AREPENNIS: N 3 3 M \land measure (Gallic) equivalent to half a jugerum (=5/16 acre), arpent;
ARESCO, ARESCERE, ARUI, -: V 3 1 \become dry; dry up; wither (plants); run dry (streams);
ARETALOGUS, ARETALOGI: N 2 1 M \reciter/teller of fairy-tales/stories of the gods; prattler on virtue; boaster;
ARFACIO, ARFACERE, ARFECI, ARFACTUS: V 3 1 \dry up, wither up, break down; make dry, dry;
ARFERIA, ARFERIAE: N 1 1 F \water which was poured in offering to the dead?;
ARGEMON, ARGEMI: N 2 8 N \plant (Lappa canaria); small white spots (pl.) on the cornea of the eye;
ARGEMA, ARGEMATIS: N 3 2 N \small ulcer in the eye;
ARGEMONE, ARGEMONES: N 1 6 F \wind-rose plant (Papaver argemone); (inguinalis L+S);
ARGEMONIA, ARGEMONIAE: N 1 1 F \wind-rose plant (Papaver argemone); (inguinalis L+S);
ARGEMONION, ARGEMONII: N 2 8 N \plant (prob. Aster amellus);
ARGENNON, ARGENNI: N 2 8 N \brilliant white silver;
ARGENTUM, ARGENTI: N 2 2 N \silver; money, cash; silver-plate; (argentum vivum => quicksilver, mercury);
ARGENTARIUS, ARGENTARIA, ARGENTARIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \pertaining to silver or money, silver-; monetary, financial; banker's, banking-;
ARGENTARIA, ARGENTARIAE: N 1 1 F \bank; banking-house, banking business; silver-mine;
ARGENTARIUS, ARGENTARI(I): N 2 4 M \banker, financial agent; money changer;
ARGENTARIUM, ARGENTARI(I): N 2 4 N \silver-chest; store/box/vault for silver;
ARGENTATUS, ARGENTATA, ARGENTATUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \silvered, adorned with silver; concerned with money;
ARGENTEUS, ARGENTEA, ARGENTEUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \silver, silvery, of silver; made/ornamented with silver; of money; with money;
ARGENTEUS, ARGENTEI: N 2 1 M \a silver coin;
ARGENTIFODINA, ARGENTIFODINAE: N 1 1 F \silver mine (pl.), silver workings;
ARGENTOFODINA, ARGENTOFODINAE: N 1 1 F \silver mine (pl.), silver workings;
ARGENTOSUS, ARGENTOSA, ARGENTOSUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \containing silver; abounding in silver, full of silver (L+S);
ARGESTES, ARGESTAE: N 1 7 M \west-southwest wind (acc. to Vitruvius); west-northwest wind (Plinius);
ARGILLA, ARGILLAE: N 1 1 F \white clay, potter's earth/clay; clay;
ARGILLACEUS, ARGILLACEA, ARGILLACEUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \containing clay, argillaceous;
ARGILLOSUS, ARGILLOSA, ARGILLOSUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \full of/abounding in clay, clayey;
ARGIMONIA, ARGIMONIAE: N 1 1 F \wind-rose plant (Papaver argemone);
ARGITIS, (GEN.), ARGITIDIS: ADJ 3 1 POS \kind of white grapes;
ARGITIS, ARGITIDIS: N 3 1 F \kind of vine with clusters of white grapes;
ARGUO, ARGUERE, ARGUI, ARGUTUS: V 3 1 \prove, argue, allege; disclose; accuse, complain of, charge, blame, convict;
ARGUMENTUM, ARGUMENTI: N 2 2 N \proof; evidence, fact; argument; conclusion; reason, basis; subject/plot (play);
ARGUMENTUM, ARGUMENTI: N 2 2 N \|trick; token (Vulgate); riddle; dark speech;
ARGUMENTOR, ARGUMENTARI, -, ARGUMENTATUS SUM: V 1 1 \support/prove by argument, reason, discuss; draw a conclusion; proven (PASS);
ARGUMENTALITER: ADV POS \as a proof; by way of proof;
ARGUMENTATIO, ARGUMENTATIONIS: N 3 1 F \arguing, presentation of arguments; line of argument, particular proof;
ARGUMENTATIVUS, ARGUMENTATIVA, ARGUMENTATIVUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \argumentative; worthy of argument/discussion, sets out to prove something;
ARGUMENTATOR, ARGUMENTATORIS: N 3 1 M \he who brings forward/cites arguments/reasons/proofs, arguer, disputant;
ARGUMENTATRIX, ARGUMENTATRICIS: N 3 1 F \she who brings forward/cites arguments/reasons/proofs, arguer, disputant;
ARGUMENTOSUS, ARGUMENTOSA, ARGUMENTOSUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \abounding in subject matter/material; rich in proof;
ARGUTO, ARGUTARE, ARGUTAVI, ARGUTATUS: V 1 1 \babble, say childishly/foolishly;
ARGUTUS, ARGUTA -UM, ARGUTIOR -OR -US, ARGUTISSIMUS -A -UM: ADJ 1 1 X \melodious, clear (sounds), ringing; eloquent; wise, witty, cunning; talkative;
ARGUTOR, ARGUTARI, -, ARGUTATUS SUM: V 1 1 \chatter; prattle, babble; stamp (with feet) (L+S);
ARGUTATIO, ARGUTATIONIS: N 3 1 F \creaking, creak; rustling;
ARGUTATOR, ARGUTATORIS: N 3 1 M \one who uses over-smart arguments, wiseguy; sophist;
ARGUTATRIX, (GEN.), ARGUTATRICIS: ADJ 3 1 POS \garrulous, talkative (feminine adjective);
ARGUTATRIX, ARGUTATRICIS: N 3 1 F \garrulous/talkative woman;
ARGUTE, ARGUTIUS, ARGUTISSIME: ADV X \shrewdly, cleverly, artfully;
ARGUTIA, ARGUTIAE: N 1 1 F \clever use of words (pl.), verbal trickery, sophistry; wit, jesting; refinement;
ARGUTIOLA, ARGUTIOLAE: N 1 1 F \sophistry, verbal quibble;
ARGUTULUS, ARGUTULA, ARGUTULUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \clever/shrewd, acute, (somewhat) subtle; little noisy/talkative/loquacious (L+S)
ARGYROS, ARGYRI: N 2 6 F \plant (mercurialis);
ARGYRANCHE, ARGYRANCHES: N 1 6 F \inability to speak due to bribery; "the silver quinsy" (L+S);
ARGYRASPIS, (GEN.), ARGYRASPIDIS: ADJ 3 1 POS \having silver shields (corps in army of Alexander/successors, Silver Shields);
ARGYRASPIS, ARGYRASPIDIS: N 3 1 M \corps (pl.) in army of Alexander and successors, Silver Shields;
ARGYRITIS, ARGYRITIDIS: N 3 1 F \kind of litharge (lead oxide, PbO, formed when air hits melted lead) (refining);
ARGYROCORINTHUS, ARGYROCORINTHA, ARGYROCORINTHUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \of the silver colored, Corinthian bronze;
ARGYRODAMAS, ARGYRODAMANTIS: N 3 1 M \silver-colored stone (similar to diamond L+S);
ARHYTHMUS, ARHYTHMA, ARHYTHMUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \of unequal measure; inharmonious;
ARHYTHMATUS, ARHYTHMATA, ARHYTHMATUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \of unequal measure; inharmonious;
ARIA, ARIAE: N 1 1 F \open space; park, playground; plot; threshing floor; courtyard; site; bald spot;
ARIANIS, ARIANIDIS: N 3 1 F \plant growing wild in Ariana (western Persia);
ARICOLOR, ARICOLARI, -, ARICOLATUS SUM: V 1 1 \speak by divine inspiration or with second sight, prophesy, divine; (facetious?)
ARIDUM, ARIDI: N 2 2 N \dry land; a dry place; dry surface;
ARIDUS, ARIDA -UM, ARIDIOR -OR -US, ARIDISSIMUS -A -UM: ADJ 1 1 X \dry, arid, parched; water/rain-less; used dry, dried; thirsty; poor; shriveled;
ARIDE: ADV POS \dryly, austerely, without embellishment;
ARIDITAS, ARIDITATIS: N 3 1 F \dryness; drought; scanty food; anything (pl.) dry/withered/parched;
ARIDULUS, ARIDULA, ARIDULUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \dry, parched (somewhat);
ARIEL, UNDECLINED: N 9 9 N \altar, fire-altar, fire-hearth of God; (Ezekiel 43:15); name = lion of God;
ARIERA, ARIERAE: N 1 1 F \banana; fruit of the Indian tree;
ARIES, ARIETIS: N 3 1 M \ram (sheep); battering ram; the Ram (zodiac); large unidentified marine animal;
ARIETO, ARIETARE, ARIETAVI, ARIETATUS: V 1 1 \butt like a ram, batter/buffet, harass; strike violently; collide; stumble/trip;
ARIETARIUS, ARIETARIA, ARIETARIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \of/for a battering ram;
ARIETATIO, ARIETATIONIS: N 3 1 F \collision; butting like a ram;
ARIETILLUS, ARIETILLA, ARIETILLUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \like a ram, shameless; a variety of chick-pea;
ARIETINUS, ARIETINA, ARIETINUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \of/from a ram, ram's; a variety of chick-pea;
ARIFICUS, ARIFICA, ARIFICUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \drying, making dry;
ARILATOR, ARILATORIS: N 3 1 M \broker, dealer; huckster, haggler, bargainer;
ARILLATOR, ARILLATORIS: N 3 1 M \broker, dealer; huckster, haggler, bargainer;
ARINCA, ARINCAE: N 1 1 F \kind of grain (olyra - which resembles spelt L+S);
ARIOLA, ARIOLAE: N 1 1 F \open courtyard; garden plot, seed bed;
ARIOLUS, ARIOLI: N 2 1 M \diviner; seer;
ARIOLO, ARIOLARE, ARIOLAVI, ARIOLATUS: V 1 1 \divine; foretell, prophesy; use divination;
ARIOVISTUS, ARIOVISTI: N 2 1 M \Ariovistus, king of a German tribe - in Caesar's "Gallic War";
ARIS, ARIDIS: N 3 1 F \plant resembling arum; dragon-root, green dragon (L+S);
ARISTA, ARISTAE: N 1 1 F \awn, beard of an ear of grain; ear of grain; grain crop; harvest;
ARISTE, ARISTES: N 1 6 F \precious stone (encardia/unknown stone with figure of a heart);
ARISTATUS, ARISTATA, ARISTATUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \having an awn or beard (of an ear of grain);
ARISTEREON, ARISTEREONIS: N 3 1 F \variety of vervain;
ARISTIFER, ARISTIFERA, ARISTIFERUM: ADJ 1 2 POS \bearing ears of grain, ear-bearing; epithet of Ceres as goddess of grain;
ARISTIGER, ARISTIGERA, ARISTIGERUM: ADJ 1 2 POS \bearing ears of grain, ear-bearing; epithet of Ceres as goddess of grain;
ARISTIS, ARISTIDIS: N 3 1 F \a vegetable; green vegetable; vegetables (usu. pl.), pot-herbs;
ARISTOLOCHIA, ARISTOLOCHIAE: N 1 1 F \genus of medicinal plant useful in childbirth; aristolchia, birthwort;
ARISTOLOCIA, ARISTOLOCIAE: N 1 1 F \genus of medicinal plant useful in childbirth; aristolchia, birthwort;
ARISTOSUS, ARISTOSA, ARISTOSUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \covered with beards/awns;
ARITHMUS, ARITHMI: N 2 1 M \another name for the fourth book of the Bible, Numbers;
ARITHMETICA, ARITHMETICAE: N 1 1 F \arithmetic, the science of arithmetic;
ARITHMETICE, ARITHMETICES: N 1 6 F \arithmetic, the science of arithmetic;
ARITHMETICUM, ARITHMETICI: N 2 2 N \arithmetic/the science of arithmetic (pl.);
ARITUDO, ARITUDINIS: N 3 1 F \drought; dryness;
ARMUS, ARMI: N 2 1 M \forequarter (of an animal), shoulder; upper arm; side, flank; shoulder cut meat;
ARMUM, ARMI: N 2 2 N \arms (pl.), weapons, armor, shield; close fighting weapons; equipment; force;
ARMO, ARMARE, ARMAVI, ARMATUS: V 1 1 \equip, fit with armor; arm; strengthen; rouse, stir; incite war; rig (a ship);
ARMAMAXA, ARMAMAXAE: N 1 1 F \kind of covered wagon used by the Persians;
ARMAMENTUM, ARMAMENTI: N 2 2 N \equipment (pl.), rigging/sailing gear (of a ship); implements, utensils;
ARMAMENTARIUS, ARMAMENTARIA, ARMAMENTARIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \of/concerned with armaments or military equipment;
ARMAMENTARIUM, ARMAMENTARI(I): N 2 4 N \arsenal, armory; dockyard; storehouse for military equipment;
ARMARIUM, ARMARI(I): N 2 4 N \cabinet, closet, cupboard; chest, safe; book-case; sepulchral monument;
ARMARIOLUM, ARMARIOLI: N 2 2 N \little chest/casket, small cabinet; bookcase;
ARMATUS, ARMATI: N 2 1 M \armed man (usu. pl.), soldier;
ARMATUS, ARMATUS: N 4 1 M \type of arms/equipment, armor; (gravis armatus => heavy-armed troops);
ARMATUS, ARMATA -UM, ARMATIOR -OR -US, ARMATISSIMUS -A -UM: ADJ 1 1 X \armed, equipped; defensively armed, armor clad; fortified; of the use of arms;
ARMATURA, ARMATURAE: N 1 1 F \equipment, armor (levis ~ pedites => light infantry); troop (of gladiators);
ARMENIUS, ARMENIA, ARMENIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \Armenian; (~ prunum => apricot);
ARMENIA, ARMENIAE: N 1 1 F \Armenia; (country lying north of Persia);
ARMENTA, ARMENTAE: N 1 1 F \herd (of cattle); a head of cattle, individual bull/horse; cattle/horses (pl.);
ARMENTUM, ARMENTI: N 2 2 N \herd (of cattle); a head of cattle, individual bull/horse; cattle/horses (pl.);
ARMENTALIS, ARMENTALIS, ARMENTALE: ADJ 3 2 POS \of cattle, connected with herd/herds; rustic, bucolic;
ARMENTARIUS, ARMENTARIA, ARMENTARIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \that has charge of a herd;
ARMENTARIUS, ARMENTARI(I): N 2 4 M \herdsman, cowboy;
ARMENTICIUS, ARMENTICIA, ARMENTICIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \consisting of cattle, bovine;
ARMENTIVUS, ARMENTIVA, ARMENTIVUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \kept in herds; pertaining to a herd;
ARMICLAUSA, ARMICLAUSAE: N 1 1 F \military upper garment;
ARMICUSTOS, ARMICUSTODIS: N 3 1 M \armorer, keeper of arms;
ARMIDOCTOR, ARMIDOCTORIS: N 3 1 M \teacher of the use of arms;
ARMIFER, ARMIFERA, ARMIFERUM: ADJ 1 2 POS \bearing arms, armed; warlike, martial, of war/fighting; producing armed men;
ARMIGER, ARMIGERA, ARMIGERUM: ADJ 1 2 POS \bearing arms, armed; warlike, martial, of war/fighting; producing armed men;
ARMIGERA, ARMIGERAE: N 1 1 F \armor bearer (F); squire; (Iovis armigera => Jove's armor-bearer = the eagle);
ARMIGER, ARMIGERI: N 2 3 M \armor bearer; squire; (Iovis armiger => Jupiter's armor-bearer = the eagle);
ARMILAUSA, ARMILAUSAE: N 1 1 F \military upper garment;
ARMILLA, ARMILLAE: N 1 1 F \bracelet, armlet, arm-band; metal hoop, ring, washer, socket;
ARMILLUM, ARMILLI: N 2 2 N \wine jar; (ad ~ redire => fall back into bad habits, get up to old tricks);
ARMILLATUS, ARMILLATA, ARMILLATUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \wearing bracelets; wearing collars (dogs);
ARMILUSTRIUM, ARMILUSTRI(I): N 2 4 N \ceremony of purifying arms; place on Aventine Hill where performed;
ARMIPOTENS, (GEN.), ARMIPOTENTIS: ADJ 3 1 POS \powerful/strong in arms/war, valiant, warlike;
ARMIPOTENTIA, ARMIPOTENTIAE: N 1 1 F \power in arms/war;
ARMISONUS, ARMISONA, ARMISONUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \resounding with the clash of arms, with ringing/rattling armor;
ARMITA, ARMITAE: N 1 1 F \a virgin sacrificing with the lappet of her toga thrown back over her shoulder;
ARMORACEA, ARMORACEAE: N 1 1 F \wild radish;
ARMORACIA, ARMORACIAE: N 1 1 F \wild radish;
ARMORACIUM, ARMORACII: N 2 2 N \wild radish;
ARNA, ARNAE: N 1 1 F \a lamb;
ARNUS, ARNI: N 2 1 M \a lamb;
ARNACIS, ARNACIDIS: N 3 1 F \garment for maidens; coat of sheepskin;
ARNOGLOSSA, ARNOGLOSSAE: N 1 1 F \plant, sheep's-tongue/plantain (Plantago major);
AROMA, AROMATIS: N 3 2 N \spice, aromatic substance; sweet odors (Bee);
AROMATARIUS, AROMATARII: N 2 1 M \dealer in spices;
AROMATICUS, AROMATICA, AROMATICUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \composed of spice(s); aromatic, fragrant;
AROMATICUM, AROMATICI: N 2 2 N \aromatic ointment;
AROMATITES, AROMATITAE: N 1 7 M \spiced/aromatic wine; aromatic stone/amber (smell + color of myrrh) (L+S);
AROMATITIS, AROMATITIDIS: N 3 1 F \aromatic stone, amber;
ARPASTON, ARPASTI: N 2 8 N \kind of eye-salve;
ARQUUS, ARQUUS: N 4 1 M \bow, arc, coil, arch; rainbow; anything arched or curved;
ARQUATUS, ARQUATA, ARQUATUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \arched, bow-shaped; carried on/supported by arches; covered, hooded (carriage);
ARQUATUS, ARQUATA, ARQUATUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \rainbow colored, jaundiced; (morbus ~ => jaundice/the rainbow colored disease);
ARQUATUS, ARQUATI: N 2 1 M \one having jaundice/the rainbow colored disease;
ARQUATURA, ARQUATURAE: N 1 1 F \structure consisting of arches (pl.), arcade;
ARQUIPOTENS, (GEN.), ARQUIPOTENTIS: ADJ 3 1 POS \mighty with the bow (Apollo);
ARQUITENENS, (GEN.), ARQUITENENTIS: ADJ 3 1 POS \carries/holding a bow (epithet of Apollo/Artimis), (constellation) the Archer;
ARQUITENENS, ARQUITENENTIS: N 3 3 M \Apollo (who carries a bow), (constellation) Sagittarius, the Archer;
ARQUITIS, ARQUITIS: N 3 3 M \bowmen (pl.), archers;
ARRA, ARRAE: N 1 1 F \token payment on account, earnest money, deposit, pledge; (also of love);
ARRABO, ARRABONIS: N 3 1 F \token payment on account, earnest money, deposit, pledge; (also of love);
ARRADO, ARRADARE, ARRASI, ARRASUS: V 1 1 \shave close; scrape, pare, trim; fleece;
ARRALIS, ARRALIS, ARRALE: ADJ 3 2 POS \of a pledge/security;
ARRECTUS, ARRECTA -UM, ARRECTIOR -OR -US, ARRECTISSIMUS -A -UM: ADJ 1 1 X \erect, perpendicular, upright, standing; steep, precipitous; excited, eager;
ARRECTARIUS, ARRECTARIA, ARRECTARIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \erect, in an erect position, perpendicular;
ARRECTARIUM, ARRECTARI(I): N 2 4 N \vertical post, upright;
ARRENICUM, ARRENICI: N 2 2 N \yellow arsenic, orpiment (arsenic trisulphide);
ARREPO, ARREPERE, ARREPSI, ARREPTUS: V 3 1 \creep/move stealthily towards, steal up; feel one's way, worm one's way (trust);
ARREPTIUS, ARREPTIA, ARREPTIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \seized (in mind), inspired; raving, delirious;
ARREPTICIUS, ARREPTICIA, ARREPTICIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \seized (in mind), inspired; raving, delirious;
ARRHA, ARRHAE: N 1 1 F \token payment on account, earnest money, deposit, pledge; (also of love);
ARRHABO, ARRHABONIS: N 3 1 F \token payment on account, earnest money, deposit, pledge; (also of love);
ARRHALIS, ARRHALIS, ARRHALE: ADJ 3 2 POS \of a pledge/security;
ARRHENICUM, ARRHENICI: N 2 2 N \yellow arsenic, orpiment (arsenic trisulphide);
ARRHENOGONOS, ARRHENOGONOS, -: ADJ 2 6 POS \of a species of plant (crataegis) that when taken promotes male children;
-, -, ARRHENOGONON: ADJ 2 8 POS \of a species of plant (crataegis) that when taken promotes male children;
ARRHETOS, ARRHETI: N 2 6 M \one of the Aeons of Valentinus;
ARRIDEO, ARRIDERE, ARRISI, ARRISUS: V 2 1 \smile at/upon; please, be pleasing/satisfactory (to); be/seem familiar (to);
ARRIGO, ARRIGERE, ARREXI, ARRECTUS: V 3 1 \set upright, tilt upwards, stand on end, raise; become sexually excited/aroused;
ARRIGO, ARRIGARE, ARRIGAVI, ARRIGATUS: V 1 1 \water (plants), moisten the soil around;
ARRIPIO, ARRIPERE, ARRIPUI, ARREPTUS: V 3 1 \take hold of; seize (hand/tooth/claw), snatch; arrest; assail; pick up, absorb;
ARRISIO, ARRISIONIS: N 3 1 F \smile of approval; action of smiling (at/on);
ARRISOR, ARRISORIS: N 3 1 M \one who smiles (at a person), smiler; flatterer, fawner (L+S);
ARRODO, ARRODERE, ARROSI, ARROSUS: V 3 1 \gnaw/nibble (away part); erode, eat away(disease/chemicals). wash away (water);
ARROGO, ARROGARE, ARROGAVI, ARROGATUS: V 1 1 \ask, question; arrogate to one's self, claim, make undue claim; confer (upon);
ARROGO, ARROGARE, ARROGAVI, ARROGATUS: V 1 1 \|adopt (an adult) as one's son (esp. at his instance);
ARROGANS, (GEN.), ARROGANTIS: ADJ 3 1 POS \arrogant, insolent, overbearing; conceited; presumptuous, assuming;
ARROGANTER, ARROGENTIUS, ARROGENTISSIME: ADV X \insolently, arrogantly, haughtily; presumptuously; in a conceited manner;
ARROGANTIA, ARROGANTIAE: N 1 1 F \insolence, arrogance, conceit, haughtiness; presumption;
ARROGATIO, ARROGATIONIS: N 3 1 F \act of adopting a adult as son homo sui juris (vs. in potestate parentis);
ARROGATOR, ARROGATORIS: N 3 1 M \one who adopts a adult as son by arrogatio (homo sui juris);
ARROSOR, ARROSORIS: N 3 1 M \one who nibbles/gnaws at;
ARROTANS, (GEN.), ARROTANTIS: ADJ 3 1 POS \in a winding/circular motion, turning; wavering;
ARRUO, ARRUERE, ARRUI, ARRUTUS: V 3 1 \heap up (earth); cover (with earth), bury;
ARRUGIA, ARRUGIAE: N 1 1 F \kind of galleried mine;
ARS, ARTIS: N 3 3 F \skill/craft/art; trick, wile; science, knowledge; method, way; character (pl.);
ARSELLA, ARSELLAE: N 1 1 F \plant (also called argemonia);
ARSEN, ARSENOS/IS: N 3 7 M \male (plant);
ARSENICUM, ARSENICI: N 2 2 N \yellow arsenic, orpiment (arsenic trisulphide);
ARSENICON, ARSENICI: N 2 8 N \yellow arsenic, orpiment (arsenic trisulphide);
ARSENOGONON, ARSENOGONI: N 2 8 N \plant (of the genus Mercurialis?);
ARSINEUM, ARSINEI: N 2 2 N \kind of head-dress; (woman's L+S);
ARSIS, ARSIS: N 3 3 F \metrical term indicating the raising of voice on an emphatic syllable;
ARTUM, ARTI: N 2 2 N \narrow/limited space/limits/scope/sphere; dangerous situation, short supply;
ARTUS, ARTUS: N 4 1 M \arm/leg/limb, joint, part of the body; frame (pl.), body; sexual members/organs;
ARTO, ARTARE, ARTAVI, ARTATUS: V 1 1 \wedge in, fit/close firmly, tighten; compress, abridge; pack, limit, cramp;
ARTUS, ARTA -UM, ARTIOR -OR -US, ARTISSIMUS -A -UM: ADJ 1 1 X \close, firm, tight; thrifty; dense, narrow; strict; scarce, critical; brief;
ARTABA, ARTABAE: N 1 1 F \Egyptian dry measure (= 3.5 Roman modii);
ARTAENA, ARTAENAE: N 1 1 F \ladle; vessel for taking up liquids (L+S);
ARTATUS, ARTATA, ARTATUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \contracted into a small space; narrow, close; short (time);
ARTE, ARTIUS, ARTISSIME: ADV X \closely/tightly (bound/filled/holding); briefly, in a confined space, compactly;
ARTEMISIA, ARTEMISIAE: N 1 1 F \species of Artemisia, wormwood, mugwort; similar plants, ambrosia, botrys;
ARTEMON, ARTEMONIS: N 3 1 M \main block of a tackle; jib/foresail; top-sail (L+S);
ARTERIA, ARTERIAE: N 1 1 F \windpipe, trachea, breathing tubes/passages; artery; ureter/other ducts;
ARTERIUM, ARTERI(I): N 2 4 N \windpipe, trachea, breathing tubes/passages; artery; ureter/other ducts;
ARTERIACUS, ARTERIACA, ARTERIACUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \of/affecting the air passages/windpipe;
-, ARTERIACE, -: ADJ 1 6 POS \of/affecting the air passages/windpipe;
ARTERIACE, ARTERIACES: N 1 6 F \medicine for the air passages/windpipe;
ARTERIOTOMIA, ARTERIOTOMIAE: N 1 1 F \opening/incision in an artery/windpipe;
ARTHRITICUS, ARTHRITICA, ARTHRITICUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \gouty; arthritic; affected with rheumatism;
ARTHRITIS, ARTHRITIDIS: N 3 1 F \lameness in the joints; arthritis; gout;
ARTIO, ARTIRE, ARTIVI, -: V 3 4 \insert tightly, wedge; be a tight fit, crowd;
ARTIUS, ARTIA, ARTIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \sound in mind and body; complete, perfect; skilled in arts; artful, cunning;
ARTICLUS, ARTICLI: N 2 1 M \joint; portion of limb/finger between joints; part; (critical) moment; crisis;
ARTICULUS, ARTICULI: N 2 1 M \joint; portion of limb/finger between joints; part; (critical) moment; crisis;
ARTICULUS, ARTICULI: N 2 1 M \point of time; (Vulgate);
ARTICULO, ARTICULARE, ARTICULAVI, ARTICULATUS: V 1 1 \divide into distinct parts, articulate;
ARTICULAMENTUM, ARTICULAMENTI: N 2 2 N \joint of the body;
ARTICULARIS, ARTICULARIS, ARTICULARE: ADJ 3 2 POS \of/affecting the joints; arthritis, rheumatism;
ARTICULARIUS, ARTICULARIA, ARTICULARIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \of/affecting the joints; arthritis, rheumatism;
ARTICULATUS, ARTICULATA, ARTICULATUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \distinct; (furnished with joints);
ARTICULATE: ADV POS \distinctly;
ARTICULATIM: ADV POS \limb-by-limb, limb-from-limb; syllable-by-syllable; point-by-point, in detail;
ARTICULATIO, ARTICULATIONIS: N 3 1 F \jointed structure, division into joints; disease of the joints of vines;
ARTICULOSUS, ARTICULOSA, ARTICULOSUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \full of joints, jointed; subdivided;
ARTIFEX, (GEN.), ARTIFICIS: ADJ 3 1 POS \skilled, artistic; expert, practiced; cunning, artful; creative, productive;
ARTIFEX, ARTIFICIS: N 3 1 C \artist, actor; craftsman; master of an art; author, maker; mastermind, schemer;
ARTIFICIUM, ARTIFICI(I): N 2 4 N \art, craft, trade; skill, talent, craftsmanship; work of art; method; trick;
ARTIFICIALIS, ARTIFICIALIS, ARTIFICIALE: ADJ 3 2 POS \furnished/contrived by art; devised by speaker (based on deduction);
ARTIFICIALE, ARTIFICIALIS: N 3 4 N \technicalities (pl.); things conformable to the rules of the art;
ARTIFICIALITER: ADV POS \with trained skill, scientifically;
ARTIFICIOSUS, ARTIFICIOSA -UM, ARTIFICIOSIOR -OR -US, ARTIFICIOSISSIMUS -A -UM: ADJ 1 1 X \skillfully; technical, by the rules, prescribed by art; artificial, unnatural;
ARTIFICIOSE, ARTIFICIOSIUS, ARTIFICIOSISSIME: ADV X \skillfully; artistically; systematically, technically, by rules; artificially;
ARTOCREAS, ARTOCRATOS/IS: N 3 7 N \bread and meat distributed free; meat pie (L+S);
ARTOCRIAS, ARTOCRIOS/IS: N 3 7 N \bread and meat distributed free;
ARTOLAGANUS, ARTOLAGANI: N 2 1 M \kind of fatty cake; (made of meal, wine, milk, oil, lard, pepper L+S);
ARTOPTA, ARTOPTAE: N 1 1 F \bread pan;
ARTOPTA, ARTOPTAE: N 1 1 M \baker;
ARTOPTICIUS, ARTOPTICIA, ARTOPTICIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \baked in a pan/tin (bread);
ARTRO, ARTRARE, ARTRAVI, ARTRATUS: V 1 1 \plow in young grain to improve the yield;
ARTRO, ARTRARE, ARTRAVI, ARTRATUS: V 1 1 \plow (in young grain to improve the yield), plow (after sowing);
ARTUATUS, ARTUATA, ARTUATUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \torn in/to pieces;
ARTUATIM: ADV POS \limb-by-limb; limb-from-limb;
ARTUFEX, ARTUFICIS: N 3 1 C \artist, actor; craftsman; master of an art; author, maker; mastermind, schemer;
ARTUTUS, ARTUTA, ARTUTUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \hefty, large-limbed (?);
ARULA, ARULAE: N 1 1 F \small altar; base of an altar; turf laid like an altar round base of a tree;
ARUNCUS, ARUNCI: N 2 1 M \goat's beard;
ARUNDINEUS, ARUNDINEA, ARUNDINEUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \of reeds; reedy; made of a reed; consisting of reeds;
ARUNDO, ARUNDINIS: N 3 1 F \reed; fishing rod; arrowshaft; arrow; pen; shepherd's pipe;
ARURA, ARURAE: N 1 1 F \field, grain-field;
ARUSPEX, ARUSPICIS: N 3 1 M \soothsayer, diviner, inspector of entrails of victims; prophet;
ARUTAENA, ARUTAENAE: N 1 1 F \ladle; vessel for taking up liquids (L+S);
ARVUS, ARVA, ARVUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \arable (land); cultivated, plowed;
ARVA, ARVAE: N 1 1 F \arable land, plowed field; soil, region; countryside; dry land; lowlands, plain;
ARVUM, ARVI: N 2 2 N \arable land/field, soil, region; country; dry land; stretch of plain;
ARVALIS, ARVALIS, ARVALE: ADJ 3 2 POS \of cultivated land; (frater ~ => priest who made offering to Lares for harvest);
ARVEHO, ARVEHERE, ARVEXI, ARVECTUS: V 3 1 \carry, bring, convey (to); (advehor, arrive by travel, ride to;
ARVERNUS, ARVERNI: N 2 1 M \Arverni (pl.), a people of SE Gaul - in Caesar's "Gallic War";
ARVIGA, ARVIGAE: N 1 1 F \ram for offering/sacrifice;
ARVINA, ARVINAE: N 1 1 F \fat, lard, suet, grease; (esp. of victim of a sacrifice L+S);
ARVINA, ARVINAE: N 1 1 F \little/small fat/suet; (on kidneys of victim of a sacrifice);
ARVIX, ARVIGIS: N 3 1 F \ram for offering/sacrifice;
ARX, ARCIS: N 3 3 F \citadel, stronghold, city; height, hilltop; Capitoline hill; defense, refuge;
ARYTAENA, ARYTAENAE: N 1 1 F \ladle; vessel for taking up liquids (L+S);
ASA, ASAE: N 1 1 F \altar, structure for sacrifice, pyre; sanctuary; home; refuge, shelter;
AS, ASSIS: N 3 3 M \penny, copper coin; a pound; one, whole, unit; circular flap/valve; round slice;
ASARUM, ASARI: N 2 2 N \asarabacca or hazelwort (Asarum europeaum); wild-spikenard (L+S);
ASAROTUS, ASAROTA, ASAROTUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \of/pertaining to mosaic;
ASAROTOS, ASAROTOS, -: ADJ 2 6 POS \unswept; paved in mosaic to imitate refuse from the table (of a room);
-, -, ASAROTON: ADJ 2 8 POS \unswept; paved in mosaic to imitate refuse from the table (of a room);
ASAROTUM, ASAROTI: N 2 2 N \floor laid/paved in mosaic; (imitating refuse from the table OLD);
ASBESTOS, ASBESTI: N 2 6 M \a mineral or gem; iron-gray stoner from Arcadia (not common asbestos) (L+S);
ASBESTINON, ASBESTINI: N 2 8 N \a noncombustible material/cloth; (asbestos?);
ASCALABOTES, ASCALABOTAE: N 1 7 M \lizard (stellio in pure Latin) (Lacerta gecko);
ASCALIA, ASCALIAE: N 1 1 F \edible base of the artichoke;
ASCALPO, ASCALPERE, -, -: V 3 1 \scratch; scratch at;
ASCAULES, ASCAULIS: N 3 3 M \bagpiper (utricularius in pure Latin L+S);
ASCEA, ASCEAE: N 1 1 F \carpenter's axe; mason's trowel (sub ~ => under the trowel = in construction;
ASCELLA, ASCELLAE: N 1 1 F \wing/penion; armpit; upper arm/foreleg/fin;
ASCENDO, ASCENDERE, ASCENDI, ASCENSUS: V 3 1 \climb; go/climb up; mount, scale; mount up, embark; rise, ascend, move upward;
ASCENDES, (GEN.), ASCENDENTIS: ADJ 3 1 POS \of/for climbing (machine); enabling one to climb;
ASCENDIBILIS, ASCENDIBILIS, ASCENDIBILE: ADJ 3 2 POS \climbable, that can be climbed;
ASCENSUS, ASCENSUS: N 4 1 M \ascent; act of scaling (walls); approach; a stage/step in advancement; height;
ASCENSIO, ASCENSIONIS: N 3 1 F \ascent; progress, advancement; rising series/flight of stairs; soaring;
ASCENSOR, ASCENSORIS: N 3 1 M \one who ascends/rises; one who mounts a horse/chariot, rider, charioteer;
ASCETERIUM, ASCETERII: N 2 2 N \place for the abode of ascetics (pl.); hermitage;
ASCETRIA, ASCETRIAE: N 1 1 F \women (pl.) who have taken vows; ascetics (female);
ASCIO, ASCIRE, -, -: V 3 4 \take to/up; associate, admit; adopt as one's own; take upon (General's) staff;
ASCIUS, ASCIA, ASCIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \shadowless; (said of countries near the equator L+S);
ASCIA, ASCIAE: N 1 1 F \carpenter's axe; mason's trowel (sub ~ => under the trowel = in construction);
ASCIO, ASCIARE, -, -: V 1 1 \chop/slice with a trowel;
ASCISCO, ASCISCERE, ASCIVI, ASCITUS: V 3 1 \adopt, assume; receive, admit, approve of, associate; take over, claim;
ASCITUS, ASCITA, ASCITUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \derived, assumed; foreign;
ASCITES, ASCITAE: N 1 7 M \kind of dropsy;
ASCITUS, ASCITUS: N 4 1 M \acceptance, reception;
ASCLEPION, ASCLEPII: N 2 8 N \medicinal herb (named after Aesculapius);
ASCLEPIAS, ASCLEPIADIS: N 3 1 F \swallow-wort? (Vincetoxicum officinale);
ASCOPA, ASCOPAE: N 1 1 F \leather bag, wallet;
ASCOPERA, ASCOPERAE: N 1 1 F \leather bag/sack;
ASCRIBO, ASCRIBERE, ASCRIPSI, ASCRIPTUS: V 3 1 \add/state in writing, insert; appoint; enroll, enfranchise; reckon, number;
ASCRIPTICIUS, ASCRIPTICIA, ASCRIPTICIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \enrolled in addition (as citizen/soldier);
ASCRIPTIO, ASCRIPTIONIS: N 3 1 F \addendum, addition in writing;
ASCRIPTIVUS, ASCRIPTIVA, ASCRIPTIVUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \enrolled in addition (as a soldier), supernumerary;
ASCRIPTOR, ASCRIPTORIS: N 3 1 M \seconder, supporter, countersigner, one adding name to document as approving;
ASCYRON, ASCYRI: N 2 8 N \St John's wort (Hypericum perforatum);
ASCYROIDES, ASCYRODIS: N 3 2 N \variety of St John's wort; (declension uncertain, even in the Greek);
ASELLA, ASELLAE: N 1 1 F \small/little she-ass;
ASELLUS, ASELLI: N 2 1 M \(small/young) ass, donkey; fish of the cod family, hake?; Asses/stars in Cancer;
ASELLULUS, ASELLULI: N 2 1 F \small/little young ass;
ASIA, ASIAE: N 1 1 F \Asia (Roman province formed from Pergamene); Asia Minor; the East;
ASIANUS, ASIANA, ASIANUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \Asian, of/from/belonging to Asia (Roman province)/Asia Minor/the East; florid;
ASIANUS, ASIANI: N 2 1 M \Asian, inhabitant of Asia (Roman province)/Asia Minor/the East; Easterner;
ASIATICUS, ASIATICA, ASIATICUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \Asiatic, of/connected with Asia/the East/Asia Minor; w/Asiatic/florid style;
ASILUS, ASILI: N 2 1 M \gadfly; horse-fly;
ASINUS, ASINA, ASINUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \of/connected with an ass/donkey, ass's; stupid, asinine;
ASINA, ASINAE: N 1 1 F \she-ass;
ASINUS, ASINI: N 2 1 M \ass, donkey; blockhead, fool, dolt;
ASINALIS, ASINALIS, ASINALE: ADJ 3 2 POS \of/pertaining to an ass; such as an ass is capable of; asinine, doltish, stupid;
ASINARIUS, ASINARIA, ASINARIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \of/connected to asses; (via asinaria => road SE of Rome); millstone (ass-driven)
ASINARIUS, ASINARI(I): N 2 4 M \ass-driver, donkey-man/boy; keeper of asses;
ASINASTRUS, ASINASTRA, ASINASTRUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \variety of fig (feminine adjective);
ASININUS, ASININA, ASININUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \of/produced by/foaled of an ass;
ASINUSCA, ASINUSCAE: N 1 1 F \inferior type of grape;
ASIO, ASIONIS: N 3 1 M \little horned owl;
ASOTUS, ASOTA, ASOTUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \debauched, dissipated, profligate;
ASOTUS, ASOTI: N 2 1 M \debaucher, dissolute man;
ASOTIA, ASOTIAE: N 1 1 F \dissipation, profligacy. dissolution; sensuality;
ASPALATUS, ASPALATI: N 2 1 M \thorny shrub from which fragrant oil was obtained; camel thorn (Vulgate);
ASPALATHUS, ASPALATHI: N 2 1 M \thorny shrub from which fragrant oil was obtained; camel thorn (Vulgate);
ASPALATHOS, ASPALATHI: N 2 6 M \thorny shrub from which fragrant oil was obtained; camel thorn (Vulgate);
ASPALAX, ASPALACIS: N 3 1 M \herb (unknown);
ASPALTUS, ASPALTI: N 2 1 M \thorny shrub from which fragrant oil was obtained; camel thorn (Vulgate);
ASPARAGUS, ASPARAGI: N 2 1 M \asparagus; shoot/sprout like asparagus; (~ Gallicus => samphire/garden fennel);
ASPARGO, ASPARGERE, ASPARSI, ASPARSUS: V 3 1 \sprinkle/strew on, splatter, splash; defile, stain; cast (slur); inflict (harm);
ASPARGO, ASPARGINIS: N 3 1 F \spray, sprinkling/scattering; moisture in form of drops; water damage; staining;
ASPECTUS, ASPECTUS: N 4 1 M \appearance, aspect, mien; act of looking; sight, vision; glance, view; horizon;
ASPECTO, ASPECTARE, ASPECTAVI, ASPECTATUS: V 1 1 \look/gaze at/upon; observe, watch; pay heed; face/look towards (place/person);
ASPECTABILIS, ASPECTABILE, ASPECTABILIOR -OR -US, ASPECTABILISSIMUS -A -UM: ADJ 3 2 X \visible, able to be seen; worthy to be seen, pleasing to look at;
ASPECTIO, ASPECTIONIS: N 3 1 F \the right of watching for/observing auguries;
ASPELLO, ASPELLERE, -, -: V 3 1 \drive away; banish;
ASPENDIOS, ASPENDII: N 2 6 M \kind of vine;
ASPERUM, ASPERI: N 2 2 N \uneven/rough/harsh place/land; adversity, difficulties (esp. pl.);
ASPERO, ASPERARE, ASPERAVI, ASPERATUS: V 1 1 \roughen; sharpen, point, tip; enrage, make fierce/violent; grate on; aggravate;
ASPER, ASPERA -UM, ASPERIOR -OR -US, ASPERRIMUS -A -UM: ADJ 1 2 X \rude/unrefined; cruel/violent/savage/raging/drastic; stern/severe/bitter; hard;
ASPER, ASPERA -UM, ASPERIOR -OR -US, ASPERRIMUS -A -UM: ADJ 1 2 X \|rough/uneven/shaggy, coarse, harsh; embossed/encrusted; (mint condition coins);
ASPER, ASPERA -UM, ASPERIOR -OR -US, ASPERRIMUS -A -UM: ADJ 1 2 X \|sharp/pointed, jagged/irregular, rugged/severe; sour, pungent, grating, keen;
ASPER, ASPRA -UM, ASPRIOR -OR -US, ASPRISSIMUS -A -UM: ADJ 1 2 X \rough/uneven, coarse/harsh; sharp/pointed; rude; savage; pungent; keen; bitter;
ASPERE, ASPERIUS, ASPERRIME: ADV X \roughly, harshly, severely, vehemently; with rough materials; coarsely;
ASPERGO, ASPERGERE, ASPERSI, ASPERSUS: V 3 1 \sprinkle/strew on, splatter, splash; defile, stain; cast (slur); inflict (harm);
ASPERGO, ASPERGINIS: N 3 1 F \spray, sprinkling/scattering; moisture in form of drops; water damage; staining;
ASPERITAS, ASPERITATIS: N 3 1 F \roughness; severity; difficulty; harshness; shrillness, sharpness; fierceness;
ASPERITER: ADV POS \by rough materials/harsh sound; coarsely/roughly; harshly/severely; drastically;
ASPERNOR, ASPERNARI, -, ASPERNATUS SUM: V 1 1 \despise, scorn, disdain; spurn, push away, repel, reject; refuse, decline;
ASPERNALILIS, ASPERNALILIS, ASPERNALILE: ADJ 3 2 POS \contemptible, negligible; worthy to be disdained, such as might be disdained;
ASPERNAMENTUM, ASPERNAMENTI: N 2 2 N \despising, loathing, hatred;
ASPERNATIO, ASPERNATIONIS: N 3 1 F \contempt; spurning; rejection of; aversion to;
ASPERNATOR, ASPERNATORIS: N 3 1 M \despiser, hater; scorner;
ASPERSUS, ASPERSUS: N 4 1 M \sprinkling on/upon; sprinkle;
ASPERSIO, ASPERSIONIS: N 3 1 F \sprinkling on/upon; sprinkle;
ASPERUGO, ASPERUGINIS: N 3 1 F \plant (with prickly leaves); kind of bur;
ASPHALTION, ASPHALTII: N 2 8 N \treacle clover (Psoralea bituminosa);
ASPHARAGUS, ASPHARAGI: N 2 1 M \asparagus; shoot/sprout like asparagus; (~ Gallicus => samphire/garden fennel);
ASPHODELUS, ASPHODELI: N 2 1 M \asphodel (Asphodelus ramosus);
ASPHODELUM, ASPHODELI: N 2 2 N \asphodel (Asphodelus ramosus);
ASPICIO, ASPICERE, ASPEXI, ASPECTUS: V 3 1 \look/gaze on/at, see, observe, behold, regard; face; consider, contemplate;
ASPILATES, ASPILATAE: N 1 7 M \precious stone of Arabia;
ASPIRO, ASPIRARE, ASPIRAVI, ASPIRATUS: V 1 1 \breathe/blow (upon); aspirate; instill, infuse; be fragrant; influence; aspire;
ASPIRAMEN, ASPIRAMINIS: N 3 2 N \breathing on, immission; insertion, introduction;
ASPIRATIO, ASPIRATIONIS: N 3 1 F \exhalation; blowing on; aspiration; sounding an 'h';
ASPIRATOR, ASPIRATORIS: N 3 1 M \inciter; inspirer;
ASPIS, ASPIDIS: N 3 1 F \asp, venomous snake of North Africa;
ASPIS, ASPIDOS/IS: N 3 7 F \asp, venomous snake of North Africa;
ASPISATIS, ASPISATIS: N 3 3 F \unknown precious stone;
ASPLENUM, ASPLENI: N 2 2 N \fern (Ceterach officinarum?); miltwort, spleenwort (L+S);
ASPLENOS, ASPLENI: N 2 6 F \fern (Ceterach officinarum?); miltwort, spleenwort (L+S);
ASPLENON, ASPLENI: N 2 8 N \fern (Ceterach officinarum?); miltwort, spleenwort (L+S);
ASPORTO, ASPORTARE, ASPORTAVI, ASPORTATUS: V 1 1 \carry/take away, remove;
ASPORTATIO, ASPORTATIONIS: N 3 1 F \removal, carrying away;
ASPRATILIS, ASPRATILIS, ASPRATILE: ADJ 3 2 POS \rough (of a stone), with rough scales;
ASPREDO, ASPREDINIS: N 3 1 F \roughness;
ASPRETUM, ASPRETI: N 2 2 N \rough/broken/uneven ground;
ASPRITER: ADV POS \by rough materials/harsh sound; coarsely/roughly; harshly/severely; drastically;
ASPRITUDO, ASPRITUDINIS: N 3 1 F \roughness to touch, grittiness; unevenness (ground); (w/ocularum) trachoma;
ASPUO, ASPUERE, ASPUI, ASPUTUS: V 3 1 \spit (at/on);
ASSUM, ADESSE, AFFUI, AFFUTURUS: V 5 1 \be near, be present, be in attendance, arrive, appear; aid (w/DAT);
ASSUS, ASSA, ASSUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \roasted, baked; dry (from sunbathing); dry (w/o mortar); w/unaccompanied voice;
ASSA, ASSAE: N 1 1 F \dry-nurse, nurse, nanny;
ASSUM, ASSI: N 2 2 N \roast, roast/baked meat; sunning, basking/baking in sun;
ASSUM, ASSI: N 2 2 N \sudatorium (pl.), sweating-bath, sauna;
ASSO, ASSARE, ASSAVI, ASSATUS: V 1 1 \roast, bake, broil; dry;
ASSARIUS, ASSARIA, ASSARIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \roasted, browned (?); having the value/weight of an as (?);
ASSARIUS, ASSARI(I): N 2 4 M \an as (penny, copper) as a monetary unit;
ASSATURA, ASSATURAE: N 1 1 F \roasted meat;
ASSECLA, ASSECLAE: N 1 1 M \follower; attendant, servant; hanger-on, sycophant, creature;
ASSECTOR, ASSECTARI, -, ASSECTATUS SUM: V 1 1 \accompany, attend, escort; support, be an adherent, follow; court (fame);
ASSECTATIO, ASSECTATIONIS: N 3 1 F \waiting on, attendance; support (in canvassing); study, research;
ASSECTATOR, ASSECTATORIS: N 3 1 M \follower, companion, attendant; disciple; researcher, student, one who seeks;
ASSECUE: ADV POS \attentively, closely;
ASSECULA, ASSECULAE: N 1 1 M \follower; attendant, servant; hanger-on, sycophant, creature;
ASSEDO, ASSEDONIS: N 3 1 M \assessor, counselor, one who sits by to give advice;
ASSEFOLIUM, ASSEFOLII: N 2 2 N \plant (also called agrostis);
ASSELLOR, ASSELLARI, -, ASSELLATUS SUM: V 1 1 \defecate, void;
ASSENESCO, ASSENESCERE, -, -: V 3 1 \become old (to any thing);
ASSENSUS, ASSENSUS: N 4 1 M \assent, agreement, belief; approval, approbation, applause;
ASSENSIO, ASSENSIONIS: N 3 1 F \assent, agreement, belief; approval, approbation, applause;
ASSENSOR, ASSENSORIS: N 3 1 M \one who agrees or approves;
ASSENTOR, ASSENTARI, -, ASSENTATUS SUM: V 1 1 \flatter, humor; agree, assent, confirm; agree to everything;
ASSENTATIO, ASSENTATIONIS: N 3 1 F \assent, agreement; flattery, toadyism, flattering agreement/compliance;
ASSENTATIUNCULA, ASSENTATIUNCULAE: N 1 1 F \piece of flattery; petty/trivial flattery; (L+S);
ASSENTATOR, ASSENTATORIS: N 3 1 M \yes-man, flatterer, toady;
ASSENTATORIE: ADV POS \like a flatterer; fawningly, in a flattering manner;
ASSENTATRIX, ASSENTATRICIS: N 3 1 F \woman who flatters;
ASSENTIO, ASSENTIRE, ASSENSI, ASSENSUS: V 3 4 \assent, approve, agree in opinion; admit the truth of (w/DAT), agree (with);
ASSENTIOR, ASSENTIRI, -, ASSENSUS SUM: V 3 4 \assent to, agree, approve, comply with; admit the truth of (w/PREP);
ASSEQUOR, ASSEQUI, -, ASSECUTUS SUM: V 3 1 \follow on, pursue, go after; overtake; gain, achieve; equal, rival; understand;
ASSEQUELA, ASSEQUELAE: N 1 1 F \succession, succeeding;
ASSER, ASSERIS: N 3 1 M \pole (wooden), post, stake, beam; joist, rafter; pole of a litter;
ASSERO, ASSERERE, ASSERUI, ASSERTUS: V 3 1 \lay hands on/grasp; assert/state/allege; free/release; claim; protect/preserve;
ASSERO, ASSERERE, ASSEVI, ASSITUS: V 3 1 \plant/set at/near;
ASSERCULUS, ASSERCULI: N 2 1 M \small beam/pole/post;
ASSERCULUM, ASSERCULI: N 2 2 N \small beam/pole/post;
ASSERTUM, ASSERTI: N 2 2 N \assertion;
ASSERTIO, ASSERTIONIS: N 3 1 F \assertion; statement;
ASSERTIO, ASSERTIONIS: N 3 1 F \act of claiming free or slave (for status); defense/vindication (of character);
ASSERTOR, ASSERTORIS: N 3 1 M \one asserting status of another; restorer of liberty, protector, champion;
ASSERTORIUS, ASSERTORIA, ASSERTORIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \of/pertaining to a restoration of freedom;
ASSERVO, ASSERVARE, ASSERVAVI, ASSERVATUS: V 1 1 \keep, guard, preserve; watch, observe; keep in custody; save life of, rescue;
ASSERVIO, ASSERVIRE, ASSERIVI, ASSERVITUS: V 3 4 \devote/apply oneself to (w/DAT); aid, help, assist;
ASSESSUS, ASSESSUS: N 4 1 M \a sitting beside one (in court);
ASSESSIO, ASSESSIONIS: N 3 1 F \a sitting beside one (to console/give advice);
ASSESSOR, ASSESSORIS: N 3 1 M \assessor, counselor, one who sits by to give advice;
ASSESSORIUS, ASSESSORIA, ASSESSORIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \of/pertaining to an assessor;
ASSESSORIUM, ASSESSORI(I): N 2 4 N \title of a legal textbook (sg/pl.);
ASSESSURA, ASSESSURAE: N 1 1 F \assistance as a legal advisor; office of assessor, assessorship (L+S);
ASSESTRIX, ASSESSTRICIS: N 3 1 F \assessor (female), counselor, one who sits by to give advice;
ASSEVERO, ASSEVERARE, ASSEVERAVI, ASSEVERATUS: V 1 1 \act earnestly; assert strongly/emphatically, declare; profess; be serious;
ASSEVERANTER: ADV POS \earnestly, emphatically;
ASSEVERATE: ADV POS \earnestly, emphatically;
ASSEVERATIO, ASSEVERATIONIS: N 3 1 F \affirmation, (confident/earnest) assertion; seriousness/earnestness, gravity;
ASSIBILO, ASSIBILARE, ASSIBILAVI, ASSIBILATUS: V 1 1 \hiss out (breath) upon (w/DAT); murmur/whisper to/at (L+S);
ASSICCO, ASSICCARE, ASSICCAVI, ASSICCATUS: V 1 1 \dry, dry out, dry up, make dry;
ASSICCESCO, ASSICCESCERE, ASSICCUI, -: V 3 1 \dry out/up, become dry;
ASSICULUS, ASSICULI: N 2 1 M \small axle; small plank, slat; small beam/pole, pin (L+S);
ASSIDEO, ASSIDERE, ASSEDI, ASSESSUS: V 2 1 \sit by/in council/as assessor; watch over; camp near, besiege; resemble (w/DAT);
ASSIDO, ASSIDERE, ASSEDI, -: V 3 1 \sit down, take a seat; perch, alight, settle; sit by/near (to) (w/DAT);
ASSIDUUS, ASSIDUI: N 2 1 M \tribute/tax payer, rich person; first-rate person/writer?;
ASSIDUO, ASSIDUARE, ASSIDUAVI, ASSIDUATUS: V 1 1 \apply constantly; make constant use of (Souter); use regularly/incessantly;
ASSIDUUS, ASSIDUA -UM, ASSIDUIOR -OR -US, ASSIDUISSIMUS -A -UM: ADJ 1 1 X \constant, regular; unremitting, incessant; ordinary; landowning, first-class;
ASSIDUE, ASSIDUIUS, ASSIDUISSIME: ADV X \continually, constantly, regularly;
ASSIDUITAS, ASSIDUITATIS: N 3 1 F \attendance, constant presence/attention/practice, care; recurrence, repetition;
ASSIDUO: ADV POS \continually, constantly, regularly;
ASSIFORNUS, ASSIFORNA, ASSIFORNUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \touring gladiatorial show;
ASSIGNO, ASSIGNARE, ASSIGNAVI, ASSIGNATUS: V 1 1 \assign, distribute, allot; award, bestow (rank/honors); impute; affix seal;
ASSIGNATIO, ASSIGNATIONIS: N 3 1 F \distribution/allotment of land; the plot of land granted; allocation (other);
ASSIGNATOR, ASSIGNATORIS: N 3 1 M \allocator, one who assigns;
ASSIGNIFICO, ASSIGNIFICARE, ASSIGNIFICAVI, ASSIGNIFICATUS: V 1 1 \show (w/ACC + INF), make evident; mean/denote (words);
ASSILIO, ASSILIRE, ASSILUI, ASSULTUS: V 3 4 \jump/leap (up/on/towards), rush/dash (at/against), assault; mount (male-female);
ASSIMILIS, ASSIMILIS, ASSIMILE: ADJ 3 2 POS \similar, like; close;y resembling, very like;
ASSIMILO, ASSIMILARE, ASSIMILAVI, ASSIMILATUS: V 1 1 \make like; compare; counterfeit, simulate, imitate, pretend, feign, act a part;
ASSIMILANTER: ADV POS \similarly, analogically;
ASSIMILATUS, ASSIMILATA, ASSIMILATUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \similar, like, made similar; imitated, feigned, pretended. dissembled;
ASSIMILATIO, ASSIMILATIONIS: N 3 1 F \likeness, similarity in form; comparison; deceit, pretense, feigning, pretending
ASSIMILITER: ADV POS \similarly, in much the same manner/fashion;
ASSIMULO, ASSIMULARE, ASSIMULAVI, ASSIMULATUS: V 1 1 \make like; compare; counterfeit, simulate, imitate, pretend, feign, act a part;
ASSIMULANTER: ADV POS \similarly, analogically;
ASSIMULATUS, ASSIMULATA, ASSIMULATUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \similar, like, made similar; imitated, feigned, pretended. dissembled;
ASSIMULATICIUS, ASSIMULATICIA, ASSIMULATICIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \imitated, counterfeit, not real; nominal, titular;
ASSIMULATIO, ASSIMULATIONIS: N 3 1 F \likeness, similarity in form; comparison; deceit, pretense, feigning, pretending
ASSIMULITER: ADV POS \similarly, in much the same manner/fashion;
ASSIPONDIUM, ASSIPONDI(I): N 2 4 N \sum or weight of one as (penny), a pound (as was originally a pound of copper);
ASSIRATUM, ASSIRATI: N 2 2 N \drink composed of wine and blood;
ASSIS, ASSIS: N 3 3 M \penny, copper coin; a pound; one, whole; circular flap/valve; round slice;
ASSIS, ASSIS: N 3 3 M \plank, board;
ASSISTO, ASSISTERE, ASSTITI, ASSTATUS: V 3 1 \take a position/stand (near/by), attend; appear before; set/place near;
ASSISTRIX, ASSISSTRICIS: N 3 1 F \assessor (female), counselor, one who sits by to give advice;
ASSITUS, ASSITA, ASSITUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \planted/set/situated at/near;
ASSOCIUS, ASSOCIA, ASSOCIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \associated with;
ASSOCIO, ASSOCIARE, ASSOCIAVI, ASSOCIATUS: V 1 1 \join/attach (to), associate (with); unite with; attend upon;
ASSOLO, ASSOLARE, ASSOLAVI, ASSOLATUS: V 1 1 \level to the ground, destroy;
ASSOLET, ASSOLERE, ASSOLIT: V 2 1 \it is usual/wont; it is the custom/practice; it is the habit;
ASSOLEO, ASSOLERE, -, -: V 2 1 \be accustomed or in the habit of; be a customary accompaniment, go with;
ASSONO, ASSONARE, ASSONAVI, ASSONATUS: V 1 1 \respond, reply; sound in accompaniment; sing as an accompaniment;
ASSUO, ASSUERE, ASSUI, ASSUTUS: V 3 1 \sew or patch on;
ASSUBRIGO, ASSUBRIGERE, -, -: V 3 1 \stretch up, raise;
ASSUDESCO, ASSUDESCERE, -, -: V 3 1 \sweat, break out in a sweat;
ASSUEFACIO, ASSUEFACERE, ASSUEFECI, ASSUEFACTUS: V 3 1 \accustom, train, make accustomed/used (to);
ASSUESCO, ASSUESCERE, ASSUEVI, ASSUETUS: V 3 1 \accustom, become/grow accustomed to/used to/intimate with; make familiar;
ASSUETUS, ASSUETA -UM, ASSUETIOR -OR -US, ASSUETISSIMUS -A -UM: ADJ 1 1 X \accustomed, customary, usual, to which one is accustomed/used;
ASSUETUDO, ASSUETUDINIS: N 3 1 F \custom, habit; repeated practice/experience/association; intimacy, intercourse;
ASSULA, ASSULAE: N 1 1 F \splinter, chip of wood/stone;
ASSULATIM: ADV POS \into splinters;
ASSULOSE: ADV POS \into splinters, splinter-wise;
ASSULTUS, ASSULTUS: N 4 1 M \attack, assault, charge; leap/leaping to/at/against;
ASSULTO, ASSULTARE, ASSULTAVI, ASSULTATUS: V 1 1 \jump/leap at/towards/upon; dash against; attack, assault, make an attack (on);
ASSULTIM: ADV POS \by leaps, by hops; by leaps and bounds;
ASSUMO, ASSUMERE, ASSUMPSI, ASSUMPTUS: V 3 1 \take (to/up/on/from), adopt, use; assume, receive; insert, add to; usurp, claim;
ASSUMENTUM, ASSUMENTI: N 2 2 N \that which is to be sewed upon, that which is to be patched;
ASSUMPTIO, ASSUMPTIONIS: N 3 1 F \adoption; acquisition, assumption, claim; minor premise; introduction (point);
ASSUMPTIVUS, ASSUMPTIVA, ASSUMPTIVUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \based on extraneous arguments (rhet., of the treatment of a case);
ASSURGO, ASSURGERE, ASSURREXI, ASSURRECTUS: V 3 1 \rise/stand up, rise to one's feet/from bed; climb, lift oneself; grow; soar;
ASSUSCIPIO, ASSUSCIPERE, -, -: V 3 1 \undertake (vows);
AST: CONJ \but, on the other hand/contrary; but yet; at least; in that event; if further;
ASTA, ASTAE: N 1 1 F \spear, javelin; spear stuck in ground for public auction/centumviral court;
ASTUS, ASTUS: N 4 1 M \craft, cunning, guile; cunning procedure/method, trick, stratagem;
ASTO, ASTARE, ASTITI, -: V 1 1 \stand at/on/by; assist; stand up/upright/waiting/still, stand on one's feet;
ASTACUS, ASTACI: N 2 1 M \lobster/crayfish; kind of crab (L+S);
ASTAPHIS, ASTAPHIDIS: N 3 1 F \stavesacre (Delphinium staphisagria);
ASTATUS, ASTATA, ASTATUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \armed with a spear/spears;
ASTATUS, ASTATI: N 2 1 M \spearman; soldier in unit in front of Roman battle-formation; its centurion;
ASTATOR, ASTATORIS: N 3 1 M \aide, helper, assister;
ASTEISMOS, ASTEISMI: N 2 6 M \the more refined style of speaking, urbanity;
ASTER, ASTERIS: N 3 1 M \plant (Aster amellus?); kind of Samian clay; star (= astrum), destiny (?);
ASTERCUM, ASTERCI: N 2 2 N \plant pellitory-of-the-wall; (in pure Latin urceolaris L+S);
ASTERIA, ASTERIAE: N 1 1 F \precious stone, either asteriated (star) sapphire or cymophane (cats-eye)?;
ASTERIAS, ASTERIAE: N 1 8 M \bird like the heron; kind of heron (L+S);
ASTERION, ASTERII: N 2 8 N \venomous spider;
ASTERIACE, ASTERIACES: N 1 6 F \a simple medicine;
ASTERICUM, ASTERICI: N 2 2 N \plant pellitory-of-the-wall; (in pure Latin urceolaris L+S);
ASTERISCUS, ASTERISCI: N 2 1 M \small star; asterisk (as a typographical mark);
ASTERITES, ASTERITAE: N 1 7 M \kind of basilisk;
ASTERNO, ASTERNERE, ASTRAVI, ASTRATUS: V 3 1 \prostrate oneself, lie prone (on);
ASTHMA, ASTHMATIS: N 3 2 N \shortness of breath, an attack of asthma;
ASTHMATICUS, ASTHMATICA, ASTHMATICUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \suffering from shortness of breath, asthmatic;
ASTICUS, ASTICA, ASTICUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \of/located in a city, city, urban;
ASTIPULO, ASTIPULARE, ASTIPULAVI, ASTIPULATUS: V 1 1 \join in stipulation/covenant; join in demanding; support (in an argument);
ASTIPULOR, ASTIPULARI, -, ASTIPULATUS SUM: V 1 1 \join in stipulation/covenant; join in demanding; support (in an argument);
ASTIPULATUS, ASTIPULATUS: N 4 1 M \assent, agreement in a command;
ASTIPULATIO, ASTIPULATIONIS: N 3 1 F \confirmation, confirmatory statement;
ASTIPULATOR, ASTIPULATORIS: N 3 1 M \associate in a stipulation; one who supports an opinion, adherent;
ASTITUO, ASTITUERE, ASTITUI, ASTITUTUS: V 3 1 \place near/before; make to stand before;
ASTOLOS, ASTOLI: N 2 6 F \kind of precious stone;
ASTRUM, ASTRI: N 2 2 N \star, heavenly body, planet/sun/moon; the stars, constellation; sky, heaven;
ASTRAGALUS, ASTRAGALI: N 2 1 M \convex molding (usu. round top/bottom of a column), astragal;
ASTRALIS, ASTRALIS, ASTRALE: ADJ 3 2 POS \relating to the stars; revealed by the stars;
ASTRAPAEA, ASTRAPAEAE: N 1 1 F \kind of precious stone;
ASTRAPIAS, ASTRAPIAE: N 1 8 M \precious stone (black in color with gleams of light crossing the middle);
ASTREANS, (GEN.), ASTREANTIS: ADJ 3 1 POS \gleaming like a star;
ASTREPO, ASTREPERE, ASTREPUI, -: V 3 1 \make a noise at, shout in support, take up a cry; assail with noise; murmur;
ASTRION, ASTRII: N 2 8 N \kind of precious stone; (crystalline, found in India, sapphire? L+S);
ASTRICUS, ASTRICA, ASTRICUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \starry, of the stars;
ASTRICTUS, ASTRICTA -UM, ASTRICTIOR -OR -US, ASTRICTISSIMUS -A -UM: ADJ 1 1 X \bound (by rules), tied; terse, brief, restrained; constricted, dense, compact;
ASTRICTUS, ASTRICTA -UM, ASTRICTIOR -OR -US, ASTRICTISSIMUS -A -UM: ADJ 1 1 X \|busy/preoccupied (with), intent (on); parsimonious, tight; astringent (taste);
ASTRICTE, ASTRICTIUS, ASTRICTISSIME: ADV X \tightly (bound), firmly; strictly, by strict rules; concisely, tersely, pithily;
ASTRICTIO, ASTRICTIONIS: N 3 1 F \astringency, an astringent action;
ASTRICTORIUS, ASTRICTORIA, ASTRICTORIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \astringent, binding, constrictive, styptic; (effect on organic tissue);
ASTRIDEO, ASTRIDERE, -, -: V 2 1 \hiss (at);
ASTRIDO, ASTRIDERE, -, -: V 3 1 \hiss (at);
ASTRIFICUS, ASTRIFICA, ASTRIFICUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \star producing/making;
ASTRIGER, ASTRIGERA, ASTRIGERUM: ADJ 1 2 POS \star-bearing; starry;
ASTRILUCUS, ASTRILUCA, ASTRILUCUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \shining/gleaming like stars;
ASTRINGO, ASTRINGERE, ASTRINXI, ASTRICTUS: V 3 1 \tie up/down/back/on/together/tightly; bind, grasp, tighten, fix; form boundary;
ASTRINGO, ASTRINGERE, ASTRINXI, ASTRICTUS: V 3 1 \|oblige, commit; compress, narrow, restrict; knit (brows); freeze, solidify;
ASTRIOTES, ASTRIOTAE: N 1 7 N \kind of precious stone (magical properties);
ASTROBOLOS, ASTRIBOLI: N 2 6 F \precious stone (onyx?, chalcedon?);
ASTROLOGUS, ASTROLOGI: N 2 1 M \astronomer, one who studies the heavens/predicts from the stars; astrologer;
ASTROLOGIA, ASTROLOGIAE: N 1 1 F \astronomy, astrology, science/study of the heavenly bodies; book on astronomy;
ASTRONOMUS, ASTRONOMI: N 2 1 M \astronomer; astrologer (Bee);
ASTRONOMIA, ASTRONOMIAE: N 1 1 F \astronomy, science of heavenly bodies;
ASTROSUS, ASTROSA, ASTROSUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \born under an evil star, ill-starred;
ASTRUO, ASTRUERE, ASTRUXI, ASTRUCTUS: V 3 1 \build on/additional structure; heap/pile (on); add to/on, contribute, provide;
ASTRUCTIO, ASTRUCTIONIS: N 3 1 F \accumulation of proof, putting together, composition;
ASTRUCTOR, ASTRUCTORIS: N 3 1 M \one who adduces/brings forward/cites/alleges proof;
ASTU, UNDECLINED: N 9 9 N \city (esp. Athens), town (as opp. to rest of Attica/city-state);
ASTULA, ASTULAE: N 1 1 F \splinter/chip; shavings; (astula regia => the plant asphodel);
ASTUPEO, ASTUPERE, -, -: V 2 1 \be stunned/astounded/astonished/amazed (at); be enthralled (by) (w/DAT);
ASTUR, ASTURIS: N 3 1 M \species of hawk; inhabitant of Asturia in Hispania Tarraconensis;
ASTURCO, ASTURCONIS: N 3 1 M \Nero's favorite horse; a horse from Asturia in Hispania Tarraconensis;
ASTUTUS, ASTUTA -UM, ASTUTIOR -OR -US, ASTUTISSIMUS -A -UM: ADJ 1 1 X \clever, astute, sly, cunning; expert;
ASTUTE, ASTUTIUS, ASTUTISSIME: ADV X \cunningly, craftily, cleverly, astutely;
ASTUTIA, ASTUTIAE: N 1 1 F \cunning, cleverness, astuteness; cunning procedure/method, trick, stratagem;
ASTUTULUS, ASTUTULA, ASTUTULUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \cunning (person/action), crafty, clever, astute;
ASTY, UNDECLINED: N 9 9 N \city (esp. Athens), town (as opp. to rest of Attica/city-state);
ASTYTIS, ASTYTIDIS: N 3 1 F \kind of lettuce;
ASYLA, ASYLAE: N 1 1 F \unidentified plant;
ASYLUM, ASYLI: N 2 2 N \place of refuge, asylum, sanctuary; place for relaxation/recuperation, retreat;
ASYMBOLUS, ASYMBOLA, ASYMBOLUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \without paying a contribution, contributing nothing to entertainment, scot-free;
ASYNDETUS, ASYNDETA, ASYNDETUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \standing without any connection with/reference to constellations (stars);
ASYNDETON, ASYNDETI: N 2 8 N \rhetorical omission of connecting particle; (pure Latin dissolutio);
AT: CONJ \but, but on the other hand; on the contrary; while, whereas; but yet; at least;
ATAMUSSIM: ADV POS \according to a ruler/level, exactly, accurately;
ATAT: INTERJ \ah! oh! alas! (expression of sudden enlightenment/surprise/fear/warning);
ATATAE: INTERJ \ah! oh! alas! (expression of sudden enlightenment/surprise/fear/warning);
ATATATAE: INTERJ \ah! oh! alas! (expression of sudden enlightenment/surprise/fear/warning);
ATATE: INTERJ \ah! oh! alas! (expression of sudden enlightenment/surprise/fear/warning);
ATATTAE: INTERJ \ah! oh! alas! (expression of sudden enlightenment/surprise/fear/warning);
ATAVUS, ATAVI: N 2 1 M \great-great-great grandfather, father of abavus/abavia; far ancestor, forefather
ATAVIA, ATAVIAE: N 1 1 F \great-great-great grandmother, mother of abavus/abavia; female ancestor;
ATECHNOS, ATECHNOS, -: ADJ 2 6 POS \inartistic;
-, -, ATECHNON: ADJ 2 8 POS \inartistic;
ATEGRO, ATEGRARE, ATEGRAVI, ATEGRATUS: V 1 1 \pour out wine in sacrifices;
ATENIM: CONJ \but/yet in spite of what has been said; but/yet nevertheless/all the same;
ATER, ATRA -UM, ATRIOR -OR -US, ATERRIMUS -A -UM: ADJ 1 2 X \black, dark; dark-colored (hair/skin); gloomy/murky; unlucky; sordid/squalid;
ATER, ATRA -UM, ATRIOR -OR -US, ATERRIMUS -A -UM: ADJ 1 2 X \|deadly, terrible, grisly (esp. connected with underworld); poisonous: spiteful;
ATERMUM, ATERMI: N 2 2 N \plant (tough, stubborn pest?);
ATHEUS, ATHEI: N 2 1 M \atheist, one who does not believe in God; (as nickname);
ATHEOS, ATHEI: N 2 6 M \atheist, one who does not believe in God; (as nickname);
ATHENA, ATHENAE: N 1 1 F \Athens (pl.); inhabitants of Athens, Athenians;
ATHENEUS, ATHENEA, ATHENEUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \Athenian, of Athens; of the inhabitants of Athens/Athenians;
ATHENIENSIS, ATHENIENSIS, ATHENIENSE: ADJ 3 2 POS \Athenian, of Athens; of the inhabitants of Athens/Athenians;
ATHENIENSIS, ATHENIENSIS: N 3 3 M \Athenian, inhabitant of Athens;
ATHERA, ATHERAE: N 1 1 F \variety of gruel used in medicine; prepared from arinca (L+S);
ATHEROMA, ATHEROMAE: N 1 1 F \tumor occurring on the head containing gruel-like matter;
ATHLA, ATHLAE: N 1 1 F \labor/task/struggle, pains; athletic contest; the 12 points of celestial circle;
ATHLUM, ATHLI: N 2 2 N \labor/task/struggle, pains; athletic contest; the 12 points of celestial circle;
ATHLON, ATHLI: N 2 8 N \labor/task/struggle, pains; athletic contest; the 12 points of celestial circle;
ATHLETA, ATHLETAE: N 1 1 M \wrestler, boxer, athlete, one who is in public games; expert, old-hand; contest;
ATHLETICUS, ATHLETICA, ATHLETICUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \of/proper for an athlete; (ars athletica => athletics);
ATHLETICA, ATHLETICAE: N 1 1 F \athletics;
ATHLETICE: ADV POS \athletically, like an athlete;
ATIZOE, ATIZOES: N 1 6 F \precious stone; (of silver luster L+S);
ATNATUS, ATNATI: N 2 1 M \male blood relation (father's side); one born after father made his will;
ATOCIUM, ATOCI(I): N 2 4 N \a contraceptive;
ATOMUS, ATOMA, ATOMUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \indivisible, atomic, that cannot be cut;
ATOMUS, ATOMI: N 2 1 F \atom, ultimate component of matter, particle incapable of being divided;
ATOMOS, ATOMI: N 2 6 F \atom, ultimate component of matter, particle incapable of being divided;
ATOPTO, ATOPTARE, ATOPTAVI, ATOPTATUS: V 1 1 \adopt, select, secure, pick out; wish/name for oneself; adopt legally;
ATQUE: CONJ \and, as well as, as soon as; together with; and even; and too/also/now; yet;
ATQUI: CONJ \but, yet, notwithstanding, however, rather, well/but now; and yet, still;
ATQUIN: CONJ \but, yet, notwithstanding, however, rather, well/but now; and yet, still;
ATRACTYLIS, ATRACTYLIDIS: N 3 1 F \plant of the genus Carthamus, spindle-thistle (used as antidote to poisons);
ATRAMENTUM, ATRAMENTI: N 2 2 N \writing-ink; blacking, black pigment; (atramentum sepiae => cuttle-fish ink);
ATRAMENTARIUM, ATRAMENTARII: N 2 2 N \inkstand; inkpot, inkwell;
ATRATUS, ATRATA, ATRATUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \darkened, blackened, dingy; clothed in black, in/wearing mourning;
ATRIUM, ATRI(I): N 2 4 N \atrium, reception hall in a Roman house; auction room; palace (pl.), house;
ATRIARIUS, ATRIARII: N 2 1 M \house-servant, house-slave; porter, door-keeper (L+S);
ATRICAPILLA, ATRICAPILLAE: N 1 1 F \bird of black plumage (black-cap?);
ATRICOLOR, (GEN.), ATRICOLORIS: ADJ 3 1 POS \black, dark colored; letters written in (black) ink (L+S);
ATRIENSIS, ATRIENSIS: N 3 3 M \steward; servant in charge of household administration, major-domo; house-slave;
ATRIOLUM, ATRIOLI: N 2 2 N \small hall/ante-room;
ATRIPLEXUM, ATRIPLEXI: N 2 2 N \kitchen herb, orach;
ATRIPLEX, ATRIPLICIS: N 3 2 N \kitchen herb, orach;
ATRITAS, ATRITATIS: N 3 1 F \blackness;
ATROCITAS, ATROCITATIS: N 3 1 F \fury; barbarity, cruelty; wickedness; severity, harshness; horror, dreadfulness;
ATROCITER, ATROCIUS, ATROCISSIME: ADV X \violently; bitterly, acrimoniously; cruelly, savagely; severely, harshly;
ATROPHUS, ATROPHA, ATROPHUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \affected by lack of nutrition; state of atrophy; consumptive;
ATROPHIA, ATROPHIAE: N 1 1 F \atrophy; wasting consumption; (pure Latin tabes);
ATROTUS, ATROTA, ATROTUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \invulnerable;
ATROX, ATROCIS (GEN.), ATROCIOR -OR -US, ATROCISSIMUS -A -UM: ADJ 3 1 X \fierce, savage, bloody; heinous, cruel; severe; terrible, frightening, dreadful;
ATRUSCA, ATRUSCAE: N 1 1 F \kind of grape;
ATTA, ATTAE: N 1 1 M \father (term of respect used when addressing old men);
ATTACUS, ATTACI: N 2 1 M \kind of locust;
ATTACTUS, ATTACTUS: N 4 1 M \touch , contact, action of touching;
ATTAGUS, ATTAGI: N 2 1 M \he-goat;
ATTAGENA, ATTAGENAE: N 1 1 F \bird resembling the partridge, francolin?;
ATTAGEN, ATTAGENIS: N 3 1 M \bird resembling the partridge, francolin? hazel-hen/heath-cock (L+S);
ATTAMEN: ADV POS \but yet, but however, nevertheless;
ATTAMINO, ATTAMINARE, ATTAMINAVI, ATTAMINATUS: V 1 1 \touch, attack, rob; dishonor, defile, contaminate;
ATTAT: INTERJ \ah! oh! alas! (expression of sudden enlightenment/surprise/fear/warning);
ATTATAE: INTERJ \ah! oh! alas! (expression of sudden enlightenment/surprise/fear/warning);
ATTATE: INTERJ \ah! oh! alas! (expression of sudden enlightenment/surprise/fear/warning);
ATTATTATAE: INTERJ \ah! oh! alas! (expression of sudden enlightenment/surprise/fear/warning);
ATTEGIA, ATTEGIAE: N 1 1 F \hut (Gallic?) (Arab? L+S);
ATTEGRO, ATTEGRARE, ATTEGRAVI, ATTEGRATUS: V 1 1 \pour out wine in sacrifices;
ATTELEBUS, ATTELEBI: N 2 1 M \kind of wingless locust;
ATTEMPERATE: ADV POS \opportunely, at a convenient moment;
ATTEMPTO, ATTEMPTARE, ATTEMPTAVI, ATTEMPTATUS: V 1 1 \attack, assail; call into question; try to seduce/use; make an attempt on, try;
ATTENDO, ATTENDERE, ATTENDI, ATTENTUS: V 3 1 \turn/stretch towards; apply; attend/pay (close) attention to, listen carefully;
ATTENTO, ATTENTARE, ATTENTAVI, ATTENTATUS: V 1 1 \attack, assail; call into question; try to seduce/use; make an attempt on, try;
ATTENTUS, ATTENTA -UM, ATTENTIOR -OR -US, ATTENTISSIMUS -A -UM: ADJ 1 1 X \attentive, heedful; careful, conscientious, intent; frugal, economical;
ATTENTATIO, ATTENTATIONIS: N 3 1 F \attempting, attempt, trying, try;
ATTENTE, ATTENTIUS, ATTENTISSIME: ADV X \diligently, carefully, with concentration, with close attention;
ATTENTIO, ATTENTIONIS: N 3 1 F \attention, application, attentiveness;
ATTENUO, ATTENUARE, ATTENUAVI, ATTENUATUS: V 1 1 \thin (out); weaken, lessen, diminish, shrink, reduce in size; make plain;
ATTENUATUS, ATTENUATA -UM, ATTENUATIOR -OR -US, ATTENUATISSIMUS -A -UM: ADJ 1 1 X \plain (style), bare, subdued; thin, impoverished; lessened, diminished;
ATTENUATE: ADV POS \plainly, barely, simply;
ATTENUATIO, ATTENUATIONIS: N 3 1 F \diminution, act of lessening, attenuation; plainness (of style);
ATTERO, ATTERERE, ATTRIVI, ATTRITUS: V 3 1 \rub, rub against; grind; chafe; wear out/down/away; diminish, impair; waste;
ATTERMINO, ATTERMINARE, ATTERMINAVI, ATTERMINATUS: V 1 1 \set bounds to, measure, limit;
ATTERRANEUS, ATTERRANEA, ATTERRANEUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \coming to/from the earth; earth-borne;
ATTERTIATUS, ATTERTIATA, ATTERTIATUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \reduced/boiled down to a third;
ATTESTOR, ATTESTARI, -, ATTESTATUS SUM: V 1 1 \confirm, attest, bear witness to;
ATTESTATUS, ATTESTATA, ATTESTATUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \confirmatory, corroboratory;
ATTESTATIO, ATTESTATIONIS: N 3 1 F \testimony, attestation;
ATTEXO, ATTEXERE, ATTEXUI, ATTEXTUS: V 3 1 \add, join on, link to; weave/plait on, attach by weaving;
ATTICUS, ATTICA, ATTICUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \Attic, Athenian; classic, elegant;
ATTICE: ADV POS \in the Attic/Athenian manner; elegantly;
ATTICISSO, ATTICISSARE, ATTICISSAVI, ATTICISSATUS: V 1 1 \imitate the Attic/Athenian (elegant) manner of speaking;
ATTIGO, ATTIGERE, ATTIGI, ATTACTUS: V 3 1 \touch, touch/border on; reach, arrive at, achieve; mention briefly; belong to;
ATTIGUUS, ATTIGUA, ATTIGUUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \contiguous, adjoining, adjacent, neighboring;
ATTILUS, ATTILI: N 2 1 M \large fish, great sturgeon/beluga;
ATTINA, ATTINAE: N 1 1 F \heap of stones as a boundary marker; (pl.) (L+S);
ATTINEO, ATTINERE, ATTINUI, ATTENTUS: V 2 1 \hold on/to/near/back/together/fast; restrain, keep (in custody), retain; delay;
ATTINGO, ATTINGERE, ATTIGI, ATTACTUS: V 3 1 \touch, touch/border on; reach, arrive at, achieve; mention briefly; belong to;
ATTINGUO, ATTINGUERE, -, -: V 3 1 \moisten, bedew, sprinkle with a liquid;
ATTOLLO, ATTOLLERE, -, -: V 3 1 \raise/lift up/towards/to a higher position; erect, build; exalt; extol, exalt;
ATTONO, ATTONARE, ATTONUI, ATTONITUS: V 1 1 \strike with lightning, blast; drive crazy, distract;
ATTONDEO, ATTONDERE, ATTONDI, ATTONSUS: V 2 1 \clip (hair close), shear; strip of money, fleece; thrash; prune, trim, crop;
ATTONITUS, ATTONITA, ATTONITUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \astonished, fascinated; lightning/thunder-struck, stupefied, dazed; inspired;
ATTONITE: ADV POS \frantically; bewilderedly, confoundedly;
ATTORQUEO, ATTORQUERE, -, -: V 2 1 \whirl at; hurl upwards;
ATTORREO, ATTORRERE, -, -: V 2 1 \bake, roast;
ATTRACTUS, ATTRACTUS: N 4 1 M \attraction, drawing to;
ATTRACTO, ATTRACTARE, ATTRACTAVI, ATTRACTATUS: V 1 1 \touch; lay hands on; handle (roughly), assault (sexually), violate; deal with;
ATTRACTUS, ATTRACTA -UM, ATTRACTIOR -OR -US, ATTRACTISSIMUS -A -UM: ADJ 1 1 X \drawn together (brows), knit;
ATTRACTIO, ATTRACTIONIS: N 3 1 F \contraction, drawing together;
ATTRACTORIUS, ATTRACTORIA, ATTRACTORIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \attractive, having the power of attraction;
ATTRAHO, ATTRAHERE, ATTRAXI, ATTRACTUS: V 3 1 \attract, draw/drag together/in/before/along; inhale; gather saliva; bend (bow);
ATTRECTO, ATTRECTARE, ATTRECTAVI, ATTRECTATUS: V 1 1 \touch; lay hands on; handle (roughly), assault (sexually), violate; deal with;
ATTRECTATUS, ATTRECTATUS: N 4 1 M \touching, handling, feeling;
ATTRECTATIO, ATTRECTATIONIS: N 3 1 F \touching, handling; grammatical term for words denoting many things together;
ATTREMO, ATTREMERE, -, -: V 3 1 \tremble (at) (w/DAT);
ATTRIBUO, ATTRIBUERE, ATTRIBUI, ATTRIBUTUS: V 3 1 \assign/allot/attribute/impute to; grant, pay; appoint, put under jurisdiction;
ATTRIBUTUS, ATTRIBUTA, ATTRIBUTUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \ascribed, attributed; assigned, allotted;
ATTRIBUTUM, ATTRIBUTI: N 2 2 N \grant of public money; predicate, attribute (gram.) (L+S);
ATTRIBUTIO, ATTRIBUTIONIS: N 3 1 F \assignment of debt; one's destined lot; grant; attribution; predicate attribute;
ATTRITUS, ATTRITUS: N 4 1 M \action/process of rubbing/grinding; friction; chafing, abrasion, bruising;
ATTRITUS, ATTRITA -UM, ATTRITIOR -OR -US, ATTRITISSIMUS -A -UM: ADJ 1 1 X \worn, worn down by use; smoothed; hardened, brazen; thin (style), attenuated;
ATTRITUS, ATTRITA -UM, ATTRITIOR -OR -US, ATTRITISSIMUS -A -UM: ADJ 1 1 X \|rubbed (off/away), wasted; bruised; shameless, impudent, brazen;
ATTRITIO, ATTRITIONIS: N 3 1 F \rubbing/grinding against/on (something); friction, abrasion;
ATTUOR, ATTUI, -, -: V 3 1 \observe, look at;
ATTUBERNALIS, ATTUBERNALIS: N 3 3 M \one who lives in an adjoining hut;
ATTULO, ATTULERE, -, -: V 3 1 \bring/carry/bear to;
ATTUMULO, ATTUMULARE, ATTUMULAVI, ATTUMULATUS: V 1 1 \heap up against; bank up (with something);
ATUATUCUS, ATUATUCI: N 2 1 M \Atuatuci, a tribe of north (Belgic) Gaul - Caesar;
ATYPUS, ATYPA, ATYPUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \that does not form the letters properly in speaking;
ATYPUS, ATYPI: N 2 1 M \one who does not form the letters properly in speaking; who stammers, stammering
AU: INTERJ \oh! ow! oh dear! goodness gracious! (used by women to express consternation);
AU, ABB.: N 9 8 M \Aulus, Roman praenomen; abbreviated A./Au.;
AUCEO, AUCERE, AUCUI, AUCITUS: V 2 1 \observe attentively;
AUCELLA, AUCELLAE: N 1 1 F \little bird;
AUCEPS, AUCIPIS: N 3 1 M \bird-catcher, fowler; bird seller, poulterer; spy, eavesdropper;
AUCEPS, AUCUPIS: N 3 1 M \bird-catcher, fowler; bird seller, poulterer; spy, eavesdropper;
AUCILLA, AUCILLAE: N 1 1 F \little bird;
AUCTUS, AUCTUS: N 4 1 M \growth, increase, enlargement, act of increasing; accession; prosperity; bulk;
AUCTO, AUCTARE, AUCTAVI, AUCTATUS: V 1 1 \increase/enlarge (much), grow; prosper/bless (with) (w/ABL);
AUCTUS, AUCTA -UM, AUCTIOR -OR -US, AUCTISSIMUS -A -UM: ADJ 1 1 X \enlarged, large, abundant, ample; richer/increased in power/wealth/importance;
AUCTARIUM, AUCTARI(I): N 2 4 N \something in addition to the proper measure, lagniappe; addition, augmentation;
AUCTIFER, AUCTIFERA, AUCTIFERUM: ADJ 1 2 POS \productive, fruitful, fertile; fruit-bearing (L+S);
AUCTIFICUS, AUCTIFICA, AUCTIFICUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \giving/causing increase/growth; increasing, enlarging;
AUCTIFICO, AUCTIFICARE, AUCTIFICAVI, AUCTIFICATUS: V 1 1 \enlarge, increase; honor by offerings/sacrifices;
AUCTIO, AUCTIONIS: N 3 1 F \auction; public sale; property put up for sale at auction/the catalog/proceeds;
AUCTIONO, AUCTIONARE, AUCTIONAVI, AUCTIONATUS: V 1 1 \buy goods at an auction/public sale; buy at auction;
AUCTIONOR, AUCTIONARI, -, AUCTIONATUS SUM: V 1 1 \put up goods to auction/public sale; hold an auction;
AUCTIONALIS, AUCTIONALIS, AUCTIONALE: ADJ 3 2 POS \of/pertaining to an auction, auction-;
AUCTIONALE, AUCTIONALIS: N 3 4 N \catalogs/lists (pl.) of auction sales;
AUCTIONARIUS, AUCTIONARIA, AUCTIONARIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \of/pertaining to an auction, auction-;
AUCTITO, AUCTITARE, AUCTITAVI, AUCTITATUS: V 1 1 \keep increasing/augmenting; honor by offerings (L+S);
AUCTOR, AUCTORIS: N 3 1 C \seller, vendor; originator; historian; authority; proposer, supporter; founder;
AUCTORO, AUCTORARE, AUCTORAVI, AUCTORATUS: V 1 1 \bind/pledge/oblige/engage oneself, hire oneself out; purchase (w/sibi), secure;
AUCTOROR, AUCTORARI, -, AUCTORATUS SUM: V 1 1 \hire out, sell; give authorization (guardian on behalf of ward); authorize;
AUCTORAMENTUM, AUCTORAMENTI: N 2 2 N \wages, pay, fee; reward; terms of employment (esp. gladiators), contract;
AUCTORATUS, AUCTORATI: N 2 1 M \hired gladiator;
AUCTORITA, AUCTORITAE: N 1 1 F \authority, power; one in charge;
AUCTORITAS, AUCTORITATIS: N 3 1 F \title (legal), ownership; right to authorize/sanction, power; decree, order;
AUCTORITAS, AUCTORITATIS: N 3 1 F \|authority, influence; responsibility; prestige, reputation; opinion, judgment;
AUCTORIZO, AUCTORIZARE, AUCTORIZAVI, AUCTORIZATUS: V 1 1 \authorize, authenticate; approve, confirm; bind one's self;
AUCTRIX, AUCTRICIS: N 3 1 F \seller, vendor; originator; historian; authority; proposer, supporter; founder;
AUCTUMNUS, AUCTUMNA, AUCTUMNUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \of autumn, autumnal;
AUCTUMNUS, AUCTUMNI: N 2 1 M \autumn; autumn fruits, harvest;
AUCTUMNUM, AUCTUMNI: N 2 2 N \autumn; autumn fruits, harvest;
AUCTUMNO, AUCTUMNARE, AUCTUMNAVI, AUCTUMNATUS: V 1 1 \bring autumnal conditions;
AUCTUMNALIS, AUCTUMNALIS, AUCTUMNALE: ADJ 3 2 POS \autumnal. of autumn, for use in autumn;
AUCTUMNASCIT, AUCTUMNASCERE, AUCTUMNASCIT: V 3 1 \autumn is approaching, autumn is coming on;
AUCTUMNESCIT, AUCTUMNESCERE, AUCTUMNESCIT: V 3 1 \autumn is approaching, autumn is coming on;
AUCTUMNITAS, AUCTUMNITATIS: N 3 1 F \autumn, the autumn season; autumn fruits (poet.);
AUCUPOR, AUCUPARI, -, AUCUPATUS SUM: V 1 1 \go fowling; lie in wait/lay a trap for, keep a watch on; seek to deal with;
AUCUPO, AUCUPARE, -, AUCUPATUS: V 1 1 \catch, take (swarm of bees); hunt after, seek, be on the lookout for;
AUCUPALIS, AUCUPALIS, AUCUPALE: ADJ 3 2 POS \of/pertaining to bird-watching/fowling;
AUCUPATUS, AUCUPATUS: N 4 1 M \bird-catching, fowling;
AUCUPATIO, AUCUPATIONIS: N 3 1 F \hunting after, searching for; bird catching, fowling;
AUCUPATORIUS, AUCUPATORIA, AUCUPATORIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \suitable for bird catching/fowling/hunting;
AUCUPIUM, AUCUPI(I): N 2 4 N \bird-catching, fowling; taking (bee swarm); game/wild fowl; sly angling for;
AUDEO, AUDERE, AUSI, AUSUS SUM: V 2 1 \intend, be prepared; dare/have courage (to go/do), act boldly, venture, risk;
AUDO, AUDERE, ADDITIONAL, -: V 9 2 \intend, be prepared; dare/have courage (to go/do), act boldly, venture, risk;
AUDACIA, AUDACIAE: N 1 1 F \boldness, daring, courage, confidence; recklessness, effrontery, audacity;
AUDACITER, AUDACIUS, AUDACISSIME: ADV X \boldly, audaciously, confidently, proudly, fearlessly; impudently, rashly;
AUDACTER, AUDACIUS, AUDACISSIME: ADV X \boldly, audaciously, confidently, proudly, fearlessly; impudently, rashly;
AUDACULUS, AUDACULA, AUDACULUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \bold (a little/bit), courageous; audacious, impudent, impertinent;
AUDAX, AUDACIS (GEN.), AUDACIOR -OR -US, AUDACISSIMUS -A -UM: ADJ 3 1 X \bold, daring; courageous; reckless, rash; audacious, presumptuous; desperate;
AUDEM: CONJ \but (postpositive), on the other hand/contrary; while, however; moreover, also;
AUDENS, AUDENTIS (GEN.), AUDENTIOR -OR -US, AUDENTISSIMUS -A -UM: ADJ 3 1 X \daring, bold, courageous; characterized by boldness/license of expression;
AUDENTER, AUDENTIUS, AUDENTISSIME: ADV X \boldly, fearlessly; audaciously, presumptuously, rashly;
AUDENTIA, AUDENTIAE: N 1 1 F \boldness, courage, enterprise; boldness/license of expression;
AUDIO, AUDIRE, AUDIVI, AUDITUS: V 3 4 \hear, listen, accept, agree with; obey; harken, pay attention; be able to hear;
AUDIENS, AUDIENTIS: N 3 3 M \auditor, one who hears; hearer of, obedient to (your command);
AUDIENS, AUDIENTIS: N 3 3 M \catechumen (eccl.), convert under instruction before baptism; new initiate;
AUDIENTIA, AUDIENTIAE: N 1 1 F \hearing, act of listening, attention; audience, body of listeners;
AUDITUS, AUDITUS: N 4 1 M \hearing; listening; act/sense of hearing; hearsay;
AUDITIO, AUDITIONIS: N 3 1 F \hearing, act/sense of hearing; report, hearsay, rumor; lecture, recital;
AUDITIUNCULA, AUDITIUNCULAE: N 1 1 F \scrap of hearsay information; brief discourse (L+S);
AUDITOR, AUDITORIS: N 3 1 M \listener, hearer; disciple (w/GEN), pupil, student;
AUDITORIUS, AUDITORIA, AUDITORIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \relating to a hearer or hearing;
AUDITORIUM, AUDITORI(I): N 2 4 N \auditorium, lecture room, hall; body of listeners, audience; hearing a law case;
AUFERO, AUFERRE, ABSTULI, ABLATUS: V 3 2 \bear/carry/take/fetch/sweep/snatch away/off, remove, withdraw; steal, obtain;
AUFERO, AUFERRE, APSTULI, ABLATUS: V 3 2 \bear/carry/take/fetch/sweep/snatch away/off, remove, withdraw; steal, obtain;
AUFUGIO, AUFUGERE, AUFUGI, -: V 3 1 \flee, flee from, shun; run/fly away, escape; disappear (things), vanish;
AUG, UNDECLINED: ADJ 9 8 POS \August (month) (mensis understood); abbr. Aug.; renamed from Sextilis in 8 BC;
AUGEO, AUGERE, AUXI, AUCTUS: V 2 1 \increase, enlarge, augment; spread; honor, promote, raise; exalt; make a lot of;
AUGER, AUGERIS: N 3 1 C \augur, one who interprets behavior of birds; diviner, seer, prophet, soothsayer;
AUGESCO, AUGESCERE, -, -: V 3 1 \grow, increase in size/amount/number; develop; prosper; rise/be swollen (river);
AUGIFICO, AUGIFICARE, -, -: V 1 1 \increase, enlarge, make larger;
AUGINOS, AUGINI: N 2 6 F \plant (also called hyoscyamos);
AUGITIS, AUGITIDIS: N 3 1 F \kind of precious stone;
AUGMEN, AUGMINIS: N 3 2 N \addition, increase, increment; bulk, total mass, the result of increase;
AUGMENTUM, AUGMENTI: N 2 2 N \increase, waxing (moon); increment; sustenance;
AUGUR, AUGURIS: N 3 1 C \augur, one who interprets behavior of birds; diviner, seer, prophet, soothsayer;
AUGURO, AUGURARE, AUGURAVI, AUGURATUS: V 1 1 \prophesy, predict, foretell; practice augury; make known intention to (w/INF);
AUGUROR, AUGURARI, -, AUGURATUS SUM: V 1 1 \conjecture, surmise, judge;
AUGURACULUM, AUGURACULI: N 2 2 N \place where auguries are observed, hence the citadel of Rome;
AUGURALIS, AUGURALIS, AUGURALE: ADJ 3 2 POS \of/pertaining to augurs, augural; relating to soothsaying;
AUGURALE, AUGURALIS: N 3 4 N \general's HQ/tent in Roman camp where he took auguries; augur's staff/wand;
AUGURATUS, AUGURATA, AUGURATUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \instituted after due observance of auguries;
AUGURATUS, AUGURATUS: N 4 1 M \office of augur; augury;
AUGURATIO, AUGURATIONIS: N 3 1 F \prediction by means of augury;
AUGURATO: ADV POS \after due taking of the auguries;
AUGURATORIUM, AUGURATORII: N 2 2 N \place/building where auguries were observed;
AUGURATRIX, AUGURATRICIS: N 3 1 F \soothsayer/diviner (female);
AUGURIUS, AUGURIA, AUGURIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \of the augurs/augury, augural;
AUGURIUM, AUGURI(I): N 2 4 N \augury (act/profession); divination, prediction; omen, portent/sign; foreboding;
AUGURIALIS, AUGURIALIS, AUGURIALE: ADJ 3 2 POS \of/pertaining to augurs, augural; relating to soothsaying;
AUGUSTUS, AUGUSTA, AUGUSTUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \August (month) (mensis understood); abbr. Aug.; renamed from Sextilis in 8 BC;
AUGUSTA, AUGUSTAE: N 1 1 F \Augusta; (title of Emperor's wife/occasionally other close female relatives);
AUGUSTUS, AUGUSTI: N 2 1 M \Augustus; (title of Octavius Caesar, Emperor, 27 BC-14 AD); of all emperors;
AUGUSTO, AUGUSTARE, AUGUSTAVI, AUGUSTATUS: V 1 1 \glorify; render venerable;
AUGUSTUS, AUGUSTA -UM, AUGUSTIOR -OR -US, AUGUSTISSIMUS -A -UM: ADJ 1 1 X \sacred, venerable; majestic, august, solemn; dignified;
AUGUSTATUS, AUGUSTATA, AUGUSTATUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \made venerable; consecrated;
AUGUSTE, AUGUSTIUS, AUGUSTISSIME: ADV X \reverently, solemnly; with dignity; majestically; sacredly;
AUGUSTINUS, AUGUSTINI: N 2 1 M \Augustine; (St./Bishop of Hippo, 354-430, 'Confessions', 'City of God');
AULA, AULAE: N 1 1 F \hall, inner court; church; palace/castle; royal court; courtiers; princely power
AULUS, AULI: N 2 1 M \Aulus, Roman praenomen; abbreviated A.;
AULOS, AULI: N 2 6 M \kind of bivalve, razorshell clam; flute-shaped scallop (L+S);
AULAEA, AULAEAE: N 1 1 F \canopy/covering; theater curtain; hangings/folds (pl.), tapestries/drapery;
AULAEUM, AULAEI: N 2 2 N \canopy/covering; theater curtain; hangings/folds (pl.), tapestries/drapery;
AULAX, AULACIS: N 3 1 F \furrow;
AULETICUS, AULETICA, AULETICUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \used for making reed pipes/flutes;
-, AULETICE, -: ADJ 1 6 POS \used for making reed pipes/flutes;
AULETICOS, AULETIC-, -: ADJ 2 7 POS \used for making reed pipes/flutes;
-, -, AULETICON: ADJ 2 8 POS \used for making reed pipes/flutes;
-, -, AULETICON: ADJ 2 8 POS \used for making reed pipes/flutes;
AULICUS, AULICA, AULICUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \of/pertaining to the pipe/flute;
AULICUS, AULICA, AULICUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \of/belonging to the imperial/a prince's household; princely;
AULICUS, AULICI: N 2 1 M \courtier (of the imperial/a prince's household);
AULICOCIUS, AULICOCIA, AULICOCIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \boiled, cooked in a pot;
AULICOCTUS, AULICOCTA, AULICOCTUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \boiled, cooked in a pot;
AULIX, AULICIS: N 3 1 F \furrow;
AULOEDUS, AULOEDI: N 2 1 M \person who sings to a reed pipe;
AULON, AULONIS: N 3 1 M \waterspout;
AULOPOIOS, AULOPOII: N 2 6 M \maker of reed pipes;
AULULA, AULULAE: N 1 1 F \small pipkin/pot;
AUMATIUM, AUMATII: N 2 2 N \latrine in a theater/circus; private place in the theater (L+S);
AUNCULUS, AUNCULI: N 2 1 M \maternal uncle, mother's brother, mother's sister's husband; great uncle;
AURA, AURAE: N 1 1 F \breeze, breath (of air), wind; gleam; odor, stench; vapor; air (pl.), heaven;
AURUM, AURI: N 2 2 N \gold (metal/color), gold money, riches;
AURO, AURARE, AURAVI, AURATUS: V 1 1 \gild, overlay with gold;
AURACULUM, AURACULI: N 2 2 N \oracle (place/agency/mouthpiece); prophecy; oracular saying/precept/maxim;
AURARIUS, AURARIA, AURARIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \concerned with/used for gold; golden, gold;
AURARIA, AURARIAE: N 1 1 F \gold mine; worker/dearer (female) in gold (L+S);
AURARIUS, AURARII: N 2 1 M \worker in gold, goldsmith; patron (L+S);
AURATUS, AURATA, AURATUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \gilded, overlaid/adorned with gold, golden, gold mounted/embroidered/bearing;
AURATA, AURATAE: N 1 1 F \kind of fish, gilthead, dorado;
AURATOR, AURATORIS: N 3 1 M \gilder, one who gilds (covers with gold leaf) metal/wood/plaster;
AURATURA, AURATURAE: N 1 1 F \gilding, gilt, thin coating of gold;
AUREUS, AUREA, AUREUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \of gold, golden; gilded; gold bearing; gleaming like gold; beautiful, splendid;
AUREA, AUREAE: N 1 1 F \bridle of a horse;
AUREUS, AUREI: N 2 1 M \gold coin (equivalent to 25 silver denarii at Rome) (120 grains/0.25 oz.);
AUREATUS, AUREATA, AUREATUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \adorned/decorated with gold;
AUREAX, AUREACIS: N 3 1 M \charioteer, driver; groom, ostler; helmsman; the Waggoner (a constellation);
AUREFICINA, AUREFICINAE: N 1 1 F \goldsmith's workshop;
AUREOLUS, AUREOLA, AUREOLUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \golden, made of gold, gold colored; beautiful, brilliant, excellent, splendid;
AUREOLUS, AUREOLI: N 2 1 M \gold coin, gold piece;
AURESCO, AURESCERE, -, -: V 3 1 \become golden in color;
AURICALCUM, AURICALCI: N 2 2 N \brass, golden metal; yellow copper ore, 'mountain copper'; brass objects (pl.);
AURICALCINUS, AURICALCINA, AURICALCINUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \made of brass, brass-; of a gold-colored metal;
AURICHALCUM, AURICHALCI: N 2 2 N \brass, golden metal; yellow copper ore, 'mountain copper'; brass objects (pl.);
AURICHALCINUS, AURICHALCINA, AURICHALCINUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \made of brass, brass-; of a gold-colored metal;
AURICOCTOR, AURICOCTORIS: N 3 1 M \smelter/melter/refiner of gold;
AURICOLOR, (GEN.), AURICOLORIS: ADJ 3 1 POS \golden, of the color of gold;
AURICOMUS, AURICOMA, AURICOMUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \golden-haired, with golden hair; flaxen-haired; with golden foliage/leaves;
AURICOMANS, (GEN.), AURICOMANTIS: ADJ 3 1 POS \golden-haired, with golden hair; flaxen-haired; with golden foliage/leaves;
AURICULA, AURICULAE: N 1 1 F \ear (part of body/organ of hearing); sense of hearing;
AURICULARIUS, AURICULARIA, AURICULARIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \of/for the ear/ears; (medicus auricularius => ear specialist);
AURICULARIUS, AURICULARII: N 2 1 M \ear doctor/specialist, aurist; counselor;
AURIFER, AURIFERA, AURIFERUM: ADJ 1 2 POS \gold-bearing, producing/yielding gold (mine/country); bearing golden fruit;
AURIFEX, AURIFICIS: N 3 1 M \goldsmith;
AURIFICINA, AURIFICINAE: N 1 1 F \goldsmith's workshop;
AURIGA, AURIGAE: N 1 1 M \charioteer, driver; groom, ostler; helmsman; the Waggoner (a constellation);
AURIGO, AURIGARE, AURIGAVI, AURIGATUS: V 1 1 \drive/race a chariot;
AURIGOR, AURIGARI, -, AURIGATUS SUM: V 1 1 \drive/race a chariot;
AURIGALIS, AURIGALIS, AURIGALE: ADJ 3 2 POS \of/pertaining to a charioteer/driver;
AURIGANS, (GEN.), AURIGANTIS: ADJ 3 1 POS \glittering with gold;
AURIGARIUS, AURIGARII: N 2 1 M \owner of a racing chariot; charioteer in the races in the circus (L+S);
AURIGATIO, AURIGATIONIS: N 3 1 F \chariot driving;
AURIGATOR, AURIGATORIS: N 3 1 M \chariot racer/race driver;
AURIGENUS, AURIGENA, AURIGENUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \born of gold, gold-begotten (i.e., Perseus);
AURIGENA, AURIGENAE: N 1 1 M \one born of gold, the gold-begotten (i.e., Perseus);
AURIGER, AURIGERA, AURIGERUM: ADJ 1 2 POS \bearing gold (e.g., with gilded horns; bearing the Golden Fleece);
AURIGINEUS, AURIGINEA, AURIGINEUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \golden/yellow (of color); jaundiced;
AURIGINOSUS, AURIGINOSA, AURIGINOSUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \golden/yellow (of color); jaundiced;
AURILEGULUS, AURILEGULI: N 2 1 M \gold picker, gold collector;
AURIOLUS, AURIOLA, AURIOLUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \golden, made of gold, gold colored; beautiful, brilliant, excellent, splendid;
AURIPIGMENTUM, AURIPIGMENTI: N 2 2 N \yellow/trisulphide of arsenic, bright yellow dye mineral, yellow orpiment;
AURIS, AURIS: N 3 3 F \ear; hearing; a discriminating sense of hearing, 'ear' (for); pin on plow;
AURISCALPIUM, AURISCALPII: N 2 2 N \ear-pick (medical instrument), probe;
AURITUS, AURITA, AURITUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \with/having ears; longeared, w/large ears; hearing well, listening, attentive;
AURITULUS, AURITULI: N 2 1 M \the long-eared animal, ass;
AUROCHALCINUS, AUROCHALCINA, AUROCHALCINUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \made of brass, brass-; of a gold-colored metal;
AURORA, AURORAE: N 1 1 F \dawn, daybreak, sunrise; goddess of the dawn; Orient/East, peoples of the East;
AURORO, AURORARE, AURORAVI, AURORATUS: V 1 1 \shine like the sunrise;
AUROSUS, AUROSA, AUROSUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \containing gold, gold-bearing; of the color of gold, like gold (L+S);
AURUFEX, AURUFICIS: N 3 1 M \goldsmith;
AURUGINO, AURUGINARE, AURUGINAVI, AURUGINATUS: V 1 1 \have jaundice, be affected with jaundice;
AURUGINEUS, AURUGINEA, AURUGINEUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \golden/yellow (of color); jaundiced;
AURUGINOSUS, AURUGINOSA, AURUGINOSUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \golden/yellow (of color); jaundiced;
AURUGO, AURUGINIS: N 3 1 F \jaundice; pale/sickly look; mildew (plants) (L+S);
AURULA, AURULAE: N 1 1 F \gentle breeze; whiff (of);
AURULENTUS, AURULENTA, AURULENTUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \of the color of gold, golden;
AUSUM, AUSI: N 2 2 N \daring/bold deed, exploit, venture; attempt; presumptuous act, outrage; crime;
AUSUS, AUSUS: N 4 1 M \daring, initiative; ventures (pl.);
AUSUM, -, -, -: V 5 1 \intend, be prepared; dare (to go/do), act boldly, risk; (SUB for audeo-kludge);
AUSCULUM, AUSCULI: N 2 2 N \kiss; mouth; lips; orifice; mouthpiece (of a pipe);
AUSCULOR, AUSCULARI, -, AUCULATUS SUM: V 1 1 \kiss; exchange kisses;
AUSCULATIO, AUSCULATIONIS: N 3 1 F \kissing; action of kissing;
AUSCULTO, AUSCULTARE, AUSCULTAVI, AUSCULTATUS: V 1 1 \listen to; overhear, listen secretly; heed, obey;
AUSCULTATUS, AUSCULTATUS: N 4 1 M \act of listening/hearing;
AUSCULTATIO, AUSCULTATIONIS: N 3 1 F \eavesdropping, secret listening; paying heed, obeying;
AUSCULTATOR, AUSCULTATORIS: N 3 1 M \listener; one who heeds/obeys;
AUSPEX, AUSPICIS: N 3 1 C \diviner by birds, augur; soothsayer; patron, supporter; wedding functionary;
AUSPICO, AUSPICARE, AUSPICAVI, AUSPICATUS: V 1 1 \take auspices; seek omens; begin with auspices, make ceremonial start; portend;
AUSPICOR, AUSPICARI, -, AUSPICATUS SUM: V 1 1 \take auspices; seek omens; begin with auspices, make ceremonial start; portend;
AUSPICABILIS, AUSPICABILIS, AUSPICABILE: ADJ 3 2 POS \auspicious, of favorable omen;
AUSPICALIS, AUSPICALIS, AUSPICALE: ADJ 3 2 POS \giving omens; pertaining to/suitable for divination/auguries;
AUSPICALITER: ADV POS \after taking the auspices; with the appropriate taking of auguries;
AUSPICATUS, AUSPICATUS: N 4 1 M \augury, taking of auspices;
AUSPICATUS, AUSPICATA -UM, AUSPICATIOR -OR -US, AUSPICATISSIMUS -A -UM: ADJ 1 1 X \consecrated/approved by auguries, hollowed; auspicious, fortunate, lucky;
AUSPICATO: ADV POS \after taking the auspices/auguries; with good omens; auspiciously;
AUSPICIUM, AUSPICI(I): N 2 4 N \divination (by birds); omen; beginning; auspices (pl.); right of doing auspices;
AUSTELLUS, AUSTELLI: N 2 1 M \south (diminutive/contemptuous); southern parts (pl.); gentle south wind (L+S);
AUSTERUS, AUSTERA -UM, AUSTERIOR -OR -US, AUSTERISSIMUS -A -UM: ADJ 1 1 X \austere, plain; bitter, sour; dry (wine); sharp, pungent; dark, somber, morose;
AUSTER, AUSTERIS -E, AUSTERIOR -OR -US, AUSTERRIMUS -A -UM: ADJ 3 3 X \austere, plain; bitter, sour; dry (wine); sharp, pungent; dark, somber, morose;
AUSTER, AUSTRI: N 2 3 M \south wind; south; southern parts (pl.);
AUSTERALIS, AUSTERALIS: N 3 3 F \plant (usually called sisymbrium);
AUSTERE, AUSTERIUS, AUSTERISSIME: ADV X \rigidly, austerely, severely;
AUSTERITAS, AUSTERITATIS: N 3 1 F \harshness, sourness, bitterness; gloominess, somberness; severity, rigor;
AUSTERULUS, AUSTERULA, AUSTERULUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \somewhat dry/astringent/harsh;
AUSTIUM, AUSTI(I): N 2 4 N \door (w/frame); front door; starting gate; entrance to underworld; river mouth;
AUSTRUM, AUSTRI: N 2 2 N \purple dye; purple color; material that has been dyed purple (garment, coverlet)
AUSTRALIS, AUSTRALIS, AUSTRALE: ADJ 3 2 POS \southern; of/brought by the south wind; of southern hemisphere (constellation);
AUSTRIFER, AUSTRIFERA, AUSTRIFERUM: ADJ 1 2 POS \bringing the south wind;
AUSTRINUS, AUSTRINA, AUSTRINUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \southern; of/brought by the south wind; of southern hemisphere (constellation);
AUSTRINUM, AUSTRINI: N 2 2 N \the southern regions (pl.);
AUT: CONJ \or, or rather/else; either...or (aut...aut) (emphasizing one);
AUTEM: CONJ \but (postpositive), on the other hand/contrary; while, however; moreover, also;
AUTHEMERUS, AUTHEMERA, AUTHEMERUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \acting/operating on the same day; providing/with same day service;
AUTHEMERUM, AUTHEMERI: N 2 2 N \kind of eye salve (presumably giving same day relief);
AUTHENTA, AUTHENTAE: N 1 1 M \chief prince, head;
AUTHENTICUS, AUTHENTICA, AUTHENTICUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \original (document), genuine, authentic; that comes from the author;
AUTHENTICUM, AUTHENTICI: N 2 2 N \original/authentic document, the original;
AUTHEPSA, AUTHEPSAE: N 1 1 F \cooker with its own heating compartment;
AUTOCRATUS, AUTOCRATA, AUTOCRATUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \self-blended (wine) (i.e., of medium sweetness);
AUTOCTHON, AUTOCTHONIS: N 3 1 M \original inhabitant, native;
AUTOGRAPHUS, AUTOGRAPHA, AUTOGRAPHUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \written with one's own hand, holograph;
AUTOGRAPHUM, AUTOGRAPHI: N 2 2 N \document written in one;s own hand. holograph;
AUTOMATUS, AUTOMATA, AUTOMATUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \voluntary, spontaneous, self-moving;
AUTOMATUM, AUTOMATI: N 2 2 N \automaton, automatic/self-moving mechanism; automatic/puppet-like movements;
AUTOMATON, AUTOMATI: N 2 8 N \automaton, automatic/self-moving mechanism; automatic/puppet-like movements;
AUTOMATARIUS, AUTOMATARIA, AUTOMATARIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \of automata/automatic mechanisms;
AUTOMATARIUS, AUTOMATARII: N 2 1 M \maker of automata/automatic mechanisms;
AUTOMATARIUM, AUTOMATARII: N 2 2 N \automata (pl.), automatic mechanism;
AUTOPYRUS, AUTOPYRA, AUTOPYRUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \made of unbolted/unsifted wheaten meal, whole-wheat;
AUTOPYROS, AUTOPYROS, -: ADJ 2 6 POS \made of unbolted/unsifted wheaten meal, whole-wheat;
-, -, AUTOPYRON: ADJ 2 8 POS \made of unbolted/unsifted wheaten meal, whole-wheat;
AUTOPYRUS, AUTOPYRI: N 2 1 M \coarse bread made of unbolted/unsifted wheaten meal, whole-wheat bread;
AUTOPYROS, AUTOPYRI: N 2 6 M \coarse bread made of unbolted/unsifted wheaten meal, whole-wheat bread;
AUTUMO, AUTUMARE, AUTUMAVI, AUTUMATUS: V 1 1 \say, assert; say yes; affirm; mention, speak of; name, call; reckon, judge;
AUTUMNUS, AUTUMNA, AUTUMNUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \of autumn, autumnal;
AUTUMNUS, AUTUMNI: N 2 1 M \autumn; autumn fruits, harvest;
AUTUMNO, AUTUMNARE, AUTUMNAVI, AUTUMNATUS: V 1 1 \bring autumnal conditions;
AUTUMNAL, UNDECLINED: ADJ 9 9 POS \autumnal, of autumn, for use in autumn;
AUTUMNALIS, AUTUMNALIS, AUTUMNALE: ADJ 3 2 POS \autumnal, of autumn, for use in autumn;
AUTUMNASCIT, AUTUMNASCERE, AUTUMNASCIT: V 3 1 \autumn is approaching, autumn is coming on;
AUTUMNESCIT, AUTUMNESCERE, AUTUMNESCIT: V 3 1 \autumn is approaching, autumn is coming on;
AUTUMNITAS, AUTUMNITATIS: N 3 1 F \autumn, the autumn season; autumn fruits (poet.);
AUXILIUM, AUXILI(I): N 2 4 N \help, assistance; remedy/antidote; supporting resource/force; auxiliaries (pl.);
AUXILIO, AUXILIARE, AUXILIAVI, AUXILIATUS: V 1 1 \help (w/DAT); give help/aid; assist; be helpful, be of use/avail; remedy, heal;
AUXILIOR, AUXILIARI, -, AUXILIATUS SUM: V 1 1 \help (w/DAT); give help/aid; assist; be helpful, be of use/avail; remedy, heal;
AUXILIARUS, AUXILIARA, AUXILIARUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \assisting, succoring, help-bringing; auxiliary (troops);
AUXILIARIS, AUXILIARIS, AUXILIARE: ADJ 3 2 POS \assisting, succoring, help-bringing; auxiliary (troops);
AUXILIARE, AUXILIARIS: N 3 3 M \auxiliary troops (pl.); allies;
AUXILIARIUS, AUXILIARII: N 2 1 M \auxiliary troops (pl.); assistants; allies;
AUXILIARI, AUXILIARIIS: N 3 3 M \auxiliary troops (pl.); assistants; allies;
AUXILIATOR, AUXILIATORIS: N 3 1 M \helper, one who gives aid; aide, assistant (L+S);
AUXILIATRIX, AUXILIATRICIS: N 3 1 F \helper (female), assistant, aide;
AUXILLA, AUXILLAE: N 1 1 F \small pot for cooking/preserving);
AVA, AVAE: N 1 1 F \grandmother; rooted prejudice, old wives tale;
AVUS, AVI: N 2 1 M \grandfather; forefather, ancestor;
AVOS, AVI: N 2 6 M \grandfather; forefather, ancestor;
AVEO, AVERE, -, -: V 2 1 \hail; (only IMP/INF greeting/leaving; ~ jubeo => I send greetings); fare/be well
AVEO, AVERE, -, -: V 2 1 \|be eager or anxious; desire, wish for, long after, crave;
AVARUS, AVARI: N 2 1 M \miser; stingy/mean/greedy person;
AVARUS, AVARA -UM, AVARIOR -OR -US, AVARISSIMUS -A -UM: ADJ 1 1 X \avaricious, greedy; stingy, miserly, mean; covetous, hungry for;
AVARCA, AVARCAE: N 1 1 F \leather sandal worn by Pyrenean peasants;
AVARE, AVARIUS, AVARISSIME: ADV X \greedily, avariciously, rapaciously; thriftily, economically, stingily, miserly;
AVARITER: ADV POS \greedily, avariciously, rapaciously; thriftily, economically, stingily, miserly;
AVARITIA, AVARITIAE: N 1 1 F \greed, avarice; rapacity; miserliness, stinginess, meanness;
AVARITIES, AVARITIEI: N 5 1 F \greed, avarice; rapacity; miserliness, stinginess, meanness;
AVE: INTERJ \hail!, formal expression of greetings;
AVEHO, AVEHERE, AVEXI, AVECTUS: V 3 1 \carry away, carry; (passive) ride away/off, sail away, go away, depart;
AVELLO, AVELLERE, AVELLI, AVOLSUS: V 3 1 \tear/pluck/wrench away/out/off; separate by force, part; take away, wrest;
AVELLO, AVELLERE, AVOLSI, AVOLSUS: V 3 1 \tear/pluck/wrench away/out/off; separate by force, part; take away, wrest;
AVELLO, AVELLERE, AVULSI, AVULSUS: V 3 1 \tear/pluck/wrench away/out/off; separate by force, part; take away, wrest;
AVENA, AVENAE: N 1 1 F \reed, straw; shepherd's pipe, pan pipe; oats, wild oats, other allied grasses;
AVENACEUS, AVENACEA, AVENACEUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \made from oats, oaten, oat-;
AVENARIUS, AVENARIA, AVENARIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \of/connected with oats, oat-;
AVENS, AVENTIS (GEN.), AVENTIOR -OR -US, AVENTISSIMUS -A -UM: ADJ 3 1 X \willing, cheerful, glad, with pleasure; eager, anxious; covetous;
AVENTER: ADV POS \eagerly, earnestly, anxiously;
AVERRO, AVERRERE, AVERRI, AVERSUS: V 3 1 \sweep/brush away, take away, clear away (table);
AVERRUNCO, AVERRUNCARE, AVERRUNCAVI, AVERRUNCATUS: V 1 1 \avert (something bad), ward off;
AVERSUM, AVERSI: N 2 2 N \back, back/hinder part; other side, obverse;
AVERSUS, AVERSA -UM, AVERSIOR -OR -US, AVERSISSIMUS -A -UM: ADJ 1 1 X \turned/facing away, w/back turned; behind, in rear; distant; averse; hostile;
AVERSOR, AVERSARI, -, AVERSATUS SUM: V 1 1 \turn oneself away in disgust/horror, recoil; avoid, shun; refuse, reject;
AVERSABILIS, AVERSABILIS, AVERSABILE: ADJ 3 2 POS \repulsive, loathsome, abominable: (from which one would turn away);
AVERSATIO, AVERSATIONIS: N 3 1 F \aversion, feeling of dislike (for);
AVERSATRIX, AVERSATRICIS: N 3 1 F \she who abominates/turns away from;
AVERSIM: ADV POS \sidewise, advertedly;
AVERSIO, AVERSIONIS: N 3 1 F \loathing, abhorrence; distraction (of attention/from the point); (for) lump sum;
AVERSOR, AVERSORIS: N 3 1 M \embezzler; pilferer, thief;
AVERTA, AVERTAE: N 1 1 F \saddle-bags, traveling bag, luggage for horseback, portmanteau; (mantica);
AVERTO, AVERTERE, AVERTI, AVERSUS: V 3 1 \turn away from/aside, divert, rout; disturb; withdraw; steal, misappropriate;
AVERTARIUS, AVERTARII: N 2 1 M \horse that bears the averta (saddle/traveling bag), pack-horse, sumpter;
AVIUS, AVIA, AVIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \out of the way, unfrequented, remote; pathless, trackless, untrodden; straying;
AVIA, AVIAE: N 1 1 F \an unidentified plant; groundsel (L+S); (also called senecio, erigeron;
AVIA, AVIAE: N 1 1 F \grandmother; rooted prejudice, old wives tale; an unidentified plant;
AVIUM, AVII: N 2 2 N \pathless region (pl.), wild waste, wilderness, desert; lonely/solitary places;
AVIARIUS, AVIARIA, AVIARIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \used for birds, bird-;
AVIARIUS, AVIARI(I): N 2 4 M \bird keeper, one who has charge of poultry;
AVIARIUM, AVIARI(I): N 2 4 N \aviary, enclosure for birds; haunt of wild birds (poet.);
AVICELLA, AVICELLAE: N 1 1 F \little bird;
AVICULA, AVICULAE: N 1 1 F \small bird;
AVICULARIUS, AVICULARII: N 2 1 M \bird keeper, one who has charge of poultry;
AVIDUS, AVIDA -UM, AVIDIOR -OR -US, AVIDISSIMUS -A -UM: ADJ 1 1 X \greedy, eager, ardent, desirous of; avaricious, insatiable; lustful, passionate;
AVIDE, AVIDIUS, AVIDISSIME: ADV X \greedily, hungrily, avariciously; eagerly, impatiently;
AVIDITAS, AVIDITATIS: N 3 1 F \greed, covetousness; keen desire, lust/passion; appetite (food/drink), gluttony;
AVIDITER: ADV POS \greedily; eagerly;
AVIPES, (GEN.), AVIPEDIS: ADJ 3 1 POS \bird-footed; fleet-footed;
AVIS, AVIS: N 3 3 F \bird; sign, omen, portent;
AVITUS, AVITA, AVITUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \ancestral, of one's ancestors, family; of/belonging to a grandfather;
AVITE: ADV POS \from ancient times, of old;
AVITIUM, AVITII: N 2 2 N \birds collectively, the bird family;
AVOCO, AVOCARE, AVOCAVI, AVOCATUS: V 1 1 \call/summon away; dissuade, divert, distract; remove, take away (property);
AVOCAMENTUM, AVOCAMENTI: N 2 2 N \distraction, diversion, recreation, relaxation;
AVOCATIO, AVOCATIONIS: N 3 1 F \process of diverting the attention; distraction, diversion;
AVOCATOR, AVOCATORIS: N 3 1 M \one who calls off/away, one who diverts;
AVOCATRIX, AVOCATRICIS: N 3 1 F \she who calls off/away, she who diverts;
AVOLO, AVOLARE, AVOLAVI, AVOLATUS: V 1 1 \fly/rush away/off; hasten away, flee, vanish; fly away (missile);
AVOLSIO, AVOLSIONIS: N 3 1 F \process of tearing away/pulling off;
AVOLSOR, AVOLSORIS: N 3 1 M \one who plucks/tears off/away;
AVONCULUS, AVONCULI: N 2 1 M \maternal uncle, mother's brother, mother's sister's husband; great uncle;
AVORRO, AVORRERE, AVORRI, AVORSUS: V 3 1 \sweep/brush away, take away, clear away (table);
AVORSUS, AVORSA -UM, AVORSIOR -OR -US, AVORSISSIMUS -A -UM: ADJ 1 1 X \turned/facing away, w/back turned; behind, in rear; distant; averse; hostile;
AVORSOR, AVORSARI, -, AVORSATUS SUM: V 1 1 \turn oneself away in disgust/horror, recoil; avoid, shun; refuse, reject;
AVORTO, AVORTERE, AVORTI, AVORSUS: V 3 1 \turn away from/aside, divert, rout; disturb; withdraw; steal, misappropriate;
AVULSIO, AVULSIONIS: N 3 1 F \process of tearing away/pulling off;
AVULSOR, AVULSORIS: N 3 1 M \one who plucks/tears off/away;
AVUNCULUS, AVUNCULI: N 2 1 M \maternal uncle, mother's brother, mother's sister's husband; great uncle;
AXAMENTUM, AXAMENTI: N 2 2 N \religious hymns (pl.) in Sarurnian measure annually sung by the Salii;
AXEDO, AXEDONIS: N 3 1 M \board, plank;
AXICIA, AXICIAE: N 1 1 F \pair of shears;
AXICULUS, AXICULI: N 2 1 M \small axle; small plank, slat; small beam/pole, pin (L+S);
AXINOMANTIA, AXINOMANTIAE: N 1 1 F \divination by means of axes;
AXIO, AXIONIS: N 3 1 F \little horned owl;
AXIOMA, AXIOMATIS: N 3 2 N \axiom, fundamental preposition; principle (L+S);
AXIS, AXIS: N 3 3 M \axle, axis, pole; chariot; the sky, heaven; north pole; region, clime;
AXIS, AXIS: N 3 3 M \Indian quadruped; (spotted deer?);
AXIS, AXIS: N 3 3 M \plank, board;
AXITIA, AXITIAE: N 1 1 F \unidentified toilet article;
AXITIOSUS, AXITIOSA, AXITIOSUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \acting together, in combination; of a party; ?;
AXITIOSUS, AXITIOSA, AXITIOSUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \extravagant in use of axitia (unidentified toilet article);
AXON, AXONOS/IS: N 3 7 M \axis of a sundial; axis/roller of a ballista; line on a sundial (L+S);
AXULUS, AXULI: N 2 1 M \small plank/board;
AXUNGIA, AXUNGIAE: N 1 1 F \axle grease (hog/animal fat) (also used as medicament);
AZANIUS, AZANIA, AZANIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \kind of pine cone; pine cones which open while yet on the tree (L+S);
AZONUS, AZONI: N 2 1 M \gods (pl.) who have no definite place in heaven;
AZOTUS, AZOTI: N 2 1 F \Ahdod (now Esdud); (city of Palestine near the coast);
AZOTIUS, AZOTIA, AZOTIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \Azotian, of/from Azotus/Ahdod (now Esdud); (city of Palestine near the coast);
AZOTICUS, AZOTICA, AZOTICUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \Azotian, of/from Azotus/Ahdod (Esdud); (city of Palestine near the coast);
AZOTICE: ADV POS \Azotian, in the language/manner of Azotus/Ahdod (Esdud); (city of Palestine);
AZYMUS, AZYMA, AZYMUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \unleavened; pure, morally uncorrupted (L+S);
AZYMUM, AZYMI: N 2 2 N \unleavened bread (pl.);
BUS, BUS: N 4 1 C \ox, bull; cow; cattle (pl.); (odd form mostly in Varro);
BAE, BAES: N 1 6 F \palm branch; Baiae (pl.) posh Bay of Naples resort w/hot springs, Palm Springs?;
BAAL, UNDECLINED: N 9 9 M \Baal (Syrian deity);
BABAE: INTERJ \exclamation of surprise or amazement;
BABAECALUS, BABAECALI: N 2 1 M \rich man (slang);
BABBIUS, BABBIA, BABBIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \designation of a large variety of olive;
BABULUS, BABULI: N 2 1 M \babbler, fool;
BABYLON, BABYLONOS/IS: N 3 7 F \Babylon (city on Euphrates, capital of Babylonia); people of Babylon;
BABYLONIUS, BABYLONIA, BABYLONIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \Babylonian, of Babylon (city on Euphrates, capital of Babylonia);
BABYLONIA, BABYLONIAE: N 1 1 F \Babylon (city on Euphrates, capital of Babylonia); Babylonia;
BABYLONIUS, BABYLONII: N 2 1 M \Babylonian, inhabitant of Babylon (city on Euphrates, capital of Babylonia);
BACA, BACAE: N 1 1 F \berry, fruit of tree/shrub; olive; pearl; piece/bead of coral;
BACALIS, BACALIS, BACALE: ADJ 3 2 POS \berry-bearing (designation of the female laurel);
BACALIA, BACALIAE: N 1 1 F \berry-bearer; female laurel regarded as a variety;
BACALUSIA, BACALUSIAE: N 1 1 F \stupid guesses? (pl.); kind of sweetmeat? L+S);
BACAR, BACARIS: N 3 4 N \vessel with a long handle (like bacrio); wine glass (L+S);
BACATUS, BACATA, BACATUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \set with pearls;
BACCA, BACCAE: N 1 1 F \berry, fruit of tree/shrub; olive; pearl; piece/bead of coral;
BACCOR, BACCARI, -, BACCATUS SUM: V 1 1 \run riot/wild/crazy, dash in a frenzy; be frenzied;
BACCALIS, BACCALIS, BACCALE: ADJ 3 2 POS \berry-bearing (designation of the female laurel);
BACCALAUREUSUS, BACCALAUREUSI: N 2 1 M \baccalaureate, bachelor's (degree); the lowest academic degree/step;
BACCALIA, BACCALIAE: N 1 1 F \berry-bearer; female laurel regarded as a variety;
BACCAR, BACCARIS: N 3 4 N \unidentified plant (cyclamen?, sowbread); another plant; w/fragrant root w/oil;
BACCARIS, BACCARIS: N 3 3 F \unidentified plant (cyclamen?, sowbread); another plant; w/fragrant root w/oil;
BACCHUS, BACCHI: N 2 1 M \Bacchus, god of wine/vine; the vine, wine;
BACCHUS, BACCHI: N 2 1 M \kind of sea-fish (myxon L+S);
BACCHOR, BACCHARI, -, BACCHATUS SUM: V 1 1 \celebrate the rites of Bacchus; revel, rave; riot, wander in frenzy; run wild;
BACCHABUNDUS, BACCHABUNDA, BACCHABUNDUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \reveling in the manner of Bacchantes, raving;
BACCHANALIS, BACCHANALIS, BACCHANALE: ADJ 3 2 POS \relating to Bacchus; Bacchanalian;
BACCHANAL, BACCHANALIS: N 3 4 N \festival/rites (pl.) of Bacchus; Bacchanalian orgy;
BACCHANAL, BACCHANALIS: N 3 4 N \|shrine/site where the rites of Bacchus were celebrated;
BACCHANALIUM, BACCHANALII: N 2 2 N \festival/rites (pl.) of Bacchus; Bacchanalian orgy;
BACCHANS, BACCHANTIS: N 3 3 F \votaries (pl.) of Bacchus, Bacchantes;
BACCHAR, BACCHARIS: N 3 4 N \unidentified plant (cyclamen?, sowbread); another plant; w/fragrant root w/oil;
BACCHARIS, BACCHARIS: N 3 3 F \unidentified plant (cyclamen?, sowbread); another plant; w/fragrant root w/oil;
BACCHATIM: ADV POS \in the manner of Bacchantes, riotously, wildly;
BACCHATIO, BACCHATIONIS: N 3 1 F \celebration of rites of Bacchus; orgy, debauch; reveling Bacchanalian fashion;
BACCHIA, BACCHIAE: N 1 1 F \kind of drinking goblet/bowl;
BACCHIUS, BACCHII: N 2 1 M \metrical foot of three syllables, either long-long-short or short-long-long;
BACCHIACUS, BACCHIACA, BACCHIACUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \name for the choriambic meter;
BACCIBALLUM, BACCIBALLI: N 2 2 N \piece; woman (slang), bit of stuff/fluff;
BACCILLUM, BACCILLI: N 2 2 N \stick (small), walking stick, staff; shaft/handle (weapon/tool); lictor's staff;
BACCINA, BACCINAE: N 1 1 F \plant (also called apollinaris);
BACEOLUS, BACEOLA, BACEOLUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \stupid, slow-witted, unintelligent, inept; foolish, silly; (used by Augustus);
BACILLUS, BACILLI: N 2 1 M \stick (small), walking stick, staff; shaft/handle (weapon/tool); lictor's staff;
BACILLUM, BACILLI: N 2 2 N \stick (small), walking stick, staff; shaft/handle (weapon/tool); lictor's staff;
BACRIO, BACRIONIS: N 3 1 M \vessel with a long handle, ladle;
BACTROPERITA, BACTROPERITAE: N 1 1 M \one carrying/with a staff and pouch; nickname of a Cynic philosopher;
BACULA, BACULAE: N 1 1 F \small berry;
BACULUS, BACULI: N 2 1 M \stick, walking stick, staff; lictor's rod/staff (not the fascas); scepter;
BACULUM, BACULI: N 2 2 N \stick, walking stick, staff; lictor's rod/staff (not the fascas); scepter;
BADIUS, BADIA, BADIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \bay, reddish-brown, chestnut; (color esp. applied to horses);
BADITIS, BADITIDIS: N 3 1 F \plant (nymphaea);
BADIZO, BADIZARE, -, -: V 1 1 \go, proceed; walk;
BAETO, BAETERE, -, -: V 3 1 \go;
BAETICA, BAETICAE: N 1 1 F \Baectia (province in southern Spain, Andalusia/Granada);
BAETICATUS, BAETICATA, BAETICATUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \clothed in wool from Baectia (province in southern Spain, Andalusia/Granada);
BAETULUS, BAETULI: N 2 1 M \species of meteoric stone;
BAIA, BAIAE: N 1 1 F \palm branch; Baiae (pl.) posh Bay of Naples resort w/hot springs, Palm Springs?;
BAIJULUS, BAIJULI: N 2 1 M \porter, pall-bearer, carrier of a burden; steward; letter-carrier (L+S);
BAIJULO, BAIJULARE, -, -: V 1 1 \carry, bear (a load);
BAJOLUS, BAJOLI: N 2 1 M \porter, pall-bearer, carrier of a burden; steward; letter-carrier (L+S);
BAJULUS, BAJULI: N 2 1 M \porter, pall-bearer, carrier of a burden; steward; letter-carrier (L+S);
BAJULO, BAJULARE, -, -: V 1 1 \carry, bear (a load);
BAJULATIO, BAJULATIONIS: N 3 1 F \carrying/bearing of burdens/loads;
BAJULATOR, BAJULATORIS: N 3 1 M \carrier, porter, one carrying/bearing burdens/loads;
BAJULATORIUS, BAJULATORIA, BAJULATORIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \belonging to a carrier/porter (e.g., a sedan chair);
BALO, BALARE, BALAVI, BALATUS: V 1 1 \bleat, baa (like a sheep); talk foolishly;
BALAENA, BALAENAE: N 1 1 F \whale;
BALANUS, BALANI: N 2 1 F \acorn; other nuts, chestnut, ben-nut; date; balsam; shell-fish; suppository;
BALANATUS, BALANATA, BALANATUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \perfumed with oil of Ben (winged Horse-radish tree seeds Moringa pterygosperms);
BALANINUS, BALANINA, BALANINUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \of the ben-nut (winged seeds of the Horse-radish tree, Moringa pterygosperms);
BALANITES, BALANITAE: N 1 7 M \a precious stone;
BALANITIS, BALANITIDIS: N 3 1 F \species of chestnut; (shaped like an acorn L+S);
BALANS, (GEN.), BALANTIS: ADJ 3 1 POS \bleating as proper epithet of sheep;
BALANS, BALANTIS: N 3 3 M \bleater; sheep (pl.);
BALANTUS, BALANTA, BALANTUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \anointed/perfumed with balsam; embalmed;
BALATUS, BALATUS: N 4 1 M \bleating (of sheep/goats);
BALATRO, BALATRONIS: N 3 1 M \buffoon, fool; jester, joker; bleater, babbler;
BALAUSTIUM, BALAUSTI(I): N 2 4 N \flower of the pomegranate;
BALBUS, BALBA, BALBUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \stammering, stuttering, lisping, suffering from a speech defect; fumbling;
BALBE: ADV POS \inarticulately; obscurely;
BALBUTIO, BALBUTIRE, -, -: V 3 4 \stammer, stutter; lisp; speak obscurely/indistinctly; babble;
BALBUTTIO, BALBUTTIRE, -, -: V 3 4 \stammer, stutter; lisp; speak obscurely/indistinctly; babble;
BALENA, BALENAE: N 1 1 F \whale;
BALINEA, BALINEAE: N 1 1 F \baths (pl.);
BALINEUM, BALINEI: N 2 2 N \bath; bathroom, (public) bath place/rooms (esp. pl.); bathtub; act of bathing;
BALINEARIS, BALINEARIS, BALINEARE: ADJ 3 2 POS \pertaining/belonging to baths/bathhouse; bathhouse;
BALINEARE, BALINEARIS: N 3 4 N \bath utensils (pl.);
BALINEARIUS, BALINEARIA, BALINEARIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \pertaining/relating to baths/bathhouse; bathhouse;
BALINEARIUM, BALINEARII: N 2 2 N \baths (pl.), bathhouses, places for bathing;
BALINEATICUM, BALINEATICI: N 2 2 N \bath money, piece of money to be paid for bath;
BALINEATOR, BALINEATORIS: N 3 1 M \bath-attendant; keeper of a bathhouse;
BALINEATORIUS, BALINEATORIA, BALINEATORIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \of/pertaining/related to a bath;
BALINEATRIX, BALINEATRICIS: N 3 1 F \bath attendant (female);
BALINEOLUM, BALINEOLI: N 2 2 N \small bath;
BALIOLUS, BALIOLA, BALIOLUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \dark, swarthy, chestnut-colored?;
BALIS, BALIS: N 3 3 F \unidentified plant; (vine?);
BALISCUS, BALISCI: N 2 1 M \bath?;
BALISTA, BALISTAE: N 1 1 F \ballista, large military engine for throwing stones and missiles;
BALISTARIUS, BALISTARII: N 2 1 M \maker of ballistas;
BALISTARIUM, BALISTARII: N 2 2 N \artillery emplacement;
BALISTIUM, BALISTII: N 2 2 N \music/songs accompanying dancing;
BALLENA, BALLENAE: N 1 1 F \whale;
BALLISTA, BALLISTAE: N 1 1 F \ballista, large military engine for throwing stones and missiles;
BALLISTARIUS, BALLISTARII: N 2 1 M \maker of ballistas;
BALLISTARIUM, BALLISTARII: N 2 2 N \artillery emplacement;
BALLISTIUM, BALLISTII: N 2 2 N \music/songs accompanying dancing;
BALLOTE, BALLOTES: N 1 6 F \plant, black horehound?;
BALLUCA, BALLUCAE: N 1 1 F \gold-dust, gold-sand;
BALLUX, BALLUCIS: N 3 1 F \gold-dust, gold-sand;
BALNEA, BALNEAE: N 1 1 F \baths (pl.);
BALNEUM, BALNEI: N 2 2 N \bath; bathroom, (public) bath place/rooms (esp. pl.); bathtub; act of bathing;
BALNEARIS, BALNEARIS, BALNEARE: ADJ 3 2 POS \pertaining/belonging to baths/bathhouse; bathhouse;
BALNEARE, BALNEARIS: N 3 4 N \bath utensils (pl.);
BALNEARIUS, BALNEARIA, BALNEARIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \pertaining/relating to baths/bathhouse; bathhouse;
BALNEARIUM, BALNEARII: N 2 2 N \baths (pl.), bathhouses, places for bathing;
BALNEATICUM, BALNEATICI: N 2 2 N \bath money, piece of money to be paid for bath;
BALNEATOR, BALNEATORIS: N 3 1 M \bath-attendant; keeper of a bathhouse;
BALNEATORIUS, BALNEATORIA, BALNEATORIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \of/pertaining/related to a bath;
BALNEATRIX, BALNEATRICIS: N 3 1 F \bath attendant (female);
BALNEOLUM, BALNEOLI: N 2 2 N \small bathroom;
BALSAMUM, BALSAMI: N 2 2 N \balsam; balsam tree/gum (aromatic resin used as unguent); balsam; balm;
BALSAMEUS, BALSAMEA, BALSAMEUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \of balsam (aromatic resin used as unguent); balsamic;
BALSAMINUS, BALSAMINA, BALSAMINUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \of balsam (aromatic resin used as unguent); balsamic;
BALTEUS, BALTEI: N 2 1 M \belt; shoulder-band/baldric; woman's girdle; band around neck/breast of horse;
BALTEUM, BALTEI: N 2 2 N \belt; shoulder-band/baldric; woman's girdle; band around neck/breast of horse;
BALTEARIUS, BALTEARII: N 2 1 M \maker of sword belts/baldrics;
BALTEOLUS, BALTEOLI: N 2 1 M \small girdle;
BALUCA, BALUCAE: N 1 1 F \gold-dust, gold-sand;
BALUX, BALUCIS: N 3 1 F \gold-dust, gold-sand;
BANANICUS, BANANICA, BANANICUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \variety of vine (w/vitis);
BANCUS, BANCI: N 2 1 M \species of fish;
BANCHUS, BANCHI: N 2 1 M \species of fish;
BAPHEUS, BAPHEI: N 2 1 M \dyer;
BAPHEUM, BAPHEI: N 2 2 N \dye-house;
BAPHIUM, BAPHII: N 2 2 N \dye-house;
BAPTES, BAPTAE: N 1 7 M \precious stone;
BAPTISMUS, BAPTISMI: N 2 1 M \baptism;
BAPTISMUM, BAPTISMI: N 2 2 N \baptism;
BAPTISMA, BAPTISMATIS: N 3 2 N \baptism; dipping in/under, washing, ablution;
BAPTISTA, BAPTISTAE: N 1 1 M \baptizer; baptist;
BAPTISTERIUM, BAPTISTERII: N 2 2 N \plunge-bath, place for bathing/swimming; baptistery, baptismal font;
BAPTIZATIO, BAPTIZATIONIS: N 3 1 F \baptizing, baptism;
BAPTIZATOR, BAPTIZATORIS: N 3 1 M \baptizer, baptist;
BARATHRUM, BARATHRI: N 2 2 N \abyss, chasm, pit; the infernal region, the underworld;
BARATRUM, BARATRI: N 2 2 N \infernal region, hell;
BARBA, BARBAE: N 1 1 F \beard; whiskers; large unkempt beard ((pl.); Jovis ~ => shrub, Anthyllis barba;
BARBUS, BARBI: N 2 1 M \barbel, river barbel (Cyprinus barbus);
BARBO, BARBARE, BARBAVI, BARBATUS: V 1 1 \supply with a beard (or perhaps a nonsense word);
BARBARA, BARBARAE: N 1 1 F \foreign/barbarian woman; kind of plaster; plaster applied to raw wounds (L+S);
BARBARUS, BARBARI: N 2 1 M \barbarian, uncivilized person; foreigner (not Greek/Roman);
BARBARUM, BARBARI: N 2 2 N \barbarism; impropriety of speech; kind of plaster (applied to raw wounds L+S);
BARBARUS, BARBARA -UM, BARBARIOR -OR -US, BARBARISSIMUS -A -UM: ADJ 1 1 X \foreign, of/used by/typical of foreigners; cruel, savage; uncivilized, uncouth;
BARBARE: ADV POS \in a foreign language; rudely, uncouthly, inelegantly; roughly, savagely;
BARBARIA, BARBARIAE: N 1 1 F \strange/foreign land; uncivilized races, barbarity; brutality; barbarism;
BARBARIES, BARBARIEI: N 5 1 F \strange/foreign land; uncivilized races, barbarity; brutality; barbarism;
BARBARICUS, BARBARICA, BARBARICUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \outlandish; foreign, strange; barbarous, savage; of uncivilized world/people;
BARBARICUM, BARBARICI: N 2 2 N \foreign land/country;
BARBARICARIUS, BARBARICARII: N 2 1 M \gold-weaver, embroiderer in gold; gilder;
BARBARICE: ADV POS \barbarously, uncouthly, rudely; like a foreigner, in a foreign language;
BARBARICUM: ADV POS \barbarously, uncouthly, rudely; like a foreigner, in a foreign language;
BARBARISMUS, BARBARISMI: N 2 1 M \barbarism, impropriety of speech;
BARBAROLEXIS, BARBAROLEOS/IS: N 3 7 F \perversion of form of a word, change/inflection of Greek to Latin usage;
BARBASCULUS, BARBASCULI: N 2 1 M \whipper-snapper?;
BARBATUS, BARBATA, BARBATUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \bearded, having a beard; (like the men of antiquity); (as sign of) adult;
BARBATORIA, BARBATORIAE: N 1 1 F \ceremony of the first shaving of the beard; shaving of the beard;
BARBATULUS, BARBATULA, BARBATULUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \having a small/foppish beard;
BARBESCO, BARBESCERE, -, -: V 3 1 \get a beard, begin to grow/sprout a beard;
BARBIO, BARBIRE, BARBIVI, BARBITUS: V 3 4 \raise/grow a beard;
BARBIGER, BARBIGERA, BARBIGERUM: ADJ 1 2 POS \bearded (like a goat);
BARBITOS, BARBITI: N 2 6 C \lyre (properly of a lower pitch);
BARBITIUM, BARBITII: N 2 2 N \growth of beard; beard;
BARBULA, BARBULAE: N 1 1 F \little beard (as worn by young Romans L+S);
BARCA, BARCAE: N 1 1 F \small boat; bark, barge;
BARCALA, BARCALAE: N 1 1 M \fool, simpleton;
BARDUS, BARDA, BARDUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \stupid, slow, dull;
BARDUS, BARDI: N 2 1 M \bard (Gallic), poet-singer, minstrel;
BARDITUS, BARDITUS: N 4 1 M \trumpeting (of an elephant); war-cry, battle-cry (of the Germans);
BARDOCUCULLUS, BARDOCUCULLI: N 2 1 M \cloak/overcoat (Gallic); (with hood/cowl, of woolen stuff L+S);
BARIPE, BARIPES: N 1 6 F \precious stone;
BARIS, BARIDIS: N 3 1 F \flat-bottomed boat used on the Nile;
BARITUS, BARITUS: N 4 1 M \trumpeting (of an elephant); war-cry, battle-cry (of the Germans);
BARO, BARONIS: N 3 1 M \block-head, lout, dunce, simpleton;
BAROPTENUS, BAROPTENI: N 2 1 C \precious stone;
BAROSUS, BAROSA, BAROSUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \foolish, stupid, weak, effeminate;
BARRUS, BARRI: N 2 1 M \elephant;
BARRIO, BARRIRE, -, -: V 3 4 \trumpet (of an elephant);
BARRINUS, BARRINA, BARRINUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \of/pertaining to/belonging to an elephant;
BARRITUS, BARRITUS: N 4 1 M \trumpeting (of an elephant); war-cry, battle-cry (of the Germans);
BARYCUS, BARYCA, BARYCUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \top-heavy; with low walls and broad roofs (L+S);
BARYCEPHALUS, BARYCEPHALA, BARYCEPHALUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \top-heavy; with low walls and broad roofs (L+S);
BARYPICRON, BARYPICRI: N 2 8 N \Greek epithet for wormwood (very bitter);
BARYTHONOS, BARYTHONOS, -: ADJ 2 6 POS \not accented on the last syllable;
-, -, BARYTHONON: ADJ 2 8 POS \not accented on the last syllable;
BARYTHON, BARYTHONIS: N 3 1 M \plant (also called Sabina);
BASALTES, BASALTIS: N 3 3 M \dark and very hard species of marble in Ethiopia; (M, contrary to rule L+S);
BASANITES, BASANITAE: N 1 7 M \kind of quartz used in touchstones/whetstones/mortars (basanite?); teststone;
BASCAUDA, BASCAUDAE: N 1 1 F \basin (kind of British origin); mat or dish holder of fine basket-work L+S);
BASELLA, BASELLAE: N 1 1 F \small pedestal/base;
BASIUM, BASI(I): N 2 4 N \kiss; kiss of the hand;
BASIO, BASIARE, BASIAVI, BASIATUS: V 1 1 \kiss, give a kiss;
BASIATOR, BASIATORIS: N 3 1 M \kisser, one who kisses;
BASICULA, BASICULAE: N 1 1 F \small pedestal/base;
BASILEUM, BASILEI: N 2 2 N \crown (on statue of Isis); royal/princely ornament; an eye salve;
BASILIUM, BASILII: N 2 2 N \crown (on statue of Isis); royal/princely ornament; an eye salve;
BASILICUS, BASILICA, BASILICUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \royal, princely, magnificent, splendid; kind of vine;
BASILICA, BASILICAE: N 1 1 F \basilica; oblong hall with colonnade as law court/exchange; church (medieval);
BASILICE, BASILICES: N 1 6 F \black plaster; an eye salve;
BASILICUS, BASILICI: N 2 1 M \the best throw in dice (a royal/king's throw); (also called Venereus);
BASILICUM, BASILICI: N 2 2 N \the best throw in dice (a royal/king's throw); princely robe; best kind of nuts;
BASILICON, BASILICI: N 2 8 N \black plaster; an eye salve;
BASILICANUS, BASILICANI: N 2 1 M \haunter of basilicas;
BASILICE: ADV POS \royally, in a princely fashion/a magnificent manner; wholly, completely (L+S);
BASILICOLA, BASILICOLAE: N 1 1 F \small/little church/chapel;
BASILISCA, BASILISCAE: N 1 1 F \plant (also called regula); (antidote for the bite of the basilisk/cockatrice);
BASILISCUS, BASILISCI: N 2 1 M \basilisk, cockatrice; kind of snake/lizard;
BASIOBALLUM, BASIOBALLI: N 2 2 N \woman (slang), piece, bit of fluff, crumpet;
BASIOLUM, BASIOLI: N 2 2 N \little kiss, peck;
BASIS, BASIS: N 3 3 F \pedestal; base, point of attachment; foundation, support; chord (of an arc);
BASSILICA, BASSILICAE: N 1 1 F \basilica; oblong hall with colonnade used as law court or exchange;
BASTAGA, BASTAGAE: N 1 1 F \carriage of baggage, carrying of freight on wagons, cartage, transport;
BASTAGARIUS, BASTAGARII: N 2 1 M \baggage-master;
BASTAGIA, BASTAGIAE: N 1 1 F \carriage of baggage, carrying of freight on wagons, cartage, transport;
BASTERNA, BASTERNAE: N 1 1 F \sedan chair/litter (enclosed on all sides, carried by mules);
BASTERNARIUS, BASTERNARII: N 2 1 M \bearer of a sedan chair/litter;
BAT: CONJ \but, while, however (contemptuous parity of 'at' - b-b-but);
BATUS, BATI: N 2 1 F \bramble; blackberry bush, raspberry bush;
BATUS, BATI: N 2 1 M \bath, a Hebrew measure for liquids, about 9 gallons;
BATALARIA, BATALARIAE: N 1 1 F \kind of warship;
BATENIM: CONJ \but, yet, nevertheless, however; (contemptuous parity of 'atenim' - b-b-but);
BATHRUM, BATHRI: N 2 2 N \base, pedestal;
BATIA, BATIAE: N 1 1 F \fish; (perh. skate or ray);
BATIACA, BATIACAE: N 1 1 F \drinking vessel, cup, goblet;
BATILLUS, BATILLI: N 2 1 M \shovel; fire/coal/dirt/dung shovel; chafing dish, fire/fumigating/incense pan;
BATILLUM, BATILLI: N 2 2 N \shovel; fire/coal/dirt/dung shovel; chafing dish, fire/fumigating/incense pan;
BATIOCA, BATIOCAE: N 1 1 F \drinking vessel, cup, goblet;
BATIOLA, BATIOLAE: N 1 1 F \drinking vessel, cup, goblet;
BATIS, BATIS: N 3 3 F \plant (prob. samphire, Crithmum maritimum and sim. species);
BATRACHUS, BATRACHI: N 2 1 M \fish (prob. the angler, Lophius piscatorius);
BATRACHIUM, BATRACHII: N 2 2 N \plant of genus Ranunculus;
BATRACHION, BATRACHII: N 2 8 N \plant of genus Ranunculus;
BATRACHITES, BATRACHITAE: N 1 7 M \precious stone (frog-green L+S);
BATTO, BATTERE, -, -: V 3 1 \pound, beat, hit, strike; fence (with swords);
BATTALIA, BATTALIAE: N 1 1 F \fighting/fencing exercises of soldiers and gladiators;
BATTIS, BATTIS: N 3 3 F \plant (prob. samphire, Crithmum maritimum and sim. species);
BATTUO, BATTUERE, -, -: V 3 1 \pound, beat hit, strike; fence (with swords);
BATTUALIA, BATTUALIAE: N 1 1 F \fighting/fencing exercises of soldiers and gladiators;
BATUO, BATUERE, -, -: V 3 1 \pound, beat hit, strike; fence (with swords);
BAUBOR, BAUBARI, -, BAUBATUS SUM: V 1 1 \bark (of dogs), bay, howl;
BAXA, BAXAE: N 1 1 F \kind of sandal; (woven, worn on the comic stage and by philosophers L+S);
BAXEA, BAXEAE: N 1 1 F \kind of sandal; (woven, worn on the comic stage and by philosophers L+S);
BAXEARIUS, BAXEARII: N 2 1 M \sandal maker; maker of woven shoes (L+S);
BAXIARIUS, BAXIARII: N 2 1 M \sandal maker; maker of woven shoes (L+S);
BDELLA, BDELLAE: N 1 1 F \aromatic gum; tree (prob. of genus Balsamodendron);
BDELLIUM, BDELLII: N 2 2 N \aromatic gum; tree (prob. of genus Balsamodendron);
BE: INTERJ \baa (sound made by sheep);
BEO, BEARE, BEAVI, BEATUS: V 1 1 \bless, make happy, gladden, delight; enrich (with);
BEATUS, BEATA, BEATUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \blessed, blissful; "Saint" (in early Church, less formal);
BEATUS, BEATI: N 2 1 M \happy/fortunate men/persons (pl.); the rich;
BEATUM, BEATI: N 2 2 N \happiness, blessedness; good fortune; good circumstances;
BEATUS, BEATA -UM, BEATIOR -OR -US, BEATISSIMUS -A -UM: ADJ 1 1 X \happy, fortunate, bringing happiness; rich, wealthy, copious, sumptuous;
BEATE, BEATIUS, BEATISSIME: ADV X \happily; excellently, felicitously; lavishly, abundantly;
BEATIFICUS, BEATIFICA, BEATIFICUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \making happy or blessed, blessing;
BEATITAS, BEATITATIS: N 3 1 F \supreme happiness, blessedness, a blessed condition, beatitude;
BEATITUDO, BEATITUDINIS: N 3 1 F \supreme happiness, blessedness, a blessed condition, beatitude;
BEATULUS, BEATULA, BEATULUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \blessed (said of a deceased person);
BEATULUS, BEATULI: N 2 1 M \the sainted/happy fellow (ironic/of the dead);
BEBER, BEBRI: N 2 3 M \beaver;
BEBRA, BEBRAE: N 1 1 F \a weapon of the barbarous nations;
BEBRINUS, BEBRINA, BEBRINUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \of/pertaining to the beaver, beaver-;
BECCUS, BECCI: N 2 1 M \bill, beak (esp. of the cock);
BECHION, BECHII: N 2 8 N \plant (perh. coltsfoot, Tussiago farfara); (good for cough L+S);
BEE: INTERJ \baa; sound made by a sheep;
BEIA: INTERJ \(comic word as contemptuous echo of 'heia' see!);
BELO, BELARE, BELAVI, BELATUS: V 1 1 \bleat, baa (like a sheep); talk foolishly;
BELBUS, BELBI: N 2 1 M \hyena;
BELGA, BELGAE: N 1 1 M \Belgae (pl.), a people of N Gaul - in Caesar's "Gallic War";
BELGIUM, BELGII: N 2 2 N \Belgium, country of the Belgae, a people of N Gaul;
BELGICUS, BELGICA, BELGICUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \of/connected with the Belgae, a people of N Gaul;
BELION, BELII: N 2 8 N \strong smelling plant (poley-germander, Teucrium polium?);
BELLUM, BELLI: N 2 2 N \war, warfare; battle, combat, fight; (at/in) (the) war(s); military force, arms;
BELLO, BELLARE, BELLAVI, BELLATUS: V 1 1 \fight, wage war, struggle; take part in war/battle/fight (also animals/games);
BELLUS, BELLA -UM, BELLIOR -OR -US, BELLISSIMUS -A -UM: ADJ 1 1 X \pretty, handsome, charming, pleasant, agreeable, polite; nice, fine, excellent;
BELLOR, BELLARI, -, -: V 1 1 \fight, wage war, struggle; take part in war/battle/fight (also animals/games);
BELLARIUM, BELLARII: N 2 2 N \sweetmeats (pl.), dainties;
BELLATORUS, BELLATORA, BELLATORUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \war-like, martial, ready to fight, valorous; spirited/war/battle (horse);
BELLATOR, (GEN.), BELLATORIS: ADJ 3 1 POS \warlike, martial; of war (~ equus => war horse);
BELLATOR, BELLATORIS: N 3 1 M \warrior, fighter; soldier;
BELLATORIUS, BELLATORIA, BELLATORIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \warlike, pugnacious: useful in war; martial;
BELLATRIX, (GEN.), BELLATRICIS: ADJ 3 1 POS \warlike, martial; skilled/useful in war; of animals/things used in war;
BELLATRIX, BELLATRICIS: N 3 1 F \female warrior;
BELLAX, (GEN.), BELLACIS: ADJ 3 1 POS \warlike; martial;
BELLE, BELLIUS, BELLISSIME: ADV X \well, nicely; satisfactorily/agreeably, suitably/neatly; fortunately/favorably;
BELLE, BELLIUS, BELLISSIME: ADV X \|(w/esse => have a nice time; w/habere => be well; w/est => all is well);
BELLIATULUS, BELLIATULA, BELLIATULUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \pretty little (term of endearment);
BELLICUS, BELLICA, BELLICUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \of war, military; warlike; (~um canere => sound attack horn/begin hostilities);
BELLICUM, BELLICI: N 2 2 N \signal (on trumpet) for march/attack/etc. (w/canere); military trumpet call;
BELLICREPUS, BELLICREPA, BELLICREPUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \marked by the sound of arms; (~a saltio => an armed dance, dance in arms);
BELLIFER, BELLIFERA, BELLIFERUM: ADJ 1 2 POS \waging war, warring; warlike, martial; war-, battle-;
BELLIGER, BELLIGERA, BELLIGERUM: ADJ 1 2 POS \waging war, warring; warlike, martial; war-, battle-;
BELLIGERO, BELLIGERARE, BELLIGERAVI, BELLIGERATUS: V 1 1 \wage or carry on war; be at war;
BELLIGEROR, BELLIGERARI, -, BELLIGERATUS SUM: V 1 1 \wage or carry on war; be at war;
BELLIGERATOR, BELLIGERATORIS: N 3 1 M \warrior, combatant;
BELLIO, BELLIONIS: N 3 1 F \meadow flower (unidentified); (yellow ox-eye daisy - L+S);
BELLIPOTENS, (GEN.), BELLIPOTENTIS: ADJ 3 1 POS \powerful/mighty/valiant in war; (often of gods);
BELLIS, BELLIS: N 3 3 F \flower (perh. daisy); (white daisy, ox-eye - L+S);
BELLISONUS, BELLISONA, BELLISONUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \sounding of/like war/battle;
BELLITUDO, BELLITUDINIS: N 3 1 F \elegance; beauty, loveliness;
BELLONARIA, BELLONARIAE: N 1 1 F \plant (solanum) used by priests at the festival of Bellona (goddess of war);
BELLOVACUS, BELLOVACI: N 2 1 M \Bellovaci, tribe of Gallia Belgica (near Rouen in Normandy) - Caesar;
BELLUA, BELLUAE: N 1 1 F \beast, wild animal (incl. sea creature); monster, brute (great size/ferocity);
BELLUALIS, BELLUALIS, BELLUALE: ADJ 3 2 POS \bestial, brutish; brutal;
BELLUATUS, BELLUATA, BELLUATUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \provided with beasts (real or on embroidery);
BELLUILIS, BELLUILIS, BELLUILE: ADJ 3 2 POS \bestial, brutish; brutal;
BELLUINUS, BELLUINA, BELLUINUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \proper/pertaining to beasts, bestial;
BELLULUS, BELLULA, BELLULUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \pretty/nice (little), fine, lovely, beautiful;
BELLULE: ADV POS \prettily, nicely, finely;
BELOACOS, BELOACI: N 2 6 M \plant (also called dictamnus);
BELONE, BELONES: N 1 6 F \fish (same as acus); pipefish, needlefish, hornpike, gar;
BELOTOCOS, BELTOCI: N 2 6 M \plant (also called dictamnus);
BELUUS, BELUA, BELUUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \proper/pertaining to beasts, bestial;
BELUA, BELUAE: N 1 1 F \beast, wild animal (incl. sea creature); monster, brute (great size/ferocity);
BELUALIS, BELUALIS, BELUALE: ADJ 3 2 POS \bestial, brutish; brutal;
BELUATUS, BELUATA, BELUATUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \provided with beasts (real or on embroidery);
BELUILIS, BELUILIS, BELUILE: ADJ 3 2 POS \bestial, brutish; brutal;
BELUINUS, BELUINA, BELUINUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \proper/pertaining to beasts, bestial;
BELUOSUS, BELUOSA, BELUOSUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \that abounds/abounding in beasts/monsters;
BENE, MELIUS, OPTIME: ADV X \well, very, quite, rightly, agreeably, cheaply, in good, style; better; best;
BENEDICUS, BENEDICA, BENEDICUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \friendly, kind; speaking friendly words;
BENEDICO, BENEDICERE, BENEDIXI, BENEDICTUS: V 3 1 \bless; praise; speak well of; speak kindly of (class. 2 words);
BENEDICE: ADV POS \with friendly words, kindly;
BENEDICTUS, BENEDICTA, BENEDICTUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \blessed; blest; approved/praised/spoken well of (person);
BENEDICTUS, BENEDICTI: N 2 1 M \blessed/blest one; an approved/praised person, spoken well of;
BENEDICTIO, BENEDICTIONIS: N 3 1 F \blessing; benediction; extolling, praising; consecrated/sacred object;
BENEFACIO, BENEFACERE, BENEFECI, BENEFACTUS: V 3 1 \do service to/confer benefit on (class. 2 words);
BENEFACTUM, BENEFACTI: N 2 2 N \benefit, service (also as 2 words); good deed (usu. pl.);
BENEFACTIO, BENEFACTIONIS: N 3 1 F \performing an act of kindness; doing a favor/kindness/boon;
BENEFACTOR, BENEFACTORIS: N 3 1 M \benefactor; he who does/confers a favor/kindness;
BENEFICUS, BENEFICA -UM, BENEFICENTIOR -OR -US, BENEFICENTISSIMUS -A -UM: ADJ 1 1 X \beneficent, kind, generous, liberal, serviceable;
BENEFICE: ADV POS \beneficently;
BENEFICENTIA, BENEFICENTIAE: N 1 1 F \beneficence, kindness; honorable treatment;
BENEFICIUM, BENEFICI(I): N 2 4 N \kindness, favor, benefit, service, help; privilege, right;
BENEFICIARIUS, BENEFICIARIA, BENEFICIARIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \that is given as a favor; pertaining to a favor;
BENEFICIARIUS, BENEFICIARI(I): N 2 4 M \privileged soldiers (pl.) (exempt from certain duties) (ex., bodyguards);
BENEFICIATUS, BENEFICIATUS: N 4 1 M \status of beneficiarius, privileged soldier (exempt from certain duties);
BENEFICIENTIA, BENEFICIENTIAE: N 1 1 F \beneficence, kindness;
BENEMORIUS, BENEMORIA, BENEMORIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \having good moral qualities;
BENEOLENTIA, BENEOLENTIAE: N 1 1 F \agreeable smell;
BENEPLACITUM, BENEPLACITI: N 2 2 N \good pleasure, gracious purpose;
BENEVOLUS, BENEVOLA, BENEVOLUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \well-wishing, kind, benevolent, friendly, devoted;
BENEVOLUS, BENEVOLI: N 2 1 M \well-wisher, friend;
BENEVOLE: ADV POS \in a spirit of good will, in a friendly manner;
BENEVOLENS, BENEVOLENTIS: N 3 3 C \friend, well-wisher, kind-heart;
BENEVOLENS, BENEVOLENTIS (GEN.), BENEVOLENTIOR -OR -US, BENEVOLENTISSIMUS -A -UM: ADJ 3 1 X \kind, friendly, benevolent, well-wishing, kind-hearted;
BENEVOLENTIA, BENEVOLENTIAE: N 1 1 F \benevolence, kindness, goodwill; favor; endearments;
BENIFICIUM, BENIFICI(I): N 2 4 N \kindness, favor, benefit, service, help; privilege, right;
BENIGNUS, BENIGNA -UM, BENIGNIOR -OR -US, BENIGNISSIMUS -A -UM: ADJ 1 1 X \kind, favorable, obliging; kindly, mild, affable; liberal, bounteous;
BENIGNOR, BENIGNARI, -, -: V 1 1 \rejoice, take delight (in);
BENIGNE, BENIGNIUS, BENIGNISSIME: ADV X \kindly, benevolently, obligingly; courteously, cheerfully; freely, generously;
BENIGNITAS, BENIGNITATIS: N 3 1 F \kindness, courtesy; friendliness, benevolence; liberality, favor; bounty; mercy;
BENIGNITER: ADV POS \kindly, in a friendly manner; benignly;
BENIVOLUS, BENIVOLA, BENIVOLUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \well-wishing, kind, benevolent, friendly, devoted;
BENIVOLUS, BENIVOLI: N 2 1 M \well-wisher, friend;
BENIVOLE: ADV POS \in a spirit of good will, in a friendly manner;
BENIVOLENS, BENIVOLENTIS: N 3 3 C \friend, well-wisher, kind-heart;
BENIVOLENS, BENIVOLENTIS (GEN.), BENIVOLENTIOR -OR -US, BENIVOLENTISSIMUS -A -UM: ADJ 3 1 X \kind, friendly, benevolent, well-wishing, kind-hearted;
BENIVOLENTIA, BENIVOLENTIAE: N 1 1 F \benevolence, kindness, goodwill; favor; endearments;
BENNA, BENNAE: N 1 1 F \kind of carriage (wickerwork?) (Gallic);
BERBEX, BERBECIS: N 3 1 M \wether (castrated male sheep); stupid/sluggish person;
BERGOMAGISTER, BERGOMAGISTERI: N 2 3 M \bergomeister; mayor;
BERILLUS, BERILLI: N 2 1 M \beryl; (berylius aeroides => sapphire L+S);
BERULA, BERULAE: N 1 1 F \herb (also called cardamine);
BERULLUS, BERULLI: N 2 1 M \beryl; (berylius aeroides => sapphire L+S);
BERVEX, BERVECIS: N 3 1 M \wether (castrated male sheep); stupid/sluggish person;
BERYLLUS, BERYLLI: N 2 1 M \beryl; (berylius aeroides => sapphire L+S);
BERYLLOS, BERYLLI: N 2 6 M \beryl; (berylius aeroides => sapphire L+S);
BES: NUM 2 0 CARD \two thirds; (bes alter => one and two thirds);
BES, BESIS: N 3 1 M \two thirds of any whole; (ex bese => in ratio of 2:3); (or 8, 2/3 of 12 L+S);
BES, BESSIS: N 3 1 M \two thirds of any whole; (ex bese => in ratio of 2:3); (or 8, 2/3 of 12 L+S);
BESALIS, BESALIS, BESALE: ADJ 3 2 POS \two thirds; (often means eight, as 2/3 of 12 mos. L+S); of small value;
BESSALIS, BESSALIS, BESSALE: ADJ 3 2 POS \two thirds; (often means eight, as 2/3 of 12 mos. L+S); of small value;
BESTIA, BESTIAE: N 1 1 F \beast, animal, creature; wild beast/animal, beast of prey in the arena;
BESTIALIS, BESTIALIS, BESTIALE: ADJ 3 2 POS \bestial, like a beast; fierce;
BESTIARIUS, BESTIARIA, BESTIARIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \of/with/pertaining to beasts;
BESTIARIUS, BESTIARI(I): N 2 4 M \fighter with wild beasts at public shows;
BESTIOLA, BESTIOLAE: N 1 1 F \little creature, insect;
BETA, BETAE: N 1 1 F \beet, beetroot;
BETO, BETERE, -, -: V 3 1 \go;
BETA, UNDECLINED: N 9 9 N \beta (second letter of the Greek alphabet); second of anything, second item;
BETACEUS, BETACEA, BETACEUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \of/from/pertaining to a beet;
BETACEUS, BETACEI: N 2 1 M \beetroot;
BETH, UNDECLINED: N 9 9 N \bet; (2nd letter of Hebrew alphabet); (transliterate as B and V);
BETHLEEMITES, BETHLEEMITAE: N 1 7 M \inhabitant/citizen of Bethlehem; (town where Christ was born);
BETHSAMES, BETHSAMITAE: N 1 7 F \Bethsames; (town in Palistine);
BETHSAMES, (GEN.), BETHSAMITIS: ADJ 3 1 POS \Bethsamite, of/from Bethsames (town in Palistine);
BETIS, BETIS: N 3 3 F \beet, beetroot;
BETISSO, BETISSARE, -, -: V 1 1 \be languid (soft as a beet);
BETIZO, BETIZARE, -, -: V 1 1 \be languid (soft as a beet);
BETULA, BETULAE: N 1 1 F \birch tree;
BETULLA, BETULLAE: N 1 1 F \birch tree;
BIOS, BII: N 2 6 M \wine (a celebrated and wholesome Greek wine L+S);
BIAEOTHANATUS, BIAEOTHANATA, BIAEOTHANATUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \dying by violence; that dies a violent death;
BIARCHUS, BIARCHI: N 2 1 M \commissary, superintendent of provisions;
BIARCHIA, BIARCHIAE: N 1 1 F \office of biarchus, commissaryship;
BIBO, BIBERE, BIBI, BIBITUS: V 3 1 \drink; toast; visit, frequent (w/river name); drain, draw off; thirst for; suck;
BIBAX, (GEN.), BIBACIS: ADJ 3 1 POS \that is given to drinking, given to drink;
BIBERARIUS, BIBERARI(I): N 2 4 M \drink seller;
BIBILIS, BIBILIS, BIBILE: ADJ 3 2 POS \drinkable, potable;
BIBIO, BIBIONIS: N 3 1 M \small insect generated in wine;
BIBITOR, BIBITORIS: N 3 1 M \drinker; tippler;
BIBLUS, BIBLI: N 2 1 F \Egyptian papyrus;
BIBLIA, BIBLIAE: N 1 1 F \The Bible (later and more common usage);
BIBLIUM, BIBLII: N 2 2 N \The Bible (pl.) (early usage);
BIBLINUS, BIBLINA, BIBLINUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \made of Egyptian papyrus;
BIBLIOTHECA, BIBLIOTHECAE: N 1 1 F \library (either collection of books or the building, also person in charge);
BIBLIOTHECE, BIBLIOTHECES: N 1 6 F \library (either collection of books or the building, also person in charge);
BIBLIOTHECALIS, BIBLIOTHECALIS, BIBLIOTHECALE: ADJ 3 2 POS \of/belonging to a library (either collection of books or the building);
BIBLIOTHECULA, BIBLIOTHECULAE: N 1 1 F \small library/collection of books;
BIBO, BIBONIS: N 3 1 M \hard drinker, tippler, drunkard; kind of worm bread in wine;
BIBONIUS, BIBONII: N 2 1 M \hard drinker, tippler, drunkard;
BIBOSUS, BIBOSA, BIBOSUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \addicted/given to drink, fond of drink;
BIBRAX, BIBRACTIS: N 3 1 F \Bibrax, a town of the Remi in central Gaul;
BIBREVIS, BIBREVIS, BIBREVE: ADJ 3 2 POS \having meter consisting of two short syllables;
BIBULUS, BIBULA, BIBULUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \fond of drinking, ever thirsty; soaking, sodden; spongy, absorbent, porous;
BICAMERATUM, BICAMERATI: N 2 2 N \receptacle with two compartments;
BICAPS, (GEN.), BICAPITIS: ADJ 3 1 POS \two-headed; with two summits; having two parts, two-fold;
BICEPSOS, BICEPSOS, -: ADJ 2 6 POS \two-headed; with two summits; having two parts, two-fold;
BICEPS, (GEN.), BICIPITIS: ADJ 3 1 POS \two-headed; with two summits; having two parts, two-fold;
BICESSIS, BICESSIS: N 3 3 M \twenty asses (money);
BICIPS, (GEN.), BICIPITIS: ADJ 3 1 POS \two-headed; with two summits; having two parts, two-fold;
BICIPS, (GEN.), BICIPITIS: ADJ 3 1 POS \two-headed; with two summits; having two parts, two-fold;
BICLINIUM, BICLINI(I): N 2 4 N \dining couch for two persons;
BICOLOR, (GEN.), BICOLORIS: ADJ 3 1 POS \of two colors;
BICOMIS, BICOMIS, BICOME: ADJ 3 2 POS \with hair/bristles down on both sides of the neck, with double mane (horses);
BICORNIS, BICORNIS, BICORNE: ADJ 3 2 POS \two-horned; two-pronged; having two points; having two peaks (mountain);
BICORNIGER, BICORNIGERI: N 2 3 M \the two-horned (god), epithet of Bacchus;
BICORNIS, BISCORNIS: N 3 3 M \horned animals (pl.) sacrifice;
BICORPOR, (GEN.), BICORPORIS: ADJ 3 1 POS \double-bodied, having two bodies;
BICORS, (GEN.), BICORDIS: ADJ 3 1 POS \having two hearts; dissembling, false, treacherous;
BICOXUS, BICOXA, BICOXUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \having two thighs/hips; having two haunches;
BICROTUM, BICROTI: N 2 2 N \a light galley, perhaps propelled by two banks of oars;
BIDENS, (GEN.), BIDENTIS: ADJ 3 1 POS \two-pronged; with two teeth; two bladed; having two permanent teeth;
BIDENS, BIDENTIS: N 3 3 F \animal for sacrifice (esp. sheep);
BIDENS, BIDENTIS: N 3 3 M \heavy hoe, mattock with two iron teeth;
BIDENTALIS, BIDENTALIS, BIDENTALE: ADJ 3 2 POS \of sacred place (place struck by lightning) or of sacrifice offered there;
BIDENTAL, BIDENTALIS: N 3 4 N \place struck by lightning where forbidden to tread; sacrifice offered there;
BIDENTATIO, BIDENTATIONIS: N 3 1 F \harrowing; (working ground with bidens, heavy mattock); breaking/tearing up;
BIDUUS, BIDUA, BIDUUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \continuing for two days, of two days;
BIDUUM, BIDUI: N 2 2 N \two days (a period of ...);
BIENNIS, BIENNIS, BIENNE: ADJ 3 2 POS \two years old; lasting two years;
BIENNALIS, BIENNALIS, BIENNALE: ADJ 3 2 POS \continuing for two years, over two years; of two years;
BIENNIUM, BIENNI(I): N 2 4 N \two years (a period of ...);
BIFARIUS, BIFARIA, BIFARIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \twofold, double;
BIFARIAM: ADV POS \in two parts/places/ways, on two sides;
BIFAX, (GEN.), BIFACIS: ADJ 3 1 POS \two-faced;
BIFERUS, BIFERA, BIFERUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \compounded of two animals, two-fold form; heterogeneous;
BIFER, BIFERA, BIFERUM: ADJ 1 2 POS \bearing twice, bearing fruit or flowers twice a year;
BIFESTUS, BIFESTA, BIFESTUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \doubly festive; (~ dies => twofold festival);
BIFIDUS, BIFIDA, BIFIDUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \cloven, cleft, forked; divided in two parts;
BIFIDATUS, BIFIDATA, BIFIDATUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \cloven, cleft, forked; divided in two parts;
BIFILUM, BIFILI: N 2 2 N \double thread;
BIFISSUS, BIFISSA, BIFISSUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \cloven, cleft, forked; divided in two parts;
BIFORUS, BIFORA, BIFORUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \having two leaves/casements (door/window)/openings, folding; from a double pipe;
BIFORIS, BIFORIS, BIFORE: ADJ 3 2 POS \having two leaves/casements (door/window)/openings, folding; from a double pipe;
BIFORMIS, BIFORMIS, BIFORME: ADJ 3 2 POS \of double form, two formed; consisting of two parts/forms; two-faced (Janus);
BIFORMATUS, BIFORMATA, BIFORMATUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \of double form, two formed; consisting of two parts/forms;
BIFRONS, (GEN.), BIFRONTIS: ADJ 3 1 POS \with/having two faces; having two foreheads;
BIFURCUS, BIFURCA, BIFURCUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \two-forked, two pronged, bifurcated;
BIFURCUM, BIFURCI: N 2 2 N \fork; the point at which anything forks; the fork of the thighs, crotch;
BIGUS, BIGA, BIGUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \yoked two together; (contraction of biiugus);
BIGA, BIGAE: N 1 1 F \two-horsed chariot (pl.); span/pair of horses; pair harnessed to an open car;
BIGAMUS, BIGAMA, BIGAMUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \twice married;
BIGARIUS, BIGARI(I): N 2 4 M \driver of a two-horse chariot (bigae);
BIGATUS, BIGATA, BIGATUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \stamped (coin) with a representation of the bigae (two-horsed chariot);
BIGATUS, BIGATI: N 2 1 M \silver coin with a representation of the bigae (two-horsed chariot);
BIGEMMIS, BIGEMMIS, BIGEMME: ADJ 3 2 POS \having two buds; set with two precious stones;
BIGENER, BIGENERA, BIGENERUM: ADJ 1 2 POS \from two different races, hybrid, mongrel;
BIGNA, BIGNAE: N 1 1 F \twins (pl.) (female);
BIJUGUS, BIJUGA, BIJUGUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \two horsed; yoked two abreast; double, a pair of; for two horse chariots;
BIJUGIS, BIJUGIS, BIJUGE: ADJ 3 2 POS \two horsed; yoked two abreast; from a chariot;
BIJUGUS, BIJUGI: N 2 1 M \horses (pl.) yoked two abreast; two brothers; consuls from same family (L+S);
BIJUGIS, BIJUGIS: N 3 3 M \horses (pl.) yoked two abreast; two brothers; consuls from same family (L+S);
BILANX, (GEN.), BILANCIS: ADJ 3 1 POS \having two scales (balance);
BILBO, BILBERE, -, -: V 3 1 \make a noise like a liquid agitated in a vessel; (slosh?);
BILIBRIS, BILIBRIS, BILIBRE: ADJ 3 2 POS \two-pound, weighing/containing two pounds; (2 Roman pounds = one and a half US);
BILIBRA, BILIBRAE: N 1 1 F \two pounds; (two Roman pounds equals about one and a half US pounds);
BILIBRALIS, BILIBRALIS, BILIBRALE: ADJ 3 2 POS \two-pound, weighing/containing two pounds; (2 Roman pounds = one and a half US);
BILINGUIS, BILINGUIS, BILINGUE: ADJ 3 2 POS \two-tongued, speaking two/jumbled languages; treacherous, false, hypocritical;
BILIOSUS, BILIOSA, BILIOSUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \full of bile, bilious;
BILIS, BILIS: N 3 3 F \gall, bile; wrath, anger, indignation; madness, melancholy, folly;
BILIX, (GEN.), BILICIS: ADJ 3 1 POS \having two threads; with a double thread, double/two threaded;
BILONGUS, BILONGA, BILONGUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \doubly long; (~ pes => consisting of two long syllables);
BILUSTRIS, BILUSTRIS, BILUSTRE: ADJ 3 2 POS \lasting two lustres, lasting 10 years;
BILYCHNIS, BILYCHNIS, BILYCHNE: ADJ 3 2 POS \having two lights/wicks;
BIMUS, BIMA, BIMUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \two years old; for/lasting two years;
BIMAMMIIS, BIMAMMIIS, BIMAMMIE: ADJ 3 2 POS \having two breasts; double bosomed; (said of grapes growing in pairs);
BIMARIS, BIMARIS, BIMARE: ADJ 3 2 POS \situated between two seas; of/connected with two seas; (of Corinth);
BIMARITUS, BIMARITI: N 2 1 M \bigamist, a husband having two wives;
BIMATUS, BIMATA, BIMATUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \two years old;
BIMATUS, BIMATUS: N 4 1 M \the age of two years; (of animals);
BIMATER, (GEN.), BIMATRIS: ADJ 3 1 POS \having two mothers; twice born (of Bacchus);
BIMATRIS, BIMATRIS, BIMATRE: ADJ 3 2 POS \having two mothers; twice born (of Bacchus);
BIMEMBRIS, BIMEMBRIS, BIMEMBRE: ADJ 3 2 POS \having limbs of two kinds, part man part beast;
BIMEMBRIS, BIMEMBRIS: N 3 3 M \Centaurs (pl.); part man part beast;
BIMENSTRIS, BIMENSTRIS, BIMENSTRE: ADJ 3 2 POS \two months old; of/for/lasting two months;
BIMENSTRUUS, BIMENSTRUA, BIMENSTRUUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \two months old; of/for/lasting two months;
BIMESTRIS, BIMESTRIS, BIMESTRE: ADJ 3 2 POS \two months old; of/lasting two months;
BIMETER, BIMETRA, BIMETRUM: ADJ 1 2 POS \consisting of two meters (poem, literary work);
BIMULUS, BIMULA, BIMULUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \two years old (only/a mere);
BINUS, BINA, BINUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \2 by 2; 2 each; in pairs; 2 at time; on 2 occasions; double, twofold;
BINARIUS, BINARIA, BINARIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \consisting of/containing two; (~ formae => coins the value of 2 gold pieces);
BINIO, BINIONIS: N 3 1 M \the number two; a deuce;
BINOCTIUM, BINOCTI(I): N 2 4 N \period of two nights;
BINUBUS, BINUBI: N 2 1 M \a doubly married man; (I have no idea if this means remarried or bigamist);
BIOTHANATUS, BIOTHANATA, BIOTHANATUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \dying by violence; that dies a violent death;
BIOTICUS, BIOTICA, BIOTICUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \of/belonging to/associated with/used in common life, common; practical;
BIPALIUM, BIPALI(I): N 2 4 N \bimattock, double mattock, implement for double-digging/trenching;
BIPALMUS, BIPALMA, BIPALMUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \two palms/spans (long/broad - 6 inches, Roman foot being 4 palmi);
BIPALMIS, BIPALMIS, BIPALME: ADJ 3 2 POS \two palms/spans (long/broad - 6 inches, Roman foot being 4 palmi);
BIPARTIO, BIPARTIRE, BIPARTIVI, BIPARTITUS: V 3 4 \divide in two parts; bisect; divide;
BIPARTITUS, BIPARTITA, BIPARTITUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \bipartite, that is divided in two parts;
BIPARTITO: ADV POS \in two parts/divisions/ways/directions; (esse ~ => to be divided);
BIPARTITO, BIPARTITONIS: N 3 1 F \twofold division; dividing in two, split;
BIPATENS, (GEN.), BIPATENTIS: ADJ 3 1 POS \opening two ways; open in two directions; having both leaves open, wide open;
BIPEDA, BIPEDAE: N 1 1 F \tile/flagstone two feet long (for pavements);
BIPEDALIS, BIPEDALIS, BIPEDALE: ADJ 3 2 POS \two feet long, wide or thick, measuring two feet;
BIPEDALE, BIPEDALIS: N 3 4 N \tile/flagstone two feet long (for pavements);
BIPEDALIUM, BIPEDALI(I): N 2 4 N \a distance/depth of two feet, two feet;
BIPEDANEUS, BIPEDANEA, BIPEDANEUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \two feet long, wide or thick, measuring two feet;
BIPENNIS, BIPENNIS, BIPENNE: ADJ 3 2 POS \two-edged; having two wings;
BIPENNIS, BIPENNIS: N 3 3 F \two edged ax; battle ax;
BIPENSILIS, BIPENSILIS, BIPENSILE: ADJ 3 2 POS \that may be suspended on two sides;
BIPERTIO, BIPERTIRE, BIPERTIVI, BIPERTITUS: V 3 4 \divide in two parts; bisect; divide;
BIPERTITUS, BIPERTITA, BIPERTITUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \bipartite, that is divided in two parts;
BIPERTITO: ADV POS \in two parts/divisions/ways; (esse ~ => to be divided);
BIPERTITO, BIPERTITONIS: N 3 1 F \twofold division; dividing in two, split;
BIPES, (GEN.), BIPEDIS: ADJ 3 1 POS \two-footed; bipedal; on two feet (of quadrupeds);
BIPINNIS, BIPINNIS, BIPINNE: ADJ 3 2 POS \two-edged; having two wings;
BIPINNIS, BIPINNIS: N 3 3 F \two edged ax; battle ax;
BIPLEX, (GEN.), BIPLICIS: ADJ 3 1 POS \twofold, double; divided; two-faced;
BIPRORUS, BIPRORA, BIPRORUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \having two prows (ship), double-ended;
BIPROSOPUS, BIPROSOPI: N 2 1 M \kind of salve or plaster;
BIPROSOPUM, BIPROSOPI: N 2 2 N \kind of salve or plaster;
BIREMIS, BIREMIS, BIREME: ADJ 3 2 POS \having two oars to each bench/banks of oars; having two oars (L+S);
BIREMIS, BIRIREMIS: N 3 3 F \birireme, vessel having two oars to each bench/banks of oars; 2-oared boat (L+S)
BIRRUS, BIRRI: N 2 1 M \cloak (wool/silk) to keep off the rain;
BIRRUM, BIRRI: N 2 2 N \cloak (wool/silk) to keep off the rain;
BISACCIUM, BISACCI(I): N 2 4 N \double bag; pair of saddle bags;
BISAETUS, BISAETA, BISAETUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \with hair/bristles down on both sides of the neck, with double mane (horses);
BISBELLIO, BISBELLIONIS: N 3 1 F \man with two skins; cunning man;
BISELLIUM, BISELLI(I): N 2 4 N \seat for two persons; seat of honor awarded for municipal services in provinces;
BISELLIARIUS, BISELLIARI(I): N 2 4 M \one entitled to sit on bisellium seat (honor awarded for services in provinces);
BISELLIATUS, BISELLIATI: N 2 1 M \right/honor to sit on bisellium seat (honor awarded for services in provinces);
BISENI, BISENAE, BISENA: NUM 2 0 DIST \twelve each/apiece/times/at a time; by twelves; (twice six);
BISETUS, BISETA, BISETUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \with hair/bristles down on both sides of the neck, with double mane (horses);
BISEXTUM, BISEXTI: N 2 2 N \two day period of 24 Feb and leap year intercalary day (Julian calendar);
BISEXTIALIS, BISEXTIALIS, BISEXTIALE: ADJ 3 2 POS \containing an intercalary day (bisextum) (Julian calendar);
BISEXTIALIS, BISEXTIALIS, BISEXTIALE: ADJ 3 2 POS \of two sextarii (about two pints); 1/3 congius (liquid); 1/8 modius (dry);
BISOLIS, BISOLIS, BISOLE: ADJ 3 2 POS \having two soles (foot);
BISOMUM, BISOMI: N 2 2 N \sarcophagus for two persons;
BISONUS, BISONA, BISONUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \sounding twice;
BISON, BISONTIS: N 3 1 M \bison; wild ox;
BISPELLIO, BISPELLIONIS: N 3 1 F \man with two skins; cunning man;
BISSEXTUM, BISSEXTI: N 2 2 N \two day period of 24 Feb and leap year intercalary day (Julian calendar);
BISULCUS, BISULCA, BISULCUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \forked, divided into two parts; cloven-footed;
BISULCIS, BISULCIS, BISULCE: ADJ 3 2 POS \forked, divided into two parts; cloven-footed, cloven;
BISULCUM, BISULCI: N 2 2 N \cloven-footed animal;
BISULCILINGUUS, BISULCILINGUA, BISULCILINGUUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \with forked tongue; hypocritical/deceitful/lying (person); (snake-like);
BITO, BITERE, -, -: V 3 1 \go;
BITHALASSUS, BITHALASSA, BITHALASSUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \w/two seas touching/bounding; where two seas meet (Rheims); between two seas;
BITUMEN, BITUMINIS: N 3 2 N \bitumen, pitch, asphalt (generic name for various hydrocarbons);
BITUMINO, BITUMINARE, BITUMINAVI, BITUMINATUS: V 1 1 \cover/impregnate with bitumen/tar; tar;
BITUMINATUS, BITUMINATA, BITUMINATUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \tinctured/impregnated with bitumen (generic for hydrocarbons); bituminous;
BITUMINEUS, BITUMINEA, BITUMINEUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \of/connected with bitumen (generic name for various hydrocarbons);
BITUMINOSUS, BITUMINOSA, BITUMINOSUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \abounding in bitumen (generic name for various hydrocarbons);
BITURIG, BITURIGIS: N 3 1 M \Bituriges (pl.), a people of SW Gaul, Aquitania - in Caesar's "Gallic War";
BIURUS, BIURI: N 2 1 M \name of a rodent found in Campania (central Italy);
BIVERTEX, (GEN.), BIVERTICIS: ADJ 3 1 POS \having two summits/peaks;
BIVIUS, BIVIA, BIVIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \traversable both ways; having two approaches;
BIVIA, BIVIAE: N 1 1 F \goddesses worshiped at crossroads;
BIVIUM, BIVI(I): N 2 4 N \meet of 2 roads, crossroads; fork in road; 2 alternatives; (~ portae=> gateway);
BIVIRA, BIVIRAE: N 1 1 F \woman who has two husbands; woman married to a second husband (L+S);
BLACHNON, BLACHNI: N 2 8 N \male fern;
BLAESUS, BLAESA, BLAESUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \lisping, stammering; indistinct; mispronouncing from speech defect/drunkenness;
BLAESUS, BLAESI: N 2 1 M \one who stammers/lisps; (said of intoxicated persons);
BLANDUS, BLANDA -UM, BLANDIOR -OR -US, BLANDISSIMUS -A -UM: ADJ 1 1 X \flattering, coaxing; charming, pleasant; smooth, gentle; alluring, attractive;
BLANDE, BLANDIUS, BLANDISSIME: ADV X \in coaxing/winning manner, charmingly, persuasively, seductively;
BLANDIO, BLANDIRE, BLANDIVI, BLANDITUS: V 3 4 \flatter, delude; fawn; coax, urge, behave/speak ingratiatingly; allure; please;
BLANDIOR, BLANDIRI, -, BLANDITUS SUM: V 3 4 \flatter, delude; fawn; coax, urge, behave/speak ingratiatingly; allure; please;
BLANDICELLUM, BLANDICELLI: N 2 2 N \flattering words (pl.);
BLANDICULE: ADV POS \charmingly;
BLANDIDICUS, BLANDIDICA, BLANDIDICUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \using fair/flattering words, smooth spoken/talking;
BLANDIENS, BLANDIENTIS: N 3 3 M \flatterer; sweet talker;
BLANDIFLUUS, BLANDIFLUA, BLANDIFLUUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \flowing/diffusing sweetly/pleasantly (odor);
BLANDILOQUUS, BLANDILOQUA, BLANDILOQUUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \charming/persuasive in speech, smooth talking;
BLANDILOQUENS, (GEN.), BLANDILOQUENTIS: ADJ 3 1 POS \charming/persuasive (of speech), smooth talking;
BLANDILOQUENTIA, BLANDILOQUENTIAE: N 1 1 F \charming/persuasive speech, smooth talking;
BLANDILOQUENTULUS, BLANDILOQUENTULA, BLANDILOQUENTULUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \charming/persuasive in speech, smooth talking;
BLANDILOQUIUM, BLANDILOQUII: N 2 2 N \soft words; flattering speech;
BLANDIMENTUM, BLANDIMENTI: N 2 2 N \blandishment, coaxing/wheedling behavior, cajolery; favors; charm, delight;
BLANDITUS, BLANDITA, BLANDITUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \pleasant, agreeable, charming;
BLANDITER: ADV POS \in coaxing/winning manner, charmingly, persuasively, seductively;
BLANDITIA, BLANDITIAE: N 1 1 F \flattery, caress, compliment; charm (pl.), flatteries, enticement, courtship;
BLANDITIES, BLANDITIEI: N 5 1 F \flattery, caress, compliment; charm (pl.), flatteries, enticement, courtship;
BLANDITIM: ADV POS \in a flattering/caressing manner;
BLANDO: ADV POS \in coaxing/winning manner, charmingly, persuasively, seductively;
BLANDULUS, BLANDULA, BLANDULUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \charming; pleasant;
BLANDUM: ADV POS \in coaxing/winning manner, charmingly, persuasively, seductively;
BLAPSIGONIA, BLAPSIGONIAE: N 1 1 F \disease which prevents bees from breeding (foul brood?);
BLASPHEMUS, BLASPHEMI: N 2 1 M \blasphemer;
BLASPHEMO, BLASPHEMARE, BLASPHEMAVI, BLASPHEMATUS: V 1 1 \blaspheme (against God); revile; reproach;
BLASPHEMABILIS, BLASPHEMABILIS, BLASPHEMABILE: ADJ 3 2 POS \that deserves reproach; censurable;
BLASPHEMATIO, BLASPHEMATIONIS: N 3 1 F \censure, reproach, reviling;
BLASPHEMIA, BLASPHEMIAE: N 1 1 F \blasphemy (against God); slander; reviling;
BLATERO, BLATERARE, BLATERAVI, BLATERATUS: V 1 1 \prate, babble; utter in a babbling way; (applied to sounds of certain animals);
BLATERATUS, BLATERATUS: N 4 1 M \babbling, prattle;
BLATERATIO, BLATERATIONIS: N 3 1 F \babbling, prattle;
BLATERO, BLATERONIS: N 3 1 M \prater, babbler;
BLATIO, BLATIRE, -, -: V 3 4 \prate, babble; utter in a babbling way; (applied to sounds of certain animals);
BLATTA, BLATTAE: N 1 1 F \blood clot;
BLATTA, BLATTAE: N 1 1 F \cockroach, moth, book-worm; (applied to various insects);
BLATTO, BLATTARE, BLATTAVI, BLATTATUS: V 1 1 \prate, babble; utter in a babbling way; (applied to sounds of certain animals);
BLATTARIUS, BLATTARIA, BLATTARIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \connected with/suitable for moths;
BLATTARIA, BLATTARIAE: N 1 1 F \species of Verbasceum (moth mullein?);
BLATTEUS, BLATTEA, BLATTEUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \purple, purple colored;
BLATTEA, BLATTEAE: N 1 1 F \purple, (color of a blood);
BLATTERO, BLATTERARE, BLATTERAVI, BLATTERATUS: V 1 1 \prate, babble; utter in a babbling way; (applied to sounds of certain animals);
BLATTERO, BLATTERONIS: N 3 1 M \prater, blabber;
BLATTIARIUS, BLATTIARII: N 2 1 M \dyer in purple;
BLATTIFER, BLATTIFERA, BLATTIFERUM: ADJ 1 2 POS \wearing purple, clothed in purple;
BLECHNON, BLECHNONIS: N 3 1 F \wild pennyroyal;
BLECHON, BLECHONIS: N 3 1 F \wild pennyroyal;
BLENDEA, BLENDEAE: N 1 1 F \small sea-fish, blenny;
BLENDIUS, BLENDI(I): N 2 4 M \small sea-fish, blenny;
BLENDIUM, BLENDI(I): N 2 4 N \small sea-fish, blenny;
BLENNUS, BLENNA, BLENNUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \driveling, slavering, dribbling; silly, childish, idiotic;
BLENNUS, BLENNI: N 2 1 M \blockhead, dolt, simpleton, imbecile; driveling idiot;
BLENNIUS, BLENNI(I): N 2 4 M \small sea-fish, blenny;
BLEPHARON, BLEPHARI: N 2 8 N \eyelid (? Greek); (Chariton blepharon => kind of coral?);
BLITUM, BLITI: N 2 2 N \kind of spinach, blite (Amaranthus blitum) (tasteless, used for salad L+S);
BLITEUS, BLITEA, BLITEUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \tasteless, insipid; worthless, useless;
BLITEUM, BLITEI: N 2 2 N \tasteless/worthless/useless stuff, trash;
BOA, BOAE: N 1 1 F \large Italian snake; water serpent; disease with pustules (measles/smallpox);
BOO, BOARE, BOAVI, BOATUS: V 1 1 \cry aloud, roar, bellow; call loudly upon;
BOO, BOERE, -, -: V 3 1 \cry aloud, roar, bellow; call loudly upon;
BOARIUS, BOARIA, BOARIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \of oxen/cattle; (forum boarium => the cattle market at Rome);
BOATUS, BOATUS: N 4 1 M \shouting, roaring, bellowing, loud crying;
BOBSEQUA, BOBSEQUAE: N 1 1 M \herdsman, cow-herd;
BOCA, BOCAE: N 1 1 F \fish (bogue or boce) (Box vulgaris);
BOCAS, BOCAE: N 1 8 F \fish (bogue or boce) (Box vulgaris);
BOETHUS, BOETHI: N 2 1 M \aid/assistant of a scribe;
BOIA, BOIAE: N 1 1 F \collar/yoke word by criminals (usu. pl. L+S);
BOIUS, BOII: N 2 1 M \Boli (pl.), a people of Cisalpine Gaul - in Caesar's "Gallic War";
BOLUS, BOLI: N 2 1 C \kind of precious stone;
BOLUS, BOLI: N 2 1 M \throw of dice; hard piece of luck; choice bit; catch (fish net), haul, profit;
BOLOS, BOLI: N 2 6 C \kind of precious stone;
BOLARIUM, BOLARI(I): N 2 4 N \little lump (e.g., in paint);
BOLBINE, BOLBINES: N 1 6 F \kind of bulbous plant;
BOLBITON, BOLBITI: N 2 8 N \cow dung;
BOLETUS, BOLETI: N 2 1 M \the best kind of mushroom;
BOLETAR, BOLETARIS: N 3 4 N \vessel for holding mushrooms (usu. pl.); vessel for cooking/eating (L+S);
BOLETATIO, BOLETATIONIS: N 3 1 F \surfeit of mushrooms;
BOLIS, BOLIDIS: N 3 1 F \kind of meteor (large, fiery);
BOLITES, BOLITAE: N 1 7 M \root of the lychnis plant;
BOLOE, BOLOES: N 1 6 C \kind of precious stone;
BOLONA, BOLONAE: N 1 1 M \fishmonger, dealer in fish;
BOLONA, BOLONAE: N 1 1 M \a draught/catch/netful of fish set for sale;
BOMBUS, BOMBI: N 2 1 M \buzzing (esp. bees); booming, deep sound, rumble;
BOMBAX: INTERJ \Splendid! Marvelous!;
BOMBINATOR, BOMBINATORIS: N 3 1 M \buzzer, hummer; (of the bee);
BOMBIZATIO, BOMBIZATIONIS: N 3 1 F \buzzing (of bees);
BOMBULUM, BOMBULI: N 2 2 N \break wind; fart;
BOMBYCIUS, BOMBYCIA, BOMBYCIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \silky; (of reeds/harundines) suitable for making flutes;
BOMBYCIAS, BOMBYCIAE: N 1 8 M \reed suitable for making flutes;
BOMBYCIUM, BOMBYCII: N 2 2 N \silky garments (pl.); silks;
BOMBYCINUS, BOMBYCINA, BOMBYCINUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \silken, of silk, silky;
BOMBYCINUM, BOMBYCINI: N 2 2 N \silk texture/web; silk garments (pl.), silks;
BOMBYLIUS, BOMBYLII: N 2 1 M \cocoon-enshrouded larva of the silkworm;
BOMBYLIS, BOMBYLIS: N 3 3 F \cocoon-enshrouded larva of the silkworm;
BOMBYX, BOMBYCIS: N 3 1 C \silkworm, silk-moth; silk; silk garment; any silk-like fine fiber (cotton);
BONA, BONAE: N 1 1 F \good/moral/honest/brave woman; (Bona Dea => Roman goddess worshiped by women);
BONUS, BONI: N 2 1 M \good/moral/honest/brave man; man of honor, gentleman; better/rich people (pl.);
BONUM, BONI: N 2 2 N \good, good thing, profit, advantage; goods (pl.), possessions, wealth, estate;
BONUS, BONA -UM, MELIOR -OR -US, OPTIMUS -A -UM: ADJ 1 1 X \good, honest, brave, noble, kind, pleasant, right, useful; valid; healthy;
BONASUS, BONASI: N 2 1 M \European bison (Bos bonasus), a species of wild ox (now almost extinct);
BONATUS, BONATA, BONATUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \good natured;
BONITAS, BONITATIS: N 3 1 F \goodness, integrity, moral excellence; kindness, benevolence, tenderness;
BONONIA, BONONIAE: N 1 1 F \Bologna;
BONUSCULUM, BONUSCULI: N 2 2 N \small possessions (pl.); a little/small estate;
BOOPIS, BOOPIS, BOOPE: ADJ 3 2 POS \having large eyes (feminine);
BOOPES, BOOPIS: N 3 3 F \plant (caerefolium); chervil (Anthiscus cerefolium) (OLD); (L+S says neuter);
BOREUS, BOREA, BOREUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \northern; pertaining to the north wind;
BOREAS, BOREAE: N 1 8 M \the north wind; the North; Boreas - the god of the north wind;
BOREALIS, BOREALIS, BOREALE: ADJ 3 2 POS \northern; pertaining to the north wind;
BORIUS, BORIA, BORIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \northern; pertaining to the north wind;
BORIA, BORIAE: N 1 1 F \kind of jasper;
BORITH, UNDECLINED: N 9 9 N \soapwort, plant purifying like soap; (Hebrew);
BORRAS, BORRAE: N 1 8 M \the north wind; the North; Boreas - the god of the north wind;
BOS, BOVIS: N 3 1 C \ox, bull; cow; cattle (pl.); (applied to ox-like animals - elephant); ox-ray;
BOSCAS, BOSCADOS/IS: N 3 7 F \kind of water fowl (teal?);
BOSCIS, BOSCIDIS: N 3 1 F \kind of water fowl (teal?);
BOSTRYCHITIS, BOSTRYCHIDIS: N 3 1 F \kind of precious stone;
BOTANE, BOTANES: N 1 6 F \plant; (hiera botane => vervain, a herbaceous/medicinal/sacred plant);
BOTANISMUS, BOTANISMI: N 2 1 M \weeding, pulling up weeds;
BOTANISMOS, BOTANISMI: N 2 6 M \weeding, pulling up weeds;
BOTELLUS, BOTELLI: N 2 1 M \small sausage;
BOTHYNUS, BOTHYNI: N 2 1 M \trench, pit; (as name of fiery meteor);
BOTRUS, BOTRI: N 2 1 F \grape;
BOTRUS, BOTRUS: N 4 1 M \cluster of grapes; (Vulgate 4 Ezra 9:21);
BOTRIO, BOTRIONIS: N 3 1 M \bunch/cluster of grapes;
BOTRONATUS, BOTRONATUS: N 4 1 M \woman's hair ornament in the form of a cluster of grapes;
BOTRYON, BOTRYI: N 2 8 N \kind of medicine; (prepared from excrements L+S);
BOTRYITIS, BOTRYITIDOS/IS: N 3 9 F \kind of precious stone/calamine; (cadmia ~ => grape/cluster-shaped zinc oxide);
BOTRYO, BOTRYONIS: N 3 1 M \bunch/cluster of grapes;
BOTRYODES, (GEN.), BOTRYODIS: ADJ 3 1 POS \in the form of a cluster of grapes;
BOTRYON, BOTRYONIS: N 3 1 M \bunch/cluster of grapes;
BOTRYS, BOTRYOS/IS: N 3 7 M \plant similar to wormwood/mugwort; (also called artemisia);
BOTULUS, BOTULI: N 2 1 M \black pudding; stomach filled with delicacies (haggis?); sausage; rude word;
BOTULARIUS, BOTULARI(I): N 2 4 M \sausage seller/maker;
BOUSTROPHEDON: ADV POS \right to left and back alternately, forwards and backwards (of ancient script);
BOVA, BOVAE: N 1 1 F \disease with pustules? (measles/smallpox); swelling of the legs (L+S);
BOVA, BOVAE: N 1 1 F \large Italian snake; water serpent;
BOVO, BOVARE, BOVAVI, BOVATUS: V 1 1 \cry aloud, roar, bellow; call loudly upon;
BOVO, BOVERE, -, -: V 3 1 \cry aloud, roar, bellow; call loudly upon;
BOVARIUS, BOVARIA, BOVARIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \of oxen/cattle; (forum boarium => the cattle market at Rome);
BOVATIM: ADV POS \in the manner of cattle/oxen/cows;
BOVICIDIUM, BOVICIDII: N 2 2 N \slaughtering of cattle;
BOVILIS, BOVILIS, BOVILE: ADJ 3 2 POS \of/connected with cattle;
BOVILE, BOVILIS: N 3 4 N \cattle-shed, stall for cattle/oxen;
BOVILLUS, BOVILLA, BOVILLUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \of/consisting of cattle/oxen/cows;
BOVINUS, BOVINA, BOVINUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \of/pertaining to cattle/oxen/cows;
BOVINOR, BOVINARI, -, -: V 1 1 \bellow at, revile; brawl;
BOVINATOR, BOVINATORIS: N 3 1 M \one who rails/reviles?; brawler (L+S), blusterer; one who seeks evasion;
BOX, BOCIS: N 3 1 M \fish (bogue or boce) (Box vulgaris);
BOXUM, BOXI: N 2 2 N \box-wood; top; flute;
BRABEUM, BRABEI: N 2 2 N \a prize in the games;
BRABEUTA, BRABEUTAE: N 1 1 M \umpire, who presided at public games and assigned the prizes;
BRABIUM, BRABII: N 2 2 N \a prize in the games;
BRABILLA, BRABILLAE: N 1 1 F \sloe, fruit of the blackthorn/hawthorn;
BRABREUM, BRABREI: N 2 2 N \prize; reward;
BRABYLA, BRABYLAE: N 1 1 M \plant (otherwise unknown);
BRACA, BRACAE: N 1 1 F \trousers (usu. pl.), breeches, britches, pants;
BRACES, BRACAE: N 1 7 F \Gallic name of a particularly white grain (ble blanc de Dauphine), (sandala);
BRACARIUS, BRACARII: N 2 1 M \maker of trousers/breeches/pants;
BRACATUS, BRACATA, BRACATUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \wearing trousers, breeched; (of the Gauls of Narbonne);
BRACATUS, BRACATI: N 2 1 M \persons wearing trousers/breeched, the Gauls of Nabronne;
BRACCHIUM, BRACCHI(I): N 2 4 N \arm; lower arm, forearm; claw; branch, shoot; earthwork connecting forts;
BRACCHIALIS, BRACCHIALIS, BRACCHIALE: ADJ 3 2 POS \of/connected with the arm(s);
BRACCHIALE, BRACCHIALIS: N 3 4 N \bracelet, armlet;
BRACCHIATUS, BRACCHIATA, BRACCHIATUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \having branches (tree), branched; wearing bracelets;
BRACCHIOLUM, BRACCHIOLI: N 2 2 N \little arm, small/delicate arm; muscle of a horse's leg (L+S); arm of a chair;
BRACCHIOLARIS, BRACCHIOLARIS, BRACCHIOLARE: ADJ 3 2 POS \pertaining to a leg muscle of a horse;
BRACEUS, BRACEA, BRACEUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \pertaining to trousers/breeches;
BRACHIUM, BRACHI(I): N 2 4 N \arm; lower arm, forearm; claw; branch, shoot; earthwork connecting forts;
BRACHIALIS, BRACHIALIS, BRACHIALE: ADJ 3 2 POS \of/connected with the arm(s);
BRACHIALE, BRACHIALIS: N 3 4 N \bracelet, armlet;
BRACHIATUS, BRACHIATA, BRACHIATUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \having branches (tree), branched; wearing bracelets;
BRACHIOLUM, BRACHIOLI: N 2 2 N \little arm, small/delicate arm; muscle of a horse's leg (L+S); arm of a chair;
BRACHIOLARIS, BRACHIOLARIS, BRACHIOLARE: ADJ 3 2 POS \pertaining to a leg muscle of a horse;
BRACHYCATALECTUM, BRACHYCATALECTI: N 2 2 N \verse that is short by a whole foot or half a meter;
BRACHYCATALECTICUM, BRACHYCATALECTICI: N 2 2 N \verse that is short by a whole foot or half a meter;
BRACHYPOTA, BRACHYPOTAE: N 1 1 M \small drinker;
BRACHYSYLLABUS, BRACHYSYLLABI: N 2 1 M \tribrachys, (in meter) short-short-short;
BRACILIS, BRACILIS, BRACILE: ADJ 3 2 POS \designed to be worn with trousers (e.g., girdle/belt);
BRACILE, BRACILIS: N 3 4 N \girdle (as worn with trousers); band;
BRACTEA, BRACTEAE: N 1 1 F \gold leaf/foil, thin sheet of metal (esp. gold)/other material; veneer; show;
BRACTEALIS, BRACTEALIS, BRACTEALE: ADJ 3 2 POS \of thin plates of metal/gold-leaf/veneers; showy, glittering;
BRACTEAMENTUM, BRACTEAMENTI: N 2 2 N \glitter, show, splendor;
BRACTEATUS, BRACTEATA, BRACTEATUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \gilded/gilt, covered with a (mere) veneer of gold, delusive; shining like gold;
BRACTEATOR, BRACTEATORIS: N 3 1 M \gold-beater, worker in gold-leaf;
BRACTEOLA, BRACTEOLAE: N 1 1 F \gold leaf;
BRACTIARIA, BRACTIARIAE: N 1 1 F \gold-beater, worker in gold leaf;
BRACTIARIUS, BRACTIARI(I): N 2 4 M \gold-beater, worker in gold-leaf;
BRADIUM, BRADII: N 2 2 N \prize; reward;
BRANCES, BRANCAE: N 1 7 F \Gallic name of a particularly white grain (ble blanc de Dauphine), (sandala);
BRANCHA, BRANCHAE: N 1 1 F \gills (usu. pl.) (of a fish); (Vulgate Tobit 6:4);
BRANCHOS, BRANCHI: N 2 6 M \hoarseness;
BRANCHIA, BRANCHIAE: N 1 1 F \gills (usu. pl.) (of a fish);
BRANDEUM, BRANDEI: N 2 2 N \holy covering/shroud; linen/silk covering for body;
BRASMATIA, BRASMATIAE: N 1 1 F \heaving (pl.), a heaver, earthquake, shaking of the earth;
BRASSICA, BRASSICAE: N 1 1 F \cabbage; cabbages (pl.), varieties of cabbage (L+S);
BRASTES, BRASTAE: N 1 7 M \heaving, a heaver, earthquake, shaking of the earth;
BRATUS, BRATI: N 2 1 F \tree (similar to cypress);
BRATTEA, BRATTEAE: N 1 1 F \gold leaf/foil, thin sheet of metal (esp. gold)/other material; veneer; show;
BRATTEATUS, BRATTEATA, BRATTEATUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \gilded/gilt, covered with a (mere) veneer of gold, delusive; shining like gold;
BRATTEATOR, BRATTEATORIS: N 3 1 M \gold-beater, worker in gold-leaf;
BRATTEOLA, BRATTEOLAE: N 1 1 F \gold leaf;
BRATTIARIA, BRATTIARIAE: N 1 1 F \gold-beater (female), worker in gold leaf;
BRATTIARIUS, BRATTIARI(I): N 2 4 M \gold-beater, worker in gold-leaf;
BRAVIO, BRAVERE, -, -: V 3 1 \gamble;
BRAVIUM, BRAVII: N 2 2 N \prize; reward;
BRAVIALIS, BRAVIALIS, BRAVIALE: ADJ 3 2 POS \earning a prize/reward;
BREGMA, BREGMAE: N 1 1 F \defect/disease of pepper tree;
BRENTHOS, BRENTHI: N 2 6 M \sea bird (unidentified);
BREPHOTROPHUS, BREPHOTROPHI: N 2 1 M \one who brings up foundlings; foster carer;
BREPHOTROPHEUM, BREPHOTROPHEI: N 2 2 N \foundling hospital; orphanage;
BREPHOTROPHIUM, BREPHOTROPHII: N 2 2 N \foundling hospital; orphanage;
BREVIS, BREVE, BREVIOR -OR -US, BREVISSIMUS -A -UM: ADJ 3 2 X \short, little, small, stunted; brief, concise, quick; narrow, shallow; humble;
BREVE, BREVIS: N 3 4 N \Papal letter, Brief;
BREVE, BREVIS: N 3 4 N \shallow water, shallows; a short/brief space of time; short speech, a few words;
BREVE, BREVIS: N 3 4 N \|short catalog, summary document;
BREVI: ADV POS \in a short time; shortly, briefly; in a few words; (in brevi => in brief);
BREVIUM, BREVII: N 2 2 N \brief, abstract, epitome; summary document; Papal documents on minor matters;
BREVIUM, BREVII: N 2 2 N \|narrow places (pl.); shallows, shoals; difficulties;
BREVIO, BREVIARE, BREVIAVI, BREVIATUS: V 1 1 \shorten, abridge; abbreviate (speech/writing); pronounce short;
BREVIARIUS, BREVIARIA, BREVIARIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \in brief form, summary; abridged;
BREVIARIUM, BREVIARI(I): N 2 4 N \brief account, summary statement, epitome; Breviary; (~ rationum=>statistics);
BREVIATIO, BREVIATIONIS: N 3 1 F \a shortening;
BREVIATOR, BREVIATORIS: N 3 1 M \epitomiser, abridger; author of a breviarium (summary statement);
BREVICULUS, BREVICULA, BREVICULUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \very/rather short/small; quite brief (time);
BREVICULUS, BREVICULI: N 2 1 M \short writing; summary;
BREVILOQUUS, BREVILOQUA, BREVILOQUUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \short in speech, brief; concise; speaking briefly;
BREVILOQUIS, BREVILOQUIS, BREVILOQUE: ADJ 3 2 POS \short in speech, brief; concise; speaking briefly;
BREVILOQUENS, (GEN.), BREVILOQUENTIS: ADJ 3 1 POS \concise, brief in expression, brief;
BREVILOQUENTIA, BREVILOQUENTIAE: N 1 1 F \brevity of speech, conciseness;
BREVILOQUIUM, BREVILOQUII: N 2 2 N \brevity of speech, conciseness;
BREVIS, BREVIS: N 3 3 M \short catalog, summary document;
BREVITAS, BREVITATIS: N 3 1 F \shortness, smallness, narrowness; brevity, conciseness, terseness;
BREVITER, BREVITIUS, BREVITISSIME: ADV X \shortly, briefly, in a nut shell; quickly; for/within a short distance/time;
BRIA, BRIAE: N 1 1 F \wine vessel;
BRIOTUS, BRIOTA, BRIOTUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \two-wheeled, with/having two wheels;
BRIOTA, BRIOTAE: N 1 1 F \two-wheeled vehicle, cabriolet;
BRISA, BRISAE: N 1 1 F \refuse of grapes after pressing;
BRITANNUS, BRITANNI: N 2 1 M \Britons (usu, pl.);
BROCCUS, BROCCA, BROCCUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \projecting/prominent (teeth); of persons having projecting/prominent teeth;
BROCCHUS, BROCCHA, BROCCHUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \projecting/prominent (teeth); of persons having projecting/prominent teeth;
BROCCHITAS, BROCCHITATIS: N 3 1 F \projecting/prominence of the teeth;
BROCHUS, BROCHA, BROCHUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \projecting/prominent (teeth); of persons having projecting/prominent teeth;
BROCHON, BROCHI: N 2 8 N \aromatic gum-resin flowing from the bdellium tree (used in medicine/perfume);
BROMOS, BROMI: N 2 6 M \oats (Greek word for oats);
BROMATICUS, BROMATICI: N 2 1 M \those (pl.) who loathe food;
BROMOSUS, BROMOSA, BROMOSUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \stinking, fetid;
BRONCUS, BRONCA, BRONCUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \projecting/prominent (teeth); of persons having projecting/prominent teeth;
BRONCHIUM, BRONCHII: N 2 2 N \bronchial tubes;
BRONCHOCELE, BROCHOELES: N 1 6 F \kind of tumor;
BRONTE, BRONTES: N 1 6 F \thunder; name of picture of Apeiles; name of one of the horses of the Sun;
BRONTES, BRONTAE: N 1 7 M \Thunderer, title of Jupiter;
BRONTEA, BRONTEAE: N 1 1 F \kind of meteoric stone, thunder-stone;
BRUCUS, BRUCI: N 2 1 M \locust; kind of wingless locust; caterpillar (OED); (agricultural pest);
BRUCHUS, BRUCHI: N 2 1 M \locust; kind of wingless locust;
BRUMA, BRUMAE: N 1 1 F \winter, winter cold/weather; winter solstice; shortest day; sun position then;
BRUMALIS, BRUMALIS, BRUMALE: ADJ 3 2 POS \wintry; during the winter; connected with winter solstice/winter;
BRUMARIA, BRUMARIAE: N 1 1 F \plant (also called leontopodium);
BRUSCUM, BRUSCI: N 2 2 N \knot/excrescence on the maple tree;
BRUTUS, BRUTA, BRUTUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \heavy, unwieldy, inert; dull, stupid, brute; irrational, insensitive, brutish;
BRUTUS, BRUTI: N 2 1 M \Brutus, Roman cognomen; (L. Junius Brutus => first consul; M. J. = assassin);
BRUTUM, BRUTI: N 2 2 N \beast, animal; brute;
BRUTALIS, BRUTALIS, BRUTALE: ADJ 3 2 POS \beastly, animal; brutal;
BRUTALITAS, BRUTALITATIS: N 3 1 F \brutishness; insensitivity;
BRUTALITER: ADV POS \brutally; brutishly; in the manner of a beast;
BRUTEUS, BRUTEA, BRUTEUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \brutal, brutish;
BRUTES, BRUTIS: N 3 3 F \bride;
BRUTESCO, BRUTESCERE, -, -: V 3 1 \become brutish/rough/unreasonable;
BRYA, BRYAE: N 1 1 F \tamarisk (local Greek name), shrub (also called myrice);
BRYON, BRYI: N 2 8 N \kind of fragrant lichen; moss; sea plant (oyster-green?); white poplar catkins;
BRYONIA, BRYONIAE: N 1 1 F \bryony; (alba ~ => white b. Bryonia dioica; nigra ~ => black b. Tamus communis);
BRYONIAS, BRYONIAE: N 1 8 F \bryony; (alba ~ => white b. Bryonia dioica; nigra ~ => black b. Tamus communis);
BUA, BUAE: N 1 1 F \(natural sound made by infants asking for drink);
BUBO, BUBERE, -, -: V 3 1 \cry like a bittern (bird that booms/roars like an ox during mating);
BUBALUS, BUBALA, BUBALUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \of/pertaining to African gazelle;
BUBALUS, BUBALI: N 2 1 M \antelope, gazelle; wild ox, buffalo;
BUBALION, BUBALII: N 2 8 N \wild cucumber;
BUBALINUS, BUBALINA, BUBALINUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \of/pertaining to African gazelle;
BUBILE, BUBILIS: N 3 4 N \cattle-shed, stall for cattle/oxen;
BUBINO, BUBINARE, BUBINAVI, BUBINATUS: V 1 1 \menstruate, have monthly period (woman);
BUBLUS, BUBLA, BUBLUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \of/connected with cattle; bull's/cow's/ox-; consisting of cattle;
BUBLEUM, BUBLEI: N 2 2 N \kind of wine;
BUBO, BUBONIS: N 3 1 M \horned or eagle owl (esp. as bird of ill omen);
BUBONIUM, BUBONII: N 2 2 N \plant (Aster amellus?); (useful for swelling in the groin L+S);
BUBONION, BUBONII: N 2 8 N \plant (Aster amellus?); (useful for swelling in the groin L+S);
BUBONOCELE, BUBONOCELES: N 1 6 F \inguinal/groin hernia;
BUBSEQUA, BUBSEQUAE: N 1 1 M \herdsman, cow-herd;
BUBULUS, BUBULA, BUBULUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \of/connected with cattle; bull's/cow's/ox-; consisting of cattle; of ox-hide;
BUBULA, BUBULAE: N 1 1 F \beef, meat from cattle; plant (also called buglossa), ox-tongue (L+S);
BUBULO, BUBULARE, BUBULAVI, BUBULATUS: V 1 1 \screech (like an owl);
BUBULCUS, BUBULCI: N 2 1 M \one who drives/tends cattle; teamster; plowman, farm laborer; rustic;
BUBULCITO, BUBULCITARE, BUBULCITAVI, BUBULCITATUS: V 1 1 \drive/tend cattle; be a plowman/farm laborer; be a rustic in general;
BUBULCITOR, BUBULCITARI, -, BUBULCITATUS SUM: V 1 1 \drive/tend cattle; be a plowman/farm laborer; be a rustic in general;
BUBULINUS, BUBULINA, BUBULINUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \of/pertaining to cattle;
BUCAEDA, BUCAEDAE: N 1 1 M \ox-slaughterer; one who is whipped with ox-hide thongs (L+S);
BUCARDIA, BUCARDIAE: N 1 1 F \name of a precious stone;
BUCCA, BUCCAE: N 1 1 F \jaw, mouth; mouthful; cheek (with blowing a trumpet); cavity (knee joint) (L+S):
BUCCEA, BUCCEAE: N 1 1 F \morsel, mouthful;
BUCCELLA, BUCCELLAE: N 1 1 F \morsel, small mouthful of food;
BUCCELLARE, BUCCELLARIS: N 3 4 N \cooking utensil;
BUCCELLATUM, BUCCELLATI: N 2 2 N \soldier's biscuit; hardtack;
BUCCINA, BUCCINAE: N 1 1 F \bugle, watch-horn; (curved) trumpet, war trumpet; shell Triton blew;
BUCCINUS, BUCCINI: N 2 1 M \trumpeter; epithet for the cock/rooster;
BUCCINUM, BUCCINI: N 2 2 N \blast on trumpet, trumpet call; kind of shellfish (used for purple dye);
BUCCINO, BUCCINARE, BUCCINAVI, BUCCINATUS: V 1 1 \give signal with/sound trumpet/horn; blow the trumpet (bucina);
BUCCINATOR, BUCCINATORIS: N 3 1 M \trumpeter; proclaimer;
BUCCO, BUCCONIS: N 3 1 M \fathead, dolt, blockhead, fool;
BUCCONIATS, BUCCONIATIS: N 3 3 F \species of vine in Thurium the fruit of which is picked only after first frost;
BUCCULA, BUCCULAE: N 1 1 F \little cheek; mouth/cheek-piece of a helmet; part of a machine/catapult channel;
BUCCULARIUS, BUCCULARII: N 2 1 M \maker of beavers for helmets (mouth/cheek piece);
BUCCULENTUS, BUCCULENTA, BUCCULENTUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \having fat/full cheeks; having a big mouth (L+S);
BUCELLA, BUCELLAE: N 1 1 F \small mouthful of food, morsel; small bread divided among the poor (L+S);
BUCERUS, BUCERA, BUCERUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \ox-horned; horned;
BUCERAS, BUCERATIS: N 3 2 N \plant, fenugreek (faenum Graecum);
BUCERIUS, BUCERIA, BUCERIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \ox-horned; horned;
BUCETUM, BUCETI: N 2 2 N \pasture for cattle, cow pasture, pasture;
BUCINA, BUCINAE: N 1 1 F \bugle, watch-horn; (curved) trumpet, war trumpet; shell Triton blew;
BUCINUS, BUCINI: N 2 1 M \trumpeter; epithet for the cock/rooster;
BUCINUM, BUCINI: N 2 2 N \blast on trumpet, trumpet call; kind of shellfish (used for purple dye);
BUCINO, BUCINARE, BUCINAVI, BUCINATUS: V 1 1 \give signal with/sound trumpet/horn; blow the trumpet (bucina);
BUCINATOR, BUCINATORIS: N 3 1 M \trumpeter; proclaimer;
BUCITUM, BUCITI: N 2 2 N \pasture for cattle;
BUCOLICUS, BUCOLICA, BUCOLICUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \pastoral (poetry), bucolic; pertaining to shepherds; pastoral;
BUCOLICOS, BUCOLIC-, -: ADJ 2 7 POS \pastoral (poetry), bucolic; pertaining to shepherds; pastoral;
BUCOLICUM, BUCOLICI: N 2 2 N \plant (all-heal/mistletoe); Bucolic poems (pl.) of Virgil or Theocritus;
BUCONIATES, BUCONIATAE: N 1 7 F \species of vine;
BUCRANIUM, BUCRANI(I): N 2 4 N \ox-head, representation of one on alter; plant so shaped; place of sacrifice;
BUCULA, BUCULAE: N 1 1 F \heifer, young cow;
BUCULA, BUCULAE: N 1 1 F \little cheek; mouth/cheek-piece of a helmet; part of a machine/catapult channel;
BUCULUS, BUCULI: N 2 1 F \young bull/ox; steer;
BUDA, BUDAE: N 1 1 F \sedge;
BUFALUS, BUFALI: N 2 1 M \antelope, gazelle; wild ox, buffalo;
BUFO, BUFONIS: N 3 1 M \toad;
BUGENES, (GEN.), BUGENSTIS: ADJ 3 1 POS \born of/produced from an ox/bull; (as insects from a dead carcass);
BUGILLO, BUGILLONIS: N 3 1 M \plant (also called ajuga reptans);
BUGLOSSA, BUGLOSSAE: N 1 1 F \bugloss (herb) (prickly ox-tongue, Helminthia echioides?)_;
BUGLOSSOS, BUGLOSSI: N 2 6 F \bugloss (herb) (prickly ox-tongue, Helminthia echioides?)_;
BUGONIA, BUGONIAE: N 1 1 F \generation of bees from putrid cattle carcasses (title of work by Archelaus);
BUL, UNDECLINED: N 9 9 N \Bul (rain), Heshvan, Jewish month; (eighth in ecclesiatic year); (1 Kings 6:38);
BULE, BULES: N 1 6 F \Greek council or senate;
BULAPATHUM, BULAPATHI: N 2 2 N \large species of plant Lapathum of genus Ramex (sorrel); herb (patience) (L+S);
BULBUS, BULBI: N 2 1 M \bulb; onion, edible bulb;
BULBOS, BULBI: N 2 6 M \bulb; onion, edible bulb;
BULBACEUS, BULBACEA, BULBACEUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \bulbous, having bulbs;
BULBATIO, BULBATIONIS: N 3 1 F \bulb-like formation (in a kind of stone);
BULBINE, BULBINES: N 1 6 F \kind of bulbous plant;
BULBOSUS, BULBOSA, BULBOSUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \bulbous, having bulbs;
BULBULUS, BULBULI: N 2 1 M \small bulb;
BULEUTA, BULEUTAE: N 1 1 M \member of a Greek council or senate;
BULEUTERIUM, BULEUTERI(I): N 2 4 N \council/senate house/chamber (Greek);
BULEUTERION, BULEUTERII: N 2 8 N \council/senate house/chamber (Greek);
BULGA, BULGAE: N 1 1 F \bag, wallet, purse; Gallic leather knapsacl; womb (slang);
BULIMA, BULIMAE: N 1 1 F \great/insatiable hunger; weakness of the stomach/fainting (L+S);
BULIMUS, BULIMI: N 2 1 M \great/insatiable hunger; weakness of the stomach/fainting (L+S);
BULIMOS, BULIMI: N 2 6 M \great/insatiable hunger; weakness of the stomach/fainting (L+S);
BULIMO, BULIMARE, BULIMAVI, BULIMATUS: V 1 1 \have great/insatiable hunger;
BULIMOSUS, BULIMOSA, BULIMOSUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \afflicted with insatiable hunger;
BULLA, BULLAE: N 1 1 F \bubble; boss, knob, stud; locket/amulet (usu. gold) hung round the necks of boys
BULLO, BULLARE, BULLAVI, BULLATUS: V 1 1 \bubble, boil, effervesce;
BULLATUS, BULLATA, BULLATUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \bombastic; with bosses/knobs; wearing/decorated with bulla/childhood locket;
BULLATIO, BULLATIONIS: N 3 1 F \bulb-like formation (in a kind of stone); bubbling;
BULLESCO, BULLESCERE, -, -: V 3 1 \bubble; form bubbles;
BULLIO, BULLIRE, BULLIVI, BULLITUS: V 3 4 \bubble, boil; make bubbles; boil (with indignation);
BULLIGO, BULLIGINIS: N 3 1 F \bubbling/boiling liquid; broth; bouillon;
BULLITUS, BULLITUS: N 4 1 M \bubble (of water); bubbling (L+S);
BULLULA, BULLULAE: N 1 1 F \small bubble; watery vesicle/sac; small amulet/locket (bulla) for a boy;
BUMAMMUS, BUMAMMA, BUMAMMUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \having large clusters; with large breasts;
BUMASTUS, BUMASTA, BUMASTUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \large swelling (like grapes); (two term ADJ, F like M, F form is noun);
BUMASTA, BUMASTAE: N 1 1 F \large swelling grapes; vine having such grapes;
BUMASTUS, BUMASTI: N 2 1 F \large swelling grapes; vine having such grapes;
BUMBULUM, BUMBULI: N 2 2 N \break wind; fart;
BUMELIA, BUMELIAE: N 1 1 F \large (common) ash-tree (Fraxinus excelsior);
BUNDON, BUNDONIS: N 3 1 M \farmer;
BUNION, BUNII: N 2 8 N \kind of turnip;
BUNIAS, BUNIADIS: N 3 1 F \kind of turnip (French turnip, Brassica napus?);
BUNITUS, BUNITA, BUNITUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \of/made of turnips (bunion);
BUPAEDA, BUPAEDAE: N 1 1 M \a big/huge boy/youth;
BUPAES, BUPAEDOS/IS: N 3 7 M \a big/huge boy/youth;
BUPHTHALMUS, BUPHTHALMI: N 2 1 F \flower of chrysanthemum family (Chrysanthemum coronarium?); kind of houseleek;
BUPHTHALMOS, BUPHTHALMI: N 2 6 M \flower of chrysanthemum family (Chrysanthemum coronarium?); kind of houseleek;
BUPLEURON, BUPLEURI: N 2 8 N \plant (unidentified) (hare's-ear L+S);
BUPRESTIS, BUPRESTIS: N 3 3 F \beetle (poisonous, sting cattle to swelling L+S); plant (unidentified);
BURA, BURAE: N 1 1 F \plow beam, curved hinder part of the plow;
BURDO, BURDONIS: N 3 1 M \mule; hinny (general term for horse/ass hybrids; pilgrim's "mule"/staff;
BURDONARIUS, BURDONARI(I): N 2 4 M \muleteer, mule skinner, mule driver;
BURDUBASTA, BURDUBASTAE: N 1 1 M \(word of doubtful meaning applied as abuse to decrepit gladiator);
BURDUNCULUS, BURDUNCULI: N 2 1 M \plant (barage?);
BURGUS, BURGI: N 2 1 M \castle, fort, fortress; fortified town (medieval), burough;
BURGARIA, BURGARIAE: N 1 1 F \burglary;
BURGARIUS, BURGARI(I): N 2 4 M \inhabitant of a castle/fort; defenders of the borders/marches (pl.);
BURGENSIS, BURGENSIS: N 3 3 C \citizen/burgess/burger; inabitants/residents (pl.) of a (walled) town/borough;
BURGERIA, BURGERIAE: N 1 1 F \burglary;
BURIUS, BURII: N 2 1 M \species of animal (unknown);
BURICUS, BURICI: N 2 1 M \small horse;
BURICHUS, BURICHI: N 2 1 M \small horse;
BURIS, BURIS: N 3 3 F \plow beam, curved hinder part of the plow;
BURRA, BURRAE: N 1 1 F \small cow with a red mouth/muzzle; shaggy garment; trifles (pl.), nonsense;
BURRANICUS, BURRANICA, BURRANICUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \composed of milk and must/new wine (of a drink);
BURRANICUM, BURRANICI: N 2 2 N \vessel; (perhaps for a burranicus drink - composed of milk and must/new wine);
BURRHINON, BURRHINI: N 2 8 N \plant (oxnose);
BURRICUS, BURRICI: N 2 1 M \small horse;
BURRICHUS, BURRICHI: N 2 1 M \small horse;
BURSA, BURSAE: N 1 1 F \purse; supply of money, funds;
BUSELINUM, BUSELINI: N 2 2 N \large variety of parsley;
BUSEQUA, BUSEQUAE: N 1 1 M \cow-herd, herdsman, man who looks after cattle, cowboy;
BUSTUM, BUSTI: N 2 2 N \tomb, grave-mound; corpse; funeral pyre, ashes; heap of ashes (remains of city);
BUSTAR, BUSTARIS: N 3 1 M \place where dead bodies were burned;
BUSTICETUM, BUSTICETI: N 2 2 N \place where dead bodies were burned;
BUSTIRAPUS, BUSTIRAPI: N 2 1 M \grave robber; tomb robber; (term of reproach L+S);
BUSTUALIS, BUSTUALIS, BUSTUALE: ADJ 3 2 POS \of/pertaining to the place where dead bodies were burned;
BUSTUARIUS, BUSTUARIA, BUSTUARIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \connected with/frequenting tombs; (~us gladiator fights at tomb to honor dead);
BUSYCON, BUSYCI: N 2 8 N \large fig;
BUTEO, BUTEONIS: N 3 1 M \species of hawk (buzzard?); (as a cognomen);
BUTHYSIA, BUTHYSIAE: N 1 1 F \sacrifice of oxen;
BUTHYTES, BUTHYTAE: N 1 7 M \sacrificer of oxen;
BUTIO, BUTIONIS: N 3 1 M \bittern (bird that booms/roars like an ox during mating);
BUTTUBATTUM, BUTTUBATTI: N 2 2 N \trifles (pl.), worthless things (L+S) (decl. uncertain);
BUTTUTI: INTERJ \(exclamation used by the Hernici of Latinum at their religious festivals);
BUTTUTTI: INTERJ \(exclamation used by the Hernici of Latinum at their religious festivals);
BUTUBATTUM, BUTUBATTI: N 2 2 N \trifles (pl.), worthless things (decl. uncertain);
BUTURUM, BUTURI: N 2 2 N \butter;
BUTYRUM, BUTYRI: N 2 2 N \butter;
BUTYRON, BUTYRI: N 2 8 N \butter;
BUVINO, BUVINARE, BUVINAVI, BUVINATUS: V 1 1 \menstruate, have monthly period (woman);
BUXUS, BUXI: N 2 1 F \boxwood; a box tree; instrument, pipe, flute (usually made of boxwood);
BUXUM, BUXI: N 2 2 N \boxwood; a box tree; instrument, pipe, flute (usually made of boxwood);
BUXANS, (GEN.), BUXANTIS: ADJ 3 1 POS \characteristic of boxwood (color);
BUXEUS, BUXEA, BUXEUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \of/connected with the box-tree; of boxwood; characteristic of boxwood (color);
BUXEIROSTRIS, BUXEIROSTRIS, BUXEIROSTRE: ADJ 3 2 POS \having a beak the color of boxwood;
BUXETUM, BUXETI: N 2 2 N \plantation/wood/grove of boxwood;
BUXIARIUS, BUXIARIA, BUXIARIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \of/connected with the box-tree; of boxwood;
BUXIFER, BUXIFERA, BUXIFERUM: ADJ 1 2 POS \producing box-trees;
BUXOSUS, BUXOSA, BUXOSUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \resembling/like boxwood;
BYBLIOTHECA, BYBLIOTHECAE: N 1 1 F \library (either collection of books or the building, also person in charge);
BYRRUS, BYRRI: N 2 1 M \short woolen cloak with a hood;
BYSSUS, BYSSI: N 2 1 F \kind of fine flax; linen made of it (L+S); cotton;
BYSSUM, BYSSI: N 2 2 N \kind of fine flax; linen made of it (L+S); cotton;
BYSSINUS, BYSSINA, BYSSINUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \made of fine linen/flax, fine flaxen; (~ linum => fine linen/flaxen cloth);
BYSSINUM, BYSSINI: N 2 2 N \garment made of fine flax (byssus);
BYZANTIUM, BYZANTII: N 2 2 N \Byzantium (city on the Bosphorus, later Constantinople, now Istanbul);
C, ABB.: N 9 8 M \Gaius, Roman praenomen; abbreviated C.; abbreviation for centum, 100;
CABUS, CABI: N 2 1 M \grain measure (Hebrew);
CABALLUS, CABALLI: N 2 1 M \horse, riding horse, packhorse; (classical usu. an inferior horse, nag);
CABALLARIUS, CABALLARII: N 2 1 M \horseman, rider; hostler;
CABALLATIO, CABALLATIONIS: N 3 1 F \fodder/feed for a horse;
CABALLION, CABALLII: N 2 8 N \plant also called cynoglossa, hartsongue, spleenwort;
CABALLIO, CABALLIONIS: N 3 1 M \small horse, pony; (perhaps hippocampi);
CACUS, CACI: N 2 1 M \Cacus, giant son of Vulcan; (lived on Mt Aventius); servant (L+S);
CACO, CACARE, CACAVI, CACATUS: V 1 1 \defecate; defecate upon; defile with excrement; (rude);
CACABUS, CACABI: N 2 1 M \cooking/kitchen pot;
CACABO, CACABARE, CACABAVI, CACABATUS: V 1 1 \cackle; natural cry of the partridge;
CACABACEUS, CACABACEA, CACABACEUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \of/pertaining to a cooking/kitchen pot;
CACABATUS, CACABATA, CACABATUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \black/sooty like a cooking/kitchen pot; (opposite of immaculata);
CACABULUS, CACABULI: N 2 1 M \bell; small cooking pot (L+S), vessel;
CACALIA, CACALIAE: N 1 1 F \plant (Mercurialis tomentosa); also called leontice (L+S), colt's foot;
CACATUS, CACATUS: N 4 1 M \voiding of excrement, defecation; (rude);
CACATURIO, CACATURIRE, CACATURIVI, CACATURITUS: V 3 4 \have the urge to defecate; (rude);
CACCABUS, CACCABI: N 2 1 M \cooking/kitchen pot;
CACCABACEUS, CACCABACEA, CACCABACEUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \of/pertaining to a cooking/kitchen pot;
CACCABATUS, CACCABATA, CACCABATUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \black/sooty like a cooking/kitchen pot; (opposite of immaculata);
CACCABULUS, CACCABULI: N 2 1 M \bell; small cooking pot (L+S), vessel;
CACCITUS, CACCITUS: N 4 1 M \(used in reference to a beautiful boy); (rude?);
CACEMPHATON, CACEMPHATI: N 2 8 N \illsounding, a low or improper expression;
CACHECTA, CACHECTAE: N 1 1 M \sickly/ailing person; consumptive;
CACHECTICUS, CACHECTICA, CACHECTICUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \sickly/ailing; consumptive;
CACHEXIA, CACHEXIAE: N 1 1 F \consumption, wasting;
CACHINNUS, CACHINNI: N 2 1 M \loud/excessive/boisterous/derisive laugh, guffaw; jeer; (applied to waves);
CACHINNO, CACHINNARE, CACHINNAVI, CACHINNATUS: V 1 1 \laugh aloud or boisterously, guffaw; laugh loudly at;
CACHINNABILIS, CACHINNABILIS, CACHINNABILE: ADJ 3 2 POS \of immoderate/excessive laughter; boisterous; capable of laughing; laughing;
CACHINNATIO, CACHINNATIONIS: N 3 1 F \immoderate/excessive or boisterous laughter, guffawing; jeering;
CACHINNO, CACHINNONIS: N 3 1 M \loud laughter; guffawing; jeering; one who laughs (violently) (L+S), derider;
CACHINNOSUS, CACHINNOSA, CACHINNOSUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \given to loud/immoderate/excessive or boisterous laughter;
CACHLA, CACHLAE: N 1 1 F \plant (also called buphthalmos), oxeye;
CACOETHES, CACAETHIS: N 3 2 N \malignant/obstinate tumor/disease; flaw/disease of character, passion;
CACOMETER, CACOMETRA, CACOMETRUM: ADJ 1 2 POS \unmetrical, faulty in meter;
CACOMETRUS, CACOMETRA, CACOMETRUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \unmetrical, faulty in meter;
CACOPHATON, CACOPHATI: N 2 8 N \union of ugly/disagreeable sounds forming equivocal word/expression; cacophony;
CACOPHONIA, CACOPHONIAE: N 1 1 F \ugly/disagreeable sound formed by meeting of syllables/words; cacophony;
CACOSYNTHETON, CACOSYNTHETI: N 2 8 N \ugly-sounding group of letters/words; incorrect connection of words (L+S);
CACOZELUS, CACOZELA, CACOZELUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \stylistically affected; bad imitator/imitation of; in bad taste;
CACOZELOS, CACOZELOS, -: ADJ 2 6 POS \stylistically affected; in bad taste;
-, -, CACOZELON: ADJ 2 8 POS \stylistically affected; in bad taste;
CACOZELIA, CACOZELIAE: N 1 1 F \bad taste; affection of style; bad/faulty/awkward imitation (L+S);
CACOZELOS: ADV POS \with stylistically affection; in bad taste;
CACTUS, CACTI: N 2 1 M \cardoon (Cynara cardunculus), Spanish artichoke; anything thorny/unpleasant;
CACTOS, CACTI: N 2 6 M \cardoon (Cynara cardunculus), Spanish artichoke; (prickly plant w/edible stalk);
CACULA, CACULAE: N 1 1 M \soldier's servant/slave, batman, orderly; servant;
CACULATUM, CACULATI: N 2 2 N \servitude; (esp. of a soldier's servant);
CACULATUS, CACULATUS: N 4 1 M \servitude; (esp. of a soldier's servant);
CACUMEN, CACUMINIS: N 3 2 N \top, peak, summit; shoot, blade of grass, tip of tree/branch; zenith; limit;
CACUMINO, CACUMINARE, CACUMINAVI, CACUMINATUS: V 1 1 \make pointed or tapered; sharpen;
CADUS, CADI: N 2 1 M \jar, large jar for wine/oil/liquids; urn, funeral urn; money jar (L+S);
CADO, CADERE, CECIDI, CASUSUS: V 3 1 \fall, sink, drop, plummet, topple; be slain, die; end, cease, abate; decay;
CADAVER, CADAVERIS: N 3 2 N \corpse, cadaver, dead body; ruined city;
CADAVERINUS, CADAVERINA, CADAVERINUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \of/pertaining to carrion, carrion-;
CADAVERINA, CADAVERINAE: N 1 1 F \carrion, flesh of a carcass;
CADAVEROSUS, CADAVEROSA, CADAVEROSUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \like that of a corpse/dead body; cadaverous; ghastly;
CADIUM, CADI(I): N 2 4 N \small jar;
CADIALIS, CADIALIS, CADIALE: ADJ 3 2 POS \of/pertaining to a jar;
CADIVUS, CADIVA, CADIVUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \fallen (fruit), windfall; having the falling sickness/epilepsy (L+S), epileptic;
CADMEA, CADMEAE: N 1 1 F \zinc oxide, calamine; dross/slag formed in a furnace (L+S); citadel of Thebes;
CADMIA, CADMIAE: N 1 1 F \zinc oxide, calamine; dross/slag formed in a furnace (L+S);
CADMITIS, CADMITIDIS: N 3 1 F \a precious stone;
CADUCUS, CADUCA, CADUCUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \escheatable, (property) that is/can not be taken by heir/legatee (goes to state)
CADUCUS, CADUCA, CADUCUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \ready to fall; tottering/unsteady; falling, fallen; doomed; perishable; futile;
CADUCUM, CADUCI: N 2 2 N \property without/that cannot be taken by an heir; unowned/escheated estate;
CADUCARIUS, CADUCARIA, CADUCARIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \relating to property without a master; epileptic;
CADUCEUS, CADUCEI: N 2 1 M \herald's staff carried as token of peace/truce; wand of Mercury;
CADUCEUM, CADUCEI: N 2 2 N \herald's staff carried as token of peace/truce; wand of Mercury;
CADUCEATUS, CADUCEATA, CADUCEATUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \having/bearing the heralds wand/staff (caduceus);
CADUCEATOR, CADUCEATORIS: N 3 1 M \herald bearing a staff (caduceus) sent by non-Roman generals; priest's servant;
CADUCIFER, CADUCIFERA, CADUCIFERUM: ADJ 1 2 POS \staff-bearer, i.e. Mercury;
CADUCITER: ADV POS \precipitately, headlong;
CADURCUM, CADURCI: N 2 2 N \coverlet (of Cadurcian/French linen); the marriage bed;
CADYTAS, CADYTAE: N 1 8 M \parasitic plant (Syrian) (Cassyta filiformis), dodder;
CAECO, CAECARE, CAECAVI, CAECATUS: V 1 1 \blind; obscure, confuse, hide; morally blind; (astu ~ => throw dust, deceive);
CAECUS, CAECA -UM, CAECIOR -OR -US, CAECISSIMUS -A -UM: ADJ 1 1 X \blind; unseeing; dark, gloomy, hidden, secret; aimless, confused, random; rash;
CAECATOR, CAECATORIS: N 3 1 M \one who obstructs/stops a fountain; (one who makes blind);
CAECIAS, CAECIAE: N 1 8 M \east-north-east wind;
CAECILIA, CAECILIAE: N 1 1 F \blind-worm; kind of lizard/lettuce (L+S);
CAECITAS, CAECITATIS: N 3 1 F \blindness; mental/moral blindness, lack of discernment;
CAECITUDO, CAECITUDINIS: N 3 1 F \blindness; (caecitudo nocturna => night blindness);
CAECULTO, CAECULTARE, CAECULTAVI, CAECULTATUS: V 1 1 \be dim-sighted, see badly, be almost blind; be like one blind/unseeing;
CAECUTIO, CAECUTIRE, -, -: V 3 4 \be blind, see poorly/faultily;
CAECUTIENTIA, CAECUTIENTIAE: N 1 1 F \blindness; (Erasmus);
CAECUTTIO, CAECUTTIRE, -, -: V 3 4 \be blind, see poorly/faultily;
CAEDO, CAEDERE, CAECIDI, CAESUS: V 3 1 \chop, hew, cut out/down/to pieces; strike, smite, murder; slaughter; sodomize;
CAEDO, CAEDERE, CECIDI, CAESUS: V 3 1 \chop, hew, cut out/down/to pieces; strike, smite, murder; slaughter; sodomize;
CAEDES, CAEDIS: N 3 3 F \murder, slaughter; assassination; feuding; persons slain, victims; blood, gore;
CAEDIS, CAEDIS: N 3 3 F \murder, slaughter; assassination; feuding; persons slain, victims; blood, gore;
CAEDUUS, CAEDUA, CAEDUUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \ready/suitable for felling (tree);
CAEL, UNDECLINED: N 9 9 N \heaven, sky; universe, world; space; air, weather; Jehovah; (shortened form);
CAELA, CAELAE: N 1 1 F \kind of beer (made in Spain);
CAELUS, CAELI: N 2 1 M \heaven, sky, heavens; space; air, climate, weather; universe, world; Jehovah;
CAELUS, CAELI: N 2 1 M \|heaven (eccl.); the heavens (pl.); (regnum caeliorm => kingdom of heaven);
CAELUM, CAELI: N 2 2 N \chisel; engraving tool; burin;
CAELUM, CAELI: N 2 2 N \heaven, sky, heavens; space; air, climate, weather; universe, world; Jehovah;
CAELO, CAELARE, CAELAVI, CAELATUS: V 1 1 \carve, make raised work/relief; engrave, emboss; chase, finish; embroider;
CAELAMEN, CAELAMINIS: N 3 2 N \bas-relief, low relief carving; raised ornamentation;
CAELATUM, CAELATI: N 2 2 N \embossed/engraved work (esp. in gold/silver);
CAELATOR, CAELATORIS: N 3 1 M \engraver, carver, worker in bas-relief;
CAELATURA, CAELATURAE: N 1 1 F \engraving/carving (art/process); engraved work, engraving/carving (product);
CAELEBS, (GEN.), CAELIBIS: ADJ 3 1 POS \unmarried (usu. men), single, widowed, divorced; celibate; not supporting vines;
CAELEBS, CAELIBIS: N 3 1 M \unmarried man, bachelor, widower; celibate (eccl.);
CAELEPS, (GEN.), CAELIBIS: ADJ 3 1 POS \unmarried (usu. men), single, widowed, divorced; not supporting vines (trees);
CAELEPS, CAELIBIS: N 3 1 M \unmarried man, bachelor, widower;
CAELES, (GEN.), CAELITIS: ADJ 3 1 POS \heavenly; celestial (not found in NOM S);
CAELES, CAELITIS: N 3 1 M \the gods (usu. pl.); divinity, dweller in heaven;
CAELESTIS, CAELESTE, CAELESTIOR -OR -US, CAELESTISSIMUS -A -UM: ADJ 3 2 X \heavenly, of the heavens/sky, from heaven/sky; celestial; divine; of the Gods;
CAELESTE, CAELESTIS: N 3 4 N \supernatural/heavenly matters (pl.); the heavenly bodies; astronomy;
CAELESTIS, CAELESTIS: N 3 3 C \divinity, god/goddess; god-like person; the Gods (pl.);
CAELIA, CAELIAE: N 1 1 F \kind of beer; (Spanish L+S);
CAELIBALIS, CAELIBALIS, CAELIBALE: ADJ 3 2 POS \(~ hasta => small spear/pin with which bride's hair was divided into 6 locks);
CAELIBARIS, CAELIBARIS, CAELIBARE: ADJ 3 2 POS \(~ hasta => small spear/pin with which bride's hair was divided into 6 locks);
CAELIBATUS, CAELIBATUS: N 4 1 M \state of not being married; single life; celibacy;
CAELICOLA, CAELICOLAE: N 1 1 C \heaven dweller; deity, god/goddess; worshiper of the heavens (L+S);
CAELIFER, CAELIFERA, CAELIFERUM: ADJ 1 2 POS \supporting the sky/heavens;
CAELIGENUS, CAELIGENA, CAELIGENUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \of heavenly birth/origin, heaven born;
CAELIPOTENS, (GEN.), CAELIPOTENTIS: ADJ 3 1 POS \powerful in heaven;
CAELITUS: ADV POS \from heaven; heavenly; from the Emperor (L+S); divine;
CAEMENTA, CAEMENTAE: N 1 1 F \small stones, rubble (for concrete); quarry stones (for walls) (L+S); chips;
CAEMENTUM, CAEMENTI: N 2 2 N \small stones, rubble (for concrete); quarry stones (for walls) (L+S); chips;
CAEMENTUM, CAEMENTI: N 2 2 N \|cement;
CAEMENTARIUS, CAEMENTARI(I): N 2 4 M \worker in concrete; stone cutter, mason, builder of walls (L+S);
CAEMENTICIUS, CAEMENTICIA, CAEMENTICIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \of concrete (undressed stones/rubble, lime and sand); of unhewn stones (L+S);
CAEMENTICIUM, CAEMENTICII: N 2 2 N \concrete (undressed stones/rubble, lime and sand); unhewn/quarried stone (L+S);
CAEMENTITIUS, CAEMENTITIA, CAEMENTITIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \of concrete (undressed stones/rubble, lime and sand); of unhewn stones (L+S);
CAEMENTITIUM, CAEMENTITII: N 2 2 N \concrete (undressed stones/rubble, lime and sand); unhewn/quarried stone (L+S);
CAENA, CAENAE: N 1 1 F \dinner/supper, principle Roman meal (evening); course; meal; company at dinner;
CAENUM, CAENI: N 2 2 N \mud, mire, filth, slime, dirt, uncleanness; (of persons) scum/filth;
CAENO, CAENARE, CAENAVI, CAENATUS: V 1 1 \dine, eat dinner/supper; have dinner with; dine on, make a meal of;
CAENACULUM, CAENACULI: N 2 2 N \attic, garret (often let as lodging); upstairs dining room; top/upper story;
CAENACULARIUS, CAENACULARIA, CAENACULARIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \of/pertaining to a garret/attic;
CAENATUS, CAENATA, CAENATUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \having dined/eaten; supplied with dinner;
CAENATICUS, CAENATICA, CAENATICUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \of/pertaining to (a) dinner;
CAENATIO, CAENATIONIS: N 3 1 F \dining-room; dining hall;
CAENATIUNCULA, CAENATIUNCULAE: N 1 1 F \small dining-room;
CAENATOR, CAENATORIS: N 3 1 M \diner; dinner guest;
CAENATORIUS, CAENATORIA, CAENATORIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \of/used for dining; pertaining to dinner or the table;
CAENATORIUM, CAENATORII: N 2 2 N \dining room, hall; evening dress, dinner wear (pl.);
CAENATURIO, CAENATURIRE, -, -: V 3 4 \desire to dine; have an appetite for dinner;
CAENCENATIO, CAENCENATIONIS: N 3 1 F \dinner party; (Cicero from Greek); supping together, table companionship (L+S);
CAENITO, CAENITARE, CAENITAVI, CAENITATUS: V 1 1 \dine/eat habitually (in a particular place/manner); have dinner, dine (often);
CAENOSUS, CAENOSA -UM, CAENOSIOR -OR -US, CAENOSISSIMUS -A -UM: ADJ 1 1 X \muddy; filthy, foul; slimy, marshy; impure;
CAENOSITAS, CAENOSITATIS: N 3 1 F \dirty/foul/muddy place;
CAENULA, CAENULAE: N 1 1 F \little dinner/supper;
CAENULENTUS, CAENULENTA, CAENULENTUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \covered in mud/filth; muddy, filthy, slimy;
CAEPA, CAEPAE: N 1 1 F \onion (Allium capa); (used as term of abuse);
CAEPARIA, CAEPARIAE: N 1 1 F \disease in the private parts;
CAEPARIUS, CAEPARII: N 2 1 M \grower of onions; trader in onions (L+S);
CAEPE, CAEPIS: N 3 4 N \onion (Allium capa);
CAEPETUM, CAEPETI: N 2 2 N \onion bed;
CAEPINA, CAEPINAE: N 1 1 F \onion bed/field;
CAEPOSUS, CAEPOSA, CAEPOSUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \abounding in onions; full of onions;
CAEPULLA, CAEPULLAE: N 1 1 F \onion bed/field;
CAEREFOLIUM, CAEREFOLI(I): N 2 4 N \chervil (Anthiscus cerefolium);
CAEREMONIA, CAEREMONIAE: N 1 1 F \ceremony; sacred rite/ritual/usage; holy dread, reverence, worship; sanctity;
CAEREMONIALIS, CAEREMONIALIS, CAEREMONIALE: ADJ 3 2 POS \ceremonial; pertaining to a religious/sacred rite/ritual/usage;
CAEREMONIAL, CAEREMONIALIS: N 3 4 N \ceremonial; system of rules observed on certain occasions/at times of worship;
CAERIMONIA, CAERIMONIAE: N 1 1 F \ceremony; sacred rite/ritual/usage; holy dread, reverence, worship; sanctity;
CAERIMONIUM, CAERIMONI(I): N 2 4 N \ceremony; sacred rite/ritual/usage; holy dread, reverence, worship; sanctity;
CAERIMONIOR, CAERIMONIARI, -, -: V 1 1 \treat with due ceremony; worship;
CAERIMONIALIS, CAERIMONIALIS, CAERIMONIALE: ADJ 3 2 POS \ceremonial; pertaining to a religious/sacred rite/ritual/usage;
CAERIMONIOSUS, CAERIMONIOSA, CAERIMONIOSUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \pertaining/devoted to religious/sacred rite/ritual/usage;
CAERNOPHORUS, CAERNOPHORI: N 2 1 C \bearer of the cernus (vessel for holding offerings);;
CAERULUS, CAERULA, CAERULUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \blue, cerulean, dark; greenish-blue, azure; of river/sea deities; of sky/sea;
CAERULUS, CAERULI: N 2 1 M \epithet for river/sea deities;
CAERULUM, CAERULI: N 2 2 N \blue color (dark); steel color; the sky/sea (pl.); deep blue sea; blue sky;
CAERULUM, CAERULI: N 2 2 N \|azurite; kind of blue glass;
CAERULANS, (GEN.), CAERULANTIS: ADJ 3 1 POS \colored blue; dark colored; sky blue;
CAERULEUS, CAERULEA, CAERULEUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \blue, cerulean, dark; greenish-blue, azure; of river/sea deities; of sky/sea;
CAERULEUS, CAERULEI: N 2 1 M \epithet for river/sea deities;
CAERULEUM, CAERULEI: N 2 2 N \blue color (dark); steel color; the sky/sea (pl.); deep blue sea; blue sky;
CAERULEUM, CAERULEI: N 2 2 N \|azurite; kind of blue glass;
CAERULEATUS, CAERULEATA, CAERULEATUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \colored with blue; dark blue, dark colored (L+S); sky blue;
CAESA, CAESAE: N 1 1 F \cut; (of a sword/knife/spear);
CAESUM, CAESI: N 2 2 N \comma; pause, stop;
CAESUS, CAESUS: N 4 1 M \cutting, cutting off;
CAESAR, CAESARIS: N 3 1 M \Caesar, cognomen of Julian gens; (C. Julius ~); (adopted by emperors); Emperor;
CAESARIES, CAESARIEI: N 5 1 F \hair; long/flowing/luxuriant hair; dark/beautiful hair; plume (of a helmet);
CAESARIANUM, CAESARIANI: N 2 2 N \an eye salve;
CAESARIATUS, CAESARIATA, CAESARIATUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \having long/flowing/luxuriant hair/plume; having lush vegetation/foliage;
CAESIUS, CAESIA -UM, -, CAESISSUMUS -A -UM: ADJ 1 1 X \gray, gray-blue, steel-colored; having gray/gray-blue/steel-colored eyes;
CAESIM: ADV POS \by chopping/cutting; by hewing/slashing; with the sword edge; in short clauses;
CAESIO, CAESIONIS: N 3 1 F \chopping/cutting/hewing down (trees);
CAESITAS, CAESITATIS: N 3 1 F \blue; blueness; ;
CAESNA, CAESNAE: N 1 1 F \dinner/supper, principle Roman meal (evening); course, dish; company at dinner;
CAESO, CAESONIS: N 3 1 M \Kaeso (Caeso), Roman praenomen; abbreviated K.;
CAESOR, CAESORIS: N 3 1 M \hewer, one who hews; hewer (of wood); (stone) breaker;
CAESPES, CAESPITIS: N 3 1 M \grassy ground, grass; earth; sod, turf; altar/rampart/mound of sod/turf/earth;
CAESPITATOR, CAESPITATORIS: N 3 1 M \stumbler; shying horse;
CAESPOSUS, CAESPOSA, CAESPOSUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \abounding in grass/turf;
CAESTUS, CAESTI: N 2 1 M \band supporting the breasts (esp. girdle of Venus); girdle/belt/girth/strap;
CAESTOS, CAESTI: N 2 6 M \band supporting the breasts (esp. girdle of Venus); girdle/belt/girth/strap;
CAESTUS, CAESTUS: N 4 1 M \boxing-glove, strip of leather weighted with lead/iron tied to boxer's hands;
CAESTICILLUS, CAESTICILLI: N 2 1 M \small ring/hoop placed on the head to support a burden;
CAESULLUS, CAESULLA, CAESULLUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \gray-eyed, having gray eyes;
CAESURA, CAESURAE: N 1 1 F \cutting (down/off), felling (of trees); that which was cut off; pause in verse;
CAESURATIM: ADV POS \with pauses in short clauses;
CAETERUS, CAETERA, CAETERUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \the other; the others (pl.). the remaining/rest, all the rest;
CAETRA, CAETRAE: N 1 1 F \caetra (small light shield) (Spanish); elephant's hide;
CAETRATUS, CAETRATA, CAETRATUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \armed with the caetra (small light shield);
CAETRATUS, CAETRATI: N 2 1 M \soldier armed with the caetra (small light shield); Greek peltest;
CAF, UNDECLINED: N 9 9 N \kaf; (11th letter of Hebrew alphabet); (transliterate as K and CH);
CAIA, CAIAE: N 1 1 F \cudgel;
CAIO, CAIARE, CAIAVI, CAIATUS: V 1 1 \beat, thrash, cudgel;
CAIATIO, CAIATIONIS: N 3 1 F \striking/cudgeling/beating of children;
CALA, CALAE: N 1 1 F \firewood; piece of firewood;
CALO, CALARE, CALAVI, CALATUS: V 1 1 \announce, proclaim; summon, convoke, call forth/together;
CALO, CALARE, CALAVI, CALATUS: V 1 1 \|let down, allow to hang free; loosen; slacken;
CALEO, CALERE, CALUI, -: V 2 1 \be/feel/be kept warm; be hot with passion/inflamed/active/driven hotly/urged;
CALABRIX, CALABRICIS: N 3 1 F \kind of thorn tree; (perh. hawthorn); (perh. buckthorn L+S);
CALAMUS, CALAMI: N 2 1 M \reed, cane; reed pen; reed/pan pipe; arrow; fishing pole; stalk; sweet flag;
CALAMUS, CALAMI: N 2 1 M \|branch; arm; branch of a candelabrum;
CALAMARIUS, CALAMARIA, CALAMARIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \for holding pens; pertaining to a writing reed;
CALAMELLUS, CALAMELLI: N 2 1 M \small/little (writing) reed/pen;
CALAMENTUM, CALAMENTI: N 2 2 N \dead wood, withered/dry wood/vine;
CALAMINTHE, CALAMINTHES: N 1 6 F \plant, kind of mint;
CALAMISTER, CALAMISTRI: N 2 3 M \curling-tongs/iron; excessive flourish in discourse;
CALAMISTRUM, CALAMISTRI: N 2 2 N \curling-tongs/iron; excessive flourish in discourse;
CALAMISTRATUS, CALAMISTRATA, CALAMISTRATUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \curled with the curling-iron; having hair curled, effeminately adorned;
CALAMITAS, CALAMITATIS: N 3 1 F \loss, damage, harm; misfortune/disaster; military defeat; blight, crop failure;
CALAMITESES, CLAMITAE: N 1 7 M \small green frog;
CALAMITOSUS, CALAMITOSA, CALAMITOSUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \calamitous; ruinous, destructive; liable to damage/disaster; damaged/miserable;
CALAMITOSE: ADV POS \disastrously; unfortunately, miserably; destructively;
CALAMOCHNUS, CALAMOCHNI: N 2 1 M \deposit/efforescence of salt on reeds; sea foam (L+S); (in pure Latin adarca);
CALASIS, CALASIS: N 3 3 M \kind of (woman's) tunic;
CALATHUS, CALATHI: N 2 1 M \wicker basket, flower basket; wine-cup; milk pail; cheese/curdled milk bowl;
CALATHISCUS, CALATHISCI: N 2 1 M \small wicker basket;
CALATINA, CALATINAE: N 1 1 F \plant (gentian);
CALATIO, CALATIONIS: N 3 1 F \convoking, calling, summoning;
CALATOR, CALATORIS: N 3 1 M \personal attendant, servant, footman; servant of a priest;
CALATORIUS, CALATORIA, CALATORIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \pertaining to a servant of a priest;
CALAUTICA, CALAUTICAE: N 1 1 F \kind of woman's headdress; (fell down to the shoulders); (kind of veil?);
CALBEUS, CALBEI: N 2 1 M \arm-band/filet worn for ornamental/medical purposes;
CALCUS, CALCI: N 2 1 M \small weight;
CALCO, CALCARE, CALCAVI, CALCATUS: V 1 1 \tread/trample upon/under foot, crush; tamp/ram down; spurn; copulate (cock);
CALCANEUS, CALCANEI: N 2 1 M \heel; (rare form for calx);
CALCANEUM, CALCANEI: N 2 2 N \heel; (rare form for calx);
CALCAR, CALCARIS: N 3 4 N \spur (for horse); spur, incitement, stimulus; spur of a cock;
CALCARENSIS, CALCARENSIS, CALCARENSE: ADJ 3 2 POS \of/connected with a lime quarry/kiln/works;
CALCARENSIS, CALCARENSIS: N 3 3 M \lime burner; worker at the lime kiln/works;
CALCARIUS, CALCARIA, CALCARIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \designed for burning lime; pertaining to lime; lime-;
CALCARIA, CALCARIAE: N 1 1 F \lime quarry; lime kiln; lime works;
CALCARIUS, CALCARII: N 2 1 M \lime burner; worker at the lime kiln/works;
CALCARIARIUS, CALCARIARIA, CALCARIARIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \of/connected with a lime quarry/kiln/works; connected with burning for lime;
CALCARIENSIS, CALCARIENSIS, CALCARIENSE: ADJ 3 2 POS \of/connected with a lime quarry/kiln/works;
CALCATUS, CALCATA, CALCATUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \trite, hackneyed;
CALCATA, CALCATAE: N 1 1 F \filling for ditches/facines/ramparts? crates?;
CALCATUS, CALCATUS: N 4 1 M \treading (in a treadmill);
CALCATOR, CALCATORIS: N 3 1 M \one who treads (in a treadmill); one who treads grapes;
CALCATORI, CALCATORIIS: N 3 1 M \wine press;
CALCATRIX, CALCATRICIS: N 3 1 F \she who treads; she who despises/condemns (something);
CALCATURA, CALCATURAE: N 1 1 F \treading (in a treadmill/wine);
CALCEUS, CALCEI: N 2 1 M \shoe; soft shoe, slipper; (~ mullei/patricii => red shoe for ex-curule senator);
CALCEO, CALCEARE, CALCEAVI, CALCEATUS: V 1 1 \put shoes on, furnish with shoes; shoe (horses); put feet in something;
CALCEAMEN, CALCEAMINIS: N 3 2 N \shoe; footwear;
CALCEAMENTUM, CALCEAMENTI: N 2 2 N \shoe; instrument for stretching hides;
CALCEAMENTARIUS, CALCEAMENTARI(I): N 2 4 M \shoemaker; dealer/merchant in shoes;
CALCEARIA, CALCEARIAE: N 1 1 F \shoe shop/store;
CALCEARIUS, CALCEARI(I): N 2 4 M \shoemaker; dealer/merchant in shoes;
CALCEARIUM, CALCEARI(I): N 2 4 N \shoe money/allowance;
CALCEATUS, CALCEATUS: N 4 1 M \shoe; footwear; sandal;
CALCEDONIUS, CALCEDONII: N 2 1 M \chalcedony; (stone of third foundation of New Jerusalem in Revelations 21:19);
CALCENDIX, CALCENDICIS: N 3 1 F \murex, purple-fish; a shellfish from which (royal) purple dye was obtained);
CALCEOLUS, CALCEOLI: N 2 1 M \shoe; slipper; small shoe (L+S); half-boot;
CALCETUM, CALCETI: N 2 2 N \plant (unidentified);
CALCIO, CALCIARE, CALCIAVI, CALCIATUS: V 1 1 \put shoes on, furnish with shoes, shoe (horses); put feet in something;
CALCIAMEN, CALCIAMINIS: N 3 2 N \shoe; footwear;
CALCIAMENTUM, CALCIAMENTI: N 2 2 N \shoe; instrument for stretching hides;
CALCIAMENTARIUS, CALCIAMENTARI(I): N 2 4 M \shoemaker; dealer/merchant in shoes;
CALCIARIA, CALCIARIAE: N 1 1 F \shoe shop/store;
CALCIARIUS, CALCIARI(I): N 2 4 M \shoemaker; dealer/merchant in shoes;
CALCIARIUM, CALCIARI(I): N 2 4 N \shoe money/allowance;
CALCIATUS, CALCIATUS: N 4 1 M \shoe; footwear; sandal;
CALCIFRAGA, CALCIFRAGAE: N 1 1 F \rock-plant (empetros); unknown plant (removes bladder stones); (haristongue?);
CALCIS, CALCIS: N 3 3 M \lead vial/bottle/jar;
CALCITRO, CALCITRARE, CALCITRAVI, CALCITRATUS: V 1 1 \kick with the heels, kick; be refractory; resist; kick convulsively (dying);
CALCITRATUS, CALCITRATUS: N 4 1 M \kicking with the heels;
CALCITRO, CALCITRONIS: N 3 1 F \one that kicks/is inclined to kick with the heels, kicker;
CALCITROSUS, CALCITROSA, CALCITROSUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \inclined/apt to kick with the heels, kicking;
CALCITROSUS, CALCITROSI: N 2 1 M \one inclined/apt to kick with the heels, kicker;
CALCULUS, CALCULI: N 2 1 M \pebble; (bladder) stone; piece for reckoning/voting/game; calculation;
CALCULUS, CALCULI: N 2 1 M \|small weight; live coal (Def);
CALCULO, CALCULARE, CALCULAVI, CALCULATUS: V 1 1 \calculate, compute, reckon; consider as; esteem;
CALCULARIUS, CALCULARIA, CALCULARIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \of/pertaining to calculations; (~ error => error in reckoning);
CALCULATIO, CALCULATIONIS: N 3 1 M \computation, calculation, reckoning; stone (kidney/bladder), calculus;
CALCULATOR, CALCULATORIS: N 3 1 M \one versed in/teacher of arithmetic; calculator, bookkeeper, accountant;
CALCULATORIUS, CALCULATORIA, CALCULATORIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \used in making (arithmetic) calculations; pertaining to an accountant;
CALCULATURA, CALCULATURAE: N 1 1 F \calculating, arithmetic;
CALCULENSIS, CALCULENSIS, CALCULENSE: ADJ 3 2 POS \found in pebbly places; pertaining to stones;
CALCULO, CALCULONIS: N 3 1 M \calculator, computer, accountant;
CALCULOSUS, CALCULOSA, CALCULOSUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \full of pebbles, pebbly; knobby; suffering from stones (kidney/bladder);
CALCULOSUS, CALCULOSI: N 2 1 M \one suffering from/afflicted with kidney/bladder stones;
CALDA, CALDAE: N 1 1 F \hot water; warm water;
CALDUM, CALDI: N 2 2 N \drink of wine and hot water; heat, hot;
CALDUS, CALDA -UM, CALDIOR -OR -US, CALDISSIMUS -A -UM: ADJ 1 1 X \warm, hot; fiery, lusty; eager, rash, on the spot; having a warm climate/place;
CALDAMENTUM, CALDAMENTI: N 2 2 N \fermentation;
CALDARIUS, CALDARIA, CALDARIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \used/suitable for warming/hot water; warm; for plastering bath walls; by heat;
CALDARIA, CALDARIAE: N 1 1 F \warm bath;
CALDARIUM, CALDARI(I): N 2 4 N \the caldarium, a hot bathing room; hot bath;
CALDARIOLA, CALDARIOLAE: N 1 1 F \small vessel for heating fluids;
CALDICUS, CALDICA, CALDICUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \(descriptive of a kind of fig);
CALDOR, CALDORIS: N 3 1 M \heat, warmth;
CALECO, CALECARE, CALECAVI, CALECATUS: V 1 1 \coat with lime/whitewash, whitewash;
CALEDONIA, CALEDONIAE: N 1 1 F \Caledonia, Scotland, northern part of Britain;
CALEFACIO, CALEFACERE, CALEFECI, CALEFACTUS: V 3 1 \make warm/hot (exertion/fermentation); heat; excite, rouse; vex, trouble;
CALEFACTUS, CALEFACTA, CALEFACTUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \heated, warmed; excited, roused; (calefacta ora => flushed);
CALEFACTUS, CALEFACTUS: N 4 1 M \action of heating/warming;
CALEFACTO, CALEFACTARE, CALEFACTAVI, CALEFACTATUS: V 1 1 \heat, warm; make a person warm by beating;
CALEFACTIO, CALEFACTIONIS: N 3 1 F \heating, warming, making (a bath) warm;
CALEFACTORIUS, CALEFACTORIA, CALEFACTORIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \that has a warming/heating power; warming;
CALEFIO, CALEFIERI, -, CALEFACTUS SUM: V 3 3 \be made/become/be warm/hot/heated;
CALENDA, CALENDAE: N 1 1 F \Kalends (pl.), 1st of month; abb. Kal./Kl.; day of proclamation, interest due;
CALENDARIA, CALENDARIAE: N 1 1 F \ledger, account book, book in which monthly interest payments were recorded;
CALENTER: ADV POS \skillfully, cunningly;
CALESCO, CALESCERE, -, -: V 3 1 \grow warm or hot; be heated; become inflamed (w/love/lust); be inspired;
CALFACIO, CALFACERE, CALFECI, CALFACTUS: V 3 1 \make warm/hot (exertion/fermentation); heat; excite, rouse; vex, trouble;
CALFICIO, CALFICERE, -, -: V 3 1 \make warm/hot (exertion/fermentation); heat; excite, rouse; vex, trouble;
CALIANDRUM, CALIANDRI: N 2 2 N \woman's wig, head-dress of false hair;
CALICO, CALICARE, CALICAVI, CALICATUS: V 1 1 \coat with lime/whitewash, whitewash;
CALICATUS, CALICATA, CALICATUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \plastered with lime; whitewashed;
CALICELLUS, CALICELLI: N 2 1 M \little/small cup;
CALICIA, CALICIAE: N 1 1 F \plant (unknown); (according to Pythagoras made water freeze);
CALICLARIUM, CALICLARII: N 2 2 N \cupboard, sideboard, place where cups stand;
CALICULUS, CALICULI: N 2 1 M \small cup/goblet; polyp sucker; artificial hollow (obstacle to horse); pothole;
CALICULUS, CALICULI: N 2 1 M \|calyx/cup of a flower; shell (sea urchin); (maybe confused with calyculus);
CALIDA, CALIDAE: N 1 1 F \hot water; warm water;
CALIDUM, CALIDI: N 2 2 N \drink of wine and hot water; heat, hot;
CALIDUS, CALIDA -UM, CALIDIOR -OR -US, CALIDISSIMUS -A -UM: ADJ 1 1 X \warm, hot; fiery, lusty; eager, rash, on the spot; having a warm climate/place;
CALIDARIUS, CALIDARIA, CALIDARIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \used/suitable for warming/hot water; warm; for plastering bath walls; by heat;
CALIDARIA, CALIDARIAE: N 1 1 F \warm bath;
CALIDARIUM, CALIDARI(I): N 2 4 N \the caldarium, a hot bathing room; hot bath;
CALIDE: ADV POS \in hot haste. in the heat of the moment; rashly;
CALIENDRUM, CALIENDRI: N 2 2 N \woman's wig, head-dress of false hair;
CALIGA, CALIGAE: N 1 1 F \soldier's boot; boot; military service;
CALIGO, CALIGARE, CALIGAVI, CALIGATUS: V 1 1 \be dark/gloomy/misty/cloudy; have bad vision; cloud; be blinded; be/make dizzy;
CALIGARIS, CALIGARIS, CALIGARE: ADJ 3 2 POS \of/for a soldier's boot; boot-;
CALIGARIUS, CALIGARIA, CALIGARIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \of/for a soldier's boot; boot-; wearing army boots;
CALIGARIUS, CALIGARII: N 2 1 M \maker of soldier's boots, bootmaker;
CALIGATUS, CALIGATA, CALIGATUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \wearing army boots; of the common soldier; booted, wearing heavy boots/brogans;
CALIGATUS, CALIGATI: N 2 1 M \common soldier; private;
CALIGATIO, CALIGATIONIS: N 3 1 F \darkness, mistiness (of the eyes);
CALIGINEUS, CALIGINEA, CALIGINEUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \dark, obscuring, murky, gloomy;
CALIGINOSUS, CALIGINOSA, CALIGINOSUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \foggy, misty; covered with mist; obscure, dark, gloomy; uncertain;
CALIGO, CALIGINIS: N 3 1 F \mist/fog; darkness/gloom/murkiness; moral/intellectual/mental dark; dizziness;
CALIGOSUS, CALIGOSA, CALIGOSUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \foggy, misty; covered with mist; obscure, dark, gloomy; uncertain;
CALIGULA, CALIGULAE: N 1 1 M \Caligula (Gaius Claudius Caesar Germanicus, 37-41 AD); little soldier('s boot);
CALIPTRA, CALIPTRAE: N 1 1 F \kind of head covering;
CALIX, CALICIS: N 3 1 M \cup, goblet, a vessel for drinking; chalice; cup of wine; pot; water regulator;
CALLUS, CALLI: N 2 1 M \hard/tough skin/hide, callus; callousness, lack of feeling; firm flesh/fruit;
CALLUM, CALLI: N 2 2 N \hard/tough skin/hide, callus; callousness, lack of feeling; firm flesh/fruit;
CALLEO, CALLERE, CALLUI, -: V 2 1 \be calloused, grow hard; have experience/skill in, know, understand; know how;
CALLAICA, CALLAICAE: N 1 1 F \precious stone; (turquoise?);
CALLAINUS, CALLAINA, CALLAINUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \pale green, greenish-blue, turquoise-colored;
CALLAINA, CALLAINAE: N 1 1 F \pale green precious stone; turquoise;
CALLAIS, CALLAIDIS: N 3 1 F \greenish-blue/sea-green precious stone; turquoise;
CALLARIAS, CALLARIAE: N 1 8 M \kind of codfish;
CALLENS, (GEN.), CALLENTIS: ADJ 3 1 POS \skilled/practiced/versed/expert in (w/GEN);
CALLION, CALLII: N 2 8 N \winter-cherry (Physalis alkekengi); (pure Latin vesicaria);
CALLIBLEPHARUS, CALLIBLEPHARA, CALLIBLEPHARUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \having beautiful (made-up) eyes/eyelids;
CALLIBLEPHARUM, CALLIBLEPHARI: N 2 2 N \cosmetic for the eyelids and lashes; dye for coloring the eyebrows (L+S);
CALLIBLEPHARATUS, CALLIBLEPHARATA, CALLIBLEPHARATUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \having beautiful (made-up) eyes/eyelids;
CALLICIA, CALLICIAE: N 1 1 F \plant (unknown); (according to Pythagoras made water freeze);
CALLIDUS, CALLIDA -UM, CALLIDIOR -OR -US, CALLIDISSIMUS -A -UM: ADJ 1 1 X \crafty, sly, cunning; wise, expert, skillful, clever, experienced, ingenious;
CALLIDE, CALLIDIUS, CALLIDISSIME: ADV X \expertly, skillfully, cleverly; well, thoroughly; cunningly, artfully;
CALLIDITAS, CALLIDITATIS: N 3 1 F \shrewdness, skillfulness, skill; craftiness, cunning; subtle tricks (pl.);
CALLIDULUS, CALLIDULA, CALLIDULUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \a little cunning/sly/crafty;
CALLIGO, CALLIGARE, CALLIGAVI, CALLIGATUS: V 1 1 \be dark/gloomy/misty/cloudy; have bad vision; cloud; be blinded; be/make dizzy;
CALLIGONON, CALLIGONI: N 2 8 N \plant, also called polygonon mas;
CALLIM: ADV POS \secretly, in secret, unknown to; privately; covertly; by fraud;
CALLIM: PREP ACC \without the knowledge of, unknown to; concealed/secret from; (rarely w/ABL);
CALLIMUS, CALLIMI: N 2 1 M \stone said to be found inside a type of eagle-stone; kind of eagle-stone (L+S);
CALLIONYMUS, CALLIONYMI: N 2 1 M \fish (Uranoscopus scaber?);
CALLIPETALON, CALLIPETALI: N 2 8 N \plant; (pure Latin quinquefolium);
CALLIPLOCAMOS, CALLIPLOCAMOS, -: ADJ 2 6 POS \having/with beautiful tresses;
-, -, CALLIPLOCAMON: ADJ 2 8 POS \having/with beautiful tresses;
CALLIS, CALLIS: N 3 3 M \rough/stony track, path; moorland/mountain pasture; mountain pass/defile (L+S);
CALLISCO, CALLISCERE, CALLISCI, -: V 3 1 \grow insensitive; become dull/insensible (L+S);
CALLISPHYROS, CALLISPHYROS, -: ADJ 2 6 POS \having/with beautiful ankles;
-, -, CALLISPHYRON: ADJ 2 8 POS \having/with beautiful ankles;
CALLISTRUTHIA, CALLISTRUTHIAE: N 1 1 F \very delicate fig sparrows were fond of (L+S); (pure Latin ficus passerariae);
CALLISTRUTHIS, CALLISTRUTHIDIS: N 3 1 F \very delicate fig sparrows were fond of (L+S); (pure Latin ficus passerariae);
CALLITHRICHOS, CALLITRICHI: N 2 6 F \maidenhair, type of fern;
CALLITHRICHON, CALLITRICHI: N 2 8 N \maidenhair, type of fern;
CALLITHRIX, CALLITHRICHOS/IS: N 3 7 F \waterwort (Asplenium trichomanes) (for hair coloring); an Ethiopian monkey;
CALLOSUS, CALLOSA -UM, CALLOSIOR -OR -US, CALLOSISSIMUS -A -UM: ADJ 1 1 X \tough, hard/thick-skinned; made hard/tough by use; callused, indurated;
CALLOSITAS, CALLOSITATIS: N 3 1 F \hardening/thickening of the skin, callus; callousness; hardness; hardening;
CALO, CALONIS: N 3 1 M \camp/soldier's servant; type of awkwardness/stupidity; low servant/drudge (L+S);
CALO, CALONIS: N 3 1 M \wooden shoe;
CALOR, CALORIS: N 3 1 M \heat; warmth, glow; warm/hot/summer heat/weather; fever; passion, zeal; love;
CALORATUS, CALORATA, CALORATUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \passionate, vehement, furious; hot, heated;
CALORIFICUS, CALORIFICA, CALORIFICUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \promoting/causing heat/warmth; warming, heating;
CALOS: ADV POS \well; hurrah for !;
CALPAR, CALPARIS: N 3 4 N \wine jar/pitcher; wine from a calpar; wine cask (L+S); vessel for liquids;
CALPURNIA, CALPURNIAE: N 1 1 F \Calpurnia, wife of Caesar; a daughter of the plebeian gens Calpurnius;
CALTA, CALTAE: N 1 1 F \marigold (Calendula officinalis);
CALTHA, CALTHAE: N 1 1 F \marigold (Calendula officinalis);
CALTHULA, CALTHULAE: N 1 1 F \yellow garment worn by women; yellow robe;
CALTULA, CALTULAE: N 1 1 F \short undergarment worn by women;
CALUMMA, CALUMMATIS: N 3 2 N \covering;
CALUMNIA, CALUMNIAE: N 1 1 F \sophistry, sham; false accusation/claim/statement/pretenses/objection; quibble;
CALUMNIOR, CALUMNIARI, -, CALUMNIATUS SUM: V 1 1 \accuse falsely; misrepresent, interpret wrongly; depreciate, find fault with;
CALUMNIATOR, CALUMNIATORIS: N 3 1 M \false accuser; pettifogger, chicaner; perverter of the law; ; carping critic;
CALUMNIATRIX, CALUMNIATRICIS: N 3 1 F \false accuser/claimant (female);
CALUMNIOSUS, CALUMNIOSA, CALUMNIOSUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \that makes false/groundless accusations; marked by misinterpretations, false;
CALUMNIOSUS, CALUMNIOSI: N 2 1 M \a person convicted of making false/groundless accusations/information;
CALUMNIOSE: ADV POS \by false pretenses;
CALVA, CALVAE: N 1 1 F \bald head, scalp; skull; smooth nuts (hazel nuts?);
CALVUS, CALVI: N 2 1 M \bald person;
CALVO, CALVARE, CALVAVI, CALVATUS: V 1 1 \make/leave bare;
CALVUS, CALVA -UM, CALVIOR -OR -US, CALVISSIMUS -A -UM: ADJ 1 1 X \bald, bald-headed; having the head shaved; smooth (nuts); bare/stripped (things)
CALVEO, CALVERE, -, -: V 2 1 \be bald/hairless;
CALVOR, CALVI, -, -: V 3 1 \deceive, intrigue/use subterfuge/tricks against;
CALVO, CALVERE, -, -: V 3 1 \deceive, intrigue/use subterfuge/tricks against; be tricked/deceived (PASS);
CALVAR, CALVARIS: N 3 4 N \skulls (pl.); kind of fish;
CALVARIUM, CALVARII: N 2 2 N \round sea-fish without scales (bald);
CALVATUS, CALVATA, CALVATUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \made bald, bare; bare (vines);
CALVESCO, CALVESCERE, -, -: V 3 1 \lose one's hair, become bald; molt (birds); become bare/empty of vegetation;
CALVIO, CALVIRE, CALVIVI, CALVITUS: V 3 4 \deceive, intrigue/use subterfuge/tricks against; be tricked/deceived (PASS);
CALVITIUM, CALVITII: N 2 2 N \baldness, absence/loss of hair; bareness/scantiness of vegetation;
CALVITIES, CALVITIEI: N 5 1 F \baldness, hairlessness;
CALX, CALCIS: N 3 1 C \heel; spur; pad (dog); forefeet; kick (Roman toe was unprotected); butt (beam);
CALX, CALCIS: N 3 1 C \limestone, lime; chalk, goal, goal-line (chalk mark), end of life; game piece;
CALX, CALCIS: N 3 3 M \lead vial/bottle/jar;
CALYCULUS, CALYCULI: N 2 1 M \calyx/cup of a flower; shell (sea urchin);
CALYMMA, CALYMMATIS: N 3 2 N \covering;
CALYX, CALYCIS: N 3 1 M \calyx/cup (flower/nut); bud?; fruit/animal skin, husk; shell (egg/sea urchin);
CALYX, CALYCIS: N 3 1 M \|two plants; one like arum; other anchusa (Dyer's bugloss); (monk's-hood? L+S);
CAMA, CAMAE: N 1 1 F \small low bed (near the ground);
CAMUS, CAMI: N 2 1 M \necklace; collar for the neck (L+S); muzzle/bit/curb for horses (late);
CAMUM, CAMI: N 2 2 N \kind of beer;
CAMACUM, CAMACI: N 2 2 N \aromatic plant (nutmeg?); (substitute for cinnamon); kind of cinnamon (L+S);
CAMARA, CAMARAE: N 1 1 F \vault, vaulted/arched room/roof/ceiling; small boat roofed over with timber;
CAMARARIUS, CAMARARIA, CAMARARIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \that grows over arches (of a kind of gourd); climbing;
CAMARATIO, CAMARATIONIS: N 3 1 F \vault, arch;
CAMBIO, CAMBIRE, CAMPSI, CAMBITUS: V 3 4 \exchange, barter;
CAMBIO, CAMBIARE, -, -: V 1 1 \exchange, barter;
CAMBITAS, CAMBITATIS: N 3 1 F \exchange, barter;
CAMELA, CAMELAE: N 1 1 F \camel/dromedary (female);
CAMELA, CAMELAE: N 1 1 F \marriage festival/festivities (pl.); (ADJ?);
CAMELUS, CAMELI: N 2 1 M \camel, dromedary;
CAMELARIUS, CAMELARII: N 2 1 M \camel driver;
CAMELELASIA, CAMELELASIAE: N 1 1 F \camel-driving; care of camels (belonging to the State);
CAMELEON, CAMELEONIS: N 3 1 M \chameleon; (M/F OLD);
CAMELINUS, CAMELINA, CAMELINUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \of/pertaining to a camel, camel-;
CAMELLA, CAMELLAE: N 1 1 F \cup, bowl, goblet;
CAMELOPODIUM, CAMELOPODI(I): N 2 4 N \plant, camel's-foot, horehound?;
CAMENA, CAMENAE: N 1 1 F \Muse; poetry;
CAMERA, CAMERAE: N 1 1 F \vault, vaulted/arched room/roof/ceiling; small boat roofed over with timber;
CAMERARIUS, CAMERARIA, CAMERARIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \that grows over arches (of a kind of gourd); climbing;
CAMERATIO, CAMERATIONIS: N 3 1 F \vault, arch;
CAMILLA, CAMILLAE: N 1 1 F \handmaiden/female of unblemished character attendant in religious ceremonies;
CAMILLUS, CAMILLI: N 2 1 M \boy/noble youth attendant of a flamen/priest;
CAMINUS, CAMINI: N 2 1 M \smelting/foundry furnace, forge; home stove/furnace; vent (underground fires);
CAMINO, CAMINARE, CAMINAVI, CAMINATUS: V 1 1 \form into an oven; shape like an oven;
CAMISIA, CAMISIAE: N 1 1 F \linen shirt/nightgown;
CAMMARUS, CAMMARI: N 2 1 M \lobster; plant (aconitum); sea crab (L+S);
CAMMAROS, CAMMARI: N 2 6 M \lobster; plant (aconitum); sea crab (L+S);
CAMMARON, CAMMARI: N 2 8 N \plant (aconitum);
CAMPE, CAMPES: N 1 6 F \caterpillar; (pure Latin eruca); turning/writhing, evasion;
CAMPUS, CAMPI: N 2 1 M \plain, level field/surface; open space for action/battle/games; sea; scope;
CAMPAGUS, CAMPAGI: N 2 1 M \kind of boot worn by military officers;
CAMPANEUS, CAMPANEA, CAMPANEUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \pertaining to the fields;
CAMPANIUS, CAMPANIA, CAMPANIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \pertaining to the fields;
CAMPANIA, CAMPANIAE: N 1 1 F \Campania; (province of Italy south of Latinium noted for its fertility);
CAMPESTER, CAMPESTRA, CAMPESTRUM: ADJ 1 2 POS \flat, level, open (ground); field-; living/lying in plain; of Campus Martius;
CAMPESTER, CAMPESTRIS, CAMPESTRE: ADJ 3 3 POS \of a level field, even, flat, level; on the open plain;
CAMPESTRIS, CAMPESTRIS, CAMPESTRE: ADJ 3 2 POS \of a level field, even, flat, level; on the open plain;
CAMPESTRATUS, CAMPESTRATI: N 2 1 M \one wearing the loin-cloth/leather apron of athletes;
CAMPESTRE, CAMPESTRIS: N 3 4 N \flat/level country/ground (pl.); plains;
CAMPESTRE, CAMPESTRIS: N 3 4 N \loin-cloth worn by athletes; leather apron worn around the loins by wrestlers;
CAMPESTRIS, CAMPESTRIS: N 3 3 F \country deity; goddess of fields;
CAMPESTRIS, CAMPESTRIS: N 3 3 M \deities who presided over contests/games (pl.); country deities;
CAMPICURSIO, CAMPICURSIONIS: N 3 1 F \military exercise in the Campus Martius;
CAMPIDOCTOR, CAMPIDOCTORIS: N 3 1 M \one who exercises/drills soldiers in the Campus Martius; drill sergeant;
CAMPIGENUS, CAMPIGENI: N 2 1 M \well drilled soldiers (pl.);
CAMPSO, CAMPSARE, CAMPSAVI, CAMPSATUS: V 1 1 \go around; double; turn around in place;
CAMPSANEMA, CAMPSANEMATIS: N 3 2 N \plant (ros marinus);
CAMPTAULES, CAMPTAULAE: N 1 7 M \musician (unknown kind);
CAMPTER, CAMPTERIS: N 3 1 M \bending; turning; angle;
CAMPTER, CAMPTEROS/IS: N 3 7 M \turning point at the end of a race course;
CAMTER, CAMTEROS/IS: N 3 7 M \turning point at the end of a race course;
CAMURUS, CAMURA, CAMURUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \curved, bent, hooked, crocked; turned/arched inward, having such horns;
CAMUR, CAMURA, CAMURUM: ADJ 1 2 POS \curved, bent, hooked, crocked; turned/arched inward, having such horns;
CANUS, CANA, CANUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \white, gray; aged, old, wise; hoary; foamy, white-capped; white w/snow/frost;
CANUS, CANI: N 2 1 M \gray hairs (pl.); old age;
CANUM, CANI: N 2 2 N \wicker basket (used for food/flowers and in sacrifices);
CANO, CANERE, CANI, CANITUS: V 3 1 \sing, celebrate, chant; crow; recite; play (music)/sound (horn); foretell;
CANEO, CANERE, CANUI, -: V 2 1 \be/become covered in white; be hoary, be white/gray (with age);
CANO, CANERE, CECINI, CANTUS: V 3 1 \sing, celebrate, chant; crow; recite; play (music)/sound (horn); foretell;
CANABA, CANABAE: N 1 1 F \hut; hovel;
CANABA, CANABAE: N 1 1 F \settlement of traders/discharged soldiers (pl.) near Roman military camp/fort;
CANABARIUS, CANABARI(I): N 2 4 M \inhabitant of a canabae (settlement of veterans near a Roman camp);
CANABENSIS, CANABENSIS: N 3 3 M \inhabitant of a canabae (settlement of veterans near a Roman camp);
CANABULA, CANABULAE: N 1 1 F \small hut/hovel;
CANACHENUS, CANACHENI: N 2 1 M \class of thieves;
CANALE, CANALIS: N 3 4 N \channel/canal/conduit; ditch, gutter; trough, groove; funnel; pipe, spout;
CANALICIUS, CANALICIA, CANALICIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \derived/mined/dug from shafts(/pits L+S);
CANALICOLA, CANALICOLAE: N 1 1 M \poor/lazy person standing about in gutters near Forum/in place called Canalis;
CANALICULA, CANALICULAE: N 1 1 F \small channel/duct/pipe/gutter, groove; feeding trough; splint/cast (medical);
CANALICULUS, CANALICULI: N 2 1 M \small channel/duct/pipe/gutter, groove; feeding trough; splint/cast (medical);
CANALICULATUS, CANALICULATA, CANALICULATUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \channeled, grooved; like a channel/pipe;
CANALICULATIM: ADV POS \into/by channels;
CANALIENSIS, CANALIENSIS, CANALIENSE: ADJ 3 2 POS \derived/mined/dug from shafts(/pits L+S);
CANALIS, CANALIS: N 3 3 C \channel/canal/conduit; ditch, gutter; trough, groove; funnel; pipe, spout;
CANARIUS, CANARIA, CANARIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \of/connected with dogs, dog-; kind of grass; (lappa canaria => kind of bur);
CANASTER, CANASTRA, CANASTRUM: ADJ 1 2 POS \half-gray; grizzled;
CANATIM: ADV POS \in the manner of a dog; like a dog;
CANCAMUM, CANCAMI: N 2 2 N \Arabian gum (Balsamodendron katuf?); (used for incense L+S);
CANCELLUS, CANCELLI: N 2 1 M \lattice/grate/grid; bars, barrier, enclosure; boundaries/limits (pl.); railings;
CANCELLO, CANCELLARE, CANCELLAVI, CANCELLATUS: V 1 1 \arrange in criss-cross pattern; enclose in lattice/grid; cancel, cross out;
CANCELLARIUS, CANCELLARI(I): N 2 4 M \porter, doorkeeper; secretary; chancellor (ecclesiastical);
CANCELLATUS, CANCELLATA, CANCELLATUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \reticulated, having a lattice/grid pattern; lattice/trellis-like;
CANCELLATIM: ADV POS \in a lattice arrangement;
CANCELLATIO, CANCELLATIONIS: N 3 1 F \land measuring my means of a grid; fixing the boundaries;
CANCELLOSUS, CANCELLOSA, CANCELLOSUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \with bars; with a railing;
CANCER, CANCERIS: N 3 1 M \crab; Cancer (zodiac); the South; summer heat; cancer, disease, tumor, canker;
CANCER, CANCERIS: N 3 2 N \crab; Cancer (zodiac); the South; summer heat; cancer, disease, tumor, canker;
CANCER, CANCRI: N 2 3 M \crab; Cancer (zodiac); the South; summer heat; cancer, disease, tumor, canker;
CANCER, CANCRI: N 2 3 M \lattice, grid; barrier;
CANCERASCO, CANCERASCERE, CANCERAVI, CANCERATUS: V 3 1 \become cancerous; be afflicted with cancer; suppurate like a cancer;
CANDEO, CANDERE, CANDUI, -: V 2 1 \be of brilliant whiteness, shine, gleam (white); become/be hot; glow, sparkle;
CANDEFACIO, CANDEFACERE, CANDEFECI, CANDEFACTUS: V 3 1 \make dazzling white; make glowing; heat, make hot;
CANDEFIO, CANDEFIERI, -, CANDEFACTUS SUM: V 3 3 \make dazzling white; make glow; heat, make hot;
CANDELA, CANDELAE: N 1 1 F \tallow candle or taper; waxen cord; fire (L+S);
CANDELABER, CANDELABRI: N 2 3 M \candlearbrum; stand for holding burning candles or lamps; lamp stand;
CANDELABRUS, CANDELABRI: N 2 1 M \candlearbrum; stand for holding burning candles or lamps; lamp stand;
CANDELABRUM, CANDELABRI: N 2 2 N \candlearbrum; stand for holding burning candles or lamps; lamp stand;
CANDELABRARIUS, CANDELABRARI(I): N 2 4 M \maker of candlearbra/candlesticks;
CANDENS, CANDENTIS (GEN.), CANDENTIOR -OR -US, CANDENTISSIMUS -A -UM: ADJ 3 1 X \shining/bright/clear (light); (approaching) white; boiling/red-hot, glowing;
CANDENTIA, CANDENTIAE: N 1 1 F \luminous area; whiteness (L+S); white clear luster;
CANDESCO, CANDESCERE, CANDUI, -: V 3 1 \grow/become light/bright white; begin to glisten/radiate; become (red) hot;
CANDETUM, CANDETI: N 2 2 N \area of 100 or 150 square feet; (10 or 15 square meters);
CANDICO, CANDICARE, CANDICAVI, CANDICATUS: V 1 1 \have a white appearance; be white/whitish;
CANDIDA, CANDIDAE: N 1 1 F \games/play presented by a candidate for office;
CANDIDUM, CANDIDI: N 2 2 N \white (of an egg);
CANDIDO, CANDIDARE, CANDIDAVI, CANDIDATUS: V 1 1 \make glittering/bright; make white;
CANDIDUS, CANDIDA -UM, CANDIDIOR -OR -US, CANDIDISSIMUS -A -UM: ADJ 1 1 X \bright, clear, transparent; clean/spotless; lucid; candid; kind; innocent, pure;
CANDIDUS, CANDIDA -UM, CANDIDIOR -OR -US, CANDIDISSIMUS -A -UM: ADJ 1 1 X \|radiant, unclouded; (dressed in) white; of light color; fair skinned, pale;
CANDIDANS, (GEN.), CANDIDANTIS: ADJ 3 1 POS \brilliantly white;
CANDIDARIUS, CANDIDARIA, CANDIDARIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \that bakes/makes white bread;
CANDIDARIUS, CANDIDARII: N 2 1 M \baker of white bread;
CANDIDATUS, CANDIDATA, CANDIDATUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \dressed in white/whitened clothes;
CANDIDATA, CANDIDATAE: N 1 1 F \candidate (for office) (female); aspirant; office seeker;
CANDIDATUS, CANDIDATI: N 2 1 M \candidate (office) (white toga); aspirant/office seeker; one who strives for;
CANDIDATUS, CANDIDATUS: N 4 1 M \candidacy (for office);
CANDIDATORIUS, CANDIDATORIA, CANDIDATORIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \of/pertaining to/belonging to a candidate (for office);
CANDIDE: ADV POS \in white clothes; brightly/clearly/spotlessly; candidly/openly, good naturedly;
CANDIDULUS, CANDIDULA, CANDIDULUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \shining white; white, gleaming;
CANDIDULE: ADV POS \candidly, sincerely;
CANDIFICUS, CANDIFICA, CANDIFICUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \that cleans/makes white;
CANDIFICO, CANDIFICERE, -, -: V 3 1 \make dazzlingly white;
CANDOR, CANDORIS: N 3 1 M \whiteness; snow; radiance, bright light; heat, glow; beauty; purity; kindness;
CANDOSOCCUS, CANDOSOCCI: N 2 1 M \layer (of a plant);
CANENS, (GEN.), CANENTIS: ADJ 3 1 POS \gray, grayish; white, hoary;
CANENTAS, CANENTATIS: N 3 1 F \head ornament;
CANES, CANIS: N 3 3 C \dog; hound; subordinate; 'jackal'; dog-star/fish; lowest dice throw; clamp;
CANESCO, CANESCERE, -, -: V 3 1 \become covered in white, whiten; grow old/hoary; be/grow white/gray with age;
CANIA, CANIAE: N 1 1 F \kind of wild nettle;
CANICA, CANICAE: N 1 1 F \bran (pl.);
CANICULA, CANICULAE: N 1 1 F \bitch (also people); dog-star; dog-fish, shark; dog-days; lowest throw at dice;
CANICULARIS, CANICULARIS, CANICULARE: ADJ 3 2 POS \of/pertaining to the dog-star; (caniculares dies => dog days);
CANIFERA, CANIFERAE: N 1 1 F \woman carrying a basket;
CANIFORMIS, CANIFORMIS, CANIFORME: ADJ 3 2 POS \dog-shaped, in the form of a dog; (Anubis);
CANINUS, CANINA, CANINUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \of/pertaining/suitable to/resembling a dog, canine; abusive, mean, snarling;
CANINA, CANINAE: N 1 1 F \dog flesh/meat; (canis caninam non est => dog does not eat dog/is not dog meat);
CANIPA, CANIPAE: N 1 1 F \fruit basket for religious uses;
CANIS, CANIS: N 3 3 C \dog; hound; subordinate; 'jackal'; dog-star/fish; lowest dice throw; clamp;
CANISTELLUM, CANISTELLI: N 2 2 N \basket (bread/fruit);
CANISTRUM, CANISTRI: N 2 2 N \wicker basket (used for food/flowers and in sacrifices);
CANISTRARIA, CANISTRARIAE: N 1 1 F \basket bearer (in religious festivals);
CANITIA, CANITIAE: N 1 1 F \white/gray coloring/deposit; gray/white hair, grayness of hair; old age;
CANITIES, CANITIEI: N 5 1 F \white/gray coloring/deposit; gray/white hair, grayness of hair; old age;
CANITUDO, CANITUDINIS: N 3 1 F \grayness of hair;
CANNA, CANNAE: N 1 1 F \small reed/cane; panpipe/flute; small vessel/gondola (L+S); windpipe (medical);
CANNABA, CANNABAE: N 1 1 F \hut; hovel;
CANNABA, CANNABAE: N 1 1 F \hemp; hemp rope; canvas/linen (medieval);
CANNABUS, CANNABI: N 2 1 M \hemp; hemp rope; canvas/linen (medieval);
CANNABUM, CANNABI: N 2 2 N \hemp; hemp rope; canvas/linen (medieval);
CANNABIUS, CANNABIA, CANNABIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \made of hemp, hempen, hemp-;
CANNABINUS, CANNABINA, CANNABINUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \made of hemp, hempen, hemp-;
CANNABIS, CANNABIS: N 3 3 F \hemp; hemp rope; canvas/linen (medieval);
CANNEUS, CANNEA, CANNEUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \made of reeds, reed-;
CANNETUM, CANNETI: N 2 2 N \thicket of reeds;
CANNOPHORUS, CANNOPHORI: N 2 1 M \reed-bearer in the rites of the Magna Mater;
CANNULA, CANNULAE: N 1 1 F \reed; small/little/low reed; windpipe (L+S);
CANON, CANONIS: N 3 1 M \canon, member of a cathedral chapter or canonry, Augustinian.;
CANON, CANONIS: N 3 1 M \catalog of sacred writings admitted by the rule, the Canon; cannon/guns (pl.);
CANON, CANONIS: N 3 1 M \sounding-board/channel of water organ; model/standard; measuring line, rule;
CANON, CANONOS/IS: N 3 7 M \sounding-board/channel of water organ; model/standard; measuring line, rule;
CANONICUS, CANONICA, CANONICUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \canonical/by the canons/legal/lawful/right; by math divisions of monochord (OLD)
CANONICUS, CANONICA, CANONICUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \regular (of a monastary); secular (of a cathedral);
CANONICUS, CANONICI: N 2 1 M \one of the rule; clergyman; canon, prebendary;
CANONICUS, CANONICI: N 2 1 M \|one who constructs mathematical/astronomical tables; theorists;
CANONICUM, CANONICI: N 2 2 N \theory (pl.); canon;
CANONICARIUS, CANONICARI(I): N 2 4 M \collector of annual tribute;
CANONICE: ADV POS \according to Church discipline; regularly;
CANONIZO, CANONIZARE, CANONIZAVI, CANONIZATUS: V 1 1 \canonize, elevate to sainthood; include in canon of Scripture; reduce to rules;
CANORUS, CANORA, CANORUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \melodious, harmonious; resonant, ringing, sonorous; tuneful; songful, vocal;
CANORUM, CANORI: N 2 2 N \melody, charm (in speaking);
CANOR, CANORIS: N 3 1 M \song, vocal music; tune, melody; birdsong; music of instruments; poetic strain;
CANORE: ADV POS \melodiously; harmoniously; tunefully;
CANTUS, CANTI: N 2 1 M \tire, iron ring around a carriage wheel; wheel;
CANTUS, CANTUS: N 4 1 M \song, chant; singing; cry (bird); blast (trumpet); poem, poetry; incantation;
CANTO, CANTARE, CANTAVI, CANTATUS: V 1 1 \sing; play (roles/music); recite; praise, celebrate; forewarn; enchant, bewitch;
CANTABRUM, CANTABRI: N 2 2 N \kind of banner/standard under the emperors; kind of bran;
CANTABRARIUS, CANTABRARII: N 2 1 M \standard-bearer on festive occasions;
CANTAMEN, CANTAMINIS: N 3 2 N \spell that is sung/chanted; magic sentence; spell, charm, incantation;
CANTATIO, CANTATIONIS: N 3 1 F \singing; song, music; spell, charm, incantation (L+S);
CANTATOR, CANTATORIS: N 3 1 M \singer; musician; minstrel;
CANTATRIX, (GEN.), CANTATRICIS: ADJ 3 1 POS \that uses incantations/enchantments (feminine adjective); singing, musical;
CANTATRIX, CANTATRICIS: N 3 1 F \singer, musician (female);
CANTERIUS, CANTERI(I): N 2 4 M \poor-quality horse, hack, nag, gelding; rafter; pi-shaped vine prop/'horse';
CANTERIATUS, CANTERIATA, CANTERIATUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \supported on a canterius (light pi-shaped prop/'horse' for vines); propped;
CANTERINUS, CANTERINA, CANTERINUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \of/belonging to a horse, horse-; like a horse; variety of barley (winter L+S);
CANTERIOLUS, CANTERIOLI: N 2 1 M \small vine-supporting prop/'horse';
CANTHUS, CANTHI: N 2 1 M \tire, iron ring around a carriage wheel; wheel;
CANTHARUS, CANTHARI: N 2 1 M \large drinking vessel with handles; bowl/basin of fountain; Black Sea bream;
CANTHARUS, CANTHARI: N 2 1 M \|vessel of holy water; water pipe;
CANTHARIAS, CANTHARIAE: N 1 8 M \a precious stone; (having in it a figure of a Spanish fly L+S);
CANTHARIS, CANTHARIDIS: N 3 1 F \blister-beetle (Cantharis vesicatoria); Spanish fly (medicine/poison); a worm;
CANTHARITES, CANTHARITAE: N 1 7 M \wine from the vine cantharites; a kind of vine (L+S);
CANTHARULUS, CANTHARULI: N 2 1 M \small drinking vessel with handles;
CANTHERIUS, CANTHERI(I): N 2 4 M \poor-quality horse, hack, nag, gelding; rafter; pi-shaped vine prop/'horse';
CANTHERIATUS, CANTHERIATA, CANTHERIATUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \supported on a canterius (light pi-shaped prop/'horse' for vines); propped;
CANTHERINUS, CANTHERINA, CANTHERINUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \of/belonging to a horse, horse-; like a horse; variety of barley (winter L+S);
CANTHERIOLUS, CANTHERIOLI: N 2 1 M \small vine-supporting prop/'horse';
CANTICUM, CANTICI: N 2 2 N \song; passage in a comedy chanted or sung; sing-song voice;
CANTICULUM, CANTICULI: N 2 2 N \song; little song; sonnet (L+S); short incantation;
CANTILENA, CANTILENAE: N 1 1 F \oft repeated saying; refrain; ditty/little song; silly prattle (L+S); lampoon;
CANTIO, CANTIONIS: N 3 1 F \song; singing (birds); playing, music (instrumental); incantation, spell;
CANTITO, CANTITARE, CANTITAVI, CANTITATUS: V 1 1 \sing; sing repeatedly, sing over and over; sing/play often (L+S);
CANTIUNCULA, CANTIUNCULAE: N 1 1 F \(mere) song; flattering/alluring strain (L+S);
CANTOR, CANTORIS: N 3 1 M \singer, poet; actor (of musical parts in play); precentor, cantor; eulogist;
CANTRIX, CANTRICIS: N 3 1 F \singer (female), songstress;
CANTULUS, CANTULI: N 2 1 M \little song;
CANTURIO, CANTURIRE, CANTURIVI, CANTURITUS: V 3 4 \recite with musical intonation; sing continuously (birds); chirp;
CANUA, CANUAE: N 1 1 F \basket;
CANUSINA, CANUSINAE: N 1 1 F \garment of made of Canusian wool; (Canusium/Canosa town in Apulia);
CANUSINATUS, CANUSINATA, CANUSINATUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \dressed in garments of Canusian wool;
CAPA, CAPAE: N 1 1 F \cape, cloak, cassock, cope.
CAPUS, CAPI: N 2 1 M \capon; young cockerel?;
CAPABILIS, CAPABILIS, CAPABILE: ADJ 3 2 POS \comprehensible; intelligent;
CAPACITAS, CAPACITATIS: N 3 1 F \capacity, largeness; ability (mental/legal/to inherit); power of comprehension;
CAPACITER: ADV POS \rightfully to inherit;
CAPAX, CAPACIS (GEN.), CAPACIOR -OR -US, CAPACISSIMUS -A -UM: ADJ 3 1 X \large, spacious, roomy, big; capable, fit, competent; has right to inherit;
CAPEDO, CAPEDINIS: N 3 1 F \bowl used in sacrifices;
CAPEDULUM, CAPEDULI: N 2 2 N \kind of covering for the head;
CAPEDUNCULA, CAPEDUNCULAE: N 1 1 F \small pot/vessel/bowl/dish; (used for sacrifices L+S);
CAPELLA, CAPELLAE: N 1 1 F \she-goat; meteor type; star in constellation Auriga (rising in rainy season);
CAPELLA, CAPELLAE: N 1 1 F \|dirty fellow, old goat; man with a goat-like beard; body odor;
CAPELLUS, CAPELLI: N 2 1 M \small goat; kid;
CAPELLIANUS, CAPELLIANA, CAPELLIANUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \of/pertaining to goats; eaten by goats;
CAPER, CAPRI: N 2 3 M \he-goat, billy-goat; goatish/armpit smell; star in Auriga (L+S); grunting fish;
CAPERRO, CAPERRARE, CAPERRAVI, CAPERRATUS: V 1 1 \be/become wrinkled; wrinkle (L+S); furl (sails);
CAPERRATUS, CAPERRATA, CAPERRATUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \wrinkled; furled (sails);
CAPESSO, CAPESSERE, CAPESSIVI, CAPESSITUS: V 3 1 \grasp, take, seize eagerly; undertake, manage; pursue w/zeal; carry out orders;
CAPETUM, CAPETI: N 2 2 N \fodder for cattle;
CAPH, UNDECLINED: N 9 9 N \kaf; (11th letter of Hebrew alphabet); (transliterate as K and CH);
CAPHISTERIUM, CAPHISTERII: N 2 2 N \vessel used for cleaning/separating seed-grain from the rest;
CAPIO, CAPERE, ADDITIONAL, FORMS: V 9 3 \take hold, seize; grasp; take bribe; arrest/capture; put on; occupy; captivate;
CAPIO, CAPERE, CEPI, CAPTUS: V 3 1 \take hold, seize; grasp; take bribe; arrest/capture; put on; occupy; captivate;
CAPIDULUM, CAPIDULI: N 2 2 N \kind of covering for the head;
CAPILLUS, CAPILLI: N 2 1 M \hair; hair of head; single hair; hair/fur/wool of animals; hair-like fiber;
CAPILLACEUS, CAPILLACEA, CAPILLACEUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \resembling/similar to hair; like hair; made of hair (L+S);
CAPILLAMENTUM, CAPILLAMENTI: N 2 2 N \head of hair; toupee/wig; hair-like fiber; thread of metal; streak/flaw in gem;
CAPILLARIS, CAPILLARIS, CAPILLARE: ADJ 3 2 POS \of/pertaining to the hair; (~ herba => plant Capillus Veneris);
CAPILLARE, CAPILLARIS: N 3 4 N \ointment/unguent for the hair; pomade;
CAPILLATUS, CAPILLATA, CAPILLATUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \having long hair (older generation/foreign peoples/boys); hairy; hair-like;
CAPILLATUS, CAPILLATI: N 2 1 M \long hairs (pl.); young aristocrats;
CAPILLATIO, CAPILLATIONIS: N 3 1 F \the hair; disease of the urinary organs;
CAPILLATURA, CAPILLATURAE: N 1 1 F \hair-like flawing in a gem; the hair (L+S); false hair;
CAPILLITIUM, CAPILLITII: N 2 2 N \head of hair;
CAPILLOSUS, CAPILLOSA, CAPILLOSUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \full of hair; very hairy;
CAPILLULUS, CAPILLULI: N 2 1 M \fine/soft hair;
CAPIO, CAPIONIS: N 3 1 F \taking/seizing; (usus ~ => getting ownership by continued possession);
CAPIS, CAPIDIS: N 3 1 F \cup/bowl with handle used mainly for ritual purposes;
CAPIS, CAPIDOS/IS: N 3 7 F \cup/bowl with handle used mainly for ritual purposes;
CAPISSO, CAPISSERE, CAPISSIVI, CAPISSITUS: V 3 1 \grasp, take, seize eagerly; undertake, manage; pursue w/zeal; carry out orders;
CAPISTERIUM, CAPISTERII: N 2 2 N \vessel used for cleaning/separating seed-grain from the rest;
CAPISTRUM, CAPISTRI: N 2 2 N \halter/headstall/harness, muzzle; matrimonial halter (L+S); band for vines;
CAPISTRO, CAPISTRARE, CAPISTRAVI, CAPISTRATUS: V 1 1 \provide with a halter, put a halter on a horse; fasten with a headstall; bind;
CAPITUM, CAPITI: N 2 2 N \fodder for cattle;
CAPITAL, CAPITALIS: N 3 4 N \capital crime/punishment (loss of life or civil rights); priestess headband;
CAPITALIS, CAPITALE, CAPITALIOR -OR -US, CAPITALISSIMUS -A -UM: ADJ 3 2 X \belonging to the head/life; deadly, mortal; dangerous; excellent, first-rate;
CAPITALE, CAPITALIS: N 3 4 N \capital crime/punishment (loss of life or civil rights); priestess headband;
CAPITALITER: ADV POS \with bitter/lethal hostility;
CAPITANEUS, CAPITANEA, CAPITANEUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \large, chief in size; capital (letters);
CAPITARIUS, CAPITARIA, CAPITARIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \levied per head, per capita; poll-;
CAPITATUS, CAPITATA, CAPITATUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \having or forming a head;
CAPITATIO, CAPITATIONIS: N 3 1 F \poll tax, tax levied per head/capita; outlay for beasts used in public service;
CAPITELLUM, CAPITELLI: N 2 2 N \small head; capital/chapiter of a column;
CAPITIUM, CAPITII: N 2 2 N \kind of tunic worn by women;
CAPITIUM, CAPITII: N 2 2 N \|covering for the head; opening in tunic for head; undervest; priest's vestment;
CAPITILAVIUM, CAPITILAVII: N 2 2 N \washing of the head;
CAPITO, (GEN.), CAPITONIS: ADJ 3 1 POS \big-headed, having a large head (masculine adjective); cognomen; kind of mullet;
CAPITOLIUM, CAPITOLII: N 2 2 N \Capitol; the Capitoline Hill in Rome;
CAPITOLIUM, CAPITOLII: N 2 2 N \religious/cathedral chapter, chapter meeting/house; right of cofraternity;
CAPITULUM, CAPITULI: N 2 2 N \chapter/article (in book); religious/cathedral chapter, chapter meeting/house;
CAPITULUM, CAPITULI: N 2 2 N \|little head; piles/hemorrhoids; flower-head/seed-capsule; head of a structure;
CAPITULARIS, CAPITULARIS, CAPITULARE: ADJ 3 2 POS \relating to head/poll-tax or levy;
CAPITULARE, CAPITULARIS: N 3 4 N \head/poll-tax or levy;
CAPITULARIUS, CAPITULARIA, CAPITULARIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \relating to recruiting of soldiers;
CAPITULARIUS, CAPITULARII: N 2 1 M \tax gathers (pl.), revenue officers; recruiting officers;
CAPITULARIUM, CAPITULARII: N 2 2 N \head/poll-tax or levy;
CAPITULATUS, CAPITULATA, CAPITULATUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \having a (small) head or terminal knob;
CAPITULATIM: ADV POS \by headings; summarily;
CAPNOS, CAPNI: N 2 6 F \plant, funitory, pes gallinaceus; (Fumaria officinalis/Corydaltis digitalia);
CAPNIOS, CAPNIOS, -: ADJ 2 6 POS \name of vine with grapes of smoky appearance;
-, -, CAPNION: ADJ 2 8 POS \name of vine with grapes of smoky appearance;
CAPNIAS, CAPNIAE: N 1 8 M \smoky specimen/variety of some precious stone; smoky topaz (L+S); kind of wine;
CAPNIOS, CAPNII: N 2 6 F \kind of wine from grapes of smoky appearance;
CAPNION, CAPNII: N 2 8 N \plant, funitory, pes gallinaceus; (Fumaria officinalis/Corydaltis digitalia);
CAPNITESES, CAPNITAE: N 1 7 M \smoky specimen/variety of some precious stone; smoky topas (L+S); kind of wine;
CAPNITIS, CAPNITIDIS: N 3 1 F \substance deposited by smoke from copper furnace, ZnO; smoky precious stone;
CAPO, CAPONIS: N 3 1 M \capon; young cockerel?;
CAPPA, CAPPAE: N 1 1 F \cape, cloak, cassock, cope.
CAPPARA, CAPPARAE: N 1 1 F \plant (also called portulacca);
CAPPARI, UNDECLINED: N 9 9 N \caper plant (Capparis spinosa); fruit of the caper, caper;
CAPPARIS, CAPPAROS/IS: N 3 9 F \caper plant (Capparis spinosa); fruit of the caper, caper;
CAPPAS, CAPPADOS/IS: N 3 7 F \sea horse;
CAPRA, CAPRAE: N 1 1 F \she-goat, nanny-goat; (Caprae palus => on Campus Martius/Circus Flaminus site);
CAPRAGENUS, CAPRAGENA, CAPRAGENUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \of the flesh of wild goats;
CAPRAGO, CAPRAGINIS: N 3 1 F \plant, also called cicer columbinum;
CAPRALE, CAPRALIS: N 3 4 N \field/marsh/swamp fit only for goats;
CAPRARIUS, CAPRARIA, CAPRARIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \of/pertaining to the goat;
CAPRARIUS, CAPRARI(I): N 2 4 M \goatherd;
CAPREA, CAPREAE: N 1 1 F \roe deer; wild she-goat (L+S);
CAPREAGINUS, CAPREAGINA, CAPREAGINUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \resembling a roe-deer (mottled);
CAPREIDA, CAPREIDAE: N 1 1 F \diuretic? plant;
CAPREOLA, CAPREOLAE: N 1 1 F \young roe doe;
CAPREOLUS, CAPREOLI: N 2 1 M \young roe-deer; wild goat/chamois; rafter, support; vine tendril; weeding fork;
CAPREOLATIM: ADV POS \like twisted tendrils; in a winding/twisting manner;
CAPRICORNUS, CAPRICORNI: N 2 1 M \Capricorn, a sign of the Zodiac;
CAPRIFICUS, CAPRIFICI: N 2 1 F \wild fig tree; fruit of the wild fig tree, wild fig;
CAPRIFICUS, CAPRIFICUS: N 4 1 F \wild fig tree; fruit of the wild fig tree, wild fig;
CAPRIFICO, CAPRIFICARE, -, -: V 1 1 \caprificate, fertilize by caprification (insects/hand puncturing the wild fig);
CAPRIFICATIO, CAPRIFICATIONIS: N 3 1 F \caprification, by which gall insects emerge to fertilize/puncture the wild fig;
CAPRIGENUS, CAPRIGENA, CAPRIGENUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \of/consisting of/sprung from goats, goat-;
CAPRIGENA, CAPRIGENAE: N 1 1 F \goats (pl.);
CAPRIGENUS, CAPRIGENI: N 2 1 M \goats (pl.);
CAPRILIS, CAPRILIS, CAPRILE: ADJ 3 2 POS \of/belonging to goats;
CAPRILE, CAPRILIS: N 3 4 N \goat pen/stall;
CAPRIMULGUS, CAPRIMULGI: N 2 1 M \country bumpkin, goat-milker; nightjar/goatsucker (bird Caprimulgus europaeus);
CAPRINUS, CAPRINA, CAPRINUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \of/belonging to/consisting of/resembling goats; (lactuca ~a => kind of spurge);
CAPRINA, CAPRINAE: N 1 1 F \goat flesh/meat;
CAPRINARIUS, CAPRINARII: N 2 1 M \devotee of Pan;
CAPRIOLUS, CAPRIOLI: N 2 1 M \young roe-deer; wild goat/chamois; rafter, support; vine tendril; weeding fork;
CAPRIPES, (GEN.), CAPRIPEDIS: ADJ 3 1 POS \goat-footed; (epithet for rural deities);
CAPRONA, CAPRONAE: N 1 1 F \forelocks (pl.); (hair hanging down on forehead of men/animals);
CAPRONEA, CAPRONEAE: N 1 1 F \forelocks (pl.); (hair hanging down on forehead of men/animals);
CAPRUGENUS, CAPRUGENA, CAPRUGENUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \of the flesh of wild goats;
CAPRUNCULUM, CAPRUNCULI: N 2 2 N \earthenware vessel;
CAPSA, CAPSAE: N 1 1 F \cylindrical case (for books), bookcase; receptacle for things, box, satchel;
CAPSUS, CAPSI: N 2 1 M \coach/carriage/wagon body; cage/pen for animals;
CAPSO, CAPSERE, -, -: V 3 1 \seize (only PRES form which is FUT); take bribe; capture; occupy; captivate;
CAPSARIUS, CAPSARI(I): N 2 4 M \slave toting boy's bookcase/satchel; who minded clothes at bath; satchelmaker;
CAPSELLA, CAPSELLAE: N 1 1 F \small box/casket; coffer;
CAPSULA, CAPSULAE: N 1 1 F \small box for books; chest, casket;
CAPTUS, CAPTA, CAPTUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \captured, captive;
CAPTUM, CAPTI: N 2 2 N \a catch; (e.g. fish);
CAPTUS, CAPTUS: N 4 1 M \capacity/ability/potentiality; comprehension; action/result of taking/grasping;
CAPTO, CAPTARE, CAPTAVI, CAPTATUS: V 1 1 \try/long/aim for, desire; entice; hunt legacy; try to catch/grasp/seize/reach;
CAPTATIO, CAPTATIONIS: N 3 1 F \action of straining after; legacy-hunting; feint to attract stroke (fencing);
CAPTATOR, CAPTATORIS: N 3 1 M \legacy hunter; one who strives to obtain/eagerly reaches for/grasps at/courts;
CAPTATORIUS, CAPTATORIA, CAPTATORIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \of/concerning legacy-hunting/hunters; (~as institutiones => mutual heirs);
CAPTATRIX, (GEN.), CAPTATRICIS: ADJ 3 1 POS \straining after, striving to obtain; (feminine adjective);
CAPTATRIX, CAPTATRICIS: N 3 1 F \she who strives to obtain/eagerly reaches for/grasps at/courts;
CAPTENSULA, CAPTENSULAE: N 1 1 F \fallacious argument; sophism;
CAPTIO, CAPTIONIS: N 3 1 F \deception/trick/fraud; disadvantage, loss; a sophistry/quibble; right to take;
CAPTIOSUM, CAPTIOSI: N 2 2 N \sophisms (pl.);
CAPTIOSUS, CAPTIOSA -UM, CAPTIOSIOR -OR -US, CAPTIOSISSIMUS -A -UM: ADJ 1 1 X \harmful, disadvantageous; captious, intended to ensnare (arguments), deceptive;
CAPTIOSE: ADV POS \in a manner to score over a person/take him in/deceive him; insidiously;
CAPTITO, CAPTITARE, CAPTITAVI, CAPTITATUS: V 1 1 \snatch at; strive eagerly after;
CAPTIUNCULA, CAPTIUNCULAE: N 1 1 F \quirk; sophism, fallacy;
CAPTIVUS, CAPTIVA, CAPTIVUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \caught, taken captive; captured (in war), imprisoned; conquered; of captives;
CAPTIVA, CAPTIVAE: N 1 1 F \prisoner (female), captive;
CAPTIVUS, CAPTIVI: N 2 1 C \prisoner of war (likely male, but maybe female), captive;
CAPTIVATIO, CAPTIVATIONIS: N 3 1 F \subjugation; enslavement;
CAPTIVATOR, CAPTIVATORIS: N 3 1 M \captor, one who takes captive;
CAPTIVITAS, CAPTIVITATIS: N 3 1 F \captivity/bondage; capture/act of being captured; blindness; captives (Plater);
CAPTIVNCULA, CAPTIVNCULAE: N 1 1 F \legal quirk or snare;
CAPTOR, CAPTORIS: N 3 1 M \hunter, huntsman, he who catches animals/game;
CAPTRIX, CAPTRICIS: N 3 1 F \huntress; she who takes/catches; she who despoils;
CAPTURA, CAPTURAE: N 1 1 F \taking/catching wild game; bag, total game caught; gain, take; making profits;
CAPUDO, CAPUDINIS: N 3 1 F \primitive sacrificial vessel;
CAPULA, CAPULAE: N 1 1 F \small sacrificial bowl/cup; (with handles L+S);
CAPULUS, CAPULI: N 2 1 M \sword-hilt/handle; handle of other implements; bier, coffin;
CAPULUS, CAPULI: N 2 1 M \|sepulcher, tomb, scacophagus; halter for catching/fastening cattle, lasso;
CAPULUM, CAPULI: N 2 2 N \sword-hilt/handle; handle of other implements; bier, coffin;
CAPULUM, CAPULI: N 2 2 N \|sepulcher, tomb, scacophagus; halter for catching/fastening cattle, lasso;
CAPULO, CAPULARE, CAPULAVI, CAPULATUS: V 1 1 \draw off oil from the oil press; attach/halter (cattle); catch (animals);
CAPULARIS, CAPULARIS, CAPULARE: ADJ 3 2 POS \ready for the bier, having one foot in the grave; of/near the grave/bier;
CAPULATOR, CAPULATORIS: N 3 1 M \man who draws from oil press; decanter, who pours from vessel to other (L+S);
CAPUT, CAPITIS: N 3 2 N \head; person; life; leader; top; source/mouth (river); capital (punishment);
CAPUTALIS, CAPUTALE, CAPUTALIOR -OR -US, CAPUTALISSIMUS -A -UM: ADJ 3 2 X \belonging to the head/life; deadly, mortal; dangerous; excellent, first-rate;
CAROS, CARI: N 2 6 M \variety/seed of the plant hypericum; heavy sleep, stupor, sleep of death (L+S);
CARUS, CARA -UM, CARIOR -OR -US, CARISSIMUS -A -UM: ADJ 1 1 X \dear, beloved; costly, precious, valued; high-priced, expensive;
CAREO, CARERE, CARUI, CARITUS: V 2 1 \be without/absent from/devoid of/free from; miss; abstain from, lack, lose;
CAREOR, CARERI, -, CARITUS SUM: V 2 1 \be without/absent from/devoid of/free from; miss; abstain from, lack, lose;
CARO, CARERE, -, -: V 3 1 \card/comb (wool/flax/etc.);
CARABUS, CARABI: N 2 1 M \crustacean, crayfish; sea crab (L+S); small wicker boat covered in raw hide;
CARACALLA, CARACALLAE: N 1 1 F \long tunic/great-coat worn by the Gauls; (name for Emperor Antonius Caracalla);
CARACALLIS, CARACALLIS: N 3 3 F \long tunic/great-coat worn by the Gauls;
CARACTER, CARACTERIS: N 3 1 M \branded/impressed letter/mark/etc; marking instrument; stamp, character, style;
CARAGOGOS, CARAGOGI: N 2 6 F \medicinal plant;
CARBAS, CARBAE: N 1 8 M \easterly wind; east-northeast wind (L+S);
CARBASUS, CARBASA, CARBASUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \made of linen/flax;
CARBASUS, CARBASI: N 2 1 F \linen (cloth); fine linen, cambric; canvas; sail; linen garment/clothes; awning;
CARBASUM, CARBASI: N 2 2 N \plant with narcotic juice;
CARBASEUS, CARBASEA, CARBASEUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \made of linen/flax;
CARBASINUM, CARBASINI: N 2 2 N \clothes (pl.) made of linen/flax;
CARBATINA, CARBATINAE: N 1 1 F \kind of rustic leather shoe;
CARBO, CARBONIS: N 3 1 M \charcoal; glowing coal; pencil/marker; worthless thing; charred remains;
CARBONARIA, CARBONARIAE: N 1 1 F \furnace/chimney/oven for making charcoal (by burning wood/etc.);
CARBONARIUS, CARBONARI(I): N 2 4 M \charcoal-burner, collier;
CARBONESCO, CARBONESCERE, -, -: V 3 1 \become charcoal;
CARBUNCULUS, CARBUNCULI: N 2 1 M \live coal; red tophus; precious stone; a vine blight; carbuncle/tumor/anthrax;
CARBUNCULO, CARBUNCULARE, CARBUNCULAVI, CARBUNCULATUS: V 1 1 \be afflicted with a form of vine blight;
CARBUNCULOR, CARBUNCULARI, -, CARBUNCULATUS SUM: V 1 1 \be afflicted with a form of vine blight;
CARBUNCULATIO, CARBUNCULATIONIS: N 3 1 F \affliction with a form of vine blight; disease of trees (L+S);
CARBUNCULOSUS, CARBUNCULOSA, CARBUNCULOSUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \containing tophus (variety of sandstone); containing red toph-stone (L+S);
CARBUNICA, CARBUNICAE: N 1 1 F \variety of vine;
CARCEDONIUS, CARCEDONII: N 2 1 M \chalcedony; (stone of third foundation of New Jerusalem in Revelations 21:19);
CARCER, CARCERIS: N 3 1 M \prison, jail; jailbird; starting barriers at race-course, traps; beginning;
CARCERALIS, CARCERALIS, CARCERALE: ADJ 3 2 POS \of/pertaining to/connected with prison;
CARCERARIUS, CARCERARIA, CARCERARIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \of/pertaining to/connected with prison;
CARCERARIUS, CARCERARII: N 2 1 M \prison keeper, jailer;
CARCEREUS, CARCEREA, CARCEREUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \of/pertaining to/connected with prison;
CARCHARUS, CARCHARI: N 2 1 M \kind of fish; kind of dog fish (L+S);
CARCHESIUM, CARCHESI(I): N 2 4 N \type of drinking-cup/beaker; mast-head of ship; kind of derrick, crane;
CARCINETHRON, CARCINETHRI: N 2 8 N \plant (also called polygonon), knotgrass; (pure Latin geniculata);
CARCINIAS, CARCINIAE: N 1 8 M \crab-colored precious stone;
CARCINODES, CARCINODIS: N 3 2 N \cancerous disease; cancer;
CARCINOMA, CARCINOMATIS: N 3 2 N \ulcer or tumor (malignant?); (term of reproach by Augustus for Julia/Agrippa);
CARCINOTHRON, CARCINOTHRI: N 2 8 N \plant (also called polygonon), knotgrass; (pure Latin geniculata);
CARDAMUM, CARDAMI: N 2 2 N \cress-like plant; (pure Latin nasturtium);
CARDAMINA, CARDAMINAE: N 1 1 F \cress-like plant;
CARDAMOMUM, CARDAMOMI: N 2 2 N \cardamom (Elettaris cardamomum); its seeds (used in medicine/spice);
CARDELIS, CARDELIS: N 3 3 F \goldfinch (Fringilla carduelis); thistle-finch (L+S);
CARDIACUS, CARDIACA, CARDIACUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \of the heart or stomach; suffering in the stomach;
CARDIACUS, CARDIACI: N 2 1 M \person suffering from heartburn or stomach distress;
CARDIMOMA, CARDIMOMAE: N 1 1 F \pain in the stomach, stomach ache;
CARDINALIS, CARDINALIS, CARDINALE: ADJ 3 2 POS \that serves as a hinge/pivot/on which something turns/depends; chief, cardinal;
CARDINALIS, CARDINALIS: N 3 3 M \cardinal, prince of the Catholic Church; (elector of Popes);
CARDINALITER: ADV POS \chiefly, principally; especially;
CARDINEUS, CARDINEA, CARDINEUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \of/by hinges; of/pertaining to door-hinge;
CARDO, CARDINIS: N 3 1 M \hinge; pole, axis; chief point/circumstance; crisis; tenon/mortise; area; limit;
CARDUUS, CARDUI: N 2 1 M \thistle; prickly bur/seed-vessel; cardoon (artichoke-like vegetable);
CARDUELIS, CARDUELIS: N 3 3 F \goldfinch (Fringilla carduelis); thistle-finch (L+S);
CARDUETUS, CARDUETI: N 2 1 M \thicket of thistle;
CARE: ADV POS \dearly; at a high price;
CAREUM, CAREI: N 2 2 N \caraway;
CARE, CARIUS, CARISSIME: ADV X \dear, at high price; of high value; at great cost/sacrifice;
CARECTUM, CARECTI: N 2 2 N \bed/plot of sedges/rushes;
CARENUM, CARENI: N 2 2 N \sweet wine boiled down one third;
CARENARIA, CARENARIAE: N 1 1 F \vessel for making carenum (sweet wine boiled down one third);
CAREOTA, CAREOTAE: N 1 1 F \date; nut-shaped date (L+S); (as gift on Saturnalia);
CARESCO, CARESCERE, -, -: V 3 1 \want, be without;
CAREX, CARICIS: N 3 1 F \reed-grass; sedges; rushes;
CARFIATHUM, CARFIATHI: N 2 2 N \(superior) kind of incense; excellent kind of white frankincense;
CARIES, CARIEI: N 5 1 F \rot, rottenness, corruption, decay; caries; shriveling up; dry rot; ship worm;
CARIANS, (GEN.), CARIANTIS: ADJ 3 1 POS \decayed, rotten; defective;
CARICA, CARICAE: N 1 1 F \kind of fig; (Caria a country in south-west Asia Minor);
CARINUS, CARINA, CARINUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \nut-brown (fashionable color in women's dress);
CARINA, CARINAE: N 1 1 F \keel, bottom of ship, hull; boat, ship, vessel; voyage; half walnut shell;
CARINO, CARINARE, CARINAVI, CARINATUS: V 1 1 \curse, abuse, revile, blame; use abusive language;
CARINO, CARINARE, CARINAVI, CARINATUS: V 1 1 \turn into/shape like a ship/hull; supply with/get/grow a shell;
CARINOR, CARINARI, -, -: V 1 1 \curse, abuse, revile, blame; use abusive language;
CARINARIUS, CARINARII: N 2 1 M \one who dyes? brown;
CARINATUS, CARINATA, CARINATUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \shell-formed/shaped; like a keel/hull;
CARIOSUS, CARIOSA, CARIOSUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \rotten, decayed (wood/teeth); crumbly; friable, loose, porous; decayed (old);
CARIOTA, CARIOTAE: N 1 1 F \date; nut-shaped date (L+S); (as gift on Saturnalia);
CARIS, CARIDIS: N 3 1 F \kind of crustacean; shrimp/prawn?; sea-crab (L+S);
CARISUS, CARISA, CARISUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \artful, sly, cunning, crafty;
CARISA, CARISAE: N 1 1 F \artful woman;
CARISSUS, CARISSA, CARISSUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \artful, sly, cunning, crafty;
CARISTIUM, CARISTII: N 2 2 N \annual family banquet 3 days after Parentalia (20 Feb.) where feuds settled;
CARITAS, CARITATIS: N 3 1 F \dearness; high price; love, affection, esteem, favor; charity;
CARITORES, CARITORIS: N 3 3 F \wool-carders;
CARMELUS, CARMELI: N 2 1 M \Carmel; (area/mountain range in north-west Palestine); beautiful hill (Isaiah);
CARMEN, CARMINIS: N 3 2 N \card for wool/flax;
CARMEN, CARMINIS: N 3 2 N \song/music; poem/play; charm; prayer, incantation, ritual/magic formula; oracle;
CARMINO, CARMINARE, CARMINAVI, CARMINATUS: V 1 1 \card (wool, etc.); produce by carding;
CARMINATIO, CARMINATIONIS: N 3 1 F \combing/carding (wool/flax/etc.);
CARMINATOR, CARMINATORIS: N 3 1 M \carder (of wool/flax/etc.);
CARNALIS, CARNALIS, CARNALE: ADJ 3 2 POS \carnal, fleshy, bodily, sensual; of the flesh; not spiritual, worldly;
CARNALE, CARNALIS: N 3 4 N \carnal/sensual/worldy things; things of the flesh;
CARNALITAS, CARNALITATIS: N 3 1 F \carnality, sensuality, fleshiness;
CARNALITER: ADV POS \carnally, sensually; not spiritually;
CARNARIUS, CARNARIA, CARNARIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \of/pertaining to/belonging to flesh;
CARNARIUS, CARNARI(I): N 2 4 M \dealer in meat; butcher;
CARNARIUM, CARNARI(I): N 2 4 N \meat rack (for smoking/drying); larder/pantry (L+S);
CARNATUS, CARNATA, CARNATUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \fleshy, fat, corpulent;
CARNATIO, CARNATIONIS: N 3 1 F \fleshiness, bulk, corpulence, heaviness;
CARNEUS, CARNEA, CARNEUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \of the flesh, carnal; not spiritual;
CARNIC, CARNICIS: N 3 3 C \fodder plant, tree-medick Medicago arborea; wood of this; scrubby snail-clover (
CARNIFEX, (GEN.), CARNIFICIS: ADJ 3 1 POS \tormenting, torturing; murderous, killing; deadly;
CARNIFEX, CARNIFICIS: N 3 1 M \executioner, hangman; murderer, butcher, torturer; scoundrel, villain;
CARNIFICO, CARNIFICARE, CARNIFICAVI, CARNIFICATUS: V 1 1 \execute; behead; butcher; cut in pieces, mangle;
CARNIFICOR, CARNIFICARI, -, -: V 1 1 \execute; behead; butcher; cut in pieces, mangle;
CARNIFICIUS, CARNIFICIA, CARNIFICIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \of/pertaining to an executioner/hangman/torturer;
CARNIFICINA, CARNIFICINAE: N 1 1 F \work/act/office of executioner/torturer; torture/execution; capital punishment;
CARNIS, CARNIS: N 3 3 F \meat/flesh; the body; pulp/flesh of plants, sapwood; soft part; low passions;
CARNIVORUS, CARNIVORA, CARNIVORUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \carnivorous, flesh-eating;
CARNOSUS, CARNOSA -UM, CARNOSIOR -OR -US, CARNOSISSIMUS -A -UM: ADJ 1 1 X \fleshy; characterized by flesh; consisting of meat; fleshy in color/appearance;
CARNUFEX, (GEN.), CARNUFICIS: ADJ 3 1 POS \tormenting, torturing; murderous, killing; deadly;
CARNUFEX, CARNUFICIS: N 3 1 M \executioner, hangman; murderer, butcher, torturer; scoundrel, villain;
CARNUFICO, CARNUFICARE, CARNUFICAVI, CARNUFICATUS: V 1 1 \execute; behead; butcher; cut in pieces, mangle;
CARNUFICOR, CARNUFICARI, -, -: V 1 1 \execute; behead; butcher; cut in pieces, mangle;
CARNUFICIUS, CARNUFICIA, CARNUFICIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \of/pertaining to an executioner/hangman/torturer;
CARNUFICINA, CARNUFICINAE: N 1 1 F \work/act/office of executioner/torturer; torture/execution; capital punishment;
CARNUTES, CARTNUTIS: N 3 1 M \Carnutes, tribe of central Gaul, around Loire - Caesar;
CARO: ADV POS \dearly; dear, at a high price;
CARO, CARNIS: N 3 1 F \meat, flesh; the body; pulpy/fleshy part of plants, sapwood; soft part;
CAROENUM, CAROENI: N 2 2 N \sweet wine boiled down one third;
CAROLUS, CAROLI: N 2 1 M \Charles; (Charlemagne, 742-814, King of Franks, first Holy Roman Emperor);
CAROTA, CAROTAE: N 1 1 F \carrot;
CAROTIS, CAROTIDIS: N 3 1 F \carotid arteries (pl.);
CARPA, CARPAE: N 1 1 F \carp; (Erasmus);
CARPO, CARPERE, CARPSI, CARPTUS: V 3 1 \pick, pluck; gather, browse, tear off; graze, crop; tease/pull out, card (wool);
CARPO, CARPERE, CARPSI, CARPTUS: V 3 1 \|separate/divide, tear down; carve; despoil/fleece; pursue/harry; consume/erode;
CARPASUM, CARPASI: N 2 2 N \plant with narcotic juice; (white hellebore? OLD);
CARPASINUS, CARPASINA, CARPASINUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \green; (Vulgate Ester 1:6);
CARPATHUM, CARPATHI: N 2 2 N \white hellebore plant (Veratrum album);
CARPATHIUM, CARPATHII: N 2 2 N \plant with narcotic juice; (white hellebore? OLD);
CARPENTUM, CARPENTI: N 2 2 N \carriage (two wheeled, covered); (for women); chariot (L+S); wagon, cart;
CARPENTARIUS, CARPENTARIA, CARPENTARIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \of wagons/carriages/chariots; of/pertaining to carriage building;
CARPENTARIUS, CARPENTARII: N 2 1 M \carriage/wagon/chariot builder, cartwright; carriage-driver, coachman (L+S);
CARPENTARIUS, CARPENTARII: N 2 1 M \carriage/wagon/chariot builder/cartwright's workshop;
CARPHOS, CARPHI: N 2 6 N \fenugreek; goat's thorn;
CARPHEOTHUM, CARPHEOTHI: N 2 2 N \(superior) kind of incense; excellent kind of white frankincense;
CARPHOLOGIA, CARPHOLOGIAE: N 1 1 F \picking of pieces of straw from the mud/adobe walls;
CARPINEUS, CARPINEA, CARPINEUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \of/made of/pertaining to hornbeam (tree of genus Carpinus);
CARPINEUS, CARPINEI: N 2 1 F \hornbeam (tree Carpinus betulus);
CARPISCULUS, CARPISCULI: N 2 1 M \kind of shoe; groundwork/basement;
CARPISTES, CARPISTAE: N 1 7 M \one of the Aeons of Valentinus;
CARPOPHYLLON, CARPOPHYLLI: N 2 8 N \shrub; (Ruscus hypophyllum?);
CARPTIM: ADV POS \in separate/detached/disconnected parts/units; selectively; intermittently;
CARPTOR, CARPTORIS: N 3 1 M \carver (of game/poultry/etc.);
CARPTURA, CARPTURAE: N 1 1 F \gathering of honey; sucking of nectar from flowers (by bees) (L+S);
CARPUSCULUS, CARPUSCULI: N 2 1 M \kind of shoe; groundwork/basement;
CARRUS, CARRI: N 2 1 M \wagon; (Gallic type);
CARRUM, CARRI: N 2 2 N \wagon; (Gallic type);
CARRO, CARRERE, -, -: V 3 1 \card/comb (wool/flax/etc.);
CARRACUTIUM, CARRACUTII: N 2 2 N \kind of two-wheeled carriage;
CARRAGO, CARRAGINIS: N 3 1 F \fortification/barricade made of wagons; circled wagons;
CARRARIUS, CARRARI(I): N 2 4 M \one who makes/repairs wagons/carts/carriages; cartwright in the army;
CARROBALISTA, CARROBALISTAE: N 1 1 F \ballista/catapult mounted on a carriage; (equivalent of a 'field gun');
CARROBALLISTA, CARROBALLISTAE: N 1 1 F \ballista/catapult mounted on a carriage; (equivalent of a 'field gun');
CARROCO, CARROCONIS: N 3 1 M \sturgeon (Acipenser sturio);
CARRUCA, CARRUCAE: N 1 1 F \traveling-carriage; (four-wheeled L+S); state coach;
CARRUCARIUS, CARRUCARIA, CARRUCARIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \used for/pertaining to carriages/carruca;
CARRUCHA, CARRUCHAE: N 1 1 F \traveling-carriage; (four-wheeled L+S); state coach;
CARRULUS, CARRULI: N 2 1 M \small/little cart/wagon;
CARTA, CARTAE: N 1 1 F \(sheet/page of) papyrus; record/letter, book/writing(s); thin metal sheet/leaf;
CARTUS, CARTI: N 2 1 M \(sheet/page of) papyrus; record/letter, book/writing(s); thin metal sheet/leaf;
CARTHAGINIENSIS, CARTHAGINIENSIS, CARTHAGINIENSE: ADJ 3 2 POS \of/belonging to Carthage, Carthaginian; (also of New Carthage in Spain);
CARTHAGINIENSIS, CARTHAGINIENSIS: N 3 3 M \Carthaginian, inhabitant of Carthage; (also of New Carthage in Spain?);
CARTIBULUM, CARTIBULI: N 2 2 N \kind of oblong table standing on a pedestal;
CARTILAGINOSUS, CARTILAGINOSA, CARTILAGINOSUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \characterized by/full of cartilage/other tough fibrous tissue, very gristly;
CARTILAGO, CARTILAGINIS: N 3 1 F \cartilage, gristle; substance harder than pulp but softer than woody fiber;
CARTULA, CARTULAE: N 1 1 F \scrap/piece of papyrus; small note, bill (L+S);
CARUNCULA, CARUNCULAE: N 1 1 F \little piece of flesh; piece of tissue (medical), fleshy growth;
CARYON, CARYI: N 2 8 N \walnut; nut (L+S);
CARYINUS, CARYINA, CARYINUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \made of walnuts, walnut-; made of nuts (L+S);
CARYINOS, CARYINOS, -: ADJ 2 6 POS \made of walnuts, walnut-; made of nuts (L+S);
-, -, CARYINON: ADJ 2 8 POS \made of walnuts, walnut-; made of nuts (L+S);
CARYITES, CARYITAE: N 1 7 M \variety of spurge; species of tithymalus (L+S);
CARYOPHYLLON, CARYOPHYLLI: N 2 8 N \dried flower-buds of the clove; cloves;
CARYOTA, CARYOTAE: N 1 1 F \date; nut-shaped date (L+S); (as gift on Saturnalia);
CARYOTIS, CARYOTIDIS: N 3 1 F \date; nut-shaped date (L+S); (as gift on Saturnalia);
CASA, CASAE: N 1 1 F \cottage/small humble dwelling, hut/hovel; home; house; shop, booth; farm (late);
CASUS, CASUS: N 4 1 M \fall, overthrow; chance/fortune; accident, emergency, calamity, plight; fate;
CASUS, CASUS: N 4 1 M \grammatical case; termination/ending (of words);
CASABUNDUS, CASABUNDA, CASABUNDUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \stumbling, tottering; ready to fall;
CASAMUS, CASAMI: N 2 1 M \old man; attendant;
CASARIUS, CASARIA, CASARIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \of/pertaining to a cottage;
CASARIA, CASARIAE: N 1 1 F \one (god/spirit?) who guards over a cottage;
CASARIUS, CASARII: N 2 1 M \dweller in a cottage; cottager;
CASCUS, CASCA, CASCUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \ancient, old; archaic; primitive;
CASCE: ADV POS \in an archaic/out-of-date/old-fashion manner;
CASEUS, CASEI: N 2 1 M \cheese; pressed curd; comic term of endearment (L+S);
CASEUM, CASEI: N 2 2 N \cheese; pressed curd; comic term of endearment (L+S);
CASEARIUS, CASEARIA, CASEARIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \of/pertaining to cheese, cheese-;
CASEATUS, CASEATA, CASEATUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \mixed with cheese;
CASELLULA, CASELLULAE: N 1 1 F \little hut;
CASEOLUS, CASEOLI: N 2 1 M \small cheese;
CASIA, CASIAE: N 1 1 F \cinnamon (Cinnamomum tree/bark/spice); aromatic shrub (mezereon or marjoram?);
CASIARIUS, CASIARIA, CASIARIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \of/connected with cheese;
-, CASIGNETE, -: ADJ 1 6 POS \unknown plant (feminine adjective);
CASIGNETE, CASIGNETES: N 1 6 F \plant (unknown);
CASILA, CASILAE: N 1 1 F \helmet (metal) (Sabine form); wearer of a helmet; war, active service;
CASITO, CASITARE, CASITAVI, CASITATUS: V 1 1 \fall/drop down repeatedly/frequently;
CASLEU, UNDECLINED: N 9 9 N \Chislev/Kislev, Jewish month; (ninth in ecclesiatic year);
CASMILA, CASMILAE: N 1 1 F \handmaiden/female of unblemished character attendant in religious ceremonies;
CASMILUS, CASMILI: N 2 1 M \boy/noble youth attendant of a flamen/priest;
CASNAR, UNDECLINED: N 9 9 M \old man; attendant;
CASSUS, CASSA, CASSUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \hollow, empty, devoid of, lacking; fruitless, vain (in cassum => in vain);
CASSUM, CASSI: N 2 2 N \empty/vain/futile things (pl.);
CASSUS, CASSUS: N 4 1 M \fall, overthrow; chance/fortune; accident, emergency, calamity, plight; fate;
CASSO, CASSARE, CASSAVI, CASSATUS: V 1 1 \totter, begin to fall; shake, waver (L+S);
CASSO, CASSARE, CASSAVI, CASSATUS: V 1 1 \bring to naught, destroy; annul, make null and void;
CASSABUNDUS, CASSABUNDA, CASSABUNDUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \stumbling, tottering; ready to fall;
CASSIUS, CASSIA, CASSIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \Cassius, Roman gens; L. C~ Longinus defeated by Helvetii; C. C~ L~ assassin;
CASSIA, CASSIAE: N 1 1 F \cinnamon (Cinnamomum tree/bark/spice); aromatic shrub (mezereon or marjoram?);
CASSIUS, CASSI: N 2 5 M \Cassius; (Roman gens name); L. C~ Longinus defeated by Helvetii; Caesar killer;
CASSICULUS, CASSICULI: N 2 1 M \small net; cobweb;
CASSIDA, CASSIDAE: N 1 1 F \helmet (metal); wearer of a helmet; war, active service;
CASSIDARIUS, CASSIDARII: N 2 1 M \helmet maker;
CASSIDILE, CASSIDILIS: N 3 4 N \wallet; stachel; bag (Souter);
CASSIFILE, CASSIDILIS: N 3 4 N \small bag, wallet;
CASSIS, CASSIS: N 3 3 M \hunting net (often pl.); spider's web; snare, trap;
CASSIS, CASSIDIS: N 3 1 F \helmet (metal); wearer of a helmet; war, active service;
CASSITA, CASSITAE: N 1 1 F \crested/tufted lark (Alauda cristata);
CASSITERUM, CASSITERI: N 2 2 N \tin; (originally a mixture of lead/silver and other metals L+S);
CASSIVELLAUNUS, CASSIVELLAUNI: N 2 1 M \Cassiveellaunus, Commander of the forces of the Britons - Caesar;
CASTUM, CASTI: N 2 2 N \festival/period of ceremonial/required abstinence/continence dedicated to a god;
CASTUS, CASTUS: N 4 1 M \ceremonial state of abstinence; sexual abstinence on religious grounds;
CASTUS, CASTA -UM, CASTIOR -OR -US, CASTISSIMUS -A -UM: ADJ 1 1 X \pure, moral; chaste, virtuous, pious; sacred; spotless; free from/untouched by;
CASTANEA, CASTANEAE: N 1 1 F \chestnut-tree, chestnut;
CASTANETUM, CASTANETI: N 2 2 N \chestnut plantation;
CASTANIETUM, CASTANIETI: N 2 2 N \chestnut plantation/grove;
CASTE, CASTIUS, CASTISSIME: ADV X \uprightly, w/integrity; chastely, w/sexual/ceremonial purity; spotlessly;
CASTELLUM, CASTELLI: N 2 2 N \redoubt, fortress, stronghold, fortified settlement, refuge; garrison, citadel;
CASTELLUM, CASTELLI: N 2 2 N \||town, village; (medieval);
CASTELLUM, CASTELLI: N 2 2 N \|structure in which water from aqueduct is collected for distribution, reservoir
CASTELLANUS, CASTELLANA, CASTELLANUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \of/connected with/pertaining to/associated with a fort/fortress/castle;
CASTELLANUS, CASTELLANI: N 2 1 M \garrison/occupants (pl.) of a fort/fortress/castle;;
CASTELLARIUS, CASTELLARII: N 2 1 M \keeper of a reservoir;
CASTELLATIM: ADV POS \at intervals (in manner of strongpoints), in separate detachments; castle-wise;
CASTERIA, CASTERIAE: N 1 1 F \part of a ship?: (where rowers were accustomed to rest, rower's room L+S);
CASTIFICUS, CASTIFICA, CASTIFICUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \acting chastely, pure; purifying (~ lavacrum => baptism) (L+S);
CASTIGO, CASTIGARE, CASTIGAVI, CASTIGATUS: V 1 1 \chastise/chasten, punish; correct, reprimand/dress down, castigate; neutralize;
CASTIGABILIS, CASTIGABILIS, CASTIGABILE: ADJ 3 2 POS \that deserves punishment; deserving of punishment/reprimand/chastising;
CASTIGATUS, CASTIGATA -UM, CASTIGATIOR -OR -US, CASTIGATISSIMUS -A -UM: ADJ 1 1 X \tightly drawn, restrained, confined, compressed; small/slender; strict, severe;
CASTIGATE: ADV POS \chastely; strictly; briefly (L+S); restrainedly, within bounds;
CASTIGATIO, CASTIGATIONIS: N 3 1 F \punishment; reprimand, reproof; pruning (trees/etc.); tempering (speech) (L+S);
CASTIGATOR, CASTIGATORIS: N 3 1 M \corrector, reprover, chastiser;
CASTIGATORIUS, CASTIGATORIA, CASTIGATORIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \of the nature of a reproof; reproving, censuring (L+S);
CASTIMONIA, CASTIMONIAE: N 1 1 F \chastity, abstinence, ceremonial purity/purification; morality, moral purity;
CASTIMONIUM, CASTIMONI(I): N 2 4 N \abstinent practice; abstinence (sexual/from meat) for ritual; purity of morals;
CASTIMONIALIS, CASTIMONIALIS, CASTIMONIALE: ADJ 3 2 POS \pertaining to abstinence or continence/self-restraint;
CASTITAS, CASTITATIS: N 3 1 F \chastity, fidelity; virginity; sexual/moral/ritual purity; integrity, morality;
CASTITUDO, CASTITUDINIS: N 3 1 F \chastity, fidelity; virginity; sexual/moral/ritual purity; integrity, morality;
CASTOR, CASTORIS: N 3 1 M \Castor; (twin to Pollux, brother to Helen); St Elmo's fire (pl.), corposant;
CASTOR, CASTORIS: N 3 1 M \beaver (Castor fiber);
CASTOR, CASTOROS/IS: N 3 7 M \beaver (Castor fiber);
CASTOREUM, CASTOREI: N 2 2 N \castor, aromatic secretion obtained from the beaver used medicinally;
CASTORINUS, CASTORINA, CASTORINUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \of/pertaining to the beaver, beaver-;
CASTRA, CASTRAE: N 1 1 F \camp, military camp/field; army; fort, fortress; war service; day's march;
CASTRUM, CASTRI: N 2 2 N \fort/fortress; camp (pl.), military camp/field; army; war service; day's march;
CASTRUM, CASTRI: N 2 2 N \|castle, fortress; (fortified) town;
CASTRO, CASTRARE, CASTRAVI, CASTRATUS: V 1 1 \castrate, emasculate/unman; spay (animal); dock (tail); diminish/impair/weaken;
CASTRATUS, CASTRATA, CASTRATUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \castrated; (applied to seeds of apple); bolted/sifted/selected (grain);
CASTRATUS, CASTRATI: N 2 1 M \eunuch, castrated man;
CASTRATIO, CASTRATIONIS: N 3 1 F \castration; emasculation; gelding;
CASTRATOR, CASTRATORIS: N 3 1 M \one who castrates/gelds, castrator;
CASTRATURA, CASTRATURAE: N 1 1 F \castration, emasculation; pruning of plants;
CASTRENSIS, CASTRENSIS, CASTRENSE: ADJ 3 2 POS \of/connected with camp or active military service; characteristic of soldiers;
CASTRENS, CASTRENSIS: N 3 3 M \high imperial court officer (Constantinople); soldier in camp;
CASTRENSIANUS, CASTRENSIANI: N 2 1 M \attendants (pl.) to Castrensis (Constantinople high imperial court officer);
CASTRENSIARIUS, CASTRENSIARII: N 2 1 M \purveyor for the camp, suttler;
CASTRMETOR, CASTRMETARI, -, CASTRMATATUS SUM: V 1 1 \pitch a camp; set up/pitch camp;
CASTULA, CASTULAE: N 1 1 F \kind of petticoat, garment worn by women;
CASU: ADV POS \by chance/accident; accidentally; casually; (ablative of casus);
CASUALIS, CASUALIS, CASUALE: ADJ 3 2 POS \influenced by/dependent on chance, fortuitous; casual;
CASUALIS, CASUALIS, CASUALE: ADJ 3 2 POS \relating to/depending on grammatical case;
CASUALITER: ADV POS \relating to/declined with cases; accidentally, fortuitously;
CASULA, CASULAE: N 1 1 F \little/small/humble cottage, hut;
CASURUS, CASURUS: N 4 1 M \fall, overthrow; (Vulgate Acts 28:6); (calamity, plight; fate;)
CATUS, CATA, CATUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \knowing, clever, shrewd, wise, prudent, circumspect; shrill/clear (sound);
CATUS, CATI: N 2 1 M \cat; wild cat; kind of trout; siege engine; male cat (L+S);
CATA: PREP ABL \by; (in distributed sense); (cata mane mane => morning by morning);
CATABASIS, CATABASIS: N 3 3 F \going down/decent; (name of a ceremonial at festival of Magna Mater);
CATABOLENSIS, CATABOLENSIS: N 3 3 M \class of carriers who transport burdens by draft animals, kind of muleteers;
CATACECAUMENITES, CATACECAUMENITAE: N 1 7 M \wine produced in Catacecaumene district in eastern Lydia;
CATACHANA, CATACHANAE: N 1 1 F \tree on which several different fruits have been grafted;
CATACHANNA, CATACHANNAE: N 1 1 F \tree on which several different fruits have been grafted;
CATACHRESIS, CATACHRESIS: N 3 3 F \improper use of a word;i (pure Latin abusio);
CATACLISTUS, CATACLISTA, CATACLISTUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \kept for special occasions (clothes), Sunday best; (~ vestis => state dress);
CATACLISTICUS, CATACLISTICA, CATACLISTICUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \of/pertaining to state/special occasion/formal dress;
CATACLYSMUS, CATACLYSMI: N 2 1 M \deluge, flood, inundation; (medical) washing diseased member, shower, douche;
CATACLYSMOS, CATACLYSMI: N 2 6 M \deluge, flood, inundation; (medical) washing diseased member, shower, douche;
CATACUMBA, CATACUMBAE: N 1 1 F \catacombs;
CATADROMUS, CATADROMI: N 2 1 M \kind of catwalk suspended on ropes; (for a rope_dancer);
CATADROMARIUS, CATADROMARII: N 2 1 M \one who rides down a catadromus (catwalk suspended on ropes), rope-dancer;
CATADUPUM, CATADUPI: N 2 2 N \cataracts (pl.); (specifically Nile cataracts);
CATAEGIS, CATAEGIDIS: N 3 1 F \hurricane; violent wind storm; whirlwind;
: ADJ 2 1 POS \clad in mail, armored;
CATAFRACTA, CATAFRACTAE: N 1 1 M \coat of mail; chain mail clad soldier;
CATAFRACTES, CATAFRACTAE: N 1 7 M \coat of mail; chain mail clad soldier;
CATAFRACTUS, CATAFRACTI: N 2 1 M \soldier clad in mail;
CATAFRACTARIUS, CATAFRACTARII: N 2 1 M \mail-clad/armored soldier;
CATAFRACTATUS, CATAFRACTATA, CATAFRACTATUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \wearing/equipped with mail, armored;
CATAGRAPHUS, CATAGRAPHA, CATAGRAPHUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \painted, colored, depicted; figured (material);
CATAGRAPHUM, CATAGRAPHI: N 2 2 N \three-quarter face portrait; profile portraits (pl.), side views (L+S);
CATAGUSA, CATAGUSAE: N 1 1 F \name of a statue; (Ceres bring Prosperine to Pluto L+S);
CATALECTUS, CATALECTA, CATALECTUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \having an incomplete final foot (of meter); forming such a foot (of syllable);
CATALECTICUS, CATALECTICA, CATALECTICUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \having an incomplete final foot (of meter); forming such a foot (of syllable);
CATALECTICOS, CATALECTICOS, -: ADJ 2 6 POS \having an incomplete final foot (of meter); forming such a foot (of syllable);
-, -, CATALECTICON: ADJ 2 8 POS \having an incomplete final foot (of meter); forming such a foot (of syllable);
CATALEPSIS, CATALEPSIS: N 3 3 F \catalepsy, seizure, sudden attack of sickness;
CATALEPTICUS, CATALEPTICA, CATALEPTICUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \cataleptic; subject to seizures/sudden attacks of sickness;
CATALEXIS, CATALEXIS: N 3 3 F \loss of a syllable in a final metrical foot;
CATALOGUS, CATALOGI: N 2 1 M \enumeration, list of names; catalog;
CATAMPO, CATAMPONIS: N 3 1 C \kind of play/sport/game;
CATANANCE, CATANANCES: N 1 6 F \kind of vetch used for love charms;
CATAPHAGAS, CATAPHAGAE: N 1 8 M \glutton; gourmand;
CATAPHASIS, CATAPHASOS/IS: N 3 9 F \affirmation;
CATAPHRACTA, CATAPHRACTAE: N 1 1 M \coat of mail; chain mail clad soldier;
CATAPHRACTES, CATAPHRACTAE: N 1 7 M \coat of mail; chain mail clad soldier;
CATAPHRACTUS, CATAPHRACTI: N 2 1 M \soldier clad in mail;
CATAPHRACTARIUS, CATAPHRACTARII: N 2 1 M \mail-clad/armored soldier;
CATAPIRATERIA, CATAPIRATERIAE: N 1 1 F \sounding-line/lead;
CATAPIRATES, CATAPIRATIS: N 3 1 M \sounding-line; (gender contrary to rule OLD);
CATAPLUS, CATAPLI: N 2 1 M \action of putting/getting into port; the ship/fleet that comes to land;
CATAPLASMUS, CATAPLASMI: N 2 1 M \poultice; plaster;
CATAPLASMA, CATAPLASMATIS: N 3 2 N \poultice; plaster;
CATAPLECTATIO, CATAPLECTATIONIS: N 3 1 F \consternation; terror (Vulgate Sirach 21:4);
CATAPLEXIS, CATAPLEXIS: N 3 3 F \object of admiration;
CATAPOTIUM, CATAPOTII: N 2 2 N \pill (medicine); (that which is swallowed);
CATAPULTA, CATAPULTAE: N 1 1 F \catapult, an engine which shot large arrow/bolt/missile; missile itself (L+S);
CATAPULTARIUS, CATAPULTARIA, CATAPULTARIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \of/connected with/thrown by a catapult (engine which shot large arrows/bolts);
CATARACTA, CATARACTAE: N 1 1 F \cataract/rapid; waterfall; sluice, watergate; portcullis, drawbridge; sea bird;
CATARACTES, CATARACTAE: N 1 7 M \cataract/rapid; waterfall; sluice, watergate; portcullis, drawbridge; sea bird;
CATARACTRIA, CATARACTRIAE: N 1 1 F \fictitious condiment/spice; (coined by Plautus L+S);
CATARHACTES, CATARHACTAE: N 1 7 M \cataract/rapid; waterfall; sluice, watergate; portcullis, drawbridge; sea bird;
CATARRACTA, CATARRACTAE: N 1 1 F \cataract/rapid; waterfall; sluice, watergate; portcullis, drawbridge; sea bird;
CATARRACTES, CATARRACTAE: N 1 7 M \cataract/rapid; waterfall; sluice, watergate; portcullis, drawbridge; sea bird;
CATARRHUS, CATARRHI: N 2 1 M \cold, catarrh, rheum, flu; flowing down, runny nose, flow of mucus with a cold;
CATARRHACTES, CATARRHACTAE: N 1 7 M \cataract/rapid; waterfall; sluice, watergate; portcullis, drawbridge; sea bird;
CATASCEUA, CATASCEUAE: N 1 1 F \constructive argument; confirmation of an assumption (L+S);
CATASCEUE, CATASCEUES: N 1 6 F \constructive argument; confirmation of an assumption (L+S);
CATASCOPUS, CATASCOPI: N 2 1 M \light vessel for reconnoitering;
CATASCOPIUM, CATASCOPII: N 2 2 N \light vessel for reconnoitering;
CATASCOPISCUS, CATASCOPISCI: N 2 1 M \light vessel for reconnoitering/spying/lookout; (navigium speculatorium);
CATASTA, CATASTAE: N 1 1 F \platform where slaves were exhibited for sale; (late) stage, scaffold;
CATASTA, CATASTAE: N 1 1 F \|scaffold for burning martyrs/heretics/criminals; stage for delivering lectures;
CATASTALTICUS, CATASTALTICA, CATASTALTICUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \restraining, checking (medical);
CATASTATICE, CATASTATICES: N 1 6 F \plant; (pure Latin scelerata);
CATASTEMA, CATASTEMATIS: N 3 2 N \position/situation/condition (of a star);
CATASTROPHA, CATASTROPHAE: N 1 1 F \sensational act, coup de theatre; turning point of an action/catastrophe (L+S);
CATATONUS, CATATONA, CATATONUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \low strung (referring to length of tightened skeins of a catapult); depressed;
CATAX, (GEN.), CATACIS: ADJ 3 1 POS \lame; limping;
CATE: ADV POS \well, sagaciously, wisely, intelligently; clearly; slyly, craftily, artfully;
CATECHESIS, CATECHESIS: N 3 3 F \religious instruction; catechetical instruction/interrogation;
CATECHISMUS, CATECHISMI: N 2 1 M \catechism, book of elementary Christian instruction;
CATECHISSO, CATECHISSARE, CATECHISSAVI, CATECHISSATUS: V 1 1 \instruct in religion, teach by question and answer, catechize;
CATECHISTA, CATECHISTAE: N 1 1 M \catechist, religious teacher;
CATECHIZO, CATECHIZARE, CATECHIZAVI, CATECHIZATUS: V 1 1 \instruct in religion, teach by question and answer, catechize;
CATECHUMENA, CATECHUMENAE: N 1 1 F \one receiving elementary religious instruction before baptism, catechumen;
CATECHUMENUS, CATECHUMENI: N 2 1 M \one receiving elementary religious instruction before baptism, catechumen;
CATECIZO, CATECIZARE, CATECIZAVI, CATECIZATUS: V 1 1 \instruct in religion, teach by question and answer, catechize;
CATEGORIA, CATEGORIAE: N 1 1 F \accusation; predicament, category/class of predicables (logic);
CATEGORICUS, CATEGORICA, CATEGORICUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \relating to a category, categorical;
CATEIA, CATEIAE: N 1 1 F \kind of spear; (probably barbed);
CATELA, CATELAE: N 1 1 F \curved missile weapon; boomerang?;
CATELLA, CATELLAE: N 1 1 F \puppy (female), young/little bitch; lap dog; little/light/ornamental chain;
CATELLUS, CATELLI: N 2 1 M \little/small/young dog, puppy; (term of endearment); little/light chain;
CATENA, CATENAE: N 1 1 F \chain; series; fetter, bond, restraint; imprisonment, captivity; (chain mail);
CATENO, CATENARE, CATENAVI, CATENATUS: V 1 1 \chain/bind/tie/shackle together; secure with bonds/chains/fetters;
CATENARIUS, CATENARIA, CATENARIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \chained, on a chain, fastened on a chain (e.g., dog); of/pertaining to a chain;
CATENATUS, CATENATA, CATENATUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \chained, fettered; fixed/secured/attached by chain; arranged in a chain/series;
CATENATIO, CATENATIONIS: N 3 1 F \connection, joining; band, clamp, clincher, pin (L+S);
CATENULA, CATENULAE: N 1 1 F \little/small/light/ornamental chain;
CATERVA, CATERVAE: N 1 1 F \crowd/cluster; troop, company, band of men/followers/actors; flock/herd/swarm;
CATERVARIUS, CATERVARIA, CATERVARIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \of/pertaining to/belonging to troop/company/band; in bands;
CATERVATIM: ADV POS \in troops/bands/large numbers; in (disordered) masses; in herds/flocks/swarms;
CATHARMOS, CATHARMI: N 2 6 M \purification rites (pl.); title of poem by Empedocles;
CATHARTICUM, CATHARTICI: N 2 2 N \cathartic, purgative; means for purifying; purification;
CATHEDRA, CATHEDRAE: N 1 1 F \armchair, easy chair (for women); cushioned seat/stool; sedan;
CATHEDRA, CATHEDRAE: N 1 1 F \|bishop's chair/throne/office; professor/teacher's chair/office, professorship;
CATHEDRALIS, CATHEDRALIS, CATHEDRALE: ADJ 3 2 POS \of/pertaining to an bishop's see or cathedral; (~ Ecclesia => cathedral);
CATHEDRALICIUS, CATHEDRALICIA, CATHEDRALICIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \of/pertaining to an arm/easy/cushioned/(woman's) chair; effeminate;
CATHEDRARIUS, CATHEDRARIA, CATHEDRARIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \fitted as/carrying a cathedra (arm/easy/sedan chair); having professor's chair;
CATHEDRATUS, CATHEDRATA, CATHEDRATUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \fitted with cushioned seats (as a cathedra - arm/easy/cushioned chair);
CATHETOS, CATHETOS, -: ADJ 2 6 POS \perpendicular;
-, -, CATHETON: ADJ 2 8 POS \perpendicular;
CATHETUS, CATHETI: N 2 1 F \perpendicular line;
CATHETER, CATHETERIS: N 3 1 M \catheter, instrument for drawing urine;
CATHETERISMUS, CATHETERISMI: N 2 1 M \application of a catheter, drawing urine, relieving pressure on the bladder;
CATHOLICUS, CATHOLICA, CATHOLICUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \catholic; universal; (Roman) Catholic, orthodox;
CATHOLICUS, CATHOLICI: N 2 1 C \Catholic, one baptized and fully in communion with the Catholic Church;
CATHOLICUM, CATHOLICI: N 2 2 N \general principle; universal truth; universe (pl.); general properties;
CATHOLICE: ADV POS \universally; in the Catholic way, according to Catholic rite (Def);
CATILLUS, CATILLI: N 2 1 M \bowl, dish; ornament on sword sheath (L+S); upper millstone;
CATILLUM, CATILLI: N 2 2 N \bowl, dish; ornament on sword sheath (L+S); upper millstone;
CATILLAMEN, CATILLAMINIS: N 3 2 N \junket, curds and cream, cream pudding; sweet dish, sweetmeat;
CATILLATIO, CATILLATIONIS: N 3 1 F \licking the plate; greed; extortion; plundering of friendly provinces (L+S);
CATILLO, CATILLONIS: N 3 1 M \licker of plates, one who cleans his plate, glutton; edible fish (lupus?);
CATINUS, CATINI: N 2 1 M \large bowl/dish; main chamber in a forepump; smelting crucible; hollow in rock;
CATINUM, CATINI: N 2 2 N \large bowl/dish; main chamber in a forepump; smelting crucible; hollow in rock;
CATINULUS, CATINULI: N 2 1 M \small bowl/dish/plate;
CATLASTER, CATLASTRI: N 2 3 M \young man; boy, lad, stripling;
CATLITIO, CATLITIONIS: N 3 1 F \being in heat; desire to mate;
CATLUTIO, CATLUTIONIS: N 3 1 F \being in heat; desire to mate;
CATO, CATONIS: N 3 1 M \Cato; (Roman cognomen); (M. Porcius Cato, the Censor);
CATOBLEPAS, CATOBLEPAE: N 1 8 M \wild animal in Ethiopia; species of buffalo?/gnu? (L+S);
CATOCHA, CATOCHAE: N 1 1 F \complete stupor; catalepsy;
CATOCHITIS, CATOCHIDIS: N 3 1 F \unknown precious stone (said to have an adhesive surface) (from Corsica L+S);
CATOECICUS, CATOECICA, CATOECICUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \assigned to military colonists;
CATOMUS, CATOMI: N 2 1 M \shoulders; (for flogging);
CATOMIDIO, CATOMIDIARE, CATOMIDIAVI, CATOMIDIATUS: V 1 1 \lay one over the shoulders of another and flog him; strike on the shoulders;
CATOMUN: ADV POS \over the shoulders (for flogging);
CATONIUM, CATONII: N 2 2 N \the Lower World;
CATOPTRITIS, CATOPTRITIDIS: N 3 1 F \unknown precious stone; (found in Cappadocia L+S);
CATORCHITES, CATORCHITES, CATORCHITES: ADJ 1 7 POS \fig (wine); (catorchites vinum +> wine made of figs);
CATTA, CATTAE: N 1 1 F \edible species of bird; unknown species of animal (L+S);
CATTUS, CATTI: N 2 1 M \cat; wild cat; kind of trout; siege engine;
CATULA, CATULAE: N 1 1 F \young/small bitch;
CATULUS, CATULI: N 2 1 M \young dog, puppy, whelp; dog (any age); young of any animal, pup/cub; fetter;
CATULARIUS, CATULARIA, CATULARIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \of the dogs; (~ Porta => Roman gate where dogs were sacrificed);
CATULASTER, CATULASTRI: N 2 3 M \young man; boy, lad, stripling;
CATULIO, CATULIRE, -, -: V 3 4 \be in heat, desire to mate; (e.g., a bitch);
CATULINUS, CATULINA, CATULINUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \of/belonging to (young) dogs;
CATULINA, CATULINAE: N 1 1 F \dog meat/flesh;
CAUCUS, CAUCI: N 2 1 M \drinking vessel;
CAUCALIS, CAUCALIDIS: N 3 1 F \umbelliferous plant;
CAUCULA, CAUCULAE: N 1 1 F \small dish;
CAUCULUS, CAUCULI: N 2 1 M \pebble; (bladder) stone; piece for reckoning/voting/game; calculation;
CAUCULATOR, CAUCULATORIS: N 3 1 M \calculator, reckoner;
CAUDA, CAUDAE: N 1 1 F \tail (animal); extreme part/tail of anything; penis (Horace);
CAUDEUS, CAUDEA, CAUDEUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \wooden, made of wood;
CAUDECUS, CAUDECA, CAUDECUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \wooden, made of wood;
CAUDEX, CAUDICIS: N 3 1 M \trunk of tree; piece/hunk of wood; blockhead; (bound) book; note/account book;
CAUDICA, CAUDICAE: N 1 1 F \kind of barge/lighter;
CAUDICALIS, CAUDICALIS, CAUDICALE: ADJ 3 2 POS \pertaining to/dealing with tree-trunks/logs; employment of log-splitting (L+S);
CAUDICARIUS, CAUDICARIA, CAUDICARIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \kind of barge/lighter (w/navis);
CAUDICARIUS, CAUDICARII: N 2 1 M \bargeman, lighterman; (esp. those who brought grain from Ostia to Rome (L+S));
CAUITIO, CAUITIONIS: N 3 1 F \bail/pledge/security, undertaking, guarantee; caution/wariness; circumspection;
CAULA, CAULAE: N 1 1 F \railing (pl.), lattice barrier; holes, pores, apertures;
CAULATOR, CAULATORIS: N 3 1 M \jester, banterer; quibbler, caviler, sophist, captious critic;
CAULETUM, CAULETI: N 2 2 N \cabbage-garden; (Erasmus);
CAULIAS, CAULIAE: N 1 8 M \thing taken/derived form the stalk; (as opposed to rhizias - from the root);
CAULICULUS, CAULICULI: N 2 1 M \stalk/stem (small); small cabbage, cabbage sprout; pillar like a stalk/shoot;
CAULICULATUS, CAULICULATA, CAULICULATUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \having/furnished with a stalk;
CAULIS, CAULIS: N 3 3 M \stalk/stem; stem of a cabbage/lettuce/etc; cabbage/lettuce; quill; penis;
CAULLA, CAULLAE: N 1 1 F \railing (pl.), lattice barrier; holes, pores, apertures;
CAULODES, CAULODES, CAULODES: ADJ 1 7 POS \stalk-like; (~ brassica => kind of cabbage with large leaves);
CAUMA, CAUMATIS: N 3 2 N \the heat;
CAUPO, CAUPONIS: N 3 1 M \shopkeeper, salesman, huckster; innkeeper, keeper of a tavern;
CAUPONA, CAUPONAE: N 1 1 F \landlady; (female) shopkeeper, innkeeper; inn, tavern, lodging-house;
CAUPONOR, CAUPONARI, -, CAUPONATUS SUM: V 1 1 \traffic/trade in, sell;
CAUPONARIA, CAUPONARIAE: N 1 1 F \female shopkeeper; female innkeeper (Erasmus);
CAUPONIUS, CAUPONIA, CAUPONIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \of/belonging to shopkeeper/innkeeper/inn; (~ puer => shop/tavern boy, waiter);
CAUPONIUM, CAUPONII: N 2 2 N \tavern; tavern/inn/shop furniture/fixtures (L+S);
CAUPONULA, CAUPONULAE: N 1 1 F \small/mean tavern/inn;
CAUPULUS, CAUPULI: N 2 1 M \kind of light boat?;
CAURUS, CAURI: N 2 1 M \north-west wind;
CAURIO, CAURIRE, -, -: V 3 4 \(natural sound of the rutting panther);
CAURICREPUS, CAURICREPA, CAURICREPUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \blown through by the north-west wind (caurus);
CAURINUS, CAURINA, CAURINUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \of/belonging to the north-west wind (caurus);
CAUSA, CAUSAE: N 1 1 F \cause/reason/motive; origin, source, derivation; responsibility/blame; symptom;
CAUSA, CAUSAE: N 1 1 F \||thing(s); (sine causa => in vain Vulgate);
CAUSA, CAUSAE: N 1 1 F \|occasion, subject; plea, position; lawsuit, case, trial; proviso/stipulation;
CAUSOR, CAUSARI, -, CAUSATUS SUM: V 1 1 \allege an excuse/reason, object; excuse oneself; plead a cause, bring action;
CAUSA: PREP GEN \for the sake/purpose of (preceded by GEN.), on account of, with a view to;
CAUSABUNDUS, CAUSABUNDA, CAUSABUNDUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \blaming, censuring, accusing, reproaching, condemning; finding fault with;
CAUSALIS, CAUSALIS, CAUSALE: ADJ 3 2 POS \pertaining to a cause, causal;
CAUSARIUS, CAUSARIA, CAUSARIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \sick, ill, diseased, unhealthy; (misso ~ => army discharge on health grounds);
CAUSARIUS, CAUSARII: N 2 1 M \soldier discharged from army on health/other grounds, invalid; the sick (pl.);
CAUSARIE: ADV POS \on account of sickness; (causarie missus est => invalided out of the army);
CAUSATE, CAUSATIUS, CAUSATISSIME: ADV X \with good reason; with better reason; with the best reasons?;
CAUSATIO, CAUSATIONIS: N 3 1 F \plea, excuse; disease (L+S); pretext; apology;
CAUSATIVUS, CAUSATIVA, CAUSATIVUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \causative; pertaining to the matter in dispute, gist of the matter/action/suit;
CAUSATIVUS, CAUSATIVA, CAUSATIVUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \|accusative (case) (w/causus); first (person) (w/persona);
CAUSEA, CAUSEAE: N 1 1 F \Macedonian type of hat; (white sun hat worn by the Roman poor L+S); shelter;
CAUSIDICA, CAUSIDICAE: N 1 1 F \office of an advocate/lawyer;
CAUSIDICUS, CAUSIDICI: N 2 1 M \advocate, barrister; pleader of causes;
CAUSIDICALIS, CAUSIDICALIS, CAUSIDICALE: ADJ 3 2 POS \suggestive of/resembling that of the law-courts; of/pertaining to an advocate;
CAUSIDICATUS, CAUSIDICATI: N 2 1 M \forensic oratory, pleading/speech of a lawyer;
CAUSIDICATIO, CAUSIDICATIONIS: N 3 1 F \pleading of a case; the speech of an advocate/lawyer/barrister;
CAUSIFICOR, CAUSIFICARI, -, CAUSIFICATUS SUM: V 1 1 \allege/offer a reason, put forward a pretext; pretend;
CAUSIMUS, CAUSIMA, CAUSIMUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \used for burning;
CAUSODES, CAUSODES, CAUSODES: ADJ 1 7 POS \characterized by high temperature; burning;
CAUSSA, CAUSSAE: N 1 1 F \cause/reason/motive; origin, source, derivation; responsibility/blame; symptom;
CAUSSA, CAUSSAE: N 1 1 F \|occasion, subject; plea, position; lawsuit, case, trial; proviso/stipulation;
CAUSSOR, CAUSSARI, -, CAUSSATUS SUM: V 1 1 \allege an excuse/reason, object; excuse oneself; plead a cause, bring action;
CAUSSA: PREP GEN \for the sake/purpose of (preceded by GEN.), on account of, with a view to;
CAUSSIDICUS, CAUSSIDICI: N 2 1 M \advocate, barrister; pleader of causes;
CAUSTICUS, CAUSTICA, CAUSTICUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \caustic, corrosive, burning; (~ spuma => lye with which Germans colored hair);
CAUSTICE, CAUSTICES: N 1 6 F \caustic plant; (pure Latin scelerata);
CAUSTICUM, CAUSTICI: N 2 2 N \caustic/blistering preparation/medicament;
CAUSULA, CAUSULAE: N 1 1 F \speech/case of a party in a petty lawsuit; petty ground/occasion for action;
CAUTUM, CAUTI: N 2 2 N \provisions (pl.) (of a law);
CAUTUS, CAUTA -UM, CAUTIOR -OR -US, CAUTISSIMUS -A -UM: ADJ 1 1 X \cautious/careful; circumspect, prudent; wary, on guard; safe/secure; made safe;
CAUTE, CAUTIUS, CAUTISSIME: ADV X \cautiously; with security/precautions, without risk; circumspectly, carefully;
CAUTELA, CAUTELAE: N 1 1 F \caution, precaution, care, carefulness; security, surety;
CAUTER, CAUTERIS: N 3 1 M \branding iron; wound produced by burning, brand;
CAUTERIUM, CAUTERII: N 2 2 N \cauterizing/branding iron, cautery; (used in encaustic/burning-in painting);
CAUTERIO, CAUTERIARE, CAUTERIAVI, CAUTERIATUS: V 1 1 \burn/mark with a branding iron, brand;
CAUTERIZO, CAUTERIZARE, CAUTERIZAVI, CAUTERIZATUS: V 1 1 \cauterize, burn with a hot iron; mark with a branding iron, brand;
CAUTEROMA, CAUTEROMATIS: N 3 2 N \brand, mark produced by a hot iron;
CAUTES, CAUTIS: N 3 3 F \rough pointed/detached rock, loose stone; rocks (pl.), cliff, crag; reef;
CAUTIM: ADV POS \cautiously, warily; prudently, with security;
CAUTIO, CAUTIONIS: N 3 1 F \bail/pledge/security, undertaking, guarantee; caution/wariness; circumspection;
CAUTIO, CAUTIONIS: N 3 1 F \|taking of precautions/care; precaution; stipulation, proviso, exception;
CAUTIONALIS, CAUTIONALIS, CAUTIONALE: ADJ 3 2 POS \relation to a legal cautio (security, bond, guarantee, pledge);
CAUTIS, CAUTIS: N 3 3 F \rough pointed/detached rock, loose stone; rocks (pl.), cliff, crag; reef;
CAUTOR, CAUTORIS: N 3 1 M \one who takes precautions/who is wary/on guard; one who stands bail/surety;
CAUTROMA, CAUTROMATIS: N 3 2 N \brand, mark produced by a hot iron;
CAVUS, CAVA, CAVUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \hollow, excavated, hollowed out; concave; (of waning moon); enveloping; porous;
CAVUS, CAVA, CAVUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \|sunken; deep, having deep channel; tubular; having a cavity inside (concealing)
CAVA, CAVAE: N 1 1 F \hollow;
CAVUS, CAVI: N 2 1 M \hole, cavity, depression, pit, opening; cave, burrow; enclosed space; aperture;
CAVUM, CAVI: N 2 2 N \hole, cavity, depression, pit, opening; cave, burrow; enclosed space; aperture;
CAVEO, CAVERE, CAVI, CAUTUS: V 2 1 \take precautions/defensive action, beware, avoid; give/get surety; stipulate;
CAVO, CAVARE, CAVAVI, CAVATUS: V 1 1 \hollow out, make concave/hollow; excavate; cut/pierce through; carve in relief;
CAVAEDIUM, CAVAEDII: N 2 2 N \inner court of a Roman house; (cavus aedium);
CAVAMEN, CAVAMINIS: N 3 2 N \cavern, hollow; hollowing out;
CAVANNUS, CAVANNI: N 2 1 M \nightowl;
CAVANNUS, CAVANNI: N 2 1 M \nightowl;
CAVATUS, CAVATA -UM, CAVATIOR -OR -US, CAVATISSIMUS -A -UM: ADJ 1 1 X \hollow, hollow in form; hollowed out, excavated; forming a cave;
CAVATICUS, CAVATICA, CAVATICUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \belonging to/born in/living in caves;
CAVATIO, CAVATIONIS: N 3 1 F \hollow shape, cavity; cavern, hollow;
CAVATOR, CAVATORIS: N 3 1 M \excavator, one who hollows/digs out;
CAVATURA, CAVATURAE: N 1 1 F \cavity, hollow;
CAVEA, CAVEAE: N 1 1 F \hollow/cavity; roof (mouth); (eye) socket; auditorium/theater; seats/audience;
CAVEA, CAVEAE: N 1 1 F \|cage/coop/stall/beehive/bird-cage; fence, enclosure; basket/crate;
CAVEALIS, CAVEALIS, CAVEALE: ADJ 3 2 POS \kept in a cave/cellar;
CAVEATUS, CAVEATA, CAVEATUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \shut in, caged. cooped up; arranged like seats in a theater;
CAVEFACIO, CAVEFACERE, CAVEFECI, CAVEFACTUS: V 3 1 \take precautions/defensive action, beware, avoid; give/get surety; stipulate;
CAVERNA, CAVERNAE: N 1 1 F \hollow/grotto/cavern/cave/crevice/hole; burrow/den; cavity (tooth); hold (ship);
CAVERNA, CAVERNAE: N 1 1 F \|aperture; orifice (body); interior (Trojan horse); celestial sphere; 'depths';
CAVERNATIM: ADV POS \through caverns;
CAVERNOSUS, CAVERNOSA, CAVERNOSUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \having hollows or depressions; full of cavities/holes;
CAVERNULA, CAVERNULAE: N 1 1 F \small hollow/cavity;
CAVIA, CAVIAE: N 1 1 F \excrementary canal of animals; intestines;
CAVIARIS, CAVIARIS, CAVIARE: ADJ 3 2 POS \(caviares hostiae => sacrifice victims - cavia=>excrementary canal of animals);
CAVILLA, CAVILLAE: N 1 1 F \jesting, banter, raillery, scoffing;
CAVILLUS, CAVILLI: N 2 1 M \jesting, banter;
CAVILLUM, CAVILLI: N 2 2 N \jesting, banter, raillery, scoffing;
CAVILLOR, CAVILLARI, -, CAVILLATUS SUM: V 1 1 \jest, banter; make fun of, satirize, mock; use sophistry, quibble, cavil (at);
CAVILLABUNDUS, CAVILLABUNDA, CAVILLABUNDUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \seeking for jesting/raillery/scoffing;
CAVILLATUS, CAVILLATI: N 2 1 M \raillery; banter, good-natured ridicule;
CAVILLATIO, CAVILLATIONIS: N 3 1 F \raillery/banter/badinage, jeering/scoffing; sophistry, quibbling, captiousness;
CAVILLATOR, CAVILLATORIS: N 3 1 M \jester, banterer; quibbler, caviler, sophist, captious critic;
CAVILLATRIX, CAVILLATRICIS: N 3 1 F \quibbler (female), captious critic, sophist; sophistry;
CAVILLOSUS, CAVILLOSA, CAVILLOSUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \full of raillery/irony;
CAVOSITAS, CAVOSITATIS: N 3 1 F \hollow, cavity, hole;
CEDO, CEDERE, CESSI, CESSUS: V 3 1 \go/pass (from/away); withdraw/retire/leave; step aside/make way; take place of;
CEDO, CEDERE, CESSI, CESSUS: V 3 1 \|grant, concede, yield, submit; fall back/to; happen/result; start (period);
CEDENS, (GEN.), CEDENTIS: ADJ 3 1 POS \unresisting/deferring/conceding/surrendering/withdrawing; yielding to the touch;
CEDENTER: ADV POS \by yielding;
CEDRUS, CEDRI: N 2 1 F \cedar/juniper; cedar wood; cedar-oil/tar (used as preservative/medicine);
CEDREUS, CEDREA, CEDREUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \of cedar, cedar-; obtained from cedar;
CEDRELATE, CEDRELATES: N 1 6 F \Syrian cedar (Juniperus excelia);
CEDRIA, CEDRIAE: N 1 1 F \gum/resin of the Syrian cedar (Juniperus excelia), cedar resin/pitch/tar;
CEDRIUM, CEDRII: N 2 2 N \oil/wood-tar/pitch/resin obtained from the cedar tree; oil of cedar;
CEDRINUS, CEDRINA, CEDRINUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \of cedar/cedar-wood, cedar-; obtained from cedar;
CEDRIS, CEDRIDIS: N 3 1 F \cone of the cedar tree; kind of juniper?: fruit/berry of cedar/juniper (L+S);
CEDRIS, CEDRIDOS/IS: N 3 7 F \cone of the cedar tree; kind of juniper?: fruit/berry of cedar/juniper (L+S);
CEDROSTIS, CEDROSTIS: N 3 3 F \Bryony (plant); white vine (L+S);
CELUM, CELI: N 2 2 N \chisel; engraving tool; burin;
CELO, CELARE, CELAVI, CELATUS: V 1 1 \conceal, hide, keep secret; disguise; keep in the dark/in ignorance; shield;
CELAMENTUM, CELAMENTI: N 2 2 N \secret; concealment;
CELANDUM, CELANDI: N 2 2 N \privy parts (pl.), privates;
CELATUM, CELATI: N 2 2 N \secret;
CELATE: ADV POS \secretly; privately;
CELATIM: ADV POS \secretly; privately;
CELATOR, CELATORIS: N 3 1 M \one who conceals/keeps secrets; concealer/hider;
CELEBER, CELEBRIS -E, CELEBRIOR -OR -US, CELEBERRIMUS -A -UM: ADJ 3 3 X \famous, celebrated, renowned; honored, distinguished; famed; notorious;
CELEBER, CELEBRIS -E, CELEBRIOR -OR -US, CELEBERRIMUS -A -UM: ADJ 3 3 X \|oft repeated, frequent; busy, crowded, much used/frequented, populous; festive;
CELEBERRIME: ADV SUPER \(most/very) frequently;
CELEBRIS, CELEBRIS, CELEBRE: ADJ 3 2 POS \famous, celebrated, renowned; honored, distinguished; famed; notorious;
CELEBRIS, CELEBRIS, CELEBRE: ADJ 3 2 POS \|oft repeated, frequent; busy, crowded, much used/frequented, populous; festive;
CELEBRO, CELEBRARE, CELEBRAVI, CELEBRATUS: V 1 1 \celebrate; frequent, crowd; honor/glorify; publicize/advertise; discuss, bandy;
CELEBRATUS, CELEBRATA, CELEBRATUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \crowded, much frequented, festive; current, popular; celebrated/distinguished;
CELEBRATIO, CELEBRATIONIS: N 3 1 F \celebrating a festival/mass; throng/crowd, audience/gathering; common use/vogue;
CELEBRATOR, CELEBRATORIS: N 3 1 M \one who celebrates/extols;
CELEBRESCO, CELEBRESCERE, -, -: V 3 1 \become famous/renowned/celebrated;
CELEBRITAS, CELEBRITATIS: N 3 1 F \crowded conditions, crowding, multitude; fame, renown, reputation; frequency;
CELEBRITER: ADV POS \solemnly; ceremonially;
CELER, CELERIS: N 3 1 M \knights (pl.) (old name/precursor of equestrian order); Roman kings' bodyguard;
CELERO, CELERARE, CELERAVI, CELERATUS: V 1 1 \quicken/accelerate; make haste, act quickly/be quick; hasten, hurry, do quickly;
CELER, CELERIS -E, CELERIOR -OR -US, CELERRIMUS -A -UM: ADJ 3 3 X \swift, quick, agile, rapid, speedy, fast; rash, hasty, hurried; lively; early;
CELERANTER: ADV POS \quickly, rapidly, speedily; with speed; in haste;
CELERATIM: ADV POS \quickly, rapidly, speedily;
CELERE: ADV POS \quickly/rapidly/speedily; hastily; soon/at an early moment; in a short period;
CELERIPES, (GEN.), CELERIPEDIS: ADJ 3 1 POS \swift-footed; swift of foot;
CELERITAS, CELERITATIS: N 3 1 F \speed, quickness, rapidity; speed of action, dispatch; haste; early date;
CELERITER, CELERIUS, CELERRIME: ADV X \quickly/rapidly/speedily; hastily; soon/at once/early moment; in short period;
CELERITUDO, CELERITUDINIS: N 3 1 F \speed; swiftness;
CELERIUSCULE: ADV POS \rather rapidly; somewhat quickly;
CELES, CELETIS: N 3 1 M \small/fast boat, yacht; (statue of) a race horse;
CELETIZON, CELETIZONTOS/IS: N 3 7 M \riders on horse-back; (statue by that name);
CELEUMA, CELEUMATIS: N 3 2 N \the call of the boatswain giving time to the rowers;
CELEUSMA, CELEUSMAE: N 1 1 F \the call of the boatswain giving time to the rowers;
CELEUSMA, CELEUSMATIS: N 3 2 N \the call of the boatswain giving time to the rowers;
CELIA, CELIAE: N 1 1 F \kind of beer (made in Spain);
CELLA, CELLAE: N 1 1 F \cell; monastery;
CELLA, CELLAE: N 1 1 F \storeroom, (wine) cellar, larder; temple chamber, sanctuary; room, garret; pen;
CELLARIS, CELLARIS, CELLARE: ADJ 3 2 POS \kept in a cage/cote/pen; (pigeons/etc.);
CELLARIS, CELLARIS, CELLARE: ADJ 3 2 POS \relating to/connected with a store-room;
CELLARIUS, CELLARIA, CELLARIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \relating to/connected with a store-room;
CELLARIUS, CELLARII: N 2 1 M \keeper of a larder/cellar; steward, butler, cellarer; storekeeper;
CELLARIUM, CELLARII: N 2 2 N \store-room;
CELLARIARIUS, CELLARIARIA, CELLARIARIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \relating to/connected with a store-room;
CELLARIARIUS, CELLARIARII: N 2 1 M \keeper of a larder/cellar; steward, butler, cellarer; storekeeper;
CELLARIENSIS, CELLARIENSIS, CELLARIENSE: ADJ 3 2 POS \relating to/connected with a store-room;
CELLARIOLUM, CELLARIOLI: N 2 2 N \little room;
CELLATIO, CELLATIONIS: N 3 1 F \a series of store-rooms;
CELLOLA, CELLOLAE: N 1 1 F \small/slave's room; humble apartment/dwelling; porter's lodge; whore's cubicle;
CELLULA, CELLULAE: N 1 1 F \small/slave's room; humble apartment/dwelling; porter's lodge; whore's cubicle;
CELLULA, CELLULAE: N 1 1 F \|cell; monastery;
CELLULANUS, CELLULANI: N 2 1 M \hermit; recluse;
CELO, CELONIS: N 3 1 M \stallion;
CELOCLA, CELOCLAE: N 1 1 F \small boat;
CELOCULA, CELOCULAE: N 1 1 F \small boat;
CELOX, (GEN.), CELOCIS: ADJ 3 1 POS \fast, rapid, swift, fleet; (classical mostly applied to boats);
CELOX, CELOCIS: N 3 1 F \cutter, yacht, light/fast boat; packet boat;
CELSUS, CELSA, CELSUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \high, lofty, tall; haughty; arrogant/proud; prominent, elevated; erect;
CELSE, CELSIUS, CELSISSIME: ADV X \high; higher, to a greater height; most proudly/prominently/lofty;
CELSITUDO, CELSITUDINIS: N 3 1 F \height, tallness; loft carriage of the body (L+S); (late title) Your Highness;
CELTUS, CELTA, CELTUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \the Celts, inhabitants of central Gaul;
CELTHIS, CELTHIS: N 3 3 F \African species of lotus;
CELTIS, CELTIS: N 3 3 F \African species of lotus;
CELULA, CELULAE: N 1 1 F \cell; monastery;
CEMOS, CEMI: N 2 6 F \unidentified plant;
CEMENTUM, CEMENTI: N 2 2 N \small stones, rubble (for concrete); quarry stones (for walls) (L+S); chips;
CEMENTARIUS, CEMENTARI(I): N 2 4 M \worker in concrete; stone cutter, mason, builder of walls (L+S);
CEMENTICIUS, CEMENTICIA, CEMENTICIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \of concrete (undressed stones/rubble, lime and sand); of unhewn stones (L+S);
CEMENTICIUM, CEMENTICII: N 2 2 N \concrete (undressed stones/rubble, lime and sand); unhewn/quarried stone (L+S);
CENA, CENAE: N 1 1 F \dinner/supper, principle Roman meal (evening); course; meal; company at dinner;
CENUM, CENI: N 2 2 N \mud, mire, filth, slime, dirt, uncleanness; (of persons) scum/filth;
CENO, CENARE, CENAVI, CENATUS: V 1 1 \dine, eat dinner/supper; have dinner with; dine on, make a meal of;
CENABUM, CENABI: N 2 2 N \Cenabum; town in Gaul; Orleans;
CENACULUM, CENACULI: N 2 2 N \attic, garret (often let as lodging); upstairs dining room; top/upper story;
CENACULARIUS, CENACULARIA, CENACULARIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \of/pertaining to a garret/attic;
CENACULARIA, CENACULARIAE: N 1 1 F \the business of renting attic lodgings; leasing of an attic;
CENACULARIUS, CENACULARII: N 2 1 M \lodging-house keeper; tenant of an attic/garret (L+S);
CENALIS, CENALIS, CENALE: ADJ 3 2 POS \of/pertaining to (a) dinner;
CENATUS, CENATA, CENATUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \having dined/eaten; supplied with dinner;
CENATICUS, CENATICA, CENATICUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \of/pertaining to (a) dinner;
CENATICUM, CENATICI: N 2 2 N \money given to soldiers instead of food, subsistence allowance;
CENATIO, CENATIONIS: N 3 1 F \dining-room; dining hall;
CENATIUNCULA, CENATIUNCULAE: N 1 1 F \small dining-room;
CENATOR, CENATORIS: N 3 1 M \diner; dinner guest;
CENATORIUS, CENATORIA, CENATORIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \of/used for dining; pertaining to dinner or the table;
CENATORIUM, CENATORII: N 2 2 N \dining room, hall; evening dress, dinner wear (pl.);
CENATURIO, CENATURIRE, -, -: V 3 4 \desire to dine; have an appetite for dinner;
CENCHROS, CENCHRI: N 2 6 M \small diamond;
CENCHRIS, CENCHRIS: N 3 3 M \kind of snake;
CENCHRIS, CENCHRIDIS: N 3 1 F \species of hawk; (probably kestrel);
CENCHRITIS, CENCHRITIS: N 3 3 M \precious stone;
CENITO, CENITARE, CENITAVI, CENITATUS: V 1 1 \dine/eat habitually (in a particular place/manner); have dinner, dine (often);
CENOTAPHIUM, CENOTAPHII: N 2 2 N \cenotaph, empty tomb/monument to one whose body is elsewhere; (tumulus inanis);
CENSUS, CENSA, CENSUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \registered; assessed. rated, estimated; judged; taxed; (VPAR censeo);
CENSUM, CENSI: N 2 2 N \estimate of property value by the census/censor; ones property/wealth/fortune;
CENSUS, CENSUS: N 4 1 M \census/registration (5 yr.); census roll; wealth, property; estate valuation;
CENSEO, CENSERE, CENSUI, CENSUS: V 2 1 \think/suppose, judge; recommend; decree, vote, determine; count/reckon; assess;
CENSEO, CENSERE, CENSUI, CENSITUS: V 2 1 \think/suppose, judge; recommend; decree, vote, determine; count/reckon; assess;
CENSIO, CENSIONIS: N 3 1 F \assessing/rating of a census; punishment by a censor; recommendation/decision;
CENSITUS, CENSITA, CENSITUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \registered; assessed. rated, estimated; judged; taxed; (VPAR censeo);
CENSITIO, CENSITIONIS: N 3 1 F \declaration of will, command; tax, taxing, taxation, tribute;
CENSITOR, CENSITORIS: N 3 1 M \registrar/taxation official in a Roman province/presiding over rating citizens;
CENSOR, CENSORIS: N 3 1 M \censor, magistrate for registration/census; censurer, critic (behavior/books);
CENSORIUS, CENSORIA, CENSORIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \of/belonging to/dealt with by/having been a censor, censorial; austere, moral;
CENSUALIS, CENSUALIS, CENSUALE: ADJ 3 2 POS \of/connected with the census of citizens;
CENSUALIS, CENSUALIS: N 3 3 M \those who make out the censor's lists/rolls; the censor's lists/rolls;
CENSURA, CENSURAE: N 1 1 F \office/conduct/power of censor, the censorship; appraisal, oversight, control;
CENTAURUS, CENTAURI: N 2 1 M \centaur, a mythical creature, half man and half horse; name of constellation;
CENTAUREUM, CENTAUREI: N 2 2 N \centaury (herb); (of medicinal properties discovered by Chiron the centaur);
CENTAURIA, CENTAURIAE: N 1 1 F \centaury (herb); (of medicinal properties discovered by Chiron the centaur);
CENTAURIUM, CENTAURI(I): N 2 4 N \centaury (herb); (of medicinal properties discovered by Chiron the centaur);
CENTAURION, CENTAURII: N 2 8 N \centaury (herb); (of medicinal properties discovered by Chiron the centaur);
CENTAURIS, CENTAURIDIS: N 3 1 F \a species of centaury (herb); (properties discovered by Chiron the centaur);
CENTENA, CENTENAE: N 1 1 F \a dignity in the imperial court;
CENTENUM, CENTENI: N 2 2 N \species of very productive wheat (of a hundred grains);
CENTENARIUS, CENTENARIA, CENTENARIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \containing/consisting of/numbering/possessing/costing a hundred; hundred;
CENTENARIUM, CENTENARII: N 2 2 N \a hundred (Roman) pounds weight, hundredweight;
CENTENSIMUS, CENTENSIMA, CENTENSIMUM: NUM 2 0 ORD \one hundredth; (part/in series);
CENTENSIMO, CENTENSIMARE, -, -: V 1 1 \take out every hundredth (for punishment), centesimate;
CENTENSUMUS, CENTENSUMA, CENTENSUMUM: NUM 2 0 ORD \one hundredth; (part/in series);
CENTESIMA, CENTESIMAE: N 1 1 F \hundredth part; one per cent; (of interest, usu. 1% per month);
CENTICEPS, (GEN.), CENTCIPITIS: ADJ 3 1 POS \hundred-headed, having a hundred heads;
CENTIFIDUS, CENTIFIDA, CENTIFIDUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \divided into a hundred parts; divided into a great many parts;
CENTIFOLIUS, CENTIFOLIA, CENTIFOLIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \having a hundred petals/leaves; (rose);
CENTIGRANIUS, CENTIGRANIA, CENTIGRANIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \species of very productive wheat (of a hundred grains);
CENTIMALIS, CENTIMALIS, CENTIMALE: ADJ 3 2 POS \surgical instrument (w/fistula), trocar (perforator for drawing fluid/abscess);
CENTIMETER, CENTIMETRI: N 2 3 M \one who employs a hundred/very many meters (poetic);
CENTINODIUS, CENTINODIA, CENTINODIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \with a hundred knots; (~ herba => unknown plant);
CENTIPEDA, CENTIPEDAE: N 1 1 F \centipede;
CENTIPELLIO, CENTIPELLIONIS: N 3 1 F \third stomach of a ruminant, psalterium, iomasum, manyplies;
CENTIPES, (GEN.), CENTIPEDIS: ADJ 3 1 POS \hundred-footed; (e.g., like a centipede);
CENTIPES, CENTIPEDIS: N 3 1 M \centipede;
CENTIPLICATO: ADV POS \at one hundred times the price;
CENTO, CENTONIS: N 3 1 M \patchwork quilt, blanket or curtain made of old garments sewn together; rags;
CENTOCULUS, CENTOCULA, CENTOCULUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \hundred-eyed; (e.g., Argus); with a multitude of eyes;
CENTONARIUS, CENTONARIA, CENTONARIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \of/pertaining to patchwork/rags;
CENTONARIUS, CENTONARII: N 2 1 M \fireman using mats to extinguish fires; (late) maker of patchwork, rag dealer;
CENTRUM, CENTRI: N 2 2 N \center (circle/sphere/earth); vanishing point; axis, pivot; knot; spur (fowl);
CENTRALIS, CENTRALIS, CENTRALE: ADJ 3 2 POS \central; centrally located; in the middle/center;
CENTRATUS, CENTRATA, CENTRATUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \central; in the middle/center;
CENTRINA, CENTRINAE: N 1 1 M \kind of wasp or beetle (usu. pl.);
CENTROSUS, CENTROSA, CENTROSUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \characterized by knots/like flaws; in the central point, inward, internal (L+S);
CENTUMGEMINUS, CENTUMGEMINA, CENTUMGEMINUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \hundredfold; hundred-handed (Briareus); hundred-gated (Thebes);
CENTUMPEDA, CENTUMPEDAE: N 1 1 M \hundred-footed; (e.g., a centipede);
CENTUMPONDIA, CENTUMPONDIAE: N 1 1 N \weight of one hundred pounds;
CENTUMVIR, CENTUMVIRI: N 2 3 M \panel of (about 100) judges chosen annually to decide civil suits (pl.);
CENTUMVIRALIS, CENTUMVIRALIS, CENTUMVIRALE: ADJ 3 2 POS \of/belonging to/pertaining to centumviri (civil court of 100)/its jurisdiction;
CENTUNCULUS, CENTUNCULI: N 2 1 F \plant of doubtful identity; (knotweed L+S);
CENTUNCULUS, CENTUNCULI: N 2 1 M \patchwork blanket/cloth/drape; multicolored saddle cloth (L+S); small patch;
CENTUPEDA, CENTUPEDAE: N 1 1 F \centipede;
CENTUPLUS, CENTUPLA, CENTUPLUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \hundredfold; centuple;
CENTUPLUM, CENTUPLI: N 2 2 N \a hundredfold; centuple;
CENTUPLICATUS, CENTUPLICATA, CENTUPLICATUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \increased a hundredfold; centupled;
CENTUPLICATUM, CENTUPLICATI: N 2 2 N \a hundredfold (pl.); centuple;
CENTUPLICATO: ADV POS \at one hundred times the price;
CENTUPONDIA, CENTUPONDIAE: N 1 1 N \weight of one hundred pounds;
CENTURIA, CENTURIAE: N 1 1 F \century, company of 60-100 men in legion; voting unit; land unit (200 jugera);
CENTURIO, CENTURIARE, CENTURIAVI, CENTURIATUS: V 1 1 \arrange/assign (soldiers) in military centuries; divide land into centuriae;
CENTURIALIS, CENTURIALIS, CENTURIALE: ADJ 3 2 POS \belonging to a given centuria for voting; boundary marker of land centuria;
CENTURIATUS, CENTURIATA, CENTURIATUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \voting in centuriae; (comitia ~ => Roman assembly); divided into centuriae;
CENTURIATUS, CENTURIATUS: N 4 1 M \office of centurion; division into centuriae (land/voting);
CENTURIATIM: ADV POS \by centuries; (citizens for voting/soldiers in companies);
CENTURIATIO, CENTURIATIONIS: N 3 1 F \division of land into centuriae (about 100 acre plots);
CENTURIATO: ADV POS \by centuries; (citizens for voting/soldiers in companies);
CENTURIO, CENTURIONIS: N 3 1 M \centurion, captain/commander of a century/company;
CENTURIONUS, CENTURIONI: N 2 1 M \centurion, captain of a century;
CENTURIONATUS, CENTURIONATUS: N 4 1 M \office of centurion; revision of the list of centurions; election of centurion;
CENTURIONATUS, CENTURIONATUS: N 4 1 M \|division into centuriae (land/voting);
CENTURIONICUS, CENTURIONICA, CENTURIONICUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \in the capacity of a centurion;
CENTUSSIS, CENTUSSIS: N 3 3 M \sum of 100 asses, a hundred;
CENULA, CENULAE: N 1 1 F \little dinner, supper;
CEPA, CEPAE: N 1 1 F \onion (Allium capa); (used as term of abuse);
CEPAEA, CEPAEAE: N 1 1 F \herb (unidentified); plant like portulacca, portulacca-leaved sedum (L+S);
CEPARIUS, CEPARII: N 2 1 M \grower of onions; trader in onions (L+S);
CEPATICUS, CEPATICA, CEPATICUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \resembling an onion;
CEPE, CEPIS: N 3 4 N \onion (Allium capa);
CEPETUM, CEPETI: N 2 2 N \onion bed;
CEPHUS, CEPHI: N 2 1 M \bowl, goblet, cup; communion cup;
CEPHALAEA, CEPHALAEAE: N 1 1 F \persistent/lasting headache;
CEPHALAEUM, CEPHALAEI: N 2 2 N \head-portions/parts;
CEPHALAEOTA, CEPHALAEOTAE: N 1 1 M \collector of the capitation/poll tax;
CEPHALICUS, CEPHALICA, CEPHALICUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \for the head, of/relating to the head, head-;
CEPHALO, CEPHALONIS: N 3 1 M \palm tree;
-, CEPHALOTE, -: ADJ 1 6 POS \having a head;
CEPHALOTOS, CEPHALOT-, -: ADJ 2 7 POS \having a head;
-, -, CEPHALOTON: ADJ 2 8 POS \having a head;
CEPHEN, CEPHENIS: N 3 1 M \drones (pl.) (in a swarm/hive of bees);
CEPINA, CEPINAE: N 1 1 F \onion bed/field;
CEPITIS, CEPITIDIS: N 3 1 F \kind of veined gem;
CEPOLARTITIS, CEPOLARTITIDIS: N 3 1 F \kind of veined gem;
CEPOLENDRUM, CEPOLENDRI: N 2 2 N \imaginary condiment;
CEPONIS, CEPONIDIS: N 3 1 F \precious stone (unknown);
CEPOSUS, CEPOSA, CEPOSUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \abounding in onions; full of onions;
CEPOTAFIUS, CEPOTAFII: N 2 1 M \garden tomb;
CEPOTAFIUM, CEPOTAFII: N 2 2 N \garden tomb;
CEPOTAFIOLUM, CEPOTAFIOLI: N 2 2 N \small garden tomb;
CEPOTAPHIUS, CEPOTAPHII: N 2 1 M \garden tomb;
CEPOTAPHIUM, CEPOTAPHII: N 2 2 N \garden tomb;
CEPOTAPHIOLUM, CEPOTAPHIOLI: N 2 2 N \small garden tomb;
CEPS, (GEN.), CIPIS: ADJ 3 1 POS \-headed; -fold; -part (only w/NUM/PREP prefix); occupying X place in series;
CEPULLA, CEPULLAE: N 1 1 F \onion bed/field;
CEPURICUS, CEPURICA, CEPURICUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \pertaining to gardening;
CERA, CERAE: N 1 1 F \wax, beeswax; honeycomb; wax-covered writing tablet, letter; wax image/seal;
CERO, CERARE, CERAVI, CERATUS: V 1 1 \smear/coat with wax;
CERACHATES, CERACHATAE: N 1 7 M \beeswax-colored agate, wax-agate;
CERAIS, CERAIDIS: N 3 1 F \wild radish;
CERAMITIS, CERAMITIDIS: N 3 1 F \kind of gem;
CERARIUS, CERARIA, CERARIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \of/concerned with (wax-covered) writing tablets; of a worker in wax;
CERARIA, CERARIAE: N 1 1 F \woman who makes wax lights?;
CERARIUS, CERARII: N 2 1 M \dealer in wax; writer on tablets (wax-covered);
CERARIUM, CERARII: N 2 2 N \charge/tax for sealing/affixing wax seal to documents, wax-money/('stamp tax');
CERASUS, CERASI: N 2 1 F \cherry-tree/bark/wood; cherry;
CERASUM, CERASI: N 2 2 N \cherry-tree/bark/wood; cherry;
CERAS, CERATIS: N 3 2 N \kind of wild parsnip; (Hesperion ~ => mountain on the west coast of Lybia);
CERASIUM, CERASII: N 2 2 N \cherry; the cherry; cherry tree;
CERASTES, CERASTAE: N 1 7 M \horned snake (Cerastes cornulus); insect parasitic on figs; horned men of Crete;
CERATUS, CERATA, CERATUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \waxed, wax, of wax, wax colored; coated/fastened/caulked with wax; pliant, soft;
CERATUM, CERATI: N 2 2 N \ointment made with oil and wax, wax-salve, wax-plaster, cerate;
CERATIAS, CERATAE: N 1 8 M \horn-shaped comet;
CERATIA, CERATIAE: N 1 1 F \plant (unidentified); plant with a single leaf (L+S);
CERATIUM, CERATII: N 2 2 N \carob tree;
CERATIUM, CERATII: N 2 2 N \Greek weight corresponding to Latin siliqua/2 calculi;
CERATINA, CERATINAE: N 1 1 F \the horn fallacy; (you have not lost your horns, therefore you have horns);
CERATITIS, CERATITIDIS: N 3 1 F \horned poppy (Glaucium flavum);
CERATOIDES, CERATOIDES, CERATOIDES: ADJ 1 7 POS \horn-like; (of the outer coat of the eye/sclerotic/white);
CERATORIUM, CERATORII: N 2 2 N \ointment made with oil and wax, wax-salve, wax-plaster, cerate;
CERATURA, CERATURAE: N 1 1 F \coating with wax; smearing over/covering with wax;
CERAULES, CERAULAE: N 1 7 M \horn-blower;
CERAUNUS, CERAUNI: N 2 1 M \precious stone; onyx?; (meteoric stone?;
CERAUNIUS, CERAUNIA, CERAUNIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \connected with thunderbolts/thunder/lightning; (varieties of plant/minerals);
CERAUNIUM, CERAUNII: N 2 2 N \precious stone; onyx?; (meteoric stone?;
CERCERIS, CERCERIIS: N 3 3 F \aquatic bird (unidentified);
CERCHOLOPIS, CERCHOLOPIS: N 3 3 M \monkey having a tuft of hair at the end of its tail;
CERCIUS, CERCII: N 2 1 M \wind between north and west; WNW wind (L+S); (in Gallia Narbonensis);
CERCIS, CERCIDIS: N 3 1 F \radius (bone in the arm);
CERCITIS, CERCITIDIS: N 3 1 F \variety of olive; species of olive tree;
CERCOLOPIS, CERCOLOPIS: N 3 3 M \monkey having a tuft of hair at the end of its tail;
CERCOPITHECUS, CERCOPITHECI: N 2 1 M \long-tailed monkey; (sacred to Egyptians L+S);
CERCOPITHECON, CERCOPITHECI: N 2 8 N \long-tailed monkey; (sacred to Egyptians L+S);
CERCOPS, CERCOPIS: N 3 1 M \long-tailed monkey; money-grubber; inhabitants of Pithecusae changed to monkeys;
CERCURUS, CERCURI: N 2 1 M \fast light vessel; sea fish found among rocks;
CERCYRUS, CERCYRI: N 2 1 M \fast light vessel; sea fish found among rocks;
CERDO, CERDONIS: N 3 1 M \artisan; craftsman; cobbler (L+S); proper name especially of slaves;
CEREUS, CEREA, CEREUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \waxed, waxen, of/like wax; wax colored/pale yellow; pliant/soft; easily moved;
CEREA, CEREAE: N 1 1 F \beverage made from grain; (beer?); Spanish drink from grain (L+S);
CEREUS, CEREI: N 2 1 M \wax light, taper, candle;
CEREALIS, CEREALIS, CEREALE: ADJ 3 2 POS \of/associated with Ceres, suitable for the festival of Ceres; of wheat;
CEREALE, CEREALIS: N 3 4 N \the festival of Ceres (pl.);
CEREBELLUM, CEREBELLI: N 2 2 N \brain; seat of the senses/intellect; little brain (L+S);
CEREBELLARE, CEREBELLARIS: N 3 4 N \brain-covering; head-covering;
CEREBRUM, CEREBRI: N 2 2 N \brain; top of the head, skull; bud; seat of senses/intelligence; anger/wrath;
CEREBROSUS, CEREBROSA, CEREBROSUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \liable to be affected with passion; enraged/hot-headed/passionate; hare-brained;
CERES, CERERIS: N 3 1 F \Ceres (goddess of grain/fruits); wheat; bread; food;
CEREVISIA, CEREVISIAE: N 1 1 F \kind of beer;
CERIA, CERIAE: N 1 1 F \beverage made from grain; (beer?); Spanish drink from grain (L+S);
CERIUM, CERII: N 2 2 N \cyst/growth characterized by honeycomb pattern; bad swelling/ulcer (L+S);
CERIARIA, CERIARIAE: N 1 1 F \female worker (of unknown function);
CERIFICO, CERIFICARE, CERIFICAVI, CERIFICATUS: V 1 1 \make wax; spawn (of purple-fish) (make wax/prepare slimy nest for eggs);
CERIMONIA, CERIMONIAE: N 1 1 F \ceremony; sacred rite/ritual/usage; holy dread, reverence, worship; sanctity;
CERIMONIUM, CERIMONII: N 2 2 N \ceremony; sacred rite/ritual/usage; holy dread, reverence, worship; sanctity;
CERIMONIOR, CERIMONIARI, -, -: V 1 1 \treat with due ceremony; worship;
CERIMONIALIS, CERIMONIALIS, CERIMONIALE: ADJ 3 2 POS \ceremonial; pertaining to a religious/sacred rite/ritual/usage;
CERIMONIOSUS, CERIMONIOSA, CERIMONIOSUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \pertaining/devoted to religious/sacred rite/ritual/usage;
CERINUM, CERINI: N 2 2 N \wax-colored/pale yellow garment (pl.);
CERINTHA, CERINTHAE: N 1 1 F \honeywort plant; (genus Cerinthe); wax-flower, plant bees are fond of (L+S);
CERINTHE, CERINTHES: N 1 6 F \honeywort plant; (genus Cerinthe); wax-flower, plant bees are fond of (L+S);
CERINTHUS, CERINTHI: N 2 1 M \bee-bread, pollen; (also called erithace or sandaraca);
CERIOLARE, CERIOLARIS: N 3 4 N \taper-holder;
CERIOLARIUS, CERIOLARII: N 2 1 M \maker/seller of tapers;
CERIOLARIUM, CERIOLARII: N 2 2 N \taper-holder;
CERITIS, CERITIDIS: N 3 1 F \precious stone; wax-stone (L+S);
CERNO, CERNERE, CREVI, CRETUS: V 3 1 \sift, separate, distinguish, discern, resolve, determine; see; examine; decide;
CERNENTIA, CERNENTIAE: N 1 1 F \sight, seeing;
CERNOPHORUS, CERNOPHORI: N 2 1 C \bearer of the cernus (vessel for holding offerings);;
CERNUUS, CERNUA, CERNUUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \head foremost; falling headlong; face down, inclined/stooping/bowing forwards;
CERNUUS, CERNUI: N 2 1 M \kind of shoe; tumbler (L+S); mountebank;
CERNUO, CERNUARE, CERNUAVI, CERNUATUS: V 1 1 \fall headfirst; dive; turn a somersault;
CERNULUS, CERNULA, CERNULUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \head foremost; turning a somersault (L+S);
CERNULO, CERNULARE, CERNULAVI, CERNULATUS: V 1 1 \throw headlong; throw down (L+S);
CEROFERARIUS, CEROFERARII: N 2 1 M \waxlight/taper/candle bearer/attendant at Christian worship;
CEROMA, CEROMATIS: N 3 2 N \layer of mud put down for wrestling; the ring; wrestler; wax ointment L+S;
CEROMATICUS, CEROMATICA, CEROMATICUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \smeared with ceroma (mud put down for wrestling-ring); (wax ointment L+S);
CERONIA, CERONIAE: N 1 1 F \St John's bread (carob-tree pods), husks eaten by prodigal and John the Baptist;
CEROSUS, CEROSA, CEROSUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \containing wax; full of wax;
CEROTUM, CEROTI: N 2 2 N \ointment made with oil and wax, wax-salve, wax-plaster, cerate;
CEROTURIUM, CEROTURII: N 2 2 N \ointment made with oil and wax, wax-salve, wax-plaster, cerate;
CERRUS, CERRI: N 2 1 F \Turkey oak (Quercus cerris);
CERREUS, CERREA, CERREUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \of the oak cerrus;
CERRINUS, CERRINA, CERRINUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \of the Turkey oak (cerrus);
CERRITUS, CERRITA, CERRITUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \possessed by Ceres; frantic, frenzied; mad, demented;
CERRITULUS, CERRITULA, CERRITULUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \somewhat mad/demented;
CERRO, CERRONIS: N 3 1 M \term of opprobrium/disgrace/reproach; buffoon?;
CERTUM, CERTI: N 2 2 N \that which is fixed/regular/definite/specified/certain/fact/reliable/settled;
CERTO, CERTARE, CERTAVI, CERTATUS: V 1 1 \vie (with), contest, contend/struggle (at law/politics), dispute; fight, strive;
CERTUS, CERTA -UM, CERTIOR -OR -US, CERTISSIMUS -A -UM: ADJ 1 1 X \fixed, settled, firm; certain; trusty/reliable; sure; resolved, determined;
CERTOR, CERTARI, -, CERTATUS SUM: V 1 1 \compete (in a contest), contend/struggle (at law/politics), strive;
CERTAMEN, CERTAMINIS: N 3 2 N \contest, competition; battle, combat, struggle; rivalry; (matter in) dispute;
CERTATUS, CERTATUS: N 4 1 M \struggle, contention; fight;
CERTATIM: ADV POS \with rivalry, in competition; earnestly, eagerly (L+S);
CERTATIO, CERTATIONIS: N 3 1 F \striving; contest; struggling for superiority/mastery; (fight/sports/legal);
CERTATIVE: ADV POS \combatively; in order to stir up strife;
CERTATOR, CERTATORIS: N 3 1 M \disputant, one who argues; competitor;
CERTE: ADV POS \surely, certainly, without doubt, really; at least/any rate, in all events;
CERTIM: ADV POS \surely, certainly, without doubt, really;
CERTISCO, CERTISCERE, -, -: V 3 1 \become more certain/sure/determined?;
CERTITUDO, CERTITUDINIS: N 3 1 F \certainity, certitude; assurance (Bee); truth;
CERTO, CERTIUS, CERTISSIME: ADV X \certainly, definitely, really, for certain/a fact, truly; surely, firmly;
CERUCHUS, CERUCHI: N 2 1 M \braces (pl.) (supporting the yard-arms), ropes fastened to the sail-yards;
CERULA, CERULAE: N 1 1 F \small piece of wax; red crayon (w/miniata); candlestick, stand for wax tapers;
CERUSSA, CERUSSAE: N 1 1 F \carbonate of lead; white lead, ceruse; (for paint/cosmetics/medicine/poison);
CERUSSATUS, CERUSSATA, CERUSSATUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \painted/colored white/with white lead; made white with lead;
CERVA, CERVAE: N 1 1 F \hind, doe; deer;
CERVUS, CERVI: N 2 1 M \stag, deer; forked branches; chevaux-de-frise (spiked barricade against cavalry)
CERVOS, CERVI: N 2 6 M \stag, deer; forked branches; chevaux-de-frise (spiked barricade against cavalry)
CERVARIUS, CERVARIA, CERVARIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \of/pertaining to/connected with deer; (lupus ~ => lynx/wolverine?);
CERVESA, CERVESAE: N 1 1 F \kind of beer;
CERVESARIUS, CERVESARII: N 2 1 M \brewer (of beer);
CERVESIA, CERVESIAE: N 1 1 F \kind of beer;
CERVICAL, CERVICALIS: N 3 4 N \pillow, cushion;
CERVICALE, CERVICALIS: N 3 4 N \pillow, cushion;
CERVICATUS, CERVICATA, CERVICATUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \stiff-necked, obstinate, stubborn;
CERVICATAS, CERVICATATIS: N 3 1 F \obstinacy, stubbornness;
CERVICOSUS, CERVICOSA, CERVICOSUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \stiff-necked, obstinate, stubborn;
CERVICULA, CERVICULAE: N 1 1 F \neck (men/animals); neck of object (e.g., of air container in water organ);
CERVINUS, CERVINA, CERVINUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \of/pertaining to deer/stag; (~ senectus => longevity/great age);
CERVINA, CERVINAE: N 1 1 F \deer meat, venison;
CERVISCUS, CERVISCA, CERVISCUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \name of a variety of pear;
CERVISIA, CERVISIAE: N 1 1 F \kind of beer;
CERVISIARIUS, CERVISIARIA, CERVISIARIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \beer-; made from/of beer; (Erasmus);
CERVIX, CERVICIS: N 3 1 F \neck (sg/pl.), nape; severed neck/head; cervix, neck (bladder/uterus/jar/land);
CERVULA, CERVULAE: N 1 1 F \little hind/doe;
CERVULUS, CERVULI: N 2 1 M \little chevaux-de-frise (spiked barricade against cavalry);
CERYCEUM, CERYCEI: N 2 2 N \herald's staff, caduceus;
CERYCIUM, CERYCII: N 2 2 N \herald's staff, caduceus;
CERYX, CERYCIS: N 3 1 M \herald;
CESSUM, CESSI: N 2 2 N \advance, part of payment that has been made;
CESSUS, CESSUS: N 4 1 M \backward or yielding movement;
CESSO, CESSARE, CESSAVI, CESSATUS: V 1 1 \be remiss/inactive; hold back, leave off, delay, cease from; rest; be free of;
CESSATIO, CESSATIONIS: N 3 1 F \relaxation/rest/respite; period of disuse, inactivity; idleness, neglect; delay;
CESSATOR, CESSATORIS: N 3 1 M \idler, sluggard; dilatory person (L+S);
CESSATRIX, CESSATRICIS: N 3 1 M \idler (female), loiterer;
CESSICIUS, CESSICIA, CESSICIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \made/appointed by cessio (surrendering/conceding in law); of giving up/ceding;
CESSIM: ADV POS \as to give way/lose ground; bending/turning in; (turned) backwards; obliquely;
CESSIO, CESSIONIS: N 3 1 F \surrendering/conceding (in law); running (of a period of time);
CESSITIUS, CESSITIA, CESSITIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \made/appointed by cessio (surrendering/conceding in law); of giving up/ceding;
CESTOS, CESTI: N 2 6 M \band supporting the breasts (esp. girdle of Venus); girdle/belt/girth/strap;
CESTUS, CESTUS: N 4 1 M \boxing-glove, strip of leather weighted with lead/iron tied to boxer's hands;
CESTICILLUS, CESTICILLI: N 2 1 M \small ring/hoop placed on the head to support a burden;
CESTROS, CESTRI: N 2 6 F \plant identified with vettonica; (betony?);
CESTROS, CESTRI: N 2 6 M \pointed tool used in encaustic (wax) painting; graving tool (L+S);
CESTROSPHENDONE, CESTROSPHENDONES: N 1 6 F \catapult for discharging bolts;
CETUS, CETI: N 2 1 M \whale; porpoise; dolphin; its flesh; sea monster (offered Andromeda);
CETOS, CETI: N 2 6 N \whale; porpoise; dolphin; its flesh; sea monster (offered Andromeda);
CETARIUS, CETARIA, CETARIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \of/pertaining to fish;
CETARIA, CETARIAE: N 1 1 F \fish-pond;
CETARIUS, CETARII: N 2 1 M \fisherman; fishmonger;
CETARIUM, CETARI(I): N 2 4 N \fish-pond;
CETERUS, CETERA, CETERUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \the other; the others (pl.). the remaining/rest, all the rest;
CETERA: ADV POS \for the rest, otherwise; in other respects;
CETERO: ADV POS \for the rest(new details/theme), otherwise; in other respects; at other times;
CETEROQUI: ADV POS \in other respects, otherwise;
CETEROQUIN: ADV POS \in other respects, otherwise;
CETERUM: ADV POS \moreover; but yet; still, for the rest, but, besides; in other respects;
CETIONIS, CETIONIDIS: N 3 1 F \a precious stone;
CETOSUS, CETOSA, CETOSUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \of/pertaining to sea-fishes;
CETRA, CETRAE: N 1 1 F \caetra (small light shield);
CEU: ADV POS \as, in the same way/just as; for example, like; (just) as if; as (if) it were;
CEUA, CEUAE: N 1 1 F \small breed of cow;
CEVA, CEVAE: N 1 1 F \small breed of cow;
CEVEO, CEVERE, CEVI, -: V 2 1 \move the haunches in a lewd or effeminate manner, practice such behavior; fawn;
CEYX, CEYCIS: N 3 1 M \sea bird (loon?); son of Lucifer/husband of Alcyone; male kingfisher (L+S);
CHAUS, CHAI: N 2 1 N \Chaos, pit of Hell, the underworld; formless/shapeless primordial matter;
CHAOS, CHAI: N 2 6 N \Chaos, pit of Hell, the underworld; formless/shapeless primordial matter;
CHAERE: INTERJ \welcome; hail (L+S);
CHAEREPHYLLUM, CHAEREPHYLLI: N 2 2 N \chervil (Anthiscus cerefolium);
CHAEREPOLUM, CHAEREPOLI: N 2 2 N \chervil (Anthiscus cerefolium);
CHALO, CHALARE, CHALAVI, CHALATUS: V 1 1 \let down, allow to hang free; loosen;
CHALASTICUS, CHALASTICA, CHALASTICUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \of/pertaining to alleviating/soothing;
CHALASTICAMEN, CHALASTICAMINIS: N 3 2 N \alleviating remedy;
CHALATORIUS, CHALATORIA, CHALATORIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \of/pertaining to loosing/letting down;
CHALAZIUS, CHALAZIA, CHALAZIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \resembling a hailstone (name of a precious stone); of/pertaining to hail (L+S);
CHALAZIAS, CHALAZIAE: N 1 8 F \precious stone (unidentified); (of form and color of hail);
CHALAZION, CHALAZII: N 2 8 N \wart/tubercle on the eyelid; sty;
CHALAZOPHYLAX, CHALAZOPHYLACIS: N 3 1 M \hail-guard (official at Cleonae whose duty it was to avert hail by sacrifice);
CHALAZOSIS, CHALAZOSIS: N 3 3 F \attack of warts or pimples; (acne?);
CHALBANUM, CHALBANI: N 2 2 N \resinous sap of an umbelliferous plant in Syria, galbanum;
CHALCAS, CHALCAE: N 1 8 F \plant (of chrysanthemum family?); (buphthalmus?);
CHALCUS, CHALCI: N 2 1 M \copper coin (of small value, one tenth obol, one 60th or 40th of a drachma);
CHALCANTHUM, CHALCANTHI: N 2 2 N \copperas-water, cobbler's blackening (for shoe leather); (Atramentum sutorium);
CHALCANTHON, CHALCANTHI: N 2 8 N \copperas-water, cobbler's blackening (for shoe leather); (Atramentum sutorium);
CHALCASPIS, (GEN.), CHALCASPIDIS: ADJ 3 1 POS \having/with a brazen shield;
CHALCASPIS, CHALCASPIDIS: N 3 1 M \soldier with a brazen shield;
CHALCEUS, CHALCEA, CHALCEUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \brazen, of brass;
CHALCEUM, CHALCEI: N 2 2 N \brazen/brass things (pl.);
CHALCEOS, CHALCEI: N 2 6 M \prickly plant resembling the thistle;
CHALCEDONIUS, CHALCEDONII: N 2 1 M \chalcedony; (stone of third foundation of New Jerusalem in Revelations 21:19);
CHALCETUM, CHALCETI: N 2 2 N \plant (unidentified) (medicinal);
CHALCIDICE, CHALCIDICES: N 1 6 F \kind of lizard or snake;
CHALCIDICUM, CHALCIDICI: N 2 2 N \kind of portico or porch; (from Chalcis);
CHALCIS, CHALCIDIS: N 3 1 F \kind of fish (sardine?/herring-like?); kind of lizard/snake; (w/copper spots);
CHALCIS, CHALCIDOS/IS: N 3 7 F \Chalcis; (several towns in Greece/elsewhere, esp. chief city of Euboea);
CHALCITES, CHALCITAE: N 1 7 F \copper pyrites; precious stone (of copper color L+S); copper stone/ore (L+S);
CHALCITIS, CHALCITIDIS: N 3 1 F \copper pyrites; precious stone (of copper color L+S); copper stone/ore (L+S);
CHALCOGRAPHUS, CHALCOGRAPHI: N 2 1 M \printer; (Erasmus);
CHALCOPHONOS, CHALCOPHONI: N 2 6 F \precious stone; (ringing like brass L+S);
CHALCOPHTHONGOS, CHALCOPHTHONGI: N 2 6 F \precious stone; (ringing like brass L+S);
CHALCOSMARAGDUS, CHALCOSMARAGDI: N 2 1 F \precious stone; emerald with veins of brass (malachite?) (L+S);
CHALDAEUS, CHALDAEA, CHALDAEUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \Chaldaen, of/concering Chaldaens; of their soothsayers/astrologers/astromers;
CHALDAEUS, CHALDAEI: N 2 1 M \Chaldaen, people of south Assyria; their soothsayers/astrologers/astromers;
CHALDAICUS, CHALDAICA, CHALDAICUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \Chaldaen, of/concering Chaldaens; of their soothsayers/astrologers/astromers;
CHALDEUS, CHALDEA, CHALDEUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \Chaldaen, of/concering Chaldaens; of their soothsayers/astrologers/astromers;
CHALDEUS, CHALDEI: N 2 1 M \Chaldaen, people of south Assyria; their soothsayers/astrologers/astromers;
CHALYBEIUS, CHALYBEIA, CHALYBEIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \of/consisting of iron(/steel);
CHALYBS, CHALYBIS: N 3 1 M \iron/steel; iron weapons/implements; sword (L+S); horse bit; arrow point; rail;
CHAMA, CHAMAE: N 1 1 F \bi-valve shellfish, clam; cockle (L+S);
CHAMA, CHAMATIS: N 3 2 N \lynx; (undeclined OLD);
CHAMAEACTE, CHAMAEACTES: N 1 6 F \dwarf elder (Sambucus ebulus); danewort (L+S);
CHAMAECERASUS, CHAMAECERASI: N 2 1 F \dwarf cheery tree (Prunus prostrata);
CHAMAECISSOS, CHAMAECISSI: N 2 6 F \ground ivy (Glecoma hederacea); kind of cyclamen;
CHAMAECYPARISSOS, CHEMAECYPARISSI: N 2 6 F \plant, lavender cotton? (Santolina chamaecyparissus);
CHAMAEDAPHNE, CHAMAEDAPHNES: N 1 6 F \periwinkle? (Vinca herbacea); butcher's broom? (Ruscus racemosus); dwarf laurel;
CHAMAEDRACON, CHAMAEDRACONIS: N 3 1 M \kind of African serpent; the ground serpent;
CHAMAEDROPS, CHAMAEDROPIS: N 3 1 F \dwarf palm? (Chamaerops humilis); germander? (Teucrium chamaedrys) (medicine);
CHAMAEDRYS, CHAMAEDRYIS: N 3 1 F \germander; (Teucrium chamaedrys) (used in medicine); (pure Latin trixago L+S);
CHAMAELEON, CHAMAELEONIS: N 3 1 C \thistles; carline (Cardopatium corymbosum)/pine-thistle (Atractylis gummifera);
CHAMAELEON, CHAMAELEONTOS/IS: N 3 7 C \thistles; carline (Cardopatium corymbosum)/pine-thistle (Atractylis gummifera);
CHAMAELEUCE, CHAMAELEUCES: N 1 6 F \coltsfoot; (Tussilago farfara);
CHAMAEMELON, CHAMAEMELI: N 2 8 N \plant (chamomile?);
CHAMAEMELYGOS, CHAMAEMELYGI: N 2 6 F \plant; (otherwise called verbenaca);
CHAMAEMYRSINE, CHAMAEMYRSINES: N 1 6 F \butcher's broom (Ruscus aculeatus); dwarf myrtle (L+S);
CHAMAEPEUCE, CHAMAEPEUCES: N 1 6 F \plant (unidentified); ground larch (L+S);
CHAMAEPITYS, CHAMAEPITYIS: N 3 1 F \plant (genus Ajuga); hypericum/St John's wort; groundpine (abortifacient) (L+S);
CHAMAEPLATANUS, CHAMAEPLATANI: N 2 1 F \plane tree kept small by pruning, pollard plane; dwarf platane (L+S);
CHAMAEROPS, CHAMAEAROPIS: N 3 1 F \dwarf palm? (Chamaerops humilis); germander? (Teucrium chamaedrys) (medicine);
CHAMAESYCE, CHAMAESYCES: N 1 6 F \kind of spurge (Euphorbia chamaesyce?); plant, wolf's-milk, ground fig (L+S);
CHAMAETORTUS, CHAMAETORTA, CHAMAETORTUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \twisted to the ground; that creeps on the ground (L+S);
CHAMAEZELON, CHAMAEZELI: N 2 8 N \plant, cinquefoil; gnaphalium, an unidentified plant;
CHAMEDYOSMOS, CHAMEDYOSMI: N 2 6 F \rosemary; (pure Latin ros marinus);
CHAMELAEA, CHAMELAEAE: N 1 1 F \dwarf olive (Daphne oleoides); shrub (thymelaea, Daphne gnidium?);
CHAMELEA, CHAMELEAE: N 1 1 F \dwarf olive (Daphne oleoides); shrub (thymelaea, Daphne gnidium?);
CHAMEUNIA, CHAMEUNIAE: N 1 1 F \couch on the earth;
CHAMULCUS, CHAMULCI: N 2 1 M \kind of machine;
CHANE, CHANES: N 1 6 F \sea-perch (Serranus cabrilla?); (Perca cabrilla L+S);
CHANAAN, UNDECLINED: N 9 9 F \Canaan/Palestine;
CHANAN, UNDECLINED: N 9 9 F \Canaan/Palestine;
CHANANEUS, CHANANEA, CHANANEUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \of/from Canaan/Palestine;
CHANANEA, CHANANEAE: N 1 1 F \Canaan, Palestine;
CHANIUS, CHANIA, CHANIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \name of a foot of three long syllables (_ _ _) (w/pes);
CHANNE, CHANNES: N 1 6 F \sea-perch (Serranus cabrilla?); (Perca cabrilla L+S);
CHARA, CHARAE: N 1 1 F \an edible root, mixed with milk/forms loaf to stave off hunger (Caesar CW III);
CHARACATUS, CHARACATA, CHARACATUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \staked, propped up; provided with stakes;
CHARACIAS, CHARACIAE: N 1 8 M \reed for props/stakes; kind of spurge (wood spurge?); plant, wolf's-milk;
CHARACITES, CHARACITAE: N 1 7 M \plant, wolf's-milk;
CHARACTER, CHARACTERIS: N 3 1 M \branded/impressed letter/mark/etc; marking instrument; stamp, character, style;
CHARACTERISMUS, CHARACTERISMI: N 2 1 M \characterization; making prominent of the characteristic marks (L+S);
CHARACTERISMOS, CHARACTERISMI: N 2 6 M \characterization; making prominent of the characteristic marks (L+S);
CHARADRIUS, CHARADRII: N 2 1 M \yellowish bird; chadadrion;
CHARADRION, CHARADRII: N 2 8 N \yellowish bird; charadrion;
CHARISMA, CHARISMATIS: N 3 2 N \gift, present;
CHARISTIUM, CHARISTII: N 2 2 N \annual family banquet 3 days after Parentalia (20 Feb.) where feuds settled;
CHARISTICUM, CHARISTICI: N 2 2 N \money/allowance for buying papyrus/paper;
CHARISTIO, CHARISTIONIS: N 3 1 M \kind of weighing machine;
CHARITAS, CHARITATIS: N 3 1 F \charity; love of God;
CHARITATIVUS, CHARITATIVA, CHARITATIVUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \charitable, loving, of a charatable nature; pertaining to charity;
CHARITATIVE: ADV POS \charitably; in a charitable manner;
CHARITONBLEPHARON, CHARITONBLEPHARI: N 2 8 N \magical plant producing love;
CHARMIDES, CHARMIDAE: N 1 7 M \Charmides (comic character in Plautus' play Trinummus); (Son of Joy);
CHARMIDO, CHARMIDARE, CHARMIDAVI, CHARMIDATUS: V 1 1 \Charmidize, turn into Charmides (comic character in Plautus' play Trinummus);
CHARMIDATUS, CHARMIDATA, CHARMIDATUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \become Charmides (comic character in Platuus' play Trinummus);
CHARTA, CHARTAE: N 1 1 F \(sheet/page of) papyrus; record/letter, book/writing(s); thin metal sheet/leaf;
CHARTUS, CHARTI: N 2 1 M \(sheet/page of) papyrus; record/letter, book/writing(s); thin metal sheet/leaf;
CHARTACEUS, CHARTACEA, CHARTACEUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \made of papyrus/paper; paper-/papyrus-;
CHARTARIUS, CHARTARIA, CHARTARIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \connected with the making of papyrus/paper; used for papyrus/paper;
CHARTARIUS, CHARTARII: N 2 1 M \maker of/dealer in papyrus/paper;
CHARTEUS, CHARTEA, CHARTEUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \of/pertaining to papyrus/paper; (~ statium => the literary arena/occupation);
CHARTIATICUM, CHARTIATICI: N 2 2 N \money/allowance for buying papyrus/paper;
CHARTOPHYLAX, CHARTOPHYLACIS: N 3 1 M \archivist, keeper of archives;
CHARTOPOLA, CHARTOPOLAE: N 1 1 M \merchant/dealer in papyrus/paper;
CHARTULA, CHARTULAE: N 1 1 F \scrap/piece of papyrus; small note, bill (L+S);
CHARTULARI, CHARTULARIIS: N 3 1 M \court archivist, keeper of archives of the court;
CHARYBDIS, CHARYBDIS: N 3 3 F \Charybdis (whirlpool Sicily/Italy); cruel person; whirlpool; tortuous cavity;
CHASMA, CHASMATIS: N 3 2 N \chasm/fissure/opening in the earth, abyss; supposed meteoric phenomenon;
CHASMATIAS, CHASMATIAE: N 1 8 M \earthquake that leaves chasms/fissures/openings in the earth;
CHELE, CHELES: N 1 6 F \claw-shaped mechanism; trigger; Scorpio' claws (pl.) that extend to Libra, Libra
CHELIUM, CHELII: N 2 2 N \shell of a horned tortoise;
CHELIDON, CHELIDONIS: N 3 1 F \female pudenda/genitalia; (Juvenalis?); (rude);
CHELIDONIUS, CHELIDONIA, CHELIDONIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \of/belonging to the swallow; resembling the swallow in color, reddish (fig);
CHELIDONIA, CHELIDONIAE: N 1 1 F \greater celandine (Chelidonium maius)/swallowwort; kind of fig; precious stone;
CHELIDONIAS, CHELIDONIAE: N 1 8 M \west wind; (blowing after 22 Feb. when the swallows arrive);
CHELIDONIUM, CHELIDONII: N 2 2 N \lesser celandine (Ranunculus ficaria); eye-salve containing celandine juice;
CHELONIA, CHELONIAE: N 1 1 F \precious stone; tortoise-stone (L+S);
CHELONIUM, CHELONII: N 2 2 N \socket-piece of a windlass/crane, one of the cheeks; plant, cyclaminos (L+S);
CHELONITIS, CHELONITIDIS: N 3 1 F \precious stone; (like a tortoise L+S);
CHELYON, CHELYI: N 2 8 N \shell of the horned tortoise;
CHELYDRUS, CHELYDRI: N 2 1 M \venomous water-snake;
CHELYS, CHELYOS/IS: N 3 9 F \tortoise; lyre/harp (made originally from a tortoise shell); constellation Lyra;
CHEMA, CHEMAE: N 1 1 F \bi-valve shellfish, clam; cockle (L+S);
CHEMA, CHEMAE: N 1 1 F \liquid measure; (one third of a mystrum, one 48th of a sextarius/pint);
CHENALOPEX, CHEMALOPECIS: N 3 1 M \Egyptian goose (Chenalopex aegyptiaca);
CHENAMYCHE, CHENAMYCHES: N 1 6 F \thorny oriental plant (reputed to become luminous at night);
CHENEROS, CHENEROTIS: N 3 1 F \small kind of goose; (Anas clipeata? L+S);
CHENISCUS, CHENISCI: N 2 1 M \figure on the stern of a ship resembling a goose; gosling;
CHENOBOSCION, CHENOBOSCII: N 2 8 N \goose pen; place for feeding geese;
CHENOMYCHE, CHENOMYCHES: N 1 6 F \thorny oriental plant (reputed to become luminous at night);
CHENTURIO, CHENTURIARE, CHENTURIAVI, CHENTURIATUS: V 1 1 \arrange/assign (soldiers) in military centuries; divide land into centuriae;
CHERAGRA, CHERAGRAE: N 1 1 F \pain in the hands, arthritis/gout in hands;
CHERAGRICUS, CHERAGRICA, CHERAGRICUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \suffering from cheragra (pain in the hands, arthritis/gout in hands);
CHERAGRICUS, CHERAGRICI: N 2 1 M \person suffering from cheragra (pain in the hands, arthritis/gout in hands);
CHERE: INTERJ \welcome; hail (L+S);
CHEREGRA, CHEREGRAE: N 1 1 F \gout in the hands;
CHERNITES, CHERNITAE: N 1 7 M \a white marble; marble resembling ivory (L+S);
CHERNITIS, CHERNITIDIS: N 3 1 F \precious stone;
CHEROLABA, CHEROLABAE: N 1 1 F \handle; handspike;
CHERSOS, CHERSI: N 2 6 F \land tortoise; kind of toad (L+S);
CHERSINUS, CHERSINA, CHERSINUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \living on dry land, land-;
CHERSYDROS, CHERSYDRI: N 2 6 M \amphibious serpent, water snake;
CHERUB, UNDECLINED: N 9 9 M \cherub;
CHERUBIM, UNDECLINED: N 9 9 M \cherubs (pl.); Cherubim, a rank of angels; heavenly choir;
CHERUBIN, UNDECLINED: N 9 9 M \cherubs (pl.); Cherubin, a rank of angels; heavenly choir;
CHIUS, CHIA, CHIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \Chian, of Chios; of Chian wine; characteristic/suggestive of Chios, luxurious;
CHIA, CHIAE: N 1 1 F \Chian fig; (Chios/Chius island in Aegean off Ionia);
CHIUM, CHII: N 2 2 N \small single seed of the Alpine Raetic grape; Chian wine;
CHILIARCHES, CHILIARCHAE: N 1 7 M \officer commanding a thousand men in a Greek army; (battalion commander, LTC);
CHILIARCHUS, CHILIARCHI: N 2 1 M \officer commanding a thousand men in a Greek army; (battalion commander, LTC);
CHILIAS, CHILIADIS: N 3 1 F \the number 1000, a chiliad, a group of a thousand (things/years);
CHILIASTA, CHILIASTAE: N 1 1 M \the believers (pl.) in the millennial kingdom;
CHILIODYNAMA, CHILIODYNAMAE: N 1 1 F \unidentified plant; (medicinal, of a thousand virtues L+S);
CHILIODYNAMIA, CHILIODYNAMIAE: N 1 1 F \unidentified plant; (medicinal, of a thousand virtues L+S);
CHILIOPHYLION, CHILIOPHYLII: N 2 8 N \unidentified plant; (thousand leaves);
CHILO, CHILONIS: N 3 1 M \cognomen (Big Lips); fellator, one who practices fellatio;
CHILOMA, CHILOMATIS: N 3 2 N \box, coffer;
CHIRAGRA, CHIRAGRAE: N 1 1 F \pain in the hands, arthritis/gout in hands;
CHIRAGRICUS, CHIRAGRICA, CHIRAGRICUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \suffering from cheragra (pain in the hands, arthritis/gout in hands);
CHIRAGRICUS, CHIRAGRICI: N 2 1 M \person suffering from cheragra (pain in the hands, arthritis/gout in hands);
CHIRAMAXIUM, CHIRAMAXII: N 2 2 N \hand-cart; small carriage drawn by slaves (L+S);
CHIREGRA, CHIREGRAE: N 1 1 F \gout in the hands;
CHIRIDOTUS, CHIRIDOTA, CHIRIDOTUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \sleeved, with sleeves; (w/tunica => sleeved shirt);
CHIRIDOTA, CHIRIDOTAE: N 1 1 F \sleeved shirt; (with or without tunica);
CHIROCMA, CHIROCMATIS: N 3 2 N \manufactures (pl.); (name of a book by Democritus); made by hand (L+S);
CHIRODYTOS, CHIRODYTI: N 2 6 M \unidentified garment; (chiridota is a sleeved shirt);
CHIROGRAPHUS, CHIROGRAPHI: N 2 1 M \own handwriting; handwritten document, manuscript; written bond/charter/promise;
CHIROGRAPHUM, CHIROGRAPHI: N 2 2 N \own handwriting; handwritten document, manuscript; written bond/charter/promise;
CHIROGRAPHON, CHIROGRAPHI: N 2 8 N \own handwriting; handwritten document, manuscript; written bond/charter/promise;
CHIROGRAPHARIUS, CHIROGRAPHARIA, CHIROGRAPHARIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \holding a written bond; in/pertaining to handwriting/manuscript;
CHIRONOMOS, CHIRONOMOS, -: ADJ 2 6 POS \pantomimic, of/like a pantomime, with gestures;
-, -, CHIRONOMON: ADJ 2 8 POS \pantomimic, of/like a pantomime, with gestures;
CHIRONOMOS, CHIRONOMUNTI: N 2 6 C \gesticulating; pantomime (L+S);
CHIRONOMIA, CHIRONOMIAE: N 1 1 F \rules of gesticulation; art of gesturing (L+S);
CHIRONOMON, CHIRONOMONTOS/IS: N 3 7 M \gesticulating; pantomime (L+S);
CHIRONOMON, CHIRONOMUNTOS/IS: N 3 7 M \gesticulating; pantomime (L+S);
CHIROTHECA, CHIROTHECAE: N 1 1 F \glove, mitten; gauntlet (Erasmus);
CHIRURGUS, CHIRURGA, CHIRURGUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \of/pertaining to a surgeon;
CHIRURGUS, CHIRURGI: N 2 1 M \surgeon; (pure Latin medicus vulnerarius L+S);
CHIRURGIA, CHIRURGIAE: N 1 1 F \surgery; a violent remedy (L+S);
CHLAMIS, CHLAMIDIS: N 3 1 F \Greek cloak/cape frequently for military use; state mantle; cloak, mantle;
CHLAMYDATUS, CHLAMYDATA, CHLAMYDATUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \dressed in a (military) cloak/cape;
CHLAMYS, CHLAMYDIS: N 3 1 F \Greek cloak/cape frequently for military use; state mantle; cloak, mantle;
CHLAMYS, CHLAMYDOS/IS: N 3 7 F \Greek cloak/cape frequently for military use; state mantle; cloak, mantle;
CHLORA, CHLORAE: N 1 1 F \a medicament, medicine;
CHLORA, CHLORAE: N 1 1 F \variety of emerald;
CHLORON, CHLORI: N 2 8 N \kind of eye-salve;
CHLOREUS, CHLOREI: N 2 1 M \unidentified bird; (greenish bird L+S);
CHLORION, CHLORIONIS: N 3 1 M \golden oriole (Oriolus galbula); yellow bird, yellow thrush (L+S);
CHLORITIS, CHLORITIDIS: N 3 1 F \green precious stone; smaragdoprasus? (L+S);
CHOASPITES, CHOASPITIDIS: N 3 1 F \precious stone; (found in the Choaspes L+S);
CHOASPITIS, CHOASPITIDIS: N 3 1 F \precious stone; (found in the Choaspes L+S);
CHOENICA, CHOENICAE: N 1 1 F \dry measure (equal to 2 sextarii) (about a quart);
CHOENIX, CHOENICIS: N 3 1 F \dry measure (equal to 2 sextarii) (about a quart);
CHOEROS, CHOERI: N 2 6 M \pig; female pudenda/external genitalia (Greek for porcus/women's nursery term);
CHOERAS, CHOERADIS: N 3 1 F \scrofula, king's evil; (chronic lymph gland enlargement); (pure Latin struma);
CHOEROGRYLLUS, CHOEROGRYLLI: N 2 1 M \kind of hare; coney (King James); small gregarious quadruped (Hydrax Syriacus);
CHOEROGYLLIUS, CHOEROGYLLII: N 2 1 M \kind of hare; coney (King James); small gregarious quadruped (Hydrax Syriacus);
CHOICUS, CHOICA, CHOICUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \of/made of earth/clay;
CHOLERA, CHOLERAE: N 1 1 F \European/summer cholera (cholera nostras); an attack of cholera;
CHOLERICUS, CHOLERICI: N 2 1 M \person suffering from European cholera;
CHOLIAMBUS, CHOLIAMBI: N 2 1 M \limping iambus; (iambic verse whose last foot not iambus but spondee or trochee;
CHOLRAS, CHOLRAE: N 1 8 M \variety of emerald;
CHOMA, CHOMATIS: N 3 2 N \bank, mound; dike, dam;
CHONDRILLE, CHONDRILLES: N 1 6 F \plant, gum succory? (Chondrilla funcea); Spanish savory, endive/chicory (L+S);
CHONDRILLON, CHONDRILLI: N 2 8 N \plant, gum succory? (Chondrilla funcea); Spanish savory, endive/chicory (L+S);
CHONDRIS, CHONDRIS: N 3 3 F \plant; (bastard dittany?);
CHONDRIS, CHONDRIS: N 3 3 F \|plant, kind of horehound resembling marjoram (Marrubium pseudodictamnus);
CHONDRYLLA, CHONDRYLLAE: N 1 1 F \plant, gum succory? (Chondrilla funcea); Spanish savory, endive/chicory (L+S);
CHONDRYLLE, CHONDRYLLES: N 1 6 F \plant, gum succory? (Chondrilla funcea); Spanish savory, endive/chicory (L+S);
CHORA, CHORAE: N 1 1 F \site for a monument;
CHORUS, CHORI: N 2 1 M \chorus/choir; choral passage in a play; dancing/singing performance/ers; school;
CHORUS, CHORI: N 2 1 M \|round/ring dance; dancers; movement of planets; magistrate's court; multitude;
CHORAGUS, CHORAGI: N 2 1 M \he who has care of chorus and supplies; he who pays the cost of a banquet;
CHORAGUS, CHORAGI: N 2 1 M \|theatrical supplier, one supplying equipment/properties to dramatic company;
CHORAGIUM, CHORAGII: N 2 2 N \place where chorus practiced; preparing chorus; splendid preparation; a spring;
CHORAGIUS, CHORAGI(I): N 2 4 M \theatrical supplier, one supplying equipment/properties to dramatic company;
CHORAGIUM, CHORAGI(I): N 2 4 N \stage equipment/properties; gear/trappings (other); piece of water organ;
CHORAGIARIUS, CHORAGIARI(I): N 2 4 M \supplier of stage equipment/properties/gear/trappings;
CHORAULA, CHORAULAE: N 1 1 M \player on the reed pipes; flute player (L+S);
CHORAULE, CHORAULES: N 1 6 F \player (female) on the reed pipes; flute player (L+S);
CHORAULES, CHORAULAE: N 1 7 M \player on the reed pipes; flute player (L+S);
CHORAULICUS, CHORAULICA, CHORAULICUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \of/belonging to player on the reed pipes; of/belonging to flute player (L+S);
CHORDUS, CHORDA, CHORDUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \late-born/produced out of/late in the season; second (crop of hay), aftermath;
CHORDA, CHORDAE: N 1 1 F \tripe; catgut, musical instrument string; rope/cord (binding a slave) (L+S);
CHORDACISTA, CHORDACISTAE: N 1 1 M \player on a stringed instrument;
CHORDAPSUS, CHORDAPSI: N 2 1 M \disease of the intestines;
CHOREA, CHOREAE: N 1 1 F \round/ring dance; dancers; movement of planets; magistrate's court; multitude;
CHOREUS, CHOREI: N 2 1 M \metrical foot consisting of a long and a short syllable (_U), trochee;
CHOREPISCOPUS, CHOREPISCOPI: N 2 1 M \deputy bishop for a village; suffragan bishop;
CHOREUTES, CHOREUTAE: N 1 7 M \choral dancer;
CHORIUS, CHORII: N 2 1 M \metrical foot consisting of a long and a short syllable (_U), trochee;
CHORIOS, CHORII: N 2 6 M \metrical foot consisting of a long and a short syllable (_U), trochee;
CHORION, CHORII: N 2 8 N \membrane enclosing the fetus, afterbirth;
CHORIAMBUS, CHORIAMBI: N 2 1 M \metrical foot consisting of a chorius and an iambus (_UU_);
CHORIAMBICUS, CHORIAMBICA, CHORIAMBICUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \choriambic; having metrical foot consisting of a chorius and an iambus (_UU_);
CHORICUS, CHORICA, CHORICUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \pertaining to the chorus; (w/metrum) anapaestic verse (hypercatalectic dipody);
CHORICUM, CHORICI: N 2 2 N \choral part of a play;
CHORIOIDES, CHORIOIDAE: N 1 7 M \choriod coat of the eye;
CHOROBATES, CHOROBATAE: N 1 7 M \level, instrument consisting of a long pole with a groove for water;
CHOROCITHARISTES, CHOROCITHARISTAE: N 1 7 M \one who accompanied a chorus on the lyre/chithara;
CHOROGRAPHUS, CHOROGRAPHI: N 2 1 M \geographer?, one who describes countries?;
CHOROGRAPHIA, CHOROGRAPHIAE: N 1 1 F \a work of geography, geography book;
CHORONA, CHORONAE: N 1 1 F \crown, garland, wreath; circle/cordon of men/troops;
CHORS, CHORTIS: N 3 3 F \court; enclosure/yard/pen, farmyard; attendants, retinue, staff; circle; crowd;
CHORS, CHORTIS: N 3 3 F \|cohort, tenth part of legion (360 men); armed force; band; ship crew; bodyguard
CHORTALIS, CHORTALIS, CHORTALE: ADJ 3 2 POS \pertaining to a farm/cattle yard, farmyard-; of/concerned with poultry keeping;
CHORTALIS, CHORTALIS, CHORTALE: ADJ 3 2 POS \|of/connected with a military/praetorian cohort/company/guard;
CHORTALINUS, CHORTALINA, CHORTALINUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \of/pertaining to an imperial/praetorian bodyguard (cohort);
CHORTINUS, CHORTINA, CHORTINUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \made from grass or fodder;
CHRESTON, CHRESTI: N 2 8 N \chicory (Cichorium intybus);
CHRIA, CHRIAE: N 1 1 F \topic of general application set for study/exercise in grammar/rhetoric school;
CHRISMA, CHRISMATIS: N 3 2 N \anointing, unction; sacred oils;
CHRISTIANUS, CHRISTIANI: N 2 1 M \Christian/follower of Christ; Christian clergyman; Christianity (pl.) (Beesom);
CHRISTIANE: ADV POS \in a Christian manner;
CHRISTIANITAS, CHRISTIANITATIS: N 3 1 F \Christianity; Christian religion; the Christian clergy;
CHRISTIAS, CHRISTIADIS: N 3 1 M \Christians (pl.), followers of Christ;
CHRISTICOLA, CHRISTICOLAE: N 1 1 M \Christian, worshiper of Christ; (often used in pl.);
CHRISTIFIDELIS, CHRISTIFIDELIS, CHRISTIFIDELE: ADJ 3 2 POS \faithful to Christ/Christianity; following Christ;
CHRISTIFIDELIS, CHRISTIFIDELIS: N 3 3 C \one of the Christian faithful; follower of Christ;
CHRISTIGENUS, CHRISTIGENA, CHRISTIGENUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \of the lineage of Christ; (i.e. the posterity of Ruth/Jesse);
CHROMA, CHROMATOS/IS: N 3 7 N \chromatic scale (divided tetrachord into 2 intervals of 1 semitone and 1 of 3);
CHROMATICUS, CHROMATICA, CHROMATICUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \chromatic; (divided tetrachord into 2 intervals of 1 semitone and 1 of 3);
-, CHROMATICE, -: ADJ 1 6 POS \chromatic; (divided tetrachord into 2 intervals of 1 semitone and 1 of 3);
CHROMATICOS, CHROMATIC-, -: ADJ 2 7 POS \chromatic; (divided tetrachord into 2 intervals of 1 semitone and 1 of 3);
-, -, CHROMATICON: ADJ 2 8 POS \chromatic; (divided tetrachord into 2 intervals of 1 semitone and 1 of 3);
CHROMATICE, CHROMATICES: N 1 6 F \note in the chromatic scale; science of chromatic harmony (L+S);
CHROMIS, CHROMIS: N 3 3 C \sea fish; (Umbrina cirrosa?);
CHRONIUS, CHRONIA, CHRONIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \chronic, lingering;
CHRONICUS, CHRONICA, CHRONICUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \written in form of annual/chronicle; pertaining to time; chronic/lingering (L+S)
CHRONICA, CHRONICAE: N 1 1 F \book of annuals, chronicles (pl.);
CHRONICUM, CHRONICI: N 2 2 N \book of annuals, chronicle;
CHRONOGRAPHUS, CHRONOGRAPHI: N 2 1 M \chronographer, annalist, chronicler;
CHRYSUS, CHRYSI: N 2 1 M \gold;
CHRYSOS, CHRYSI: N 2 6 M \gold; (chrysos melas => black ivy);
CHRYSALLIS, CHRYSALLIS: N 3 3 F \chrysalis; gold-colored chrysalis, aurelia/pupa of a butterfly (L+S);
CHRYSANTHES, CHRYSANTHAE: N 1 7 F \name of several plants of order Compositae; marigold (L+S);
CHRYSANTHUS, CHRYSANTHI: N 2 1 M \name of several plants of order Compositae; marigold (L+S);
CHRYSANTHEMUM, CHRYSANTHEMI: N 2 2 N \name of several plants of order Compositae; marigold (L+S);
CHRYSANTHEMON, CHRYSANTHEMI: N 2 8 N \name of several plants of order Compositae; marigold (L+S);
CHRYSEUS, CHRYSEA, CHRYSEUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \gold-colored, golden;
CHRYSEUM, CHRYSEI: N 2 2 N \gold/gold-colored/golden vessels/dishes;
CHRYSELECTRUS, CHRYSELECTRI: N 2 1 F \dark-yellow precious stone; amber-colored jacinth/hyacinth-stone?;
CHRYSELECTRUM, CHRYSELECTRI: N 2 2 N \gold-colored amber;
CHRYSELECTROS, CHRYSELECTRI: N 2 6 F \amber-colored gem; (classed by Pliny with hyacinthus);
CHRYSENDETUS, CHRYSENDETA, CHRYSENDETUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \inlaid with gold; set in/with gold;
CHRYSENDETUM, CHRYSENDETI: N 2 2 N \things (e.g. dishes) inlaid with gold;
CHRYSITES, CHRYSITAE: N 1 7 M \kind of stone;
CHRYSITES, CHRYSITIDAE: N 1 7 M \kind of stone; phloginos (flame-colored gem), another gold-colored gem (L+S);
CHRYSITIS, (GEN.), CHRYSITIDIS: ADJ 3 1 POS \gold-colored, golden; of golden color;
CHRYSITIS, CHRYSITIDIS: N 3 1 F \plant (Chrysocoma linosyris?); unidentified precious stone; a native lead oxide;
: ADJ 3 6 POS \gold-colored, golden; of golden color;
CHRYSOASPIDES, CHRYSOASPIDES, CHRYSOASPIDES: ADJ 1 7 POS \bearing golden shields (kind of soldier serving under Alexander Severus);
CHRYSOBERULLUS, CHRYSOBERULLI: N 2 1 M \gold-colored beryl; chrysoberyl (L+S);
CHRYSOBERYLLUS, CHRYSOBERYLLI: N 2 1 M \gold-colored beryl; chrysoberyl (L+S);
CHRYSOCALIS, CHRYSOCALIS: N 3 3 F \plant; (also called parthenium);
CHRYSOCANTHOS, CHRYSOCANTHI: N 2 6 F \kind of ivy having golden berries;
CHRYSOCARPOS, CHRYSOCARPOS, -: ADJ 2 6 POS \having golden berries;
-, -, CHRYSOCARPON: ADJ 2 8 POS \having golden berries;
CHRYSOCOLLA, CHRYSOCOLLAE: N 1 1 F \green copper carbonate/malachite (pigment/medicine); stone (magnetic pyrite?);
CHRYSOCOME, CHRYSOCOMES: N 1 6 F \plant (Chrysocoma linosyris?);
CHRYSOLACHANUM, CHRYSOLACHANI: N 2 2 N \plant (orach?); garden orachn (also called atriplex) (L+S);
CHRYSOLAMPIS, CHRYSOLAMPIDIS: N 3 1 F \unidentified precious stone;
CHRYSOLITUS, CHRYSOLITI: N 2 1 C \topaz; chrysolite; (Vulgate);
CHRYSOLITHOS, CHRYSOLITHI: N 2 6 C \topaz; chrysolite (L+S);
CHRYSOMELUM, CHRYSOMELI: N 2 2 N \variety of quince;
CHRYSOPASTUS, CHRYSOPASTI: N 2 1 F \species of topaz;
CHRYSOPHRYS, CHRYSOPHRYOS/IS: N 3 9 F \fish; (gilt-head? Sparus aurata);
CHRYSOPIS, CHRYSOPIDIS: N 3 1 F \unidentified precious stone; precious topaz (L+S);
CHRYSOPRASUM, CHRYSOPRASI: N 2 2 N \precious stone, chrysoprase; (golden-green beryl and like);
CHRYSOPRASOS, CHRYSOPRASI: N 2 6 F \precious stone, chrysoprase; (golden-green beryl and like);
CHRYSOPRASIUS, CHRYSOPRASIA, CHRYSOPRASIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \variety of precious stone (chrysoprase/golden-green beryl and like);
CHRYSOPRASSUS, CHRYSOPRASSI: N 2 1 F \precious stone, chrysoprase; (golden-green beryl and like);
CHRYSOPRASSOS, CHRYSOPRASSI: N 2 6 F \precious stone, chrysoprase; (golden-green beryl and like);
CHRYSOPTEROS, CHRYSOPTEROS, -: ADJ 2 6 POS \golden-winged; (of a kind of jasper);
-, -, CHRYSOPTERON: ADJ 2 8 POS \golden-winged; (of a kind of jasper);
CHRYSOTHALES, CHRYSOTHALIS: N 3 3 F \kind of aizoon/houseleek, wall-pepper;
CHUS, COS/IS: N 3 9 M \liquid measure; (equal to congius/3 quarts);
CHUTHENUS, CHUTHENI: N 2 1 M \Chuthite, inhabitant of Chutha; (ancient tribe in Near East);
CHYDAEUS, CHYDAEA, CHYDAEUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \common, ordinary; kind of palms (L+S);
CHYLUS, CHYLI: N 2 1 M \extracted/expressed juice (of plants);
CHYLISMA, CHYLISMATIS: N 3 2 N \extracted/expressed juice (of plants);
CHYMUS, CHYMI: N 2 1 M \stomach juices/fluid, chyle;
CHYROGRILLIUS, CHYROGRILLII: N 2 1 M \coney (of King James Bible, small gregarious quadruped (Hydrax Syriacus); hare;
CHYROGRYLLIUS, CHYROGRYLLII: N 2 1 M \coney (of King James Bible, small gregarious quadruped (Hydrax Syriacus); hare;
CHYTROPUS, CHYTROPODIS: N 3 1 M \chafing dish/pot with feet (for cooking directly over coals on the ground);
CIEO, CIERE, CIVI, CITUS: V 2 1 \move; shake; rouse, stir/call up; disturb; provoke; invoke; produce; discharge;
CIO, CIRE, -, -: V 6 1 \move; shake; rouse, stir/call up; disturb; provoke; invoke; produce; discharge;
CIBUS, CIBI: N 2 1 M \food; fare, rations; nutriment, sustenance, fuel; eating, a meal; bait;
CIBO, CIBARE, CIBAVI, CIBATUS: V 1 1 \feed, give food/fodder to animals/men; (also passive sense) eat, take food;
CIBALIS, CIBALIS, CIBALE: ADJ 3 2 POS \of/pertaining to food; (w/fistula => esophagus/gullet);
CIBARIUS, CIBARIA, CIBARIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \of/concerning food/rations, ration-; plain/common/servant (food), black (bread);
CIBARIUM, CIBARII: N 2 2 N \shorts, coarser meal remaining after fine flour; ordinary musician;
CIBARIUM, CIBARI(I): N 2 4 N \ration/allowance of food (pl.); food, provisions; food for animals, feed, fodder
CIBATUS, CIBATUS: N 4 1 M \food, nutriment, victuals; fodder;
CIBATIO, CIBATIONIS: N 3 1 F \meal, repast; feeding;
CIBDELUS, CIBDELA, CIBDELUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \spurious, base; (w/fontes => impure/unhealthy spring/source);
CIBICIDA, CIBICIDAE: N 1 1 M \eater, consumer of food; (food killer); waste of bread/food (lazy slave) (L+S);
CIBISIS, CIBISIS: N 3 3 F \satchel;
CIBORIA, CIBORIAE: N 1 1 F \Egyptian bean (Nelumbo nucifera); (Arum colocasia L+S);
CIBORIUM, CIBORII: N 2 2 N \drinking cup; (made of/shaped like flower of Egyptian bean Nelumbo nucifera);
CICADA, CICADAE: N 1 1 F \cicada, tree-cricket; Athenian hair ornament in shape of cicada; summer season;
CICARO, CICARONIS: N 3 1 M \little boy, darling;
CICATRICOR, CICATRICARI, -, CICATRICATUS SUM: V 1 1 \be scarred over/cicatrized;
CICATRICOSUS, CICATRICOSA, CICATRICOSUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \scarred, covered by scars; marked by pruning (plant); edited/polished (writing);
CICATRIX, CICATRICIS: N 3 1 F \scar, cicatrice; wound; emotional scar; mark of pruning on plant/tool on work;
CICCUM, CICCI: N 2 2 N \proverbially worthless object, trifle, bagatelle; seed membrane of pomegranate;
CICERA, CICERAE: N 1 1 F \chickling vetch; (Latyrus?);
CICER, CICERIS: N 3 2 N \chick pea (Cicer aristinum); (as a common food); (rude) testicles, penis?;
CICERCULA, CICERCULAE: N 1 1 F \small variety of chick-pea;
CICERCULUM, CICERCULI: N 2 2 N \kind of ocher; reddish earth pigment; African species of the pigment sinopia;
CICERO, CICERONIS: N 3 1 M \Cicero; cognomen in gens Tullia; M. Tullius Cicero, Roman orator and statesman;
CICHOREUM, CICHOREI: N 2 2 N \chicory (Cichorium intybus), succory, endive;
CICHORIUM, CICHORII: N 2 2 N \chicory (Cichorium intybus), succory, endive;
CICHORION, CICHORII: N 2 8 N \chicory (Cichorium intybus), succory, endive;
CICI, UNDECLINED: N 9 9 N \castor (oil) tree (Ricinus communis); (Egyptian tree also called croton L+S);
CICILENDRUM, CICILENDRI: N 2 2 N \comic name for an imaginary condiment;
CICILINUS, CICILINA, CICILINUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \made of hair-cloth, hair-;
CICIMALINDRUM, CICIMALINDRI: N 2 2 N \comic name for an imaginary condiment;
CICIMANDRUM, CICIMANDRI: N 2 2 N \comic name for an imaginary condiment;
CICINUS, CICINA, CICINUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \castor; (oleum cicinum => castor oil);
CICINDELA, CICINDELAE: N 1 1 F \firefly (Luciola italica); candle; glow-worm (L+S);
CICONIUS, CICONIA, CICONIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \of/pertaining to the stork;
CICONIA, CICONIAE: N 1 1 F \stork; derisive gesture made with fingers; T-shaped tool for measuring depth;
CICUMA, CICUMAE: N 1 1 F \owl;
CICUR, (GEN.), CICURIS: ADJ 3 1 POS \tame (animal), domesticated; mild/gentle (person);
CICUR, CICURIS: N 3 1 M \tame animal, domesticated animal;
CICUTA, CICUTAE: N 1 1 F \hemlock (Conium maculatum); hemlock juice (poison); shepherd's pipe (of hemlock)
CICUTICEN, CICUTICINISIS: N 3 1 M \player of the reed/shepherd's pipe; (often made of cicuta/hemlock stalks);
CIDARIS, CIDARIS: N 3 3 F \head-dress of a Persian king; tiara; diadem (L+S), of high priest of Jews;
CIGNUS, CIGNI: N 2 1 M \measure; (equal to 8 scrupuli/srcipuli); (1/2 or 3/3 of an ounce);
CILIUM, CILII: N 2 2 N \upper eyelid; edge of upper eyelid; eyelid, lower eyelid (L+S);
CILIBANTUM, CILIBANTI: N 2 2 N \round cupboard;
CILICARIUS, CILICARII: N 2 1 M \maker of coverings/rugs/blankets of hair (e.g. goat);
CILICIUM, CILICII: N 2 2 N \rug/blanket/small garment of goat's hair; (originating in Cilicia);
CILICINUS, CILICINA, CILICINUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \hair-, made of (goat's) hair; (garemnt originating in Cilicia);
CILICIOLUM, CILICIOLI: N 2 2 N \small garment/coverlet/blanket of goat's hair; (originating in Cilicia);
CILIO, CILIONIS: N 3 1 M \chisel/graver (vulgar);
CILLO, CILLERE, -, -: V 3 1 \move, put in motion;
CILLIBA, CILLIBAE: N 1 1 F \round dining-table;
CILLO, CILLONIS: N 3 1 M \one who practices unnatural lust, sodomite; catamite, pathic;
CILO, CILONIS: N 3 1 M \cognomen (Big Lips); fellator, one practicing fellatio; prominent forehead (L+S)
CILOTRUM, CILOTRI: N 2 2 N \nose-bag;
CIMBER, CIMBRI: N 2 3 M \Cimberi (pl.), a German tribe, invaded Gaul - in Caesar's "Gallic War";
CIMELIARCHA, CIMELIARCHAE: N 1 1 M \treasurer, keeper of treasure/deposits;
CIMELIARCHIUM, CIMELIARCHII: N 2 2 N \treasury, place where treasure is deposited;
CIMEX, CIMICIS: N 3 1 M \bed-bug (Cimex lectularius); bug (L+S);
CIMICO, CIMICERE, -, -: V 3 1 \purify from bugs; exterminate; debug;
CINAEDUS, CINAEDI: N 2 1 M \sodomite; catamite; effeminate man; man who performs a lewd dance; pervert;
CINAEDUS, CINAEDI: N 2 1 M \sea-fish;
CINAEDUS, CINAEDA -UM, CINAEDIOR -OR -US, CINAEDISSIMUS -A -UM: ADJ 1 1 X \resembling/like/typical of a cinaedus/sodomite; unchaste; impudent, shameless;
CINAEDIA, CINAEDIAE: N 1 1 F \precious stone; (from brain of a fish);
CINAEDIAS, CINAEDIAE: N 1 8 M \precious stone; (from brain of a fish);
CINAEDIUS, CINAEDII: N 2 1 C \lewd/wanton/immodest/unchaste/shameless person; catamite;
CINAEDIUM, CINAEDII: N 2 2 N \precious stone; (from brain of a fish);
CINAEDICUS, CINAEDICA, CINAEDICUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \lewd; wanton; immodest; pertaining to one who is unchaste;
CINAEDICUS, CINAEDICI: N 2 1 C \lewd/wanton/immodest/unchaste/shameless person; catamite;
CINAEDOLOGOS, CINAEDOLOGI: N 2 6 M \teller of lewd stories;
CINAEDULUS, CINAEDULI: N 2 1 M \catamite, pathic; a male wanton;
CINARA, CINARAE: N 1 1 F \artichoke; similar plant;
CINARIS, CINARIS: N 3 3 F \unidentified plant;
CINCINNUS, CINCINNI: N 2 1 M \ringlet, curl/lock; curled hair; rhetorical flourish, artificial embellishment;
CINCINNALIS, CINCINNALIS, CINCINNALE: ADJ 3 2 POS \curled, curly; (~ herba => plant also called polytrichon);
CINCINNATUS, CINCINNATA, CINCINNATUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \with curled/curly hair; with hair in ringlets; (artificially); (of comets);
CINCTUS, CINCTA, CINCTUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \surrounded/encircled; surrounded (by friends/people/enemy); bordered, enclosed;
CINCTUS, CINCTA, CINCTUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \|having one's dress girt in a special way; (alte => for action); fastened round;
CINCTUM, CINCTI: N 2 2 N \method of girding up clothes; (~ Gabinian => w/toga end); crown/garland; belt;
CINCTUS, CINCTUS: N 4 1 M \method of girding up clothes; (~ Gabinian => w/loose toga end); crown/garland;
CINCTICULUS, CINCTICULI: N 2 1 M \belt, (small/little) girdle;
CINCTOR, CINCTORIS: N 3 1 M \warrior's belt;
CINCTORIUM, CINCTORII: N 2 2 N \sword belt; (late) girdle (L+S);
CINCTURA, CINCTURAE: N 1 1 F \girdle, means of girding;
CINCTUTUS, CINCTUTA, CINCTUTUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \wearing girdle or loin-cloth; girded/girt; (as ancients whose toga was girded);
CINDECOE: ADV POS \elegantly;
CINEFACTUS, CINEFACTA, CINEFACTUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \reduced/turned to ashes;
CINER, CINERIS: N 3 1 C \ashes; embers, spent love/hate; ruin, destruction; the grave/dead, cremation;
CINERACEUS, CINERACEA, CINERACEUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \ashen, ashy, resembling ash in color, ash-colored;
CINERACIUS, CINERACIA, CINERACIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \ashen, ashy, resembling ash in color, ash-colored;
CINERARIUS, CINERARIA, CINERARIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \of/pertaining to ashes; boundaries of land bordering on graves;
CINERARIUS, CINERARI(I): N 2 4 M \hair-curler, hair-dresser;
CINERARIUM, CINERARI(I): N 2 4 N \receptacle/niche for the ashes of the dead;
CINEREUS, CINEREA, CINEREUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \resembling ashes, similar to ashes, ash-colored; (kinds of plants/animals);
CINEREUM, CINEREI: N 2 2 N \ash-colored ointment/salve;
CINERESCO, CINERESCERE, -, -: V 3 1 \turn into ash/ashes;
CINERICIUS, CINERICIA, CINERICIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \resembling ashes, similar to ashes, ash-colored; (kinds of plants/animals);
CINEROSUS, CINEROSA, CINEROSUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \covered with ashes; consisting largely of ashes; full of ashes (L+S);
CINGO, CINGERE, CINXI, CINCTUS: V 3 1 \surround/encircle/ring; enclose; beleaguer; accompany; gird, equip; ring (tree);
CINGETORIX, CINGETORIGIS: N 3 1 M \Cingetorix; a Gaul of Treveri; a Briton king;
CINGILLUM, CINGILLI: N 2 2 N \woman's girdle; (esp. that worn by a bride);
CINGULA, CINGULAE: N 1 1 F \belt; sword belt; sash, girdle; band; saddle-girth; collar (dog);
CINGULUS, CINGULI: N 2 1 M \belt; band; geographical zone;
CINGULUM, CINGULI: N 2 2 N \belt; sword belt; sash, girdle; band; saddle-girth; collar (dog);
CINIFES, CINIFIS: N 3 3 F \kind of stinging insect; very small flies, gnats;
CINIFES, CINIFOS/IS: N 3 7 C \kind of stinging insects; very small flies, gnats; other small creatures (OLD);
CINIFLO, CINIFLONIS: N 3 1 M \heater of curling-irons, hair-dresser;
CINIPHES, CINIPHOS/IS: N 3 7 C \kind of stinging insects; very small flies, gnats; other small creatures (OLD);
CINIS, CINERIS: N 3 1 C \ashes; embers, spent love/hate; ruin, destruction; the grave/dead, cremation;
CINISCULUS, CINISCULI: N 2 1 M \little ashes;
CINNUS, CINNI: N 2 1 M \drink of mixed spelt-grain and wine;
CINNUS, CINNI: N 2 1 M \kind of facial distortion or grimace;
CINNABAR, CINNABARIS: N 3 4 N \red pigment/dragon's blood; resin of tree Pterocarpus draco; (NOT HgS/cinnabar);
CINNABARIS, CINNABARIS: N 3 3 F \red pigment/dragon's blood; resin of tree Pterocarpus draco; (NOT HgS/cinnabar);
CINNAMUS, CINNAMI: N 2 1 M \cinnamon; cinnamon (shrub/twigs); (applied to another aromatic oil);
CINNAMUM, CINNAMI: N 2 2 N \cinnamon; cinnamon (shrub/twigs); (applied to another aromatic oil);
CINNAMON, CINNAMI: N 2 8 N \cinnamon; cinnamon (shrub/twigs); (applied to another aromatic oil);
CINNAMEUS, CINNAMEA, CINNAMEUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \scented with/smelling of cinnamon; of/from cinnamon (L+S);
CINNAMINUM, CINNAMINI: N 2 2 N \eye-salve made from cinnamon;
CINNAMOLGOS, CINNAMOLGI: N 2 6 M \bird; (of Aribia);
CINNAMOMUM, CINNAMOMI: N 2 2 N \cinnamon; cinnamon (shrub/twigs); (applied to another aromatic oil);
CINNAMOMUM, CINNAMOMI: N 2 2 N \|superior kind of cassis; cinnamon-like bark (Cinnamonum cassia);
CINNAMOMINUS, CINNAMOMINA, CINNAMOMINUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \made from cinnamon; of/from cinnamon (L+S);
CINUS, CINERIS: N 3 1 C \ashes; embers, spent love/hate; ruin, destruction; the grave/dead, cremation;
CINYPHES, CINYPHIS: N 3 3 F \kind of stinging insect; very small flies, gnats;
CINYRA, CINYRAE: N 1 1 F \lyre, ten-stringed instrument;
CIPUS, CIPI: N 2 1 M \bowl, goblet, cup; communion cup;
CIPUS, CIPI: N 2 1 M \boundary stone/post/pillar; tombstone (usu. indicating extent of cemetery;
CIPHUS, CIPHI: N 2 1 M \bowl, goblet, cup; communion cup;
CIPPUS, CIPPI: N 2 1 M \boundary stone/post/pillar; tombstone (usu. indicating extent of cemetery);
CIPPUS, CIPPI: N 2 1 M \|tree stump; stocks/fetter/prison; bulwark of sharpened stakes (pl.) (L+S);
CIPRUS, CIPRA, CIPRUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \good; (Sabine for bonus);
CIRCUS, CIRCI: N 2 1 M \race course; the circus in Rome, celebration of the games; circle; orbit;
CIRCOS, CIRCI: N 2 6 M \precious stone;
CIRCO, CIRCARE, CIRCAVI, CIRCATUS: V 1 1 \traverse; go about (L+S); wander through;
CIRCA: ADV POS \around, all around; round about; near, in the vicinity/company; on either side;
CIRCA: PREP ACC \around, on the bounds of; about/near (space/time/numeral); concerning; with;
CIRCAEA, CIRCAEAE: N 1 1 F \plant; (Vincetoxicum nigrum?); (used as a charm L+S);
CIRCAEUM, CIRCAEI: N 2 2 N \plant, mandrake; (alternative name for mandragoras);
CIRCAEON, CIRCAEI: N 2 8 N \plant, mandrake; (alternative name for mandragoras);
CIRCAMOERIUM, CIRCAMOERII: N 2 2 N \open space round town; (Livy coined for pomoerium/open space round town wall);
CIRCANEA, CIRCANEAE: N 1 1 F \bird; (named from its circular flight);
CIRCELLUS, CIRCELLI: N 2 1 M \small ring;
CIRCEN, CIRCINIS: N 3 2 N \circle; circular course; (w/solis => a year); (poetic);
CIRCENSIS, CIRCENSIS, CIRCENSE: ADJ 3 2 POS \of the Circus; associated with games in the circus; used at the circus;
CIRCENSIS, CIRCENSIS: N 3 3 M \games in the Circus (pl.); games/exercises of wrestling, running, fighting;
CIRCES, CIRCITIS: N 3 1 M \circle, ring; circuit, circumference of the circus;
CIRCIUS, CIRCII: N 2 1 M \wind between north and west; WNW wind (L+S); (in Gallia Narbonensis);
CIRCIENSIS, CIRCIENSIS, CIRCIENSE: ADJ 3 2 POS \of the Circus; associated with games in the circus; used at the circus;
CIRCIENSIS, CIRCIENSIS: N 3 3 M \games in the Circus (pl.); games/exercises of wrestling, running, fighting;
CIRCINUS, CIRCINI: N 2 1 M \pair of compasses; circular line/arc; (ad ~um => in a circle/arc, circularly);
CIRCINO, CIRCINARE, CIRCINAVI, CIRCINATUS: V 1 1 \bend/make circular/round; traverse circular course, wheel through; take round;
CIRCINATIO, CIRCINATIONIS: N 3 1 F \circular line/form; circular motion, revolution; circle, circumference (L+S);
CIRCITO, CIRCITARE, CIRCITAVI, CIRCITATUS: V 1 1 \go round as a hawker/peddler/solicitor; frequent, be busy (L+S);
CIRCITER: ADV POS \nearly, not far from, almost, approximately, around, about;
CIRCITER: PREP ACC \about, around, near (space/time/numeral); towards;
CIRCITOR, CIRCITORIS: N 3 1 M \person who goes round; patrol/watchman, overseer/inspector; hawker, peddler;
CIRCITORUS, CIRCITORIA, CIRCITORIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \of/pertaining to patrols;
CIRCLUS, CIRCLI: N 2 1 M \circle; orbit, zone; ring, hoop; belt, collar; company; cycle; circumference;
CIRCUAGO, CIRCUAGERE, CIRCUEGI, CIRCUACTUS: V 3 1 \drive/lead around; turn (around); wheel, revolve; upset; change opinions, sway;
CIRCUEO, CIRCUIRE, CIRCUIVI(II), CIRCUITUS: V 6 1 \encircle, surround; border; skirt; circulate/wander through; go/measure round;
CIRCUITUS, CIRCUITUS: N 4 1 M \going round; patrol/circuit; way/path round; circumference; outer surface/edge;
CIRCUITUS, CIRCUITUS: N 4 1 M \|revolution, spinning, rotation; (recurring) cycle; period; circumlocution;
CIRCUITIO, CIRCUITIONIS: N 3 1 F \rotation, revolution; rate of revolution; orbit; circumference; circumlocution;
CIRCUITIO, CIRCUITIONIS: N 3 1 F \|going round; patrol, rounds, visiting posts; passage/structure round (building)
CIRCUITOR, CIRCUITORIS: N 3 1 M \person who goes round; patrol/watchman, overseer/inspector; hawker, peddler;
CIRCULUS, CIRCULI: N 2 1 M \circle; orbit, zone; ring, hoop; belt, collar; company; cycle; circumference;
CIRCULO, CIRCULARE, CIRCULAVI, CIRCULATUS: V 1 1 \make circular/round/curved; encircle, encompass (L+S);
CIRCULOR, CIRCULARI, -, CIRCULATUS SUM: V 1 1 \form groups/circles round oneself; (for impromptu speech/giving performance);
CIRCULATIM: ADV POS \in circles, in groups/companies; in a circle;
CIRCULATIO, CIRCULATIONIS: N 3 1 F \circular course, revolution;
CIRCULATOR, CIRCULATORIS: N 3 1 M \itinerant performer/vendor; (who gathers impromptu groups round him);
CIRCULATORIUS, CIRCULATORIA, CIRCULATORIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \of/characteristic of circulator (itinerate performer/peddler, mountebank/quack);
CIRCULATRIX, CIRCULATRICIS: N 3 1 F \female itinerant performer/peddler/stroller; (gather impromptu group round her);
CIRCUM: ADV POS \about, around; round about, near; in a circle; in attendance; on both sides;
CIRCUM: PREP ACC \around, about, among, near (space/time), in neighborhood of; in circle around;
CIRCUMACTUS, CIRCUMACTA, CIRCUMACTUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \bent around/in a curve; curved;
CIRCUMACTUS, CIRCUMACTUS: N 4 1 M \rotation, revolution; encircling, encirclement; turning around/in circle/back;
CIRCUMACTIO, CIRCUMACTIONIS: N 3 1 F \driving round in a circle, rotation; rounding off, act of making symmetrical;
CIRCUMAGO, CIRCUMAGERE, CIRCUMEGI, CIRCUMACTUS: V 3 1 \drive/lead around; turn (around); wheel, revolve; upset; change opinions, sway;
CIRCUMAGGERO, CIRCUMAGGERARE, CIRCUMAGGERAVI, CIRCUMAGGERATUS: V 1 1 \pile (earth) round about; surround (with heaped earth);
CIRCUMAMICTUS, CIRCUMAMICTA, CIRCUMAMICTUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \enveloped, invested, surrounded, besieged;
CIRCUMARO, CIRCUMARARE, CIRCUMARAVI, CIRCUMARATUS: V 1 1 \plow around, surround with a furrow;
CIRCUMASPICIO, CIRCUMASPICERE, -, -: V 3 1 \look around; consider;
CIRCUMCAEDO, CIRCUMCAEDERE, CIRCUMCAEDI, CIRCUMCAESUS: V 3 1 \cut/make incision around, ring; clip; circumcise; cut out; remove; diminish;
CIRCUMCAESURA, CIRCUMCAESURAE: N 1 1 F \surface outline, external contour;
CIRCUMCIDO, CIRCUMCIDERE, CIRCUMCIDI, CIRCUMCISUS: V 3 1 \cut/make incision around, ring; clip; circumcise; cut out; remove; diminish;
CIRCUMCIDANEUS, CIRCUMCIDANEA, CIRCUMCIDANEUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \must from second pressing of grapes after projecting mass is cut and put back;
CIRCUMCINGO, CIRCUMCINGERE, CIRCUMCINXI, CIRCUMCINCTUS: V 3 1 \surround, enclose; lie around, be round; surround/encircle (with);
CIRCUMCIRCO, CIRCUMCIRCARE, CIRCUMCIRCAVI, CIRCUMCIRCATUS: V 1 1 \encircle, surround; border; skirt; circulate/wander through; go/measure round;
CIRCUMCIRCA: ADV POS \round about, on all sides; round about the body; (strengthened circum);
CIRCUMCISUS, CIRCUMCISA, CIRCUMCISUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \sheer on all sides, cut off; limited; short, brief, pruned of excess, abridged;
CIRCUMCISE: ADV POS \concisely; briefly;
CIRCUMCISICIUS, CIRCUMCISICIA, CIRCUMCISICIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \must/juice of second press of grapes after projecting mass is cut and put back;
CIRCUMCISIO, CIRCUMCISIONIS: N 3 1 F \cutting around (physical/moral); circumcision;
CIRCUMCISITIUS, CIRCUMCISITIA, CIRCUMCISITIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \must/juice of second press of grapes after projecting mass is cut and put back;
CIRCUMCISORIUM, CIRCUMCISORII: N 2 2 N \instrument for cutting around; (ringing bark on a tree?); (for circumcision?);
CIRCUMCISURA, CIRCUMCISURAE: N 1 1 F \cutting round/ringing (bark of trees);
CIRCUMCLAUDO, CIRCUMCLAUDERE, CIRCUMCLAUSI, CIRCUMCLAUSUS: V 3 1 \surround; encircle/enclose/build round (w/structure); hedge/shut in, circumvent;
CIRCUMCLUDO, CIRCUMCLUDERE, CIRCUMCLUSI, CIRCUMCLUSUS: V 3 1 \surround; encircle/enclose/build round (w/structure); hedge/shut in, circumvent;
CIRCUMCOLA, CIRCUMCOLAE: N 1 1 C \people/tribe dwelling around/nearby/in the vicinity; the locals;
CIRCUMCOLO, CIRCUMCOLERE, -, -: V 3 1 \dwell round about/around/nearby/in the vicinity of;
CIRCUMCORDIALIS, CIRCUMCORDIALIS, CIRCUMCORDIALE: ADJ 3 2 POS \around the heart, heart-; (e.g.blood);
CIRCUMCURRO, CIRCUMCURRERE, CIRCUMCURRI, CIRCUMCURSUS: V 3 1 \run/extend round/about the periphery (of structures);
CIRCUMCURRENS, (GEN.), CIRCUMCURRENTIS: ADJ 3 1 POS \that encircles/bounds (figure), surrounding/bounding/bordering, running around;
CIRCUMCURSO, CIRCUMCURSARE, CIRCUMCURSAVI, CIRCUMCURSATUS: V 1 1 \run about; run round (of person); run about (of things), revolve;
CIRCUMCURSIO, CIRCUMCURSIONIS: N 3 1 F \running about/round;
CIRCUMDO, CIRCUMDARE, CIRCUMDEDI, CIRCUMDATUS: V 1 1 \surround; envelop, post/put/place/build around; enclose; beset; pass around;
CIRCUMDATUS, CIRCUMDATI: N 2 1 M \the surrounding soldiers/men (pl.); those around;
CIRCUMDATIO, CIRCUMDATIONIS: N 3 1 F \putting/placing around;
CIRCUMDOLO, CIRCUMDOLARE, CIRCUMDOLAVI, CIRCUMDOLATUS: V 1 1 \chop around with an ax; hew off around (L+S);
CIRCUMDUCO, CIRCUMDUCERE, CIRCUMDUXI, CIRCUMDUCTUS: V 3 1 \lead out of the way/round about; cheat, mislead, trick out of; take/go around;
CIRCUMDUCO, CIRCUMDUCERE, CIRCUMDUXI, CIRCUMDUCTUS: V 3 1 \|lead/wheel/draw a line/ring around/in a circle; prolong (sound); build around;
CIRCUMDUCTUM, CIRCUMDUCTI: N 2 2 N \period (rhetoric), complete sentence/thought, expansion of a thought;
CIRCUMDUCTUS, CIRCUMDUCTUS: N 4 1 M \perimeter, circumference, measurement around; motion in a circle, revolution;
CIRCUMDUCTIO, CIRCUMDUCTIONIS: N 3 1 F \circuit, perimeter; indirect course; cheating/trick; complete sentence, period;
CIRCUMDUCTOR, CIRCUMDUCTORIS: N 3 1 M \one who leads about/converts (another);
CIRCUMEO, CIRCUMIRE, CIRCUMIVI(II), CIRCUMITUS: V 6 1 \encircle, surround; border; skirt; circulate/wander through; go/measure round;
CIRCUMERRO, CIRCUMERRARE, CIRCUMERRAVI, CIRCUMERRATUS: V 1 1 \wander/prowl/meander/stroll/hover around; orbit, go around in orbit (planet);
CIRCUMFERO, CIRCUMFERRE, CIRCUMTULI, CIRCUMLATUS: V 3 2 \carry/hand/pass/spread/move/take/cast around (in a circle); publicize; divulge;
CIRCUMFINIO, CIRCUMFINIRE, CIRCUMFINIVI, CIRCUMFINITUS: V 3 4 \complete a circle; bring to an end;
CIRCUMFLO, CIRCUMFLARE, CIRCUMFLAVI, CIRCUMFLATUS: V 1 1 \blow around; blow on/assail from all sides; veer around (wind);
CIRCUMFLECTO, CIRCUMFLECTERE, CIRCUMFLEXI, CIRCUMFLEXUS: V 3 1 \bend/turn (course) around (pivot/turning point); prolong/circumflex (a vowel);
CIRCUMFLEXUS, CIRCUMFLEXUS: N 4 1 M \action of bending around; rounded form, vault; winding (L+S) circuit;
CIRCUMFLEXE: ADV POS \with circumflex/prolonged sound;
CIRCUMFLEXIBILIS, CIRCUMFLEXIBILIS, CIRCUMFLEXIBILE: ADJ 3 2 POS \provided with a circumflex/prolonged accent;
CIRCUMFLEXIO, CIRCUMFLEXIONIS: N 3 1 F \bending/winding/coiling around;
CIRCUMFLUUS, CIRCUMFLUA, CIRCUMFLUUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \flowing/flowed around; encircled/surrounded/skirted by (water); immersed;
CIRCUMFLUO, CIRCUMFLUERE, CIRCULFLUXI, CIRCULFLUXUS: V 3 1 \flow/crowd/flock around; overflow; have/be in abundance, be rich/well supplied;
CIRCUMFODIO, CIRCUMFODERE, CIRCUMFODI, CIRCUMFOSSUS: V 3 1 \dig around, ease the earth around (plants); surround (trees) with a trench;
CIRCUMFORANUS, CIRCUMFORANA, CIRCUMFORANUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \itinerant, that travels to market; connected with the business of the forum;
CIRCUMFORANEUS, CIRCUMFORANEA, CIRCUMFORANEUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \itinerant, that travels to market; of/connected with business of/around forum;
CIRCUMFOSSOR, CIRCUMFOSSORIS: N 3 1 M \one who digs around (plants/something);
CIRCUMFOSSURA, CIRCUMFOSSURAE: N 1 1 F \digging around; (plants/trees);
CIRCUMFRACTUS, CIRCUMFRACTA, CIRCUMFRACTUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \broken (off) around; precipitous;
CIRCUMFREMO, CIRCUMFREMERE, CIRCUMFREMUI, CIRCUMFREMITUS: V 3 1 \roar/growl/utter cries of anger/protest/make a noise round;
CIRCUMFULGEO, CIRCUMFULGERE, CIRCUMFULSI, -: V 2 1 \shine/glow round about;
CIRCUMFUNDO, CIRCUMFUNDERE, CIRCUMFUNDI, CIRCUMFUSUS: V 3 1 \pour/drape/crowd around; cause (water) to go round/part; surround; distribute;
CIRCUMFUSUS, CIRCUMFUSA, CIRCUMFUSUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \surrounded; draped around; distributed; extra, superfluous;
CIRCUMGARRIENS, (GEN.), CIRCUMGARRIENTIS: ADJ 3 1 POS \babbling, babbling about;
CIRCUMGESTATOR, CIRCUMGESTATORIS: N 3 1 M \one who bears/carries round;
CIRCUMGLOBO, CIRCUMGLOBARE, CIRCUMGLOBAVI, CIRCUMGLOBATUS: V 1 1 \form a ball/cluster/sphere (around something);
CIRCUMGLOBATUS, CIRCUMGLOBATA, CIRCUMGLOBATUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \rolled together; formed in a ball; clustered;
CIRCUMGREDIOR, CIRCUMGREDI, -, CIRCUMGRESSUS SUM: V 3 1 \go round behind by a flanking movement; walk/travel about (in hostile manner);
CIRCUMGRESSUS, CIRCUMGRESSUS: N 4 1 M \going about; compass/circuit/scope (of a thing);
CIRCUMHISCO, CIRCUMHISCERE, -, -: V 3 1 \stare at with open/gaping mouth;
CIRCUMIO, CIRCUMERE, -, -: V 3 1 \encircle, surround; border; skirt; circulate/wander through; go/measure round;
CIRCUMICIO, CIRCUMICERE, CIRCUMJECI, CIRCUMJECTUS: V 3 1 \cast/throw or place/put/build around; put on the flank of; encompass/envelop;
CIRCUMINVOLVO, CIRCUMINVOLVERE, CIRCUMINVOLVI, CIRCUMINVOLUTUS: V 3 1 \involve/cover all around, enclose, envelop;
CIRCUMITUS, CIRCUMITUS: N 4 1 M \going round; patrol/circuit; way/path round; circumference; outer surface/edge;
CIRCUMITUS, CIRCUMITUS: N 4 1 M \|revolution, spinning, rotation; (recurring) cycle; period; circumlocution;
CIRCUMITIO, CIRCUMITIONIS: N 3 1 F \going round; patrol, the rounds; passage/structure around (a building);
CIRCUMITIO, CIRCUMITIONIS: N 3 1 F \|rotation, revolution; rate of revolution; orbit; circumference; circumlocution;
CIRCUMITOR, CIRCUMITORIS: N 3 1 M \watchman, patrol; one making the rounds/circuit;
CIRCUMJACEO, CIRCUMJACERE, CIRCUMJACUI, CIRCUMJACITUS: V 2 1 \lie near/round about, border on; (of persons, places, objects);
CIRCUMJACEO, CIRCUMJACERE, -, -: V 2 1 \lie near/around; (places/persons/objects); border upon (L+S);
CIRCUMJACENS, (GEN.), CIRCUMJACENTIS: ADJ 3 1 POS \situated in the neighborhood, lying round about; situated round (in a sentence);
CIRCUMJACENS, CIRCUMJACENTIS: N 3 3 C \neighboring/nearby things/words (pl.), words situated around/about (in sentence)
CIRCUMJACENTIUM, CIRCUMJACENTII: N 2 2 N \context (pl.), things/material around;
CIRCUMJECTUS, CIRCUMJECTA, CIRCUMJECTUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \surrounding, lying/situated around; enveloping, surrounding;
CIRCUMJECTUM, CIRCUMJECTI: N 2 2 N \neighborhood (pl.), surroundings;
CIRCUMJECTUS, CIRCUMJECTUS: N 4 1 M \encircling/surrounding/encompassing/embrace; lying/casting around; wrap, cloak;
CIRCUMJECTIO, CIRCUMJECTIONIS: N 3 1 F \throwing around, casting about; putting on/donning (clothing), dressing;
CIRCUMJICIO, CIRCUMJICERE, CIRCUMJECI, CIRCUMJECTUS: V 3 1 \cast/throw or place/put/build around; put on the flank of; encompass/envelop;
CIRCUMLABENS, (GEN.), CIRCUMLABENTIS: ADJ 3 1 POS \gliding/sliding around;
CIRCUMLATICIUS, CIRCUMLATICIA, CIRCUMLATICIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \portable, that may be carried around;
CIRCUMLATIO, CIRCUMLATIONIS: N 3 1 F \revolution, circuit; a carrying around (L+S);
CIRCUMLATITIUS, CIRCUMLATITIA, CIRCUMLATITIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \portable, that may be carried around;
CIRCUMLATOR, CIRCUMLATORIS: N 3 1 M \one who carries around/about;
CIRCUMLAVO, CIRCUMLAVARE, CIRCUMLAVI, CIRCUMLAUTUS: V 1 1 \wash round about/around, wash the side of; flow all around (waters) (L+S);
CIRCUMLAVO, CIRCUMLAVERE, -, CIRCUMLOTUS: V 3 1 \wash round about/around, wash the side of; flow all around (waters) (L+S);
CIRCUMLEGO, CIRCUMLEGARE, CIRCUMLEGI, CIRCUMLECTUS: V 1 1 \sail round; compassing by the shore (Vulgate Acts 28:13);
CIRCUMLIGO, CIRCUMLIGARE, CIRCUMLIGAVI, CIRCUMLIGATUS: V 1 1 \bind around/to; encircle, surround; attach, fasten; pass/wrap around, bandage;
CIRCUMLINO, CIRCUMLINERE, CIRCUMLEVI, CIRCUMLITUS: V 3 1 \smear/anoint all over (with); decorate, daub/paint around, paint background;
CIRCUMLINIO, CIRCUMLINIRE, -, -: V 3 4 \smear/anoint all over (with); decorate, daub/paint around, paint background;
CIRCUMLITIO, CIRCUMLITIONIS: N 3 1 F \anointing round about/over; coating/smearing/covering/painting (w/paint/like);
CIRCUMLITIO, CIRCUMLITIONIS: N 3 1 F \|overlaying of color (painting); tint/hue given to marble by rubbing w/oil/wax;
CIRCUMLOCUTIO, CIRCUMLOCUTIONIS: N 3 1 F \circumlocution, periphrasis;
CIRCUMLOQUOR, CIRCUMLOQUI, -, CIRCUMLOCUTUS SUM: V 3 1 \make use of circumlocution/periphrasis;
CIRCUMLUO, CIRCUMLUERE, CIRCUMLUI, CIRCUMLUTUS: V 3 1 \wash or flow around; skirt; surround; wash upon (L+S);
CIRCUMLUCEO, CIRCUMLUCERE, CIRCUMLUXI, -: V 2 1 \shine round, illuminate;
CIRCUMLUCENS, (GEN.), CIRCUMLUCENTIS: ADJ 3 1 POS \shining/glittering around;
CIRCUMLUSTRO, CIRCUMLUSTRARE, CIRCUMLUSTRAVI, CIRCUMLUSTRATUS: V 1 1 \traverse (in circular course), pace around; go around (in purifying ceremony);
CIRCUMLUVIUM, CIRCUMLUVII: N 2 2 N \formation of alluvial land (in middle of river); land so formed; right to it;
CIRCUMLUVIO, CIRCUMLUVIONIS: N 3 1 F \formation of alluvial land (in middle of river); land so formed; right to it;
CIRCUMMINGO, CIRCUMMINGERE, CIRCUMMIXI, CIRCUMMIXTUS: V 3 1 \urinate/make water round/over (something);
CIRCUMMITTO, CIRCUMMITTERE, CIRCUMMISI, CIRCUMMISSUS: V 3 1 \send around/to different parts (embassies/missions); send round, flank;
CIRCUMMOENIO, CIRCUMMOENIRE, CIRCUMMOENIVI, CIRCUMMOENITUS: V 3 4 \invest with walls/siege works; wall/hem in, secure; fence around; fortify;
CIRCUMMULCEO, CIRCUMMULCERE, CIRCUMMULSI, CIRCUMMULSUS: V 2 1 \lick round, caress (with the tongue);
CIRCUMMULCENS, (GEN.), CIRCUMMULCENTIS: ADJ 3 1 POS \licking gently around;
CIRCUMMUNIO, CIRCUMMUNIRE, CIRCUMMUNIVI, CIRCUMMUNITUS: V 3 4 \invest with walls/siege works; wall/hem in, secure; fence around; fortify;
CIRCUMMUNTIO, CIRCUMMUNTIONIS: N 3 1 F \surrounding with walls or siege works; investing a town;
CIRCUMMURANUS, CIRCUMMURANA, CIRCUMMURANUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \around the walls; with the neighboring nations;
CIRCUMNASCENS, (GEN.), CIRCUMNASCENTIS: ADJ 3 1 POS \growing up/being raised/springing forth around;
CIRCUMNECTO, CIRCUMNECTERE, CIRCUMNEXUI, CIRCUMNEXUS: V 3 1 \wrap/bind around; surround, envelop;
CIRCUMOBRUO, CIRCUMOBRUERE, CIRCUMOBRUI, CIRCUMOBRUTUS: V 3 1 \heap up earth around; cover/wrap around (L+S);
CIRCUMORNATUS, CIRCUMORNATA, CIRCUMORNATUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \ornamented round about/all around;
CIRCUMPADANUS, CIRCUMPADANA, CIRCUMPADANUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \lying/found/situated beside the Po river;
CIRCUMPENDEO, CIRCUMPENDERE, CIRCUMPENDI, -: V 2 1 \hang around, be suspended all around;
CIRCUMPES, CIRCUMPEDIS: N 3 1 C \that is around the foot; kind of parasite (of the foot?); covering for the foot;
CIRCUMPLAUDO, CIRCUMPLAUDERE, CIRCUMPLAUSI, CIRCUMPLAUSUS: V 3 1 \surround with applause, applaud/greet/clap all around;
CIRCUMPLECTO, CIRCUMPLECTERE, CIRCUMPLEXI, CIRCUMPLEXUS: V 3 1 \encompass; embrace/clasp; surround/encircle; enclose (w/wall); cover roundabout;
CIRCUMPLECTOR, CIRCUMPLECTI, -, CIRCUMPLEXUS SUM: V 3 1 \encompass; embrace; surround, encircle; enclose (w/wall); cover round about;
CIRCUMPLEXUS, CIRCUMPLEXUS: N 4 1 M \coiling around, encircling, embracing; latitudinal zone/band (of sky);
CIRCUMPLICO, CIRCUMPLICARE, CIRCUMPLICAVI, CIRCUMPLICATUS: V 1 1 \coil round (like a snake); wind (a strip) around; twine/bend around;
CIRCUMPLUMBO, CIRCUMPLUMBARE, CIRCUMPLUMBAVI, CIRCUMPLUMBATUS: V 1 1 \coat (all over) with lead; pour lead all around (L+S);
CIRCUMPONO, CIRCUMPONERE, CIRCUMPOSUI, CIRCUMPOSITUS: V 3 1 \put/set/place (all) around/on either side of; confer (Souter);
CIRCUMPOSITIO, CIRCUMPOSITIONIS: N 3 1 F \setting/placing around;
CIRCUMPOTATIO, CIRCUMPOTATIONIS: N 3 1 F \passing round, practice of drinking around by passing a cup round the company;
CIRCUMPULSO, CIRCUMPULSARE, CIRCUMPULSAVI, CIRCUMPULSATUS: V 1 1 \assail/beat/pulsate from every side; (with noise, etc);
CIRCUMPURGO, CIRCUMPURGARE, CIRCUMPURGAVI, CIRCUMPURGATUS: V 1 1 \clear/clean/purify/free from adhesions all around/round about;
CIRCUMQUAQUE: ADV POS \on every side; all around;
CIRCUMRASIO, CIRCUMRASIONIS: N 3 1 F \action of scraping round the surface (of); scraping/paring around;
CIRCUMRODO, CIRCUMRODERE, CIRCUMROSI, CIRCUMROSUS: V 3 1 \nibble/gnaw/talk all round, eat off the outer part of; speak about; slander;
CIRCUMROTO, CIRCUMROTARE, CIRCUMROTAVI, CIRCUMROTATUS: V 1 1 \cause to revolve/rotate; turn/whirl around; turn around in a circle;
CIRCUMSAEPIO, CIRCUMSAEPERE, CIRCUMSAEPSI, CIRCUMSAEPTUS: V 3 1 \fence/hedge round/in, enclose, surround;
CIRCUMSAEPTUS, CIRCUMSAEPTA, CIRCUMSAEPTUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \fenced/hedged in, enclosed, walled in; surrounded, encircled;
CIRCUMSCINDO, CIRCUMSCINDERE, CIRCUMSCINDI, CIRCUMSCISSUS: V 3 1 \tear/rip/strip (all around) (the clothes of);
CIRCUMSCRIBO, CIRCUMSCRIBERE, CIRCUMSCRIPI, CIRCUMSCRIPTUS: V 3 1 \abridge, write concise form/well-turned phrase; cheat, impose on; circumvent;
CIRCUMSCRIBO, CIRCUMSCRIBERE, CIRCUMSCRIPI, CIRCUMSCRIPTUS: V 3 1 \|draw a line/circle around; circumscribe; hem in, confine, restrict; rule out;
CIRCUMSCRIPTUS, CIRCUMSCRIPTA -UM, CIRCUMSCRIPTIOR -OR -US, CIRCUMSCRIPTISSIMUS -A -: ADJ 1 1 X \concisely expressed, succinct; compressed; rounded-off into periods, periodic;
CIRCUMSCRIPTE: ADV POS \concisely, succinctly; summarily; in periods/periodic style;
CIRCUMSCRIPTIO, CIRCUMSCRIPTIONIS: N 3 1 F \circle, circumference; boundary; outline; cheating, fraud; periodic sentence;
CIRCUMSCRIPTOR, CIRCUMSCRIPTORIS: N 3 1 M \cheat; defrauder, deceiver; he who makes void/annuls;
CIRCUMSECUS: ADV POS \round about, around, round; in the parts/region around; on every side;
CIRCUMSEDEO, CIRCUMSEDERE, CIRCUMSEDI, CIRCUMSESSUS: V 2 1 \besiege/invest/blockade; surround, mob (person), beset; sit/live/settle round;
CIRCUMSEPIO, CIRCUMSEPERE, CIRCUMSEPSI, CIRCUMSEPTUS: V 3 1 \fence/hedge round/in, enclose, surround;
CIRCUMSEPTUS, CIRCUMSEPTA, CIRCUMSEPTUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \fenced/hedged in, enclosed, walled in; surrounded, encircled;
CIRCUMSERO, CIRCUMSERERE, CIRCUMSEVI, CIRCUMSATUS: V 3 1 \plant/sow/set round (something);
CIRCUMSESSIO, CIRCUMSESSIONIS: N 3 1 F \surrounding, mobbing; besieging; hostile encompassing (L+S);
CIRCUMSIDEO, CIRCUMSIDERE, CIRCUMSIDI, CIRCUMSISSUS: V 2 1 \besiege/invest/blockade; surround, mob (person), beset; sit/live/settle round;
CIRCUMSIDO, CIRCUMSIDERE, CIRCUMSIDI, CIRCUMSISSUS: V 3 1 \besiege/invest/blockade; surround, mob (person), beset; sit/live/settle round;
CIRCUMSILIO, CIRCUMSILIRE, -, -: V 3 4 \leap/spring/hop round;
CIRCUMSISTO, CIRCUMSISTERE, CIRCUMSTITI, CIRCUMSTATUS: V 3 1 \stand/gather/crowd/take a stand around; surround, beset; be on either side;
CIRCUMSITUS, CIRCUMSITA, CIRCUMSITUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \lying/situated around; neighboring;
CIRCUMSOCIUS, CIRCUMSOCIA, CIRCUMSOCIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \neighborly, in friendly neighborhood;
CIRCUMSONUS, CIRCUMSONA, CIRCUMSONUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \sounding/making a loud noise round about; filling/filled with sounds/noise;
CIRCUMSONO, CIRCUMSONARE, CIRCUMSONAVI, CIRCUMSONATUS: V 1 1 \resound on every side; echo round; surround/be filled (with noise/sound);
CIRCUMSPECTUS, CIRCUMSPECTUS: N 4 1 M \survey/looking round/spying; visual examination; commanding view; contemplation;
CIRCUMSPECTO, CIRCUMSPECTARE, CIRCUMSPECTAVI, CIRCUMSPECTATUS: V 1 1 \look about (searchingly), search about; examine, watch (suspiciously), be alert;
CIRCUMSPECTUS, CIRCUMSPECTA -UM, CIRCUMSPECTIOR -OR -US, CIRCUMSPECTISSIMUS -A -U: ADJ 1 1 X \worthy of consideration, respected; distinguished;
CIRCUMSPECTUS, CIRCUMSPECTA -UM, CIRCUMSPECTIOR -OR -US, CIRCUMSPECTISSIMUS -A -U: ADJ 1 1 X \well considered, weighed with care, prudent; guarded/circumspect; cautious/wary;
CIRCUMSPECTATRIX, CIRCUMSPECTATRICIS: N 3 1 F \female spy, she who goes around/spies; she who goes round making eyes (at);
CIRCUMSPECTE, CIRCUMSPECTIUS, CIRCUMSPECTISSIME: ADV X \warily/cautiously/circumspectly; carefully/meticulously; w/mature deliberation;
CIRCUMSPECTIO, CIRCUMSPECTIONIS: N 3 1 F \careful consideration; looking on all sides (L+S); foresight, caution;
CIRCUMSPECTOR, CIRCUMSPECTORIS: N 3 1 M \watcher; watchman; spy; all seeing;
CIRCUMSPERGO, CIRCUMSPERGERE, CIRCUMSPERSI, CIRCUMSPERSUS: V 3 1 \sprinkle/spray round about/around; strew/scatter round about/around (L+S);
CIRCUMSPICIO, CIRCUMSPICERE, CIRCUMSPEXI, CIRCUMSPECTUS: V 3 1 \look around/over/for, survey; inspect; search for/seek; examine/review; ponder;
CIRCUMSPICIENTIA, CIRCUMSPICIENTIAE: N 1 1 F \caution, watchfulness; consideration, deliberation (L+S);
CIRCUMSTO, CIRCUMSTARE, CIRCUMSTETI, CIRCUMSTATUS: V 1 1 \stand/gather/crowd around, surround, beset; be on either side;
CIRCUMSTANS, CIRCUMSTANTIS: N 3 3 M \by-stander (usu. pl.);
CIRCUMSTANTIA, CIRCUMSTANTIAE: N 1 1 F \encircling position/troop; closing of fluid round passing object; circumstance;
CIRCUMSTATIO, CIRCUMSTATIONIS: N 3 1 F \circle/circular group (of people); a standing around (L+S);
CIRCUMSTREPO, CIRCUMSTREPERE, CIRCUMSTREPUI, CIRCUMSTREPITUS: V 3 1 \make a noise around; surround with noise; shout/cry clamorously around (person);
CIRCUMSTRIDENS, (GEN.), CIRCUMSTRIDENTIS: ADJ 3 1 POS \shrieking/yelling//jabbering around;
CIRCUMSTRINGO, CIRCUMSTRINGERE, CIRCUMSTRINXI, CIRCUMSTRICTUS: V 3 1 \bind about, put on; tie around, surround, clothe with;
CIRCUMSTRUO, CIRCUMSTRUERE, CIRCUMSTRUXI, CIRCUMSTRUCTUS: V 3 1 \build round, surround with a structure (externally/internally);
CIRCUMSTUPEO, CIRCUMSTUPERE, CIRCUMSTUPUI, -: V 2 1 \hang sluggishly round; look around with amazement, stand around amazed (L+S);
CIRCUMSUDO, CIRCUMSUDARE, CIRCUMSUDAVI, CIRCUMSUDATUS: V 1 1 \sweat/be moist all around/on all sides;
CIRCUMSUTUS, CIRCUMSUTA, CIRCUMSUTUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \surrounded/enclosed in by means of sewing/stitching; sewed together all round;
CIRCUMTENTUS, CIRCUMTENTA, CIRCUMTENTUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \covered/bound with (something); that is stretched/drawn around; begirt;
CIRCUMTERO, CIRCUMTERERE, CIRCUMTRIVI, CIRCUMTRITUS: V 3 1 \rub/press/stand close/crowd on all sides; wear/rub away all around;
CIRCUMTEXTUS, CIRCUMTEXTA, CIRCUMTEXTUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \embroidered all around/round about; woven all around (L+S);
CIRCUMTEXTUM, CIRCUMTEXTI: N 2 2 N \garment inwoven with purple;
CIRCUMTINNIO, CIRCUMTINNIRE, CIRCUMTINNIVI, CIRCUMTINNITUS: V 3 4 \clash/ring/tinkle round about/all around;
CIRCUMTOLLO, CIRCUMTOLLERE, -, -: V 3 1 \remove from every side; take/lift away all around;
CIRCUMTONO, CIRCUMTONARE, CIRCUMTONAVI, CIRCUMTONATUS: V 1 1 \make a loud noise/clamor round; thunder round;
CIRCUMTONSUS, CIRCUMTONSA, CIRCUMTONSUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \having the hair cut/trimmed/shorn all around; elaborate, artificial (L+S);
CIRCUMTORQUEO, CIRCUMTORQUERE, CIRCUMTOSI, CIRCUMTORTUS: V 2 1 \pull/twist/turn/wind/bend/spin round;
CIRCUMTREMO, CIRCUMTREMERE, CIRCUMTREMUI, -: V 3 1 \shake/tremble all around;
CIRCUMUNDIQUE: ADV POS \round about on all sides; from everywhere around;
CIRCUMUSTUS, CIRCUMUSTA, CIRCUMUSTUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \burnt round/around/on all sides;
CIRCUMVADO, CIRCUMVADERE, CIRCUMVASI, -: V 3 1 \form a ring round, surround, encompass, beset, attack/assail on every side;
CIRCUMVAGUS, CIRCUMVAGA, CIRCUMVAGUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \moving/wandering round; encircling, flowing around;
CIRCUMVAGOR, CIRCUMVAGARI, -, CIRCUMVAGATUS SUM: V 1 1 \travel/wander/roam around/about; (person, sound, etc); encircle;
CIRCUMVALLO, CIRCUMVALLARE, CIRCUMVALLAVI, CIRCUMVALLATUS: V 1 1 \surround with wall/siegeworks; blockade; beset, surround with troops/barriers;
CIRCUMVECTO, CIRCUMVECTARE, -, CIRCUMVECTATUS: V 1 1 \carry/transport round/from place to place; describe; sail/travel round;
CIRCUMVECTIO, CIRCUMVECTIONIS: N 3 1 F \circular course, revolution; transport/carrying round (from place to place);
CIRCUMVECTITOR, CIRCUMVECTITARI, -, CIRCUMVECTITATUS SUM: V 1 1 \travel about; visit in succession;
CIRCUMVEHOR, CIRCUMVEHI, -, CIRCUMVECTUS SUM: V 3 1 \make the rounds of; travel/ride round/in succession/past; flow round (sea);
CIRCUMVENIO, CIRCUMVENIRE, CIRCUMVENI, CIRCUMVENTUS: V 3 4 \encircle, surround; assail, beset; enclose; circumvent; defraud/trick; surpass;
CIRCUMVENTIO, CIRCUMVENTIONIS: N 3 1 F \trickery, fraud, circumvention;
CIRCUMVENTOR, CIRCUMVENTORIS: N 3 1 M \defrauder, deceiver, cheat;
CIRCUMVERSOR, CIRCUMVERSARI, -, CIRCUMVERSATUS SUM: V 1 1 \turn about repeatedly; spin/whirl about/around;
CIRCUMVERSIO, CIRCUMVERSIONIS: N 3 1 F \action of turning around/revolving, revolution;
CIRCUMVERTO, CIRCUMVERTERE, CIRCUMVERTI, CIRCUMVERSUS: V 3 1 \free (a slave) by manumission; (PASS) turn (oneself) round, revolve (round);
CIRCUMVESTIO, CIRCUMVESTIRE, CIRCUMVESTIVI, CIRCUMVESTITUS: V 3 4 \clothe, cover over, surround with a covering; wrap up (in words); cloak;
CIRCUMVISO, CIRCUMVISERE, CIRCUMVISI, CIRCUMVISUS: V 3 1 \look round at; glare round upon;
CIRCUMVOLO, CIRCUMVOLARE, CIRCUMVOLAVI, CIRCUMVOLATUS: V 1 1 \fly/hover/flutter around; run/hasten/rush around;
CIRCUMVOLITO, CIRCUMVOLITARE, CIRCUMVOLITAVI, CIRCUMVOLITATUS: V 1 1 \fly around/round about/over; (of horsemen/horses' hooves); frequent; flit;
CIRCUMVOLVO, CIRCUMVOLVERE, CIRCUMVOLVI, CIRCUMVOLUTUS: V 3 1 \roll/revolve round, twine/coil around; wind around (w/something);
CIRCUMVORSOR, CIRCUMVORSARI, -, CIRCUMVORSATUS SUM: V 1 1 \turn about repeatedly; spin/whirl about/around;
CIRCUMVORTO, CIRCUMVORTERE, CIRCUMVORTI, CIRCUMVORSUS: V 3 1 \free (a slave) by manumission; (PASS) turn (oneself) round, revolve (round);
CIRCUNDO, CIRCUNDARE, CIRCUNDEDI, CIRCUNDATUS: V 1 1 \surround; envelop, post/put/place/build around; enclose; beset; pass around;
CIRIS, CIRIS: N 3 3 F \mythical bird into which Scylla daughter of Nisus was changed; bird; fish;
CIRRUS, CIRRI: N 2 1 M \curl, curly lock, ringlet; tuft (on bird head/oyster's beard/tentacles; fringe;
CIRRATUS, CIRRATA, CIRRATUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \curly-haired; having curled hair/ringlets; fringed (L+S);
CIRRATUS, CIRRATI: N 2 1 M \curly-haired boy; schoolboys (pl.);
CIRRITUS, CIRRITA, CIRRITUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \tufted, bearded; (epithet of a variety of pear?); having filaments (L+S);
CIRSION, CIRSII: N 2 8 N \kind of thistle;
CIRSOCELE, CIRSOCELES: N 1 6 F \vericocele, varicose condition/dilatation of the veins of the spermatic chord;
CIS: PREP ACC \on/to this/near side of, short of; before, within (time);
CISALPINUS, CISALPINA, CISALPINUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \lying on the south side of the Alps; (Cisalpine Gaul => Northern Italy);
CISANUS, CISANI: N 2 1 M \driver of a cissium (light two-wheeled carriage);
CISARIUS, CISARII: N 2 1 M \driver of a cissium (light two-wheeled carriage);
CISIUM, CISI(I): N 2 4 N \light two-wheeled carriage; light wheeled vehicle; cabriolet;
CISMONTANUS, CISMONTANA, CISMONTANUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \that dwells/situated on this/near side of the mountains;
CISORIUM, CISORII: N 2 2 N \cutting instrument; (for bone);
CISSOS, CISSI: N 2 6 F \ivy;
CISSANTHEMUS, CISSANTHEMI: N 2 1 F \honeysuckle; plant similar to ivy (L+S);
CISSANTHEMOS, CISSANTHEMI: N 2 6 F \honeysuckle; plant similar to ivy (L+S);
CISSAROS, CISSARI: N 2 6 F \plant; (also called chrysanthemon);
CISSARON, CISSARI: N 2 8 N \plant; (also called chrysanthemon);
CISSION, CISSII: N 2 8 N \small ivy;
CISSITIS, CISSITIDIS: N 3 1 F \precious stone; (of the color of ivy leaves L+S);
CISSYBIUM, CISSYBII: N 2 2 N \cup of ivy-wood;
CISTA, CISTAE: N 1 1 F \chest/box (usu. made of wicker); box for sacred ceremonial objects; ballot box;
CISTARIUS, CISTARII: N 2 1 M \guardian of the chest or wardrobe;
CISTELLA, CISTELLAE: N 1 1 F \small box/casket/chest;
CISTELLATRIX, CISTELLATRICIS: N 3 1 F \woman/slave in charge of the clothes chests or wardrobe; (or money-box L+S);
CISTELLULA, CISTELLULAE: N 1 1 F \little/small box/casket/chest; (diminutive of diminutive of cista/box);
CISTERNA, CISTERNAE: N 1 1 F \cistern; underground/sunken tank/reservoir for water storage; (for wine L+S);
CISTERNINUS, CISTERNINA, CISTERNINUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \of/obtained from cisterns, cistern-; (aqua cisternina => stored rain water);
CISTHOS, CISTHI: N 2 6 M \rock rose (Cistus villosus and salvifolius); shrub plant w/red blossoms (L+S);
CISTIFER, CISTIFERI: N 2 3 M \bearer of a casket in religious ceremonies; casket-bearer;
CISTOPHORUS, CISTOPHORI: N 2 1 M \ceremonial casket-bearer; an Asiatic coin w/Dionysus as a ~ (worth 4 drachma);
CISTULA, CISTULAE: N 1 1 F \little/small box/chest; small basket (L+S);
CITO, CITARE, CITAVI, CITATUS: V 1 1 \urge on, encourage; promote, excite; summon; set in motion; move (bowels); cite;
CITUS, CITA -UM, CITIOR -OR -US, CITISSIMUS -A -UM: ADJ 1 1 X \quick, swift, rapid; moving/acting/passing/occurring quickly, speedy; early;
CITATUS, CITATI: N 2 1 M \summons, citation (legal);
CITATUS, CITATUS: N 4 1 M \impulse;
CITATUS, CITATA -UM, CITATIOR -OR -US, CITATISSIMUS -A -UM: ADJ 1 1 X \quick, swift; early; loose (bowels); speeded up, hurried, urged on; full gallop;
CITATE, CITATIUS, CITATISSIME: ADV X \hurriedly; speedily, quickly, rapidly; nimbly (L+S);
CITATIM: ADV POS \hurriedly, quickly; speedily, hastily;
CITATIO, CITATIONIS: N 3 1 F \calling, proclaiming (legal); command (military);
CITATORIUM, CITATORII: N 2 2 N \summoning before a tribunal;
CITE: ADV POS \quickly; rapidly;
CITER, CITERA -UM, CITERIOR -OR -US, CITIMUS -A -UM: ADJ 1 2 X \on this side/near; (COMP) nearer; sooner/earlier, urgent; (SUPER) next; least;
CITERIA, CITERIAE: N 1 1 F \clown; effigy/caricature carried in procession at the games (L+S);
CITERIUS: ADV COMP \short of; to a lesser degree than;
CITHARA, CITHARAE: N 1 1 F \cithara, lyre; lute, guitar (L+S);
CITHARUS, CITHARI: N 2 1 M \kind of flat-fish;
CITHARICEN, CITHARICINIS: N 3 1 M \cithara/lyre player;
CITHARISTA, CITHARISTAE: N 1 1 M \cithara/lyre player;
CITHARISTRIA, CITHARISTRIAE: N 1 1 M \cithara/lyre player (female);
CITHARIZO, CITHARIZARE, CITHARIZAVI, CITHARIZATUS: V 1 1 \play on/strike the cithara/lyre;
CITHAROEDA, CITHAROEDAE: N 1 1 F \female singer-musician; (with self accompaniment on the cithara/lyre);
CITHAROEDUS, CITHAROEDI: N 2 1 M \singer-musician; (with self accompaniment on the cithara/lyre);
CITHAROEDICUS, CITHAROEDICI: N 2 1 M \of/belonging to singer-musician; (on cithara/lyre); for singing to the lyre;
CITIMUS, CITIMA, CITIMUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \that is or is situated nearest;
CITIPES, (GEN.), CITIPEDIS: ADJ 3 1 POS \fleet-footed, swift-footed; swift, fleet;
CITIREMIS, CITIREMIS, CITIREME: ADJ 3 2 POS \swift (of a galley), having swift oars; rowing swiftly (L+S);
CITIVOLUS, CITIVOLA, CITIVOLUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \swiftly flying, swift-flying;
CITO, CITIUS, CITISSIME: ADV X \quickly/fast/speedily, with speed; soon, before long; readily; easily;
CITOCACIUM, CITOCACII: N 2 2 N \plant; (also called chamelaea);
CITRUS, CITRI: N 2 1 M \African citrus tree; (Callitris quadrivalvis?); citron (Citrus medica) (L+S);
CITRUM, CITRI: N 2 2 N \wood of citron tree; furniture/table made of citron/citrus-wood; (expensive);
CITRA: ADV POS \on this/near side of, towards; nearer; short of the mark/amount/degree;
CITRA: PREP ACC \on this/near side of, short of; before; below, less than; without regard to;
CITRAGO, CITRAGINIS: N 3 1 F \citrus plant; lemon balm;
CITRARIUS, CITRARI(I): N 2 4 M \dealer/maker of articles of citron-wood; dealer in lemons (L+S);
CITRATUS, CITRATA, CITRATUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \situated on the near side;
CITRATUS, CITRATA, CITRATUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \treated with citron (tree) oil; steeped in citrus oil (L+S);
CITREUS, CITREA, CITREUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \of/on/made of the citrus tree/wood; of the citron tree (L+S);
CITREA, CITREAE: N 1 1 F \citrus tree;
CITREUS, CITREI: N 2 1 M \fruit of the citrus tree; ;
CITREUM, CITREI: N 2 2 N \fruit of the citrus tree; citron; citron tree; ;
CITREAGO, CITREAGINIS: N 3 1 F \citrus plant; lemon balm;
CITRETUM, CITRETI: N 2 2 N \orchard of citrus trees;
CITRIUM, CITRII: N 2 2 N \kind of gourd;
CITRIARIUS, CITRIARI(I): N 2 4 M \dealer/maker of articles of citron-wood;
CITRO: ADV POS \to this side; (w/ultro/et -> here - there, to - fro); on/by both sides/parties;
CITROSUS, CITROSA, CITROSUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \smelling of the citron tree/wood;
CITUVOLUS, CITUVOLA, CITUVOLUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \swiftly flying, swift-flying;
CIVICUS, CIVICA, CIVICUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \of one's town/city/fellow-citizens; civil, civic; legal, civil (not military);
CIVICA, CIVICAE: N 1 1 F \civic crown/garland of oak-leaves; cognomen;
CIVILIS, CIVILIS, CIVILE: ADJ 3 2 POS \of/affecting fellow citizens; civil; legal; public; political; unassuming;
CIVILE, CIVILIS: N 3 4 N \courtesy; civility;
CIVILITAS, CIVILITATIS: N 3 1 F \science of politics/government; behavior of an ordinary person, unassumingness;
CIVILITER, CIVILIUS, CIVILISSIME: ADV X \in civil sphere, between citizens; as becomes a citizen; civilly, unassumingly;
CIVIS, CIVIS: N 3 3 C \fellow citizen; countryman/woman; citizen, free person; a Roman citizen;
CIVITAS, CIVITATIS: N 3 1 F \community/city/town/state; citizens; citizen rights/citizenship; naturalization;
CIVITATULA, CIVITATULAE: N 1 1 F \(small) city/town; citizenship (in a petty state);
CLABULA, CLABULAE: N 1 1 F \graft or cutting; scion;
CLABULARIS, CLABULARIS, CLABULARE: ADJ 3 2 POS \of/pertaining to large open wagon (used for transporting soldiers); (wicker?);
CLABULARE, CLABULARIS: N 3 4 N \large open wagon (used for transporting soldiers); (with wicker-work sides?);
CLABULARIUS, CLABULARIA, CLABULARIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \of/pertaining to large open wagon (used for transporting soldiers); (wicker?);
CLACENDIX, CLACENDICIS: N 3 1 F \murex, purple-fish; a shellfish from which (royal) purple dye was obtained);
CLADES, CLADIS: N 3 3 F \defeat, reverse; casualties, slaughter/carnage/devastation; ruins; dissolution;
CLADES, CLADIS: N 3 3 F \|disaster, ruin, calamity; plague; pest, bane, scourge (cause of disaster);
CLAGALOPES, CLAGALOPIS: N 3 3 F \species of eagle;
CLAM: ADV POS \secretly, in secret, unknown to; privately; covertly; by fraud;
CLAM: PREP ABL \without the knowledge of, unknown to; concealed/secret from; (rarely w/ABL);
CLAM: PREP ACC \without the knowledge of, unknown to; concealed/secret from; (rarely w/ABL);
CLAMO, CLAMARE, CLAMAVI, CLAMATUS: V 1 1 \proclaim, declare; cry/shout out; shout/call the name of; accompany with shouts;
CLAMATUS, CLAMATUS: N 4 1 M \crying aloud, shouting;
CLAMATOR, CLAMATORIS: N 3 1 M \shouter, bawler, noisy disclaimer;
CLAMATORIUS, CLAMATORIA, CLAMATORIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \screeching, clamorous; shouting; (epithet of an unknown bird - of bad omen);
CLAMIS, CLAMIDIS: N 3 1 F \Greek cloak/cape frequently for military use; state mantle; cloak, mantle;
CLAMITO, CLAMITARE, CLAMITAVI, CLAMITATUS: V 1 1 \cry out, yell; shout repeatedly, clamor; proclaim; name/call repeatedly loudly;
CLAMITATIO, CLAMITATIONIS: N 3 1 F \shouting, bawling; violent crying, clamor, noise (L+S);
CLAMOR, CLAMORIS: N 3 1 M \shout, outcry/protest; loud shouting (approval/joy), applause; clamor/noise/din;
CLAMOR, CLAMORIS: N 3 1 M \|war-cry, battle-cry; roar (thunder/surf); cry of fear/pain/mourning; wailing;
CLAMOSUS, CLAMOSA, CLAMOSUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \given to/marked by/filled with shouting/bawling/yelling; barking (dog), noisy;
CLAMOS, CLAMOSIS: N 3 1 M \shout, outcry/protest; loud shouting (approval/joy), applause; clamor/noise/din;
CLAMOS, CLAMOSIS: N 3 1 M \|war-cry, battle-cry; roar (thunder/surf); cry of fear/pain/mourning; wailing;
CLAMOSE: ADV POS \in a loud voice with shouting; clamorously;
CLAMYS, CLAMYDIS: N 3 1 F \Greek cloak/cape frequently for military use; state mantle; cloak, mantle;
CLAMYS, CLAMYDOS/IS: N 3 7 F \Greek cloak/cape frequently for military use; state mantle; cloak, mantle;
CLANCULARIUS, CLANCULARIA, CLANCULARIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \anonymous; writing in secret; secret, concealed, unknown (L+S);
CLANCULO: ADV POS \secretly; privately (L+S);
CLANCULUM: ADV POS \secretly, by stealth; sub rosa; privately (L+S);
CLANCULUM: PREP ACC \without the knowledge of, secret from;
CLANDESTINUS, CLANDESTINA, CLANDESTINUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \secret, hidden, concealed, clandestine; acting/done/made secretly/silently;
CLANDESTINO: ADV POS \secretly, clandestinely;
CLANGO, CLANGERE, CLANGUI, -: V 3 1 \clang, make ringing noise; sound (horn); scream (eagle); speak w/ringing tone;
CLANGOR, CLANGORIS: N 3 1 M \clang, noise; blare/blast (trumpet); crying/clamor (bird); barking/baying (dog);
CLAROS, CLARI: N 2 6 M \beetle infesting beehives; (regarded by Pliny as a disease);
CLARO, CLARARE, CLARAVI, CLARATUS: V 1 1 \make visible; brighten, light up; make clear, explain; make illustrious/famous;
CLARUS, CLARA -UM, CLARIOR -OR -US, CLARISSIMUS -A -UM: ADJ 1 1 X \clear, bright, gleaming; loud, distinct; evident, plain; illustrious, famous;
CLAREO, CLARERE, -, -: V 2 1 \shine bright/clearly; be clear/plain/understandable/obvious; be famous/renowned;
CLARE, CLARIUS, CLARISSIME: ADV X \aloud; brightly, clearly; lucidly; with distinction/honor, illustriously;
CLARESCO, CLARESCERE, CLARUI, -: V 3 1 \be illuminated; become bright/evident/clear; become loud or famous/notorious;
CLARIGO, CLARIGARE, CLARIGAVI, CLARIGATUS: V 1 1 \demand satisfaction formally (from another state in formal declaration of war);
CLARIGATIO, CLARIGATIONIS: N 3 1 F \satisfaction; reparation, fine; solemn demand for redress (or war in 33 days);
CLARISONUS, CLARISONA, CLARISONUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \loud; clear-sounding, distinct;
CLARISSIMATUS, CLARISSIMATUS: N 4 1 M \the dignity of a Clarissimus (imperial official);
CLARITAS, CLARITATIS: N 3 1 F \clarity/vividness; brightness; distinctness; loudness; celebrity, renown, fame;
CLARITUDO, CLARITUDINIS: N 3 1 F \clearness, brightness; distinctness; loudness; celebrity, distinction, renown;
CLARITUS: ADV POS \clearly, distinctly;
CLARIVIDUS, CLARIVIDA, CLARIVIDUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \seeing clearly; clear sighted;
CLAROR, CLARORIS: N 3 1 M \clarity, brightness;
CLASIS, CLASIS: N 3 3 F \division/class of the Romans; levy/draft, land army; fleet; group/band;
CLASSIARIUS, CLASSIARIA, CLASSIARIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \of the navy/fleet/marines;
CLASSIARIUS, CLASSIARI(I): N 2 4 M \mariner; sailor, seaman; naval forces/personnel (pl.), marines;
CLASSICUS, CLASSICA, CLASSICUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \of/connected with the fleet/sailors; belonging to a/highest citizen class;
CLASSICUS, CLASSICI: N 2 1 M \trumpeter (who summoned the comitia centuriata); sailors (pl.), marines;
CLASSICUM, CLASSICI: N 2 2 N \military trumpet call; war-trumpet (L+S);
CLASSICULA, CLASSICULAE: N 1 1 F \small fleet/flotilla;
CLASSIS, CLASSIS: N 3 3 F \division/class of the Romans; grade (pupils); levy/draft; fleet; group/band;
CLATHRUS, CLATHRA, CLATHRUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \latticed or barred;
CLATHRUS, CLATHRI: N 2 1 M \lattices or bars (pl.); grate; railings;
CLATHRUM, CLATHRI: N 2 2 N \lattices or bars (pl.); grate; railings;
CLATRUS, CLATRI: N 2 1 M \lattices or bars (pl.); grate; railings;
CLATRUM, CLATRI: N 2 2 N \lattices or bars (pl.); grate; railings;
CLATRO, CLATRARE, CLATRAVI, CLATRATUS: V 1 1 \fit with bars or railings;
CLATRATUS, CLATRATA, CLATRATUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \latticed or barred;
CLAUDUS, CLAUDA, CLAUDUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \limping, lame; defective/crippled/imperfect; uneven/halting/wavering/uncertain;
CLAUDEO, CLAUDERE, CLAUSI, CLAUSUS: V 2 1 \limp, stumble/falter/hesitate; be weak/imperfect, fall short; be lame, hobble;
CLAUDO, CLAUDERE, CLAUSI, CLAUSUS: V 3 1 \limp, stumble/falter/hesitate; be weak/imperfect, fall short; be lame, hobble;
CLAUDO, CLAUDERE, CLAUSI, CLAUSUS: V 3 1 \close, shut, block up; conclude, finish; blockade, besiege; enclose; confine;
CLAUDIUS, CLAUDIA, CLAUDIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \Claudius; Roman gens; (Ti. C. Nero Germanicus, Emperor, 41-54 AD); the Lame;
CLAUDIUS, CLAUDI: N 2 5 M \Claudius; (Roman gens name); (Ti. C. Nero Germanicus, Emperor, 41-54 AD); Lame;
CLAUDICO, CLAUDICARE, CLAUDICAVI, CLAUDICATUS: V 1 1 \limp, be lame; waver, incline to one side; be defective/deficient/fall short;
CLAUDICATIO, CLAUDICATIONIS: N 3 1 F \limping; lameness;
CLAUDIGO, CLAUDIGINIS: N 3 1 F \lameness; limping, limp;
CLAUSUS, CLAUSA, CLAUSUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \closed, inaccessible (places); impervious to feeling; shut/locked in, enclosed;
CLAUSUM, CLAUSI: N 2 2 N \enclosed space;
CLAUSTRUM, CLAUSTRI: N 2 2 N \bolt (gate/door); key; bars (pl.), enclosure; barrier; door, gate, bulwark; dam;
CLAUSTRUM, CLAUSTRI: N 2 2 N \|monastery, cloister (often pl.);
CLAUSTRALIS, CLAUSTRALIS, CLAUSTRALE: ADJ 3 2 POS \of/pertaining to a fortress;
CLAUSTRARIUS, CLAUSTRARIA, CLAUSTRARIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \of/pertaining to locks; (~ artifex => locksmith);
CLAUSTRARIUS, CLAUSTRARII: N 2 1 M \maker of door-bolts;
CLAUSTRITUMUS, CLAUSTRITUMI: N 2 1 M \warden of locks;
CLAUSULA, CLAUSULAE: N 1 1 F \conclusion/end (letter/verse/transaction); close (periodic sentence); clause;
CLAUSURA, CLAUSURAE: N 1 1 F \lock/clasp of a necklace; lock, bar, bolt (L+S); castle, fort (late);
CLAVA, CLAVAE: N 1 1 F \club, cudgel; staff; knotty/rough/wooden stick; exercise sword; Spartan scytale;
CLAVUS, CLAVI: N 2 1 M \callus, wart, tumor, excrescence; foul brood in bees; fungus disease in olives;
CLAVUS, CLAVI: N 2 1 M \nail, spike, rivet; purple stripe on tunic; tiller/helm, helm of ship of state;
CLAVO, CLAVARE, -, CLAVATUS: V 1 1 \nail, furnish/fasten with nails; furnish with points/prickles or purple stripe;
CLAVARIUM, CLAVARII: N 2 2 N \nail-money, allowance to soldiers for shoe-nails;
CLAVATUS, CLAVATA, CLAVATUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \furnished/decorated with nails/studs; striped (animal);
CLAVATOR, CLAVATORIS: N 3 1 M \one who fights with a club; one who carries clubs/foils/exercise swords (L+S);
CLAVES, CLAVIS: N 3 3 F \door-key; bar/key for turning a press, lever; hook for bowling a hoop;
CLAVICLARIUS, CLAVICLARII: N 2 1 M \turnkey; keeper of the keys, jailer (L+S);
CLAVICULA, CLAVICULAE: N 1 1 F \(small) key; vine-tendril; pivot; rod, bar, bolt (for door);
CLAVICULARIUS, CLAVICULARII: N 2 1 M \turnkey; keeper of the keys, jailer (L+S);
CLAVIGER, CLAVIGERA, CLAVIGERUM: ADJ 1 2 POS \carrying/armed with a club; (epithet of Hercules); key-bearing (Janus);
CLAVIGER, CLAVIGERI: N 2 3 M \club-bearer, one armed with a club; (epithet of Hercules); key-bearer (Janus);
CLAVIS, CLAVIS: N 3 3 F \door-key; bar/key for turning a press, lever; hook for bowling a hoop;
CLAVOLA, CLAVOLAE: N 1 1 F \graft or cutting; scion;
CLAVULA, CLAVULAE: N 1 1 F \graft or cutting; scion;
CLAVULUS, CLAVULI: N 2 1 M \small nail; tack; small swelling;
CLAVULARIS, CLAVULARIS, CLAVULARE: ADJ 3 2 POS \of/pertaining to large open wagon (used for transporting soldiers); (wicker?);
CLAVULARE, CLAVULARIS: N 3 4 N \large open wagon (used for transporting soldiers); (with wicker-work sides?);
CLAVULARIUS, CLAVULARIA, CLAVULARIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \of/pertaining to large open wagon (used for transporting soldiers); (wicker?);
CLAXENDIX, CLAXENDICIS: N 3 1 F \murex, purple-fish; a shellfish from which (royal) purple dye was obtained);
CLEMA, CLEMATIS: N 3 2 N \knot-grass (Polygonum aviculare);
CLEMATIS, CLEMATIDIS: N 3 1 F \plant; (various kinds of clematis/convolvulus/etc); (climbing plants L+S);
CLEMATIS, CLEMATIDOS/IS: N 3 7 F \plant; (various kinds of clematis/convolvulus/etc);
CLEMATITIS, CLEMATITIDIS: N 3 1 F \plant; species of aristolochia;
CLEMENS, (GEN.), CLEMENTIS: ADJ 3 1 POS \merciful, lenient; mild, gentle, quiet, peaceful, easy, moderate; compliant;
CLEMENTER, CLEMENTIUS, CLEMENTISSIME: ADV X \leniently, mercifully; mildly/softly; slowly/at an easy rate/gradually, gently;
CLEMENTIA, CLEMENTIAE: N 1 1 F \mercy/clemency; compassion; indulgence/forbearance; gentleness, mildness, calm;
CLEONIA, CLEONIAE: N 1 1 F \plant; (also called helenium);
CLEONICION, CLEONICII: N 2 8 N \plant; (also called clinopodion);
CLEOPATRA, CLEOPATRAE: N 1 1 F \Cleopatra; (Queen of Egypt);
CLEOPICETON, CLEOPICETI: N 2 8 N \wild basil (Calamintha clinopodium);
CLEPO, CLEPERE, CLEPSI, CLEPTUS: V 3 1 \steal; take away secretly; overhear, listen secretly; steal/hide oneself away;
CLEPSYDRA, CLEPSYDRAE: N 1 1 F \water-clock; (used for timing speakers); time of one clock (20 minutes);
CLEPSYDRARIUS, CLEPSYDRARII: N 2 1 M \maker of water-clocks;
CLEPTA, CLEPTAE: N 1 1 M \thief;
CLEPTES, CLEPTAE: N 1 7 M \thief;
CLERUS, CLERI: N 2 1 M \clergy, the clerical order;
CLERUS, CLERI: N 2 1 M \allotment of land; assignment by lots (L+S);
CLERICUS, CLERICI: N 2 1 M \clergyman, priest, cleric, clerk; scholar, student, scribe, secretary (Bee);
CLERICATUS, CLERICATUS: N 4 1 M \clerical office;
CLIBANUS, CLIBANI: N 2 1 M \oven; earthen/iron vessel w/small holes/broad bottom for baking/serving bread;
CLIBANARIUS, CLIBANARII: N 2 1 M \soldier clad in mail, cuirassier;
CLIBANICIUS, CLIBANICIA, CLIBANICIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \baked in a clibanus (bread oven); (w/panis => bread baked in a clibanus);
CLIDIUM, CLIDII: N 2 2 N \(parts round the) shoulder-bone of a fish; (tuna L+S);
CLIDION, CLIDII: N 2 8 N \(parts round the) shoulder-bone of a fish; (tuna L+S);
CLIDUCHUS, CLIDUCHI: N 2 1 M \key-bearer;
CLIENS, CLIENTIS: N 3 3 C \client, dependent (of a patron), vassal; client state/its citizens, allies;
CLIENTA, CLIENTAE: N 1 1 F \female dependent/client, protegee; female votary;
CLIENTELA, CLIENTELAE: N 1 1 F \clientship; vassalage; patronage; protection; clients; vassals; allies (pl.);
CLIENTULUS, CLIENTULI: N 2 1 M \mere/small/insignificant client; petty vassal; (term of contempt);
CLIMA, CLIMATIS: N 3 2 N \measure of land; (60 feet square); inclination from latitude; clime; direction;
CLIMACIS, CLIMACIDOS/IS: N 3 7 F \inclined channel/barrel of a ballista; small staircase/ladder (L+S);
CLIMACTER, CLIMACTRIS: N 3 3 M \rung (astrological), critical point in life (every 7 years);
CLIMACTERICUS, CLIMACTERICA, CLIMACTERICUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \critical, climacteric (astrological); of critical point in life (every 7 years)
CLIMATIAS, CLIMATIAE: N 1 8 M \kind of earthquake;
CLIMAX, CLIMACIS: N 3 1 F \rhetorical figure (gradual increase in force of expression); (also gradatio);
CLINO, CLINARE, CLINAVI, CLINATUS: V 1 1 \incline, slope; bend; sink;
CLINAMEN, CLINAMINIS: N 3 2 N \swerving, turning aside;
CLINATUS, CLINATA, CLINATUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \inclining, slanting; inclined, bent, sunk (L+S);
CLINGO, CLINGERE, CLINXI, CLINCTUS: V 3 1 \surround/encircle/ring; enclose; beleaguer; accompany; gird, equip; ring (tree);
-, CLINICE, -: ADJ 1 6 POS \clinical, sick-bed;
CLINICOS, CLINIC-, -: ADJ 2 7 POS \clinical, sick-bed;
-, -, CLINICON: ADJ 2 8 POS \clinical, sick-bed;
CLINICE, CLINICES: N 1 6 F \clinical medicine; practice at the sick-bed (L+S);
CLINICUS, CLINICI: N 2 1 M \physician attending patient in bed; bedridden patient; one baptized when sick;
CLINOPALE, CLINOPALES: N 1 6 F \intercourse, wrestling in bed, active sexual exercise;
CLINOPODIUM, CLINOPODI(I): N 2 4 N \wild basil (Calamintha clinopodium);
CLINOPUS, CLINOPODOS/IS: N 3 7 M \foot of a bed;
CLIPEUS, CLIPEI: N 2 1 M \round/embossed shield (usu. bronze); disk of the sun; vault of sky; meteorite;
CLIPEUM, CLIPEI: N 2 2 N \round/embossed shield (usu. bronze); disk of the sun; vault of sky; meteorite;
CLIPEO, CLIPEARE, CLIPEAVI, CLIPEATUS: V 1 1 \provide/arm with a shield (clipeus) or protection;
CLIPEATUS, CLIPEATA, CLIPEATUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \armed/furnished with a shield (clipeus); shield-bearing;
CLIPEATUS, CLIPEATI: N 2 1 M \soldier armed/furnished with a shield (clipeus) (usu. pl.);
CLIPEOLUM, CLIPEOLI: N 2 2 N \small shield;
CLITELLA, CLITELLAE: N 1 1 F \pack-saddle (pl.), sumpter-saddle; like things; instrument of torture (L+S);
CLITELLARIUS, CLITELLARIA, CLITELLARIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \used for carrying a pack-saddle; of/pertaining to/bearing a pack-saddle (L+S);
CLITICOS, CLITICI: N 2 6 M \statue of person reclining/sitting; person reclining/sitting;
CLIVUS, CLIVA, CLIVUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \which forbid anything to be done (pl.); (having bad omens?);
CLIVIS, CLIVIS, CLIVE: ADJ 3 2 POS \sloping, inclined; steep;
CLIVUS, CLIVI: N 2 1 M \slope (sg.), incline; sloping ground; inclined passage/surface; (street name);
CLIVUM, CLIVI: N 2 2 N \slope (pl.), incline; sloping ground; inclined passage/surface; (street name);
CLIVOS, CLIVI: N 2 6 M \slope (sg.), incline; sloping ground; inclined passage/surface; (street name);
CLIVE, CLIVIS: N 3 4 N \slope, incline;
CLIVIUS, CLIVIA, CLIVIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \which forbid anything to be done; (having bad omens?);
CLIVIA, CLIVIAE: N 1 1 F \bird (unidentified); (of ill omen);
CLIVOLUS, CLIVOLI: N 2 1 M \short slope;
CLIVOSUS, CLIVOSA, CLIVOSUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \hilly, full of hills; steep, characterized by slopes; difficult (L+S);
CLIVULUS, CLIVULI: N 2 1 M \short slope; little hill (L+S);
CLOACA, CLOACAE: N 1 1 F \sewer, underground drain; maw of voracious person; privy (medieval);
CLOACO, CLOACARE, CLOACAVI, CLOACATUS: V 1 1 \daub; stain, pollute; soil; 'smear';
CLOACALIS, CLOACALIS, CLOACALE: ADJ 3 2 POS \of/pertaining to sewage/sewers;
CLOACARIUS, CLOACARIA, CLOACARIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \of/derived from sewage/dung/sewers; (mons cloacarius => dung hill);
CLOACARIUS, CLOACARII: N 2 1 M \sewer/drain worker/cleaner;
CLOACARIUM, CLOACARII: N 2 2 N \tax/levy/contribution towards upkeep/maintenance of sewers/drains;
CLOACULA, CLOACULAE: N 1 1 F \small sewer/drain;
CLODUS, CLODA, CLODUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \limping, lame; defective/crippled/imperfect; uneven/halting/wavering/uncertain;
CLODO, CLODERE, CLOSI, CLOSUS: V 3 1 \close, shut, block up; conclude, finish; blockade, besiege; enclose; confine;
CLODICO, CLODICARE, CLODICAVI, CLODICATUS: V 1 1 \limp, be lame; be defective; (facetious plebeian of claudico);
CLODIGO, CLODIGINIS: N 3 1 F \lameness; limping, limp;
CLONOS, CLONI: N 2 6 F \plant; (also called batrachion or scelerata);
CLOSTELLUM, CLOSTELLI: N 2 2 N \keyhole; small lock (L+S);
CLOSTRUM, CLOSTRI: N 2 2 N \bolt (gate/door); key; bars (pl.), enclosure; barrier; door, gate, bulwark; dam;
CLOSTRARIUS, CLOSTRARII: N 2 1 M \maker of door-bolts;
CLOUACA, CLOUACAE: N 1 1 F \sewer, underground drain; maw of voracious person; privy (medieval);
CLUEOR, CLUERI, -, -: V 2 1 \be called, be named, be reputed/spoken of/said to be; be reckoned as existing;
CLUEO, CLUERE, -, -: V 2 1 \be called, be named, be reputed/spoken of/said to be; be reckoned as existing;
CLUO, CLUERE, -, -: V 3 1 \be called, be named, be reputed/spoken of/said to be; be reckoned as existing;
CLUO, CLUERE, -, -: V 3 1 \purify; cleanse, make clean;
CLUACA, CLUACAE: N 1 1 F \sewer, underground drain; maw of voracious person; privy (medieval);
CLUDUS, CLUDA, CLUDUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \limping, lame; defective/crippled/imperfect; uneven/halting/wavering/uncertain;
CLUDO, CLUDERE, CLUSI, CLUSUS: V 3 1 \limp, halt; be weak, be imperfect;
CLUDO, CLUDERE, CLUSI, CLUSUS: V 3 1 \close, shut, block up; conclude, finish; blockade, besiege; enclose; confine;
CLUDO, CLUDINIS: N 3 1 M \dagger;
CLUEO, CLUEARE, CLUEAVI, CLUEATUS: V 1 1 \purify; cleanse, make clean;
CLUENS, CLUENTIS: N 3 3 C \client, dependent (of a patron), vassal; client state/its citizens, allies;
CLUMA, CLUMAE: N 1 1 F \husks of grain; barley husks (pl.) (L+S);
CLUNA, CLUNAE: N 1 1 F \apes (pl.); (may be misread for clura);
CLUNACLUM, CLUNACLI: N 2 2 N \sacrificial knife;
CLUNACULUM, CLUNACULI: N 2 2 N \sacrificial knife;
CLUNALIS, CLUNALIS, CLUNALE: ADJ 3 2 POS \of/pertaining to the hind parts, hind-; (clunales pedes => hindfeet);
CLUNICULA, CLUNICULAE: N 1 1 F \upper leg or thigh; small hind parts (L+S);
CLUNICULUS, CLUNICULI: N 2 1 M \upper leg or thigh; small hind parts (L+S);
CLUNIS, CLUNIS: N 3 3 C \buttock, haunch, hindquarters (vertebrate animals); (also insects/arachnids);
CLUPEA, CLUPEAE: N 1 1 F \small river fish;
CLUPEUS, CLUPEI: N 2 1 M \round/embossed shield (usu. bronze); disk of the sun; vault of sky; meteorite;
CLUPEUM, CLUPEI: N 2 2 N \round/embossed shield (usu. bronze); disk of the sun; vault of sky; meteorite;
CLUPEO, CLUPEARE, CLUPEAVI, CLUPEATUS: V 1 1 \provide/arm with a shield (clipeus) or protection;
CLUPEATUS, CLUPEATA, CLUPEATUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \armed/furnished with a shield (clipeus); shield-bearing;
CLUPEATUS, CLUPEATI: N 2 1 M \soldier armed/furnished with a shield (clipeus) (usu. pl.);
CLUPEOLUM, CLUPEOLI: N 2 2 N \small shield;
CLURA, CLURAE: N 1 1 F \kind of ape; (Barbary ape?);
CLURINUS, CLURINA, CLURINUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \of/pertaining to apes;
CLUSUS, CLUSA, CLUSUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \closed, inaccessible (places); impervious to feeling; shut/locked in, enclosed;
CLUSUM, CLUSI: N 2 2 N \enclosed space;
CLUSARIS, CLUSARIS, CLUSARE: ADJ 3 2 POS \that encloses/marks an area; (water) that is in a covered channel;
CLUSARIS, CLUSARIS, CLUSARE: ADJ 3 2 POS \|easily shutting/closing;
CLUSARIUS, CLUSARIA, CLUSARIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \easily shutting/closing;
CLUSILIS, CLUSILIS, CLUSILE: ADJ 3 2 POS \capable of closing, bivalve; easily closing (L+S);
CLUSOR, CLUSORIS: N 3 1 M \one who encloses/encompasses;
CLUSTER, CLUSTERIS: N 3 1 M \clyster, drench, injection; enema; syringe, clyster pipe;
CLUSTRUM, CLUSTRI: N 2 2 N \bolt (gate/door); key; bars (pl.), enclosure; barrier; door, gate, bulwark; dam;
CLUSURA, CLUSURAE: N 1 1 F \lock/clasp of a necklace; lock, bar, bolt (L+S); castle, fort (late);
CLUTUS, CLUTA, CLUTUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \famous, renowned; celebrated, glorious; refined;
CLYBATIS, CLYBATIS: N 3 3 F \plant (Parietaria officinalis); (also called helxine);
CLYMENUS, CLYMENI: N 2 1 M \plant, scorpion's tail (Scorpiurus vermiculata);
CLYMENOS, CLYMENI: N 2 6 M \plant, scorpion's tail (Scorpiurus vermiculata);
CLYPEUS, CLYPEI: N 2 1 M \round/embossed shield (usu. bronze); disk of the sun; vault of sky; meteorite;
CLYPEUM, CLYPEI: N 2 2 N \round/embossed shield (usu. bronze); disk of the sun; vault of sky; meteorite;
CLYPEO, CLYPEARE, CLYPEAVI, CLYPEATUS: V 1 1 \provide/arm with a shield (clipeus) or protection;
CLYPEOLUM, CLYPEOLI: N 2 2 N \small shield;
CLYSMUS, CLYSMI: N 2 1 M \clyster, drench, injection; enema; syringe, clyster pipe;
CLYSTERA, CLYSTERAE: N 1 1 M \clyster, drench, injection; enema; syringe, clyster pipe;
CLYSTER, CLYSTERIS: N 3 1 M \clyster, drench, injection; enema; syringe, clyster pipe;
CLYSTER, CLYSTERIS: N 3 6 M \clyster, drench, injection; enema; syringe, clyster pipe;
CLYSTERIUM, CLYSTERI(I): N 2 4 N \small syringe; clyster (L+S);
CLYSTERIZO, CLYSTERIZARE, CLYSTERIZAVI, CLYSTERIZATUS: V 1 1 \apply a syringe/clyster; give an injection/enema; purge;
CN, ABB.: N 9 8 M \Gnaeus, Roman praenomen; abbreviated Cn.;
CNASON, CNASONIS: N 3 6 M \hair-pin (with which women scratch the head);
CNATUS, CNATI: N 2 1 M \son; child; children (pl.);
CNECOS, CNECI: N 2 6 F \safflower (Carthamus tinctorius); similar thistle;
CNEDINUS, CNEDINA, CNEDINUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \of/pertaining to nettles, nettle-;
CNEMIS, CNEMIDIS: N 3 1 F \greave; end of the verse;
CNEORUM, CNEORI: N 2 2 N \plant name; (various kinds of Daphne?);
CNEORON, CNEORI: N 2 8 N \plant name; (various kinds of Daphne?);
CNESTOR, CNESTORIS: N 3 1 M \shrub; (Daphne gnidium?);
CNICUS, CNICI: N 2 1 F \safflower (Carthamus tinctorius); similar thistle;
CNIDE, CNIDES: N 1 6 F \nettle; sea nettle;
CNIDINUS, CNIDINA, CNIDINUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \of/pertaining to nettles, nettle-;
CNISA, CNISAE: N 1 1 F \steam/odor from a sacrifice;
CNISSA, CNISSAE: N 1 1 F \steam/odor from a sacrifice;
CNODAX, CNODACIS: N 3 1 M \pin, pivot; gudgeon, pivot on end of beam/axle for wheel/bell/etc;
CNODAX, CNODACOS/IS: N 3 7 M \pin, pivot; gudgeon, pivot on end of beam/axle for wheel/bell/etc;
COUS, COA, COUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \of/from/belonging to Cos (island in Aegean, now Stanchio); (its wine/fine silk);
COA, COAE: N 1 1 F \lustful woman; (wearing fine Coan silk?); fictitious nickname of Clodia (L+S);
COUM, COI: N 2 2 N \Coan wine (from Cos); garments (pl.) of Coan/fine silk;
COUM, COI: N 2 2 N \hole in middle of yoke in which pole fits; thong used to attach pole to yoke;
COACCEDO, COACCEDERE, COACCESSI, COACCESSUS: V 3 1 \come to or be added besides;
COACERVO, COACERVARE, COACERVAVI, COACERVATUS: V 1 1 \heap/pile up, gather/crowd together; amass, collect; make by heaping; add/total;
COACERVATIM: ADV POS \in/by heaps;
COACERVATIO, COACERVATIONIS: N 3 1 F \heaping/piling together/up; adding together, aggregate; (of arguments);
COACESCO, COACESCERE, COACUI, -: V 3 1 \become sour/acid; deteriorate; become corrupt;
COACTUS, COACTA, COACTUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \compressed, condensed; curdled (milk); unnatural; unwilling, forced, required;
COACTUM, COACTI: N 2 2 N \thick/fulled covering; mattress;
COACTUS, COACTUS: N 4 1 M \compulsion, constraint, force, coercion;
COACTO, COACTARE, COACTAVI, COACTATUS: V 1 1 \compel; constrain; force;
COACTARIUS, COACTARI(I): N 2 4 M \maker of felt;
COACTE, COACTIUS, COACTISSIME: ADV X \briefly, concisely, shortly; precisely, exactly, accurately; in forced manner;
COACTILIS, COACTILIS, COACTILE: ADJ 3 2 POS \made of felt; made thick (L+S);
COACTILE, COACTILIS: N 3 4 N \thick fulled cloth, felt;
COACTILIARIUS, COACTILIARIA, COACTILIARIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \fulling; (~ taberna => fulling mill);
COACTILIARIUS, COACTILIARI(I): N 2 4 M \maker of felt; maker of thick fulled cloth (L+S);
COACTIM: ADV POS \briefly, concisely, shortly;
COACTIO, COACTIONIS: N 3 1 F \collection (of money), collecting/calling in; compression; abridgement/epitome;
COACTIO, COACTIONIS: N 3 1 F \disease of animals;
COACTOR, COACTORIS: N 3 1 M \collector (of money/taxes/etc); (agminis ~ => troops bringing up the rear);
COACTOR, COACTORIS: N 3 1 M \fuller; (felter?); (cloth worker); one who forces to something;
COACTURA, COACTURAE: N 1 1 F \amount (of oil) extracted/pressed (in a given period); collection (L+S);
COADDO, COADDERE, -, -: V 3 1 \add; (as an ingredient); add with, add also (L+S);
COADORO, COADORARE, COADORAVI, COADORATUS: V 1 1 \worship/adore together/along with;
COADUNO, COADUNARE, COADUNAVI, COADUNATUS: V 1 1 \unite; add/join together; collect into one;
COADUNATIO, COADUNATIONIS: N 3 1 F \uniting into one; summing up;
COAEDIFICO, COAEDIFICARE, COAEDIFICAVI, COAEDIFICATUS: V 1 1 \build (town/etc); occupy (site) with buildings; build up/upon;
COAEGRESCO, COAEGRESCERE, -, -: V 3 1 \become sick at the same time as; get sick together with;
COAEQUO, COAEQUARE, COAEQUAVI, COAEQUATUS: V 1 1 \make level/equal, equalize; regard/treat as equal, equate; adjust by weighing;
COAEQUALIS, COAEQUALIS, COAEQUALE: ADJ 3 2 POS \having the same age as; be of equal/the same age;
COAEQUAL, COAEQUALIS: N 3 3 M \one of the same age, contemporary; comrade/companion of the same age (L+S);
COAESTIMO, COAESTIMARE, COAESTIMAVI, COAESTIMATUS: V 1 1 \estimate together/in conjunction (with);
COAETANEUS, COAETANEI: N 2 1 M \one of the same age, contemporary;
COAETANEO, COAETANEARE, COAETANEAVI, COAETANEATUS: V 1 1 \be of the same age/contemporary;
COAETERNUS, COAETERNA, COAETERNUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \co-eternal; equally eternal; existing with another eternally;
COAEVUS, COAEVA, COAEVUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \of the same age, coeval, of equal antiquity, going back to the same date;
COAGGERO, COAGGERARE, COAGGERAVI, COAGGERATUS: V 1 1 \heap/cover over (with); heap together (L+S);
COAGMENTUM, COAGMENTI: N 2 2 N \joint; (vertical between stones); overlapping side of tile; joining (letters);
COAGMENTO, COAGMENTARE, COAGMENTAVI, COAGMENTATUS: V 1 1 \join/fasten together, connect; make by joining/construct; fit (words) together;
COAGMENTARIUS, COAGMENTARII: N 2 1 M \joining together; union;
COAGMENTATIO, COAGMENTATIONIS: N 3 1 F \union, state/act of being joined/fitted together; connection, joint;
COAGULUM, COAGULI: N 2 2 N \tie/bond, binding agent; rennet; curds; thickening/congealing; plant (~ terrae);
COAGULO, COAGULARE, COAGULAVI, COAGULATUS: V 1 1 \curdle (milk); make (liquids) thick/solid, congeal, coagulate; collect together;
COAGULARE, COAGULARIS: N 3 4 N \colon; (intestine);
COAGULATIO, COAGULATIONIS: N 3 1 F \coagulation; curdling; congealing;
COAGULATIO, COAGULATIONIS: N 3 1 F \coagulation; curdling; congealing;
COALO, COALERE, COALUI, COALITUS: V 3 1 \sustain/nourish together;
COALO, COALERE, COALUI, COALTUS: V 3 1 \sustain/nourish together;
COALESCO, COALESCERE, COALUI, COALITUS: V 3 1 \join/grow together; coalesce; close (wound); become unified/strong/established;
COALITUS, COALITUS: N 4 1 M \communion; fellowship;
COAMBULO, COAMBULARE, COAMBULAVI, COAMBULATUS: V 1 1 \walk/go/travel with/together;
COANGUSTO, COANGUSTARE, COANGUSTAVI, COANGUSTATUS: V 1 1 \confine to narrow space, cramp; make narrower; narrow/limit scope/application;
COAPTO, COAPTARE, COAPTAVI, COAPTATUS: V 1 1 \fit/join/adjust together; make by joining;
COAPTATIO, COAPTATIONIS: N 3 1 F \accurate joining together;
COARCTO, COARCTARE, COARCTAVI, COARCTATUS: V 1 1 \narrow; hem in, pack/crowd/bring/fit close together, restrict; shorten/abridge;
COARCTATIO, COARCTATIONIS: N 3 1 F \tightening; fitting closely together; crowding/drawing together;
COARESCO, COARESCERE, COARUI, -: V 3 1 \dry up/wither together; become/run dry together;
COARGUO, COARGUERE, COARGUI, -: V 3 1 \refute; show, demonstrate; overwhelm w/proof; silence; convict; prove guilty;
COARGUTIO, COARGUTIONIS: N 3 1 F \conviction; refutation;
COARMO, COARMARE, COARMAVI, COARMATUS: V 1 1 \arm/equip together;
COARMIUS, COARMI(I): N 2 4 M \comrade-in-arms;
COARTO, COARTARE, COARTAVI, COARTATUS: V 1 1 \narrow; hem in, pack/crowd/bring/fit close together, restrict; shorten/abridge;
COARTATIO, COARTATIONIS: N 3 1 F \tightening; fitting closely together; crowding/drawing together;
COASSO, COASSARE, COASSAVI, COASSATUS: V 1 1 \fit with floor planking; join boards/planks together (L+S);
COASSAMENTUM, COASSAMENTI: N 2 2 N \framework of planks;
COASSATIO, COASSATIONIS: N 3 1 F \floor-boards, floor-planking; floor of planks/boards (L+S); joining of boards;
COAUCTIO, COAUCTIONIS: N 3 1 F \joint increase;
COAUDIO, COAUDIRE, COAUDIVI, COAUDITUS: V 3 4 \confine to narrow space, cramp; make narrower; narrow/limit scope/application;
COAUDITO, COAUDITARE, COAUDITAVI, COAUDITATUS: V 1 1 \confine to narrow space, cramp; make narrower; narrow the scope/application;
COAXO, COAXARE, COAXAVI, COAXATUS: V 1 1 \croak; (of frogs);
COAXO, COAXARE, COAXAVI, COAXATUS: V 1 1 \fit with floor planking; join boards/planks together (L+S);
COAXATIO, COAXATIONIS: N 3 1 F \floor-boards, floor-planking; floor of planks/boards (L+S); joining of boards;
COBIUS, COBII: N 2 1 M \small fish; (of the gudgeon kind); (used for bait); (Gobio);
COBIOS, COBII: N 2 6 M \plant, (a spurge); tithymalus (wolf's-milk) (L+S); dendroides, leptophyllon;
COBIO, COBIONIS: N 3 1 M \small fish; (of the gudgeon kind); (used for bait); (Gobio);
COCUS, COCI: N 2 1 M \cook;
COCOS, COCI: N 2 6 M \cook;
COCO, COCERE, COXI, COCTUS: V 3 1 \cook; boil, fry, bake; burn, parch (sun); stir up; ripen, mature (plot); digest;
COCCUS, COCCI: N 2 1 M \insect (Coccus ilicis) used for dye; scarlet dye/color; scarlet cloth/wool;
COCCUM, COCCI: N 2 2 N \berry (w/Cnidium) of spurge-flax/nettle (Daphne gnidium); berry of scarlet oak;
COCCUM, COCCI: N 2 2 N \insect (Coccus ilicis) used for dye; scarlet dye/color; scarlet cloth/wool;
COCCINUS, COCCINA, COCCINUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \dyed scarlet, scarlet-dyed; scarlet, of scarlet color;
COCCINUM, COCCINI: N 2 2 N \scarlet-dyed/scarlet clothes/garments/coverings (pl.);
COCCINUM, COCCINI: N 2 2 N \|insect (Coccus ilicis) used for dye; scarlet dye/color; scarlet cloth/wool;
COCCINUM, COCCINI: N 2 2 N \|berry (w/Cnidium) of spurge-flax/nettle (Daphne gnidium); berry of scarlet oak;
COCCINATUS, COCCINATA, COCCINATUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \dressed/clothed in scarlet;
COCCINEUS, COCCINEA, COCCINEUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \dyed scarlet, scarlet-dyed; scarlet, of scarlet color;
COCCIO, COCCIONIS: N 3 1 M \dealer; broker;
COCCYGIA, COCCYGIAE: N 1 1 F \wig-tree (Rhus cotinus); kind of sumac used in coloring (L+S);
COCCYX, COCCYGIS: N 3 1 M \cuckoo;
COCETUM, COCETI: N 2 2 N \kind of food prepared from honey and poppies;
COCHLOS, COCHLI: N 2 6 M \kind of marine gastropod; (with spiral shell);
COCHLEA, COCHLEAE: N 1 1 F \snail; (form of) a snail shell; spiral; screw (press/water); winding entrance;
COCHLEAR, COCHLEARIS: N 3 4 N \spoon; (originally for extracting snails); spoonful;
COCHLEARE, COCHLEARIS: N 3 4 N \spoon; (originally for extracting snails); spoonful;
COCHLEARIUM, COCHLEARI(I): N 2 4 N \snailery, snail pen, enclosure for edible snails;
COCHLEARIUM, COCHLEARI(I): N 2 4 N \spoon; (originally for extracting snails); spoonful;
COCHLEATIM: ADV POS \spirally; like a snail shell;
COCHLEOLA, COCHLEOLAE: N 1 1 F \small snail;
COCHLIA, COCHLIAE: N 1 1 F \snail; (form of) a snail shell; spiral; screw (press/water); winding entrance;
COCHLIS, COCHLIDIS: N 3 1 F \spiral shell, conch; snail-shaped precious stone found in Arabia;
COCIBILIS, COCIBILIS, COCIBILE: ADJ 3 2 POS \easy to cook; easily cooked (L+S);
COCILENDRUM, COCILENDRI: N 2 2 N \imaginary magic condiment;
COCINUS, COCINA, COCINUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \of/pertaining to cooks/cooking; (forum ~ => market where cooks were hired);
COCINA, COCINAE: N 1 1 F \cooking; art of cookery; kitchen (L+S);
COCINO, COCINARE, COCINAVI, COCINATUS: V 1 1 \cook, prepare food;
COCINARIS, COCINARIS, COCINARE: ADJ 3 2 POS \belonging in a kitchen; used in cooking; (w/culter => kitchen knife);
COCINARIUS, COCINARIA, COCINARIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \belonging in a kitchen; used in cooking;
COCINARIUS, COCINARIA, COCINARIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \belonging in a kitchen; used in cooking; pertaining to kitchen, cullinary (L+S);
COCINATORIUS, COCINATORIA, COCINATORIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \culinary, used in cooking; pertaining to the kitchen (L+S);
COCINATORIUM, COCINATORI(I): N 2 4 N \kitchen, place for cooking;
COCIO, COCIONIS: N 3 1 M \dealer; broker;
COCIONOR, COCIONARI, -, COCIONATUS SUM: V 1 1 \trade, traffic (in a petty way); be a dealer/broker;
COCITO, COCITARE, COCITAVI, COCITATUS: V 1 1 \cook; boil, fry, bake; burn, parch (sun); stir up; ripen, mature (plot); digest;
COCITATIO, COCITATIONIS: N 3 1 F \long and thorough process of cooking; continuous cooking (L+S);
COCLACA, COCLACAE: N 1 1 F \round river stones resembling snails;
COCLEA, COCLEAE: N 1 1 F \snail; (form of) a snail shell; spiral; screw (press/water); winding entrance;
COCLEAR, COCLEARIS: N 3 4 N \spoon; (originally for extracting snails); spoonful;
COCLEARE, COCLEARIS: N 3 4 N \spoon; (originally for extracting snails); spoonful;
COCLEARIUM, COCLEARI(I): N 2 4 N \snailery, snail pen, enclosure for edible snails;
COCLEARIUM, COCLEARI(I): N 2 4 N \spoon; (originally for extracting snails); spoonful;
COCLEATUS, COCLEATA, COCLEATUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \spiral/screw formed;
COCLEOLA, COCLEOLAE: N 1 1 F \small snail;
COCLES, COCLITIS: N 3 1 M \one-eyed person; of Horatius who kept the Etruscans from the Subician bridge;
COCLIA, COCLIAE: N 1 1 F \snail; (form of) a snail shell; spiral; screw (press/water); winding entrance;
COCO: INTERJ \crow of the cock; cock-a-doodle-doo; hen-clucking (L+S);
COCODRILUS, COCODRILI: N 2 1 M \crocodile; land reptile, Nile monitor;
COCODRILLUS, COCODRILLI: N 2 1 M \crocodile; land reptile, Nile monitor;
COCOLOBIS, COCOLOBIS: N 3 3 F \Spanish name for a type of grape;
COCOLUBIS, COCOLUBIS: N 3 3 F \Spanish name for a type of grape;
COCTA, COCTAE: N 1 1 F \boiled water; (water boiled then iced);
COCTUM, COCTI: N 2 2 N \cooked food; smelted ore;
COCTUS, COCTA -UM, COCTIOR -OR -US, COCTISSIMUS -A -UM: ADJ 1 1 X \cooked; roasted, burnt; smelted; baked (bricks); ripened, ripe; softened, mild;
COCTANUM, COCTANI: N 2 2 N \kind of small fig; (grown in Syria);
COCTILIS, COCTILIS, COCTILE: ADJ 3 2 POS \baked/burned (of bricks); made/built of/of baked/burned bricks;
COCTILUM, COCTILI: N 2 2 N \very dried wood (pl.); (that burns without smoke);
COCTILICIUS, COCTILICIA, COCTILICIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \of/pertaining to dried wood; (~ taberna => place where dried wood was sold);
COCTIO, COCTIONIS: N 3 1 F \cooking; digestion (of food); burning (L+S);
COCTIO, COCTIONIS: N 3 1 M \dealer; broker;
COCTIVUS, COCTIVA, COCTIVUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \suitable for cooking, cooking- (of food); that easily cooks/ripens early (L+S);
COCTONUM, COCTONI: N 2 2 N \kind of small fig; (grown in Syria);
COCTOR, COCTORIS: N 3 1 M \cook;
COCTURA, COCTURAE: N 1 1 F \(method of) cooking (food); heating/roasting/smelting (ore); thing heated/boiled
COCULA, COCULAE: N 1 1 F \cook (female);
COCULUM, COCULI: N 2 2 N \cooking vessel/pot/pan; (bronze);
CODA, CODAE: N 1 1 F \tail (animal); extreme part/tail of anything; penis (Horace);
CODEX, CODICIS: N 3 1 M \trunk of tree; piece/block of wood; blockhead; (bound) book; note/account book;
CODICARIUS, CODICARIA, CODICARIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \kind of barge/lighter (w/navis);
CODICARIUS, CODICARII: N 2 1 M \bargeman, lighterman; (esp. those who brought grain from Ostia to Rome (L+S));
CODICELLUS, CODICELLI: N 2 1 M \small log; writing tablets (pl.); petition to the Emperor/patent; will/codicil;
CODICILLUS, CODICILLI: N 2 1 M \small log; writing tablets (pl.); petition to the Emperor/patent; will/codicil;
CODICILLARIS, CODICILLARIS, CODICILLARE: ADJ 3 2 POS \named/appointed by written order of the Emperor/in the Emperor's handwriting;
CODICILLARIUS, CODICILLARIA, CODICILLARIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \named/appointed by written order of the Emperor/in the Emperor's handwriting;
CODICULA, CODICULAE: N 1 1 F \little tail;
COEO, COIRE, COIVI(II), COITUS: V 6 1 \fit together; have sexual intercourse; collect/gather (fluid); mend/knit (wound)
COEO, COIRE, COIVI(II), COITUS: V 6 1 \|enter an agreement; unite; assemble; conspire; come/go together; meet; rally;
COEC, COECOS/IS: N 3 7 N \kind of date; (doum palm, Hyphaene thebaica Liddle and Scott);
COECAS, COECOS/IS: N 3 7 N \kind of date; (doum palm, Hyphaene thebaica Liddle and Scott);
COEL, UNDECLINED: N 9 9 N \sky, heaven; universe, world; space; air, weather; Jehovah; (shortened form);
COELUS, COELI: N 2 1 M \sky, heaven, heavens; space; air, climate, weather; universe, world; Jehovah;
COELUM, COELI: N 2 2 N \sky, heaven, heavens; space; air, climate, weather; universe, world; Jehovah;
COELES, (GEN.), COELITIS: ADJ 3 1 POS \heavenly; celestial; (not found classical in NOM S);
COELES, COELITIS: N 3 1 M \the gods (usu. pl.); divinity, dweller in heaven;
COELESTIS, COELESTIS, COELESTE: ADJ 3 2 POS \heavenly, of the heavens/sky, from heaven/sky; celestial; divine; of the Gods;
COELESTIS, COELESTE, COELESTIOR -OR -US, COELESTISSIMUS -A -UM: ADJ 3 2 X \heavenly, of the heavens/sky, from heaven/sky; celestial; divine; of the Gods;
COELESTE, COELESTIS: N 3 4 N \supernatural/heavenly matters (pl.); the heavenly bodies; astronomy;
COELESTIS, COELESTIS: N 3 3 C \divinity, god/goddess; god-like person; the Gods (pl.); the heavenly bodies;
COELIACUS, COELIACA, COELIACUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \in the bowels/stomach (pain); having disease of bowels; for the bowels (remedy);
COELIACA, COELIACAE: N 1 1 F \remedy/medicine for bowel/stomach/abdomen pains/disease;
COELIACUS, COELIACI: N 2 1 M \person having disease/pain/suffering in the bowels; (or stomach/abdomen L+S);
COELIBATUS, COELIBATUS: N 4 1 M \state of not being married; single life; celibacy;
COELICOLA, COELICOLAE: N 1 1 C \heaven dweller; deity, god/goddess; worshiper of the heavens (L+S);
COELIFER, COELIFERA, COELIFERUM: ADJ 1 2 POS \supporting the sky/heavens;
COELIGENUS, COELIGENA, COELIGENUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \of heavenly birth/origin, heaven born;
COELIOTICUS, COELIOTICA, COELIOTICUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \cleansing of the bowels/stomach; (purgative?);
COELIPOTENS, (GEN.), COELIPOTENTIS: ADJ 3 1 POS \powerful in heaven;
COELITUS: ADV POS \from heaven; heavenly; from the Emperor (L+S); divine;
COEMO, COEMERE, COEMI, COEMPTUS: V 3 1 \buy; buy up;
COEMENDATUS, COEMENDATA, COEMENDATUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \amended at the same time;
COEMESIS, COEMESISIS: N 3 3 F \somniferous song;
COEMPTIO, COEMPTIONIS: N 3 1 F \fictitious marriage to free heiress; mock sale of estate to free it of burdens;
COEMPTIONALIS, COEMPTIONALIS, COEMPTIONALE: ADJ 3 2 POS \of a mock/sham sale/marriage; (~ senex => one used in such); poor, worthless;
COEMPTIONATOR, COEMPTIONATORIS: N 3 1 M \man acting as fictitious purchaser in the coemptio (sham marriage/sale);
COEMPTOR, COEMPTORIS: N 3 1 M \one who buys up; (one who bribes); one who purchases many things (L+S);
COENUM, COENI: N 2 2 N \mud, mire, filth, slime, dirt, uncleanness; (of persons) scum/filth;
COENON, COENI: N 2 8 N \kind of eye-salve;
COENO, COENARE, COENAVI, COENATUS: V 1 1 \dine, eat dinner/supper; have dinner with; dine on, make a meal of;
COENACULUM, COENACULI: N 2 2 N \attic, garret (often let as lodging); upstairs dining room; top/upper story;
COENACULARIUS, COENACULARIA, COENACULARIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \of/pertaining to a garret/attic;
COENATICUS, COENATICA, COENATICUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \of/pertaining to (a) dinner;
COENATIO, COENATIONIS: N 3 1 F \dining-room; dining hall;
COENATIUNCULA, COENATIUNCULAE: N 1 1 F \small dining-room;
COENATOR, COENATORIS: N 3 1 M \diner; dinner guest;
COENATORIUS, COENATORIA, COENATORIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \of/used for dining; pertaining to dinner or the table;
COENATURIO, COENATURIRE, -, -: V 3 4 \desire to dine; have an appetite for dinner;
COENCENATIO, COENCENATIONIS: N 3 1 F \dinner party; (Cicero from Greek); supping together, table companionship (L+S);
COENITO, COENITARE, COENITAVI, COENITATUS: V 1 1 \dine/eat habitually (in a particular place/manner); have dinner, dine (often);
COENOBIUM, COENOBII: N 2 2 N \monastery; convent; cloister;
COENOBITA, COENOBITAE: N 1 1 M \monk; cloister-brother;
COENOBITICUS, COENOBITICA, COENOBITICUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \monastic; of monastic life/works/ritual/property;
COENOMYIA, COENOMYIAE: N 1 1 F \common fly;
COENOSUS, COENOSA -UM, COENOSIOR -OR -US, COENOSISSIMUS -A -UM: ADJ 1 1 X \muddy; filthy, foul; slimy, marshy; impure;
COENOSITAS, COENOSITATIS: N 3 1 F \dirty/foul/muddy place;
COENULA, COENULAE: N 1 1 F \little dinner/supper;
COENULENTUS, COENULENTA -UM, COENULENTIOR -OR -US, COENULENTISSIMUS -A -UM: ADJ 1 1 X \covered in mud/filth; muddy, filthy, slimy;
COEPIO, COEPERE, COEPI, COEPTUS: V 3 1 \begin, commence, initiate; set foot on; (usu. PERF, PASS w/PASS INF; PRES early)
COEPIO, COEPERE, -, -: V 3 1 \begin, commence, initiate; (rare early form, usu. shows only PERFDEF);
COEPISCOPUS, COEPISCOPI: N 2 1 M \associate bishop;
COEPISCOPATUS, COEPISCOPATUS: N 4 1 M \co-episcopate/bishopric/see;
COEPTUS, COEPTA, COEPTUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \begun, started, commenced; undertaken;
COEPTUM, COEPTI: N 2 2 N \undertaking (, enterprise, scheme; work begun/started/taken in hand;
COEPTUS, COEPTUS: N 4 1 M \beginning, undertaking;
COEPTO, COEPTARE, COEPTAVI, COEPTATUS: V 1 1 \begin/commence w/INF); set to work, undertake/attempt/try; venture/begin (w/ACC)
COEPULOR, COEPULARI, -, COEPULATUS SUM: V 1 1 \feast/dine together;
COEPULONUS, COEPULONI: N 2 1 M \table-companion; (mock-tragic for parasitus); fellow banqueter/companion (L+S);
COERCEO, COERCERE, COERCUI, COERCITUS: V 2 1 \enclose, confine; restrain, check, curb, repress; limit; preserve; punish;
COERCIO, COERCIONIS: N 3 1 F \coercion, restraint, repression; (affliction of summary/right to) punishment;
COERCITIO, COERCITIONIS: N 3 1 F \coercion, restraint, repression; (affliction of summary/right to) punishment;
COERCITOR, COERCITORIS: N 3 1 M \enforcer; one who restrains;
COERCTIO, COERCTIONIS: N 3 1 F \coercion, restraint, repression; (affliction of summary/right to) punishment;
COERRO, COERRARE, COERRAVI, COERRATUS: V 1 1 \go/wander around together;
COERTIO, COERTIONIS: N 3 1 F \coercion, restraint, repression; (affliction of summary/right to) punishment;
COETUS, COETUS: N 4 1 M \meeting, encounter, (political or illegal) assembly; union; band, gang, crowd;
COETUS, COETUS: N 4 1 M \|social intercourse (w/hominium), society, company; sexual intercourse;
COEXERCITATUS, COEXERCITATA, COEXERCITATUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \that is practiced together/at the same time;
COF, UNDECLINED: N 9 9 N \qof; (19th letter of Hebrew alphabet); (transliterate as K);
COFANUS, COFANI: N 2 1 M \pelican;
COFINUS, COFINI: N 2 1 M \basket, hamper;
COGO, COGERE, COEGI, COACTUS: V 3 1 \collect/gather, round up, restrict/confine; force/compel; convene; congeal; felt
COGITO, COGITARE, COGITAVI, COGITATUS: V 1 1 \think; consider, reflect on, ponder; imagine, picture; intend, look forward to;
COGITABILIS, COGITABILIS, COGITABILE: ADJ 3 2 POS \conceivable, thinkable, imaginable, cogitable;
COGITABUNDUS, COGITABUNDA, COGITABUNDUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \wrapped in thought; thoughtful, thinking;
COGITATUM, COGITATI: N 2 2 N \result of deliberations, thoughts/ideas/reflections; intentions/plans; (pl. L+S)
COGITATUS, COGITATUS: N 4 1 M \act of thinking; thought (L+S);
COGITATE: ADV POS \carefully, with thought/reflection;
COGITATIM: ADV POS \carefully, with thought/reflection;
COGITATIO, COGITATIONIS: N 3 1 F \thinking, meditation, reflection; thought; intention; plan; opinion, reasoning;
COGITATORIUM, COGITATORII: N 2 2 N \receptacle of thought;
COGNATUS, COGNATA, COGNATUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \related, related by birth/position, kindred; similar/akin; having affinity with;
COGNATA, COGNATAE: N 1 1 F \relation by birth (female), kinswoman;
COGNATUS, COGNATI: N 2 1 M \relation (male), kinsman; (~i regis => contingent of Persian king's bodyguard);
COGNATIO, COGNATIONIS: N 3 1 F \blood relation/relationship; kinsmen/relatives, family; consanguinity; affinity;
COGNITUS, COGNITA, COGNITUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \known (from experience/carnally)), tried/proved; noted, acknowledged/recognized;
COGNITUS, COGNITUS: N 4 1 M \act of getting to know/becoming acquainted with;
COGNITIO, COGNITIONIS: N 3 1 F \examination, inquiry/investigation (judicial); acquiring knowledge; recognition;
COGNITIO, COGNITIONIS: N 3 1 F \|getting to know (fact/subject/person); acquaintance; idea/notion; knowledge;
COGNITIONALIS, COGNITIONALIS, COGNITIONALE: ADJ 3 2 POS \of/pertaining to judicial inquiry/investigation;
COGNITIONALITER: ADV POS \by judicial inquiry/investigation;
COGNITOR, COGNITORIS: N 3 1 M \guarantor of identity; he who knows/is acquainted with (person/thing); attorney;
COGNITORIUS, COGNITORIA, COGNITORIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \of/concerning an attorney/advocate;
COGNITURA, COGNITURAE: N 1 1 F \duty of an attorney; office of state attorney/fiscal agent (debts) (L+S);
COGNOMEN, COGNOMINIS: N 3 2 N \surname, family/3rd name; name (additional/derived from a characteristic);
COGNOMENTUM, COGNOMENTI: N 2 2 N \surname, family/3rd/allusive name; sobriquet; name; cult name of a god;
COGNOMINIS, COGNOMINIS, COGNOMINE: ADJ 3 2 POS \having the same name; synonymous; like-named;
COGNOMINO, COGNOMINARE, COGNOMINAVI, COGNOMINATUS: V 1 1 \give a surname/epithet/sobriquet to a person; name, give a specific name, call;
COGNOMINATUS, COGNOMINATA, COGNOMINATUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \derived from (other words) (of words); given (a name); named; called;
COGNOMINATIO, COGNOMINATIONIS: N 3 1 F \surname, family/3rd name; name (additional/derived from a characteristic);
COGNOSCO, COGNOSCERE, COGNOVI, COGNITUS: V 3 1 \become acquainted with/aware of; recognize; learn, find to be; inquire/examine;
COGNOSCENS, (GEN.), COGNOSCENTIS: ADJ 3 1 POS \acquainted with; aware of;
COGNOSCENS, COGNOSCENTIS: N 3 3 M \judge; inquisitor; one taking part/conducting a judicial investigation;
COGNOSCENTER: ADV POS \with knowledge; distinctly;
COGNOSCIBILITER: ADV POS \recognizably; discernibly;
COGNOSCITIVUS, COGNOSCITIVA, COGNOSCITIVUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \knowing, having the power of knowing, intellectually aware
COGULO, COGULARE, COGULAVI, COGULATUS: V 1 1 \curdle (milk); make (liquids) thick/solid, congeal, coagulate; collect together;
COHUM, COHI: N 2 2 N \hole in middle of yoke in which pole fits; thong used to attach pole to yoke;
COHUM, COHI: N 2 2 N \vault/shapelessness/emptiness (of the sky/heavens);
COHABITATIO, COHABITATIONIS: N 3 1 F \cohabitation, living/dwelling together;
COHABITATOR, COHABITATORIS: N 3 1 M \he who lives/dwells with another;
COHAEREO, COHAERERE, COHAESI, COHAESUS: V 2 1 \stick/cling/hold/grow together, adhere; embrace; touch, adjoin, be in contact;
COHAEREO, COHAERERE, COHAESI, COHAESUS: V 2 1 \|be consistent/coherent; be connected/bound/joined/tied together; be in harmony;
COHAERENS, (GEN.), COHAERENTIS: ADJ 3 1 POS \touching, adjacent; holding together, coherent (literary work); being in accord;
COHAERENTE, COHAERENTIS: N 3 4 N \things (pl.) touching/adjacent; coherent/systematic/connected whole/argument;
COHAERENTER, COHAERENTIUS, COHAERENTISSIME: ADV X \systematically; consistently, compatibly; continuously, uninterruptedly;
COHAERENTIA, COHAERENTIAE: N 1 1 F \sticking/combining together; organic structure; fact of being contiguous (time);
COHAERES, COHAEREDIS: N 3 1 C \co-heir; joint heir;
COHAERESCO, COHAERESCERE, -, -: V 3 1 \cohere; stick, adhere; grow together, unite;
COHAESUS, COHAESA, COHAESUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \pressed together;
COHEREO, COHERERE, COHESI, COHESUS: V 2 1 \stick/cling/hold/grow together, adhere; embrace; touch, adjoin, be in contact;
COHEREO, COHERERE, COHESI, COHESUS: V 2 1 \|be consistent/coherent; be connected/bound/joined/tied together; be in harmony;
COHERCEO, COHERCERE, COHERCUI, COHERCITUS: V 2 1 \enclose, confine; restrain, check, curb, repress; limit; preserve; punish;
COHERCITIO, COHERCITIONIS: N 3 1 F \coercion, restraint, repression; (affliction of summary/right to) punishment;
COHERES, COHEREDIS: N 3 1 C \co-heir; joint heir;
COHERESCO, COHERESCERE, -, -: V 3 1 \cohere; stick, adhere; grow together, unite;
COHIBEO, COHIBERE, COHIBUI, COHIBITUS: V 2 1 \hold together, contain; hold back, restrain, curb, hinder; confine; repress;
COHIBILIS, COHIBILIS, COHIBILE: ADJ 3 2 POS \concise; terse; abridged, short (L+S);
COHIBITUS, COHIBITA, COHIBITUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \restrained; confined, limited (L+S); moderate;
COHIBITIO, COHIBITIONIS: N 3 1 F \restriction; compression; restraining, governing (L+S);
COHONESTO, COHONESTARE, COHONESTAVI, COHONESTATUS: V 1 1 \honor, grace; do honor/pay respect to; make respectable; prevent baldness (L+S);
COHORRESCO, COHORRESCERE, COHORRUI, -: V 3 1 \shudder; shiver/shake (from emotion/fear/cold/illness);
COHORS, COHORTIS: N 3 3 F \court; enclosure/yard/pen, farmyard; attendants, retinue, staff; circle; crowd;
COHORS, COHORTIS: N 3 3 F \|cohort, tenth part of legion (360 men); armed force; band; ship crew; bodyguard
COHORTOR, COHORTARI, -, COHORTATUS SUM: V 1 1 \encourage, cheer up; exhort, rouse, incite; admonish;
COHORTALIS, COHORTALIS, COHORTALE: ADJ 3 2 POS \pertaining to a farm/cattle yard, farmyard-; of/concerned with poultry keeping;
COHORTALIS, COHORTALIS, COHORTALE: ADJ 3 2 POS \|of/connected with a military/praetorian cohort/company/guard;
COHORTALINUS, COHORTALINA, COHORTALINUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \of/pertaining to an imperial/praetorian bodyguard (cohort);
COHORTATIO, COHORTATIONIS: N 3 1 F \encouragement, exhortation, inciting;
COHORTICULA, COHORTICULAE: N 1 1 F \little/small cohort; (used with contempt);
COHOSPES, COHOSPITIS: N 3 1 M \fellow-guest;
COHURNUS, COHURNI: N 2 1 M \high boot/buskin (worn by Greek tragic actors to increase their height);
COHURNUS, COHURNI: N 2 1 M \|elevated/tragic/solemn style; tragic poetry; the tragic stage;
COICIO, COICERE, COJECI, COJECTUS: V 3 1 \throw/put/pile together; conclude, infer, guess; assign, make go; classify, put;
COICIO, COICERE, COJECI, COJECTUS: V 3 1 \|throw/cast/fling (into area); devote/pour (money); thrust, involve; insert;
COILLUM, COILLI: N 2 2 N \innermost part of the house where the Lares were worshiped;
COIMBIBO, COIMBIBERE, COIMBIBI, -: V 3 1 \drink/imbibe together/along with/at the same time;
COINQUO, COINQUERE, -, -: V 3 1 \cut back, prune; cut off, cut down (L+S);
COINQUIO, COINQUIRE, -, -: V 3 4 \cut back, prune; cut off, cut down (L+S);
COINQUINO, COINQUINARE, COINQUINAVI, COINQUINATUS: V 1 1 \befoul/pollute/defile wholly (immorality); contaminate/taint/infect (w/disease);
COINQUINATUS, COINQUINATA, COINQUINATUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \polluted, contaminated, tainted;
COINQUINATIO, COINQUINATIONIS: N 3 1 F \polluting, defiling; pollution;
COITUS, COITUS: N 4 1 M \meeting/encounter, gathering; conjunction (planets); meeting place; coalescence;
COITUS, COITUS: N 4 1 M \|union, sexual intercourse; fertilization; gathering/collection (fluid/pus);
COITIO, COITIONIS: N 3 1 F \meeting, encounter; assemblage; conspiracy, plot, coalition; partnership;
COITIO, COITIONIS: N 3 1 F \|combination; physical/chemical union of elements; (late) sexual intercourse;
COIX, COICIS: N 3 1 F \kind of Ethiopian palm;
COJECTO, COJECTARE, COJECTAVI, COJECTATUS: V 1 1 \conjecture, think, imagine, infer, guess, conclude; judge, draw a conclusion;
COJECTO, COJECTARE, COJECTAVI, COJECTATUS: V 1 1 \|throw together; assemble; throw (person in prison); interpret (portent);
COJECTURA, COJECTURAE: N 1 1 F \conjecture/guess/inference/reasoning/interpretation/comparison; prophecy/forecas
COJUX, COJUGIS: N 3 1 C \spouse/mate/consort; husband (M); wife (F)/bride/fiancee/concubine; yokemate;
COLUS, COLI: N 2 1 C \distaff; woman's concern; spinning; Fate's distaff w/threads of life; destiny;
COLUM, COLI: N 2 2 N \large intestine, colon; pain in the large intestine, colic;
COLUM, COLI: N 2 2 N \strainer, filter, sieve; vessel for straining, colander (L+S); wicker fish net;
COLON, COLI: N 2 8 N \large intestine; pain in the large intestine, colic;
COLON, COLI: N 2 8 N \part of a line of verse, metrical entity; clause of a period; line, fragment;
COLUS, COLUS: N 4 1 C \distaff; woman's concern; spinning; Fate's distaff w/threads of life; destiny;
COLO, COLARE, COLAVI, COLATUS: V 1 1 \strain/filter (liquid), clarify; purify; remove solids by filtering; wash (gold)
COLO, COLERE, COLUI, CULTUS: V 3 1 \live in (place), inhabit; till, cultivate, promote growth; foster, maintain;
COLO, COLERE, COLUI, CULTUS: V 3 1 \|honor, cherish, worship; tend, take care of; adorn, dress, decorate, embellish;
COLAFUS, COLAFI: N 2 1 M \blow with the fist; buffet, cuff; box on the ear (L+S);
COLAPHUS, COLAPHI: N 2 1 M \blow with the fist; buffet, cuff; box on the ear (L+S);
COLATUS, COLATA, COLATUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \cleansed, cleaned, purified;
COLATURA, COLATURAE: N 1 1 F \flirtation; that which has been strained;
COLEUS, COLEI: N 2 1 M \leather sack (wine/liquid); liquid measure (20 amphorae/120 gallons);
COLEUS, COLEI: N 2 1 M \testicles ( or scrotum; (rude);
COLEATUS, COLEATA, COLEATUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \provided with/having/pertaining to testicles;
COLEGIUM, COLEGI(I): N 2 4 N \college/board (priests); corporation; brotherhood/fraternity/guild/colleagueship
COLENS, (GEN.), COLENTIS: ADJ 3 1 POS \honoring, treating respectfully;
COLENS, COLENTIS: N 3 3 M \reverer, worshiper;
COLEPHIUM, COLEPHII: N 2 2 N \unidentified preparation of meat; choice/nourishing meat for athletes (L+S);
COLEPIUM, COLEPII: N 2 2 N \unidentified preparation of meat; choice/nourishing meat for athletes (L+S);
COLEPIUM, COLEPII: N 2 2 N \|knuckle of beef/pork;
COLES, COLIS: N 3 3 M \stalk/stem; stem of a cabbage/lettuce/etc; cabbage/lettuce; quill; penis;
COLESCO, COLESCERE, COLUI, COLITUS: V 3 1 \join/grow together; coalesce; close (wound); become unified/strong/established;
COLIAS, COLIAE: N 1 8 M \coly-mackerel (Scomber colias); kind of tuna (L+S);
COLICUS, COLICA, COLICUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \of/pertaining to the colic;
COLICES, COLICAE: N 1 7 F \remedy for the colic;
COLICON, COLICI: N 2 8 N \remedy for the colic;
COLICULUS, COLICULI: N 2 1 M \stalk/stem (small); small cabbage, cabbage sprout; pillar like a stalk/shoot;
COLIGO, COLIGARE, COLIGAVI, COLIGATUS: V 1 1 \bind/tie/pack together/up, connect, unite, unify; fetter, bind, put in bonds;
COLIMBUS, COLIMBI: N 2 1 M \swimming pool;
COLINA, COLINAE: N 1 1 F \kitchen; portable kitchen; food/fare/board; cooking; place for burnt offerings;
COLIPHIUM, COLIPHII: N 2 2 N \unidentified preparation of meat; choice/nourishing meat for athletes (L+S);
COLIS, COLIS: N 3 3 M \stalk/stem; stem of a cabbage/lettuce/etc; cabbage/lettuce; quill; penis;
COLISATUM, COLISATI: N 2 2 N \kind of vehicle;
COLLUS, COLLI: N 2 1 M \neck; throat; head and neck; severed head; upper stem (flower); mountain ridge;
COLLUM, COLLI: N 2 2 N \neck; throat; head and neck; severed head; upper stem (flower); mountain ridge;
COLLABOR, COLLABI, -, COLLABSUS SUM: V 3 1 \collapse, fall down/in ruin; fall in swoon/exhaustion/death; slip/slink (meet);
COLLABOR, COLLABI, -, COLLAPSUS SUM: V 3 1 \collapse, fall down/in ruin; fall in swoon/exhaustion/death; slip/slink (meet);
COLLABASCO, COLLABASCERE, -, -: V 3 1 \waver/totter/become unsteady at the same time; waver/totter with;
COLLABEFACTO, COLLABEFACTARE, COLLABEFACTAVI, COLLABEFACTATUS: V 1 1 \cause to topple over; make to reel/totter (L+S); overpower/subdue; melt (metal);
COLLABEFIO, COLLABEFIERI, -, COLLABEFACTUS SUM: V 3 3 \collapse/break up; sink together; be overthrown politically/brought to ruin;
COLLABELLO, COLLABELLARE, COLLABELLAVI, COLLABELLATUS: V 1 1 \make/form by putting the lips together;
COLLACERO, COLLACERARE, COLLACERAVI, COLLACERATUS: V 1 1 \lacerate severely; tear to pieces (L+S);
COLLACRIMO, COLLACRIMARE, COLLACRIMAVI, COLLACRIMATUS: V 1 1 \weep together, weep in the company of someone; weep over/for (w/ACC); bewail;
COLLACRIMATIO, COLLACRIMATIONIS: N 3 1 F \accompanying tears; weeping/lamenting (together/greatly);
COLLACRUMO, COLLACRUMARE, COLLACRUMAVI, COLLACRUMATUS: V 1 1 \weep together, weep in the company of someone; weep over/for (w/ACC); bewail;
COLLACTANEA, COLLACTANEAE: N 1 1 F \foster-sister; one nourished at the same breast;
COLLACTANEUS, COLLACTANEI: N 2 1 M \foster-brother; one nourished at the same breast;
COLLACTEA, COLLACTEAE: N 1 1 F \foster-sister; one nourished at the same breast;
COLLACTEUS, COLLACTEI: N 2 1 M \foster-brother; one nourished at the same breast;
COLLACTIA, COLLACTIAE: N 1 1 F \foster-sister; one nourished at the same breast;
COLLACTIUS, COLLACTII: N 2 1 M \foster-brother; one nourished at the same breast;
COLLACTICIA, COLLACTICIAE: N 1 1 F \foster-sister; one nourished at the same breast;
COLLACTICIUS, COLLACTICII: N 2 1 M \foster-brother; one nourished at the same breast;
COLLAMBO, COLLAMBERE, COLLAMBI, -: V 3 1 \lick thoroughly; lap/lick up; suck (up), absorb;
COLLAPSIO, COLLAPSIONIS: N 3 1 F \precipitation, falling together;
COLLARIS, COLLARIS, COLLARE: ADJ 3 2 POS \of/pertaining to/belonging to the neck;
COLLARE, COLLARIS: N 3 4 N \collar, neckband; chain for the neck (L+S);
COLLARIUM, COLLARII: N 2 2 N \collar, neckband; chain for the neck (L+S);
COLLARIS, COLLARIS: N 3 3 M \collar, neckband; chain for the neck (L+S);
COLLATUS, COLLATUS: N 4 1 M \joining of battle; affray, attack (L+S); contributing (to knowledge, teaching);
COLLATICIUS, COLLATICIA, COLLATICIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \contributed, raised/produced by contributions; brought together (L+S); mingled;
COLLATIO, COLLATIONIS: N 3 1 F \placing/putting together, combination; data collation; (payment of) tribute/tax;
COLLATIO, COLLATIONIS: N 3 1 F \|comparison; (grammatical secunda ~o => comparative, tertia ~o => superlative);
COLLATITIUS, COLLATITIA, COLLATITIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \contributed, raised/produced by contributions; brought together (L+S); mingled;
COLLATIVUS, COLLATIVA, COLLATIVUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \supplied/produced by contributions from many quarters; collected, combined (L+S)
COLLATIVUM, COLLATIVI: N 2 2 N \contribution in money;
COLLATOR, COLLATORIS: N 3 1 M \joint contributor, subscriber; he who brings/places together (L+S); comparer;
COLLATRO, COLLATRARE, COLLATRAVI, COLLATRATUS: V 1 1 \bark in chorus at; bark/yelp fiercely at (L+S); inveigh against;
COLLAUDO, COLLAUDARE, COLLAUDAVI, COLLAUDATUS: V 1 1 \praise/extol highly; commend; eulogize;
COLLAUDABILIS, COLLAUDABILIS, COLLAUDABILE: ADJ 3 2 POS \worthy of praise in every respect;
COLLAUDATIO, COLLAUDATIONIS: N 3 1 F \high/warm praise; commendation; eulogy;
COLLAUDATOR, COLLAUDATORIS: N 3 1 M \one who praises highly/warmly;
COLLAXO, COLLAXARE, COLLAXAVI, COLLAXATUS: V 1 1 \loosen; make loose/porous (L+S);
COLLECTA, COLLECTAE: N 1 1 F \contribution; collection; meeting/assemblage (L+S); Collect at Mass (eccl.);
COLLECTUM, COLLECTI: N 2 2 N \that which is collected; (food); collected sayings/writings (pl.);
COLLECTUS, COLLECTUS: N 4 1 M \heap/pile; accumulation (of liquid); collection;
COLLECTUS, COLLECTA -UM, COLLECTIOR -OR -US, COLLECTISSIMUS -A -UM: ADJ 1 1 X \compact (of style), concise; restricted; contracted, narrow;
COLLECTACULUM, COLLECTACULI: N 2 2 N \place of assembling; receptacle, reservoir;
COLLECTANEUS, COLLECTANEA, COLLECTANEUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \collected, assembled/gathered together from various sources;
COLLECTARIUS, COLLECTARII: N 2 1 M \money-changer; banker, cashier;
COLLECTE: ADV POS \summarily; briefly;
COLLECTICIUS, COLLECTICIA, COLLECTICIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \obtained/collected from various quarters; gathered hastily without selection;
COLLECTIM: ADV POS \summarily; briefly;
COLLECTIO, COLLECTIONIS: N 3 1 F \collection/accumulation; gathering, abscess; recapitulation, summary; inference;
COLLECTITIUS, COLLECTITIA, COLLECTITIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \obtained/collected from various quarters; gathered hastily without selection;
COLLECTIVUS, COLLECTIVA, COLLECTIVUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \proceeding by inference; deductive; gathered together (L+S); collective (noun);
COLLECTOR, COLLECTORIS: N 3 1 M \collector, one who collects; fellow student (L+S);
COLLEGA, COLLEGAE: N 1 1 C \colleague (in official/priestly office); associate, fellow (not official);
COLLEGATARIUS, COLLEGATARII: N 2 1 M \joint legatee; person bequeathed a legacy in common with others;
COLLEGIUM, COLLEGI(I): N 2 4 N \college/board (priests); corporation; brotherhood/fraternity/guild/colleagueship
COLLEGIALIS, COLLEGIALIS, COLLEGIALE: ADJ 3 2 POS \of a collegium (guild/fraternity/board); collegial;
COLLEGIARIUS, COLLEGIARIA, COLLEGIARIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \of a collegium (guild/fraternity/board); collegial;
COLLEGIARIUS, COLLEGIARII: N 2 1 M \member of a collegium (guild/fraternity/society/corporation/board);
COLLEGIATUS, COLLEGIATI: N 2 1 M \member of a collegium (guild/fraternity/society/corporation/board);
COLLEMA, COLLEMATIS: N 3 2 N \that which is glued/cemented together;
COLLEPROSUS, COLLEPROSI: N 2 1 M \fellow-leper;
COLLESCO, COLLESCERE, COLLUXI, -: V 3 1 \lighten up, become illuminated; become clear/intelligible;
COLLETICUS, COLLETICA, COLLETICUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \suitable for gluing/sticking together;
COLLEVO, COLLEVARE, COLLEVAVI, COLLEVATUS: V 1 1 \make (entirely) smooth; smooth;
COLLIBERTA, COLLIBERTAE: N 1 1 F \fellow freedwoman; (having the same patronus);
COLLIBERTUS, COLLIBERTI: N 2 1 M \fellow freedman; (having the same patronus);
COLLICELLUS, COLLICELLI: N 2 1 M \very small hill;
COLLICIA, COLLICIAE: N 1 1 F \gutter/drain(pl.) between two inwardly-sloping roofs; gully; field-drain/runnel
COLLICIARIS, COLLICIARIS, COLLICIARE: ADJ 3 2 POS \designed for making gullies; pertaining to water-channels (L+S);
COLLICULUS, COLLICULI: N 2 1 M \hillock, small hill;
COLLIDO, COLLIDERE, COLLISI, COLLISUS: V 3 1 \strike/dash together; crush, batter, deform; set into conflict with each other;
COLLIGA, COLLIGAE: N 1 1 F \place/cave for gathering natron (native sesquicarbonate of soda); (from dripping
COLLIGO, COLLIGERE, COLLEGI, COLLECTUS: V 3 1 \collect, assemble, bring/gather/hold/keep together; combine; harvest; pick up;
COLLIGO, COLLIGERE, COLLEGI, COLLECTUS: V 3 1 \|obtain/acquire, amass; rally; recover; sum up; deduce, infer; compute, add up;
COLLIGO, COLLIGERE, COLLEXI, COLLECTUS: V 3 1 \collect, assemble, bring/gather/hold/keep together; combine; harvest; pick up;
COLLIGO, COLLIGERE, COLLEXI, COLLECTUS: V 3 1 \|obtain/acquire, amass; rally; recover; sum up; deduce, infer; compute, add up;
COLLIGO, COLLIGARE, COLLIGAVI, COLLIGATUS: V 1 1 \bind/tie/pack together/up, connect, unite/unify; fetter/bind; immobilize, stop;
COLLIGATE: ADV POS \connectedly, jointly;
COLLIGATIO, COLLIGATIONIS: N 3 1 F \binding together; bond/connection; thing that binds/connects band; conjunction;
COLLIMO, COLLIMARE, COLLIMAVI, COLLIMATUS: V 1 1 \direct (the eyes) sideways; glance sidelong;
COLLIMITUM, COLLIMITI: N 2 2 N \boundary between two countries;
COLLINUS, COLLINA, COLLINUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \of/belonging to/pertaining to hills; found/growing on hill (L+S); hilly, hill-;
COLLINA, COLLINAE: N 1 1 F \hilly land; goddess of the hills;
COLLINO, COLLINERE, COLLEVI, COLLITUS: V 3 1 \besmear, smear over; soil, pollute, defile;
COLLINEO, COLLINEARE, COLLINEAVI, COLLINEATUS: V 1 1 \align, direct, aim; direct in a straight line (L+S);
COLLINEATE: ADV POS \in a straight/direct line; skillfully, artistically;
COLLINIO, COLLINIARE, COLLINIAVI, COLLINIATUS: V 1 1 \align, direct, aim; direct in a straight line (L+S);
COLLIPHIUM, COLLIPHII: N 2 2 N \unidentified preparation of meat; choice/nourishing meat for athletes (L+S);
COLLIQUEFACTUS, COLLIQUEFACTA, COLLIQUEFACTUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \made fluid, liquefied, melted; dissolved;
COLLIQUESCO, COLLIQUESCERE, COLLIQUI, -: V 3 1 \melt, liquefy (w/in+ACC); turn into by liquefying; melt along with; dissolve;
COLLIQUIA, COLLIQUIAE: N 1 1 F \gutter/drain (pl.) between two inwardly-sloping roofs; gully; field-drain/runnel
COLLIQUIARIUM, COLLIQUIARII: N 2 2 N \contrivance (pl.) for reliving air-pressure in water pipes;
COLLIS, COLLIS: N 3 3 M \hill, hillock, eminence, hill-top; mound; high ground; mountains (pl.) (poetic);
COLLISUS, COLLISA, COLLISUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \crushed, flattened;
COLLISUS, COLLISUS: N 4 1 M \striking/clashing together; collision;
COLLISIO, COLLISIONIS: N 3 1 F \clash, collision; dashing/striking together (L+S);
COLLOCO, COLLOCARE, COLLOCAVI, COLLOCATUS: V 1 1 \place/put/set in order/proper position, arrange; station, post, position; apply;
COLLOCO, COLLOCARE, COLLOCAVI, COLLOCATUS: V 1 1 \|put together, assemble; settle/establish in a place/marriage; billet; lie down;
COLLOCATIO, COLLOCATIONIS: N 3 1 F \placing/siting (together); position; arrangement, ordering (things); marrying;
COLLOCUPLETO, COLLOCUPLETARE, COLLOCUPLETAVI, COLLOCUPLETATUS: V 1 1 \enrich, make wealthy/very rich; embellish, adorn;
COLLOCUTIO, COLLOCUTIONIS: N 3 1 F \conversation (private), discussion, debate; conference, parley; talking together
COLLOCUTOR, COLLOCUTORIS: N 3 1 M \he who talks with another;
COLLOQUOR, COLLOQUI, -, COLLOCUTUS SUM: V 3 1 \talk/speak to/with; talk together/over; converse; discuss; confer, parley;
COLLOQUIUM, COLLOQUII: N 2 2 N \talk, conversation; colloquy/discussion; interview; meeting/conference; parley;
COLLUO, COLLUERE, COLLUI, COLLUTUS: V 3 1 \wash/rinse out; wash/rinse away (impurities); wash together; use as a wash(?);
COLLUBUS, COLLUBI: N 2 1 M \cost of exchange, agio; discount/fee to change money/make change; coin;
COLLUCO, COLLUCARE, COLLUCAVI, COLLUCATUS: V 1 1 \prune; thin out (trees); clear/thin (a forest) (L+S);
COLLUCEO, COLLUCERE, COLLUXI, -: V 2 1 \shine brightly, light up (with fire); reflect light, shine, be lit up; glitter;
COLLUCTOR, COLLUCTARI, -, COLLUCTATUS SUM: V 1 1 \struggle physically; wrestle/contend (with); struggle/fight against (adversity);
COLLUCTIO, COLLUCTIONIS: N 3 1 F \struggling (physical w/person/animal); struggle, conflict; death struggle/agony;
COLLUCTOR, COLLUCTORIS: N 3 1 M \wrestler; antagonist, adversary;
COLLUDO, COLLUDERE, COLLUSI, COLLUSUS: V 3 1 \play/sport together/with; (also) make sport; act in collusion (with);
COLLUDIUM, COLLUDII: N 2 2 N \sporting, playing together; secret, deceptive understanding, collusion;
COLLUGEO, COLLUGERE, COLLUXI, -: V 2 1 \lament; grieve together;
COLLURCHINATIO, COLLURCHINATIONIS: N 3 1 F \gormandizing, gross gluttony; guzzling;
COLLUSIM: ADV POS \in collusion;
COLLUSIO, COLLUSIONIS: N 3 1 F \secret/deceptive understanding, collusion;
COLLUSOR, COLLUSORIS: N 3 1 M \playmate, companion in play; fellow gambler; one in collusion to hurt another;
COLLUSORIE: ADV POS \in/by collusion; in a concerted manner (L+S);
COLLUSTRO, COLLUSTRARE, COLLUSTRAVI, COLLUSTRATUS: V 1 1 \illuminate, make bright, light up fully; look over, survey; traverse, explore;
COLLUSTRIUM, COLLUSTRII: N 2 2 N \ceremonial purification (of fields); corporation that procured the purification;
COLLUTIO, COLLUTIONIS: N 3 1 F \rinsing; washing (L+S);
COLLUTITO, COLLUTITARE, COLLUTITAVI, COLLUTITATUS: V 1 1 \soil/defile greatly/thoroughly;
COLLUVIUM, COLLUVII: N 2 2 N \muck, decayed matter; refuse/sewage; pig-swill; filth; dregs; cesspool/mire;
COLLUVIES, COLLUVIEI: N 5 1 F \muck, decayed matter; refuse/sewage; pig-swill; filth; dregs; cesspool/mire;
COLLUVIARIS, COLLUVIARIS, COLLUVIARE: ADJ 3 2 POS \swilled/slopped, fed on refuse/filth (pigs);
COLLUVIO, COLLUVIONIS: N 3 1 F \jumble/heterogeneous mass; fact/state of contamination, impure mixture; turmoil;
COLLUVIO, COLLUVIONIS: N 3 1 F \|muck, decayed matter; refuse/sewage; pig-swill; filth; dregs; cesspool/mire;
COLLYBUS, COLLYBI: N 2 1 M \(cost of) exchange; agio, discount/fee to change money/make change; coin;
COLLYBISTA, COLLYBISTAE: N 1 1 M \money-changer;
COLLYRA, COLLYRAE: N 1 1 F \kind of pasta; macaroni/vermicelli (L+S);
COLLYRIUM, COLLYRI(I): N 2 4 N \eye-salve; suppository; packing; pessary/tent (contraceptive); shaft/pillar (L+S
COLLYRICUS, COLLYRICA, COLLYRICUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \made with collyra (kind of pasta); of vermicelli (L+S); (vermicelli soup);
COLLYRIDA, COLLYRIDAE: N 1 1 F \roll/cake; head-dress of women; plant (also called malva erratica);
COLLYRIOLUM, COLLYRIOLI: N 2 2 N \small suppository; packing; pessary/tent;
COLLYRIS, COLLYRIDIS: N 3 1 F \roll/cake; head-dress of women; plant (also called malva erratica);
COLOBOS, COLOBOS, -: ADJ 2 6 POS \mutilated, curtailed, cut off; in which one syllable is missing (verse);
-, -, COLOBON: ADJ 2 8 POS \mutilated, curtailed, cut off; in which one syllable is missing (verse);
COLOBUM, COLOBI: N 2 2 N \undergarment with short sleeves;
COLOBATHRARIUS, COLOBATHRARII: N 2 1 M \stilt-walker, one who walks on stilts;
COLOBIUM, COLOBII: N 2 2 N \undergarment with short sleeves;
COLOCASIA, COLOCASIAE: N 1 1 F \the Egyptian bean (lily); (plant/fruit);
COLOCASIUM, COLOCASII: N 2 2 N \the Egyptian bean (lily) (pl.); (plant/fruit);
COLOCYNTHA, COLOCYNTHAE: N 1 1 F \kind of gourd; (rude of cunnilingi);
COLOCYNTHIS, COLOCYNTHIDIS: N 3 1 F \gourd plant/fruit, bitter apple, colocynth (Citrullus colocynthis); (purgative);
COLOCYNTHIS, COLOCYNTHIDOS/IS: N 3 9 F \gourd plant/fruit, bitter apple, colocynth (Citrullus colocynthis); (purgative);
COLOCYNTIS, COLOCYNTIDOS/IS: N 3 9 F \gourd plant/fruit, bitter apple, colocynth (Citrullus colocynthis); (purgative);
COLOEPHIUM, COLOEPHII: N 2 2 N \unidentified preparation of meat; choice/nourishing meat for athletes (L+S);
COLONA, COLONAE: N 1 1 F \female farmer/tenant/cultivator of land; farmer's wife; countrywoman (L+S);
COLONUS, COLONI: N 2 1 M \farmer, cultivator, tiller; tenant-farmer; settler, colonist; inhabitant;
COLONARIUS, COLONARIA, COLONARIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \of/pertaining to farmer/colonist; rustic;
COLONATUS, COLONATUS: N 4 1 M \condition of a rustic;
COLONIA, COLONIAE: N 1 1 F \colony/settlement or people thereof; colony of bees; land attached to a farm;
COLONIA, COLONIAE: N 1 1 F \|possession in land, landed estate, farm; abode, dwelling;
COLONIARIUS, COLONIARIA, COLONIARIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \of/belonging to/prescribed for a colony, colonial;
COLONIARIA, COLONIARIAE: N 1 1 F \native of a colony (female); colonial;
COLONIARIUS, COLONIARII: N 2 1 M \native of a colony; colonial;
COLONICUS, COLONICA, COLONICUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \of/belonging to/prescribed for a colony, colonial; (troops); common/farm (sheep)
COLOPHON, COLOPHONIS: N 3 1 M \summit; finishing/crowning touch/stroke;
COLOPHON, COLOPHONOS/IS: N 3 7 M \summit; finishing/crowning touch/stroke;
COLOR, COLORIS: N 3 1 M \color; pigment; shade/tinge; complexion; outward appearance/show; excuse/pretext
COLORO, COLORARE, COLORAVI, COLORATUS: V 1 1 \color; paint; dye; tan; make darker; give deceptive color/gloss/appearance to;
COLORABILIS, COLORABILIS, COLORABILE: ADJ 3 2 POS \chromatic; (?) (divided tetrachord into 2 intervals of 1 semitone and 1 of 3);
COLORATUS, COLORATA -UM, COLORATIOR -OR -US, COLORATISSIMUS -A -UM: ADJ 1 1 X \colored; sunburnt/tanned/not pallid; dark complected/swarthy, colored; specious;
COLORATE: ADV POS \in a specious or plausible manner;
COLORATOR, COLORATORIS: N 3 1 M \colorer; house-painter(?); polisher (L+S);
COLOREUS, COLOREA, COLOREUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \multi-colored, variegated;
COLORIUS, COLORIA, COLORIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \multi-colored, variegated;
COLOS, COLORIS: N 3 1 M \color; pigment; shade/tinge; complexion; outward appearance/show; excuse/pretext
COLOSSUS, COLOSSI: N 2 1 M \the Colossus of Rhodes, colossal statue in harbor; any large statue (Emperor);
COLOSSOS, COLOSSI: N 2 6 M \the Colossus of Rhodes, colossal statue in harbor; any large statue (Emperor);
COLOSSAEUS, COLOSSAEA, COLOSSAEUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \colossal, huge, gigantic; much larger than life (statue);
COLOSSEUS, COLOSSEA, COLOSSEUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \colossal, huge, gigantic; much larger than life (statue);
COLOSSICUS, COLOSSICA, COLOSSICUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \colossal, huge, gigantic; much larger than life (statue);
-, -, COLOSSICON: ADJ 2 8 POS \colossal, huge, gigantic; much larger than life (statue);
COLOSTRA, COLOSTRAE: N 1 1 F \colustrum/beestings (first milk from a cow after calving); (term of endearment);
COLOSTRUM, COLOSTRI: N 2 2 N \colustrum/beestings (first milk from a cow after calving); (term of endearment);
COLOSTRATUS, COLOSTRATA, COLOSTRATUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \afflicted with disease from first milk/beestings;
COLOSTRATUS, COLOSTRATI: N 2 1 M \one/those afflicted with disease (colostration) from first milk/beestings;
COLOSTRATIO, COLOSTRATIONIS: N 3 1 F \disease of new-born mammals; (falsely attributed to first milk/beestings);
COLOTES, COLOTAE: N 1 7 M \gecko/spotted lizard (Platdactylus mauretanicus);
COLPA, COLPAE: N 1 1 F \fault/blame/responsibility (w/GEN); crime (esp. against chastity); negligence;
COLPA, COLPAE: N 1 1 F \|offense; error; (sense of) guilt; fault/defect (moral/other); sickness/injury;
COLUBER, COLUBRI: N 2 3 M \snake; serpent; (forming hair of mythical monsters);
COLUBRA, COLUBRAE: N 1 1 F \serpent, snake; (forming hair of mythical monsters); Furies; (head of) Hydra;
COLUBRIFER, COLUBRIFERA, COLUBRIFERUM: ADJ 1 2 POS \snaky; snake-haired; (of the Gorgon/Medusa);
COLUBRIMODUS, COLUBRIMODA, COLUBRIMODUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \snake-like, having the qualities of a snake;
COLUBRINUS, COLUBRINA, COLUBRINUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \snake-like, having the qualities of a snake, cunning;
COLUBRINA, COLUBRINAE: N 1 1 F \plant; (also called bryonia and dracontea);
COLUMIS, COLUMIS, COLUME: ADJ 3 2 POS \safe; unhurt, unimpaired; (?);
COLUMBA, COLUMBAE: N 1 1 F \pigeon; dove; (term of endearment); (bird of Venus/symbol of love/gentleness);
COLUMBUS, COLUMBI: N 2 1 M \male/cock pigeon; (of male persons) (L+S); dove;
COLUMBOR, COLUMBARI, -, COLUMBATUS SUM: V 1 1 \bill and coo; (like doves);
COLUMBAR, COLUMBARIS: N 3 4 N \pigeon compartment/cot/hole; collar for constraint, pillory; niche in sepulcher;
COLUMBARE, COLUMBARIS: N 3 4 N \pigeon compartment/cot/hole; collar for constraint, pillory; niche in sepulcher;
COLUMBARIUS, COLUMBARI(I): N 2 4 M \pigeon-keeper; oarsman (term of reproach) (L+S);
COLUMBARIUM, COLUMBARI(I): N 2 4 N \box for pair of pigeons; niche in sepulcher for ashes; hole for oars, oarlock;
COLUMBARIUM, COLUMBARI(I): N 2 4 N \|hole for beam; exit of water-wheel near axle; dove-cot, pigeon house (L+S);
COLUMBATIM: ADV POS \in the manner of doves, like doves, dovey;
COLUMBINUS, COLUMBINA, COLUMBINUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \of pigeons, pigeon-; variety of plants (dove-colored?) (chick-pea/vine/marl);
COLUMBINUS, COLUMBINI: N 2 1 M \little dove;
COLUMBINACEUS, COLUMBINACEA, COLUMBINACEUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \of/pertaining to pigeons/doves, dove/pigeon-; (~ pullus => young dove);
COLUMBULA, COLUMBULAE: N 1 1 F \little dove;
COLUMBULUS, COLUMBULI: N 2 1 M \little dove;
COLUMBULATIM: ADV POS \in the manner of (little) doves, like (little) doves, dovey;
COLUMELLA, COLUMELLAE: N 1 1 F \small column/pillar; pivot of oil-mill; stanchion of catapult; column tombstone;
COLUMELLARIS, COLUMELLARIS, COLUMELLARE: ADJ 3 2 POS \pillar-formed; (of the grinding teeth of horses);
COLUMELLARIS, COLUMELLARIS: N 3 3 M \canine teeth (pl.) of horses; grinding teeth of horses (L+S); (pillar-formed);
COLUMEN, COLUMINIS: N 3 2 N \height, peak, summit, zenith; roof, gable, ridge-pole; head, chief; 'keystone';
COLUMNA, COLUMNAE: N 1 1 F \column/pillar (building/monument/pedestal/water-clock), post/prop; portico (pl.)
COLUMNA, COLUMNAE: N 1 1 F \|stanchion (press/ballista); water-spout; pillar of fire; penis (rude);
COLUMNARIS, COLUMNARIS, COLUMNARE: ADJ 3 2 POS \rising in form of a pillar, pillar-like, columnar; (~ lux => pillar of fire);
COLUMNAR, COLUMNARIS: N 3 4 N \marble quarry; stone quarry (L+S);
COLUMNARIUS, COLUMNARII: N 2 1 M \frequenter of porticos, idler; builder of columns (?);
COLUMNARIUS, COLUMNARII: N 2 1 M \one who was condemned at the Columna Maenia; criminal; debtor;
COLUMNARIUM, COLUMNARI(I): N 2 4 N \a pillar-tax, tax on pillars/columns; (applied to fancy houses);
COLUMNATUS, COLUMNATA, COLUMNATUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \supported on/by pillars/columns; provided with/having pillars;
COLUMNATIO, COLUMNATIONIS: N 3 1 F \supporting with/on pillars; support by pillars/columns;
COLUMNELLA, COLUMNELLAE: N 1 1 F \small column/pillar; pivot of oil-mill; stanchion of catapult; column tombstone;
COLUMNIFER, COLUMNIFERA, COLUMNIFERUM: ADJ 1 2 POS \column-bearing; (~ radius => pillar of fire);
COLURUS, COLURA, COLURUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \(two circles) through equinoctial and solstitial points perpendicular at poles;
COLURUS, COLURA, COLURUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \a syllable too short (w/metrum);
COLURNUS, COLURNA, COLURNUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \made of hazel, of hazel, hazel-;
COLUSTRA, COLUSTRAE: N 1 1 F \colustrum/beestings (first milk from a cow after calving); (term of endearment);
COLUSTRUM, COLUSTRI: N 2 2 N \colustrum/beestings (first milk from a cow after calving); (term of endearment);
COLUTEUM, COLUTEI: N 2 2 N \pods (pl.) of an unidentified tree (?); pod-like fruit (L+S);
COLUTHIUM, COLUTHII: N 2 2 N \kind of gastropod mollusk; kind of snail of dark color (L+S);
COLYMBUS, COLYMBI: N 2 1 M \swimming pool/bath;
COLYMBAS, COLYMBADOS/IS: N 3 7 F \pickled olive; (swimming in brine L+S);
COLYPHIUM, COLYPHII: N 2 2 N \unidentified preparation of meat; choice/nourishing meat for athletes (L+S);
COLYX, COLYCOS/IS: N 3 7 F \cavern where natron (native sesquicarbonate of soda/alkali) is distilling/drips;
COM: ADV POS \together;
COM: PREP ABL \with, together/jointly/along/simultaneous with, amid; supporting; attached;
COM: PREP ABL \|under command/at the head of; having/containing/including; using/by means of;
COMA, COMAE: N 1 1 F \hair, hair of the head, mane of animal; wool, fleece; foliage, leaves; rays;
COME, COMES: N 1 6 F \one or more plants of the genus Tragopogon, goat's beard or salsify;
COMIS, COME, COMIOR -OR -US, COMISSIMUS -A -UM: ADJ 3 2 X \courteous/kind/obliging/affable/gracious; elegant, cultured, having good taste;
COMO, COMERE, COMPSI, COMPTUS: V 3 1 \arrange/do (hair); adorn, make beautiful; embellish; arrange in order, set out;
COMO, COMERE, COMSI, COMTUS: V 3 1 \arrange/do (hair); adorn, make beautiful; embellish; arrange in order, set out;
COMO, COMARE, -, -: V 1 1 \be furnished/covered with hair; clothe/deck with hair/something hair-like;
COMACUM, COMACI: N 2 2 N \aromatic plant (nutmeg?); (substitute for cinnamon); kind of cinnamon (L+S);
COMANS, (GEN.), COMANTIS: ADJ 3 1 POS \hairy; long-haired; flowing (beard); plumed; leafy; w/foliage; w/radiant train;
COMAROS, COMARI: N 2 6 F \(fruit of) the strawberry-tree (arbitus unedonis); plant (called fragum) (L+S);
COMARCHUS, COMARCHI: N 2 1 M \headman/chief/governor of a village; burgomeister, mayor;
COMATUS, COMATA, COMATUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \long-haired, having (long) hair; (Gallia Comata => Transalpine Gaul); leafy;
COMATUS, COMATI: N 2 1 M \one having long hair; (esp. as applied to the Frankish royals);
COMATUS, COMATI: N 2 1 M \county, earldom (England); county court (attendance/fine for non-attendance);
COMATORIUS, COMATORIA, COMATORIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \for the hair; (~ acus => hair-pin);
COMAUDIO, COMAUDIRE, COMAUDIVI, COMAUDITUS: V 3 4 \confine to narrow space, cramp; make narrower; narrow/limit scope/application;
COMBENNO, COMBENNONIS: N 3 1 M \those riding together in a benna (kind of (wickerwork?) carriage) (Gallic);
COMBIBO, COMBIBERE, COMBIBI, -: V 3 1 \drink completely/together/up; hold back (tears); absorb, soak in; swallow up;
COMBIBO, COMBIBONIS: N 3 1 M \drinking companion/buddy;
COMBINATIO, COMBINATIONIS: N 3 1 F \joining two by two;
COMBRETUM, COMBRETI: N 2 2 N \plant (unidentified); kind of rush (L+S);
COMBURO, COMBURERE, COMBUSI, COMBUSTUS: V 3 1 \burn up/away; (w/love); consume/destroy w/fire; reduce to ash, cremate; scald;
COMBURO, COMBURERE, COMBUSSI, COMBUSTUS: V 3 1 \burn up/away; (w/love); consume/destroy w/fire; reduce to ash, cremate; scald;
COMBUSTUM, COMBUSTI: N 2 2 N \burn, injury from burning/scalding;
COMBUSTIO, COMBUSTIONIS: N 3 1 F \burning, consuming;
COMEDUS, COMEDI: N 2 1 M \glutton; gourmet; one who spends/squanders his money on feasting/revelling;
COMEDO, COMEDERE, COMEDI, COMESUS: V 3 1 \eat up/away, chew up; finish eating; fret, chafe; consume/devour; waste/squander
COMEDO, COMEDERE, COMEDI, COMESSUS: V 3 1 \eat up/away, chew up; finish eating; fret, chafe; consume/devour; waste/squander
COMEDO, COMEDERE, COMEDI, COMESTUS: V 3 1 \eat up/away, chew up; finish eating; fret, chafe; consume/devour; waste/squander
COMEDO, COMESSE, -, -: V 7 3 \eat up/away, chew up; finish eating; fret, chafe; consume/devour; waste/squander
COMEDO, COMEDONIS: N 3 1 M \glutton; gourmet; one who spends/squanders his money on feasting/revelling;
COMESUS, COMESUS: N 4 1 M \eating, consuming;
COMES, COMITIS: N 3 1 C \comrade, companion, associate, partner; soldier/devotee/follower of another;
COMES, COMITIS: N 3 1 M \Count, Earl (England); official, magnate; occupant of any state office;
COMESALITER: ADV POS \wantonly; jovially;
COMESATIO, COMESATIONIS: N 3 1 F \carousing, merry-making, feasting, revelry; Bacchanial procession/rioting (L+S);
COMESATOR, COMESATORIS: N 3 1 M \reveller, carouser; one who joins a festive procession (L+S); (Vulgate one s);
COMESOR, COMESORIS: N 3 1 M \glutton, gourmand; member of a dancing-club;
COMESSALITER: ADV POS \wantonly; jovially;
COMESSATIO, COMESSATIONIS: N 3 1 F \carousing, merry-making, feasting, revelry; Bacchanial procession/rioting (L+S);
COMESSATOR, COMESSATORIS: N 3 1 M \reveller, carouser; one who joins a festive procession (L+S);
COMESTIO, COMESTIONIS: N 3 1 F \consuming;
COMESTOR, COMESTORIS: N 3 1 M \glutton, gourmand; member of a dining-club;
COMETA, COMETAE: N 1 1 F \comet; meteor; luminous body in the sky having a trail; (portent of disaster);
COMETES, COMETAE: N 1 7 F \comet; meteor; luminous body in the sky having a trail; (portent of disaster);
COMETERIUM, COMETERII: N 2 2 N \churchyard; cemetery, burying ground;
COMETESSA, COMETESSAE: N 1 1 F \Countess, Lady; wife of a Count/Comes; (or widow or daughter);
COMETISSA, COMETISSAE: N 1 1 F \Countess, Lady; wife of a Count/Comes; (or widow or daughter);
COMIUM, COMII: N 2 2 N \county, earldom (England); county court (attendance/fine for non-attendance);
COMICUS, COMICA, COMICUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \comic, belonging/suited/appropriate to comedy; typical/characteristic of comedy;
COMICUS, COMICI: N 2 1 M \comic actor, comedian; writer of comedy; comic poet;
COMICE: ADV POS \in a style suited to comedy; in the manner of comedy;
COMINCOMMODUS, COMINCOMMODA, COMINCOMMODUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \agreeable/disagreeable; (facetious combination of commodus and incommodus);
COMINUS: ADV POS \hand to hand (fight), in close combat/quarters; close at hand; in presence of;
COMISOR, COMISARI, -, COMISATUS SUM: V 1 1 \carouse, revel, make merry; hold a festive procession (L+S);
COMISABUNDUS, COMISABUNDA, COMISABUNDUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \carousing, revelling, banqueting; holding a riotous procession (L+S);
COMISATIO, COMISATIONIS: N 3 1 F \carousing, merry-making, feasting, revelry; Bacchanial procession/rioting (L+S);
COMISATOR, COMISATORIS: N 3 1 M \reveller, carouser; one who joins a festive procession (L+S);
COMISSOR, COMISSARI, -, COMISSATUS SUM: V 1 1 \carouse, revel, make merry; hold a festive procession (L+S);
COMISSABUNDUS, COMISSABUNDA, COMISSABUNDUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \carousing, revelling, banqueting; holding a riotous procession (L+S);
COMISSALITER: ADV POS \wantonly; jovially;
COMISSATIO, COMISSATIONIS: N 3 1 F \carousing, merry-making, feasting, revelry; Bacchanial procession/rioting (L+S);
COMISSATOR, COMISSATORIS: N 3 1 M \reveller, carouser; one who joins a festive procession (L+S);
COMITO, COMITARE, COMITAVI, COMITATUS: V 1 1 \accompany, go along with; attend (funeral); follow (camp); grow alongside;
COMITOR, COMITARI, -, COMITATUS SUM: V 1 1 \join as an attendant, guard/escort; accompany, follow; attend (funeral);
COMITOR, COMITARI, -, COMITATUS SUM: V 1 1 \|go/be carried with; be retained/stay/grow/join with; be connected with; occur;
COMITAS, COMITATIS: N 3 1 F \politeness, courtesy; kindness, generosity, friendliness; good taste, elegance;
COMITATUS, COMITATUS: N 4 1 M \company of soldiers/mercenaries; war band; company/throng/crowd; rank and file;
COMITATUS, COMITATUS: N 4 1 M \|escort/retinue (of slaves/clients); court of a king; combination, association;
COMITATUS, COMITATA -UM, COMITATIOR -OR -US, COMITATISSIMUS -A -UM: ADJ 1 1 X \accompanied (by/in time); (COMP) better attended, having a larger retinue;
COMITATENSIS, COMITATENSIS, COMITATENSE: ADJ 3 2 POS \of/pertaining to the dignity/office of courtiers; court-;
COMITER: ADV POS \courteously, affably, obligingly, graciously, kindly;
COMITER, COMIUS, COMISSIME: ADV X \courteously/kindly/civilly, readily; in friendly/sociable manner; w/good will;
COMITESSA, COMITESSAE: N 1 1 F \Countess, Lady; wife of a Count/Comes; (or widow or daughter);
COMITIUM, COMITI(I): N 2 4 N \place in Forum where comitia were held; comitia (pl.), assembly; elections;
COMITIO, COMITIARE, COMITIAVI, COMITIATUS: V 1 1 \offer the sacrifice after which the comitia could be held; go to comitia (L+S);
COMITIALIS, COMITIALIS, COMITIALE: ADJ 3 2 POS \pertaining to/proper for the comitia (assembly of Roman people); electoral;
COMITIALIS, COMITIALIS, COMITIALE: ADJ 3 2 POS \|epileptic, suffering from epilepsy; (morbus/vitium ~ => major epilepsy);
COMITIALIS, COMITIALIS: N 3 3 M \epileptic, one who has epilepsy; attacks of epilepsy (pl.);
COMITIALITER: ADV POS \by/as a result of epilepsy; epileptically;
COMITIANUS, COMITIANA, COMITIANUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \of/pertaining to the Comes Orientis (Byzantine court official);
COMITIATUS, COMITIATI: N 2 1 M \military tribune elected at the assembly of the people in the comitia;
COMITIATUS, COMITIATUS: N 4 1 M \assembly of the people in the comitia;
COMITISSA, COMITISSAE: N 1 1 F \Countess, Lady; wife of a Count/Comes; (or widow or daughter);
COMITIVUS, COMITIVA, COMITIVUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \pertaining to a chief officer;
COMIVA, COMIVAE: N 1 1 F \county, earldom (England); county court (attendance/fine for non-attendance);
COMMA, COMMAE: N 1 1 F \phrase, part of a line; division of a period (L+S); comma, punctuation mark;
COMMACERO, COMMACERARE, COMMACERAVI, COMMACERATUS: V 1 1 \macerate, soften by steeping in liquid;
COMMACERATIO, COMMACERATIONIS: N 3 1 F \dissolution, maceration, steeping to soften;
COMMACESCO, COMMACESCERE, -, -: V 3 1 \grow lean;
COMMACULO, COMMACULARE, COMMACULAVI, COMMACULATUS: V 1 1 \stain deeply, pollute, defile; contaminate, defile morally; sully (reputation);
COMMADEO, COMMADERE, COMMADUI, -: V 2 1 \become tender or sodden; become very soft (L+S);
COMMAGISTER, COMMAGISTRI: N 2 3 M \joint-master (of a collegium);
COMMALAXO, COMMALAXARE, COMMALAXAVI, COMMALAXATUS: V 1 1 \soften/subdue completely; make entirely mild (L+S);
COMMANEO, COMMANERE, COMMANSI, COMMANSUS: V 2 1 \remain somewhere constantly;
COMMANDO, COMMANDERE, COMMANDI, COMMANSUS: V 3 1 \chew; (chew thoroughly/completely);
COMMANDATICIUS, COMMANDATICIA, COMMANDATICIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \containing a recommendation or introduction (letters); commendatory (L+S);
COMMANDUCO, COMMANDUCARE, COMMANDUCAVI, COMMANDUCATUS: V 1 1 \chew up, chew/masticate thoroughly; chew to pieces (L+S);
COMMANDUCOR, COMMANDUCARI, -, COMMANDUCATUS SUM: V 1 1 \chew up, chew/masticate thoroughly; chew to pieces (L+S);
COMMANDUCATIO, COMMANDUCATIONIS: N 3 1 F \chewing, mastication;
COMMANIPLUS, COMMANIPLI: N 2 1 M \soldier/comrade of the same maniple; fellow soldier;
COMMANIPLAR, COMMANIPLARIS: N 3 3 M \soldier/comrade of the same maniple; fellow soldier;
COMMANIPULUS, COMMANIPULI: N 2 1 M \soldier/comrade of the same maniple; fellow soldier;
COMMANIPULAR, COMMANIPULARIS: N 3 3 M \soldier/comrade of the same maniple; fellow soldier;
COMMANIPULATIO, COMMANIPULATIONIS: N 3 1 F \companionship in a manipulus;
COMMANIPULO, COMMANIPULONIS: N 3 1 M \soldier/comrade of the same maniple; fellow soldier;
COMMANUPLAR, COMMANUPLARIS: N 3 3 M \soldier/comrade of the same maniple; fellow soldier;
COMMANUPULAR, COMMANUPULARIS: N 3 3 M \soldier/comrade of the same maniple; fellow soldier;
COMMARCEO, COMMARCERE, -, -: V 2 1 \wither; become wholly faint/inactive;
COMMARGINO, COMMARGINARE, COMMARGINAVI, COMMARGINATUS: V 1 1 \furnish with a parapet or railing;
COMMARITUS, COMMARITI: N 2 1 M \fellow/associate husband; (facetious);
COMMARTYR, COMMARTYRIS: N 3 1 M \fellow-martyr, companion in martyrdom;
COMMASCULO, COMMASCULARE, COMMASCULAVI, COMMASCULATUS: V 1 1 \screw up (one's courage); make manly/firm/courageous (L+S); invigorate/embolden;
COMMATICUS, COMMATICA, COMMATICUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \cut up, divided. short;
COMMATURESCO, COMMATURESCERE, COMMATURUI, -: V 3 1 \mature; ripen thoroughly/completely;
COMMEO, COMMEARE, COMMEAVI, COMMEATUS: V 1 1 \go to, visit, travel; pass; resort to; go to and fro, come and go; communicate;
COMMEABILIS, COMMEABILIS, COMMEABILE: ADJ 3 2 POS \permeable, that is easily passed through; that easily passes through;
COMMEATUS, COMMEATUS: N 4 1 M \supplies/provisions; goods; voyage; passage; convoy/caravan; furlough/leave;
COMMEATALIS, COMMEATALIS, COMMEATALE: ADJ 3 2 POS \of/pertaining to provisions/supplies; accompanying the provisions;
COMMEATOR, COMMEATORIS: N 3 1 M \go-between, messenger; one who goes to and fro (L+S); epithet of Mercury;
COMMEDITOR, COMMEDITARI, -, COMMEDITATUS SUM: V 1 1 \study, practice; imitate (poetic); impress carefully on one's mind (L+S);
COMMEIO, COMMEIERE, COMMINXI, COMMINCTUS: V 3 1 \defile with urine, wet; soil, defile; have sexual intercourse (Adams);
COMMEIO, COMMEIERE, COMMIXI, COMMICTUS: V 3 1 \defile with urine, wet; soil, defile; have sexual intercourse (Adams);
COMMELETO, COMMELETARE, COMMELETAVI, COMMELETATUS: V 1 1 \exercise, practice assiduously;
COMMEMORO, COMMEMORARE, COMMEMORAVI, COMMEMORATUS: V 1 1 \recall (to self/other); keep in mind, remember; mention/relate; place on record;
COMMEMORABILIS, COMMEMORABILIS, COMMEMORABILE: ADJ 3 2 POS \memorable, remarkable, worth mentioning;
COMMEMORAMENTUM, COMMEMORAMENTI: N 2 2 N \reminder; mention; mentioning;
COMMEMORATIO, COMMEMORATIONIS: N 3 1 F \remembrance/commemoration; observance (law); memory; mention/citation/reference;
COMMEMORATOR, COMMEMORATORIS: N 3 1 M \commemorator, one who mentions/recalls a thing;
COMMEMORATORIUM, COMMEMORATORII: N 2 2 N \means of remembrance;
COMMENDO, COMMENDARE, COMMENDAVI, COMMENDATUS: V 1 1 \entrust, give in trust; commit; recommend, commend to; point out, designate;
COMMENDABILIS, COMMENDABILE, COMMENDABILIOR -OR -US, COMMENDABILISSIMUS -A -U: ADJ 3 2 X \praiseworthy, notable; to be commended, commendable;
COMMENDATUS, COMMENDATA -UM, COMMENDATIOR -OR -US, COMMENDATISSIMUS -A -UM: ADJ 1 1 X \recommended (for attention/favor); entrusted; acceptable, agreeable, suitable;
COMMENDATICIUS, COMMENDATICIA, COMMENDATICIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \containing a recommendation or introduction (letters); commendatory (L+S);
COMMENDATIO, COMMENDATIONIS: N 3 1 F \entrusting, committal; recommendation, praise; excellence; approval, esteem;
COMMENDATITIUS, COMMENDATITIA, COMMENDATITIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \containing a recommendation or introduction (letters); commendatory (L+S);
COMMENDATIVUS, COMMENDATIVA, COMMENDATIVUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \commendatory; serving for/as commendation/recommendation;
COMMENDATOR, COMMENDATORIS: N 3 1 M \reference, one who recommends; recommended, commender;
COMMENDATORIUS, COMMENDATORIA, COMMENDATORIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \commendatory; serving for/as commendation/recommendation;
COMMENDATRIX, COMMENDATRICIS: N 3 1 F \reference, one who recommends (female);
COMMENSUS, COMMENSUS: N 4 1 M \proportion, relative measurements; in due proportion (L+S); symmetry;
COMMENSURABILIS, COMMENSURABILIS, COMMENSURABILE: ADJ 3 2 POS \commensurable, having a common measure;
COMMENSURATIO, COMMENSURATIONIS: N 3 1 F \symmetry, uniformity;
COMMENTUS, COMMENTA, COMMENTUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \feigned, pretended, fabricated, devised, fictitious, invented;
COMMENTUM, COMMENTI: N 2 2 N \invention; intention, design, scheme, device; fiction, fabrication; argument;
COMMENTO, COMMENTARE, COMMENTAVI, COMMENTATUS: V 1 1 \delineate, sketch; (humorously) demonstrate on the face (cudgel/beat);
COMMENTOR, COMMENTARI, -, COMMENTATUS SUM: V 1 1 \think about; study beforehand, practice, prepare; discuss, argue over; imagine;
COMMENTARIUS, COMMENTARI(I): N 2 4 M \notebook, private/historical journal; register; memo/note; commentary/treatise;
COMMENTARIUM, COMMENTARI(I): N 2 4 N \notebook, private/historical journal; register; memo/note; commentary/treatise;
COMMENTARIENSIS, COMMENTARIENSIS: N 3 3 M \secretary, accountant; official in charge of commentarii/public records/'books';
COMMENTARIENSIS, COMMENTARIENSIS: N 3 3 M \|registrar of public documents; prison keeper/recorder; one who lists soldiers;
COMMENTARIOLUS, COMMENTARIOLI: N 2 1 M \notebook; textbook; short treatise; brief commentary (L+S);
COMMENTARIOLUM, COMMENTARIOLI: N 2 2 N \notebook; textbook; short treatise; brief commentary (L+S);
COMMENTATIO, COMMENTATIONIS: N 3 1 F \thinking out, mental preparation; study; piece of reasoning/argument; textbook;
COMMENTATOR, COMMENTATORIS: N 3 1 M \inventor, deviser; contriver (L+S); author; interpreter (of law);
COMMENTIOR, COMMENTIRI, -, COMMENTITUS SUM: V 3 4 \state falsely; invent/devise a falsehood/lie (L+S);
COMMENTICIUS, COMMENTICIA, COMMENTICIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \invented, devised, improvised; imaginary; fabricated/fictitious; forged, false;
COMMENTITIUS, COMMENTITIA, COMMENTITIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \invented, devised, improvised; imaginary; fabricated/fictitious; forged, false;
COMMENTOR, COMMENTORIS: N 3 1 M \inventor, deviser; machinist (L+S);
COMMEREO, COMMERERE, COMMERUI, COMMERITUS: V 2 1 \merit fully, deserve, incur, earn (punishment/reward); be guilty of, perpetuate;
COMMEREOR, COMMERERI, -, COMMERITUS SUM: V 2 1 \merit fully, deserve, incur, earn (punishment/reward); be guilty of, perpetuate;
COMMERCOR, COMMERCARI, -, COMMERCATUS SUM: V 1 1 \buy, purchase; buy up (L+S); trade/traffic together;
COMMERCARI, COMMERCARIIS: N 3 1 M \fellow-purchaser;
COMMERCIUM, COMMERCI(I): N 2 4 N \trade/traffic/commerce (right/privilege); commercial/sex intercourse/relations;
COMMERCIUM, COMMERCI(I): N 2 4 N \|exchange, trafficking; goods, military supplies; trade routes; use in common;
COMMERS, COMMERCIS: N 3 3 F \friendly intercourse;
COMMETO, COMMETARE, COMMETAVI, COMMETATUS: V 1 1 \go constantly/frequently; come and go; survey thoroughly (facetious);
COMMETACULUM, COMMETACULI: N 2 2 N \rods (pl.) carried by the flamens/priests;
COMMETIOR, COMMETIRI, -, COMMENSUS SUM: V 3 4 \measure; pace out/off; compare (in measurement);
COMMI, UNDECLINED: N 9 9 N \gum, vicid secretion from trees;
COMMICTUS, COMMICTA, COMMICTUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \filthy, foul; (term of abuse);
COMMICTILIS, COMMICTILIS, COMMICTILE: ADJ 3 2 POS \filthy, foul; (term of abuse); despicable, vile, deserves to be defiled (L+S);
COMMIGRO, COMMIGRARE, COMMIGRAVI, COMMIGRATUS: V 1 1 \migrate, go and live (elsewhere); move one's home with all effects; enter;
COMMIGRATIO, COMMIGRATIONIS: N 3 1 F \removal (to a new place); wandering (L+S); migration;
COMMILES, COMMILITIS: N 3 1 M \fellow soldier;
COMMILITO, COMMILITARE, COMMILITAVI, COMMILITATUS: V 1 1 \fight on the same side/in company; be a comrade/companion in arms/battle/war;
COMMILITIUM, COMMILITI(I): N 2 4 N \comradeship/association in war/military service; fellowship in other activities;
COMMILITO, COMMILITONIS: N 3 1 M \fellow soldier; (used by J Caesar and others to troops); comrade, mate;
COMMINO, COMMINARE, COMMINAVI, COMMINATUS: V 1 1 \drive (cattle) together, round up;
COMMINOR, COMMINARI, -, COMMINATUS SUM: V 1 1 \threaten, make a threat;
COMMINATIO, COMMINATIONIS: N 3 1 F \threatening, menacing;
COMMINATOR, COMMINATORIS: N 3 1 M \menace, intimidator, threatener;
COMMINISCOR, COMMINISCI, -, COMMENTUS SUM: V 3 1 \devise, think up, invent; fabricate; state/contrive falsely, allege, pretend;
COMMINISCO, COMMINISCERE, -, COMMENTUS: V 3 1 \devise, think up, invent; fabricate; state/contrive falsely, allege, pretend;
COMMINUO, COMMINUERE, COMMINUI, COMMINUTUS: V 3 1 \break/crumble into pieces, shatter; break up; crush, smash, pulverize; lessen;
COMMINUS: ADV POS \hand to hand (fight), in close combat/quarters; close at hand; in presence of;
COMMINUTUS, COMMINUTA, COMMINUTUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \broken, shattered; smashed;
COMMIS, COMMIS: N 3 3 F \gum, vicid secretion from trees;
COMMISOR, COMMISARI, -, COMMISATUS SUM: V 1 1 \carouse, revel, make merry; hold a festive procession (L+S);
COMMISATIO, COMMISATIONIS: N 3 1 F \carousing, merry-making, feasting, revelry; Bacchanial procession/rioting (L+S);
COMMISCEO, COMMISCERE, COMMISCUI, COMMIXTUS: V 2 1 \intermingle, mix together/up, combine (ingredients); unite/join sexually;
COMMISCEO, COMMISCERE, COMMISCUI, COMMIXTUS: V 2 1 \|mingle (with another race); transact business (w/cum), discuss; confuse;
COMMISCIBILIS, COMMISCIBILIS, COMMISCIBILE: ADJ 3 2 POS \that can be mingled/mixed/combined;
COMMISEROR, COMMISERARI, -, COMMISERATUS SUM: V 1 1 \feel pity/compassion for; sympathize with; seek/arouse pity/sympathy for; bewail
COMMISEREOR, COMMISERERI, -, COMMISERITUS SUM: V 2 1 \pity; excite compassion; show pity at;
COMMISERET, COMMISERERE, COMMISERIT: V 2 1 \one pities/feels sorry for (w/ACC or GEN);
COMMISERATIO, COMMISERATIONIS: N 3 1 F \pathos, rousing of pity (esp. in a speech); part of oration exciting compassion;
COMMISERESCIT, COMMISERESCERE, COMMISERESCIT: V 3 1 \one pities/sympathizes/feels sorry for (w/ACC or GEN); thou have pity upon;
COMMISERESCO, COMMISERESCERE, -, -: V 3 1 \have/show pity/sympathy, commiserate;
COMMISERO, COMMISERONIS: N 3 1 M \companion in misfortune;
COMMISSUM, COMMISSI: N 2 2 N \undertaking, enterprise; trust, secret; thing entrusted/confiscated; crime;
COMMISSOR, COMMISSARI, -, COMMISSATUS SUM: V 1 1 \carouse, revel, make merry; hold a festive procession (L+S);
COMMISSARIUS, COMMISSARII: N 2 1 M \agent; (Erasmus);
COMMISSATIO, COMMISSATIONIS: N 3 1 F \carousing, merry-making, feasting, revelry; Bacchanial procession/rioting (L+S);
COMMISSIO, COMMISSIONIS: N 3 1 F \commencement/holding (of games/other contests); event; speech opening games;
COMMISSOR, COMMISSORIS: N 3 1 M \perpetrator;
COMMISSORIUS, COMMISSORIA, COMMISSORIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \foreclosure (contract clause by which creditor gets property on non-payment);
COMMISSORIA, COMMISSORIAE: N 1 1 F \sale contract clause by which creditor gets property/goods on non-payment;
COMMISSURA, COMMISSURAE: N 1 1 F \joint, juncture, seam, gap; intersection, common point; boundary/dividing line;
COMMISSURALIS, COMMISSURALIS, COMMISSURALE: ADJ 3 2 POS \of/pertaining to a juncture/joining/intersection;
COMMISTIM: ADV POS \jointly, in a mixed manner;
COMMISTIO, COMMISTIONIS: N 3 1 F \mixture; mixing, mingling; sexual intercourse;
COMMISTURA, COMMISTURAE: N 1 1 F \mixture; mixing, mingling (L+S);
COMMITTO, COMMITTERE, COMMISI, COMMISSUS: V 3 1 \bring together, unite/join, connect/attach; put together, construct; entrust;
COMMITTO, COMMITTERE, COMMISI, COMMISSUS: V 3 1 \|engage (battle), set against; begin/start; bring about; commit; incur; forfeit;
COMMIXTIM: ADV POS \jointly, in a mixed manner;
COMMIXTIO, COMMIXTIONIS: N 3 1 F \mixture; mixing, mingling; sexual intercourse;
COMMIXTURA, COMMIXTURAE: N 1 1 F \mixture; mixing, mingling (L+S);
COMMOBILIS, COMMOBILIS, COMMOBILE: ADJ 3 2 POS \easily moving; easily moved/swayed;
COMMODUM, COMMODI: N 2 2 N \convenience, advantage, benefit; interest, profit, yield; wages, reward; gift;
COMMODO, COMMODARE, COMMODAVI, COMMODATUS: V 1 1 \lend, hire; give, bestow, provide; put at disposal of, oblige; make fit, adapt;
COMMODUS, COMMODA -UM, COMMODIOR -OR -US, COMMODISSIMUS -A -UM: ADJ 1 1 X \suitable, convenient, obliging; opportune/timely; favorable/lucky; advantageous;
COMMODUS, COMMODA -UM, COMMODIOR -OR -US, COMMODISSIMUS -A -UM: ADJ 1 1 X \|standard, full weight/size/measure; desirable, agreeable; good (health/news);
COMMODATUM, COMMODATI: N 2 2 N \loan; thing lent, borrowed object;
COMMODATE, COMMODATIUS, COMMODATISSIME: ADV X \fittingly; in a suitable manner;
COMMODATIO, COMMODATIONIS: N 3 1 F \accommodation, rendering of service;
COMMODE, COMMODIUS, COMMODISSIME: ADV X \conveniently/neatly/tidily; aptly/well; suitably/properly/fittingly; tastefully;
COMMODE, COMMODIUS, COMMODISSIME: ADV X \|agreeably, helpfully; comfortably/pleasantly; at a good time/the right moment;
COMMODERATUS, COMMODERATA, COMMODERATUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \exact; brought into the right measure; (standardized?);
COMMODITAS, COMMODITATIS: N 3 1 F \timeliness; fitness, aptness; convenience; advantage, utility; complaisance;
COMMODITAS, COMMODITATIS: N 3 1 F \|due measure, just proportion; suitable (oratorical expression); symmetry;
COMMODO: ADV POS \suitably; seasonably; just, this very minute (L+S); even now, at this moment;
COMMODULUM, COMMODULI: N 2 2 N \small advantage/profit;
COMMODULATIO, COMMODULATIONIS: N 3 1 F \common adaptation to standard measure; regularity/proportion/symmetry (L+S);
COMMODULE: ADV POS \fairly suitably, aptly; conveniently, at one's convenience (L+S);
COMMODULUM: ADV POS \fairly suitably, aptly;
COMMODUM: ADV POS \just, a very short time before; that/this very minute; even now, at this moment;
COMMOENIO, COMMOENIRE, COMMOENIVI, COMMOENITUS: V 3 4 \strongly fortify, entrench; strengthen, secure, reinforce;
COMMOETACULUM, COMMOETACULI: N 2 2 N \small rod carried by flamines/priests and used in sacrifices;
COMMOLO, COMMOLERE, COMMOLUI, COMMOLITUS: V 3 1 \pound, grind down/thoroughly;
COMMOLIOR, COMMOLIRI, -, COMMOLITUS SUM: V 3 4 \set in motion; move with an effort; put together, construct;
COMMOLLIO, COMMOLLIRE, -, -: V 3 4 \soften;
COMMONEO, COMMONERE, COMMONUI, COMMONITUS: V 2 1 \remind (forcibly), warn; bring to recollection (L+S); impress upon one;
COMMONEFACIO, COMMONEFACERE, COMMONEFECI, COMMONEFACTUS: V 3 1 \recall; call to mind; remind (forcibly), warn, admonish; impress upon;
COMMONITIO, COMMONITIONIS: N 3 1 F \reminder; earnest reminding (L+S); admonition;
COMMONITOR, COMMONITORIS: N 3 1 M \one who earnestly reminds;
COMMONITORIUM, COMMONITORII: N 2 2 N \aide-memoire, writing for reminding; letter of instructions; means of reminding;
COMMONSTRO, COMMONSTRARE, COMMONSTRAVI, COMMONSTRATUS: V 1 1 \point out (fully/distinctly), show where; make known, declare, reveal;
COMMORO, COMMORARE, COMMORAVI, COMMORATUS: V 1 1 \stop/stay/remain, abide; linger, delay; detain, be delayed (menses); dwell on;
COMMOROR, COMMORARI, -, COMMORATUS SUM: V 1 1 \stop/stay/remain, abide; linger, delay; detain, be delayed (menses); dwell on;
COMMORATIO, COMMORATIONIS: N 3 1 F \stay (at a place), tarrying, abiding; delay; dwelling on a point; residence;
COMMORDEO, COMMORDERE, COMMORDI, COMMORSUS: V 2 1 \bite/snap at; (literally/figuratively); (sharply/eagerly L+S);
COMMORIOR, COMMORI, -, COMMORTUUS SUM: V 3 1 \die together/with; work oneself to death (with); perish/be destroyed together;
COMMORSICO, COMMORSICARE, COMMORSICAVI, COMMORSICATUS: V 1 1 \bite all over; devour (with the eyes); bite to pieces (L+S);
COMMORSITO, COMMORSITARE, COMMORSITAVI, COMMORSITATUS: V 1 1 \bite all over; devour (with the eyes); bite to pieces (L+S);
COMMORTALIS, COMMORTALIS, COMMORTALE: ADJ 3 2 POS \mortal, common to mortals; 'our mortal';
COMMOSIS, COMMOSIS: N 3 3 F \'gumming'; (said to be the first layer in the construction of honeycombs);
COMMOSTRO, COMMOSTRARE, COMMOSTRAVI, COMMOSTRATUS: V 1 1 \point out (fully/distinctly), show where; make known, declare, reveal;
COMMOTUS, COMMOTUS: N 4 1 M \movement; moving, agitation (L+S);
COMMOTO, COMMOTARE, COMMOTAVI, COMMOTATUS: V 1 1 \move very violently; agitate;
COMMOTUS, COMMOTA -UM, COMMOTIOR -OR -US, COMMOTISSIMUS -A -UM: ADJ 1 1 X \excited, nervous; frenzied/deranged; angry/annoyed; temperamental; tempestuous;
COMMOTIO, COMMOTIONIS: N 3 1 F \excitement, commotion, agitation; the arousing of emotion;
COMMOTIUNCULA, COMMOTIUNCULAE: N 1 1 F \mild agitation/upset/commotion; slight case of disease, indisposition (L+S);
COMMOTOR, COMMOTORIS: N 3 1 M \mover, one who sets in motion;
COMMOVEO, COMMOVERE, COMMOVI, COMMOTUS: V 2 1 \shake/stir up, agitate; displace, disturb, trouble/worry, upset; jolt; excite;
COMMOVEO, COMMOVERE, COMMOVI, COMMOTUS: V 2 1 \|waken; provoke; move (money/camp); produce; cause, start (war); raise (point);
COMMOVENS, COMMOVENTIS (GEN.), COMMOVENTIOR -OR -US, COMMOVENTISSIMUS -A -UM: ADJ 3 1 X \striking; rousing; that causes an impression;
COMMUATE: ADV POS \in an altered/changed manner;
COMMULCO, COMMULCARE, COMMULCAVI, COMMULCATUS: V 1 1 \beat violently/thoroughly;
COMMULCEO, COMMULCERE, COMMULSI, COMMULSUS: V 2 1 \caress, coax; soothe, please (much); cajole;
COMMUNIS, COMMUNIS, COMMUNE: ADJ 3 2 POS \common/joint/public; general/universal; ordinary; sociable, courteous; related;
COMMUNIS, COMMUNIS, COMMUNE: ADJ 3 2 POS \|neutral, impartial (Mars); applicable on either side; same form for two cases;
COMMUNALIS, COMMUNALIS, COMMUNALE: ADJ 3 2 POS \common, communal, belonging to the community;
COMMUNDO, COMMUNDARE, COMMUNDAVI, COMMUNDATUS: V 1 1 \clean/cleanse thoroughly; purify wholly (L+S);
COMMUNE, COMMUNIS: N 3 4 N \joint/common/public property/rights; public; public places/interests (pl.);
COMMUNE, COMMUNIS: N 3 4 N \|common feature, characteristic, general rule/terms; general; common lot/remedy;
COMMUNIO, COMMUNIRE, COMMUNIVI, COMMUNITUS: V 3 4 \fortify strongly, entrench, barricade; strengthen, secure, reinforce;
COMMUNICO, COMMUNICARE, COMMUNICAVI, COMMUNICATUS: V 1 1 \share; share/divide with/out; receive/take a share of; receive; join with;
COMMUNICO, COMMUNICARE, COMMUNICAVI, COMMUNICATUS: V 1 1 \|communicate, discuss, impart; make common cause; take common counsel, consult;
COMMUNICOR, COMMUNICARI, -, COMMUNICATUS SUM: V 1 1 \share; share/divide with/out; receive/take a share of; receive; join with;
COMMUNICABILIS, COMMUNICABILIS, COMMUNICABILE: ADJ 3 2 POS \communicatable, capable of being communicated;
COMMUNICABILITER: ADV POS \in a way capable of being communicated;
COMMUNICARIUS, COMMUNICARIA, COMMUNICARIUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \days on which all the gods were sacrificed to together? (w/dies);
COMMUNICATUS, COMMUNICATUS: N 4 1 M \intercommunication; participation (L+S);
COMMUNICATIO, COMMUNICATIONIS: N 3 1 F \sharing, imparting; partaking; fellowship; communication; consulting (w/audience
COMMUNICATOR, COMMUNICATORIS: N 3 1 M \he who makes on a participant in a thing; he who has a part in a thing;
COMMUNICEPS, COMMUNNICIPIS: N 3 1 M \fellow citizen (of a municipium/municipality/town); born in the same town (L+S);
COMMUNIO, COMMUNIONIS: N 3 1 F \community, mutual participation; association; sharing; fellowship; communion;
COMMUNITAS, COMMUNITATIS: N 3 1 F \joint possession/use/participation, partnership; fellowship; community, kinship;
COMMUNITER: ADV POS \in common, commonly; in joint action; indiscriminately; generally, ordinarily;
COMMUNITIO, COMMUNITIONIS: N 3 1 F \fortification; building up (of a road); making/preparing (of a way) (L+S);
COMMUNITUS: ADV POS \jointly, as a group;
COMMURO, COMMURERE, COMMUSSI, COMMUSTUS: V 3 1 \burn up/away; (w/love); consume/destroy w/fire; reduce to ash, cremate; scald;
COMMURMURO, COMMURMURARE, COMMURMURAVI, COMMURMURATUS: V 1 1 \mutter, murmur; rumble; chatter/twitter (birds);
COMMURMUROR, COMMURMURARI, -, COMMURMURATUS SUM: V 1 1 \mutter, murmur; rumble; chatter/twitter (birds);
COMMURMURATIO, COMMURMURATIONIS: N 3 1 F \buzz, hum, murmur, confused noise of talking; general murmuring (L+S);
COMMUTO, COMMUTARE, COMMUTAVI, COMMUTATUS: V 1 1 \change; alter wholly, rearrange, replace; transform; exchange, barter, sell;
COMMUTABILIS, COMMUTABILIS, COMMUTABILE: ADJ 3 2 POS \changeable/variable; liable to change/reversal; plastic; adaptable (by adversary
COMMUTATUS, COMMUTATUS: N 4 1 M \change; alteration;
COMMUTATIO, COMMUTATIONIS: N 3 1 F \change, reversal; upheaval; alteration; exchange, substitution; interchange;
COMOEDUS, COMOEDA, COMOEDUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \that performs in comedy; given to acting (L+S); of/pertaining to comedy, comic;
COMOEDUS, COMOEDI: N 2 1 M \comedian; comic actor;
COMOEDIA, COMOEDIAE: N 1 1 F \comedy (as form of drama/literature; comedy (a work/play) ;
COMOEDICUS, COMOEDICA, COMOEDICUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \comic, of comedy, pertaining to a comedy;
COMOEDICE: ADV POS \in a manner appropriate to comedy; as in comedy (L+S);
COMOINIS, COMOINIS, COMOINE: ADJ 3 2 POS \common/joint/public; general/universal; ordinary; sociable, courteous; related;
COMOINIS, COMOINIS, COMOINE: ADJ 3 2 POS \|neutral, impartial (Mars); applicable on either side; same form for two cases;
COMOSUS, COMOSA, COMOSUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \having long or abundant hair; having many leaves (plant), leafy;
COMPACISCOR, COMPACISCI, -, COMPACTUS SUM: V 3 1 \make an agreement/arrangement/compact;
COMPACTUS, COMPACTA, COMPACTUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \joined/fastened together, united; close-packed, firm, thick; well-set, compact;
COMPACTUM, COMPACTI: N 2 2 N \agreement/compact; (ABL compacto => according to/in accordance with agreement);
COMPACTILIS, COMPACTILIS, COMPACTILE: ADJ 3 2 POS \joined, fastened/fitted/pressed/joined together; thick-set, compact;
COMPACTIO, COMPACTIONIS: N 3 1 F \framework, structure; act/action of fitting/joining together;
COMPACTURA, COMPACTURAE: N 1 1 F \act/action of fitting/joining together;
COMPAEDAGOGIUS, COMPAEDAGOGII: N 2 1 M \fellow member of a paedagogium (training establishment for slave boys);
COMPAEDAGOGITA, COMPAEDAGOGITAE: N 1 1 F \fellow member of a paedagogium (training establishment for slave boys); (M L+S);
COMPAGUS, COMPAGI: N 2 1 M \fellow member of a pagus (country district/community); (as a cult-title);
COMPAGANUS, COMPAGANI: N 2 1 M \fellow villager, inhabitant of the same village;
COMPAGES, COMPAGIS: N 3 3 F \action of binding together, fastening; bond, tie; joint; structure, framework;
COMPAGINA, COMPAGINAE: N 1 1 F \joining together, combination; (peculiar to the agrimensores/land surveyors);
COMPAGINO, COMPAGINARE, COMPAGINAVI, COMPAGINATUS: V 1 1 \join together; border upon; (fields);
COMPAGO, COMPAGINIS: N 3 1 F \fact/action of binding together, fastening; structure, framework;
COMPAR, (GEN.), COMPARIS: ADJ 3 1 POS \equal, equal to; like, similar, resembling; suitable, matching, corresponding;
COMPAR, COMPARIS: N 3 1 C \fellow, partner, equal; comrade; husband/wife; pair (of animals also), mate;
COMPAR, COMPARIS: N 3 4 N \sentence containing clauses of roughly the same number of syllables;
COMPARO, COMPARARE, COMPARAVI, COMPARATUS: V 1 1 \prepare; provide; compose; collect, get together/hold of; raise (force); unite;
COMPARO, COMPARARE, COMPARAVI, COMPARATUS: V 1 1 \|place together, match, couple, pair; set/pit against; treat as equal; compare;
COMPARO, COMPARARE, COMPARAVI, COMPARATUS: V 1 1 \|set up/establish/institute; arrange, dispose, settle; buy, acquire, secure;
COMPAREO, COMPARERE, COMPARUI, -: V 2 1 \appear/come in sight; be visible/present/in evidence/clearly stated/forthcoming;
COMPARATUS, COMPARATUS: N 4 1 M \proportion; relation (L+S);
COMPARATE: ADV POS \comparatively; in/by comparison (L+S);
COMPARATIO, COMPARATIONIS: N 3 1 F \construction; material/constituent; combination/conjunction; relation (position)
COMPARATIO, COMPARATIONIS: N 3 1 F \|comparison, weighing of merits; plea from the greater good; comparative degree;
COMPARATIO, COMPARATIONIS: N 3 1 F \|preparation, making ready; procuring, provision; arrangement, settlement;
COMPARATIVUS, COMPARATIVA, COMPARATIVUM: ADJ 1 1 POS \based on/involving consideration of relative merits; comparative;
COMPARATIVE: ADV POS \in a comparative sense;
COMPARATOR, COMPARATORIS: N 3 1 M \buyer/purchaser, dealer; comparer (L+S);
COMPARCO, COMPARCERE, COMPARCUI, COMPARSUS: V 3 1 \save, husband well, lay up; forbear/abstain/refrain from (w/INF), spare (w/DAT);
COMPARCO, COMPARCERE, COMPARSI, COMPARSUS: V 3 1 \save, husband well, lay up; forbear/abstain/refrain from (w/INF), spare (w/DAT);
COMPARCO, COMPARCERE, COMPEPERCI, COMPARSUS: V 3 1 \save, husband well, lay up; forbear/abstain/refrain fro |